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April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily .V I ............ , ,. XVFI. No 1 io, ATHLETES TELL OFt PHILADELPHIA TRIP ,en Return With More Watches -Pennsy Treated Them Roy- ally---How It All Happened. i-t cfoiur i}-carp h icrnerd tic gold ?".\'St tl -cu l iiiic. I-i retu nd illtn Cii S o th ii -itri R mei c~tt jlt, ofiiiei YirkiCitN. 'Jihly. i ar lii-n iiion ily cried a -W ,sl h t i is iiiiiiiii i but r- Inn liii isllad b " in" Patter The trp as n li)Valc in liith...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

… r-) 0 0O 0 0 O 0 00O 0 00O 0 e , O O O_ O 0O It O 0 IdtJ O0 71 L f-r con7 zI -a- - uj M' w d d ..r+I 44 oo IIId~ Q a T-! M f u U z: zl j ' y' " it f -^ H z H z 0 F 0 H U _ 'J :' L. ..1 t s I 1 C,, O-l3 U, C = 0 cam LL Q v } - U- v ChEU Um bt a r... '- rte T r a t -C u . - 7 0 __ " 0 .. f …

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…TTVF ITC Hf AN' TDAILY 1'i 3 r a E . 1 s 7' .. 1 " i r . - " F Y----- ', , '.; , A College Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hlats and Furnishings WALK-OVER OXF...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…TTI! IT MICTTIGtAN DI) L Y _® UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1 ALAR1 CLOCI(SHACK AND CNIRIAGE HIREa The Summerp Quarter, 1907 ItTtrsr SCnapman's Jewelry Stovco 206 SOUTHii MAIN si'iti:Li ' k 11 x<9it'I T1Ji5 - we lesa1' TH HVRIYi~' 204 South State Street PP .11. ' S < i'" t GLUOAVES nin right lt e, so byhayfIineiind asse troubile PttI<1 ;c c 11ic 1i;411 (';tfc1 r 1 P1I:: n. lut= 3 t -1 ( Wt r A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat From Wood It takes o...…

April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII1. No. 1 49,. ALBION TRIMMED IN EXCITIING GAME Pitcher' Battle Results in Close Score of 2 to 0-Whipple Al- lows But Two Safe Hits and No Bases on Balls. 11111trs w 8k n(at111 m a th faur o hefstbaenl gne i ,i 1111111l 1 1118111111ut1t o i :. and Ito ase11111 al. 0 1 1111 '111nin time.. l I 11111c1also allmvcd n') \pas 1e-1-1 f11 1 rt ni lll1 111 Mellon it t sor 1all1d1ou1 .t11111plat, an an e11111, 118 M1111 (r...…

April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…'rT11F TTlC (7AN D PIY New Sprill 4907 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State StreetJ Golf And Tennvis Balls a t,, a I o Ke PtsPl Goorih 'en 1 ;1 . Gof1 u 1 to. a t SHFEHAN & CO'S The Sudens'Bokstr Money Loaned On W laxxh"x,1)i round,. Lw not ks xxlthrpsn x prpety WVaches and .li'ixxrvlrepaix'edx Bargain' in \watchex&lixx iIamndsxx Ann Arbor. JOSEiI C. WATS TrHE MICIIAN DAILY. P I f I). (1 it~l3 I',Ir'l ir it xi 1< Pl C it i i'_ Ia i t I7 lrl 1' i l...…

April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE1 0 51 ('1 1GASN 1)ATLY Samf Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HUREON STREET IL HAVE NEW SPRING Cluett & Peabody's Fan. eludes evecry iiem ilnl-st Den's Dress ShirtsN 504 Tilt[IFARME[RS AND MECIIANICS BANK YOU SEEN THE MAIN AND "IURON STIR;10S SHIRTS AT MtACK'S'? Capital, $5,000, Surplus and Profit s, $65000 DosaGeea ankig n;;R.sltar,and lay 3 por cut a t l~tr nlr and :'LIIn; I it ItiL ...…

