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April 03, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

….' APRIL~ 3, 1917 THE MICHIGAN DAILY League Positions & Open to Juniors Petitions Due Noon Saturday, April New Officers Will Be Installed May 19 5 Petitions for junior positions in League activities for next year are due at noon Saturday, April 19, and present first or second semes- ter sophomores are eligible to pe- tition. The junior positions on the League Council which are open are: Three members of the Ju- diciary Council; two mem...…

April 03, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…YTHtt' MICHIGAN DAILY tiW1-1 f AY, AU h3 4~ _ .__._. . e-- _- Alf MORIAL LIBRARY: Prof. Jseaph Hayd tiN e- ICd Life; To Pbli;11.1i'*u& ciiairuun of til, ii ivci:.itty pi ical science 1depair tmIentlt for Whi 2 thec proporsEed memriial library at. the U~iverstity of the PiIII] us nlamed, de voted o iver 2i (4) I research and 1 t;;-tlli>i idy r ,I Philippine life ant hi, tory. It was largely bcauseti of Pref Hayden's great interest in ...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…CONDEMNED See Page 4 L 4J4 t tgaYt A6V 4br 742 Zt t OPW"qqqwp- mv' MV CLOUDY, RAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Bonus Forms Are Available For Veterans Blanks On Hand At Union, League Bonus application forms for Michigan veterans will be distrib- uted at several places on campus and at Willow Village today and tomorrow. I The campus AVC will pass out the for...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…p~t ~o ___________THlE MICTfO'AN 1ATLN -- WEDNESDAY , APRIL , 147 LIKE OLD TIMES: ROTC To Present Exhibition At Engineering Open House Former Army men on campus will have-plenty of chance for rem- iniscence at the exhibition plan- ned by the campus ROTC unit for the Engineering Open House April 18. The Ordnance and Signal Corps branches of the unit are coopera- ting on displays to be set up in the ROTC. Rifle Range Building. Oratorio Will ...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…2 11Tr T~lEMICiGANDA~Y~ A L7 HHE isherPicks Eighteen orSouthern Baseba ill our AAU Meet Closes Tank Michigan Natators Underdogs Again to OSU This Weekend Wolverine swimmers will offi- ially end the 1946-47 tank season this weekend when six men at- tempt to wrest a few points away from Ohio State in the National AAU meet in Columbus. Accompanying Coach Matt Mann will be Captain Alex Can- Ja and Gil Evans, divers, free- s stylers Dick...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEFDdT.SDAY, APR-[L- I,-84'4 Lewis Move Condemned AN UNFAVORABLE Supreme Court de- cision has obviously not sufficed to sub- due the monstrous ego of John L. Lewis. The mine holiday which began yesterday, at his order, is proof of that. Mr. Lewis has cag- ily turned a tragedy into an opportunity to demonstrate to a country that has shown its unmistakable disapproval of his methods that he still retains his power. The Ce...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 5

…I EDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 947 I THE AMictifIAN -iIAH7 m~mm-. I Tickets May Be Purchased For 'Manila Square' Today Tickets for "Manila Square," a barn dance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, April 19, in Waterman Gymnasium, will go on sale today in the Union, League R- Student ufors u Available Now Any student desiring to be tu- tored may sign up now in the Mer- it-Tutorial Office in the League, according to Judy Rado, chairman o...…

April 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

…THrIjEr MICTUGAN DAILY- WEDNESDAY, ARIL 2, 1947 ....r D eans h1ow Great Initerest InAssembly Lloyd Returns fron National Conference Great interest in the Assembly Association was expressed by members of the National Associa- tion of Dean of Women at a con- ference last week in Columbus, .Ohio, Alice C. Lloyd, dean of wom- en, said yesterday. Dean Lloyd, who spoke before the conference, said that members appeared surprised that the inde- pe...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

… # loud mud 4 , -ddL Latest Deadline in the State D~aii WARMER VOL. LVI, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS _ - Bonus Blanks Now Ready r For Veterans Initial Demand Reduces Supply Bonus application forms for Michigan veterans are now avail- able in Ann Arbor, but community offices, busy all yesterday, asked veterans to slow down their rush to get them. The American Red Cross in Nickels Arcade has a lim...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…________________________________________TlE I MICIGAN 1DAMP 1TIEn DAy , tAIP~1, 1941 PRIVATE PILOTS: Collegiate Flying Clubs Plan Three Day Air Meet Hecre Repr esentatives of five student flying clubs have announced com- pleted plans for a national inter- collegiate air meet to be held here May 30, 31, and June 1. As the first event of its kind since the war, the meet will be held at the Ann Arbor municipal air-. Mthod ist"Choir Plans Orato...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

… _. -T.UESDAY, AP=Ri 1947 -THE- MICHIGA-N - DAILY &~4QB -T$E U NCAA Swim Meet To Be Here in '48 Katzenmeyer Picks Eight Linksmen To Make Five-Match Southern Tour ~m.. : initial Football Practice Attracts 130 Candidates Approximately 130 football hopefuls greeted Fritz Crisler at Yost Field House yesterday, as the first spring football turnout far ex- ceeded the most optimistic estimate. However, of the 130, only eight lettermen we...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…- HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUETSlAY, .......... .......... . . . ....... . . ., Freedom of the Press T HE CHARGES against the press made in the recent report of the Commission on 'Feedom of the Press after a three year survey are hitting home. Col. Robert McCormick, of the Patterson- McCormick newspaper dynasty ,and enfantt terrible of the Chicago Tribune, has con'- demned the report as the work of a "bunch of- crackpots." Henry R. Luce, of Time...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

… TU AY APRiL 1, 1947 -A THtMc IGAN DAILY. Tickets for 'Manila Square' Will Go on Sale Tomorrow i --"---*-- --- - ---- Dance To Be Held Saturday, April 19 Tickets for "Manila Square," a barn dance sponsored by the Jo- seph Ralston Hayden Memorial Library Committee will go on sale tomorrow in the Union, Lea- gue and University Hall. The dance will be given from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, April 19 in' Waterman Gymnasium. Tim, Doolittle and h...…

April 01, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…: I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN D ILYTUESD)AY, APRIL 1, 1947 1.It r. j~Pat ,S0 O L 1~'~ 44a: FOLLO THI AZE TO SOtL E E STER PROBL This lovely spring morning you awaken fresh and' bright. The supreme comfort of your Tommy pa- jamas bought at Marti Walker's has put you in an A T optimistic mood to begin your day of Easter shop- ping. Since one sign-post led you to success, you_.r A K R willingly travel the winding path of the ma...…

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