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April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Of A t l. i, VOL. II.-No. 1fI UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRID)AY, API'L 1, 1--92. PRICE, TH I' ECENTS. Cornell Glee Club. Th onell Clee, iBanjo, all Miadolin lcillbs were greetedi be aI farsized audiencre last evellilg. 'the ialktin tihe size of tile audence «-a lllt i lnde t yentihusiasmll. Six of tenmbers were tencoredi N1I r. tIsoln i HC\-reciing H Hiouli cllore ill tilJaee ~ ~lSe8r- otad.H is0rendlerinig of the jail- aile.'5 part of ti...…

April 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…l c . af , 1. 1a lt . VIorL. ItI. -No. 1< UNIVERSITY OF M\ICIIIGAN, SATURDIAY, API'IlE - ,1,92. Geological Society. Foot-Bail at Ypsi. Amendments to the Constitution ot the U. of MI. Independent Asso-- \eslerdalaf 'terno0o0nI r. tuset}' 1 011011row ifternoon at N'psi, 'o, ______ 01 HL I <rv eye nteresling tailk: tiefoire I Iits' loot-ball t tehwilplayit mt ch i Notc s011 i te lltti thGoloicalstity-clon the latest gamte wxithi Ia team f...…

April 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…-,Row AN of . lail . VoL. IL.-No. 184. UNIVERISITY OF MICHJIGAIN, IONIAY, APRiIL 4, 1 92. April Law Journal. sty le and would be of interest to the renlerl -treader. ,Professor Abubott Ths \ pili numbser of the Mlishigas ihais giv en the subject of legal biblio- 1,ic'srnaltesirl e hiuats o-oesow.-"raphi considerahie studs andi 'I~h aricls ae b julgeCooeythlossilt, unit the history he has Profsso NahanAbbot ad Hn.givess is tlse resitlt of r...…

April 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of' , n. Wla~Ijj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1=83. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1192. THE REPUBLICAN CLUB. cans; J. H. Adams, NV, I). Meals, together with three (3) oembers E . . rfae,J. R.. Atrneil, F.C. eected by the societs- shall consti1 Large and Enthusiastic Meeting anF.onestiete-3etieIorl01C Last Night. hlnadF obs ueteEeuieBad - ___Press Committee: W.I). Mieats, Tis Ioardt shall hate general It is stile to say nio larger norlmre1...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Ije . ofAl. alip . Votf. Il-No. 1">G). New Constitutionl Adopted 2, 1889. UNIVERSITY OF' MICLILGAIN, WEL)NESDAY, APRIL f, 1892. April( to concerts which may lbe 1lin commnencemeat week. (,ii cdfiy'elaet 3,t'. A1.1(101 s-- asil P. T ,'IC iIf' vi. \mendmnents. -this c ct, to I .. shaill taike eftect is soon is a ttioll I Eliection of IOfthcers. -by the C t iverity Muias Il iestall tie electedi by Ill It (call le amsendledi on lot .,. t e ann...…

April 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IL-No. 1%37. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISD)AY, APRZIL 7, [92. PRICE TEs-;, CENTS. The Amhest Glee and Banjo Clubs. _ Yesterday's Practice. Oxford and Cambridge. ( OF YOUR -- '[le entertaiinent was given by Tile fildig in yestils"P rf.\iegeaiiterestise r[ jgSQIEIY BAr DGE the homne cl)b anti was a failure tie aliesa llcl1te hnjskech of tie growtl of Eglishl~i ii iii r hereaoore.aHrne.s Adanotience finanially Avryi lade nc s ereofreerrnsi...…

April 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…je U1. of sut. W1ail I. Vos. IL.-No. 1:ls. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, APRIL s, 1892. The Thought News. porter. So the chasm between edu- and will prepare its pupils for any cation and life, between theory and school its the country, although On or about Apjril 22 tttere wil practice, is bridged over once and closely connected weiths Vale thtrotught CR issute fron thte press intshlis city a forever. Rf.IE. P. its board of trustees. newsp...…

