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March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The Weather F f fri anAL Ar ilatt Editorials A CollegeHead Ind r TSponges'; Eight O Library Tyranny. Fair Wednesday; slightly colder. .............. ............. .................... VOL. XlIII No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1933 PRICE FIVE _ _. __ _... _ _ ___. _ _._ T _._ .... - -- - Explosion Of Tank Fatally Burns Boy, 6 Blast Transforms His Body Into A Living rTorchi, Throws Him 10 Feet . Ch11ild Lives Fout...…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…IIIGAN DAILY, IlI [r K1 A. xa in the Bulletin is construetive Copy received at the office of th, a. m. Saturday. WEDNESDAY, M L BUJLLETIN Explorers Pushing Fearlessly Slutz To Open Items From Other Campuses nAte eflmtmer Onward Through Tunnel Depths Lecture Series NO CO-EDS ALJLOWED STUDENTS 'SNUGGLE' ARCH 1 1933 No. 107 Ed. Note: The following article is vestigate the place. In a gruff voice he e r e Tomoit MADIS N, Wis., Feb. 28.-Men of SY...…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...r... E S BOX n Thomas Poems Now Band Comes Through Cage Vs. Net * * * EAR JOHN THOMAS: "The following poem (?) is a e-lance writer's follow-up story on tr little ditty* which you ran about . Lowrey. The information about . incident was obtained at great L of life in Mr. Lowrey's den of luity, the Arena. --The one which started, "Ladies' n Lowrey, Fell on the Ice"-etc." "Lowrey taught hockey To campus hot mamas. Fel...…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…I ., 1 every morning except Monday during the ear and Summer Session by the Board in tudent Publications. the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- .e Big Ten News Service. dBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ated Press is exclusively entitled to the use %Tion of ail news dispatches credited to it or e credited in this paper and the local news rein. All rights of republication of special e reserved. the Pot Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as matter....…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…THlE MIdCAN G 'A :N CAMPUS SOCIETfY I ,,I Tickets Go On Sale Today For C D .~ -- Fraternities And Sororities Will Sigma Nu Will Entertain At Dinners This Week Give First Union Past Documents Of Comedy Club D *W* ~ Al~'a 3Lb U3I 1 Jreaset ance The mid-week activities of frater- nities and sororities include rushing dinners, faculty affairs, parties and Sale Will Be Limited To election of new officers. Seniors Of Law School ALPHAPi ...…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

… Sees Sorority Girls In New House 1 For This Year ill Grou.p Ousted By Fire f Fid Residence; None To le~ave University -() Members of Alpha Gamma Delta, r e- who wvcre turned out of their sorority j Confessed Killer Expects tateiei Agree With Vet Self-Destruction lit Il ie! LOS ANGELES, Calif., Feb. 28.- -A former statement' clos ng the cently-renewed investigation of the house last Sunday morning, due to death of Paul Bern, motion pictu...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Partly cloudy Thursday; Fri- day cloudy, not much change in temperature. L iL49toi g a VOL. XLITI No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TllURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Shakeup Plan In Council Is Defeated, 56 Backers Of Movement To Reor ganize Group Will Draw Up Compromise OI.r Petitions For 11I lus on Of Clubs IIitn ill ism Called Philosophy Of Depat By Dr. P. L. ubt S. C. A. Club Him; And Cosmopolitan Plead Through To Con...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…Trl H E M iCH'GAN DAILY TRs Next To St. Jamntes President-Elect CompetesNew hems Front Otiwr Gampuses Completes New From Floor Five Representatives From1 Michigan Paid Tribute' By Colleagues In House! WASHINGTON, March 1. - P) - Praise from one of their fellow mem- bers for five retiring Michigan rep- resentatives in Congress was duly{ recorded in the Congressional Record today.. Rep. Carl E. Mapes of Grand Rapids was recognized on the floo...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…', MARCH 2, 1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ',MARCH 2, 1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY mmwmvmw From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Track Honor Roll Mile Relay Wins Football Crowds * * * MAJ. J. L. GRIFFITH, Big Ten Commissioner of Athletics, pub- lished his Collegiate Honor Roll for Track in the current Athletic Jour- nal and made several startling omis- sions. In the Ohio State-Michigan dual meet last spring, Lemen and Turner finished the half-mile in 1:55...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…T-E .MICHIGAN DAILY ECHIGAN DAILY ~) > - ' Published every muorning except Monday during th University year and Summer Session by the Board i Control Of Student Publcat~lons. Mamber of thn Western Conference Editorial Associa tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o not otherwise credited in this paper an...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY By MARGARET PITALAN Of outstanding importance each spring is the tapping of new members to Mortarboard, national honorary society for women. Each year, in ac- cordance with a custom more than 25 years old, junior women judged worthy in consideration of the na- tional qualifications of scholarship, service, and leadership, are honored with invitations to membership. Mortarboard was inaugurated on this campus in the early yea...…