April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…1rti(MI ,ilANt)DAIL Haag' 75c Sigtal, 9 Perian I1a -vii29c. SlhatdOct 1Belk I filteal) ir' 1 ,iffc~r I~c a Box llome Suppiy Store. (;f- lainsadso ~ l 0 1 s . Occidental Hotel We Cater ItotBanquests, 1 Ic. H"ixson Lunch= Ypsilanti DETROITI,-JACKSON oaldLCHICAGO1)RY. ]Fresh Koa,,ted, b- l10 We buin Ira ar-toe . lots arnd roast daily. DEAN (ft CO., Ltdc., 214 S. Main txSt. .. . a. i i i i i i 3 .. . ; t 'a ,"c, z .,r ;r, Hih Class Clothi...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN\ I E I C-N , NIS. l yl I nnn ,l( RI)\N Nii1()0 7. VOL.. XVII. on. 148,. ART IN COLLEGES [ 11 11[.1; ?~)l HAS NOT THRIVE D 1h' ri li~ itwl ue W. M. R. French 'Talks on Art iniinin iinml it~ 1)',tofitscl~~t 13 't21 4ttii a ilI the University and Gives ILast o l lathu it ii mltii ni 'Tihe linc S. L. A. Lecture. u ol)t tin ninnin\rImmcirn Xii Ili;iSquirei liii r idin ouriiii. . . .ie . iN i n ,* I D n.1 , Mi i llnmii nnnn...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

… 0s 0 0 0 _ 0 O ® O O O0C? fO O 0 _ 0 V 0 0 0 M 0 V atIt1 i ... vsv a A = O 1 : a. a v " v acI . a n : 1 F V U H \a I f . J'J4 _ ob s .-: p a ry J-J z 2 N Ho 0 CL ,.,,,....r....... - r- .._. s.+ -, r+ :J , ~., i n M r ~wd' .M~ INr+ 'r .f f GLL ., 7 "l f ,-' i - r. !. " ."'.(, ' J J .- f. . . .. _- r . 'l. '!: C w ic rH f fV. Co 3 3. a3. UUv =a 0 C, f v p1 -cc n -" :S c 3. 3O co . - ho- = M. -t- 7-1"' " woo .7f -C-4 ~ 0 v_ ...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…TilEMullGAN AIL 7 , ; ' " . vf ' "_ Yr t r .:,. ,. ¢ ,. ¢ A College Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hats and Fuirnishings WVALK-OVER OX FORDS $3.50 -FOR MEN A...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…THE MICTJIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE UNIVERSIT OF CHIFACI mean riglhtZloves so buy loll sad sv trouble. Dll IIARKHU1. III LILA,) Y AN ' ARSI 304 CLPEOSHUK U TE I Ci 0LLlk 1 / h 1 A LA RFIC LOC KS HACK AND) CARRIAGE HIRE Cnapman's Jewelry Store 200 01i t'ci11 IS Is f114Il OIOANCRI SIORI A Al 2(04 South State Street 1 11 ' I)N h- ilirr I I }a~ m :. 1 1 1jl. i 1- j 1.1 I i~ill]S r 1 11 t'+711 I r?1: 1.tailtS 1t' air 111111ill I...…

April 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN \ II II \ ,IR I \ 'KI \\ II, 6I 190 \Vol- XVII. No. 147. .............. WE DO NOT TRAIN l FOR CIIIZENSHIP Writer in Inlander Argues That the College Man Is Not Awak- ened to his Responsiilities. "D trXItiXiIg Ihe 'IXcXI of a fy rdleI or InXlIX th Im ty offro " for fouXr IyeIars, o r XXXinX XXIX ~ iuso 11111 , cXim ilXic a11(1 oXcial IasIX cr11 a ths hn s ar left r rir clk to afecr '['h I n X thXXiXXXi, fom ":Ac VlXTr...…

April 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…0 i rr7 u: O '=.. . a r w + v --. :f. s ti e- w.+ f 7 .-+ r ,.. ti M I"f f ~' 1, 4+ V Cf V ro ,-. .. J: 0. 0 0 tG S a c- a mom ow Ao"k m T,) C 0. tq tr1 C u C (C ..i .. (C+ C-, CC) Cj CC) CD CC) 77 > -ilo -. --" - wo o w- - I r' f.,, = w t ti.. y ti = _ . :l %. a' . t i '{ 1c W =", (D~ (CC iy P * y o o A a) OH C( ~ Qm r ..a - ZPoH 0q Mz 0. 0 r- t~r) r -v () W- . >rcQ.-'f - /7 ra' -s ? c/a -e-0 @a 77 ; 90 cr'y ' y7 C {v,,,f W sC...…

