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March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 1


March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…bR L IVLU "lI, in the meantime, any are vitally EMJIE~~ interested and want additional infor- mautien in mediately ,they may secureIS1 IE it fmMr. J. 3. Kelly, local manag-erSA cf the MihgnSate Telephone comrr- ixi,"he concluded. EXPERTS PLAN, TO HIS TOR IC FOR TRES S MU E Off ernRecital Adv°ancedI students of the School of Music wore heardl in a recikal last might in thle school auditorium. Voice(, pim no, and violin solos made up the li ...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…~A"J . . . AJIULIIILIIS I II ENl WOLDNol.NR Hutch inson, Kans., Feb. 28-(By A. P.)-Universal enfranchisement of wo- men would mean permanent world, peace, in the opinion of Mrs. W. Y. Morgan, recently named as a delegate to the international suffrage confer- ence in Rome, Italy, May 10-18. Mrs. Morgan is the wife of the editor o l the Hutchinson News, who is a for- mer lieutenant governor of Kansas. "There is no doubt in my mind that the ...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…TH ,.MICH--IGAN DAILY .: .. . :, . jD' cay, is a salve which most of the yl ounger generation might apply free.s CAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE rosier complexion in life. w l~ TERSITY OF MICHIG A ' - I ,. ..__.. CAMPUS OPINION LAST EDITION OF E~ditor, The Michigan Daily: MI CH IGAN SONG BOOK blished R the~ -01 of I every morning exCept Monday University year y the Board in Student Publicati us. amber of Western Conference Edltorial latio...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…Ii i ak r£ ~iiN w r.w. s Destiny ' I,, , f : ,r. ;i f ;:1 i 3 i 7 nnIa~ m coaching school is'already on thebervatory. The founding took place C09CH S. SH OL OPN pres andwille out in a short time.i 82 C~~or~n l is~ SHOL o I~ expeo d. tdnt1s52 ofthe colete of Litera- tueSECOND r~rwrrr.. . _ U SESSION JUNE hr.ScieetC, , the Art 2~Ieouthe Artns student i the Oratorical Association toent I j otra*6, oratory and debate and top Regular cre...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

… - , iil Ism a 1-rn .r-' ---- 1 t1IIIIIIIIIIII ',A .r -J *SALE, OF, T Erns. And that wa the case. To these men could have one hiher bi R1TR B E odBrmnhmfl the undeirxale Wk erl'c'ni h ere satisfied. with taking frt aR PAV DW® FOR MAT Y'aETR Isk of relacing' Larry witih a yunweysjWsoni.So secnd places and not trying for d-VW Y S E R irman. And the act spelled' hisl tegh'1 R cn eod _- j dom. 1 *In the pole vault Hamant and To. lit a M...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… IulY WI 4i % IT 9 - Vi I' :k 1.6S rf .. y i i ' f ' V j. A' ' -5 j 5 I, ?1 ! ,, '.i- Practices of Squad at Present Tint Are Encouraging to Coach Ray Fisher SEVERAL MORE MEMBERS TO JOIN TEAM MONDAY Coach Fher's Wolverine diamond men continued their work yesterday afternoon in Waterman gyninasiun along the usual lines of practice hand- ed out by the mentor in the huge cage and are showing considerable im- provement as the season advances...…

March 01, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 108) • Page Image 8

