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March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Th..e Mic igwan Daily ANN R)I.\ IC'l I ( .\\ . 1 ( -F\> . ; V~)Y, Nt\R('l 1 000~t. .to. N ox.. xiX. , z d6. TRACK PROSPECTS PLEASE DIRECTOR Showing of Underclass Athletes Gives Fitzpatrick Hopes--Oe- feat at . S. U. Accounted For. Dirctor I. cn xxFitzpatirick i xarn a Yosit ilicthesei days.kit(ndit i ceasy to gussthe- reaxon. prvideld xii iat- tnddthtii rc-k cph cit-ituxtr la igt'Tie criat traieriiint hapyr beaue hefri-sthen c xxiee %cl b...…

March 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily Vol.. XIX. AN'N ARI (M, M K I I ICIAN, 1t'I:,I):\ SI). Y MARCH 3. 1909. Ho~ C.TW R NWI iFI NE ()F U NIii 'I GO 1 11)1 i"S1 SPEAK~IS 'FR1~ID~A'Y hts~14 botittr. it S t-e'c Address on "Diplomatic Life and 1I tinit h~ic theabene t it' ~ rl i~ ae rt t-ntte'tttlunt for iiii Diplomatic Ways'' Is Ninth secitt. I1 ast ohi S. L. A. Number. l'eritt;. ete t'" bliitr ltes't hi m- - elf to tbe titteittittie ConCitt e i s t _ ...…

March 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…77- .yy '". ('D r:" -. j .-,- ..r C: , ' , ,,, r'; ~ , t , ." J t; .J .- n l; ^ (" ; , 77, rz, v3 ! e--f ry "S ! gip' 7 ... t , . .._. /"i 'r~^ (^ n r^ J" J: l"; ,. :Y.. ' ' '1 ; -f-' r:. ='' .r' '; ,-. , . ! D :-5 . -.- Q :. rj " , _. r~ r; "" C" f ~ ^ r: y~ r; r , 'r: r' .: . v , .- (; y r> J: n n r> r- rte. C - r :,; ... ,- ^ w v fem .; "- ..'. li r ! l .-. .- u fV :, j ! :! f ~ ,. ("' 1. !, r'.1 -= "/ M -.- "^ _ ^ ' -^+ ' 7;, r'. r 'l r. (...…

March 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Daily M\\1Cti1t1CAiNIii \ ,~lD R CD il)(X)r' Vot.. AA.. . .......... . .......... .. "NOT THIS YEAR" BUT NEXT--MAYBE Prof. Patterson Intimates That Michigan May Formally Re- enter Western Conference. n~m ad ukcd or 1prmisiontoiienter team inthis5yer', iCnferece ime t, Prf.G srg \\ Pa sttissntof lihe Nl- 1g the ic oai llii Con troililIst ight pracicaly ad itte th t ielationiifl S i miii'i ti more siindimttre fsfsuuly tand that i...…

March 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily T Ot. lA A\\ ARBORl.'ifIClIlIf .\N, S,,TLI)1-M, MA R II 6, 11)09. BUCKEYE WARRIORS SHLASI P)I~al TO lYIEET VARSITY fan(hlilt iofiSof iiit theI\iriftzii, ' ' " if i iti i tltedan onettwichtiets~k' . \o. x w AREN'T THESE, MEN THE MEAN THINGS? Now They Don't Want Real Cho- rus Girls in the Union Opera-- Horrid Old Sticks, So There! C') _(p ra oes area 11not for ils Last Basketball Game of Season" Played This Afternoon; Tea...…

March 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… " E.r wJ b a f t?~ C I- * - H J P, _ --.. .-i .J f '1. - ' J. J - _ '_' i r r L _ '~ _ . _ !1 Ja f J , 'r. y f. ,y ,r _ eti J ^. ', { .v 'f 1 J "l. ,i-+ J a .- v :f .. i ^' J :7. _ J .-.. _ I J :.J .-- ^. r I . ;, r ,. -, - i' ' V f .- ti f: 'f. _ :f '1. v ' ~ J J .. .... n - of " J': _. : -- , ; , , .= .. f. . . f. --- r, f. ., . J '/. " :/ J .. J . n "' '- c f. ;a r ,_, r. 1. C!, _.. .J. f i . .-, r, .. r : f :J .- = . ! 1 .- of "'...…

