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April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. I C, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily Assembly p iallocates over a BY TARA GRUZEN After spending an excess of $7,108 from its available funds for the 1989 winter term, the Michigan Student Assembly voted last night to allocate more funds to student or- ganizations on the contingency that it could take money from its spring/summer budget. Howe...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 MSA p ontinued from Page 1 happened," Harris said. The wit- nesses' reports include sightings of tomahawks and hearing drums pounding. Associate Athletic Director Don- Sld Lund, a member of Michiga- mua's "Old Braves Council," de- { fended the organization yesterday, calling the allegations "off-base." Michigamua members and Native American students met last fall to A -discuss some o...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

… Police to charge clinic protesters for overtime The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 - Page 3 City council addresses affordable housing olicies t ! , y f l 4 } 1" a t _ # ', S 4 f" f t ,. fi BY LAURA COUNTS Local police will ask the courts to charge the 190 anti-abortion protesters who were arrested at three recent protests of local abortion clinics with more than $16,500 in overtime costs, Washtenaw County Sheriff Ronald Schebil...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 be £rbigniflai g Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 137 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Intifada's 561 martyrs: Price of the The Michigan Daily 'peace Nalihalin ANOTHER RAID on ...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 - Page 5 Parking study draws mixed reaction from faculty members BY MARION DAVIS A study recommending that the University create about 1,600 new parking spaces near central campus drew mixed reaction from faculty members during Monday's meeting of the faculty's Senate Assembly. The Central Campus Parking Study, conducted by the private con- sulting firm BRW Associates and the Central Campus Pa...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

…4 .Pfge 6b- The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, April 19, 1989 ,CLASIFIED ADS 7641 -0557 SUMMER SUS ttj"_ A SUMMER SUBLET. ITOUND-1988 Cass Tech class ring. Believed to be owned by a football player named John. Call 769-0445. LOST ONE YEAR AGO. Ladies silver/gold Seiko wristwatch. Vicinity Med campus. $150 reward. Call collect 616-471-2171. LOST-CANON CAMERA in black protec- tive case with shoulder strap. If found, call Ben, 996-1611. FOR A ...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 - Page 7 -MM ml-u SUBLET: MAY - AUGUST Newly furnished bi-level apt., one bdrm., laundry, A/C, parking, great location, rent neg. Call 930-2606. Everything from a sleeping room to a large two bdrm. apt. Some with parking, all furnished. Many include A/C, some with balconies. Call for more info: Modern Management 668-6906 Open 7 days a week SUBLET: SPR./SUM. Female. 1 bdrm. in apt. Behind ...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 --The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 HELP WANTED STOCKPERSON WANTED - Days: Mon- day-Saturday. Start about April 17. Time: 4- 7m Duties: stock, deliver, anitorial. Must be 18 & have driver's license. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University Ave. 663- 553, ak or Mr. Kreye. SUBWAY is now hiring for summer help. -Full and part-time positions available. We of- fer a pleasant grease-free work environment. Apply 1701 Plymouth Rd., ...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 9

… ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page9 Classics, not blues, for St. Louis BY TONY SILBER S T. Louis is known more for the blues than for classical music, but Leonard Slatkin is trying to do something about that. He is the music director and conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, a group of musicians who have soared to the top of the American orchestral heap in the last ten years. In the ten years Slatkin and the...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 --The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Slatkin Continued from Page 9 might survive when we are gone. D: In St. Louis, the city and county ate considering adding the symphony to the culture-tax-district. What do you think is the importance of the SLSO on the culture of St. Louis besides preserving past culture and establishing new ones? S: The Orchestra culturally serves as a link between past and future. More THE DAILY CLASS...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 -Page,I 1 Christmas: hat a way to spend Passover I BY JIM PONIEWOZIK C HRISTMAS is coming. Their chords are sounding fat. And for only 600 pennies in the Blind Pig's hat, you can experience tomorrow the most unique Las Vegas-related expe- rience you can have without belong- ing to an organized crime family. The Nevada-based power-pop ;group, originally from Boston, combine catchy, even saccha...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 12

