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March 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…I -N I NIN MEI ITY OFIIMICIIIG NI A, A ARAM ---- -- --------- IONDAY , JIARC'II. 2, Dial. PIZIC ,, Taizti. CE PS. , _'I STEPNIAK'S LECTURE. v '111Sm.its Past, Present antd Fu- ture. 11)tQ ik'sltu re was a rcccia- chascc bledl in V eicccsitc 1Hal asttuldi night~. lie decclarc(d te1vWord1 Nist to eamsoe an sillit was 11111 01110 iii ocrsia l'uruatch-, Ahica111ht d oi11-' laticli rcfiorii r lRssawith lisre crr ' I W. I i partyof an -' archy ci cr...…

March 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…TIT4T T1 (N1P Mid ,ATT NV 1nr-d v. yr 1~ic1 - cc Tanhauiiser 'March---Wa-gner- cci lirhti Dily (SundIaexepted) lucingj th ~e Col(evycar, ic% '', HE . o M, INDIlIENIIENT ASOCIATION. ( v t tgt ti o'clock. t'c itti a cal 'at tc ccitte tla ice oftheD,%11.-, )trt s ctt c t!c itt itt' clcc'i' ci cia' itlt' rwih a) oft a dtors. icta i siitatsIa a tn ti i tllsso l rec the cticttaec. 1 i. m.. a c c'ifd v a c t()apper te sc ic cay Address''tall autteric...…

March 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF MA. DAILY NwYouman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE TWO * 0 S"AM-S. Of Old l'. of INshould 11,o University of Michigan Guitar. PrliceIs Ist, Quality tiighest. (Gutarantee-d every' inch of tte oa(I. Violin stud Guitar Strings, 1I t) (Is.; Bnjoand :Mandolin "Strings. r ;et. Everth iing inipro1po11tion. L. IT lens-eni, V L{P7GL 1117 LGl 0 BROWN'S DRUG STORE (CO)tR Fit AIN AND) IUROIN STRtE TS., -NERLAKE- ...…

March 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…III W )~) SALE OF WA~eE 11lIN 11 P 17)41K P11 O :Mu11 st eos(01ot. :Sale oevery afteronoonld eon inl. L. T.- LIMPET, lloi..ser loch 11 k, 4--0 A 11 0A N Io11"W l"11 111"-\00 0111 1I0. 0 011111est LifAnisi Uncertain1 ! 114110'I11 DEATH IS SURE. TIME TABLE.T AI .':.A 405111 n, I tE ,Ir i II. t Lea \-r AN N A.111111from111('rOnl'tI 0t ;4,o For10 1101 111th1w1 II 11 sI w1 ll(0001111 0>1201, n .55, 0a n.. InnI 1 it, "tj'~~n3Ntttrlt~lt1.1.11oi 111o,...…

March 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…!, c . of , n. Wa~Ip. __ °I'" 1"-ti . lt . - ___ -- - - - - C~ . , _ _ . tiN\IVE~I'sITY OF(IFMICIIIGi-AN, TUESDAY, MARCHiff8,<;1~. P'lceaTumi,:iCENTS. 0httt On f the U. of M. Inde e,7 It shill be the dity of be div ided anioni the remainini of \\AVI G the expeien1e( of College endent Association. ftle \I ana-in E itr to cll aid icecrsof the lioardin p froportioni to 1 h 110Li t lliirt f-fl'h 11- ,. 1 ~e de it ill null li s ot thoc 1sso- en th ...…

March 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…"uI T}3 7II 1 She e i e l iOt ~r THE U. OF M. DAILY. -, , f y The State University in America. C C T ~ A I fC ~ ~ f hr rilct\5 5tle title of1 ai WIE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEES r arte is irs ilyerr, s 1', Offeraive t paper ns f o15 ~ if a11 kinds to Ire stld Irv the Ipiondat hirs'~ri tlrr lrll r ast-11Mi 1ir ates. 'iry or ('rwn Iiserial Linern at 25 cents pe In' NEEIITA~CAlN ii its ariicsl e rli e lw s yri roundi. lionn Papier,'Thesis, and Ty'...…

March 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 0 ,0 w- _ _. ... _ . _ .C_.O . _ " . . ... - . .z ... . New YuansHats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE T WO S0AMS.) ' I~tV S'PPIA ( N.:A. L'I'UmZ. Jl ro n~ fibll~Y VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE ST, TAILORS, W O ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WOR K. -S111 I 1RTE17c)SUDENTS. 3k fftite -23 South Fourth Ave. Z-IIcL lr.o 1L] v. 3EE , Of Old IT. of Al. should have a Uni'versity of Michig...…

