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March 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The MIi Vol-. XX :NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,' it AV, MAI.RCH-iT. logo. B ALL TOSSERS GAIN ____LSFOSAE CONFIDENCE DAILY 'That Co thegrlsof thecmu r ~ Coach Rickey's Optimism In- t icriyatedd MssM ' e-. spires His Pupils to Better oro '01111(1y11ft1rn11n. Work--Pitchers Improve. T1e icotuteowas1giv1n0un111 the ise111 ins eot d t o o at suffrage1111 111 e11 XERCLE CHATS AND DANCES ON FRIDAY French Students (ather for a Friendly Evening Enlivened b...…

March 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The i 0iDal =,\ \ AhBO,- R, ii' -tGAls', \hhIIN\ESDAhYV, ARICHi 2 .1. Vol'. XX. UNION OPENS CAMPAIGN I FOR $500,000 CLUB HOUSE Plans for Half-Million Dollar Home for Michigan's Sole Representative Organization Are Complete---3 Active Campaign for Funds Soon to Begin in Earnest. REBUKES UNAPPRECIATION N I"hh soulirt H I FI Thinks Negro Athlete Failed to Re- flilxs are ne arly a 'asplcclxif,) ceive Just Treatment. lxx sac t(>xe 'uilt itstixc...…

March 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The MDai Vot. XX CLARK EXONERATED- BY WALTER CAMP Noted Football Authority Up- holds Judgment of Former Michigan Half Back. Walter Ctmp i the' Cetur mag- nine delares tats the plat hy "Den y Clark ill football gamse et wen lichi- gan and Chicagoin i1 905, which resulted ini a safet an which lst tle game adi chatojionslip for Mlichigan, tas the cor- rect tply 'andItat iitot ae should e attactedelto Cierk ot it The tilas itqusti on 's is fllows...…

March 04, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…11 he ic, h.- I", ai \roi .XX. FRESW-SOPH MEET nlt rl, isif-i SATURDAY NIGHT ;, 1l1 Annual Under-Class Event Good 'I'll 111o is Place to Develop New Material; chi )titliihl O Juniors and Seniors Tonight. i isit lst ltis ARBOR, ICH IGAN, st sisis the s- i trls sI aeN i(41 \\s illed to) s tar 1shit tast es-ti e tei 1v stermitnkltti t o 1w i sut (ohatastirers theatW!t CHANCE FOR C!-VIFOSERS mrtarb~oardi Offer,- rize for Senior Class lSong it...…

March 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…\i~t XX.'\NN ARB7OR, \IICHIGAN, ft 7 ff) 7 7 i Vol'. XX. KRAENZLEIN WILL DIRECTATHLETI' Former Pennsylvania Track S Will Fill Position Vacated Fitzpatrick. fit-. . 7'. f-.t-einti rco atheticsan oah f te t ta lercerobr \acn\ odro hutrfesoand theo adito itt - gct stanro ~oia tetic .Michitgani heflaceit to i lacinta i resitio n fetiat tiekl tor of \ ti'tt iii ttiti t sametimefi Drt. K a1 zei. il oal , , hi t at the beii ngtii of i the scotol e...…

March 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

… I I W4 . ' o 0 0 O 0 v v J I f J-- r r ^ ^ bfj = r _ J e n r c", ^ sv. s s bL *V - * - ji r. o br 7, J i-- r :- ^;i y, v: "' :- i "-± rn i .-'". bA r bA 'J1 5 ,i ,1= ._'' ' .^- ,/ , ''.' :-+ .. . .. , ... :r -+ r N n C C' w .. C 1 '77 ^ -^ «. « G "" r . " ' "-" ter. =' .i + p rr .:J .-+ f.' J-- ^,J ,^, "-' ; r^ . "' t,-, '" z C.) -bL b fl -2 i-+ ^ ,. ly,,"" w _ r "_ ;" ~i J ly "-+. y 4- " r--! "^ G i... .y J . ; ... .-..G J ;:. . G by b...…