April 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…iz~rtlt. of Itn. Wailjj. VOL. IIl-NO. 1:1. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAiN, SATURDAY, AMILI,},1892. The Election of Athletic Association toh room in the Watertni n (ym-ind0( greatness of the nation which officers. nasium. Tthe object ot this is to wotiul be producedi, by joining the Befoe pocerbe tothereglarcreate sentinient anti the creaition of!tw and very- vividly iescribed the 0t ll irfer of the hiisiness, -Mr. Boswen sentiment is a unifying...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of , t . 1a lb. VOL. II.-No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIIL 11, 1892. independent Association Meetinbt. Ztie regultir'anniilcmecting of theI IiiiejitndentXssoi ation iwasOicalled l to order at 2 ,o Siturilay'if ternoion. President (Cirtiss icailed MIr. W. Ei. {grifein to thetihaii and the .Assoria- tol jiroceedied to passcin the sevcral amieindmeints to lihi.coiistitiu-I .;nWiihehiad ii iiipropiosedi Tice dic sinontevaiu...…

April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…izl e '.a , n. W1a~ijj. VOL. 1.-No. 141. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESD)AY, APRIL 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University School of Music. ( Cass oti3,nlhours perssweek $25 ()lpeis -onisier Athletic Board Meeting. OF YOUR :iIr1i-sE YPiat,! orlsos erwe.---$ 0Fr the benefit of the Ireaders af Isi-te hThesos is siile newvAthletic IBoasid lield UR SOQ ETY .B DGE IPrivate, lull lioiselesson, ten lessosseir the t-, of )I. 111 who -ire iter-I...…

April 13, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…cIje iII. Of , n. WiaIjj. VOL. l-NO. 142. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13i, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A SAD ACCIDENT. Democratic Club Banquet. cii-ars. -Mtr. O'Rourke, of Detroit, was also given a vote of thanks for This evening the Demiocratic Club his kindness in supplying the mater- Prof'. E. D. Campbell Loses His of the University gives its firstannual ial and his services for the Eye Sight- banquet at the rink, live hound...…

April 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…e . 0 , t . alai . VoL. II.-No. 14"). Vos. If-o. 148. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. TUESI)AY, A PR IL I.t20> 159. Pirn ueCNS IiICF:, TI-iI;,F-o CENTS. THE WESTERN TRIP. Michigan's Tiumphant Tour. Dii ctioni li'hian's Base- IBitt termnadte its irst \Vesteris toil, ad wioni tsr itself an enviable rcorit 'siliiga's teamn consisted. of C.;apit oumsimbinsnad Seymour, pitcth- ts rword, cter Jsffcis, i t; ,idt Stiltzer s.S.;Simitrtt . .1 Shieldlii c I...…

April 27, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…t , i r._. f Tj (I te S" Voc,. 144. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN. W EI)NESI)AY, APB"IL 27', 1,92. INTER-COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS. Association of Wester n CollegesI For med at Chicago At (;pica o, tle i ihi nst. wa iirtcicd the 'WNesternInteColle-ia \illetic . soiat ev e'h sitilC5 ofl ichii a0n, M inneisot,\'s :,i n a d te N rtiestrn il croity applied foriiiliiissimiilut %',asI ceiectcd 'li, ceirstitetion drafted cov ers all oar branchsofrll ...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…bc * IL.of n.I Wai Von.. II.-No. 14-5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL )s, 1892. PRtICETHRlIECENTS. THMt ATHLETIC FELD. PROF. D'OOGE TALKS. Will be Formaily Opened Saturday. The Value of Classical Education. Communication. To tie V. OF NI. DAILY. ,.rie co-ed" of fte. of M.\l arc Tlie base-ball commsittee anil Prof. At a recent session of tbe Sunset ichasrgediwiths lack of interest in ?tl Langblin lookedi over tbc Athletic Clubt ...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Iif AT . a . Vo. II.-No. 146. THE NEW CALENDAR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FI.)AY-, APRIIL 21.r, lk9. IPRICE, THER I: ENTSa. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. '95 Glee and Banlo Clubs. A Radical Departure from Formeri A Full Report of Last Night'a Meet- ixe first joint bulsiiness meeting" ofj Issues. iisx i lii'9cn'r 1c l Iini the S. (.xA.ieiheiirsai 100ms, 1lii. clndriiri'ai0 ppers Tile aihleiciboaridi 1e1t1lst 11 d M r(1dill textforIt10 is 1p...…