March 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…C 7 1011117Life is Uncertain! 1 FWl.ii ;5il; SALEI OF A C L- DEATH IS SRE ' TIME T-ABE. _1 I ~tI tlI' ,.: 0I lt ,-' tl , ;S t~f>t ; - i, > to u. 1111 1114 11> issi r.1l4i I .ut L \fl) Nhic o~ tteo 11. J . tNADi l l PitSUNDAY t'' itt tlit 1. T . . I II Sci, SlwEs tl sdin 10 8. o itionslc ile d, 2>t 3.004.5 ; llz' . eks ea ther I' I re ambli iou fr dvncmet athcelhan tose without pam; 5it tt Ni. te\Resid nt1Arnt, I :tljtIt111:,111,11.D troit H9 r...…

March 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…i } .. i. ,,. 1 t >>. t,' IN TEIII i'1 OF 1IIC'IiICx:1 c ~ I~ xicLi X I 'lf ~(~XN E A l)X X tI( I4,1(ilIL.I Ijic IN WEI rE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI AGAIN IN MOURNING. the Kent Professor of Law Ex- Pred this Morning in Detroit after Delivering an Argo- tt1eflt in Court. --- His Biography. Th llversity of M11ichliganl is ilt called 111)0n1toImourn Ithle M flrs(one (If its (distingulcished adVPof ilians1). wells 0is Imorninrg unlexpectedly. 01 est...…

March 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…aFT.TTI (IRt AKFMATT 'V 1n.Ld U. yr . -C. of 2T(. 'd Dily Su iLlly TBE U. B. IINBBI4NII'BN T SOBIATIMN is trat If. I' '' t h Fit i stFF tltl 't o \t ncc w lccl t : Issoi lo l Sc t ml. A lf' Fit I F''lc ilc l s d t " of r F lthFF'F. FFF F Ft ''rc F F1FF h1F to f'lF tFionFFFF the F1' rFF1 lljctt lhF F I t 1 FF' ' ,f: Fti11 FF tIFF. .9 'iF4 F1 FFFFF 11 c 'IF11t al ;;lfttt111FF. 1,1, F F t~t Fii FFFFI ' ' F F~t~i l ic i 'i ltF. . ' FF1e I' F.l( l ...…

March 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY New Youman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, 11-l II: (I l si \\I.' VII 'olSI IlN , THE TWO *AMS. Of 011 . of AL shouldl have 0 a Univepsity of Michigan Guitar. Priles lowoest, (duality lhighiest.IGu a raliteedl every itcof itthe soal. Siolil n 111 Gui(ttar " irls, 10)ets.; Banosand SMaIzlol ill tri11cr, .5 ets. Everythiini 51)trortioni. L.If. ('lenient, ATZ TlTx lT7NI\D>fl2I Y GE-~JL. 7.1O...…

March 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…I\LIE OF VVJLJI1J1 -Lg DEATH IS SURE. TIME TA. iee ii av .1\;r A a. i t) . I i. p.(011 llig. 3ti~i.- .i.. - A I,,: Aif tx ~f"<, n ~.tI , t t " 1)1"''i~i. ,a ylictt tit gcsti~t I ~e tt~trrtt~txr 111,it ~e70 72 DEARBORNIxt 1 ST.i .111 ii a E stablished imti n w, 1584 ltPo l ions ile 2300A SeeOR ksro t eace~rt ose NI It I ( I y cwrt1 o 'o!I I o ol a IIt e I Its sllII(It I: ' m i l r c't1.I . "1 S lgi. I T Ft l T IN tIN i 1he1ILSI'. We s(.it. I lN...…

March 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…. of , nl. W'ail. r - . ol t"\ VEIZ ITY OF ,IIC:IIJGA\, TllI"I SDA)'. MAR('II <), 1 o.q. 1Cur ICA, THREE s:Cs-as-i' FESRWILLIAM P. WELLS . ati avnrn5asl I1( Afeting Scene in the Court ' ImP soeIn illsouas befrothisiatiii Room. insist fin uishiosawyer at the.'1Detrit hesai l ilstli itf'iiifrssir Well 0bar nal oneusd iiiiinersan is Last gloomii iiovier the CItslver- 1ll, l'i ti, Citisfit i ne is keeiilyrfelt jt ed o i e ak be rei li airstiiilect...…