March 02, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 2, Contract Bridge 450 Take Part Tournament To In Half -Price Begin March 6 Night At Unio Garden Photographs Exhibited Today In Architecture Building In Associated Press Photo Sen. Cordell Hull of Tennessee, President-Elect Roosevelt's choice for secretary of state is shown in conference with Henry L. Stimson, the man whom he will succeed. The hand of Hull was seen by Japan in the recent Stimson note on...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The Weather C, r Lie ian Mostly Saturday cloudy Friday; generally fair. ., ---- VOL. XLIII No. 109 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1933 Z - - __ r Bank Bill Is Up For FloorVote Emergency Legislation Is Ready For Decision Of Solons Today; Differs Fron Constock Plan 19 States Now On Bank Holiday Lisp Texas Is Latest To Join. Cashless Ranks; 'Five Days' Is Ma's Decree; D). Of C. In Parade LANSING, March 2.- (NP) - Emer- gency ba...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…CHIGAN DAILY Retains Arms Post meeting at 6:15 p. m. in the Russian Tea Room of the League. continued from Page 1) emphasizing his definition, "is some- Harris Hal!: Conference on "Re- thing that begins with money and ligion With or Without God," leader banking machinery. Prices rise in Dr. Percy Linwood Urban of New time of war, or during a crop short- Haven. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, age; but this cannot be classed as Chapel in Harris Hal...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I, r From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Coach Capon Referee Traub Diver Dies Ray Aitenhof Wolverine Swimmers Meet Wildcats Here Tonigl Purple Natatorsl Seek To Avenge Previous Defeat ._._. Maize And Blue Ice Team Downs Marquette, 5- Ends Competition Here Hockey Outfit Beats Visitors; Tallies Twice '- ;, COACH FRANKLIN CAPPON'S row has been a difficult one to hoe this year. He has made a set of suc- cessful...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY [CHIGAN DAILY was trying to right a great wrong when he voted against his own man. No satisfactory explanation has been advanced for the strange moves of Gillespie, but it is evident th,11he does possess a great deal of power. The 391 delegates, who constitute nearly one-fourth j of the 1,400-odd delegates to the Republican con- vention, were appointed directly by Gillespie andr his aides. Such representation cannot fairl...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ Aft nil CAMPUS., SOCi EITY Alumni Clubs Elect Officers, Give Banquets u I Campus Elite Turn Out For a1 PlayOpening" o% medy Club Production Has Brilliant First Night At Iydia lendelssohun By CAROL J. HANAN A1 brilliant turnout of campus no- tables attended the opening of Com- edy Club's presentation, "Three Times The Hour." held last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, and. the reception after the play. De...…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY House Gets Bill 'Bank Situation Providing For Must Wait For Wet Ratification Laws'-Rodkey State Senate Approves Professor Returns From. Heidkamp Measure; Lay Conference With State1 Plans For Convention Banking Commissioner LANSING, March 2, -UPA)-Ap- Prof. R. G. Rodkey, of the business proved overwhelmingly by the Sen- administration school, declined to ate, the Heidkamp plan for state con- make a statement on his return fr...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…Weather <L Mostly cloudy Saturday. Sunday generally fair. .At 4Igan tt Editorials Time Will Take Care 'Hell Week'; Picking TI Head Cheerleader. VOL. XLIII No. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1933 PRICE PRICE Academy Program Released Michigan Science, Arts, Letters Group Will Meet Here March 9, 10, 11; General Meeting Friday Colncise Lectures To Be Delivered Tells R. F. C. Plans Bank Relief 'Bilk Sped To ichgan Bn...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN on in theBulletin Is constructve notice to all member. of the v. copy rrceived ailtitie offlce of the Assistant to the Prealdeut until 0c !1. in. Saftu7rday. Ifems 'From Other Campuses Succeeds Swanson Purchase Of Fletcher Hall By University Fulfills Alumni Plans LI SATUR iAY, MARCH 4, 1933 No. 41 NOTICES Wresident and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six o'clock unday, March 5, and on ...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Japan's Baseball Art Mosier George David W ITH THE ADDITION of another baseball game with another Jap- anese team, the Varsity baseball players are reminded of their ex- periences in Japan last summer. The Wolverine stars were embar- rassed when Japanese custom forced them to remove their shoes while at- tending banquets. Coach Fisher is quoted as saying that the boys got out their needles and thread and reall...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY I -Zz ., ,hed every rofning except Monday during the ty year and Summer Session by the Board In of Student Publiations. er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- d the Big Teh Ned Service. MArNIEER OF THlE ASSb)CIATFD PRESS ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use blication of all news dispatches credited to it or, erwise credited in this paper and the local news d herein. All rights of re...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I C AMPUS SO CI ETY 13.1 History Of Musical Sororities At University Shows Pro Formal Dances Are Featured At Fraternities Frolic Band Leader New York Band Plays At Phi Chi; Kappa Nit Holds Initiation Formal Many out-of-town guests attended- ] the Kappa Nu formal initiation dance and the Phi Chi formal, last night. -. KAPPA NU Kappa Nu entertained at a formal' initiation dance last night. Guests were Florence Roth, ...…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY C. A. Plans tate Reigious Meeting Soon iference To Be Iheid A1 ausing M'archl 10,' 11 ; * Va Du~en SpDeaker ans are being formulated for a el to the state religious confer- of last fall, according to Jul._ s, '33, president of the Student stian Association. ds follow-up conference, which be held March 10 and 11 at Lan- is a state meeting at which the us Michigan colleges will be asentedl. Henry Van Dusen, national etary of ...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Partly cloudy Sunday; Mlon- daiv fair. Ir ig ii Editori Michigan's Ec on4 Senator Vandenberg Subs And Farth(I ials oiniists A rg; Jana iikm . . I ,1I No. 111 ANN AROR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1933 PRICE Fliv!T 4hants To Will Play "T""" ""r"r" Curtail Credit For Students Closing Of Out-State Banks Forces Action; To Result In Crisis This Week Checks Held Total Several Thousands Local Clearing House Can Not Clear Out-...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…&iJI At, AAF --------------- and Fifth Avenue. The discussion will center around the text, "Jesus, Dean Griffin Advocates Federal the Unique." Sunday, at the usual meeting of the club at 5:30, Reverend ! Yoder will open the Lenten series eposi with an appropriate speech. Anyone a fraction of the money guaranteed, Aitcell Advocates New the people would tend to draw out Reveii-vc Tvn& Propraii as who is unable toattend the dinner' at 6:00, ...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…S5, 1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7Y~PYW7?TI --I- PAI From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Wolves Four Regulars Close Careers To Battle Purdue In' Year's Cage Final N> Star Purdue Center I'R Reid, Crossman Finish Home Competition As Wolves Win, 6-1 Newberry Will Tau Alpha In Meet Zeta. Cage Game [ 1 i r.w..... w...w,.. Highboard DivingI ,in Cristy Publication's Basketball League IN THE WILDCAT-Michigan swim- ming meet the highboard was...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A DAILY ,. _! 't! , "-7 the world. Japan is not and cannot be an iso- lated unit, apart from the family of nations. In- deed, she does not want to be. But such an in- cident as this emphasizes the fact that Japan is, for all her show of bravado, quite'dependent upon the rest of us. Had it not been for the prompt and willing help of western nations in many other catastrophies of history, Japanese people would have died by...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