…Page 12 -The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Elvis Continued from Page 9 Spike opens brand new worlds to "The Beloved Entertainer" - that's the inscription under his harlequin grin on the album cover. A collec- tion of new songs that touch all the bases of human passion, it is or nearly is his best work to date. Bran- Elvis Costello writes his songs the way John Donne wrote poems 350 years ago.... Like Donne, he's got a huge ego. Li...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 13

…Softball vs. Toledo Today, 3:30 p.m. Varsity Diamond SPORTS Crew vs. Cincinnati Saturday, 9 a.m. Ford Lake l The Michigan Daily Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Page 13 MSU Spartans to face streaking Wolverines as Gagin brothers meet BY JAY MOSES In the American Civil War, it has been said that external forces pitted brother against brother. Such is the case for the Michigan baseball team today, as the Wolverines (28-8, 9-2 in the Big Ten) jo...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 14

…Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 'M' Softballers sweep U-D; Toledo comes to town in matchup of pitchers BY JONATHAN SAMNICK In today's softball action at the Varsity Diamond, Michigan takes on the University of Toledo in a doubleheader. Both teams are coming off sweeps in yesterday's games. While Michigan swept the University of Detroit, Toledo took two from Bowling Green 7-2 and 4-0. The Rockets come into today's h...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989-Page 15 'The Schef's Specialty IfBY ADAM SCHEFTER There have been signs all along. In the fall of my junior year, my friends and I received a letter from a friend who had graduated from Michigan the previous April. "Every day you wake up at school, whether its snowing or raining, whether you have a term paper to finish or a final exam to take, be thankful you are in Ann Arbor. Because before you...…

April 19, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 137) • Page Image 16

…e 'oge 16 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989 ng views *the sport ng views - the spor n g v ws e ~rmQVeS- h fagQ V iOS*tes ' Banner season spurs on capitalist t-shirt sales Middau Continued from Page Former Michigan bas and Cincinnati Reds shorts i -1- !J.A 4'kf*. itt ANDREW GOTTESMAN You know how your mother aways seems to throw a tantrum whenever you bring home a new t- siirt? It doesn't matter whether it's *om a concert, ...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Ube Mdtoa al Ninety-nine years of editorial/freedom Vol. IC, No. 136 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Tuesday, April 18, 1989 Copyright 1989. The Michigan Daily Committee charges Wright with wrongs WASHINGTON (AP)- The House ethics committee, with N Democrats and Republicans united, formally charged Speaker Jim Wright yesterday with 69 violations of the chamber's rules including what the panel's chair called "a scheme to evade" limits on outside earnin...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, April 18, 1989 Associated Press President George Bush salutes a cheering crowd of around 4,000 people in Hamtramck where he proposed economic incentives for Poland. Bush drew a favorable response from the large Polish community when he spoke of the political reform transpiring there currently. Bush " ontinued from Page 1 -*Seeking congressional approval of U.S. guaranteed loans to stimu- late private i...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989 - Page 3 IRS braces the return rush DETROIT (AP) - Internal Revenue Ser- vice employees braced for a late evening and postal workers broke out rain gear to keep emptying the mailboxes as time ran out yes- terday for last-minute income tax filers. Some people thought last-minute fliers would be few because the normal April 15 tax deadline fell on Saturday this year and the deadline was extended to...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, April 18, 1989 The Michigan Daily . . .......... . 4 Then and now: don't worry about czars By Eric Westrate I am writing in response to Noah Finkel's editorial on the vogue which the term "czar" (more properly spelled "tsar") is currently enjoying among our govern- ment leaders. Mr. Finkel makes the somewhat erroneous statement that the byname of "the Terrible" was bestowed upon the Russian ruler Ivan IV "bec...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989 - Page 5 Happy Birthday, Israel! A Message from American Friends on your 41st Birthday Dear Israel, In your 41 years of existence, you have accomplished many things you can be proud of. Your people have created a state and made the desert bloom. You have shared the dry farming techniques you learned with many other nations, to benefit all of mankind. You have restored monuments from Biblical t...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989 C SIFIED ADS 764- 0557 FOUND-1988 Cass Tech class ring. Believed to be owned by a football player named John. Call 769-0445. LOST-CANON CAMERA in black protec- tive case with shoulder strap. If found, call Ben, 996-1 611. 1979 BROWN VW bus automatic 7 pass price negotiable call 994-6619. 1987 YAMAHA RAZZ RIVA: like new $500, 439-7580 after 5:30. - 5DRAWER DRESSER & DESK. Great condi...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - UME UBLET IENT ERVCE TUDENT EHE.P WANTED $150/Mo. State St SUBLET! CHILDCARE in New York City!Spend this May 1-August 31 summer or up to one year caring for a six- -one bedroom 3 bedroom at . w/ M/F year old. Salary, room & board, own room. -Juony, prkin3A/C - Fun neighborhood, fun family. Write Norman Mintz: 17 Sixth St. Brooklyn, NY 11215. -9 UInclude resume, references. Call 313-995- $99 SUBLET- Your own roomnincl. pa...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 8