March 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…. of 2 nT. $ b. hi u('33,333'e3r,*Ti} THlE U. OF M INEPNIHT ASOCIATION.' 1.333)13)33frm 3133'C('sti3ution3(If' 3crtio3i 31. 3.13311) 33133 '.3st 'o)positions hl' ill('rh) 'o)3 Sc.'. A c( 11 1') 33333 31e' hoard3)3 (33lEdito3r 33.33'r3'3'3) 333333 can iddls, nt ece1dig3elv. n seleced nt he ha33 s133 is)3(if31 wo3rk3 31333 in compet33)ition.3 1313 3)1i133)3333 )33 1) 33. 311311133 33)33)1 33133133) 3) 13 13gyn3. 3 The3 3eitrs 1of3the33)(li3.') s...…

March 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…THE LU. COFP M. DAILY New Youman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE TWO SAME p.If Ardor NIo bgllllry, VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE ST. TAILORS, * CALLEPFOR anudlDELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Q '5ff ATusFS 7'()i tTi DENTS. i.".__ -a23South Fourth Ave. ZO LL " Li K-E E i.J o, Of (Id U. of M. should have 'l Uni'versity of Michigan Guitar. Irices low est, Quality highest. Guarateed every' lnch of' the ro...…

March 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…TH. E t; (-)"- M.i)AILI- -7_7;Q ' T - SALE OF VVATCHES MY ti 1l iI S' 110(1K vO' 1LYTT177_7.7iLY1, 7ATL7, i zo dut I o aot. " Sle seve -ry eno ndceii, L. T. LIMPERT, M 117i tri~ 3 3l.- - i rb r ih "WTUnice ,.a ' }::!I V F jSIZ DEATH IS SURE. .%~' l1'ITI1tABE ti N tlr~t rcitnit<t~m -tncii et~ieiiti(il4- IIoi20 '510, s' ',t '!' IUe m l At l " .(~l2 tII lw i', I. i. 0ct lR10),il110 wT" la:\1 I' ,l: 'Ft-,#"tY .lcigl itnIife t iine9cImit.IEt~ PIA T...…

March 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.o 5tt O-N 1fIN'\EislX01'l 1 , n . W1ail 'N, FIN-DAY, AIARCII 6, ISIOL 1{ cp, I ii w,;l: CENTS. THE GYM. BENEFIT. yard. 1The attempts iiaV('ini eachisPROF. THOMPSON'S TRIBUTE. XVING thiexir (pffiee (of College R l5e Entertainment and Well 5cse~ faiiled for want of proper step Eloquent Words From One of Prof. IMeii who knoiw aiid ippreciate Patronized. }sort Ifromiithe professors of tiC Lni- Weis' Asocitesul ii ii tnti of ('oliege Stii- 1'...…

March 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…'1 C. o f 1'MiF. $cti(, '(h(0 Couoyoa, ly TII'L. of M. INDEPFNNINT A OCIATION. it dane igle o''oooo":t cents..(I uea 0 00,0g t i 'lock.o'ih tr.o lac , att Sl ' br 1' , , t;lc'' orw t t «l i dt~o 0 ors.tOoto. , li~o AceArorMr.h EDITORS. A.NV'0 00500.r0, "1 boO-ai *g oLdt.ior C.'. s'l' c l-'0, '1, Ai st.oooooo gorEd. o 11, 02. 11 mNo' '9:?, Ais.lMnibng I;litoo'.r J'. 0.'Il'oHooo , 'il , Bsin.ess oojoro'.ag o'oi% It, 1.1)00011111','921. 1'~. B11 ...…

March 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY .. x . x . New Youman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats,I TIHE TWO 0SAMS. ()0 1 01 7. of t1 should ihav e a University of Michigan Guitar. Priceslowe sQ ality ihighest. (I Iwomtlod oerg yilnchof OtI rood. Violin amd (IGuitar Stingy i1 'to. Iloijo and liolo in Strlngo, cto. Evero',thing in aroortnion. L. 11L.ETPDTeLe11170_ t'1 7 00 BROWN'S DRUG STORE t'tlI-N EltfMAIN AND t); ION STIIETS. LA tIE -'1 5...…

