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April 21, 1979 • Page Image 45

…F michigan DAILY EXTRA Saturday, April 2,, 1979 Ann Arbor, Michigan FREE ISSUE Twenty-four Pages Regents reject limited 'U' divestment proposal By MITCH CANTOR It took nearly an hour of confused discussion about parliamentary procedure and alternative motions, but the Regents finally decided yesterday morning not to withdraw University in- vestments from two companies doing business in South Africa. Some 200 equally confused protestors sat pa...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 46

…Page 2-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily Brink er Earn U-M Credits While You Are Home This Summer Why waste time this summer when you can earn credit through an independent study course? The University Exten- By HOWARD WITT sion Service, Independent Study Department, offers dozens of University Financial Vice-President courses in many subject fields, including: James Brinkerhoff on Wednesday sur- Literature Accounting prised the facu...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 47

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 3 Committee's initial report on Outreach completed By JOHN SINKEVICS The review of the Psychology Depar- tment's Project Outreach will enter its final phase next Thursday when the Literary College's (LSA) Executive .-Committee will decide what revisions will be made in the program. And, ac- cording to faculty members, some of the expected changes will include discontinuing several of the progr...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 48

…Poge 4-Safurday, Aprilt2T,'1979-The'M1chigbn'DoHt ~michigan DAILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Letters MSA Elections head needs more power Regents ignore own resolution Y ESTERDAY'S Regents meeting was one of the University's darkest hours - a session in which the school's ruling body displayed its complete disre...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 49

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 5 \3L1 LI E I _ J r r rri _ x + r efdl' 1 , i f 1 rsr' a G' .1 You get a return of 50% of the List Price-or better -on Good Condition USED textbooks already reported for future use. -STARTING NOW we are paying over HKLF on the following ...... RITTER CRANDALL DAVIDSON HAGIWARA Princ. of Money, Bankg & Fin. Mkts. 2nd LEHNINGER Intro. to Mechanics of Solids 3rd SMITH Fundamentals of Accounti...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 50

…Page 6-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan ODily Finals arriving as study slump sets in (Continued from Page 3) Greg Roda, who was working on a Spanish paper. 'I'm taking advantage of study days," he explained. During the term Roda claimed that he studied about two hours a day, and said "I have a rule of no studying on weekends.' Charley Sneed shared Roda's laid- back attitude towards studying. "If I can stay away from the bars I'll do it ...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 51

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 7 Ofjicials says 'U'free of ethical problems By TOM MIRGA Most of the nation's colleges are in the midst of an ethical crisis, according to the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education. But University officials generally discoun- ted claims that symptoms of the crisis exist here. The council asserted that increases in student cheating, vandalism and theft, grade inflation by facu...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 52

…Page 8-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily Appeal of Open Meetings Act ruling still pending; group finds extra support By MITCH CANTOR "IT WAS A question of assessing the Washtenaw County Coalition Against chances of (winning) an emergency Apartheid (WCCAA) members earlier appeal," Liu added. He said the appeal this week decided they will not press for going through the normal channels will an emergency appeal on a recent likely go to ...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 53

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 9 A2 retains S. African investments By ELISA ISAACSON In East Lansing, sentiment for divesting South African holdings was first reflected in their City Council's policy initiative which the Michigan State University (MSU) Regents echoed with similar action. Ann Arbor's lawmakers have not pioneered the divestiture path, however, and they do not appear likely to do so in the near future. Mayor Lo...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 54

…Page 10-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily arts & entertainment --m i I KATHLEEN QUINLAN One critic's quixotic romance By CHRISTOPHER POTTER I've got this thing for Kathleen Quinlan. Call it sex appeal or call it star charisma, but I have been hopelessly smitten; my mind and libido held cap- tive ever since watching her audacious presence in I Never Promised You a Rose Garden year before last. Though the film wallowed in cliche,...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 55

…RFD. wronged By ERIC ZORN Bluegrass music certainly has its limitations as a genre, but Ann Arbor's RFD Boys-much maligned by the Ann Arbor folk com- munity-with their generally tasteful instrumentation, smooth harmonies, and droll stage presen- ce, provide one of the finest enter- tainment bargains in town. The band, which has played almost every weekend at the Pretzel Bell for the past ten years, puts on a show which is easily enjoyed and ha...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 56