April 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…1'i'I1' MICIIIGA N DAILY i. i Sami Bnrchfields Finie Tailoring Trade Can D)elixer the (oods 106 EAST HUICON STREEUT .. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Ctluett & Peabody's Famous line is flow displayed and in- cludes evecry new and natty fadt of the season ini white and colored Mren's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ea co, i' '1 !I. .. - For Shaving Barber S pplies MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S...…

April 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…T~l MCIIIANDAILY QAflrumClocks Bireak D Iay Signali S c c Peran L Iawin 29c Shandoti ells Toilet Noahp HO0AG'S Holme Suppixr Store$ Occidental lHotelf We Cater to Banquets,Etc. Hlixsonl Lunch =Ypsilanti DiEROIlT, JACKSON nld CHICJAGOI Ry. A I Fresh Roasted, ber - We buy in car-load lots aned roast daily. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. High Class Clothing '1102I~ergai; s liosilii (f Fiie C lothinog ever1hro ught to otio taket. We ca c x...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily NiL. X v II.1 )R 'vii. 146. I["I; ) ",.1' I 2 ,i~rf. Vol- XVIT. No. 146. OPINION FAVORS DRAMATICS CHANGE Many Ideas Are Suggested for Changing Organization of the Comedy Club. Natm a l~lw i nln l i i vii i 'Iiia 1cri w , tl I t i n 'WHAT THEY THINK vf igtt, ihdrawv.'IThev'facet >i4 tha Mihgn w yttiii tv f theIaaivvial if IA6 ')M110INNNNCW ret il i;<t111lat lcltl eeill'+ It! lac' tllt .EUt{,i tllc larc, a < eiter<tl ...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… a 0 0 o a0 o0o 0 00a 0 ,, 0 0 0 o n o 0 I 0 o fr 0 t N t 000 Q f rz A, a n c,. " 0 7 oe N h M t - b w I - i f. -; r . .- ,.. t CG' S. v r Y : r V . ,,, e ++ r r ..r s. -- ._ ., . 'r 'Yf, !. :- :+ !, H z H Q~ z 0 H U Z as n 4 d 0 bt, x v t3 w. 0 c, 0 tj as L w""i " .. " Q r'~ S 't, ... T.t, s) L d 0 L z " ../ . :- a... .. r .. . n , . y ,. r .. 0 4' 'OS J v vi _, . ':;, - d J T ... . . . v f .-. ... " ^ ._ _ _ _ _ i .:. '" _,...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…IlE- IICHIGAN DAILY A College Man r }looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her ntother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every r:_ r whit this much, no price difference. Fine Leine of Spring tiats and Furnishings STA EB kEK(QWVERWTH WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50- FOR MEN AND WOMEN---...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE ~T IICIIIIPASV IATLY UNIVERSITY Or CHICAGO The Summer- Quarter, 1907 THE UNIVERSITY F IU S FOWIN Es i ; I 't I ii , II ) 1 , I", X * ALAI FLOCKS' C naprnan's Jewelry Store ! 0 o l 'I I lSAI:N 51011I P Itu ti S O E A 204 South State Street HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE I P ( t. I l t'{ It I S t) P I\ MIII \ I I i ()\ I P X P8K f't ,1. i,' Pt 1 t it3 1 <i <i l } 1r t.' 1 u i it, " A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It take...…

April 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN \li< IkH(V ,\\'I)NIK'S1)\Y, AtII, 1 \i.XV II. r c. 14 5. TEAM GOES TODAY TO PHILADELPHIA Garrels and His Men ILeave for Big Intercollegiate Meet-(ios- sip on Outcome. r iitkli N COMEDY CUBTO l'c i~ci~ 1zacIi i"e ~t ~ BE ~i REORGAN12 it i' \I N I "l ; I 5 l.ft N'll ZED "' f l l il tip 4"4t-- til jat"4 .;yin l I)<t i °tl ,ctt.i c"rl+ t Miembers Wvill ek to unite tne D)ramatic Interests of the tUn- i 3 .t11 I11111...…