March 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…'lNE L" r ' M. F)AiLY Z -Jo7- T 17I 0 Life is Uucert& (! .I:. Ir-r1<111 '%111, DEALEO F ARE.e!LEll TIM ETABLE - 717 ENT I h IRE ,LCt1 t ' t i :!.: 4c54(, .:! Ia., 11.1.III. JT, _ T LW L --, Tr li i e, ll 11f111oltls 1 'i ; 5, 2. 1.1!,5. it 51 Ce i 'itti "!. l Tt 5;11 01 1(t \III l l tlm i ,=f11111122 1 : j I l) .1l, .!5.l1 Ill, ll ,inn 5,ll11111i (N . H i } I CO NR AD1_( 1,1in11the11 T)1tM11 I': >A:91Y141 T~- 34 fThers ' ~ %iiei C-Op1('teatPoi...…

March 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Vol- L N to.U IVEIPiSJTY (91 MICIIIGrX iK IA IX(I nI Iiu Tt ti i ATI'EPAY. AMARCII i, 1, 1. I'xic :, Tiijai, C1,,N'I. . r, S1) THE INLANDER. "1tReview of Our New Literary Monthly. "Ytihonor fitsOwhrot. The falling snotwi Bueilds shrines antidoown oof itsoahl oth ite, 'liesummer wnd yedsOwehoitt s f ntnmmsoj lycliste-o-rsren the hirds' swert r aises,I And 1 , tt thy- humbrerhhild, unskilled t write, ( 1'ti t i lt tote ereinth ur )ife c. , puli ...…

March 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…N V :eft Ad( THE U. OF M. DAILY.---'c. - c 'Tl e ~the stalnlardl of tourijalism remain C C A.T .A T Q1 C 't~J~ lihis, thenis the object (esireild NVI m. EXT FOURIIWEI'KS hiedDiy(Sunda11, 'xcepted) uring n hec t 0 iy stemi oflh11001Offr five ton11E5ofpapr W (LofIOallkidsto be sold b11e ondit regular L. M DPLV ' AGA inlg editoirs. \We' desire toimpr 11]ove \till rates. 'Ire one Crown Imperial Linen at 25 era iS per toe Staindardl of the I) i I 5...…

March 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY New Yoma's Hats, Spri ng Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE T WO 0 SAM-S. Of Old(I -of NM. shIonlxllave a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Qunality highest . Enaraxitex i every inchi of the rotad iolin aiL (Guitar Striings, 1(1 cii.; IBanjo and MxIaiidolixi'.itriligi. its. E erviting inll)1(1)01tioni. TR3E A~T BROWNS DRTJG STORE CORlN ilt MINAIN ANT) hI1lO N STILEiT. S. JLxioE''STOC ()F ILS-l'utt0...…

March 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…T T THE 3i V1: "Oh1 flM DAILY. r )1 ru>~TI~Life is Uncertain! SALET O WI G H1ES DEATH IS eSUPE. IME 1TABLE.l11~n M[.Niili: c r K H'I IN 1S 1I t tli its1 I). 1717 IELIIt:SI 11 zti ' I:s Y 51 l,;slt37 ~o1(clltI;1,,} } ir N t )5 51 ~ iii llaiigs1.i I's hus1.III, V11 rg i t 1n./1: Estabonolshed In-1884 Pi t i ons illd 3 0 ee s T a hr are an:t Hi ti 1 o for11advacemn tl rall the r thn thse1I)"thOII:t wpO i '.1 IIa IAf1t1a1( ill 1In S I 1nlanI.t XI ...…

March 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…01r, J -\i o. _ U- IVEId ;ITlY OF )1 M IGA ] ~n. Wai p. .N, AIO .DAY, MAR('h 9;, lh9l. Pmi :, Tonta:I: CENT. Addtress Before theWesleyan Guild by Ur. Bashford. Dre. asliford, president of the Wesleyari Uiiirersitc , ofl caa re. hi5 bocupied the pulpit of the 71. chrch resterilaic norlimilandI delivered a verrs able sernioni ou lie text foundiii h. 2: 1i Choral Union. Ilie tbird concert of the (boral t_'ooii series swill be tijeeli liytile (Chi...…

