March 22, 1918

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March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…#an, DAY AN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918. PRI Drive On W estern Junior Girls Will Give Play Tuesday, cil of at th R. F. MATTHwv, o, KRULIT, '18, AND A. . SITY DEBATERS WHO MIEET THE UNIVERSITY HILL AUDITORIUM THIS EVENING. ADAMS, '18, VAR- OF WISCONSIN IN TEAM MEETS 'N IN DEBATE FORT tRATIONS MADE L MID-WEST CON- TEST the the Wisconsin n all prepara- id-west debate k this .evening PUBLIC SCHOOLS SIYE LIBEHRLY TO B...…

March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…'I Chermans friend calls the lee- s in Hill auditorium "make-up " Referred to the Military News- it was explained that 90 per of the carets use these periods to up sleep. ea-"Popeorn, 6c per Sack" member the good old days when ne slapped on the counter brought a- can of "doesn't bite the ue," and the man didn't moan that shey's is going up to seven cents -the Allies use tons of it?" turns to in the spring, but a sub-con- scious sense of humo...…

March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAILY ON FIELD I HOUR CHANGED LE MORE MEN TO REPORT TO spring is here! oach Lundgren so decreed- yester- r when he ordered all baseball can- ates to report at the Ferry Field mond this afternoon at three lock for practice. The baseball in at last is outdoors. he realization of the long-looked- change from the cage in Water- n gymnasium to the pastures of ry Field had an effect on the work- yesterday and the spirit got into bloo...…

March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a.- .. O0 FACU GIVES TWILIGHT CONCERTj )lars of unusual distinction Beethoven's Sonata in A minor was next week in the Alumni given a brilliant interpretation by Nall on subjects in the field Mr. Samuel P. Lockwood and Mrs. history and literature. George B. Rhead in the Twilight con- on J. Laing of the Univer- cert held yesterday afternoon in Hill cago will lecture on, Tues- auditorium. The first two movements ednesd...…

March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 5

…U Ur ut.iDui i BIG PART IN WAR I MILITi i i 9 .TISTWSC QUICKI( SHOW FACTORIES IN FILLING CON- TRACTS igS Detroit, March 21.-The tremendous part which th automobile factories and other industrial plants of Detroit, are playing in the prosecution of the war is shown by figures obtained for the Associated Press by the Detroit board of commerce. Accordiig to these statistics war contracts totaling $600,000,000 have been turned over to loc...…

March 22, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 122) • Page Image 6

…UIUUUUULU UL.I ul IUll . Miltary Arti s OF BELGIAN CITIZENS .tiiayAtce Several articles relating to military X. E. YNTEMA EXPLAINS GERMAN ffairs will make the March issue of VIOLATIONS OF INTERNA. the Technic, due today or tomorrow, TIONAL LAW probably one of the most intere~ting in some time. "Not since the early middle ages "Absolute Safety in the Air," writ- TODAY 12:35 o'clock-Lenten services 444 South State street. 6 o'clock-Engineers' b...…

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