April 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…New Sprillg Woolells 1907 G.II. Wild Co. 311 Southt Stae Street If you- N eed A Tennis Kacket Weil like1 to cal -ura 1(1111 ito1 our1lie 5 c 1)aiiss Spalin;itt (.)111 o~ters, rI li i ll iii o fromu $2.00 to $7.00 SHMEAN & CO3' TheS SSue tsBoktr Money Loaned Wa~chesa nt .tJii,rt ropal ei. Blargain in \Vat'hes. tDiamonsiit An Artboi. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE 1TICHi .IAN"! I)AILYI.1 V 17 t V ii}, Si 1"l .i1' 1 1 1 1' 3" '' 3 t'l3<t1 e1t3 li N t' ti ,...…

April 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…TTF iNft~l 1i N DlALV Samf Burchfields Fine Tailoring4 jTrade Can LDeliver the (Goods SAM DURCHFILD & COO 106 EAST HURON STREET NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? (.liettt& Pla body's ,Famous i ei ow s played and ini- cludees vry new and natty fad of the ,eason in wthitetand 'olored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (" CO. j i I a MEt fARM1tRS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND) PttRON STREEt~TS Capital,...…

April 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…\~EhtjCj-ll('AN DAILY -------- --- - - Ifi I I I AA lil® w _- Signal, S9C Persian Lawn -29c Shandon B ells Toilet Soap Ca it t ea ,.tt at, the r,tt ia Occidental Hotel we Cater to Banquets, ftic. lHixson Lunch = Ypsilanti DETROIT, JACKSON and CHICAGO) RY. i Pk;fvTS ]Fresh Rosted, Fr ..-10C We bu~y in car-load lots anid roast daily. DEAN (Ca CO., Ltd.. 214 S. Main St. . . .. : (ALENI)-\ I 4. \1 4th j 4 1 C -'. {. ) the Utit'ilt tol...…

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The MichignDal \cLk. XVII. No) . UNION MINSTRELS GO TO DETROIT TODAY The University Show Is Being Made a Society Event- Low Railroad Rates Are Open to All. Ths atron tie n 1ion \ infrl ' take the 4 '104 \icigit en k tr ri n for 1Det1o11, and(thisi> ecnilnlifat 8 o'clock tici ll app1 lear11at ill mni c 11.111.iiii-ilThe \\c'lii heu lihigan 'iou iii andtll ,, it 1wiltllhe 11eqtuall iided bk'Mccn t111 Iw ra izionis.i li 1115 411 The seal i li...…

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…40" tC 0 it ' a O n r r rn . n r .. f " , ra C! .-. n r 'I. 0 N to 9 0f 0 Ea 30 0 10 0 a - . u Cr I I1 ar, rrrrH + r~rrr. rwr ~OHwrn~r~ri r~~ Hm z rn x'w 7>'r C - 77 r? r G. r. > m ! l. r, U - c -i , y i w n 7 J L, R0 - ' o 4 o to IA 1 0 of 4 0 4 0+ 00r 0L 0 0 0 G ~ 071 0TI ^1 30 'I: :-- { _ 1.. . ... : i i 'f' 1 v r. y r^ _ ., _ "I, "/: ti a CD F m r J. a r Fr f w f o ro o is J. rt 0s Vol0 O …

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…14 i 1. i ,.. Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET 11 i I i r I THlE M IIll P. N DA\IL~Y HAVE YOV SENT E NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK9'? Clueft.& Peabody's [anmons line is now displayed and it- ciudes evecry new anid natty fad (f the season ini Wh ite anid Color""d Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MIACK " .CO. 1 I 4 i { For Shaving AND ...…

