March 06, 1915

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March 06, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan Daily -J NOW $1.50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1915. PA ' l i EW YORKj ___ _ _ _ 4 N it i _ L, I f ! Description of Michigan's Dramatic Return from Cambridge Game,--A Chinese Puzzle Professor Karpinskl Appears Club at Union Tonight before TO GIVE EXHIBITION IN CHESS FOOTBALL TO BEGIN 'I nIL nfl" eh LE SIlOWIN(G AGOREGATION alt Declared mors d by Coach Farrell, sof 'ack team, Ufer, Carrofl, r, M. G. Ro...…

March 06, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…ThE MICHIGAN DAILY IT'S NO REFLECTION on ready-made clothes to say they cannot possibly fit everybody perfect- ly all over. Each man has peculiari- ties of form which only made-to-meas- ure apparel can fit. Order your new Spring suit or overcoat here and then you'll know what perfect fit and class mean. Of course, all garments are made in our own shops. Drop in and see our new Spring woolens. 7 . WILD COMPANY, Ieading Merchant Tailors. State...…

March 06, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…TIIP3 MICIIUGAN t AILY Spring Suits, Overcoats Hats and Furnishings GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY Inmall the latest and up-to-data styles. h We have a line of SHIRTS and NECKWEAR that com- prises all of the nobby ideas Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. t > . . , " :- ,' ' ' } _ % -°' , J Do you know we served a ton of Malted Milk at our Soda Fountains last year ? We"em Kgfh* Our New Ic. cree.m We make it ourselves, and...…

March 06, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC TH~*MICIGAN DAILY SPRING It's in the air. It's everywhere. Are you keeping an "M"Book? If not, why not? It costs so very little, and you will value it so highly in after years, that it hardly'seems possible any Michigan student would overlook the preservation of the many, many little things that only have to be "pasted in." Do it now. Come in and get the best "M" Book ever made for only $z LYNDON SPRING HATS AM i/ ; NOW READY ...…

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