April 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOF, MIlCH., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. No. 138 RIJB3N~iLIS POSED. Y. M. C. A. ELECTION NO CHANGE IN BASEBALL. Tl UNLSSUl The annual election of Il envr IThehbae hall sqadolpt in another ____ At Ferry Field Training Quarters- ity will le held Thurs ay evnn, ilyon the "ai gotndtdiamndnilye- A Description of That interesting but Relay Candidates Ran-Good Dis- Altf1J- 'The jelow it 'i n at: tdat IThe usual -routine b...…