March 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…TheMiia Dal NV )\ , \ j .l (K NI( t_-A\ I N I . N NI (IsP:"?1.).1T,.Y!,7.1 l'tx. BAIRD ANNOUNCES I HIS RESIGNATION P~redicts Bright Days For Ath- letics--Basketball (Jets An- other Chance. _ nn10l i'twill h ra1c. L s t t>h , ftt the (n t 111c, r. Lird de--it 'fte1>ts i cd mc e rh 1 - tti ( lc ' n rit itte inns< te di r.ta~ i to c lin c ll he of ice 1i1oc id M r. R il-( "1 ave ried t() c°-unt f unil JUt W l l p 1c lk inithe a,;cciat()n nd m...…

March 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga'n Daily AN \RBOR, ?I1ICI§A , VIIDNESDAYI lMARCH i o o( ) ) o.13 Vol-. XLX. No. 1 r3. TROUPE OF NEW ZEALANDERS VARSITY RECORDS MAY BE LOWERED Annual Indoor Varsity Meet on Saturday Night Will Giive Lie on Prospective Material. il be 11e1d SIIrdaO. loro, 13, 011d will ;;ire 1110 first 111e1111t1 opportunllity to see the entire prospelctive trac: 1team 1110' rI men1,01 1an 11 1110h thesestar work- 111ces that1 have marked,01 prvil...…

March 11, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…The Michig-anDaily A-N ARBOR, IIC[IIIG X\ FF11 RSDI\Y, )MARICH i Itoo)0 NiyI.4 Vol-. XiX. NO. 1 1 . t''.LY1L1, I}}V''1,STARS PREPARE T X LYOPL HVTl MUICTPANDflDRAMA Q .TO UDAY NIGHT ilU1Um u SHINE ON T RACK ii iii ill ily - epetsIIwill COM INEdTOIGH __serieswil bedeliered cibly Prof. Xec- Prospects Bright for Exciting tIcyin St. Xindriw' churich ntext Suinday Famous Actors and Musicians in 11t7:30. 1Thisllellttrethe svh cltiof Contests in...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily Vol-. 1Xin. l\N ARBiORL-t11(1IIGCAN, IARTI)AY, MARCII 2, 1-it BENEFIT SEAT SALE Ml-VIR T I 't YIOTNGT OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK ,Iin~i- la I ila 'iu kl GREET MAKES BIG HIT' IN STAR ROL&' :-Wed by" fleaultiful Symphony Orchestration, the Nottd Actor Makes Strong Impression. Theater Box Office Opens Hour Early to Accommodate Crowd;, All Seats to be Reserved. 'Ill iesre tet -salt for the and it-it i performance at I-thelajuttic th...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The "--ichigan Dxl :\\Ali()R, IB. TI(A\,SA\TURIDAYilNI. i13,1909. :t i'. v c: r 3 (). MEET PROMISES CLASSY EVENTS Capt. lDull is Expected to Lower (iymnasiurn for the Mile R~un, Fast Men Entered in D~ashes. t r o14 \vtr-theic hlytO 1.1w- f t- c-~t t I'(I f)I- the i, th t ia u b r o C 1111(1;lts for vmsl - ii H lm s r itt lt( ~ tilt-1r t."cot occirds. A.\\miles v ~ t an () beterttttil0 e\i c r uet.h f - lapped.ii :\siiti I e a,(i n t i s...…

