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April 23, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…PC4*'E .La a ti leather Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 35% Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high near 60%. One hundredfive years of editorilfreedom Tuesday April 23, 1996 =IZZI CCHANGING OF THE GUARD " A SPECIAL SECTION Report details Matock scuffle President James Duderstadt has 69 days left as leader of the University. Though at times he has come un- der criticism from students, faculty members and even the Board of Re- gents, some colleag...…

April 22, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…WEL Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 37°. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high near 55% One hundredfve years offedftorialfreedom Monday April 22, 1996 Duderstadt, board confront racial tensions on campus By Jodi Cohen and Jeff Edridge Daily Staff Reporters In remarks about the racial atmosphere on campus, President James Duderstadt and Re- gent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) issued lengthy statements at Friday's Board of Regents meet- f" a...…

April 19, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Cloudy, rain likely. low around 540. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, chance of rain, high of 750. it I-an "Uw One hundredfive years of editori l freedom Friday April 19, 1996 lillgg il! 1 iiii a l a g gi la il 1 11:1lig l 1 1!:::!; i Nil, g' Legislation looks to cut aflinayie action Aaurle May DI ily Staf Reporter A bill banning preferential treat- ment in the selection process for state universities and educational programs mad...…

April 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…gather onight: Showers and hunde eorms, low 53*. omorrow: Cloudy, chance f rain, high 68. CVit l~t WI ti One /undredfve years of edioriialfreedom Thursday April 18, 1996 I .;r I Regents may cuss same- sex benefits e xJodi Co e bJeff Eldridge w'ily Staif Reporters The last University Board of Regents meeting before ,ommencement-and the last ofthe semester-will be held oday and tomorrow. The board is expected to approve final degree lists...…

April 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Increasing clouds, low 43*. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, high 63°. C44b t tt One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom Wednesday April 17, 1996 x . , I Rose, Meh By Laurie Mayk Daily Staff Reporter After more than four hours of debates, goodbyes and parting poems, the Michigan Student Assembly gavel officially changed hands last night. MSA President Fiona Rose and Vice President P bir Mehta were officially sw...…

April 16, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Clear, scattered snow, low 330, Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high around 570. CAir IEIUUR Unt I One /undredfive years of editorialfreedom Tuesday April 16, 1996 6op questions source of De. funds By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporter As campaign donations roll in, the battles for Michigan's nine Democratic and seven Republican seats in the U.S. House of: Representatives are intensifying. Oandidates from both sides are try...…

April 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Light rain likely. Low in mid-30s. Tomorrow: Cloudy, early flurries, high near 50. WE P One. hundred five years of editoril freedom *ari Monday April 15, 1996 °I 1, C IR A~ Alb lo, .A; ,M a-~fhV Spelma By Jodi Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Johnnetta Cole, a black woman pioneer in higher education, will address the class of 1996 at the May commencement ceremonies, sources in the University administration con- firmed yesterda...…

April 12, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…athrn onight: Showers and hunderstorms, low 450 omorrow: Showers and hunderstorms, high 50'. WE,, it Un4 One hundredfve years of edtorialfreedom Friday April 12, 1996 Vol. CV Nil. 112 Utah, V 1900 It* milobigaft Daily I students harged m ursley ons y Sam T. Dudek ?aily Staff Reporter Two students were arrested yester- ay in connection with a string of ires set in Bursley Hall on March 30. LSA first-year students John acDonald and Justin...…

April 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…C 1 weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 480. Tomorrow: Scattered showers high around 640. , One hundredfve years of editorial freedom Thursday April 11, 1996 .,., ,:,. '." -: ,J r<. ':<. . n's W:'-...: ! .5 : "i xi i<b <u '' f..< :..,; .; , ,it ....... .+5. tti1 .;.2t t ,kJ'M"' {. y .. .i y .> ,;: ,.e, . 'L .... w s .z v ..., ss i r rG"$.. v..,e... u < ::: r:, Y ,. ; b g i ? z / ta< < * . R Y i :.i. N ., .... .,.. m ... .... .. , ...…

April 10, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…irin Un t Weather onight: Partly cloudy, low around 350. Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of rain, high around 630. One hundredfive years of editoridlfreedom Wednesday April 10, 1996 x b . ; l a -. Carr suspends Griese QB arraigned on felony charges for breaking window 3 By Barry Sollenberger and Ann Stewart Daily Staff Reporters Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr sus- pended quarterback Brian Griese indefinitely yesterday after the sophomore ...…

April 09, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…lie., IEt *rnt Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, chance of snow, low 260. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high near 50°. i One hundredfive years of editoril freedom Tuesday April 9 , 1996 Gijese .may face charges . Ann Stewart Daily Staff Reporter Michigan quarterback Brian Griese's weekend run-in with Ann Arbor Police Department officers may lead to a misdemeanor or felony charge, AAPD officials said yesterday. AAPD Sgt. Brad Hill said a police ...…

April 08, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…'cragw .t Weather Tonight: Cloudy, scattered flurries, low 24. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 43. One hundredfve years of editonal freedom Monday April 8, 1996 Bargaining talks fail; GEO to walk out By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter Despite 38 hours of non-stop bar- gaining last week, the Graduate Em- ployees Organization and University &gaining teams have left the table without reaching an agreement. The immediate result is a t...…

April 05, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…eather onight: Mostly cloudy, low the low-20s. omorrw: Mostly cloudy. Igh in the upper-30s. .'Elan rti One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom Friday April 5, 1996 x 0' Is" The Michigan - baily I EO warns udents to repare for alk-out y Anupama Reddy aily Staff Reporter As the Graduate Employees Organi- ation and University bargaining teams ontinue to negotiate the terms of an ,xtended contract, GEO members are till planning to walk o...…

April 04, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…It--w 4r teather Tonight: Cloudy, chance of snow, lows in the 20s. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 40. One Iundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom Thursday April 4, 1996 ; a i , s tu - t .,;F ,' s'i r y iE, " . , .,a f ..« s .' . E r ."! .. ' . A." {" . ' '.cr. v F{ k rr " 5i*r . .t f .. . Ftr . t 'rt 3Et' L Knabo arne matsus degreheld Kaczynski earned 2 mathematics degrees from U JOE WESTRATE/Daily Union members rally outside the LSA...…

April 03, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…eather ight: High chance of rain, w around 40*. morrow: Cloudy, chance of in, high 440. 'Elan tti One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom SWednesday April 3,,1996 A ~.. I EO, ....................... I .............. I ............ U' try for contract in bargaining marathon Anupama Reddy ally Staff Reporter Bargaining teams for the Graduate Employees ganization and the University began non-stop ntract negotiations yesterday morning ...…

April 02, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…eh+ r a, low around 370. omorrow: Chance of rain, igh around 460. 21v41 Un'11 One hundredfve years offeditorialfreedom Tuesday April 2, 1996 n -.m t ederal dept Stephanie Jo Klein )aily Staff Reporter After last month's discovery of a large-scale omputer error that delayed almost 1 million nancial aid applications, the U.S. Department of ducation is approaching its goal of processing 11 of the forms received this year. an effort to make ...…

April 01, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…2w41 tti Seather Tonight: Clear and cool, low around 34. Tomorrow: Dry, high around 38°. One hundredfve years offeditorialfreedom Monday April 1,1996 Vo. VI 6.0 ;u';A ,, aiy Michigan Wns first NCAA title since 1964 Nicholas J. Cotsonika ly Sports Editor CINCINNATI - There were tears this time too, but for the 1995-1996 Michi- gan hockey team, moist eyes dripped only joy. The years of failure and frustration, of anguish and anger, are ove...…

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