…Page 12-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily Hydra' coils in to action By ANNA NISSEN Starting a dance company isn't as easy as kick-ball-change, as Peter Ken- tes or any member of Hydra Dance- Theatre School can tell you. Above Capitol Market on Fourth Avenue, in a small studio roughly eight shuffle steps wide by fifteen long, Kentes and others are constantly working. A member of the Michigan Dance Association, Hydra offers instructio...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 57

…PROGRAMMABLE TI-58 List Price 124.95 Our NEW Price $88.00 TI-57 List Price 60.00 NOW $42.50 making Tracks into Programming A step-by-step learning guide to the poet ease and fun ofusing yourtTIProtammale 57 U SLIMLINE TI-50 NOW $30.00 List 40.00 scientific calculator with statistics and new Constant memory feature. The TI COUPON OFFER- $20.00 Value - 2 FREE Pakettes with purchase of the TI-5 { , POWERFUL SCIENTIFIC FUNCTIONS " 60 functio...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 58

…Poge14--turday., April21, 1979-The Michigan Dail y Expected tuition ranges announced Univesity students can expect tuition hikes for the 1979-80 aca- demic year to range between 7.1 per cent and 13.9 per cent, according to figures released by Vice President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro, who is also chairman of the University Committee on Budget A traon. Tuition per trm for the 1979-80 academic year will range as follows: Michigan resi...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 59

…The Michigan Daily--Satirdoy April 211979-Page,15 some pe howeve African with opj prove t} cising n vocal a WCCAA Regen Wh c . .i .rm* and what will they do next? (Continued from Page 14) former Senate Advisory Committee for University Affairs chairman. "Why probably not have addressed these Daniel Fusfeld to describe h ople feel about it." Brown said, that is, I couldn't say." issues. They would have been content to opinion of the task ahea...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 60

…Page 16-Saturday April 21 1979-The Michigan Daily Regents O"K MSA fee, eleetion review (Continued fromkPage 1) making that portion voluntary. BAKER SAID he thought it was im- portant for a wide perspective of views to be expressed on campus, but added that he felt those who don't support a particular view should not be forced to provide funding for it. Several Regents, including Thomas Roach (D-Grosse Pointe) and Robert Nederlander (D-Birming...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 61

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21,1979-Page 17 Regents vote 'no' on limited'U'divestment (Continued from Page 1) Board members voiced more diverse opinions on the matter yesterday than in previous meetings. James Waters (D-Muskegon), was the first Regent to express approval of the WCCAA stand, receiving a standing ovation following his call for divestment. "I think it's time our policy did change and we had complete divestiture of all So...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 62

…Page.18--Satuvdoy, -Apri l21; 1979--1he Michigan Daily Regents reject two-company divestment plan (coniused froamPage171 WCCAA members also expressed dismay that the Regents were con- sidering only limited divestiture. "We think the gesture in the end is really a hollow one," said Debbie Duke. "Since you've shown us you respond only to pressure, we'll continue to apply pressure." Also among the historionics used by the WCCAA was a move comin...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 63

…LEAVING TOWN? Congratulations to all prospective Grads and Summer Travellers. Before You Leave, Though, we'd greatly appreciate the return of your library books. Our convenient 24 hr. book drop awaits! Circulation Staff Ann Arbor Public Library 994-2336 ARMY SURPLUS PARKAS & VESTS * Goosedown BOOTS >. PolarguardBO T * Hollowfill il "Dexter Hiking * Herman Insulated Survivor KNIVES . work Boots Buck ' Gerber * GI Combat Swiss Army * Schrade ...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 64

…Page-20-Saturday; April 21, 1979--The Michigan Daily Samoff By JOHN SINKEVICS Assistant Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff said yesterday that even though he feels the review of his tenure appeal has not been "prompt and speedy,' he does not plan to file a lawsuit against the University until the appeal procedures have been completed. "The courts usually expect you to go through the internal channels before they will consider your case," sai...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 65

…Tigers topple Toronto By STAN BRADBURY Special to the Daily DETROIT-Milt Wilcox had two big things to celebrate yesterday, his 29th birthday and his complete game vic- tory for the streaking Tigers over the Toronto Blue Jays. Detroit's 7-2 win was the fourth consecutive Tiger triumph, as they moved their season slate to 5-4. In collecting his second victory against no defeats, Wilcox allowed only six hits and one walk while striking out fiveJa...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 66

