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April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…EATH-ER CWARMERR DAY a It~r %Pewtl ISecti 1 On Ill. No. 151. TWENT'YPAGES ANN r-aBOR MICHIGAN' SU=NDAY, APRIL 29, 1920- TWENTY PAGES. PRICE~ .. ._ SAN BATMEN VIISGONSIN 11-3 YICTORY Whimsies Souvenir :issue To Appear SNATOR NELSON Whiis es' special souvenir issue O MIN EST will be out Wednesday. It is an all MINNE'T poetry number made up of~ the bestni poems subwitted in th~e contt just i.SO RI held. The names of the winners wil...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 1

…Th~r E114MU1a at SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 192-3. Barbarism Recoils and Strikes and Asiatic Christianity Suffers It is an apparent fact that when a, JACK BERKMAN the Christian world answered the crie period of several years has elapsedl of the unhappy victims of the barbr- after the close of any great war, only ran. May Christian America e hn- those of the nation who have peron ored ally cone into contact withil the...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…THIAE ICHIGANDAILY______ -~ -._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ssociation Wants All s To Take The Aluimus ,Com encement less tlia two i -i.; planx to off, when anocther class. of senior class 100 sublscribe this year's perceont. Wilfred T3.I MjM[S~L~gW D Mimhes:Will Give MI Ii WIL A~AROVaudevile CP FORBEST ACT VI ~ o innr g ndevxlle Toyurxies Will o l 0)sIlies E PR J i.UNARtY TRYOUTS FOR PBSENTED MEDF j oncrnel for Meritorious Service Ic ' dci ed in IFran...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 192: PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 29, t92~ Hamlin Garland F. L TILDEN If Hanlin Garland's parents ad,' more be accused of being under [Rs- sot been of pioneer stock, if they had sian or Santinavians influeoces th-as been content to remain in rtted te could be nmisaken for i'assa .01 cootfort, livng in consplareof security, Iltis not just Amerian; hte is unl- instlead of being drive...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI~GAN DAILY AIM rnmti OUT LEDEHIPI SDelta Delta vs. Westminster house, 1 0-14. The games scheduled for the early part of this week wrill be played as follows: at 5:30 o'clock: Monday, Kap- pa Alpha Theta vs. Gamma Phi Beta; at 6:3'0 o'clock Tuesday, Sorosis VS. Pi Beta Phi; Kappa Kappa Gamma vs.1 Zeta Tau Alpha. Woman IS Named distract Attorney! Wlomen TWO WVEEKS Oil Misl, izabeth M. Hlaney of New York City waill cornct a two wee...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY; APRIL 2, 12923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGZ TIIRE3 Militarism Crushed to Earth Developmtents in the Eiurotpean situ-; LT. GEORGE A. STRACKE various districts of Germany. These increaeo the ocaspied arnths byt the exist in fact, inure or less secret. These irncreo tseingcuied ofe by Socej are the forest parloles and the like, Frech re ein viwedwith alarm h er ofcomntding officers required inoecom~ponnt flti a~any which aeof four kinds. First...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…._ T -- .--r TI II MICJIIGAN DAILY 4F - .._ .. -:, --.. 1 JFICIAL NEITYSJAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IMLUIIGAN , pblishcd. every :Horning except Monday ingth'e niiversity year by the Board in trol of Student Publicationsj Icii ers of Western Conference l ditorial. he Associated Preis is exclusively en-I :d to the use for republication of all news atches credited to it or not otherwise ditel in this paper~ and the local news pub- ed therein...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 4

