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April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…I;7;'I Ag I p p ,trit au & titlj -_E1 DAY AND 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 80, 1922PR r".r..x .w a..+ .ros. www. rwr'....cWk wnw.w.. +w..w,...+. +esa.w.ww. .s . ....r....,.... r.. :. :...... ...... .... .._r,,.... ..._,..®.....__.._, OLVERINES DOWN BADGERS, 9 i , BROKEN SYLVANlIA KE MEETS i s :Y Women To Sell lay Day Roses ?or League Fund "Buy a rose for May Day, and for the benefit of the Michigan League campaig...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 1

…r"f tr tg SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANSUNDAYAPRIL, 30,1922 Camp us Dramatic Tendencies (f13 :Agnes Ilohtoiats Ienocat organiz~ationndtt givoptf- itati we tie handicapped bty at lack iof ae tin nrganiatitin that is fitted tn No tite whit pays me' tha n t potuty for dtevelopmtenit in several fitnances knti ac dearth at cantpus siu- tead such ant trrangetiuti in thte Play- ttterage aittetiont to literattit ca differet n littes ot work. po...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

… ., . r , . Ll.KiL 1 a L'Z ... men must carry on, for it is only through .id that the new managing editors and business ers can hope for success. Many high posi- still remain open for them very near the top. IA New Line of Place ( il*Tait7 TO THE TEAM Michigan, you done great! tiei to the use fir It or not otherwise bUshed theruas. ~ ,,s s AT" £ Streot. D~aily iat thec OlUGI aly onfce. Unsigned No manuscript will sentiments expressed...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 2

…a THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 Board of Governors. It is the duty sume their duties the day after som- NIanaging the Unix ,ol the Recording Secretary to look mencement. after the records of meetings and elec- General house rules are under the tions. The General Secretary directs supervision of the House committee Editor's Note: This is the second the President of the Union and its the Student activities of the Union. and ...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…aily Iowan Plans Popularity Among Students In Biig Te n S MICHIGAL4 VAIl .Y t :BE A lS- Al nolds Brown, dean of chool at Yale univer- k at a luncheon to be dock tomorrow at the church under the, aus- en's club of the church. s the author of 11 re- and is known' as an turer in religious work.. cted as arbiter in some labor disputes of the Who is the man or woman most prominent in school activities in the ten universities of the Conferenc...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE3 "T1HE MIND IN T N' (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson Published by Harper and Brothers) NVe know, of blind anima l r ags, of bee iven c to the a1t(- s'Io a',:i-n hot the "good" Wind te 'ins- (Copyright, 1921, by Burper & Bros.) striking, bitsn, scrsatching, howxling, original, unadu ,I;_i ,!italaure l~~ le" is usually synoymous with 6i. Our Animal Heritage. The Na- :oil snarlingof irratio...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

… l DAILY THEMIHI - 1DIL . r k. .. CHICAGO Recreation Dept. Chicago es and Philanthropy.) courses in Recreation and P 'COM!MUNITY DRA- ND PAGEANTRY , (Hull House), Chicago for Circular Fire Does Small Damage Slight damage was caused by the fire which broke out on the roof of the D'Ooge residence on Washtenaw Ave. yesterday morning. At the pres- ent time the house is occupied by Robert Frost and his family. WARXE AGAINST VIOLENCE INj TREATI...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 80, 1922 4 TH MIHIGN DALY AGAINE UNDY, PRILbO.11r which objects had--that is, their The M ind in the M aking " ptency to do things Only.-later did the animistic belief In the personal- (Continued from Page :) form about three hundred years ago. ities of men, animals, and the forces members of the species who could by The idea that man has a soul or of nature appear. When man discover- no possibil...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…DAILY a ,* ' . tfl . ..+ _ - ! ,. t .., .. .. , ". ,'. , " " ... ., . e.. . i ,.' .1 . w ., ,. ., ". ... ". t .. « : s . s t ,. .. . " . .. i I ' ^ . .' " *?.. ... ng old clothes and paying prices. $3.00 to $10.00 for 1677-W .orbring them to St. Dave Mordsky.-Adv. VARSITY NINE PREPARING FOR Something for sale? A Classified d in The Daily will end a buyer.- .4' Eat, ,Re All invited, pected t ... =/ iqk Dm* k uu Smoi e, frnk st an...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE "Up Stream-An American Chronicle" (A Review by G. D. E.) finally refused was directly due to himself in the New York Times. I Jew. Finally he secured a position Four weeks ago, in the Book Review the sentiment against the Jewish shall not take up the dispute here. I in the Germanics department at Ohio section of the New York Times, Bran- race. mergly suggest that you read the State University,...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