March 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…P12 THE U. OF M. DAILY. oj THE CAMPUS. O C T~AJ _____At the mleeting of the (leohllal LS 6bn2he Daily 81days excel.( led drin Soci-t 'id22ay afternoon, 11. Mann jWAE WILL FORk T1lE NE XT FOUR WEEK Sr 112(22 (Offer 112ve tons of paper of all kindls to 1(e sold1 112the1pound( at 212u i was leeted 22hE2'e A ersiAT1. lin dil11rates. Ty=oui r own 2222 (iIerial .linn at 2, (cen ts per ' t'22 DfLIEN sOIT oN. 2(2211; 2'2(2i22(e(2 tlte('02252 1...…

March 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY ewYouman's Hats, ~~J ~ T Of Old I'. of M. s10o1(1 have a spring Block Knox Hats,Unv~iyoMchja Gitr LI~atest Shape Silverman Hats, Pices'. loet, Quality higheist. Gua~raniteedevrmltothrad ts Evrthing ill proportion). LT 1 0 t1 ' I ) 11 ~' i Itfir a. A ALLMEIIIGE-' L , TfO L O1LG §I 00. 7 C, TRFA..)JE A. THE TWO SA-S y,. 131L1Z. iihj 11. ()F" N-IA.(141 NTI')11 OATIS. tll Alfo Sloaif Ja lll r VOOFIHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CIT...…

March 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…T F -4 F I-) II_ v- C m S C T Life is Uncertain!" 21Ei:~ i':t~ DEATH IS SURE. r, TABE., it1 ?1I' I:N 1 l. ' t'l Ul4. .10,;.1 J~flLLY, 3ILYALNIALE kilL Ozooz ll ('lltisiel, 1s, ANN Al? itl, t4 L .'-T ] (Ill. ___________tl__,_.541, __1'2________J_-4_r1,_t____I1 __T__andic_72itt______________Tgril______t N lit tliliiltt ii'S a'tIPEfttdttllantS.+ 1711 lost Ii> ' HARVARD AND YALE, In tthe lust seenimon tis. Com11' e laI see theml. The S.\('EII' IiI...…

March 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…/* of AT. WAL v )I,. I .-No. I I0. U-NIVERfifITY 01FIICII~I-TAN, XIITEDAI)EDAY, \IA IZ('l 1 x, i i l(i, iiii:(txN's TIE OUNDING OF THE S. C. A. Icrxe r s I \ . o1.penlieiuiother 1fxiHon. Carroll D. Wright's Lecture on An interesting Article by President I IIIof. \_ K. Spxenc'eenionedxx above.Statistics. Adam-s, of Cornell. 1Of i (the 1 .classof180 0vryacivexnx lli 1Kfollottixxe. article frontil lPiis . 11 x xxbxxce pxxxxxi ;tlix xixiof tile B ...…

March 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…TI1 e. tAe THE U. OF M. DAILY. G~.o '~ to the' Isisersits" hi ldec G7? REAT I ORTi'N XIt L xil' K aind repustation illsurvives. 'The Axx ILLvIiU~ H TFU EK tih t Col ege ear , binspresentort iiiieii is Ri' ristoiiel to (Ilfer tive toins ot pa~per of all hkinds to be sold 1 sthe iptied it il OF M~. INFEPENNTAxC IAIION. Iassociate thenmwith the 1'. of \tI. if \lMill rates. Try (ur ('roswn Imnperrial LAineii at 2j icetits 1per lt (lii . Butinotwei...…

March 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…TJ {C (J, P O B I 3 Y xxxx . r c , I '...2 C AT<..'^ H-E U. OF M. DAW6Y INE]Y + EH EEE '12,_7:)0 2 . 1JOOCC Of Old I'r. of Al. slhould have a Uni'vergity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lostest, Quality highest. (iiaaitet I eer tuuci ofthe ioad. Violini acid G itar strings, I1) ets.;hanjo and:Mandoliii stin g, ets. "verytliiig in pr oportioii. L. 11. . lerceit, AT LMENITDGEL ?iTO L- OLGAlT O. TRAS3E ATF BR~OWN'S DERUJG STOFRE ("Oil>, E MAIN AND) It...…

March 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…ILJCTOT 0 ~ Life is Uncertain! ~ EAHIS SURE. TIME ALE. " at Ji.A 1 J1~ET~ T, llt'i".-lttt'tist. . t"'ltttt J~atI.-.:;o,1111.072 EARBON ST N I it I 1(111"^.T - It 7- -- T '1 + I^ " '. ilt ;; !f' l l I I I 1 1 . '1'I It"it xiII .N w ls ivN L 1i Ill N ic 'III and1111 tl t''t i ITh A C;t I --,M ' 1,V (' 1A II: st y I : '' c c t G. H. WILD, I I Butte tt'. No. 2 E. Washington St. near Man. G.H.WL re{I { I IO Zj' CORRECT:-:STYLES GREATEST VARIETY c L...…