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…TTE MIC'II (NTS DAILY. Hoag'9S2 Alarm Clocks f B13reak o' Day <~ 75c Signal, 89C Persian Lawn -29c higt iti iii l rct i t iidate29C Shandon Bells Toilet Soap T'r'si t's aieicaI.t tot l-ia 10 ica '. N(' m Bo Sall! a, ...... HOAG'S Home Supply Store. 3 4 LL PEA VS ]Fresh Roasted , b7 wr 0 We busy Ifricar-load Iota and roast daily. DEAN U~ CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mairi St. ie 1v High Class Clothing CTe largest display of Fite Clothuing ever bt...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBlOR, Ml C'II( _ h\ 1Iti2;i l 1', I1Zh \ 'P~i Tt7 Vol'. XVHI. No. 14t3. COACH STAGG ISSUES ! ULTIMATUM TO MICHIGAN Says Michigan Must Abide by Con- ference Rules-Athletic Relations1 With Chicago Uncertain. tli a ('iiit'a tiiirant oinon.r on liclig ll' itttt, i th lin it it hav IonpoliI it heh icago p1a1-hg' pcr> ttill 11a1h11a",1 i : returlni to11Chi it; iii iii I hbie b itti h-ie ttiig iiiiiilos ii'iiriiigo date In ...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

… 0 G0 0 0 0V+ 0 0 m m 0 0L .mo0 ' x w ...- C~l y f t v - Cl03 b h'" t r ' , f 1 1 '.w r. 4 x Q W 1 I li _I H/ H K--) z 2 H U 0 v, H W ... .r .. 71 i ;r. dl 7: r h- . v ^ ,: '° .,. _ 'J. j t. '_ -.' "' _ 'I. 'f: ~ l r a r i. "' mil, .. "- ,: . f f ... /. 7: f '!. 'l: f ..J f ._.. .-j f ' 1: ~ .. . ^_ J _. v ... ' ' J . .. F- '/. ^ J 4e t. d, _ r. L f. ;., _ ' I r ay -- v tic f r : f .. f " r . _._. f. ^ ;r _ yr . l .+ ^ ...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…TJlE MTCHTGANUDATL Y - A College Man M looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father. as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy -\ s. the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring hats and Furnishings STAEBLER(ftWUE;KTH WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN--$5...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIERIT OFCHCAOJA LARfI CLOCKSHACK AND CARRIAVE HIREI The Summer "'---I Quarter, 1907 Soe111 111li111 I1'tr Lilapifilalls ewelr or y , sadlltai- y~tecttre iii tif 20r01, M IN StclLi tit t'. cii it kta ii sie t r ttcIrtW h 11)tpi t t -c'ti l t-rell !titer I t.Ii- 2.0 pe c 1pl tliANCAJI 5101.1AT 1w i w o A. X' 1 I 1 204 South State Street X I" o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO________________________ ________________________ tt I[...…

April 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \Riiii, MIHI GAN, \V I-\ISI) \\ \APRILI itt 10- VOL. XVII. HISTORY OF UNIVERSITY OBISTi'ERIC'S STAFF FOR PRAISED BY AUTHORITIES President Angeli Voices His Appre- ciation of Book -1Devos is to Canvass City. C oitr ity auhoirities, (desirig to i- thy hstoy ff ll, ickritc. hae se- cure!( AA. I.. I )oc (x), to canvass th cit ciritil it cluit wk. In a recet nu ber f t Alt initi trcidct A gel a-thtfll itl i sitt o t helg...…

April 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…TT-l : NTCT YIGAXD ATLY ___________V___________ 1* 1 New Sprilig Woolells. 4907 6. H. Wid Co. 311 South Sate Street A Gray W hife or Blue Jesey itici w iiith th iv 't i n ck o) the, 551)iti me ct te kc ts nmol te rcels u5 ci $2.50 and $2.75 Al SHFEHAN & CO.' Thec Sriitn t iiiiokstiiire Money Loaned lain i n 4Vateheii iamn ti t~i A t-iilncl in Ab . inl JOStPH C. WATTS TH] E NIICII JAN DAILY. ii i iiv-i NTanginig 'ditr-.rthiir C. Pou...…

April 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE MICT-IGCAN DAILY SmBrcnhficlld's Fine Tailoring Trade HAVE YOV SEEN THE LJUNJIIINIU NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MIACK'S? C2an Deliver the Goods Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season AM Bu R H FELD Cuin white and colored SAM BRCHFELD CON Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 106 EAST HURON STREET MACK gam CO. For ShavingI AND Barber Supplies Foster'sAr S...…