March 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN> RIXI>OIIIJIIM\ ICRZy,5. NDAX \,1\ZRfJ.IH14, 1(1)) VmO.. XiX. No. 117. RECORDS BROKEN IN VARSITY MEET New Marks Established in Quar- ter Mile Run and Pole Vault- Captain Dull Did Not Run. l'wo indors1rcc 1101wereIoknland sr 011 ohr;ier n I grof being t \"0Wa'errn l >110010(00(1St(10 nght Da lly 11(1 1114 0111 1of1424(I -5l i n t 111el mile. \ (:o, od dev4e4long int 11(1(101 1P1(1made 11it1imp'o111111e1for1te 1lei (10...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \K1li)(Z III._l \ lItIif I~ih f. I ;SD hA M \liI V 6, igy \ 7t.. IX Nit1 i18. HAYS WILL LEAD BASKETBALL TEAM Was Unanimously Eflected Cap- tain Yesterday-Track Men to Clash in Dual Meet Saturday. ft anteettng o the hsctbatlcll tetmt Miodalyt-night (tiltit H ayes, guard Va-s cosean captain of the teatt for ext fso.lather, of D erit, tas tten- t i lit for te I itcit, uton hs m t n nie. Ilati- cotitis tflon Cicleille, t...…

March 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaly Vol.. XALA. UNION. MEMBERS TO DINE FRIDAY First Membership Supper May Pave Way For Weekly Affairs -Forty-Seven in Whist (lame. 01i01 Fri tcinii l. o o'clock ithe001 membertots will pass t Pin tohprtake 1f1the1 lib~' 13 133 it tmit i p sapp I er.ii T hei wav whic assort 1the. sucess ot " itt - C~ti:. h i nner S i ll be served hi titlity to patae tfiago d n'tltia11 3i11301, ]titi to ltthem ingt too'tie ol Coiniig' 't an alyt ...…

March 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Daily foi..n AXA. \\N tRdllWld.MAllktllIA\, rllR*R DAlt ARCH\['1 8, iooo. RUNNERS THREATEN VARSITY RECORDS Dull and May Meet in Mile Race Saturday Night-Board Passes Eligibility Rules. 1e brokenilt i l' dul tact m et i ch willt be- hl~d Satura nt ittigt it Watr-i mI gy mrsi i b tteCtt tiam ticap- ail.iine y ul an l- iitla It at I i lli mak"auot~o allmplto ad sttn iMor inces o -te ipese t pleval rco- ul . Th i i ventii oiII i t ">u tttin ci...…