March 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…" I"-Ni. 111. VUNIl SITY OF MICIIA N ii E D-N E'SDA Y, 1I:1 ItC H 11, Po 1. PINcF., Tip i;r;i,, C'ENT, . ti , : TRIQUTEs TO PROF. WELLS. Senate Memorial. tefollowing is, then.minionl of tt-'iiVersity 8111 ite u11)01 thei late ile Pages of ou0 ournal reor. th fa' . itt rnon te pat srrll l - ttk lti aiv of t Ir mt ial i-ni- it ii5e10rs1 niii of the oldest and h11t wId oho kinni itf our iinumer, I"1 the midstn of onl hnreneioen t ove 0l iecnnnt d...…

March 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…Cof 1Z.$i~ tuihi Dly 1(S uundas xcpted)during he College year, by 'HE OF I, N.I DEPENIENP ASSOCIATION. n c~ne igl copies :3 Cents. O slea t-v1-glp ut i. o'clock. 2:1g. iplionu luyle '.f lul i the .-i- of1 h IA 1,<' ()2, 11c r he euditoi .0A t fthe reto fpHpealYh am uy Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. A.t '' 1.s .t t . 1 . Mlu g ulp ltt iuo C. ti8t1 5V1J, 222. Asist. Managing Editogr. J. . TAVIS'9'2, Busliness: lumgegr. I It, W. Jhunio. v,'92, Assist....…

March 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…P"J kX YXX CJ ,X xzfl013,8 x. ,X vY, PCA. nc25 no BBYT 2 A THEI U. OF'1M. DAILY Of Old U. 0 o A should have a. University of Michigan Guitar. Y10 tt es lotQnitulilxlhighest. (C itm II OX CIver111011 of the roa e 5Violin aeel (Guitar 'Strings, 10 (ets, BnjaIIJ N1 111 dolilell'Sti 12,. 1..1tA LtLEV ITIGEPI ITO.17 LG lT!CO. - ll, I TRASJD E .T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN; ANDt7)VIITUPON STREETS. THE TWO0 SAMES. I LAR1iEI T II 110 F)TOIET (a(o...…

March 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…, I N I:- Li ( ) -LR: ') 4 l SALE-*OF WATGHES 1Y4YI'11. S(4 I1 O4 F L. T, LIMPEF{T, STAJ W e 4: t 1:54 , ak' 4444 he:4 a:44 10 v'::: 1,,E s ic' 1 I:'II AIII Arom-of 1, - Life * Uncertai" 4 4444444444 4444 .i44,1=+ DEATH IS SURE. TIME TABLE. 1,..!)4541414. ., 9" 13 1t.4M. 4 44:54.i}. 55,411155, i.5 m., n .i,' I4 , r , t~ 4 4 ,,4 : t , 1 .4 ' 4 4 4 4 l i 1 444 4 .4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 10 5 10. 1 51 .tt .4 4 , : 444444444444 44a 44a4II 444...…

March 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…~1jc U. ELI'Ot'IIII: 'I -I A. (l . WM NTp. N, '1'I TRBTSTO PROF. WELLSa, i stonedf b a a ii f (0(1a gieat loss to tihe Oi Li siti_ Senate Memorial. i that (11s1inguiishid (1aw ii fi titi whih 1to thebai ad o is pcirsonailly, ________iuai be said :to i t i Lbeenii 1fluen- tlierL orc lieit [Cuntiiinii from yesterdaot. ticeai in cxtaiili'tong our tresn A R se da' li t uc togetter ex- tent Offew bn a he la f t em ofintru cctiiron. otpxressclx cxth...…

March 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…p' THE U. OF M. DAILY. dsatami' Wecould folio))w ~T T QP 1 Y ~ 1E temnporaries, the liarvard ("'iiuson, 'S\'NILLF 1"OE, THE E X T IFOUR WEEK LIS 5, (aei rt l rtrt otli (pa '5' (anith il( N w, hch aw t Ofr tt 1)1t t fpaper of all kinds to be ')1(oldobythe 0)) ] Untl t tul trMN IM TAMTAIN5ipei their altimmii a severe leturntr: 11111 rates. 'Ire our (rowrn Imtiperial I ilieli at 25cents her whe iii vr thee' are sI iei in ansio nguI pouinil. 1tonl...…