…AGN FOUlt 1H MICHIGAN-D SUNDAY, APRIB. 29, 1-23 ---- -. .THE "."IGAr lATL SUNDA. PRIL 29. 11155il 0 Michigan Reds LILLIAN REID "A spectre is haunting Europe- to the practical worker is, "What am the spectre of communism," wrote I going to get out o it?" He is work- Karl Marx in 1848 in his Communist Ing hard to tay for a little house, and Manifesto, the favorite textbook of the a little car, and to put money in the radicals. Almost a cent...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…TI IE MICHIGAN DAILY _________ fl lfT beautiful of pictures, song-,, and temn of Protozoa," will be given ID K1I IESHOfPUT oems Kf4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon i~NCSAYrn But all this," lhe f>> rthez' ex pl'tirns J W111 SP I N room 214 of the Natural ce SOS"is Nwithout a sneof ,z,,- M0lfl ildn.The second' on the top fl m}HIO ERior. T;w«orild -,ld'on c ' '"'TheJLife Cycle of PoozaWith Re too sentimental, ha yirn'- i 1)OfOO, <trY w...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1iViC T he G r sit that all restrictions as to isv. matters we attain is formed by Eng- edness becomes oppressive after a few 4IRf(OyIC porting and construction in this di- 'lish rather than American masters." pages. Such is the effect "The Smart rection will be removed. For the The article trails off into generaliza- , Gr"hainsuo m nocn ban G rins present the German factories are' tions, howeve...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

…THlt MICHIGAN DAIL _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ --------....r. ru , nm-mm m,,. ,,, ,,., " r..r I . r r : (GHIII)HIIIIII D) _.i , .. ._ NOR" NI6AN BATSMEN SG W ISCONSIN 1,R H1-3 VICTORY Brenner safe at first on Paper's wild throw to Kuode. .Aschenbrenner tak-I ing second, and Becker third.' Tebell fouled out to Blott. Hlm hi by pitch- er. Aschenbrenner :forced out at third by Paper unassisted. No runs, no hilts, one error. f4M...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGF SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY APRIL 2, 192 -Oc. Vlia, and the King of the House specialist can and will cavil at any- - ~ of David should have had ther look- thing, excepting sucha book as hie into_ ih omli tte. writes himself, and it does not require in to. m[ltt ompainat te s-v-much of a specialist to find faults in cal small us of Dr. Tlom. on'. this one. But no book, and especially oceo davy, his So-called 'n1 tral r-! no large book, ...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

…rIiGA N DAL I ,.- _ .,. --- E I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. A DVERfIISING~l Classifieds-Co6nt.. FOR RE-NT-First floor living-room and kitchen, $35 per month) uhtil jOctober .and also second floor suite Iand kitchenette with sink, $40 per .month until October. Both suites completely furnished for light h'ousekeeping if desired. 1025 'Vaughn, between E.. University .and Packard. 15k Cleans Up With F*~ All Bases Fl WHEN WRITING to a fr...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC SVN POPULAR can find The work is very readable i AMONG THE AGAZINES The purchas prier of one do'lar for PS C O O Yand the points made are sell support- (Continued from Page Five) he Yale Rview shold not hinder the PSYANCHOLOGY.ByHuh) dyil lustrations and references to L. 1'i her, President of the Board of con. retntis reader fron perusing HUnMA~n ('AIICEI fyHgiE. al ie Education in England, writes ...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 8

… I IIE MICHIGAN DAIL\ _______ ., ,....M.., .... 1IlY OFFICIAL BULLETIN1 icaion In the Bulletin is constructive notice to .11 members of J uitersity. Copy received until n-204D. m. (11:30O a.,m. Saturday.) rtt 3 VN D ATE, AIPIUL T), 1923 Numb~er UIl 1) Can~ ere will be a con ference of the Deans oan Wednesday, May 2, at i. M. I,. BURTON. ity Lectuare: Chalkley Slack, Sociologic&I Director of the Studebaker Corpora-' "1ll deliver a lecture u...…

April 29, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PAL.. EIGhT AMONG THE MAGAZINES (Continued from Page Seven) ritte: Bynne. I have seen and i hope c see bett'. Doubler Deaers. The New Pe.rson's, on account of its art, its composition, and its pa- per, is not enticing to the literary rind; but its list of contents is quite attractive. Among the articles in the April number are Carl Van Doren's "A Note on the Essay", Frank lar- ris' "Henri Matisse: Master Painter", and Fiodor Chaliapin's "Pages...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 9

…J, I ool Ag xtl Tw XXXIII. No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 PRICE FIVE . ..,, .1i _ ersity President Tells lege Men About S. America j An interview with IRfus B. von' EleinSmid, president of the Uni- versity of Southern California.- BY MILTON DREYFUSS Within the past few years and es- pecially since the opening of the Great War, South America has loomed in- creasingly to the college men of this country as t...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 10