March 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Mch nDaily C\ 1R3(R Ni.11h C 5 t iC919,10)0 VOL. XIX. t . T23 PROBATION RULE MAY HIT ATHLETES~ Dull-May Meet Saturday Night May Be Affected-Mile Run Will Feature Meet. Chahot ho'1 riing ofolth' board of tion11frm Cenggigli10athieti. contests, X6111o1t1ardiarrangig"tie ilealtti- 1 (1111 foul 11planIllof Iraner Fit- " Cre1 picked forl 1110.r1till.oteof tie trams 0.inteD l- meto 111 ar)e111 00iltie cla1ss (11wh ich 1has1fall1111111 til he...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily 1: \ A \RiMI 011C uG N\, S.N ' l ) \N N1 v~tI N Ii( I20. 10. Nuof-.1X1X. DULL AND MAY WILL; LEAD RIVAL TEAMS5 Records Will Suffer in Tonight's G Mect--Dull Expected to Lower Mark in Mile Event. i the yeir lbefoe thei Varsity inet cc l-tt riiiti-at- %iit ouiittside teamstt Te ic 1 il alts clitati(ii in this- meect may piay a large par t in diatcriiail i thetakec. ip of tihe -ea thtat wiill faceath l f- Cli *kio tlciic *kAss...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The ichganDail y Vol-. 1Lin. (), 12" MAY DEFEATS DULL INI THE MILE RUN Haskins Wins Over Horner and Craig in Bfoth Hurdles-Dull's, Team Wins Meet. i te~) captairi Sa trayii rpi l th til i cet tet tt ll tl: u l Ilet tic t r ival' oh i n i fatroftiec tact. ii, rxit ,t k o i1cto . lii:I to Ma tic ii lIt ltilt' ied i~c t ali t i ri itwell n front it f tr M ni llt- thill it tofLecr h lottle (M , .cod;R ics (SN ,i lls-iifQ7Jt. ji wrIADTJO-i...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…xxx.. ALA.. X\A \ _I)( CHI C I't- E1SD) AY,\MARCHII23, 190.ix.2. N [r '() 1.. 1SgyT n. N (). F 24. BALL TEAM PLAYS OUTDOORS TODAY Drudgery of Gymnasium Cage Is Past; Better Chance for Bat- ting Practice Now. Mclxl" asbal i adwil esr het caried ti titi l i xll iii l'Iv a he h s a Ii l ix ii land iixi ii "lii oo lxxxi iic tci ixit lo iha t c iciio tic :t loviiei i it anet be pesentat th xi t dom ipr'ac'tielindxi di t il ie i ci th chane tha...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily I rI' BASEBALL S9QUAD FREE FROM CAGE Lively Practice at Fair Grounds -Track Team Meets Chicago A. A.Saturday. iii i1aihp rcic ~c ittt i, il be he \or<I fri~tt n m an i h pa l iii 1X1(1 %irli amlhinting 4 I~l I0 I \ l n Iiili i t iii lii - c rc~ til Ciit an of 118 lca ' I c m Ot H ll(,a- it it at II t, i itli c % rcttd t : nu u ili fa ra- 11 fo r lil c rk ;nd te e mH un ia dltrit i ngof a o icci ni H. .lI - h:ma~~it iieli ma...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…V& am The 1"ichiAt an Dail \\ \lZiI 11. . W IfIC;:\\, T ll[ 1 SC)r\' \I A}.Z('I1 >5, t<)cxa. T I. xu. BARTELME IS NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Chicago Banker Is Selected to Succeed Chas. Baird- Regents Modify Eligibility Roles. <<,c1,tti c'il tlr <lcl a ,lrrc >tccl il: ' davit c d C 1 'trnc"t t :lilt f ll <t r t 11 i i ltii r, i Ili t<tT'lc C I- <t t 1 t ; (' JH ul, , < ill t n (15(1 1'F' (I. 5 '5 (5 ( l wihtoaCs~ ( (Cl Itrycc( l(((C (ICC is l...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily k\N ARBO(R, AiiCii( AN, FRID)Y:, NAXRCHI 26,l ooo Vax.. Xi. CLOSE STRUGGLE IS ithbilmater aeutci i a bu Th c~iilxixhavelbeeiiaskedl to stay LOO1(ED FOR IN MEET tav fromtheI axxx(x-tix. ltut exttiiix __________s s i regardinglitie vico usti classii' Eivery Eivent XWill Be Strongfy tt~ hl othe xix cx. \blhat the otit- Contested; Horner and Dull r 'jc rte iti cl x-iaxatci Will Be Michigan's Winners. tat Mxicigamust use iover...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…00, 41& h ]VI'ciliga - n ANN ;\RBOk, MICHIGAN, S.ITURD.NY, 1\IAR('Fl 27, 1909. r c. (_. : t . Ni, 121K MEET IS CANCELED BY CHICAGO A. A. Cherry Circle Athletes Taken Ill Suddenly-1l911 Lits Win Uni- versity Relay Championship. Then' il ]w 10 Mkx ' xxxi xxnght lxi e 1: ar'ty <[]d te ncr~n) Atlxici 1xx lxx xxxxxx xi x i t xx if-c m ic i r cix c<1 tx xxxxxxxixixx Morn PH E'81 x CP~ I lxy 0JDR-\-I xNF livered' bxy iProf. Jac(:)iRx l <xx rd 11 ...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… 0, -vi m, =r = .. .. 0 a 0 .. 7 ' a r-e C, co - -d N ,. r " ,_ " i : _. s - : , M ;. r- ' , --- I Imo, ' ' r, ' ,.--- 'r - j J r- f r r J4 J tv u "f, r r . H 77 '- "n '/i . . ._. .... ' J: ,. . (" 'J f ^'.. "Mae i V h. C: I ~> f i t I y I P- 1 'j V 1 d J. .+ ' i n J r' l .f J 7- 4' I- _; ri ... "" G. mss' . : . .. u ' . c tr ,,. . « , rf a r "^Y . s * M,. tw ' p f Y' P10 M w ii ° ^F 'i qa*d^ {.. S w + 9 9 d 7.11 …