March 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…} xxxx.rxxxx7 __ _________________________ ..:.,-:, PUJJ, fl081Y, flAJ LIAEY+ E>[ THE TWO MU' THE U. OF M. DAILY 01f0ld1U. of li!.shlonld havep a University of Michigan Guitar . 4 Pi(eslow iest, Q uality 1high1est. (G11a1anteed ev eryinch of the roadl. 7VilinI 1110 (Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo) 11(.\llandol in;String~s, -- 1:7cts 1Everthing ill proporti1o11 I.l. SE1it2'1 I LLMIIP-NIGEL LIJO & CG1TI00C. nLS. BROWN'S DRUG STORE 1..LA3l...…

March 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…(T-HE L;()1-" . AI' ASL T I0 ILKN ,SALE OF WATCHK MY NI 4411 44))CK (O JL HIL~2T, 2ILEL ILL19 Ozz Must1>e loseo ut. SalevryI f ternoo44141l.01 44 1 . i L. T. LIMPERT, Hzn el'al o l 14444, - - - - A 1 A or.1 (14 i Life is U ncertain ! IIl rtl'r1F1l'1 i. t Sl DEATH IS SURE. TIME TnALE , , .,t' Lclti eANN A0811041, 4from11('o114 11.11 11 ,;'S 1.55 I .n , 11161 .4 V or he ne t, th ee In ntll I wil «rit it]- 55.4 t; 2 , . 44) '125,41.5.5I. I. 41142...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…I -N 1 U tiNIVEllII IT (hi MI(IIIG N A, AL LU FRIDAY. AlAR('ll 1:1), Ils" l. (4:-Nrs. r i4 , ETHICS OF MACHINERY. t~t't ~ 1 irMinstrels. AtNlhexeperienceo lee Mr. Wright's Lecture. errcie is' lull shaire of these 1 Melt who know liii ,Ii lplectate ii sttio. ilitileilitis ithit lo il. No 1 ilt tt tit it is (Yeiieritiiy kinownt there is to eteo elllsc 'lreSo Isle, a,1) teit le \o. tl ih tiil - not j 'tietcatefultitiititt itosit flit. I ittt t to...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…7 1 r THE U. OF M. DAILY. i--f. f 21]W'1I~ci~ icontrihutors thanis allowed 1n ithe 1 CAT A Ia2 V7~ bR abei ui si-xixcexrxoxixi tinll l lii-iitont, WE \VILL li-OGETHlE NEXT FOM VER ~ cli-C-ti-- yir )yiC it (Itifer l i tns of i-aper ofall k iniis-ito lie 5soldlby the Ip-ii-ind-i--at ri- ,a'1,o . IN1DFPI.NIE NT ASSiOCIATION.rts.TysrCronImerllinn- CAl . Chang-es in Foot-Bali Rules. s-l rts Ieor(rw'hitprtl liiCat 25-Cii-iie poundii. lBondu-Papier, ...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF'.M. DAILY PcUJ, fl01313, I2CA , N; + EF E Of Old 1U. Of M. s11o1ld have a UnivepSity of Michigan Guitar. I'rices lowtest, Qiazlits h Iidhest. ( uaraist ees everinchi of ( the rss~sd. Viol int stel Guitar etringe,10 cts.; I,czjo and M and~ii in ;s, I it. Es 'er tiiiiin pirsosortion. . II 'lencn .L.LETDINfGELP EZAITo OF O GU7 CO .BFOWN'S DKUG STOEE I ( '( OI 'N I IfI MAINVT oN1) II EO()N SI'tfEI:'ls THE TWO -SAMSU Ittt( it-1' s- ls()(,...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…r I -- 7 L r 1- J () I-' TA, F) Al LY SALEOF VVATGH.ES U. T. LIMPERT, Life is UnciqertVain! 1 fiiI I'tu3it,1 DEATH 1S SURE. II i"'lTtIMEtTABLiF..a1It"1a 1_.5,1 0,4, s 524 .3 , 9,1();30 p. n . I 212 e ANN 211111011, frntvs Dot'.e1 , 55,92:." 1.55, It. 1,.,an F~ ,H t l ti h 114 )til ilNi i, l- t U .U )',1 .5 .11 ra11 e ,11 }olln; mc 11e wee thet1,1111o1".1 H1d:5a hlmrt°o . 0C pNr AD.~) i , 11 Isiletl ( n : 1(112 1" ' '1'. ,0111 Mihia 'ilutlIit I...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…W1.. I-N. 114. UNIVENlSITY 01" IIIIGA , n. W1ail" \SATURDILAY, -MAR4CHI 141, 91. Pinch, TmEE CENTS. "CHRISTOPHORUS.'' three numbhers tha t tts rendered i'aesrStanley's Singers in Ui vt etefc,"'wsi h versity Hall. fa b-ii hiI'lt Molan d, the eiatng tiC large audience that itaths (1(1it a isital ii 1 lit iit15it. tll lst teitt onwa rd il iht iti it as opttr- litt - sit-tilt it-ast'vnil" ll a Ilaimusical treat. Thle Chora and" Al1n(1 isCII ie ina...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ortria towr f our stufdents Q 1II, ___ GE jT TATIOflC1Y f~ai~ci't Oey ittotmcciiit ieii~from the hoct that the prizes itleretiWdIEFRTl ETFU EK 'tiaia r~are seeo1 eorlistrvinfr, tile5ti Offer fiv e tons of taper of all kinds to 1)e soldkiv the pounditt1rt To lM UPNINP ~OCA I d ientsioifitef[. of f'itrill seek tohi \l ill rates. 'Ire our C('en ImeilLn'at2 cts1r Itmintahin the relIti tatin t itheir pliiitf. lonid lPaper,'t'hes...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY newU, fl131Y, flcAZI, THE TWO SAMSU MO Si1 nu VORiS&DEABST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE Si. TAILORS, WOK GALLEIIFOR andDELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. L- 3 23 South Fourth Ave. 1,L --L t. L ()f d1(3 '. of Al. should have ai Uni'vers ity of MihgnGuitar. P'rices lowest, Quality' highest. Guaraliteed ev(1} iiihfthe o ad 0(. Vilini 1i1l(1 Gitar Strilngs, 101 cts.; IBajo andi .Manolaini ot iogo. T' RA:D :E -! BFOOWN'S DKUG STOR'E 'o11N 1...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…-~ELif~l li A iLY"' SA'kLE OJ'F WATCHES MY ElNTIlREl:STOCOF01 L. T. LIM PERTN __11 Ah ;iui1Life is U ncertain! XI XX XX.XXIXXICX tC DEATH IS SURE. IIX,.:III TIM TAtBL X IX XXlanI _ LIII' cANN ARBOR from 1 C111 urtXI30X1 0XI.s3X, 55 ;,:':, II 11 . X1it.. XandI 1.11,...w: 411111110, On CX XI 11111 hetXXXXt i XIItheI 11111f 0 I- II IlciXXIXIIXI SiXXIX .i1 nsuIXXXIXXtXX.lXXXXXIXXXXI cCXXI0 I' 1ICAN'I at41,:.10,XXXXI I All 1,110031 nI XI~xIIXXXXXIX...…

