April 27, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 148) • Page Image 1
…VOL. VI. No. 148. ANN ARB0II, MICHIAN, MONDAY, APRIL 27,1696. Fourt PAGES-3 CENTS. !We M~ust M~ove l The store we non' occupy has I)$ been sold. We must seek new NMf We Ms Coe pu itpcle'. Woter uiceswhc will sell goods of low prices mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS f you trut anytisn in ~e f music line get our plethIis f THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, ;It sit S. MAIN ST. i SBUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. A SINGLE FACT In an advertisetent is sal to...…