March 08, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichianal VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUElSDA V, XMAfli11 8, isa. No. to&. SIMPLE ARITHMETIC STOPS THEJUNIORS' ".x S. and R." Students Need Ele- mentary Reviews to Meet Re- quirements of Advanced Work.' Goadeui on isy the criticism of the tmetropoitan papers at the large soisler of metn who were retortedl not passed or coditioined is 'S. & R." last semester the faculty of the egieerig depart- ment adopteid a noel plan at the e- gnn...…

March 09, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…4M1 , rl {; 1 Voi. XX. ATHLETES PREPARE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VtxlxIiyixxliY, NEW WARD TO OPEN SOON: xERMAN IIxx(f)\ xti)x1i.'NY SPRhTIGI E TS Ear and Eye Hospital to be Thor=-~x~ FOR rinuMETI oughly tModern. Ilan Wolverines Train Hard to Get Into Condition for Cornell and Syracuse Contests. 1\iiciiigan roxoers xx-ii dxy thi fir lst sptas iti cmptitNion 'at I rda ight i the xaiiiili ii i x mee.x 'his \-]ib thlas1 t preliimiriflle tci ith s...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…e M ichigan Daily NO. IIO. VOL. XX. Voi.. XX. ~,,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUiLRSDAY, xiiARCI-l 10. 910.No . COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ('NPARISIAN l ~>I TE IGT" AE I.I OI - .,T N N G T"RULES FOR BANQUET ,,- i irli " rllb te ujet BEAUTIFUL HIT With One Exception, Same as Sil111 iil o Did Many Other Things--High Last Year--Sophsi Must 'Keep Icxiiixxxix l i~l Price of Food Not Noticed at Forty Feet From Hall. Willustrte te lk. xWhxitney. r i t S...…

March 11, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichi-a -wI Vol. XX. .'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I0 \IAkC_ H 11, solo. BALL MEN FROLIC ON SOFT GROUND First Outdoor Practice of the Season Reveals Excellent Out Fielders--Pitchers Work Out. Taking advanage of the return of the spring atmoshtere the MicSihigan basebal teamt took its first work ot- sons yesterday afternioo non the fair grounds. Exuerant or their release from the cage the men soweds a te- dency to overdo tenseves and they ad ...…

March 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…Ic VOL. XX. .NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDA' MARCH 12, IgI0. NO. 1 12. ALL VARSITY MEN COMPETE TONIGHT Warm Contests Expected in Track Meet---Finals in Inter- class Relays. Although the lit Of et re sisnot large every oe of(thelvenits ill lthe Varsity iieet tonihlt ugill betic iustci st All the varsity trct11en0 -mth th ex eption of Bohnsacki re eli i ciand 1n addition th wren wo hv dn good work i the tio pruiousis will Complete. The Il'res ...…

March 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…d ,I VOL. XX. HORNER STARS AND TIES GYM RECORD Wins 35-Yard Dash in Four Sec= onds Flat--May and Ross Do Good Work Featured lby tle tiglflh' ido record it the 3-Warddalxi amt the irstl appeartcee of 'all thrsi}ahe the atttuli Vrstymt t wli hei ri trda ]ti t in 111 iiri un,eio nim Excepton tiir"'gooidItiirswr na i 'PTe hn oe initiii liltvidua pont v ute of the eveniiiiiliti it 3t-yarti dash itftutusecondsllat. di i iir tiet thr tid or reor, oo...…

March 15, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…i , > , e MICHIGAN'SCA E GOOD INDUALNT Bohnsack and Leger WXill Cooin pete Saturday==Syracuse Lb1 Get a Few Second s andTi Bird, ARBOR, MILMIG \1N, T (fthe n<Itc the stuperiFor fhefehmen waseidet. F F.. . . .. IIerring r.t.. . .. . I c ccili c. . . . . . .iccit cit F. .. nt... c.. F.cJ cIi "O0DYSSESTOB FESTIVPL jIl FEAUR PlIans for Chor Il Unon are Near= ly Compiled First Concert Comes May 5 SF'' ()h X1'ciF)FC RKI;CI" F is Curet cc "TI i ...…