…1I £ L lViA%.- iGridiron Jrt en I :Hrc1AN DILY i lirst Scrimmagtxe Spring football practice yesterday consisted of an hour and a quarter of scrimmage between teams made up of the candidates for the eleven posi- tions. Substitutes were 'used freely and every man had a chance to play. Coach Wieman had charge of the scrimmage and was assisted by Van Orden. Gunther was the outstanding per- former of the afternoon. His line. plunging and hammeri...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 6

…6 '1HEI MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 -lie hat too moc i respect tor the tSimpy uttbtite the dust before the irrino 1 IRW. Nine o'clock thad not intol 1a(1e-out or the present admin- ff o k s n d u th l ; t . " c-I 5 U 1 'nItheknootkoil t Pte :tatto 0otuiti te coiled to account. .0or. U' Vt a sfe tttore changes atsd a comn- .MRAA)Tl ATJII"ie etnlitces tsr. ethispers tenider tih soh i n itevery sense of LE('TUAL iBy Pierre ...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ion Nomi ALL-CAXPUS ELECTION NOMINEES wing is a list of nominees for the All-Campus President Student Council in F. Hillery, '23; John W. Ross, '23E. election Tuesday, Mchigan Union President ynch, '23E; James Stevens, '23; Thomas I. Underwood, '23L; '22E. church to be delivered by Rev. Arthur Stalker is 'The Eternal Child." Special music will be played. The Wesleyan guild lecture will be given by Bishop Robert Jones of...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE him and, even more, nearer him, all wife, through the disastrous time when know of nothing its better in all of Frank Harris has published lis around, the Intense activity of insects. the Comstocks were destroying the American letters and I recommend it third series of "Contemporary Por- Ah! Dear creatures! You have not plates to his novel, but his resent- to anyone who can think beyond the tr...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 8

…THE CHIGAN D1 ,t DECLAMATION ILL CLOSE MONDAY s have tendered their estants in the' fresh- n contest which is to: the auspices of the ;orieal association on y 11. Students still I on rnursda eposits k in Michigan : ................. .. . a ;# ; ,; wishing td enter may give their names to Donald Rloxburgh, '24, phone 2563-J, not later than Monday, May 1. ADRIAN-ANN AR30R BUS CHEDUL JEFFECTIVE OCT. od. z. .i7Tn~ [ nta d s dir Tint VX...…

April 30, 1922 • Page Image 8

…8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 EURIPII)ES -_L QUESTIOXER As an artist he surpassed all his = iti1111111IIIIItlt I1 llllilillllitlllh1 (Continued from Page 1) contemporaries only in picturesque vices and transgressions of women." ness, natural imagery and character If any one can point out an instance I portrayal, In the last mentioned s of his pity for the vices and trans-has no superior in any age. He does You can use...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 9

…usual as the'high ier the -direCtioh en, of the School grocured for the I nz. iatz-wIG" any Costumesi Shown At Party1Z2 r w Oscar Bow has been .. . 1aome f I i i annual cele- :ion, Lantern articipated in .n connection s to be held' definite date e event n of the' sing on s to the Girls who have any old lace or cos- tumes for the period of 1800 are asked to call Margaret Spalding at 398. The schedule for the interhouse base- ball lea...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 10

…Gi i l -- n 1 rsity rofes Sign oriua irP cein r ____ *,!THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___-- . I, " " BULLETIN M. a imes To Give+ RESUME ORK UN FESTIVAL NOTES SCOLEIOS1f~~ ri ,n-i-eeringathryn:"MeisleMIcontrNltOIEill be RES OND TO-ALLplay is the aim of Mimes in pot Producing Company Reorganization at the soloist at the Children's program First Annual Press Conference Gets "The Thirteenth Chair" on May 6 i Engineering and Archeacturelo Studios Delays Fi...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY MIAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922 Campus Dramatic Tendencies (By Agnes Hoeiquist) democratic organization and gives op- but we are handicapped by a lack of have an organization that is fitted to No one who pays more than the portunity for development in several finances and a dearth of campus sup- head such an arrangement in the Play- different lines of wrrk. I port. ers club. They shold "be under the "Also, if the c...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 12

…Board of Covernors. It is the uty sume their duties the day after Com- / ana ny th U n o;fi the ReordingSecretary to look mencement. anaging tne Vnion" -after the records of meetings and elec- General house rules are under the ions. The General Secrtary directs supervision of the hose committee Editr's Note: This is the second the President of the Union and its the Student activities of the Union. s var elih y fromtmto of a series of three art...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 13