March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot-,,XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, .1909. . [ 30. BALL AND TRACK MEN GO OUTDOORS Prospects Bright for Southern Baseball Trip; Four-Mile Team Working Hard. Wit.but little tore tatanweek i- tervetinigibefore tie varstty baselclt sutad starts soutit for te insnsial sprng vaicationi trip, te prospects arett t tthe teamis will go into te oeint'g ttte of thte.'seasontiwitht lessottdoosr siokthantit its previosi...…

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- m- - - =oiJ, .1 0 L f r'^ a r-4 s: "l , 7 . - II 00 t. . k o 0v now-'U wo 3 * R4 MiU , _.. ,y, ° _ :. r._. ,_ , - _ . _Y_ .- ~ 3 AOL t ~ uz E1 h- '"13 A liKw. s T f - ,; ;=- ,1 J . I f :I: .% J .:'" 1 ~ ti- _ _- _ ^,;, .... J, ^ t~° - j Y / J: . _ ~ r 'L " . ,y. , ,. to rf , .: f ... ... , r r, %' ~" r ' _" O _ _. C! ! 'I: y " .W V y ^ , ~ , r . ,: -- _ - - ,, s n c " ' c ,-, , f f-: .. ' J , ,, <; _. ,-- =' "-^ , s: …

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

… N Ck) Wf) cr a 40 CD i z C0 y 0 Y -3 tj1 0 .-, i E Ir s n - 3 0" C/a = J a CD .... . . " . . . Am w a .. w ... h ro :°. I I r/22 D : ' C H ti r I I l + ~" V% .. M r-y f FG-{ f C; rt M " F+ e'1y 1 rZ "L D . c s z ;.: V: rJ; U A _ ,. r -- - r r E5_ f 7V '!% L v_ 1 y <: ,- .-, _, . r u r'whlv.+^v+ ' / f -" ate. ..r ' - .d . 1 J .r ..r s*+ :r' , ' ,, + _ f-- . ,f ' o ' <-; . r n -a ' "i C"7 r s q n r rf C f r ...…

March 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…T14E MIC14fGAN DAILY IG. HI. Wild Comipanyl urly 1 ditsc~et. RT I . M4ERCHANT "TAILORS Have received a large line ot woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (tisenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian D~rab, Light .Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumbherland, Chester, Orient, Pet- ham, Aostralia, Cymric, Bullion, FederalEnopire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- tes Please comue early ...…

March 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY I THE IMICHiIGAN x~r DAIL[Y.Ixx~it cce ( cixxi-i xi t fhar iii iner 31(1 If Kl1< F Nr011)I' IdIZiS I IIaic H UEI IIIIIII Idccx' Autcixc F.RITCHtiE; fn. ut c tts6 ' d cn ie trt xlii)citgauae stuen , in uw.'ChCC1m-11( ,' . \ S ()'I Ch. c l r ' BI III~ .lonciie-J (ixi F. iW UR, ofci c o pera i isixrtiiiiiixlc.s :ft ix ii x iii °crlixxiixin the iiiiiunal forst i. M~ERCHANT TAILORS . lc cedcylxci xlb p ix I. if thatiisis...…