April 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…tt* / of LU. WaL VoL. 1.-No. 14 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICIUGAIN, SATUII)AY., APlIMIL3li, 1892. Psimp, Tsssttss JC/x'r TS. ROBINSON CALLED HOME. Harness Occupies the Box Today. Those enthusiasts wtho wers e spec-r altlr anxious to see the old and thet sets stars pitted against each other il today"'s gaine, and thus snake the nevitahie comparisons,cwiii he dis- ppoitsted. Captain kohitsosi was is s1expectedi t summooned ]ionic vcs- tcrdai, iby '...…

April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. o .- ~ IBoard of ~Lditors may recomnmeti (._ + FO7cniatsEo eee~ ll e 0LlTilE SO TP EMESTEL selected on the l>t sSt of wortikI done" Publtihed t Oily (01 nto to'ex1ce 1ted)drng I.- Gicel. Latin, Frtench, (Germntt, moidMathienoitieoi the ( eno itn, ' ; on 1fo i ti J ') F + ittolit. Ae tt iti 'ttctttttlit pta THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ltiIl Otto rptonpr .t' el r t, itna't'nrialy' :p no,',' ttt,'tt't g n t ,' :3 olt...…

April 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pu'sii-hedt tiily ( Ssnys excepte-d) duing the College J ear5, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Campbell, '93 law, twill spsend(I leg Sunday at his hotise in Jackson. G ll lProf. Vance, lass librarian, will Iectnre to the late stud(entts .I ondiT ltiX eseti eg in the latw lecttire roomi. J'~ ITickets for tihe IDeniocratic bait (tisct still be oni sale it th2 - meeting Roo kS FO R THlE SECONDlL EMESTEL (+I Gireekt,...…

April 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -~~~ r ~~~ ~~ 9,- ansI----dSwiftwent through the line( jJ F R T E SCO D E E TE Z C. O ' ) atfu. mans tunes.t orsnkan, as (quarter, C olge +FO HE SEODLHE in his first ganme played fautlessly; GreLtn rnh eraadMteaia -ulihcd 5Daffiy (6sass excted) durGreekanaineFrench,)aisrpaassand4Mathernanot hu-. Csilee3ear, t~ ndstelet pise ser bJoo Inks, Ness sndslSeondlandiat made bu him.y THE U Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 'Seyis l-al b...…

April 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…'4w 0 rt- r '" :f is Cv cL-' ' f r" -« hum" A t / y\ l Gt n 44, 0 d3 Fes, g CFO H CD ~~ __ _ J CC><O " © Kr m pp o ... r k. A - a e f t< yj . . j s ~. f, M ?% ^." - C !: f tt _ _.. , rr.. 7. ... .' :f. , ": 1 '' ' -- 4 l1 1= D . t/' f ' 0 I0 CIO £1__ - G ¢ 7 1 1-_ 7 b "' ' , ems-; , r r s ,, f, . F_ 1 x ,.. C. 3..e 1 d . k- k 0 zTl 6N 4 Ve C7 . Z\7 I' F J ; _ :- ( ) …

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. (. of 1L' . '$pct~ abhised tiaily (Otatays exceitteti) daring the CI IlTW 3 atry THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION '.nsrpipiet''$2.50 perte tar, isactably Shdu'satoi ft'e ea's stanal;ai'1 Welcno.Snbsctiptioa-mttay be lefit at tt(oiecofthe li tx, Opjeta tiouse bockt, at communcatios sh l rach i th ht'fce by o 'clock I,..tiUt tey'are it to ppeartthe nx va. Addriesst atil mattert'tetadedt tat' tttita- ttmuitcatiatts tshaal...…