… mOFFICIAL BLLTNI a inl the Bulletin is constructive nottes to L in embors of sity: Copy received until 3: SO v. m,. (11:90 a. a Saturd4ay.) ', HURI)AY, MIARCHI 1, 1923 Ntambor 10S we Association of Arnericat Meical Colleges:. wiation '-will meet at the Michigan, Union on Friday, aind Satur- ahd 3. At the meetings on F~riday morning at 10 a. mn., Friday 2 ,p. m. and Siaturdlay morning at 0:30 a. m'.. papers. will be pre- ~ious problems of ...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER RAIlN QR SNOW; )IODER. Y AaW 4kw -AL- 4ij t r to4tit t l SEE IOWA TOMORROW 6OL. XXXIII. No. 109 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, RIDAY, 1MARCH ; 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS A 16 A 1 AU a HestOf D.Gridde rs 4 RIEP'HES NTED IN Detroit, March 1--(By A. P.)--After ; the closing hour of recorders court Judge William N. Heston is to be seen li MIRthis spring and next fall on a foot- ball field, coaching University Of...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRI Handbooks Ready AOPLEY 1ES Bishop To Confirm For New Freshmen F i tte en Classes War Orphans May Frustrate Kaiser Copies of the freshman handbook, outlining Michigan traditions and U I 1111 il I UNfl Fifteen confirmation classes in Pro- New York, March 1-(By A. P.)- testant Episcopal parishes in Detroit, Reports from Berlin that former Em- Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor, expecting peror Wilhelm and his wife were con- Bou...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…____ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _ TE~ ICHTGAN"DAIY A J There will ho no aesthetic dancing lasses on Mnday evening, March 5, in Barbour gymnasium. The schedule for the games of the third -round of the interhouse basket- ball tournament which will be played tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gym- naslum is as follows: - "1 o'clock, Kappa Alpha Theta vs.1 .Delta Gamma. " 1 o'clock, Martha Cook vs. Chi Om- ega. - 1:45 o'clock, Pi Beta Phi vs. Austi...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ 7- " muent of the teaching of the doctrines of evolution in thestate. Consider- _ - _-- 'able indignation was aroused, corn- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE municatioIns filled the mails, editorials UNIVERSITY OF )HCHIGAN swamped the newspapers, and the Published every morning except Monday Kentucky legislature finally decided during tke University year by the Board ia that the theory of evolution might not' Control of St...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…Will Command ZR-i , K~now i Largest Di rigiblGei 1)I~t rREUTVsuPLEIENT THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I 7'GLEE CLUB PLAN ________ SPRING CONCERTI __________ Do You _____________t How many. University buildings there are on the campus? The number of Michigan Alumni ,esociautions? Who the men on this years hockey team are and who is its captain? YESTERDAY'S ANSWERS' The prevent basketball squad I made up of the following mien: Capt, Gilbert C. Ely...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…zr1nt1 i CHTGAN DAILY ___ 1U " rrrr rw wir + rr s_.. r rr'n"' rrn < _ . ti . C Pill r 'r 1C_ ...rte'""' , '" \..r ." ' f Zr RICKIGAN, SORELY CRIPPLED, HAS SLIGHT HOPE OF DOWNING IOWANS .uet,...hvesggsiost MICHIGAN RECORDS FRESH TRACK STER ,S IN TRIALS TODAYI otet Reachles i Fine Fettle Contest City for To-1 icaps of offensive of the Varsity which has -been one of the strong points in the Mather' game this season. Captain El...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIA DAILY- 77 7-77 11 KEY REIIESHOWS CREDITABRLE SEASON FgOWOLVERINE ICEMEN Coach~ Bars. Jt anicape*ped by LFlliigl a nucleus of Comb, goal, McDuff and Varw«aid Positionzs with Green Kahn,7 defense men, was a dire one, HellI as the service s of B~arkell, center, Lkerr and Sanregret, wings, of the ELIGIBLITYX $NX ADDS', T 1922 informal hockey team, had been 4IjJUIIIS C PJPLI4Yt MJlost through graduation. 39 to 4 3 Men Turn Out Start...…