…"THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper and Brothers) We know of blind animal rage, of been given to the question of man's sidering that the "good" and the "res- (Copyright, 1921, by Harper & Bros.) striking, biting, scratching, howling, original, uneducated, animal nature; pectable" is usually s'ynonymous with . . i1ur Animal Heritage. .The Na- end snarlifnof irrational fears and ig- what resources h...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 14

…which objects had-that is, their JThe lind in the ia king" po tney to doa things Onlyilater dd- the animistic belief in the personal- (Continued from Page 3) form ab out three hundred years ago. ities of men, animals, and the forces members of the species -ho could by The idea that man has a soul or of nature appear. Wien man discover- no possibility have originated anything double which survives the death of ed his own individuality he sponta...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 15

…"Up Stream--An American Chronicle" (A Review by G. D. E.) finally refused was directly due to himself in the New York Times. I Jew. Finally he secured a position Four weeks ago, in the Book Review the sentiment against the Jewish shall not take up the dispute here. I in the Germanics department at Ohio section of the New York Times, Bran- race. merely suggest that you read the State University, and for some -half der Dathews, a good, simple ol...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 16

…hokfsand Aurthorsa AI;iERtICA AN(D THIE YOUNIG INTEL- SALT LAKE LECTUAL . "By Pierre Benoit I -By Harold Stearns ." (A Revlew by L. E. W.) (A Review by L. A. S.) It is perhaps unfair to expect as The critics of the White-Matthews-. French beast-seller to be superior to' Phelps school have complacently ad- an . American best-seller. Even ina ministered their tut-tut to Harold France a rich cultural tradition is thet Stearns' "America and the Yo...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 17

…'NDAY, APRIL 30,.1922 him and, even more, nearer him, all 'if around, the intense activity of insects. the Ah! Dear creatures! You have not pla yet a place on the world's Roll of mi Honor, the place you deserve." Ugh! tho But the book is not entirely bad. war It contains two interesting charac- him ters, the heroine, to whom Hr. Benoit wit! gave the fine old American name of crit Annabel Lee, and the Catholic prist, he Pere dExiles. Annabel ma...…

April 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 151) • Page Image 18

…IURIPIDES-A QUESTIONER As an artist he surpassed all his' I (Continued from Page 1) contemporaries only in picturesque- vices and transgressions of women." ness, natural imagery and character If any one can ,point out an instance portrayal. In the last mentioned he of his pity for -the vices and trans- has no superior in any age. He does : gressionsof any one, man or woman, not portray the length and shape of I should like to receive the infor...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…iTCH CHANE I ERATUIRE TODAY 1 1 If sfr iyrn u . ..7 I No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 ... LA WS GIVEN CLUB, D RMIi SPLENDOR OFWA IS DOMANT AT GUNS, FLARES, "N. P." UNIFORMS GIVE MARTIAL NOTE TO DANCE DECORATIONS RIVALED ONLY BY JUNiOR HOPS Prominent Army. Officers and Univer- sity Officials Are Present at Reception Veterans appearing in uniform aft- er a three year period in civilian life, decorations ...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…..F'aaaLd . ...... k .. m a hlnirersity Sthe Hite fr St tiertSO mssd CAMPBELl .......... ........... ........Joseph A. Bernstein ........... .....:....... . P. Lovejoy, 7r. r...... .............. .........J. B. Young s G: P. Overton a.o M. B. Stahl ibrechlt Paul Watzei ike' irmana..................I. Armstrong. Kern orfer 1. R. Meiss ews tor.rnThoton W . Sargent, Jr. ..... .... ..... .... ..... eorge 1;. Sloan .... .Sidney B°Coates ......…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…[I C .AN DAILY. TEXT ce W. .King and , of the iydraulic tment, are authors entitled, "Hydraul- . text for beginning Lics and as a refer- ineers who may be fundamental princi- nowledge of fluid n derived largely ntal investigation ted in the develop- nany empirical for- ssor King. "A' large frnulas have neces- Led but, as far as formulas to which nts have been ap- derived analytically 1 consideration of ormulas applicable rent types are give...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

… . . . . . . ,,. ,. .- .: .: . , ".,« ",. y' .x .'rte 'E t t .. C ISEBALL TEAM HAS FOURS WMESfB FOR EXT SEVEN DAYS, C., Notre Dame, be Played in :'s Time . and SLES FROM . IUI OPPONENTSk baseball nine faces four in' the next week starting onsin at Madison this aft- e Wolverines left Chica- onlast night after playing yesterday afternoon with n of playing the Badgers t. Wisconsin has a clean r in the Big Ten race and. i's men are anxious...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