…4 ARTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, April 18, 1989 page 8 CLASSIFIED ADSI Call 764-0557 Hero of -Mqqpqwp-q"rw I MISCELLANEOUS 0 BUSINESS SERVICES UIN AISKUAD FALL ITKM? I will sublet your single bedroom in a house or apt. Call Becky 996-9368. MALE NON-SMOKING ROOMMATE WANTED for Fall "89-Winter '90. Tower Plaza. Some dietary restrictions. for more info ask for Neal at 662-8703. MAY-AUG. share 1 bdrm. bilevel apt. w/ one female. Great lo...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989 - Page 9 Loam is nothing to laugh about BY MARK SWARTZ T HE new Gargoyle is in. It's called "Fear," and the cover is chartreuse. OK. Let's get this over with. Is it funny this time? "Yes it is! Yes it is!" yelps the intrusive Gargoyle staffer, breathing his stinking gyros-breath down my neck. He's dangling well over twenty thousand dollars, cash, in front of my face, well aware of the fact that the...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 10

…4 Softball vs. Toledo Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. Varsity Diamond SPORTS Crew vs. Cincinnati Saturday, 9 a.m. Ford Lake The Michigan Daily LA Livina Tuesday, April 18, 1989 Page 10 Men's tennis tears 4 L. Grant enjoys life out west and hopes Rice will join him BY SEAN PHILLIPS During Gary Grant's four years at Michigan, he averaged 22.4 points-per- game as the Wolverines posted a 100-29 record. This year, with the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989- Page 11 MEN FINISH NINTH AT KEPLER INTERCOLLEGIATE Golfers have it rough at OSU BY THEODORE COX The Michigan men's golf team returned Sunday night feeling frust- rated from the Ohio State Scarlet golf course in Columbus. The Wolverines finished a disappointing ninth out of a field of 22 squads at the Kepler Intercollegiate this past weekend. They members of the team were dis- gusted with the dif...…

April 18, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 136) • Page Image 12