March 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…I i tiNIVENtSITY OF MICIIIIG \ONI)DAY, M A RCII 11N 1. iilz 1(:, Tliii ( CENTS N. A tture by Rev. Dowling, President MR. WRIGHT'S LECTURE. ot Detroit College. lA ligr "Rcx is ilcl aleligion in Polities.'' a light at lillyl olIXHill to listenl tx l t o 1rigit deli next religiioiias the IRe-.:tl . P1'. lowling, p]resident Iclyefin the beinlgand perfection of ofS totl xid1 0111{ "lk 0 xx d, nIthe practice (of moral dluty c i~llelnglt ll u onc"I c...…

March 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…TH-E U. OFM. DAILY- ' (.o f 1 f. D aiI Publlshed D 0 811ti xetd uii THE U. OF' . INUFPENIT'NT A SOCIATION. uStihent'- eel INYost l-ie w- f-fei el w Ift It te ( i le k 21th ) ttl ttc"t}h IS: -lurk, tit Si 1ff life-.:i s fll-I 51111 ith tity Addrfess all ftei- ce 1for ub lic-aionflto THE U. of M~. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Miche. Aristotle's Treatise on the Consti- tution of Athens. But it 1fell tmonltis lS151to fte ffwas bfroufght to lightin fEgypI t I...…

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