March 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…IC r' T h NI VoL. XX. %N ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, t't'nf'SDV,.nti~16, f., ni SYRACUSE COUNTS ON RELAY VIC3TORY Manager Cook Considers His Chances Good to lDefeat Wol- verines in Coming Meet. Michiganwl ~ t a "atnliav Keithihi es nt Act hat a tininc - fit ii i- <t Siifniii ii S (ISIdel- in f f tin I LC' fit fiiin cii ifi it i ii iii he \\ -1 intC a c tslld \ thi e cltfi ate i nt ffacinli hIt c it. for ill(,in in -- i ii iiild ifliili thf acei ...…

March 17, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…e. y; ft1 ,^ >a VOL. XX. ELIGIBILITY BOARD ADOPTS_'NEW PLAN Requires Athletes to Showe Clas- ~'sification Cards in Addition to Athleiic Standing. for th1 tr(11and baseal i eam , ap- peare fo re: the c0 li i bi0litiicomitteei of the fioard 111 in ontr l f tlftiCn Wed- irodav eci n d ied 101 (tile 1I011 man resefnt \,1 fftin iii ('1(41 The bnshl flldot1W ontahe .N ARBOR. -MICHIGAN,TIft 11R)1. \N'1II,ff-S DINIE'S THAT PROF. HANES TO LEAVE IF W...…

March 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…rN :RBOR, 1MICHIGAN, GRT) I .dl-dIHt rK 7ol.. xx SYRA USEPREPARED Tl'ice ofdaa'saioii iattg a() Condition oral Meet- -u aes in-t Ildicitat lh itstor liasoer) t 5 Coni ti orMell. i*Tet em ~r VlI-tce is a ooatta it itttheiame pfir d iastandle i till 11i ih te, ra t iee.I -tl r a ds e i I ll , sa r d ii - t lo till is st ti ITS PROPOSE PLAY (J o on Sale for Black I-ace Show so Ililga i lcl tadti atth gat1 ail miiiia lilshot' adidiic Jil Tiii...…

March 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…he Mach i ____'____ A'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA\TURDA\Y, MARCH lii, 1910. No. 18. VOT,. XX. SYRACUSE ATHLETES ARE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Experienced Methodists Expect to Uphold Hon- or of the East Against Michigan--Leger Un- able to Run--Bohnsack in Poor Condition. THOMAS CAPTURES ORATORY PRIZE Senior Law Speaks Eloquently Before Small Audience--Snyder Takes Second Honors. "Our 9AfriCall loagnla. a discutssioni of the race probltemt, tWat the su...…

March 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

….ots X. N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 0910. No ig. VOL. X1. SYRACUSE CRUSHED BY IYIC IGAN TRACK TEAMI 'W olverines Defeat Eastern A ggregation 65 to 1 -K k M a e 4 0 Y rd D s in: 2 4 5 Seconds and Breaks Record--Homner is Indi- vidual Point Winner. i '; DIAMOND ARTISTS PLAY SNAPPY GAME R ckey Sends T«o o Nines Against Each Othier=Newv Material Promiscs Strong Team. Enouora cd by the apperanct of rea: 1 it u os wth so-i-' steedy bhos...…

March 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…The Michi an Daily VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, 'l' U ESA 1",\I_ RC 1122, 1010. Ni). 120. RICKEY INSTILLS GINGERAND "PEP" Baseball Men Given a Good r- Workout Yesterday=-Practice On Ferry Field Today. Giger and1 irssis ibin rsosare tns (qualities wichh Coachsi Rihe is ots edieaorig"toins till isis suadttiof tar bseassls ipilaiters 1f the ieter- minedispiit ad arid iiwsokicihewere (iplalyediat te Mitsui isftroo prac- tiec at the ihir r...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michi a n Batl ?ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDllNESlDAYi MARCH 23, 1910. No, 121. VOL. XX. J. ENGINEERS WIN FINALFROM ITS In Fast Game Bridge Builders r Land Second Successive Bas- ketball Championship. The ive repreenting tie juniors of tie elgileerilg deiartmletl woltie baskethall clamlpiostlip of tie Uitiver- stil foe the second tille lby otclcatig tie 191, it,41 1to 22, ill a hari fotgt Ttetday ight. Concerted temila ty wnt for tie egieer...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichig n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI Ilk P91):UtMA\RCH 24, .1910. No. 122. VOL. XX. JAPANESE BARON TALKS Customs and Institutions of the Mikado's Land Set Forth. Baron Danok Kikuchi's talk last night, given uder tle ausicles of Sigma Xi, proed to be higly interesting to a good sized crowd. Baroo Kikuchi is in America on a msore (or less diplomatic missionl adc the purpose of his visit is to further cemsent the bods of fried- ship 1now e...…