…Page 22-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily MEN UNDEFEATED IN BIG TEN Blue netters humble Northwestern By SCOTT M. LEWIS Final exams officially begin today, but the Michigan tennis team has alrs :dy completed its first test of the wF: kend- and received a solid "A.', rne Wolverines squashed North- we-,rn, 9-0 here yesterday fo their sixth straight Big Ten triumph without a : miish. ' he win hiked Michigan's ova all mark to 14-1, a rec...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 67

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 23 SPORTS OF THE DAILY: Softballers take two In what coach Gloria Soluk described five shots out of second, but a whopping a "tuneup,"'Michigan's women sof- 24 behind the frontrunning host tballers rolled to a smooth 7-1, 3-2 sweep Buckeyes. of Henry Ford Community College at Freshman Steve Maddalena paced sun-drenched Ferry Field yesterday af- the Blue putters with a 74, while co- ternoon. capt...…

April 21, 1979 • Page Image 68

…Page 24-Saturday, April 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily STATE COUPON STATE COUPON CIGARETTES GYM PACKAGES 2AATC89 SHORTS PEPSI LII2PAK 8 PACK- 2oz CANS Exp 42679 PLUS DEPOSIT STATE COUPON LIMIT 2-8 PACKS DAN O YOGURT N'FUN 8ozLnon 2/ 9 ono"'" SANDALS IMIT 4 LIMIT 1 PR. LI 4 / Exp.4/26/79 EXP. 4/26/79 STATE COUPON 25C OFF Your Choice Suntan Products LIMIT 2--Expires 4/26/79 STATE COUPON 10% OFF Your Choice T-SHIRTS MONOGRAMMED LIMITE 2-Expires 4/...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 21

…michian DAILY Ann Arbor, Michigan FREE ISSUE Friday, April 20, 1979 Twenty-four Pages Protesters refrain from disrupting Regents meeting By MITCH CANTOR More than 300 protesters, avoiding the shouting match which took place at last mon- th's Regents meeting, wore gags and sat passively yester- day in the Michigan Union ballroom as the Board again convened. The demonstrators, primarily students and members of the Washtenaw County Coalition A...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 22

…Page 2-Friday, 'April 20; 19749-The Michigan Daily Earn U-M Credits While You Are Home This Summer Why waste time this summer when you can earn credit through an independent study course? The University Exten- sion Service, Independent Study Department, offers dozens of courses in many subject fields, including: Literature Accounting Languages Economics Psychology Geography Conservation Writing Political Science Math Each course has an assigne...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April20, 1979-Page 3 Samoff says progress of appeal slow, secretive By JOHN SINKEVICS Assistant Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff said yesterday that even though he feels the review of his tenure appeal has not been "prompt and speedy," he does not plan to file a lawsuit against the University until the appeal procedures have been completed. "The courts usually expect you to go through the internal channels befo...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 24

…Pog 4Friday, prif2b, 1979TheMichigaily Smichigan DAILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109 News Phone: 764-0552 Friday, April 20, 1979. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Public bodies must keep the peace Mandatory fee must remain F OR THE LAST two years, the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) has allocated a generous amount of funds to various student organizations to promote...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 25

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 20, 1979-Page 5 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON CIGARETTES GYM PACKAGES STATE COUPON 2/89 SHORTS 8 PACK-i 2oz CANS p.4/26/79 Exp. 4/6/ 79 169 STATE COUPON PLUSDMOITSAECOPN2-8 PACKS DANN N C o n t o n S A F U N 2/6z. Conta ne SANDALS 2/ 699 PR.27 LIMI 4 Exp 4/26/79 EXP. 4/26/79 25C OFF Your Choice Suntan Products LIMIT 2-Expires 4/26/79 STATE COUPON 10 % OFF Your Choice T- SHIRTS MONOGRAMMED LIMITE 2-Expires 4/26/79...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 26

…Page 6-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily Finals arriving as study slump sets in (Continued frorPage 3) Greg Roda, who was working on a Spanish paper. 'I'm taking advantage of study days," he explained. During the term Roda claimed that he studied about two hours a day, and said "I have t a rule of no studying on weekends." Charley Sneed shared Roda's laid- back attitude towards studying. "If I can stay away from the bars I'll do it t...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 27