March 02, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…___________TH4E MICHIGAN D AIL' FR AYtMA I --------------------- -: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of j the University. Copy received until 3:3.0 V. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdwy.) Volume ; FRBIDAYS 3IARCII 2, 1923 :1 umhlr 109 Houme Presidenits: The regstration slips for signing oiJtt at night during February arie due and should be handed in to the Dean's office Immediately. JEAN HAMI...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER INCREASING CLOUDINESS AND COOLER TODAY LL Sir i rnn tti SEE IOWA PLAY TONIGHT VOL. XXXIII. No. 110 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923, EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENS~ J "JiLi tirua... v. . _.. ,, _ _.. SEVERAL CHANGES Mimes Adopt Mimes Theatre has adopted new policies which will be followed in fu- T ure presentations. The changes were M D S MBL made to increase interest in their One of the change...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC HIGAN. DAILY'SA T'RDOAY1, -M AI~c l{[3>1923 I4U LU UI Two Appointed Ins~tructors_________ ___________________ LOCK ROF[ORS I Miss Constance Winchell, and R.L Dunn, both of the U niversity library staff, have been appointed instructors GIVE NHOR OFF IRES in Iaaoigadcasfcto o cataogin an'lsiicto the Summer session of 1923. , Officer: elected at the annual meet- ing_ of the Association of College ITeachers of Educaition held this wiieels...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…14E ITCHIGAN DAILY P~TI .......... Chaperones for- the dlances tonight are as follo;ws: fArmory=MVrs. M. Cake; Union-Mlr - Yates Adams. All 'women who fired at the rifle1 ranige last semester or who wish to begin the work this semester are re- quested to report either on Wednes- dlay evening or Friday afternoon in r ooml 330, engineering Building. Those who will be unable to report are ask- ed to communicate with Major Willis Shippam of ...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEB OF THE UNITVESITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning oxcept Monday during the University yeartby the Board in Centrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association,. The Associated Press is exclusively en. titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. time make it e...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A,.. - 'Pf IA r. v / \ \ '' . . 7 ,.i 1w "%, /1 /'l 4,~ p I .,., ...___. N r\7 #4 W 1 i L i i Te Sc hulz GrOcery TH OME OFPUEE e FOODS PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON National CANNED GOODS WEEK MARCH 3 -10 "The Consumers Opporfunity" Extra Standard No. Extra Standard No.. Extra Standard No. Extra Standard No.. Extra Standard No.; Extra Standard No. 2 Size Can Corn, doz........$1.45 2 Size Ca...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MCHIGA DAIL y - .." + , . .. . , ' a Sw TRIO 0O0WOLVERINE TEAMS GO INTO ACTION I r oD Ma t her's Co urt Men Meet IowdA Tonight In Final Clash Of Season ON JLI0lL A (Continued from Pa ge One) exception of Ely at center lacks the SE IFO A great battle at center is prom- fast offense that characterized its Gerat Things Expecied of Maize and ised for tonight when Burgtt and work in the early part of the year Ypsi May Enter T Blue Runn...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…(Continued from Page Six) 42 feet 4 inches. There may be oth- er good shot putters entered from outside the Conference cireles but it is likely that if Vail Orden throws thej weight as. well as he has the last week he will take first place. "Yarnie's" best throw of the year is 44 feet 2 3-4 inches. Hindes, who has made over 41 feet, has a slight chance of placing this afternoons .elay 'eam Weak ened Although Farrell did not want the repprts of...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 8