April 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…' C. of '1vJ~. Jii~ "ttfll'.s',f1Daily- Sudas'xcecpted) dufing the ((Ciet earifby THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION sehnsind Poset (ffiic'i'news standtti'atf 5 tt ti' oon Sus'ipitisttmay be tllft i 'hi office of tthe'DAILfY, Ope'a iHtte hltyk, (ft Seehanc'hstt, at Stffiet's,'r, ithfanyof thie editors. Commnictios soul rech he ffttite byj ocokP. im. if ite i-e i'i fto pear' tenet (lay. Addriiess alsit ter i iinenidd I', public'a-j tiontoithe...…

April 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. of 3M. "Vait1?.F Communication. Etdtos .I OF M. tDAILY Pise Dal hiItsis(uinn)s excepied) during We\ cannot help but observe witb the Collisee Jtia, bit pleasure the grosvtlharnd active work- THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION{ ings of the sarious political organi- zationis in te I'iniversity during this susrpin nprice V1.50 er yeari ivariablty vol lege Fcar, )yitt weC notic e tht thet inavac ingle Coties :t cets. Otn cut...…

April 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…Pi T, THE U. OF M. DAILY. lditiue.Ithswyol,+ ORofcan the association retains its cosoto- G le p "FL TE E CONDISEMESTE plieeiiel Sntyeoeot itieiolitans character. A;t present it Greek, L-atin, French, German, and Mathiematical the collegte r e,by is almost entirely lmited to the law PXt + looks, -New and Secondhaind at HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION (departmnt. i+J + 'iIicallii Siocictvrecccntly !+ tttscttt'e pitie'. 0 per ear,' j'itnsaia...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. . o ~ingof a ike naturethtli me m Qoay vvF R EE SECOITD SEMESTER° litemore than name. It is simly re, aiFrnhlGraan aheaia Pbished Daily (lind a~s ece'pted) urngjti slo enmandl that IGret, atsi Freeli Grmn adoatnmtia tieCotsllegei.J eae rjl y o oitols00'I xt-.- + Books, New and Secondhand at the I)s cs- staff should be given only ~~" + THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION : hs, 515lis tVC hm Subscription pnice'55.511 per te...…

April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. of the college at this time was o Timothy lsig;ht, and Professors Daiy isiaay eneptil)dnIl)ay, Silliman, and Kingsley, and ahjhd the Coiteae year, by six tutors, conmposed the faculty. In 5322, the list of studiesd to be THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, pursued eras first publishedl in the annual catalogue, ant ini this year Sutbseriptionprice man l er year,inarabsly astrane siagie ripien cents. on title at jalso, the...…

April 13, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. e . o ej above hoor Isas been selected inor A'L Q ter to give those wisbiing to attend IIJL'iJLL& itpnJ5sLenip R cke tbe IDemocratircIbanquet an opportu- ' I82 the Cv~i'D i(unseee ciii- to- osiv 11ty to d0 )SO. All are cordially i1is the (1. ge SertbSpa ldinsvRtacketsvada dComplete Liiie of Sportinig Goods. THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION- .-- - (- - - INTER-COLLEGIATE. lncrpinpie-i'AilM)i Ier tiear, invairiablyi iiii...…

April 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. "iis hardly necessary to state that W gh & D tp n ~ ~~~tere is not the least truth in this. rg t & D fo i Conway is coaching the UniversityFO Published niy (Sndays exeetted) during of Mtichigan nine and is travelling SaliisRcesadaCr weCsllee eser, by audn'RcktadaCo THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONwith it on its Western trip. The TH U F . NEPNEN ASCITONI riceis a high triute to Captain s = = H zS _- Subscription price $ti50 pee y...…