April 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…t ti f 6, A N. Hoag'S - Alarm Clocks 1,r 5 Brealk.o' IDay .'\) 75c PEANUTS Fresh Roasted, 10- lc we buy In car-load lots and roast daily. IDEAN (e. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. 1 ignal. 8Q C « _ 29c 9 T111- . I1111;t 1(111 1 Sregua r llN 19C a Box HOAG'S Ilonig Supply Store. 't.,"aanashigt on ts.t: Occid ental HAo tel NWe Cater to Btanquets, Etc. 1-6x5011 Lunlch = Ypsilanti II TOIl, JACKSON and CHICAGO( RY. N ~ ici I > t i:. 111 , iii...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN. XVII.>>\A .AP IL, Vol- XVII. a . 14 r. BOOKER WASHINGTON theasotrli roillrs; of race andre PLEASED AUDIENCE n ole;ofclolamlonvlt'itced ttt his work if rc i nant. war racially Expressed Views on Solution of the prejudiced.l''here ro no farinaof slaverry i .... 4 ......... .... . . 1907 MICHIGANENSIAN IS READY FOR PRESS Books Will be on sale May I -Two Race Question - Asserted That the Negro is Wonderful Race. "'te...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…NJ 0r r" - 1 0 0c s ni g !Q '0 a1 H ' a y x o ' O o E N C/D n r "m X __ p1. C (2 r /: i Jam, , j. .-. J, l; l.. ^ . .J .. - _ - I _. , 1'; r I .... j, ,, J - t: ... s^ J ' 'r C Z "f .'7 % t r.+ ) r- 1 C V *r+ VH /"1 LJ p CCX " y~. '"t .ea ^ v "' C. (2); 6*4 ,04" '0t -« :,. - ;. ', f .%: :! 'J- .-- fy f V i. r. J ", ,r.. - r i / ', i. I- 5. 5 - ,i C '- n V ~ "' - 0 315.] °On !C o o ~ r . o a (2 0 IS H , OH,/ (12O ( s " 3, O ~ iz ...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…iI N / 111 1 Nw N,- -Nt ACollege Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hats and Furnishings WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50- FOR MEN AND WOMEN- $5.00 The strong~est charact...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…TTIlE IChIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAG Quarter, 1907 q THE UIYEIIITTGEI HiC:ACT A LA RI1CLOCKS1 HACK AN!) CARRIAGE HIRE~ Cn apman's JewelIry Store 206 So(:*I" MAIN SRLE~. TII 10iNtc, a T Po p ii "° v e tW co iA Wtchl ItroT'c i, T~ lif- lil A1r hl KtI1wi1 BRTANC SIORi.AI 2(04 South State Street 2 1n- for 1 1 lcr-,cr to a d bon al Irin llv101011 1 0)"r, 6 Y n1nd 0oI ad1111] 1ii itni I N Ni C, NOw Nicc b'S.'o .fter I a.11. ,2 0 1, crl e ...…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ~XVII. ANN.\Rk():, Ii. I I I lG\, 8VNI)A Y, \I'IZII ,,51907- SECOND MINSTRELS ARE BETTER THAN FIRST Michigan Union Show Draws (reat Audience and Proves Laughable or Entertaining Throughout. 'lii. mss'i iis ii' 'siiisics of liv\Ii l- ign i c vii \Iit"ii''l' vsiilatnih iii lnlcc''iiv hal, aR W cosnducted etchvii uccsfl i t nv foisiss isv TyIII ni- c ce Tle le hal, ;l l g eetd c I lii ilmn. ihoe is.Ioia dsolists wer In...…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…TTlE MTI ClA N DATLY New Woolells 4907 6. U. Wild co. 311 South State Sreet If You Add A New Jersey it 5ll tlugh [Ile soril' I Our s areSpialitdig make, an u iti iu, at $250 -$2.75 AT SHFEHAN & CO3S It Stdets Booktor Money Loaned Wth eaand wlr eard 1 ra n X ce., imod AnnArbr JOSEtPHI CWATTS THE MICII AN DAILY. Xt iagi:t Editor-Arthur C. Pound Bii nii Manager-C. .Wins teadi. Nis. .David F. Stevenson ..i... e ... Rotbert 11. Clancy I tutu .......…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…TrlE NICHTGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HVRON STREET HAVE YOV SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Mven's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ft CO. THE17 ARMiZRS AND NMECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) 1URON09Silolilirs Capita...…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICIGA v DAILY i- I Hoeg'9S Alarm Clocks 75c Sigonal S89C Persian Ltvx n 29ic lv --al'29C Shanodon Bells Toilet Soap {; Ia~iit: h1Ca Box Ilonic Supple Store. C ., lai ahnton Sts. Occidental Hotel Wc Cate-r to Baniquets, Etc. HIixson Lunch= Ypsilaniti I .i E i .: : ! I t ., PEANUTS' ]Fresh zRoasteIAlb. 1C' We buy Ins oar-load lotsanrd roast daily. .. DE&AN ea Co., Ltd., 214 S. Mairx St. r+r.r rrr"rr rrwirr t i t t LL High Cla...…