…,. -. _ _., _.-- Saturday, May 19-May Festival; Interscholastic Track Meet; Baseball 0 F F I C I A I B UFLnIlETcIiNn ont th~ilx'is schedules.?wi betakien at the meeting of the St- e B3ulletin is constructive notice to all members of _ All organizations or etening,. Mo arch ay 8. suggestionis, or who otpy received until 3::0 p. im. (11:30 a. m. Saturdai.)1 have any, objections to the schedule as outlined alcove, are requested to SATURDAY, 3-A...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER U E1TTLI 1) _t it an VOL. XXXIII. No. 111 20 PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 20 PAGES Section tOne PRICE FIVE CENTS PTURE TR In Berlin Goes Oklahoma Daily Home To Report Praises Union "Michigan Union Is University Ideal", was one of the headlines in a recent issue of the Oklahoma Daily. The article that' followed was based on a tour of a number of college un- ions by Gene Faulkner and B. S Grahiam. i The two st...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 Arthur Schnitzler's Fidelity In this country, the custom of judg- ROBERT LOCKE form, in this country since aout 1915, ing art by its conformity to conven- for you know Dr. Schnitzler is an tional morality has prevented a very Austrian. Before the war, however, wido~spreasl recognition of Dr. Arthtur there had been several editions of his Schnitzler as the ptaywfright a n plays publish...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN, DAILY IQKI&&N LOSES TO IOiNANS52O-181 Cap lponi 2, Haggerty 1, Birks 1 Laude 2, Japse 3, Hicks 1, hxair time: M-1chi~gan 10 Iowa eree: Kearns, DePauw. Pr i), Ohio Wesleyan. nuun RRTIri~IlnN rvr' 1; Iowa: Score at 9. Ref- Umpire: 1~r Q QOLE FA VORS all parts of the couintry in the refor- SAVING ,FORE STS restration movement.4 4 (Continued from Page One) j IIUIIII I LIVIJIUIU LIII LU i LU Captain Ely, Ksipke, Paper, C...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 192 THE FARM BLOC AND INFLATION A year ago the farm bloc was at LILLIAN REID tariff; Eison has so eay money novelty, a nenace to prty politics; I scheme; Ford wants to run a nitrat today, as this session of Congress lant; one want to start co-perative nears an end, we see it initts true isnedtotesttes.ilpoaty t o ysteonr Cmpp (0 iniarknaieting on a nationl scale; an- perspective, It is little more i...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…______ _________ THE MICIGAN DAILY ; I omen IH USPITAL FFER FoR UMNAE ILIET .,..,.: fare: Agnes Stewart, '24, Dorothy WOR D)unlap, '24, Amy Martin, '24, Dorothy Greenwald, '24, Harriet Bury, '24, ]+l-sieI Cil fur :Tlo , '23, Frieda Keifer, grad., Mfargar- et Kraus, '23, Phyllis Mellencanip, '23Ed, Dorothy Lippold, ,23Ed, JBeulah t lWomaen Sliowv to Answer C Voluniteer{+ There xwill be a special meceting ofll The annual Alumnae banq...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 192: THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE A Magic Hand In The Near East After one has viewed the situationi JACKI in thte Near East from every angle he( would probably not deny that Turkey has reached a position in the afair prtentions ttat they may' appar of the world which is eading to a hib so It is this type that is yI coniition not only rapidly approach-te ostdageoi;antI as a rest ing a drastic climax ut involving th i aetei...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,_ .. ., OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIIVERSITY OFMI[CHIGA1N Published every morning except Monday+ during the University year by the Board inj Control of Student Publications. - Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of alls news dispatches credited to it or not other- I wise credited in this paper and the local news published there...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOuR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 Music and American Audiences The attitude of American audiences NORMAND LOCKWOOD most certain to be, but such reforms toward ensemble playing is one lack- are not to be created artificially. A ing greatly in understanding. The valuable lessons that the old world In music, we Americans have no slow process it will be. though in tine average concert goer is an advowee has to teach, and instead c...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…THEICHIGANDAILY PAGE .W_ - , MOVE SIGN FARTHER? pijO WIil VlOP FICTION IS MOST p- T READ AT LIBRARY GOD wL M n i T Washingi 013. March (By AT.)- The Ford otor company was granted a preliminary permit yesterday by the Federal Power conmission to devel- op power at the high dam erected a cross the Mississippi river between St. Paul and Minneapolis by the gov- rnment as an aid to navigation. What is the most popular form ofi periodical li...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 5

…ENUDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE This week's success in The Freeman Among the Magazines is Mr. Edward Townsend Booth's re- markable essay on "Spring in Flori- N. B. da." Mr. Booth's style is so consist- THE BOOKMAN for March: Men as ent in its rhythm Hat it might be call- well as women should read "The Flap- ed a prose song. per's Wild Oats" by Elizabeth Breuer. Other articles are: "Shakespeare The title is obviously misl...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…THIE AN DAILYj ,-. , 0 -72 ..... \j +: M IiI Mi M11 ,. .. ,apt.. .. rMI 11M / [t1AllliilllllUVII l[ _ Millimm-i 1* I ZJ _ . ,. . . VARSITY CA'PTURES CARNIVAL HONORSl (Continued from Page One) utes 13 1-5 seconds. (A New Carnival record.) 75 yard high' hurdles-Wron by Johnson, Illinois; second, Hubbard, Michigan; third, Crawford, Iowa; fourth, Reahm, Illinois. 75 yard low hurdles--Won by Ril- ey, Kansas Aggies; second, Hubb...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY'' SUNDAY; MARCH 4, 1923 PAfIE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, ARCh 4, t9)g POLITICS FROMV THE t the csonr t 'dht e staunchls to the CHURCH STEEPLE pttitciptes ofthte Reputbtic'tn Patty. IDemtocratt'shis evtentlty' teent to icNf'O THE HILLS, By Ediward Nielson ,,ttittt,t to the 'attior ever since the IingI v. The Strattford ('ompany. tieywttenthits nottiet t ritis ite Ieardl Itevieweod by Rober T. ('ratio ftrom so...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPEGT6S Misirlo T I. u XI' But One :flan of Last Season's Squad Lost to. Team; R oricl to CaptAin Quartet SEVENTEEN MATCHES ON 1923 -ARD; ENTER BIG 10 TOURNEY Tennis prospects look bright thiqj year with but one man gone from last year's squad, Reindel, who played number two and was.lost by .gfadua j tion.Merkel, captain and numbe; one last 'year, is serving as manager this year while Rorich, number threg in 192...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN She forgives Nora, anti the other, and' eldest, naturally inarries first, after 1 then for a time decides to abandon did not present a medical diaginosis finally Laurence. Titat night he has msany trial love affairs witit young ttte "fast" life, but it retains its gipof the liodern fensale. lie would a, sudden relapse antd Mary goes ot eligibles, and sttooo ncr- thdisabp-onilthertutil shte...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…TI IE MICHIGAN' DA L. SNY, FAP.IIITY TA PlAY ....,r7 STEFANSSDN Td SPEAK News From The Other. Colleges ibgg's, "Depreciation of Public t'i~dy ity Properties" received at XWahr' 1 University Booke store.--Adv. L 41 If you don't know where you lost the article, never mind, a "Daily Clas- sified Ad" will find it for you.-Adv. I1 UUL 11 1U 1LIII Wonicit's Cliii) and Y. W. C. A. Sponsor Nine Act Performance Tom or- row Nighi3 d A NIThP.WS C...…

March 04, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PAL . EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 DOROTHY CANFIELD latest novels is felt the vivacity which (Continued from Page One) is the kenoe of her character. While scholarly achievements the mastery attending first to the things of home= of several tongues. and neigiborhood, she possesses Miss Canfield's first work of fiction, boundle's breadth of interest a n d or story-telling, entitled "Gunhild" abundant enjoyment of life. Nat...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…_ Section II Y A19an t l ilatt Section Two Two VOL. XXXIII. No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS MACMILLAN FORETELLS POLAlR EXPLORATION BY DIRIGIBLE GLIMPSES OF UNCLE JOE CANNON Uncle Joe' Cannon Cf Will Retire TodayE Washington, March 3.--(Special)- The most famous figure in America's political life steps out of public office "Dirigibles if sent to the Northi pole would be able to do more explor- ...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _ _ . A T THE THEA TERS Arciad- Katherino MacDonald, in "Money, Mon , Money," is the opening attrac- tion hero on Sunday. It is the story of a girl who wants everything sho crooks. The girl is suspicious of his Purple Mask, upon whom the royalists good intentions, and when her father have centered all their hopes for the Thoug the program is presented by members only, visitors are welcome.Man Must BegiZ hasn't got,...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 11