April 27, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…'JC. o0 2 D(. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION o'clck, 1u 10 S bsc i ll.tio l in' the letati 1WO I ti' ,10D [ LY rt (IfOUIt Itblt ckt' W, r THE U. OF M. DAILY. would(1 b2 unIjutst to lbar out bona fide Q 11112y belong is entitled to their sot r- I vces. '1'1e articl11 of thte cotlsttit- Spaluldi3n;"s Ipackets (11d11aaComplete Line of Spnrtin.ttGoodsil. l ion fitally adlopted r eatds subta nti- ally, 1111ha tmmun1111st e1a1ona 11111 ST==_I...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. lionof ii amncluent -et~iccc ~J1. of t article VIIl, the bulk of thewor o W riC ht & Difpon's Tennip Rackets conducting the lpreliminairyclass InR182 P, theColett yer, y Ithe execuative committee and given THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION to special comsmittees from the Subcrptin ric, ,0 pr ear ivarabycarious classes, thus insuring iiore n a cenoSingli cocescc3 centts. Onaleat( care aciiil itstice ini the oniduct of u...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I ~ -i1)[EugenD'let I opues IAIiaen is the tuianist Published Daily (s tays eeptest) dturing whlomt all l-utropeefinites in (cailing the ottas C~t.tsrhe reatest lislag exponent of piano THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION mtusic andI the worthy successor of TIansig, L iszt, Ruibinstei n and Von uSnteetptist ptiee 55 pet- .sear-, invariably Bu low. No ptayer has attained sos-l iiSeehan' tleenpes 3lsenets. staat esuper-emti...…

April 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. "I.of '~~.'~ ~ boxes<posted inthe varoucs uild- right ings 'Thnrsday afternoon reveatesd Putblished Daily (Sundays excepted) durngnotasnl5tm nayoeo the Colliegeyear', hbnt a ingl itesinany ne o thens. Yesterday afternoon one tseitgst THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION solitary campus note--that from the meilabueilding-reweardledthe ii - fiseriptias price $2,530pereare, ins'sriabty Wo iadt'snee'singie seopisn3:1ents. On sa...…

April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! (it lll N( and SUI i\11 12SITIING'S aret arrividily. See our line of roc INeckwx~ear, shown in our (e('ll o115 I)hutthe t el t Sidi 1111ht', ll the( ttiiil a t the t( I i4 window. ~>-THETWO SAMS,-2 - s,(it lave welltIr ino.C A ltt i sleofTrunk'ts-andoh111s - lw:'ts m The J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN AXII1101 27 and 29 PdAl N STiIEIrt T r HEAY = 1ET T TI ITTA S01 ,"hGEORGE L. Sucsort r+ +cie&I'br TH ...…

April 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEWT GOODS! NEW GOODS! ', -__,. '" ()ill SPIING aind SI .IM4I SUIT!INGS are arrivingi dailyv. See our line of 500 Neckwear, shown in 1oturl W. lnlihselt etslee It i i iakt ttehw windo . 1ri('es. Do) iot bly a Suit. Single Pant, or Spring Overoat until on11loire s(eeii {)31r'line. A large lI t ? of T ilruns 11 Iilgsaiwa 1S {ohI --. TFH E TWO SAMS.'=F- Viaid at The J. T. Jacobs Company, AiNN AII1')L 27 and 29) MAIN ST...…

April 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! Otuii SPRING and SUM MER SI'ITI N S r arriving dail-. Seeourlin of50CNekw a, ho ninou limtoll1 have the best selected line in the iaket, at the lowest wndow.I prices. Do inot buY a Si, Single Pnt, r Spring Oveicoat unt i ou ave teenour ine i. A large line of Tunkes and Bags always ohi -"-- THE TWO SAMS ._ - had at The J. T. Jacobs Company, ~ ~ANN ARBORIZ 27 and129 MAIN STREET. TK~I T OT-I TO~I~. GEORG...…

April 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THE ? . OF 1M. DAILY. riii E ESTERNIR!TI (IJIGANI OL_= G the most.I practical result,. NSEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! 141{, . I( l) l bli C1 shit814, 8/1114' l lI, (ro r 41lp /ll' {} E 1 /Ill/111T 0. K. BARBER SHOP R'AN DAt. L 11 FINE PHOTOGRIAPHS, MILLINERY A ND ART GOODS!::A NN IlIIOII. he J. T. Jacobs- Company, - YHE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. SND4FOER(4U14 MANUA,, r ,GEORGE L. MOORE9 + 1 x 1-, 11 1'itio ot a I I t'oIIego Text too#;r, r 2t...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE IT. OF M. DAILY, THE WESTERN MICHIGAN COLL-EGE N WGO D! E GOS (Char'tteedamnd Incorporatedt.)W O s N W G DS GKEEATtt-Ttt RA,'FIDS. ITAOCIFS tifi c hoaol 'ithecta ry't i . it rpt''artaat ato'r xait a tionan tit hi BARBER SHOP R FINE. PHOTOGRAPHS. iitt J. R. IROJANOw',KI, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! \NABI. 'he J. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 21) MAIN STRtEE T. 3o . WashinttotttSt., Anat Athotitt higat att. " a stiHuriniStre'ti T T TOTGEORGE L...…

