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April 30, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…e MichigaDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1912. P LAST DANCE WILL BE "'WINNER." Union Plans Novelties for Saturday Evening Function. The third, and last, of the series of Michigan Union dances will be given in Barbour gymnasium Saturday even- ing, May 4. Pr'arations in harmony with the occasioh are being made by the committee in charge. The orches- tra has been doubled for this dance, WITH and it will include eight pieces. "...…

April 28, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Alich'i,,gan Daily I ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1912. , .: s one man and the best the Auld do was an easy ground WORK ON SUMMER PAPER IS STARTED Editors of Wolverine Have Issued Call For Candidates; Business Staff is W)orking. S.C.A. CANCELS TWO ENGAGEMENTS Donald Robertson Players and Senator AiFoliette Can Not Conpe to Ann Arbor. AB R H O A E ...4 0 0 7 2 0 ...4 0 0 1 5 1 4 0 2 2 0 0 ...4 0 1 2 1 0 ...4 0 1 0 0 0 ..3 0 0 ...…

April 27, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan Daily U ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912. TO SOUND STUDENTS roielties; ibs maON INFIRMARY IDEA arance of the concert g Will Seek Opinion of Entire Student given Body Regarding Feasibility the University of Infirmary. :he Knights of it last night. LETTER RECEIVED FROM LEIPZIG It was determined at a meeting of Le Union Infirmary committee yes- glee' e major part terday to request all campus organiza- been the pr...…

April 26, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…higan Da I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1912. T TEAM GOES EAST PR~ ,an FOR PENN GAMES, ESENT GERMAN COMEDY TONIGHT Are in Dr. Kra, Conf ent Condition But i is not Over- f Victory. I'RS HTIA ER THROW ent a with their hletes, ed the n for Toledo last evening, ch city the party will take a ania train for Philadelphia, e of the annual Penn relay a Saturday. There was not e squad but who was in first rsical condition, and if ...…

April 25, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…APRIL 25, 1912. I a AT Craduates this June Ai cap TO ACT AS TOAST3IA gements are practically r the annual banquet c .w class, which will be h l Secor, Toledo, Ohio, 1 ors will leave Ann Arbor rain and will arrive in Ti season for the spread. ent R. O. Bonisteel will R. Curtis as toastmaster turn, present to the clas g: "Bill" Day, of Cleve enry M. Bates, Prof. Tl- and Prof. John R. Roo lty; and "Cap" Gray, ' nd "Judge" Middleton, c Tol...…

April 24, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…ichigan Daily 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912. 'LLEL(E IY4MEN El 1 BETT ER WORld) r. Angelis" Tels T" e ust Pave Way for t Generation "It is for the present generation of )llege girls to better, conditions in the itside world and to prepare the way r the coming generation" said Dr. umes B. Angell yesterday in an ad- ress before college girls at Newberry all on "What Can the College Girl o When She Graduates?" Dr. Anell en...…

April 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…0 he Michigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TU]SDAY, APRIL 23, 1912. NO ACADEMIC DRESS FOR ALUMNI Graduates Not Expected to A ppear in G1arb for (elebri ationt, GDean J. R. Effinger yesterday denied IF the rumors that have gained some cre- dence among alumni that they will E S be expected to appear in academic dress at the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebration. The faculty, the r pre- sentatives from the other univer.ities STAN and colleges, a...…

April 21, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…C Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,,MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1912. w - . ATERUS IELE VT OF FIVE US. and Jeffersoniln Choosc- ers for Ensuing Year. Webster and the Jefferson- es elected officers at their ast night, to serve for the DIRTY TOWELS. STILL IN USE lii estigalion Sliow IUnsanitary Condi- tions Not Improved; Paper Towels nsuccessful. EXPENSE IS THE MAIN OBSTACLE VARSITY CLINCHES CONTEST IN FIRST 0. S. I. Is nable to Overcome Lead...…

April 20, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. CE ONCE BEATEN OS.U, NINE PLAYS TODAY Smith, Michigan's Famous Hurler, Will Probably Face Buckeye Team on Mound. MICHIGAN AND M.A.C. DISCONTINUE MEETS Actions , Result From Recent Split With Schoolmasters' Club in Ann Arbor. F OUR MILE RELAY TEAJ( BE CHOSEN THIS AFI Hanava and o iainbaugh ar (yet P~ositions, ButtM1t4 Are in Doubt. Final tryouts for places o gan's four mile relay ...…

April 19, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…chigan Dat ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912. :_ . ;: r . . Y I)IES to an s. r after- former niversi- ADVOCATES CAMPUS, DRINKING DEVICES' MUSICIANS TO GIVE DETROIT CONCERT in t , on Communicant Deplores Apsense Suitable Facilities in Unfi versity Buildings. Qf JProgram Will Include Many of "Hits" on the Trip to the Pacific Coast. the to nephrit- eer was a member of the Ukni- .f Michigan faculty from 1889 part of which t...…

April 18, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…U APRIL 18, 1912. TE OF SYRACUSE MEET ANNOUNCED GIVES FIRST OF Sl TALKS ON DR -is to D rines Will Meet Easterners Annual Contest on Ferry Field May 18. in MONiAY. RECORD .SMASHING PROMISED. Saturday, May 18, will be the date of iz di th A' who were hurt Ek near Chelseaj n, are all recov- eir injuries, ac--E m the hospitals have been since >f them are al-y s and those whoI injured will be the Syracuse outdoor track meet here ' , w. t...…

April 17, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…1 Vichigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1912. ION MAILED.' to AIInIi- Heat TWO SEA CAPTAINS OPENING GAME IS ;_ WERE Dl FRIENDS. h dCalit. Sealby Acquainted With Capt. the direction of Professor E. work was started yesterday Smith and Part of Crew of sing and mailing the 25,000 lIl-1ated Titanic. s that are to be sent out to - alumni asking them to attend LOSES A lDETROIT FRIEND. ty-fifth Anniversary Celebra-- ne. The wo...…

April 04, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…eiichiganDat ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THU1RSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. NOMINATES SOCIETY OFFICERS. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT CALLS FOR ItEN TO PLANT TREES, Engineering Society Also Lays. Plans - - -AFor Annual Banquet. Although the weather still looks un- Nominations for the offices of the favorable for the tree planting whichi Engineering society for the ensuing the forestry department hoped to doI year were announced last night. Fol- at the Barnes farm at G...…

April 03, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…lichigan Dai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1912. CIDENT fJ'NARROWLY AVERTEDI Will TIake F Warnings her Preeautions at Au. im Site. the nick of. time have serious injuries to on- onstruction of the Hill ing the past few days. tions will therefore be at once by Mr. J. E. s in charge of the con- WILL THROW DOORS OPEN TO PUBLIC ler p: Alto e LYMAN IS SUCCEEDED BY WELL "Stan" is Elected to Place on At letic Board. "Stan" Wells ...…

April 02, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Michigan I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1912. MEN'S COME-BACK TURN DOWN WATER IS SLOW BUT SURE on Assemblies Means Ban on Social Affairs if Women Persist In Stand. All PLANT PURCHASE' Ann Arbor Citizens Go Against' the Proposition by Margin of Two Votes. RECOUNT MAY BE DEMANDED. ENTEN Q nT MAY RE RESUI.T. Any doubt as to the extent of the as- mbly boycott may be quickly dispell- I by a use of the telephone in an en- avor to ...…

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