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 20, 1979-Page 7 A2 maintains South African investments By ELISA ISAACSON floor. In East Lansing, sentiment for THE WASHTENAW County Coalition divesting South African holdings was Against Apartheid (WCCAA), the group first reflected in their City Council's most vocal in encouraging divestment policy initiative which the Michigan of University support holdings in South State University (MSU) Regents Africa, has ...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 28

…r 1 i l Page 8-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily RIGHTS RESTORED TO STUDENT GROUP Spartacus.Youth League suspension lifted BY AMY 'DIAMONI)those damages and now allowing us to use the Union April 5 forum. raises the question of our organizational status in According to SOB member Roy More, theS Four members of the student government's general," explained Meg Grulich, a member of the violated six articles under the general regulat Stud...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 29

…Samoff says app (Continued from Page3) tee (SSSC) is currently planning strategies for future decisions on Galler. "If he's got some questions, he tenure, and spokespersons for the can talk to me about them." organization said they hope to broaden Galler would not comment on the their base of support beyond the Samoff progress of his committee's report on case to include other professors in Samoff - he said only that the "process similar situa...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 30

…Page 10-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily 17- I arts & entertainment The Crusaders capture Hill By MATTHEW KOPKA funky2 (fun ke) adj. -kier, -kiest [orig. Negro argot, lit. smelly, hence musty, earthy obs. funk, smell, smoke, prob. Fr., dial. funkier, to smoke VL.* fumicare, for L. fumigare: see FUMIGATE] * Jazz having an earthy quality or style derived from earthy blues The amalganation of styles from jazz and rock music that wa...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 31

…Funky fun marches on at Hill concert (Continued from Page 10> temps. Finally, he wafted down, leaving us all in a porch swing after a good meal and a fine day. Without pausing, Felder took the group into Jr. Walker's classic "Way Back Home." By this time, everyone in the crowd who was going to be moved was moving. All kinds of things were happening-Sample's keyboard was pregnant with choice hooks, Finnerty was in a trance, eyes closed and run-...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 32

…Page 12-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily Power pair like By STEVE HOOK Steve Goodman sits in his dressing room after his performance Tuesday night, with his hands in his pockets and his pointed boots propped up on a table. He's not saying much; it is clear that he's not very happy. His sax man, Jim Rothermel, enters, and begins putting on his jacket. After several moments of1 silence, he says to Goodman with his back turned, "Taj wor...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 33

…exas instruments specal TWO OFFE FROIT TEXA IASTRUTEfTS EXTEflDED: $10-00 Rebate on on purchase of theT PROGRAMMABLE TI-58 List Price 124.95 Our NEW Price $88.00 The TI COUPON OFFER: $ 20 .00 a|U ei CE N L 2 FREE S CL Pakettes with X purchase 2 of the TI-58 SLIMLINE TI-50 NOW $30.00 List 40.00 scientific calculator with statistics and new Constant memor4" feature. POWERFUL SCIENTIFIC FUNCTIONS " 60 functions automatically handle a wide ra...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 34

…Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG REGENT DEANE BAKER (R-Ann Arbor) makes his way through a crowd of protesters just before the Regents met on Thursday. Three more reasons to get your Hewlett-Packard calculator at Ulrich's, Buy any HP programmable between now and April 30 and get the software free! Who are these people... (Continued from Page 1) them can be found among other politically active campus organizations like the People's Action Coalitio...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 35

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 20, 1979-Page 15 some pe however African with ope prove th cising m vocal a WCCAA Regen -who s and what wil they do next? former Senate Advisory Committee for University Affairs chairman. "Why probably not have addressed these Daniel Fusfeld to describe h ople feel about it." Brown said, that is, I couldn't say." issues. They would have been content to opinion of the task ahead. , that the failure of the Sout...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 36

… Page 16-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily Mandatory funding questioned public comments session, Banner, who each area. Approval of mandatory fun- was just mishandled." He did say, of handling our own affairs," h was unsuccessful in his bid for an MSA ding three years was requested, but however, that the election problems and also said he resents the seat in tl contested election, ad- Johnson said he conceded to the two- were the prima...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 37