…I - F VV, t ' : . . M~.~ IGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 x ___ _ _ _ . ' DORO-lY CANFIELD latest noavels is felt the vivacity whch l 1lllinriIIIIiiiftriiiiiillitttnrlTttimljgjggjggj ;IlitiitllItlllrlitifil;:- (Continued from Page One) s the kevnoe of hr ,character. While . , scholarly achievements the mss ey atten~ding~ fist to the tlings of home New VictorRecords -Fr March 1923, of. several tongues, and neighborhood, s...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 12

…+ , -,. ., . _' - - n J ., PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;R THE FARM' BLOC AND INFLATION- A year ago the farm bloc was a X LILLIAN REID tariff; Edison has an easy money novelty, a menace to party politics; schenm; Ford wants to run a nitrate today, as this session of Congress boplant; one wants to start co-operative This amendment will probably be sub-fbyteonr.Cppodcinhs near...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 13

…A FACE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1923 SUNDAY, MARH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a ,: . .. ,, ,. . ..." 2 n: in r *ri .. ..... ... "" B-0 r I t i °l 9 '', l l . mp _I i a 'l y wmnwn irirr .,r .,.n - r. POLITICS FROM THE the country adheres staunchly to the_ CHURCH STEEPLE principles of the Republican Party. j Democracy has evidently been an 1NTO THE HILLS, By Edward Nelson anathema to the author ever since the...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 14

… PAGE FOURI THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 .- <.c _ rIr7 h ~- TNEL7CHKtA-NDAILY 3 Music and American Audiences The attitude of American audiences NORMAND L toward ensemble playing is one lack-E ing greatly in understanding. The valuable lessons that the old world average concert goer is an advowee has to teach, and instead created a of the star system; he is insincere in civilization based upon a practical his judgment of...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 15

…THE MICI-IC AN DAILY 100 EYIE IN- Trn, er Look~s For .reaction; 6GYERNMENT ANNOUNCES Admission to the Blue courses re- quires more military experience thanj t t f ~NIAII IW~ft1,In RevolutionaryRusa (Continued from Page Ninie) "I expect to see a reaction from to Professor Turner. England con- F or, which meets at 12 o'clock: I the revolution in Russia, if I live long. tinned as a republic for more than a Mr. Jun) will again speak in the...…

March 04, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 111) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUND AY,. French 1«: IMr. Patterson's class in 'French 42 which has been meeting in Room A =Alumni Meta. Hall on Tues. and Thurs., will m eet after this (beginning Tees.) in Room 231. N.S. at the regular time. WTARNER FP. PATTERSON. Mrechmnie il Eiiginet Ting,, :6: Trip to Detroit Pre, ,ed Steel Co., Monday afternoon, March 5. 3 CHIAS. B. GORDY. IDO ANY OF THESE APPEAL TO YOU? EAT AT' Exjdbltioni of Chicago Tribune B...…

March 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER WARMER; PROBABLY RAIN 0lt SNOW. Y It. I&3U tiII GET YOUR 'ENSIAN TODAY VOL. XXXIII. No. 1122EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 EIGHT PAGES Wwri r r -rr- aar--!.T PRICE FIVE CENTS Facul DOROTHY CANFlIELD," WOMAN AuITHOR TO ty-Student' Inttroduces Vaudeville Hobbies-A Sure SCAcure For Blues assistance of black saint and an imnn- " "~tsr n nri [rn 1T.~t Lwrw . Tc h1iG n1 nA nilr A S1 tf 11 IU [B If#I V I...…

March 06, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MSTER SPEAKS TONIET ON "EUROPEAN GDENS" I i t John C. Wister, specialist in ther horticultural aspect of landscape de- signing, will speak at 8 o'clock to- night in the West gallery of Alumni Memorial hall His topic is to be "Some European Gardens". The material for this lecture was collected during and after Mr. Wlster'j service with the American army it- Europe. After the armistice he tra-4 eled through Europe and vis...…

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