…GE TN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Inn rii~ r National City Bank of New York, are tamu I~ ~ ~ ~ ~l opening branches in South America, SN99T 1B TUDIUII id LIFO and are sending a considerable nums- BCLA S O B NTRAMUHRL CIITIES ber of American trained men to these efrnce.Thsfanstailh IUVLIIIJ jj~~~4 men here in their own instittionsGA ZE_ S LMNAI D BYF LD K SE bore sending themx south; Special emph~ass of course being laid on the Oraiain: hi ersgaut (Conti...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 11

…'I'H;F MI-C141CA-N DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 TH-XC AN D IL . -DYA --2942 AMIOG THE TT CAZVNES (Continued from Page Sevpen) itter Bynner. I have seen and I hop)(- see better D ubler Dealers. The New Pearson's, on acco,,nt of a'rt, its compositiocn, and its pa- ris not enticing to the literary id; :but its list of contents is quite ,tractive. Among the articles in the pril number are Carl Van Doren's L Note on the Essay", Frank Hiar-9 s' "...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hamlin Garland I F L TILDEN If Hamlin Garland's parents had) more be accused of being under Rus not been of'pioneer stock, if they'had sian or Scandinavian influences thant been content to remain -in rutted he could be mistaken for Manpassant.' comfort, living in complacent security He is not just American; he is unal- instead of being driven by some un- lo...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU DAY., APRIL 29,1923 SU3NDAYAPRIL -29, 1923. THE MICHIGAN DAILY r _ ,.. , '130- - - - --- ..d-+( . V oliva, and the- King of the IHouse specialist can and. twill cavil at any- -of David, should have had their look- a thIing, excepting s uch 1i00 k'.a43 he j intoo.I nigti comlainat te swrites himself, and it does not require ifl oo.V ulghtcomlainat ~4 much of a sTeciallst to find faults in oral small closes of...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 14

… . _ n " t+ i SM~IC "AN, DAILY- SUNDAY, 4PRI4 , 2 92 SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1923 THE MICHI1GAN DAILY .....,_...,..- _ ..r _, I Michigan Reds NOBODY 1 LILLIAN REID. "A spectre is haunting Europe-' to the practical worker is, "What am the spectre of communism," wrote I going to get out of it?" He is work- Karl Marx in 1848 in his Communist ing hard to pay for a little house, and Manifesto, the favorite textbook of the a little car, and t...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 15

…THE ,HTGAN DA1 JY THE HIGAN DAILY meeting wvill be held 'Wednesday even- ry7of 3zccgan League iga7 0Y52y o ichian L agueRev., R. Edward Sayles will speak on. "The: Unexpected in Christ" at 10 :30 1'clock at the First Baptist church. Mr. Chapman will meet with the stu- o" Of ydents class at the Guild House at 12 Room Aids League, o'clock. pnh AIds LeagRev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak on TefreshIngand cooldrinks, a030oct"The Oneness of Christ...…

April 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 151) • Page Image 16

…_____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY_______ F~ PLANE LANDS ON ISLAND TO AID MAROONED LUMBERJACKS 0' i ,.; ./'.. I+ x7 . .. . "4. Y '" S.} YS !y i' 1Sf "4 i 1 1 . OAIO ger French Briguet biplan a being loaded with food ready to sta rt from Chicago for South Fox bland. assenger plane, piloted by> northern Lake Michigan, where it had jacks. Parker's plane was spotted by and owned by Frank landed after, making< the flight with a second relief plane ...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…T HER 1If 1ERA., I ol it ttl ATTE I T O No. 150 EIGHT PAGE ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE F ,. .RIC " [ ET r+ z FURNISH NT AND nCLE PHERE QFORMS DAILY TO PUBLISH EXTRA FOR WISCONSIN GAIE TODAY, The Daily will publish a base- ball extra thisafternooni im- niedi ately following the Close of the Michigan-Wisconsin base- ball game. It will contain play by play account of the baseball game, partial...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…THE MTlCHT1GAN ,DAILY .,..4 .Y.M..,. Force] -n {I Atftorne12y John H. drs ihn H. Edwards, new solicitor gem-l for the department of the interior, ierly set an enviable record in tl~m e position. of the post~ofilce deriart:- t. He is an Indiana lawyer oil E K S T O I N U R posed O d n n e W u g I c e s JP a s s e n ~g e r I s r ate n )river's bond ,L1CTE1) IATA S110OWSIF 3E t'p! HHQVO S ST FOR- HOD RHP H I PRI.ZE BI)ISCAP TY W E R T N (C...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a, 1. ir4.w r-nri - n ........,w.... . ... !k LE OF PURtE FOODS. 114-116 E. WASHINGTON Free Delivery to All Part Last Delivery 5 P. OFFICE OPEN TILL 10 P. M. F. ORDERS 326-327-328 ' e're Proud Of. Our "You can do Better at -:-' TRY US B When you buy a can of Ko-WE-BA fruit or vegetables 'you know that you can't find anything better. Every day we hear compliments about it from our customers. The -KQ-WE- ...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…TIH MICI IIGAN DAILY m le a t it Ise to advantage in a number of ways, universities may be able to rid them- Sbutt perhaps its chief value would selves of such pestiferous and bois- rest in its benefits to the extension terous forms of amusement, and get [(IAL E1SPAPER OF THE service in that it would facilitate the back to good old bridge or dominoes. IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN work of that department by cutting lhed every morning except Monda...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