….. ..... ........ AOWAb A'MII'US Initiations Held By Fraternities Over Week-End Sigma Phi Alumni Return For Anniversary; Dance Given By Delta Chi DELTA ALPHA EPSILON The Delta Alpha Epsilon frater- I nity wishes to announce the initia- tion of Vernon Baldwin, '34, of Mor- enci, Mich., and Lawrence Mann, '36, of Nunda, N. Y. DELTA CIII An infornmzal party was given by Delta Chi last night. Chaperons were Professor R. H. Sherlock and Mrs. She...…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Yoreign Markets Cease Quotation 3f U. S._Money an To Last Until Present Situation Is Clarified In America, Reports State Checks Uncashiable ,ondon Stock Market Re mains Open But Trading s Slow, Close Dull (By The Associated Press) In every European capital exten- Ian of the American bank holiday o .the banks of New York resulted n suspension of dollar quotations n foreign exchange markets until he situation is clarified. LO...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…The Weather A Rain or snow Tuesday; Wed- strue nesday partly loudy. Gua VOL. XLHI No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1933 EdAitorials C lcar Field For Recon- tion; Action on Federal rantee of Deposits. PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt Easing Holiday; Gold Still Locked In President Declares One C Object Of Bank Tie-Up To Permit Formation Of Circulating Me(lium Confident Public Will Honor Scrip Issue Of Clearing House Certificates May S...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY S ichigan Wins Roosevelts Leave Church After Sunday Services Publication Of DailyBulletin The first issue of the Union Daily Bulletin, to be published weekly from Monday through Friday in the future, made its a'ppearance on the campus bulletin boards yesterday. The purpose of the bulletin. ac- cording to John W. Lederle, '33, Un- ion president, is to discuss contro- versial questions in the editorial de- partment and to cal...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Mat Team's Victories Wrestler's Scoring * * * MICHIGAN'S WRESTLERS have won three out of four Conference wrestling meets and all three have been won by spectacular showings in the heavier divisions. Spoden came to the mat with the Ohio State meet tied; won, and al- lowed Michigan to win their first mat meet. In the Indiana contest, 'he Mich- igan contestants were in the poorest physical ...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…TIHE MIUIGAN DAILY [GAN DAILY s -- J--j,, , is that gold may be exported from the country to At least, the Michigan plan offers the advan- pay international debts. This principle is defeated tage that the new council would serve as a cor- by the clause in the proclamation declaring an relating unit of all the major campus organiza- embargo on gold-exports from this country. tions. With all the leaders hfeeting in one single The third leg ...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…HE MICHIGAN DAILY s CAMPUS SOCIETY 1 t - ---. Week-End Finds Cam us Houses ActiveSocially Many Sororities Entertain Guests And Alumni With Dinners Aid Banquets owns Wsri At Roosevelt Inaugurol Ball New Members! Received Into I H Formal Initiation Pro-Week For Fraternities Follows, Several Founded in 1909 by James B. An- I earned by the woman. gell, the then president of the Uni- dates to be considered Variatio1s Iversity, and Mrs. ...…