…4 Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1989 Women's softball a wash - but hope for sun today in makeup The Michigan women's softball team found the weather not to their liking yesterday, thus preventing them from facing the University of Detroit. The game has been rescheduled for today at 3:30 at the Varsity D~iamnond. Yesterday rain poured onto the field when the the two team's when the first pitch should have been thrown. The W...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. IC,1 N6)135 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 17,1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily Student charged for riot actions BY KRISTINE LALONDE A University student who stole a double parking meter the night of the NCAA championship riot on South U. was arraigned Friday in the 12th district court on the charge of larceny. Joseph Ubaldo, an LSA junior, faces a maximum sentence of five years in priso...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports Military bases fate debated WASHINGTON (AP) - The House decides this week whether to accept or reject a federal commission's recommendations to shut down 86 military installations and partly close five more. A vote on a resolution to disapprove the report of the Commission on Base Realignment and Closure is scheduled for tomorrow,...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…Spanish diplomat 'kiled in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon - At least 16 people, including Spain's Ambassador to Lebanon Pedro Manuel de Aristegui, were killed yesterday in fierce artillery exchanges etween Christians and an alliance of Syrian and Moslem gunners, police said. A police spokesperson said the artillery and rocket duels of this 18- hour blitz were among the most intense in Lebanon's 14-year-old civil war. At least 17 people died and 90. we...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Monday, April 17, 1989 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michiyan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 135 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Remember genocide Censorship not answer APRIL 24TH commemorates the first genocide of ...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 -Page 5 1 i 1 'Keeping in Mind' recalls McCarthyism at the 'U' BY DONNA IADIPAOLO and concrete documentary on Mc- Nickerson, professor emeritus of In the May of 1954, three Uni- Carthyism at the University, the fear pharmacology at McGill University; versity faculty members refused to ended with the destruction of lives: and Clement Markert, research pro- testify at a hearing before the Clary "Keep...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 CLASIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND-1988 Cass Tech class ring. Believed to be owned by a football player named John. Call 769-0445. LOST - Keys on Red Swiss Any Knife at McDonalds on South U. No ?s. 764 8708. LOST KEYS ON South U and Church dur- ing Monday's riot. Please call /69 5235!!! LOST: 1961 Gold Class Ring. Initials: LT on sides; school emblem on stone. Great senti- ment...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 7

…GREEK GAB DELTA DELTA DELTA SENIORS Thank you for sharing your college years with us. We are proud to call you our sisters. Good Luck! FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We do all party favors including custom t-shirts at the lowest prices. Call e Button Men. Rick or Lou at 665-1 161. PI PHI ACTIVES** We're behind you all the way**love the seniors** PERSONAL CALIFORNIA BOUND? Rider/driver wanted to LA. Leaving 4/27, share gas ex- pense. Phone Wes Don...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

…A Page 8 - The Michigan Daily --Monday, April 17, 1989 ELVIS COSTELLO 2 wanted 994-0361 ONE-WAY Detroit-Sacramento, April 29. $99. Call Michelle 764-1924. ONE-WAY NORTHWEST TICKETl Detroit to Worcester, MA 4:10 PM April 26. Price $150, $100 below current weekay cost. Call 763-1327 days and 665-4006 eves. ONE-WAY NORTHWEST TICKET Detroit to Worcester, MA 4:10 PM April 26. Price $150 $100 beow crrnt weekday cost. Call 763-1327 days mid 665-400...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 9

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Monday, April 17, 1989 Page 9 Production of Dragons not fiery en BY MARK SHAIMAN IT'S "Late Afternoon - In the Middle Ages." Lancelot, our hero, wanders into a small village and meets a large cat that tells him of the town's woes: the town dragon takes away one girl a year as payment for his services (specific- ally, making sure a worse dragon doesn't wreak havoc on the town), and tomorrow he is coming to take ...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 10

…4 Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 The left laughs again Political humor returns in High Hopes 1 0000 BY NABEEL ZUBERI The Political Left is often accused of lacking a sense of humor, usually with good reason. Waiting for the contradictions in capitalism to lead to the proletar- ian revolution isn't much fun and a revolutionary committee meeting isn't exactly a barrel of laughs ei- ther; even the sardonic Trotsky had h...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 11

…Records Continued from Page 10 bility is to style a more flexible ret- rospective than the plain old "Greatest Hits" studio LP, using an updated sound and context to unify stylistic variations in the band's repertoire. Somehow, though, A Show of Hands - double-live-platter number three from the unique Canadian trio Rush - manages a rousing success only on the third criterion - by creating an engaging time capsule of the very same new-found qua...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 12