March 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

… -TH9 MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY piatt,1]1tl i "ani cial actan anna m l dt11I Itc increasti. Sinai npptlg theytitan k an 1 r zn Id o r AxtttttF. RITCHIE.Pr r a aa-"n a 11 ~rt;c -ennner---ot N F. iW URa. Wlig to oact'iicc a Littl sit i a)t ifa W Hlace rceived a large line of I_ x ci tte........ RLobert Moontsier 'tort of I ttitttcc" tauttni loalla ha t. woolenstor SPRING and SUM- Xti t tt........lllS . I<l Onfr. h ]hot pote nt 'ct an of...…

March 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…C 0 4 x MM t 44 y 0 zo 0a m) m ;0 s 0 lot CD OV - a . - ,. A -- w y . , U0 -s , C . Y .v C i t :x -, _ , : . , , C7d --s - o ~i p - :., Gu , z G ,-mow t D to c* 0 f r-00 " l0 r - - -.,: f oP i =D i .-. 's _ .rn. . a ^r p - t" +- i r ° U '' "" z . .. C v wm Y . c f z ;-r, r r U "! a T, "[ 4- ___ ______________ I (0 S 0 7 "' ^ v . ~ I ^ " i ~ _ ! . .-. ~ ^ v 1, , -' _ !, r .f t !' r f r: i^' r; <so lT U. ^-S fD f4 ENV W M/ v...…

March 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

… G. H. Wild Companly AIElRCHANITAILORS : IHave received a large line ot aaoleic'fotr SPRING and SUM MER in (Meium, Light andl ark At Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Dab, Light Mle Ryal Gray and Ki g"'I'Tn. We Have the Blarney, Hidon, Cumeehrl and, (pester, Orient, Pet hanm, Astraia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raebrn, rih Batng 'weed, and ILndn Wrn edd flease comie early ard have ynurSuit reervevd G. H. Wild Comipally 311 Suth State Stee S...…

March 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

… riHE MftMMAR DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'ntat trig ragt vitotris, It"t ay .g ild f Company t iit tit;r Ac-A -tt-ttiif Mulh a t ttthn ap i it tttttoldi it a flI u ic an rm MElRCIIANT 'TAILORS c, tteco(o i ti n f t r itia \ t'tr ldo ti th it : ct 1 : tr tr fa t ' tar t Va . . Leea A White t' 1 a11Mct tttoth aIcititit'tt k;gi t a ii ni lt(I \ihtiah.. . . IN. lild\ialgct tti ttciii tataea. ii i l i ll, c. H'avet received a large line oal ,cItaIi,...…

March 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…4 I L Y THE MICHIGAN DAIL '1111 )l~j-j4 j1 jr IIAI...Y t'() f! I I It.' \Tt(.tN INK I ( Kt'I \ ''I K ) 1.' KI)' ) K\.A I ;'1 G. H. W ild Comnpanly n11 ' I ts r 11 i iirg s:s ui s at 'l'The \lt at slit~eschst be Bit rrrc~s:Vahig r -Ioix F \-llZ MttERCHANT TAILORS haci t t i) l sc in Isairiauni l ltt rr °; ia i .i t in ", sirICSall ann al cc f i teii si i assassssof merit I i Ih 1 t i I : Nass t..... aLeA \Kitlatiias aaiials'oir i r i sut l .)...…