… THE_ MICHIGAN DAILY News From The Other Colleges. Texas--Since the official ban on shu- fortthe Daily Illini yester day. "By dent motor cars --omne time ago, the far thlf ,rger percent of women in university authorities have been the, the univer~ity look down on the girl gbutt of unceasing petitions, attac .s, sm iolccr," the investigator said," 'w hilean pr t s . As a e ul th eg a- n a y to r te b t d n t a mi e t " tion was repealed a few...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…________THE MICHIGAN DAILY 41-- 000- O i A ._. f 5 1 >...' ....i..' II .,.... } R , . .. caumum uuuu ..."+ " ... * ... r ..r r.. I i - ERS' RECORD ws G&OD STRT Expect Thes r Case Trb G-2 Victory 'lean Slate In :North AJKIESS LIES IN HURLING STAFF WITHOUT 'VETERANS (Special to The Daily) adison, Wis., April 27-Michigan, have to play good ball tomorrow rnoon in order to keep her slate n if the B~adgers' performnances in pre'...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYJ .. I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P,.m. 'ERTI 'he following Box Replies are at tihe AILY OFICE-Jake, JSC, DAC, DM, PDU, BA, BC, 12, 10, 18. LIE CLASSIFIED columnn will colpe Classified Ra~tes. Two cents a wordf a clay, paid" in advance. Miniumn charge for fir'st day, 25c. Mi1nimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if ch~arged. White space cha~rged for at rate' of five cents per agate line. Class ifieds, charged...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

…,L AIL N t t C iVl li,..ii . I I U2.~ iVIJA..~i J DA!LX I ECISAL BULLETIN, hetin Is construcetive notice to all members ofJ eceived until 3:30 a. m. (11:30 a. M. Satu'4ax.; S1 ates z athe College of Literature, Sciwnce, and the arts and in ucation who expect to receive a Teachers Certificate in sir fees at this time. Blanks should be secured from, the of or Education and the receipt returned to that office MARGARET CAMERON. it Club: th...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 9

…A Pill itfA6 Iuti, ANN ARBOR MICH3IGAN, SA tJRDAY, APRlIL42A, I1923 r j irr irrrrrMsar. ,. , 7 1. THR ONG t SEES SCORE 123 4 67?8 9 1411 12 RUHE IGAN TAKE 11-3 WISCONSINO0 1 20 0 0 0 0 a' 0 X K XK 3 0 0 MICHIGAN 4, A3,0 00 40 DXX X 10 0 111H FROM LARDINAL To LeadI He Contributed A Circuit Cioutj no'iWW'Flie. ,y Lil ~I :s I licligaltn FUtteritz, s~s, Asd1 Haggerty, 21). Kipke, c.f. Ash, 1jt. Slaeckleford, 1.. Cc Pa...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 10