March 07, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…- T~lE'Mr - A) A1lI V_ Nation Jokes, Lautlis Aboi Scrip Used I Mi1Iionires Borro Fromii BuI1(rs; F1hoove r Short On Cash NEW YORK, March 6-i P-Quip', grins and tall stories were on the lips of Americans today as they, wcnt to a well they had not tapped nce war days.I It was a wcll of extra resourceful- nes%, of ingenuity, of good humor. Human life, in spite of the shortage of cash; was finding ways of carry- ing on-as it has a way of doing. a...…

March 08, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Partly cloudy Wednesday, fol- lowed by rani at night; Thurs- day snow flurries. I99MlMmQm=-=f P- ----RENEW AL A Aw AV w A ArNff N A, at AIC PMROW ---Iw qw aiI Editorials False Prophets Hinder Con- structive A c t i o n; Spectator's Proposal To Abolish Fraterni- ties. VOL. XLIII No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt BankPlan Is Devised State And Local Clearing Houses Authorized To Is...…

March 08, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN P'uiatlun in the Blletin is constructive noticeo to till nxembers ofth 3:30; 11 :30 a. Im. Siturdaiy. VOL. XLIII WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1933 No. 113r NOTICESk President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of thel University on Wednesday, March 8, from four to six o'clock. Univer'sity Broadcasting-Wednesday-2 p. m. "Sun-spots and Terres- trial Phenomena" by Hazel M. Losh, In...…

March 08, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GE TMEE CAN DAILY I t unanimous- that fraternities should not be abol- ishecd." The least favorable report acquits fraternities of the Spectator's "moral delinquency" charge. Anent the "corrupt politicians" allegations Mr. Brack writes that the concensus of opinion is that the political ethics of undergraduates are, in fact, sometimes almost as questionable as those of their elders. The world being what it is, he implies,...…