April 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE IT.OFrM. DAILY. TURE WESTERN MCIIIGAN COLLAEGE NWGOD! EfGOS C-AS :DRAPIS.SIVTCNT. 40I'ED fr tis PIPilL 5551.1 7711 llS. Prepetudenti~tts flr any collegtousie tific schoin sthecountry. 'or its sCOLLEGE 5(stRSE*S. Prepars forthetde -veer s and.11111at thlt i ts ult 7)llte and thetsmos ttticaltreslts.( Outr SI R NGU andt.i S j I 'II'lI"1 c Si ITI N G Sate atriv'ing itli Iv'. ;'p'it' N0I iSSAL ANDiTEACHERSJ ' ' T:4\it I ; P .i iT(T11X1"'.tSei...…

April 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! See OUR Line of Spring Overcoats Before Buying. )rS~ill N(G and SI 'MIMER SUI' ITIN GS are arriving cdailts We (lain] to have the butt seleced l Iine in the inarkel,, at tl~e Cwest prices. l)o (let u a Suit. in letaut, or Spring Overcoat nntilI roun lave teen ourtlin. A large line of Trunks and 13 la aas on hand at The J. T. Jacobs Company, AN N \RIB 0 Id. -7 and 2.) AAIN STI EET. T =T757Q A~/S. 1...…

April 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! :EOJ'T =S= See OUR Line of Spring Overcoats Before Buyingj. Our SPRING nol SITALMEI4 SU'ITIiNS are arriving dails. ~eclam] iit( have the best selectedlline in the iiarket, at the lo)West jii'ees, I)() not bre a Suit, Single Pant, o)r Spring Overcoat tiiit ii vOl h0lave .een 001)li'lle. A hinge l ie oftTrunkls and Flags aiwas n on Ihanil at The J. T. Jacobs Company, ALNN AltitOlt. 2? c 111(1 29) MA...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEjOD!NEW GOODS ! Oanr SIU NO txand SL"IiIE It SI'TIN GSare arriviny daily. See OU.R Line of Spring Overcoats We clailtio have the best selectedlline in the market, att the lowest fprices. 1)() not buy- a Sait. Single Pant, or Spring Ove-coat untll Befor Buyig. haveINseen 0o1r'lutie. A large line of Truiandltl1I lags always (H han11d at ~ T~T S~~SThe J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN ARBORf 27 and 29) MAIN STRfEET. TI T O TTNTOTGEO...…

April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Our SPiRING and St'IM1ER SI ITINGS ale arriving daily. See OUIJR Line of Spring Overcoats We claiml to have the best selected line in the mnarket, at the lw"t Before Buying. po nor bniv a Snit, Single Panlt, or Spring Ov eicoitati vI on hav e seen oum lline. A large line of 'Trunks ansi Bassalwas o hand at ZI T T Z)O .j.Iv/S_ The J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN ARtBORI. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. TII Y L=TO I T....…

April 13, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Spring Suitings. ='T= O.0 CT Latest Styles of llats. Your1'New 11a11or Overcoat before5vacationl. Yon know YOU ,will needl some NEW SPILNG\NECIK\VF'AIZ TT-~T~2~O S~lV I LA RGE LINK OF TRUINKS AND) VALISES. THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, NN At it l. >; and1 29) MIAN itS'I'lII'I' u~ ~ I~'T I~WT7L~~ GEORGE L. MVOORE (M5 >; )r THE FI S'1TEACHERS' AGENCIES,. FllLi a' I Ileg!T~tBok'll hidee)f). t r!_I' t ictdrr;.,i 1 l);j tOS ...…