…F* -$ a DAILY HIG4AN the Board in nce Editorial resis exclusivelyr en- eteiblicatiofl of all news to it or not otherwise t and the local news pub- >ostoffice at Ann Arbor, class matter. trier or mail, $3.50. or cress Building, May- 2414 1 76-M; Bpjsi- to advantage in a number of ways,i but perhaps its chief value wouldE rest in its benefits tt the extension ( service in that it would facilitate theiI work, of tha~t department by cutting'...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY n I an on stu- for the Daily Illini yesterday. "By e ago, the far the larger percent of women in been the the university look down on the girl s, attacks, smoker," the investigator said," while he regula- many tolerate but do not admire- it." s ago. The1 Apparently many women who smok- re hurried- 'ed did 'not enjoy the practice but did $15 apiece so for other reasons, according %to (ect, a few observation. according to a ...…

April 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 150) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAI A~ .. - .Y OFF ICIAL BULLETIN I i i the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of uity. Copy receeied until 't:38zA. m. (11:330 a, . .Saturday.) SAiTi IIIDY, AP11'iL 3, 112.; ', tllfiirr 1il tifieates: is in the College of Literature,. Science, and the Arts and in f Education who expect to receive a, Teacher's Certificate in ytheir tee~s at this time. Blanks should be secured from the School of Education and the r...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…iER BLY Y i an ttl ISEE YOI VETS'H I. No. 149 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE f MILL-TAX WE[ BILLS TO LEGISLATUREI i -.-..- r..= -1 I- tSON, STA'E SCHOOL IN TENDENT, FIGHTS MEASURES SSAGE WOULD 3R PRIMARY FUND' urton and Governor Groes- linve No Objections to Such Action April 26.-Two bills in- estrict the mill-tax reve- University and the Michi- ltural college to their 1 of $4,000,000...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…THE, LI ....,.r -- - - -_ ATTENDS, II RESC~i 5r YORK MARRISE I-E jNlTTEr m iWAJU( CES1 - FR M VE GL DE ' ILDS, PROF, a. F.511111[MAES MIAN TLLS OF .LOST PARTY'S PERILS 1 BIRGAY M[ET1NG / ~ I Prot. A.Franklin Shull, of the zool- . s ogy department, left yestl erday for .. tions of clerk and city carrier in the Russia; it is Ann Arbor post office. Preference will Norway add be given to ex-service men. Danes RMay Recognize Sovie r = Mosc...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…4 T IHEMICHIGAN DAILY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEUES SlTART I TURIMENT ie+ . .., . PUBLIC RUMMACE SALE WILL BENEFIT LEAU The sale is fun charge of a corm- MARTHA Washington Candies, fresh inittee headed by P'arnel Brown, '24 every, Friday. Tice's, 113IatLb Mrs. C. L. Washburn 7has been of! erty. adv.: great 'assistance to the committee. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. M ' Let "Jimmie the adtakcr" find it? -Ad v. Senior Girls' pla...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…e ,e* w w n+.+4ep Mk4 '4' +r a'Vy ' .y"y+y..... THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, oil the course of his college career. And while Smythe has reason to view the architecture of th. building with a 'ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TUE considerable amount of layman's :NIVERSITY OF MIUHIGAN pride, he has always remained firm hlished every :Horning except Monday in his denunciation of the lighting sys-' g the iUjiversity year by the Board in . :ol of Student Publ...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…L 27, 1 923 tudent Anizd Wife Lea -and March :A Bail Tonight' THE ICHIGAN DAILY , . . A UTOMOBI L i 'NFII)ENCR Hfr. East Ender Your Want FULlFILLEPD 'N * V i. i O-dA .L Question: Why don't you open a branch in the city and give us Some of Your real TIRE SERVICI Answer: WVe have at 603 CHUJRCH~ ST., cor. S. 1 charge of R..Lee' Clark, Tire Expert with a smile for :.k DtiGuy B. Cross Lincoln Tire Co. .. .........:; 201 N. MAIN STrlETl I I...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ....... w,,, ,r ir wwrw..,, i ,.....gro ...r, , MEMO- ....... 4 u Ta "" ,/IIIIIn 1 ,. { _ .r.. I- ' w ,. , RACKSTERS START INlf RELYS TODAY Penn and Prake iRelays Wolvorines Prepare for Trials and Finals Tomorrow [E SHOWING. EXPECTED OF IWEN IN EAST AND WEST Coach Farrell accompanied by 13 embers of the Varsity track squad d Manager Larry Snell, left yester- ,y afternoon for Chicago on the first p ...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…THE MJCIIGAN DAILY ... . ,_ _ . :,.... l IE ITHIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. Classifieds--Cont. USED CARS TI SING USED CAR B3ARGAINS NOTICE~ The following Box Replies are at twf DAILY office: 12, 18, 10, X, DM, PDU, BA, BC, JSC, JAKE. . .MICIGLAN DAIL~Y CLASSIFED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a~ ,paid in advance. Minimum chrefor first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 24c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White space ...…