March 08, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…,OUR THE AiICII1!firA'l E DAILY %VjLt) l sD.,,t f', -At:t ttClf B, 1 ~ OTJl~ TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCh 8, 193~ ij FROM THE PRESS BOX By JOHN THOMAS Basketball Team's New Captain And Their Sea- son's Record in Review FRED LEE PETOSKEY, of St. Charles, Michigan, was elected basketball captain yesterday at a special meeting of the letter winners. Although the announcement did not rvurprise close followers of basketball, the elec...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow flurries and much colder Tlnrsday. Friday partly cloudy and continued cold. tL Bitt a Dm111 Editorials The Union's Problem of Fix ing Prices; Complete Guarante of Bank Deppsits VOL. XLII No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 PRICE FIVE CE ..______________________, Roosevelt Requests Free Hand President To Issue New Proclamation Continuing Control Of Gold Supply Expects Grant Of Dictatorial Power Leader...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T-.UHR JA 14 a P DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ublcatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notce to a1 members of the nlversity. Copy recolved at the office of the Assistant to the President until :30: 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Stillman Talks ~'&( VOL. XLIII 'THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 No. 1141 . ELspe NOTICES Henry Russell Award: The final date for receipt of nominations for the COflsiOn Of Languagec Henry Russel Award will be Mar...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…TIUSlA"Y, MARCH 9, 193~ THE MCIA AL Ray Altenhof Selected For Guard OnDiysAll-Coniferenc4 eTear I FRO TH PRSS OXPuckste 's Sejeet I Wresilers Depart JOHN THOAS____ eor e David.As! o i TnI-e A ,LL CONF'ERENCE TEAM wias compiled after a season of s tatic. I 933 M 3J1~ 4 taifl Ldb a li hms ie .1'.; hister a season of interv.iewss of the scouts that covered the games, LedbyCap v ith the coaches of visiting teams, and with the players themselv...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IE MICHIGAN DAILY j. _ - I I a few personal guests. Other outsiders are not climax there was shown marvelous 1933 views of allowed in the building and so should not be able the campus all the way from Angell Hall and to make purchases. Waterman Gym to the Stadium and the League. We suggest that the Union establish one price The photography as well as the announcing of and that that price be made as low as possible. th...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…THlE'MICHIGAN ,DAILY I ~mac" 4- uauJiiw U y .j Fellowship In Two Divisions Pven.-s To Do Research In Four Coutntries; Ellis WilM Leave For Vienna Prof. Howard S. Ellis, of the eco- nomics department, end Lawrence Preuss, of the political science de- p)artmxent, haLve been announced re- cipients of Social Science Reserve Council fellowships for the coming Year, Professor Ellis ivill leave Ann Arbor early next autumn for Vienna, wthere he in...…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

…THE MJCAIIGXN--T~A1LY- CAMPUSS __IT Y __ Items From Othecr CampusesI Obapt ; old i er Houses IMi' ahoi Initiaio)s Dsplay N cw Trend Ord.i .llatvTo IMark S cenes iT), Proniote "Good F iendshi ml r .By Cl VIELTQN MSON, Jet. vei' eck End sa anunusual topcoat the other_ day. It was of etamel's hair and i-- a very full model. Tailors say idc hae Frma that i conit' ins fully five yards of mrat ,rial, IR has no buttons and no I~npeisHoliori...…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…ier Generally fair Friday and Saturday; rise in temperature Saturday. 000 -4 AaV AP d& Aw fiat at t A, A AL AM AMP low t Editoria Public Works And get; Hell Week Is Wane. The Bud- On The VOL. XIAI1 No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS . . U. S.Officials. Ask Names Of Gold Hoarders Action Which Government Will Take On Holders Of M1etal Is Unknown Continue Present 5 Per Cent Plan Ann Arbor Merchan...…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Roosevelt Allows Picture Of Press Conference Publication In th Pl!Idn is constructive notice to all members of the UniversitY. CoPy rocelv at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 1:30 a. m.'0n, 1r. NOTICES President and M's. Ruthven wil be at home from four to six o'clock on Sunday, March 12, to members of the faculties and other residents of Ann Arbor. To the Members of the University Council: There wi...…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…R lE 3M1CH11G'AN. D AlLY '] { From the, PRESS BOX By John Thomas A sii ling.1 Reid. ,r (m n II r Scoring Re)cordli True!: Pro pheces tnfoy w ,cv ' ITHYOS',S and Aiglcr',Arfusal ~y a:'i ;; y< to (o' Wiler a;ei",t i I he -pro- posed Detroit Re~d Whi Mi2i,an charity hockey game at thik; 1We, the I i Wolverine season has definitely comez. to a close. ~- With the 1932-33 season goes a 'iri .ckl k' >A t'. ii combin-aton tha~t is unriva led in col-...…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

… L f . Screen Reflections Pour stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no Tcars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "T NE WOMAN ACCUSED" MURDER THEME :STORY BY 10 PROMINENT AUTHORS ter fee at $7.50 and the second term fee at $2.50. This seems to be a very feasible system, since the football and basketball schedules naturally en- hance the value of the first semester books. Espe- cialy i...…

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