….1 A £L.. AVLL%'A a&'LI~ &.fdiL ALL-CAMPUS TENNIS NOTICE I 11 m rook TEAM ichigan opens its tennis schedule afternoon with a practice match h the Pontiac Tennis club on the tiac courts. -Four men have been cted to represent the Varsity in opener. They are Capt. Charles kel, George Reindel, Jr., Johann ich, and Federicogancilez. This rtet has shown to best advantage ng the past week and Coach Wes, )k has named them as his choice the...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…1-IGAN L 4. Y t a ICJ a , .. J >, _ ,. RS ve there are two reasons why you should be of our customers. Ipatronize DAILY AdvertisersI THEIR PRICES ARE RIGHT-SO ARE THEIR GOODS HAVE YOU tried our new product? Ask your grocer to send you a few cartons of our delicious CREAM CHEESE Small size cartons retail at five cents. Of course our usual standard of quality goes with the product. The Ann Arbor Dairy Co. pHONE 423 PHONE 393 for Aeats ...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…s 4 R old lace or cos- .f 1800 are asked ing at -398. interhouse base-. * posted on the campaign fund at the booth in Uni- versity hall and il the Library. The -plan is to revive Aie ancient custom of celsbrating the first day . of May w ith flowecrs. The roses will be sold at 15 cent each -n order thatevery student may afford to wear one. Catherine Stafford, '24, is in charge of the arrangements for this sale which is being carried on by th...…

April 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

… IIurI~II L BULLETIN CAMPUS ELECTION SNOMINEES LISTED Ad unti 3:30 p. , (11:30 a. m Saturdaya.. or 150 SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1822 Numb e of Literature, Science, and the Arts - Administrative Boards .ere will be a meeting of the Administrative Board in my office Sat- morning,.April 29, at 10 o'clock. Short meeting; routine business. JOHN R. EFFINGER. es of Engineering and Architecture: , ere will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colle...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…1, 4hr an, _: i iii itl ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PRIDAY, AthL. s28, 1922 . .,d ..... .,._,....... ,...,. ... . . ., .,. ...: ..,.. ... .a.a...,,w.. , I -_ ,- DNS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL WS BUREAU GAIN FAVORABLE COMMENT. FROM STATE EDITORS AND JOURNALISTS I EAS TO ONIGH' Catupaign Gather* mupetuis as News. paper Men Unite in Praise Added impetus was given the cam- paign being conducted by Sigma Del- ta Chi, national journalistic f...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

… .. ,... the council and its dis- AM bI UNIVERSITY hed every morning exbept Monday during the University he Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tar ion as all news dixpatches cre.ilit-d to it o aot uthel-Wise a this paper and tbe local'npws rnbllsbtd the' ets otd at the Wvstc'&re at Anna'Trion, )Wlcbgain. a&aes or. iption by carrier or alil, $3 se. s:...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…t P. Freeman, of nd Fredonia, N. Y. Brand Clothes. SPRING RE HERE wool fabrics combined ine hand tailoring $35-00 and up Wadhams F&C o. IDI NG TRUCTION >hn N. Ryan of the U. S. Reserve Corps, for- egular army is now at the stables of G. L. Mul- Ann St. and offers acourse in Horsemanship or ruction at extremely low rates. C THE MOST OUT OF YOUR RIDING play Polo, Jump, ride cross country, play games on horseback, etc. ss rates for comple...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

….1 Association of G Will Train' erdeen 60 men of the Uni- C. corps will leave camps. at Fort Mon- uster and the Aber- oumds at Aberdeen, er the close of the e camps will last July 17 for the R. O. which.civilians will er the control of the y trainnfig camps dvery year. Major rday that about half ille the rest would be bile the rest would be en the other camps. cuam__.__ fuU New Department A department that promises to lend life and intere...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…I:. . iI i 1 .. y '1 . 't .. ". _; I 2. Steve -Ou r Coach FOOTBALL MEN TO SCRIMMAGE ON SAT. TO BREAK MONOTONY OF SPRING GRIND uOHI (From the Athletic Journal of April) "Michigan students affectionately call Steve Farrell the 'Grand Old. Man' and the grand old man he is, for he has not only been a wonderful athlete, but also has been and now is a great coach; furthermore he is a sportsman and a gentleman." AND Coach Wieman is getting...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…TWO BIS TEN C I ESTS 1 n Page One) Maroon staff and .ed as the find of ay coaches. Yard- r, who perform- in former years, lhe bat. Captain baseman, is also . who is playing iference, competi- diverance to Hurl Today ance has been selected by Coach to work against the Maroon" Last year the Chicago teanm a scare into the Wolverine vhen they held Michigan to a rin on Ferry field. It was not le ninth inning that Michigan le to scoredthe winni...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…READY directorc ations wi Construc I Applications are now being accept- ed for the 1922 Citizens Military training camp to be held at Camp IE Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan, be- tween August and September. All men between the ages of 17 and 27 are eligible, providing they meet the of physical requirements. th Candidates may enroll in the infan- try, cavalry, artillery, aviation, or engineering sections. All expenses are being paid by the gov...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…Ii es, or officers in elations from more and Canadian col- ties will hold their ference May 4, 5, rsity of Illinois, at . Shaw, '04, general ichigan Alumni as- nd. program for this alumni funds, campaign methods, pur- poses, publicity methods, results, and ideals as applied to the various types of colleges; technical and circulation problems in connection with the pub- lication of alumni magazines, and the proper relation of the alumni to in...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 9