…4 Softball vs. Toledo Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. Varsity Diamond SPORTS Softball vs. University of Detroit Today, 3:30 p.m. Varsity Diamond The Michigan Daily Monday, April 17, 1989 Page 12 4 Blue beats White in Spring game Bunch, Boles, Blue run for 24-17 win 4 Leroy Hoard (in white), last season's Rose Bowl MVP, barrelled his way to 46 yards in Saturday's Spring game. Hoard had trouble finding running room behind the white team's in...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Mondav.Anril 17 1989- Paae 13 Mike Gill GilAga g yI3MS1~v I u~ rrvlla , rr , r . Price was right for 'M' pitchers . "So who's buying who dinner tonight," Mike Grimes and Phil Price were asked after the Michigan baseball team swept a doubleheader from Purdue. "I'm buying him dinner," Grimes said. And Grimes had reason to. It was Price who handed Grimes his fifth victory of the season, when he clubbed a sixth inning two ...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 Softballers split twice wit. BY JONATHAN SAMNICK This weekend's softball matchup between Michigan and Indiana was a battle of two evenly matched teams. So it came as no surprise that they split both doubleheaders in almost identical fashions. The first game of the series, played on Friday, matched Michi- gan's sophomore sensation, Andrea Nelson, against Indiana's Teresa Raine. Indiana s...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 15

…Women golfers take fourth at OSU tourney The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989-- Page 15- fit. b ;., BY THEODORE COX The women's golf team has been blaming their poor play on the weather the last few tournaments. And last weekend they proved their point. The conditions at the Ohio State Invitational were superb as Michigan finished in fourth place out of a field of nine schools in Columbus. Coach Sue LeClair couldn't contain her excit...…

April 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 135) • Page Image 16

…4 Page 16 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 17, 1989 The University of Michigan Union April 17 to April 23, 1989 A Michigan Union STUDENT EMPLOYEES The Union employs over 500 students each year, in all kinds of different jobs. These students earn money toward their education, but also learn important skills, which will help them in their futures. Many also earn class credit. We pay students about $820,000 In wages every year, and, in...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…I n Weekend Magazine: SPECIAL ISSUE Best of Ann Arbor leold igan al Ninety-nine years of editorial/freedom Vol. IC, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Friday, April 14, 1989 Copyright 1989. The Michigan Daily Focus on more than fliers, students say BY LISA POLLAK University students, asked to suggest ways to deal with discriminatory fliers on campus, urged ad- ministrators last night to implement changes "attacking the root and not the just sym...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily --I Friday, April 14, 1989 Athletics Continued from Page 1 Edwards has travelled the lecture circuit internationally and appeared on nearly every major television siow from "Nightline" to "60 Min- utes." During his visit to Ann. Ar- bor, he met with members of the Athletic Department and officials in the University administration. Ed- wards said that some of the "hard truths" he presented - low athlete graduat...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…Dogs hinder blind students BY ROBIN PICK A blind woman walks down the street, led by her leader dog, Henry. An unknown, unprovoked, and un- leashed dog approaches Henry. Re- acting to the intrusion, Henry runs in front of the woman, and, conse- quently she falls on top of her own leader dog. This type of incident, which oc- curred last year, is not unusual for Margie Minor, a graduate student in history. For the past two years, stray and unlea...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 14, 1989 The Michigan Daily I 'I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 134 AnnArborMI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. I I Czars are everywhere By Noah Finkel Our political leaders have come up with a ...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 14, 1989 - Page 5 Group to air problems of global warming BY VINCE WILK Ever wonder why five of the hottest years in recorded history have occurred in this decade? A campus group wants to bring attention to global warming as a problem which is occurring now. Unless something is done, many foresee disaster. On Friday, April 21 at noon, a Pilot Program class in planet management will plant a tree in front of ...…

April 14, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…'4 Page 6 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 14, 1989 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 SU MR S E __UMMER__UB _ET .1WMJ K U '&I z FOUND-1988 Cass Tech class ring. Believed to be owned by a football player named John. Call 769-0445. LOST - Keys on Red Swiss Army Knife at McDonalds on South U. No ?s. 764 -8708. LOST KEYS ON South U and Church dur- ing Monday's riot. Please call 769-5235!!! LOST: Gold Id Ring with an E scripted on face. Lost Friday ...…

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