March 11, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…_____________________THE MICHIGAN D~AILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. t112122. C'IF'l Ai.\ \A12121 121 lia.TORdS PLAN AvIDANCE. .ANDlOWNEVfl B i12 18 \( I1NCY P1121 l( )lS G(lIILlci G. H. W ild Com ipanly 11 1 t a, ditor \tu'ttt nk PF. rietit. I'in hth e t eurttleat-tr' iItof olorch \t .t ttctingof the I lttiotiubit t ti: ~ 1 it ,r ti Fi Z f h c~gicei; earmnt. Prof. C. hldtl i taeen" er acurler'aci Iy m G oo d s ---P UA I AI O S lrtti. dilrectr ofithe ...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…___________THE MICHIGAN D AILY - HE MVICHIG.AN DAILY. cdeu Lo ecf01tetr tot-i.athetic B OIll() l .\lI\ITA=I\'L, AN1I1t- iiit o ettitrr.Pursing la to "-IW)'K It'N (V IIilt .:\\'N ON~li.I AY f - - 1jiiira itl ct, h i rtc lttatl ir eco G. H. 'W ild Com panIiy ; Id/ or rt to 1. ltt'cta. j tirr I i iiii t ir c fr Aicitati triith 'hiat lcia ah in n crf ge MER tCHIANT TAILORPS I--ut1r. clool Mliicl bastit- otel ctnlip it trt tich iso coiliat- to her ...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY., AI N llL flflN -I t lLN '1O1 IiCli fLAX G eH. WldCoffpally :s Io teas \acciaaa F Riaiiolile AXE -CCLINT FAILOR tilt 1 tat lianagercrJOHN F.. ah ea aDTORS- Icafi-rrnal it helathe-a-dt eadttlto give Newsa .. Lee A Whitera tstae itiatntti llbeeit of teaclir' tihletics . . . . I> Eldridge leantio ithe itir aaof ich iga ieil Ihave eceived a large line o al r i. . Robert Montier e lv lced ,,, II,(pc nit utlt ...…

March 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIE MICI-GAN DAI LY itll :1t tof t lhntto aso 00 lia,'t tno. tis loo ' a3:0001tle -eoootl mlooo$5. 1'tr r oelt~11111010 Ihe 1':ptllill o vern10:1 or led 1 \Vani'aoo o n- G. H.Wild, 1ompny Itint tot 1hi, .0. oi: FounintootrNto i ufo:lellge, c} ijiicsleletth Uln iti.i fh lnmss angr-on .WUZ tnIgi n c 110]biotti oil t i ocr1lr1- td1y,. oil i'lGiy moiooioG0foo'o11dU I MERCHANT TAILORS :: _o____iooI p510 1 ototomog i i 'o r...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…~ITiE MICfiIGAN DAILY. G. H, Wild Company MERCHANT TAILORS :. Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, C heer, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raebrn, Irish Boatsng Twed, and London Wrs teds Piease come early and have your Suit reserved G. H. Wi...…

March 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGC'AN DAIL-Y - - ---- --- - G. H. Wild Comfpanly MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson Cumberland, (heter, Orient, Pe- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds. Please come early and have you...…

March 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHANT 'lAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Alenium, Ligh, and Dark Ant Leaher) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Ligh Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, Cheser, Orien, Pc- ham, Ausralia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Rebrn, Irish Boaing Tweed, and London Wors teds, Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H, Wild C...…

March 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAlII G. H. Wild Comipanly MERCH-ANT TAILORS : Have received a large line at woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Xtettum Light, and Dark Art Lether Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mae. Royal Gray, and Kings Ta. We have the Blarney, Hudson Comberland, Chester Orient, Pe- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federa, Empire, Raebrn, Irish Boating Tweed and London Wrs- ted. P'lease come early and have your Suit reserved G. IL Wild Comf...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TiHEL 1MICHIGA~1N DAI LY'.aitilthiifeliiig hti ieii thet andtail t-- _ I ~~tiientithed\iirilettr0t aniha bee m eal r Th ie a godsig fo G ii .Wild tCompany lV li:ig aI ditr-ARcuieI F. Rrct Mcnl npn RAslm ta ley Li' Vaai er *Jaix F \Vci, fealAEeBAL :. MERCHANT TAILORS --lie awhat iteougt ltoiihe. TtiHEAL ir. Ni OTH. S AONIHi Etitep ST hesnostes v ig IBeatieeP reitice, wlio trill le seein ii Ad W e Are Prposed News.i ........ ...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGZAN DAILYI .. _. _ _ ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY.caa7 i P 4 L R C H ANtaI~TloTA I L O R S ..h u - t1" (.'. a. S il 1C i I' . II "'1 i. iN 1.11 ii I G.acH.eeoApany Will \ Ateele . . K lerdn . 1 Vlsc . . I-i s Si<l s1 ii.iiclil e \'ieccc cl c'> 'cECre(ltrinLghhdD r aci~ . . ~ iaiii Csiie ciii saf Iiv N it . il'a h, 7vai c '>1 ic.ma1 0;Nir Ac arr'Sle rb rca c' 1a 'a viialiii AXviirlte ~i i aa, Lgal olecRoaleGayandci 1111t.d i P. 1111\1i11 1'...…