…the last few caught now nd dresses of ;ion, mingled s and pans, coats. work-on the it was found on for a rum- of the tates that ly priced of good bag sort Girls who hove any old lace or cos- tumes for the period of 1800 are asked to call Margaret Spalding at 398. The schedule,for the Interhouse base- ball league has been posted on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. The first game of the series will be played Tuesday, May 2. "Yellow Ja...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 10

…F FICIAL BULLETIN received until 3:30 p. s. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays ) S' FRIDAY,,APRIL 28, 192 Number 149 - - n . - .. . .. ersity Lecture: Professor Charles Cestre, of the University of Paris, will speak in Nat- cience Auditorium this afternoon at 4:15frThia is the fourth of his ee- Son the general subject, "The Ideals of France. F. E. ROBBINS. ge of Literature, Science, and the Arts - Administrative Board: 'here will be a meeting of the A...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…i S J tt jIat1 DAY AND NIGT SERVICE ._ .... .. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 PRICE FIV .. _: ~ __ _;_ I, 0 11 1S YEAR- RE- TEN GIPLINE, as aents FUTURE ADVISERS GET EARLY START Plans for Next Year Outlined Before 450 Men at Meeting Last Night More than 450 men who are inter- ested in the work of the Upperclass Advisers for freshmen met in the Union and heard the report of the committee's work for this year an...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…EWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN morning except Monday during the University in Control of Student Publications. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Press is excluuivey entitled to the use Er 1,.Wa tlept s tCe ditd to it J t ot oterwis. tr and tbhr l*t n'".Ws pixllW d tkereia. pot~i aAnt Arbo, Mle4a n, as ca*ier or ralr$s her Preens Building, MaynaStitt a, 96o; Fditerial, 2414. pline, would no doubt be found not only an elo- quent oracle, but also ...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

… rom a trip to1 of the Federa ing societies, re head. t several days he confexred w tary of Comme of the Inter iry of the N r of conlgressm oses of the fed fering its co-op al government kings of gene Chosen For Big Radio Program ILSI Dale Kirk, '23M, manager of the Varsity Glee club, has announced the names of the members who will make the the trip to Detroit Saturday night to tec- sing in the Michigan Night Radio the program. ted The follow...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…oil i". "G Ur )p U . o Track Athletes Will Take Part in. Drake Relay Carnival Ever To lBe Held readiness for the val to be held on irday afternoons. s and elaborate as r a track affair in le of the Olympics, ated and, for the into execution for Moines. The affair post favorably with N ry bod Lnd fey st Ul U- ,tU ins any other to be held in this couiltry during the coming year . Thirty-four Events on List Twice as many events, exclusi...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 5

…U IIN cIR IT '~ul ern, although Butler College, with Pat ekend Will Page, former Maroon coach, to drill higan's its nine, trounced the Midway boys by a large score last week. Coach Fisher will probably start V TO Liverance against the Midway nine. R NAMED Livy hurled good ball on the South- ern trip, while in his; three innings{ on the mound against Ypsilanti he' his week looked better than he did at any time nine be- last year. Shultz and E...…

April 27, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

…S e to Con- Gener- PPEARI (DER SCHEME -power project is un- of the biggest engin- ever advanced in this ntry," stated Prof. John he electrical engineer- yesterday, in discuss- ed linking of all water in the western Great r economy in the gen- stribution of electric sor Parker is a mem- nittee of 10 electrical ected from Michigan, Illinois, and Wiscon- ine the practicability of ency reserve equipment in each local plant would be largely reli...…

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