April 06, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN :ARIII lid. MICII 1l;.\N, SA'I'VRI:YY APIl, No, 1 ;<> UNION MINSTREL SHOW IS A "HOWLING SUCCESS"9 S C SUGGESTS NEW METHOD n iii reMot ehosen as alter- "CHRIST'S RELIGION OF CHOOSING DEBATERS Iditinglec artc that ilicaionga1,4ain WA NO DGM TC Correspondent Would Overcome liii iiiiiiii li11e litititiilly exel in Coe Speaks on ',How D~id Life Look Difficulties by Increasing Nunm- 1:11(mli~tti ii ee~iiieini...…

April 06, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…THlENTICHTG('ANDAILY New Sprilig Woolells 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street If You Add A Mew Jersey to y l)0r warrolbe yotilt get lots of comofort ot of it all throtgh le spinfg weat he. Ouris areiSpalditg make, andi gray, at $2.50-$2.75 AT'I SHFEHAN & CO3' The Stdets Iookstox e Banners and Pillows 14Off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 22426 S. State St. rndTE MICI-II iAN DAILY. 17G~t ranidl a :ltiaging Editor-Arthur C. Pound IIiillRitd tf~i...…

April 06, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…TIIC MICHIGCANDAILY .r u /11~41 A College Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (Just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much;" no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hats and Furnishings 1 a WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN--$5.00 'Pit- st...…

April 06, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO] The Summer 4 Quarter, 1907 N Ni NN74t. ALARnI CLOCKS lt,,"1""" a Cnapman's Jewelry Store 206 501 IlH MAIN SIlTE BRIANCHI S1OREltAT 204 South State Street HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE itt. iiall tra, itw 3t l e l iti ii o ti) t_ . lit f (,(,li . itleh tonk 2; Net, ld i i -ti~tict-, -,ccn s ' i-it 'IlKisT NI-A1-SSIT NTI7S it\ liii NI N\a \N , fr tic ft t ! 1 A 4 S n V k I I i r K' X t) W N.'11; WNNI ...…

April 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANix XVII., No. 138.\ Ill:1. 1'lC1,; 10 VOL. XVII. o.18. UNION MINSTREL TROUPE WILL APPEAR TONIGHT Diress Rehearsal Last Night Proves That All1Is in Read- iness For the Big Show--- 500 Seats Still Unsold. Forxii 'ii xiii vxicsi n h '. iii ii clc xl ii and igi nal aunts, w -x i th a 1,1r xnOfiii ixixxix xx xyxxilxHir a11I W th s x lart c)ix ixi (of Ixx- ir al i i lcc whc ,i si iiiwil iipa ik ix i it i clt iir xThe'alci ...…

April 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…0 .. f r r.) M 0 3 - v ' s 00 1 d4 C/1 t r r J ": f 17 "- - = _ _- _ _ o " M - m - NW .a .f mm i C7 mWj a " ''" a y J J- 77- J. f. J r ' ^, n r y . y r r, n v J ' 77* !, ^ J r . I f'- 1 ., -- u -' j .. z a - . . l ./ ,e'Y x .. r ' tf, T H f :l+ { T, . . .40 O!Q to N . .': "' ' . 's. i:. 7 ' v !. r _ . f r . .W ._, 'J, .. r r r .-. v !. u i !, i .. .. ,-. % ,' . "%. r. r' . i' .._.. '! i .... f r 77, J. _ r _ y f 7v 7 7...…

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