March 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…ti w a. w .,. 0 a a ' a n rul ; J-'IiT1;. L '.':R#':L !°^. rxV'a ., TL"--lStl A'R'kibY +.:PM;s~. a' .' FY 0.s. R -..: k r:;- ri _ .C3 'xifk W 2.t'. .. \',_. _6R_ t. 4z ..-. #, x ., C y M ^V ( , y C oro x "° r 0r M" GOi 0 r-I 4t 0 T Qc CO s "1 0f h ;; .; _~ °.l fl _- c -'' V f} 0 -0 / f 000A C r r _ h fL +. L i J x b o x x c ; z ; n U . r '= 0 0 -- "00 00 C.C i I I II PAO w. p t0 w' r1 t0 j w. d PAO Adak 1 _ f y , I J' y - u ...…

March 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…- -~ - -- - 1' 13 MICHIG(3AN DA ILY _______ 1THE MICHIGAN DAIIL '. tll (i lbel haii ist tfl cTrus it 'iicito Li,t' n.iiclucaltiC L ER.HANl AILORS iii tll , l-1 ileticilt clacsith~ti Eileu ii A tin t) i :it rlic n cei1 I tep or Athletics. ..- .. .C;- , icrid it' _______________________hea___,-___ilili altitit, l Hav irceived a large linealof .plcnrlorituttc ct 1i)eC i C ii itt c 'tit pit w le ttiSPRING and SUM -I Liii .....i.... l t ilt>S. Ifai...…

March 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

… ENMRoq al W ~ As 0 A% . r p , e " ^ r y1 _ O r 4 , e ! V r Q Q Q .1 -> -r' a :r rte' :'' .>, L " :,7 f -.-i J ^ 1 ;y l "- 'fir r J r, - .ten .- ,-; W L _ fL0 ii, ' ~i[ '00 eve iv,3 Qa: Qa ~a 0 ~ tI0 , ~ a won U 0 o 1- aI) HIw X J t T; n) J ' W J Q J f Z _ z .r ' /\ 'I, . ,. f . f. ' f, . _ ';. . f a ~, J r 'r U n .ti ~ ".f 1. ... " f. ... .. .--. ..- .-J :~ .. ^,(, :i r _.. . w bA n , y G J -, i ;f , ^. "., -f; -- r . f: - : ;...…

March 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line o woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole Royal Gray, and King's. Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson. Cumberland, Chester Orient, Pet- han, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Reburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- tedv. 'lease come early and have your Suit reserved. G, H. Wi...…

March 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…G. 0 9 IWild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line ot woolens oe SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mleniom, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Pla, Light Moe. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumbeland, C hester, Orient, Pe- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Rebrn, Irish Boatog Tweed, and London Wors- ted- [Ptease caune early and have your Suit reserved G. H. Wild Company 311 Sosth...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…- -~ ?HP. ~MICI41GA> ,' iL1 IT"EMICH-IGAN DAI LY.a. >,'hstti; nth ol lisi im in i II I Sl55fi n~ "AGWild Compa i c/,rc1cc sar forttill c tot11!l. <,tsrtuilrinanscfis inn isIln h BA LI lit10 hn n i Icurttia 1 . t ; ioeii u And We Areo P-pe -ad. hesws ....... . 1 l~eA b\iteCi nty: ri sC r isnrt __________1c____ Athletics. . . I,-. Ldridge - - - - ]ill It1 5 ii i hi I r ~ H-ano. received a large line of tcshagv . . Robert Mountsien inr'ir n mushi...…

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