April 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ..'.Y cnYour New fat o Ovecot bfoe vacation. You know Yonuxwiiluned some NEW SPRING NECK WEARI to show the people. Spring Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. NOBIIY LINE OF NE.CKWEAR, E15 Is , ? A'I THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, RBOR.k 27 and 291 MAIN STREET. T~ TT~Q VI~F ANN A: THE FISK TEACHERS ' AGENCIES. TN I OD TYOEsE0S01 106-105 WABASH AVE., CHI(,'AGO. Complete New Stock just received....…

April 27, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Spring Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. : M7. = =) 7 .7Z Ylor New Hat or 'Ovccoat beftore vacationi. Youtiknow N'(tIllWill lieeds ~ioeNEW SPRING NECIKW REA I LA IIt.IE LINE 01 TRUNlS A NI) 'VALISI'S. TH-E J. T. J.ACOBS COMPANY, to sliolte peole. T Ti To S1 LLVJ \.NNAEROR. 2'4 and 291 AAIN STIE'Edli THE FISK TEACHERS AGENCIES. lBxi E0111 SEND FOP. DUll MANUAL, "o' --o ooz" -Co SEASON 1892. toSl.New'oSitol ofALAWN ...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SpigSuitings. Latest Styles of Hats. Your Newv Hat or Overcoat before vacation. Y~ou n Iow YOU Will need s ome NEW SPRING NECEWEAR to shoe the peole.Q LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS ANI) VALISES. N(Is en LINK OF i N assWVARE 1(. airT.. sT ANN At THDE J. T. JA.COBS COMPANY, BOJI 27 Ksod 2() MAIN STREET. Y 3 KAY =TO Y =E ST2XA2'Ch TENNIS O S.THo-*isEOT SOI THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES., T.~ULk OiTL 1(06-1( 1 WA AhI> E. ,CII I( AGO...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. BOYS ! We have rnobby thlings for you ini Negligee Shirts, Neckvwear, Hats--tliiivs tihat y lwant. Spring SuitingJs. L'AE('xE LINE Latest Styles of Hats. OF TRUNKS ANID VALISES. Coe andlii!See 111(111 N I 11' Ii NI: of NIE IKVWE IAR, I I THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ~-.~iTHE TWO SAMS. A1NN ARBd-OR. 27 ai{I 29 MIAIN STREET. TO TII2 Td TY0IJIO N_ TENNIS GOOLS 1AT MOO1I' s E00oI7or THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. I(}0)--1{...…

April 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Spring Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. BOYS! 1Vc e ltnohhs' things for you in Negligee Shirts, Neckweftr, Iats--tlhings that you want. ('ile auIt dsee thleil. ~THE TWO SAMS. ANN A LA Rf( 1 LINTE OF TRUNKS AND) VALISES. N1BB I NE 11 O1 F N( KHiS lIi , 1 11 AT THE J. T. J.ACOBS COMPANY, EBLOR. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. z KY ' '= I'A'O THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. TNI OD O EsEO30I 106(1-1()IS VVAl1A . 1 \+E. C I xc' (i.aCo...…

April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Newrev X'acni Ccc o riiior' (IH ii cand Libeity- Streets. RI I will "Open the Ball' by placinga line stock of Gitarsl Ba nec. T re ar RICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. For Fifty Gentps Li1nd1 - i7"-,SE-n s .LV 5.1- maREo, 2 5octh1Forth AvenuieCity. YOUR GIRL Albany Law School ESTABISHI) ilSi. Wouldapclitela blxof ithIlos 'OURlSE,,oine (year. Thir'eelull terns requied. 'Tenrn l t i...…

April 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF Mi. DAILY . WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New ' rre\\ rol'( iii..( stud f .\lira nlld ibet st retsl. I taill "Opent]te Blil'" by placinig a fle stock Of (ltitlec,litjc. etc. T . PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. 25 South Fourtth Avenue, (City-.0.TI Flop Fifty Gents ' u Ol T Ta -7- c YOUR GIRL 1vl'titl Ol-lectiatea lb)\ of thl)S Fine Chocolate5 Albany Law Schooll HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLES. C'OURSE'. oeyeat. 'Tl~te lull ter...…

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