April 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…i Il IE. MICH-IGAN AL .+ - -5 German Factions Solidly *Back OFFICIAL DJL TNI br uoReparationsPlc Bulletin is constructive noti ce to all members ofinA !I rpy received until 3.34 D. m. (11:30 a. n. SahirdayF.)° - -------------- I 1n the It. Col 3 FRIDAY, AP'RIL 27, 1923 Number 11 I Lecture, Change of Dale: ssor Theodore do Lagana, Professor of Philosophy at B~ryn lege, will speak on "W'aste in Edcucaation" today, Friday, April 2?, in ....…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…I 'OOL 1 oe AbF t Aq B"it GO I TR If. NO E IGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THUI.;RSDAY, APRIL 26, 1922 EXGHT PAGES SE PA SSES GR T OF $35 0 , i . - , T 'OUNClL' New Head Of Jai House Of Pe ers t ER, CO',NNABLE CHOSEN 1G THE JUNIOR PR IRC UIN "WODE 19 " Camp Davis men will construct a Douglas lake annex. to the Union as Spart of their recreation at the camp', aailabl forte pipose of mtel I for a,.much-needed clubh...…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…___________THEMICHIGAN DAILY. Y ~NWl G. 0. P. National Chairman TalksTour Dates A Week Is Quota "~ OIH With Harding On 1Next ampaign Allotted To -Northwes erners, I'. or YintOn ge, Ma ss., repr~r theentative of tiro sachusetts Historical society, will ver a lecture at 4:15 o'clock this rhoon in the Natural Science aud- iur. I=e will speaik on "Non-inat- a President". r. Ford has been editor of thec pub- ions of the Massachusetts His al...…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..,_, . gates. The number of . delegates to be sent from the University will be judged' ~, , ~according to the number of women en- Ilt ~ 11rolled, and the number of members An the association. N1 womnen at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoc at Helen Newberry residence. TI women of the Graduate school wi be guests of the association at th meeting. ... he special campus part of 'the Pp11W BAKIICT TnmLipuT e Q.LLV IiUmIUa,...…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…TI IL MICH IGANDAL ._ ran ttversity. Some of them have already interviewed employment managers in various Ccommercial institutions. 0th- PAPER OF' THE ers have written a great many letters ) -XICUWGAN Nili a.view to establishing' favorable ruing except M.onday~ year by the B~oard in relations with a concern and later. blications entering its employment.r SConference 1'ditor'ial College -'radulates, having 'been re- xliel mI~inded frequently...…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 5

…THE MIC2HIGAN DAILY Ift- :. .. Il[yturn ofJes" S cork;s of Gustav Horst, g9lsh' composer, wh~ich mo~d at the 1923 May Hymn of Jesus" de- ce in the attention of s here as well as country. The Amer!-' of this notable work the concert Thur.s-day ?, and will be conduct- oser who. is making a 'oss the Atlantic for The Chicago Symphony University Choral' Moore and Mrs. George be heard in the work. e the first "initial per- the University Choral ...…

April 26, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

…THE M4IICHIGAN DAILY i , ', r . .. A r....r.. : ° o . . ,, r.="ii'i'- _ , ,,,..,.., , ' mil , . t- .- .-.:.:. --.----- ..:3.g: 2-.:.. . : ..x - .. IL FACE YP ' SGILNTI £l IN PRCIEGAME TODAYI FOUR WOL VERINES WHO WILL PLAY AGAINST YP$ILANTI NINE TOD A Y TRACK MEN L TllnIiV roDQ 4 .. ia8t' it Y::, 111 her Plans to Make Seyeral titutions During Tilt; Stryker to Pitch1 1E MENTOR GIVES IFF BATTING WOROI t I Michigan's varsity...…

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