March 25, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The Michi anDa ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRID \\ S1I SRi.If 2y,110.No. 123. VOL. XX. HIARD WORK FOR ___ COE HIT>OU;F B S BL MNins last nights ply a th Uionbrid tournametit with a score of 2886. The Coach Rickey Gives Men Hard iacers aditephienomenal score of Conditioning Practice--Expects 1358 firsthlisniglt's lt. Towers and Elitott te it secod sitaeesoils a total to Select Nine Saturday. sf 2778 Pay was tttsutsally heay - totstitmanse largeiac...…

March 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…The ichi an Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S 9ffRI) Y, MAfRC H 26, 1910 No. 024. Vol. XX. CORNELL PROMISES TO TEST MICHIGAN'S BEST Ithacans Hope to Avenge East for Syracuse De- feat in Dual Meet Tonight-Wolverines in Aetter Shape Than Last Week With Leger in Condition-Indoor Season Ends. 35- yard dash-Cornell; Blass, MacArthr, Baker. Michigan; Honer, Craig, Reck, Gamnhle, Ross. 40-) ard highs hurdles-Cornell ; Nixon, Stiblust, Ranolds. Michigan; H...…

March 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Mich ianD l ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 7sf NDAY, MARCH 27, 1910. Noxis5. VOL. XX. __ VARSITY TRIIUlYPHS IN MEET WITH CORNELL Final Score 54 2-3 to 17 1-3---Keck Again Breaks 440-yard Record---May Makes Fine Showing in Mile---Relay Proves Spectacular Race---Horner Wins Shot Put. Michigan took anotier eastern scalp Cornell iseth ie Michigan missers were onto itself Saturday hy defeating Cornell hutnede. At tie tree-uaitietee mark 54 13 to 17 2...…

March 29, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The M l-A ich an Datl VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, iI> ARCHI 29, 1910. No. 126. v CURTAIN RISES, ON TDAMATILLCESPEAKRO R MICHABODS MARTIAGAN TONIGHT Rostan's "Chantileer" will be the SESSIONS T( 11 1 sbec fa etuetob iv y I.Rene Talamon of the French depart- Junir Grls'Pla Shos Bth ettt, in the lecture room of Taptpant Michigan Schoolnt1 Talet an PrparaionatIte loll at 5:oct o'clock titis afterttoon. for Forty-fifth 'r Talen and reparti...…

March 30, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michin ail AINN ARBOR, MICHIGANXXWEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910. VOL. XX. No. 127. __. BIG IMPROVEMENT IN BALL TOSSERS } With But One Week Left Before Southern Trip, Men Are Work- ing Hard. After long outdto or practice the Wol- verine baseball team is ronding into the best possible shape for the sotthern trip swhich conmenes next week. Al- thotigh frost present appearances the sutadl caln iino) sway be conparei with that of last year, Cac...…

March 31, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The Michi an Dal AENN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIlL RSD NY, -MARICH 31, 1910. No. 128. VOL. XX. OPTIMISM REIGNS AMONG TRACK MEBN o Michigan's Prospects for a cessful Invasion of the Are Very Rosy. Suc- East W'ith tile mos0t sutccessful of indoor seasono to its credit the track squad hais moved to ttie Perry fietd citider path. Even Traiiier Fitztsatrick, nattir- ally conservaitive, is optimiistie, ande the prostpects for a victorious teaii are...…

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