…Tax dissidents refuse to support military By JOHN GOYER About 40 persons, half calling them- selves "war tax dissidents" celebrated April 16 - the last day to pay 1978 federal taxes - by mailing their tax forms without including the portion of their taxes designated for the national military budget. The dissidents and supporters held their second annual tax day demon- stration, which included songs and a short skit, in front of the downtown F...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 38

…Page 18-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily Regents, protesters avoid clash (ContinuedfromPage1) to move to a different room should meeting until after the black attrition protesters disrupt their meetings. report is reviewed. That portion of the The demonstrators attempted to be meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m., direc- dramatic in making their statements, tly following the discussion of divest- using symbolism in several of their ac- m...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 39

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 20, 1979-Page 19 LEEIVING TOWM? Congratulations to all prospective Grads and Summer Travellers. Before You Leave, Though, we'd greatly appreciate the return of your library books. Our convenient 24 hr. book drop awaits! Circulation Staff Ann Arbor Public Library 994-2336 ARMY SURPLUS '- A "POLICE" photographer from the Ann Arbor Police Department focuses his camera for one of several shots taken of student...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 40

…Page 24-Friday, April20; 1979-The Michigan DaiLy GRIEVANCES BROUGHT TO REGENTS Women allege Title IX violation By JULIE ROVNER Two members of the Women's Track Team who are claiming sex discrimination by the University's Athletic Department took their com- plaints to the top yesterdaytwhen they presented their grievances to the Regents during the public comments portion of the monthly meeting. LSA freshwomen Blaise Supler and Sheila Mayberry ...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 41

…Watson leads tourney RANCHO LA COSTA, Calif. (AP)- Tom Watson) unusdally relaxed and easy-going, eased his way to a solid, 3- under-par 69 and a one-troke lead yesterday in the first round of the $300,000 Tournament of Champions. '"It's like night and day from the Masters," said Watson, who lost a playoff for that coveted title last week. Watson, who has finished first, second and first in his last three starts, won Player of the year honors ...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 42

…Page 22-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily Todd tabbed captain of next year's icers By BILLY SAHN Michigan hockey player Doug Todd will have a hard act to follow next year, both on and off the ice. Todd; a native of Stouffville, Ontario, was recently elected captain of the 1979- 80 Wolverine hockey team. He takes over the reigns of leadership from Mark Miller, who is currently playing for the Binghamton Broom Dusters, a farm team of th...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 43

…PiE U E I This Week in Sports Ahhh, the finals week of winter semester .. Quite an interesting time of year, isn't it? At long last the weather brightens, yet at the same time, all those little academic duties you've religiously put off all year suddenly rear their ugly heads. Ugggh. Well, if you think you've got a slate full of activities, consider the schedule of the Michigan's spring athletic teams. In addition to gutting it out in the liba...…

April 20, 1979 • Page Image 44

…Page 24-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily You get a return of 50% of the List Price-or better-on Good Condition USED textbooks already reported for future use. -S[ARTING NOW we are paying over HALF on the following...... RITTER Princ. of Money, Bankg & Fin. Mkts. 2nd LEHNINGER Biochemistry 2nd CRANDALL Intro. to Mechanics of Solids 3rd SMITH Business Law 4th DAVIDSON Fundamentals of Accounting 5th LIPSEY Economics 5th HAGIWARA Theme e...…

April 15, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…OPEN MEETINGS See editorial page LtE 431W 1Ekti1 FIVE-STAR High-52 Low-34 See Today for details Figh Ity*-N n C Year of Editorial Freed1 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 157 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 15, 1979 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages plus Supplement Students on Executive Committees: A By JOHN SINKEVICS A dLUUr11 hi b1Ihin } i1U UIUTI1 17In1iIl S WKA -iA vL e rveu o n 0e11. mkin a decision via T1 I -- # Executive Committees at the University ...…

April 15, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…Infact thanks dorm residents and the university community for supporting the Nestle boycott. Page 2-Sunday, April 15, 1979-The Michigan Daily le"go ooting celebration in Uganda Further protest unethical formula' promotion by writing NESTLE: 100 Bloomingdale Rd. White Plains, NY 10605 Infact, A2 604 E. Huron 663-1870 Representatives of UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY of Ohio will be recruiting in Ann Arbor on Thursday, April 19. We are interes...…

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