April 25, 1909

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April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… 0, 0 2c, n 7- f, "- y .f . r" .y J I r~-n _ r r I: /. . 7C r _ ^ _ 77 r: '- "--- 7 , f " ./' . . n rv ( , o, ,. ... , . 77 f J. , a C o o I ~ ~ _ . - - : f .., . , r Jam, - ._, r r+ ,; .. J %. I ^ -4 r Eu 0 :rIb 0 '- U . ,,:' ,' O O r t f C: " :"% n' { f iii "t .. , -' rj O s . ; ;. . f ,, r,'.. 1,. v ^. I .^. n ' . f '"" j. ."'.. r. . JJ r. J' .. ... : . I :4 4.4 ,t:4 :4.0 0-14 . T-r L'T-- r j 0 r i I I f I 1 !I if f 1 C n. ...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY gTiE MICHIG, /6. H. Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS :. Have received a large tine of woolens f or SPRING and SUM- MER in (1Oenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian D~rab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Comberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- hans, Australia, Cymric, Bllion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds. Please come early and have your...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfieki &ce Coo EAST HURON ST. TU TT LE'S for HoLntchea IceCrecam SodaBanana Flopt 338 South State Street TH[ FARMERU~S AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HUROON STREETS Capital $5000) Saurplus and Profita $90,000 CGeneral Backing Busness. 3 per cent paid on Timte end Sain-calDesits. Safety De- gosit lBnxectociet t12.00 and upwards 1?.. K(eF es. . (" . STaveaN. Vi...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY D .N G EK E AD UNIVERSITY NOTICES when n ytrust to tailors_______of_______________ tionabli tastead doutfl kil Regula rimeeting of Scaninai cu 'd our looks ad yocurtrpuatianfor 4 ondas eveining at ,7:15in Uha:c it co atirooms. i) iSenijor lit lbaseiball lpractic Ilna eng ) ineru lthe-cafin ,at 4p. in., South ferry iel. } eto ;4 ay of captain. .Biggers, Mlgr. Is hacet i ina Iapec-illecture at Tttcker Icmr f is l4Sling, anidl...…

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