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March 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…XVts 11-o 0. UNIVERSITY OF, MIC1IIGAIS FbSi) XX', MAR(CH.1,1892) rPiies, Tow (I:Ni ;C S. N, 11i Chicago University. isc ene olev 'ecii~Communication. OF YOUR Uniiversity to acceept an 'appointmnts t'. (>r Ii()it. r : trT~vBADG Thefolloinsg list oif professors to the thair in History. lit is a 1Tlitpr elirninar iy orastoicalt contest[ 0 Aldi assistatS isico hasve already beci.stts a aswlash toin b n 'crr e cepuiitetito thet factyiiIsofthe n...…

March 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…lie of 4 fl. rnai jj. Vos.. 11.-No. 1.6 BASE BALL BENEFIT. A Splendid Entertainment to Given To-morrow Night. flie sale of seats has snot sects great as tie imaitagemtiiof 1to-il 'l5slitois has rtasoii to tape perhaps msany wsilllnot get tit ickttsutl tileiiigiit of tihe sho '.111 it is thiat a bettert lprotgram 1 iip'bellarangedsherin't}earsils. suit eonisyishilfisasiairieditot silbegod.Inlies oifithe f ithati. tI (tsils edatrt tolie apli lo...…

March 03, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…e i. of Am,1 m1Il Ip VOL. II.-No. 1017. U. A ciollede Education Attacked From a Business Po nt of View. NLVERSITY OF MlIHIGAN, THIURSDAY, MARIII , 1S92. Damacratic Society. Base Ball. IAn enthusiastic meeting of the At a special nmeetiug, Tuesday, in II .A boy is not educateil when he D emsocratic society was hield last Ial pha Ni hall, the Athletic B3oard leaves college aec more thain a eveniug in the lawe lecture coons. disiussedl sev...…

March 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Ijc I~. of Al. Wailjj. VOL. 1.-No. 1 08. BASE-BALL ENTERTAINMENT. A Grand Success. Las evening an audience nnmber- iieg about r, goo persons assembled i n University 1-all to see the much adlvertised entertainment given for the benefit of the base-ball nine. Many in tir audience, no doiibt, sent for siveet Charity's sake, and lidi not expert that She affair wvonld UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FIIDAY, iMARICHII,11 2 belated ''SophtsshIey svere he....…

March 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…liekh tO~fA . alj VOL. 1I.-No. 109. UNIVERSITY OF.MICIGAN, SAT-RDAY, MARCHIL5, 1892.-PsI'Ec, Tnrisi CENTS. Excursion to Detroit te theis being nmostly those alleged slightest little silk skull cap tat ittad r O .F YOUR 20 ietaoth fhunorous selections whiiih a'te al-hium lie a bald head bt over his bos { dearlyzostdnsabu$o£j this wili and storms-tossed bag boiletl Qpp SOCETY BADGE iwhich were '"co-eds'"a suosnpder0 o nthdese.Iup in the most iwo...…

March 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…~Ij a.Of ~n. Wa~Ijj. VOL. 11:-No. 119. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MIONDAY, MARII _"r, 1892. Senior Lit; Cilass Meetnw. graduiating from Andover T'heologi- A bill a ainst the old Base-Ilall1 cat Seminary in 186i3 In tSHo he A ssociation, contracted in 1889),was Sa turt.ay morning the Senior Ills. f(U. heldan nthsiatic meeing was made professor of itoiiilties ini presented. IThis presenting of old OJ1 th~e sanie seminary after having filled til...…

March 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…. of In, Vol-.II.-No. L. ii1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAIN, ItITESi)AY, iilfRil 8, 1892. PitIoF, TFRisno CEtNTS7. ,rIMnek House of Representatives. Middy aisd a Senorita.'' rie wellii other Universities. fetwOenty-fise ___-constructed plot sparkles switlt sra- different papers hasve flourished it Prof. ltci auglilin, at the request nimatic activity andi vividly ltortrays a tldifferent tisues, tlhe first one to be of the Ihouse gave a fewv sord...…

March 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… Al1. W1aijj. VoL,. II.-No. I1i2. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARICHII91892. AttentioS Western College Jour- nerthatshowec himi to bcetiioroiughly programnme for these new subijects eats. conversant with the world's history ;tile Association reconmmends that vieI fllowing journals of theadgfd wtaflwlnuae the tinle atllotedi to arithnsetic, grog- 0U R weser Ci sIoliege Press-Associ tio s ht few possess. Elegance of fini rapihy, and En...…

March 10, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. IL-No. .1.13. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISDAY, AIARiI' 10, 1592. PRICE, TEE 'vCENTS. Webster Society. Choral Union at the Columbian Es- Prof. Harper on the University of ( OF YOUR - ___position. Chicago. OU 201 1T7 BADGE I rP\cstrScit shllws Llhirteen of the 'IX ci hI sair lsThe sork on the two pioneer n n cowd(ed last evening by an audience micial directors, among whlomtws ibuildins of the university of Ci- slliiiswas weli enteritiiie...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…le . of Alt. W1i i p. Vo,..1I.-NVo. 1 14. O0ratorical contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICH-IGAN, FRIDAY, AIRCII Ili2 ...... ..... I Glee and Banjo Club. Democratic Society. in se osters are 5new out for the 1 Tie U'niversity Glee an(1 1anjo Ilast esensig thelDemiocratic soci- I II secndi annual scontest of the (Ora- (Clusivase their eighth aninual son- niey held its regular iioiuiliy itteetitig in ( ii Assocniattionii Alii iinusual cert attliver...…

March 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…NOW of VOL.. ItI-No. I115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARICR 12, 1892. Glee and Banjo Club Concert.I A University of Michigan Camera ___Club. The Inlander. A very smnalaudience greeted the i nw;it1ot o TihicNfarchIn81nlandler was 1111onciii j it ,Ice and Batnjo CluhiilaIst evening, Asaoeietle this mtorning, at the hook-stores oil the occasion of thlir irsit appearo-' Cnii and at thie.Uiversity. It is oiie of apa-Such organizatio...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…'Ije IV.of ~n. Wail p. VOL. 1.-No. li6. The Contest Debate. j The ilelsate-Saturday evening be- tween the gntlemen representing Prof. Trueblood 's senior and junior law classes in Elocution and OIra- toreysvas a most interesting one. The lecture room was confortably siled andth le eiitlhusiastic audience cxcelied the Philadelphia Clover Cultb in interpolating bright tliotights, sit and raillery istso the: eloquent UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MO...…

March 15, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…. of , .1. la l . VOL. IL.-No. 117. CLASS BASE-BALL CHAMPION- SHIP. The Schedule and Rulesas Arranged by Ithe Base-Ball Cornmittee. 'The sclicdn1(11Of liamuesfor the (,lasbase-ball (11iam piolislip of the reiIrsi te will he (com1muenedelmi1 W, luesdvr April i . The four iou sll(of the literary iii prlirrlllt th°t Nilde ite li soulio sh t~l te prfessonal epa has(' de-i lilrq iu the IImelis idet ,! ltrak-c 1m 1(1 lia t (illur- Ill I or te lioe...…

March 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…1,c . a A, Votl'.I-No. INis. The Thought News Ihis pultication groxN-s out of (t ide that soime professors in t -ii tisite hold anl Irv to teacr gidi s ews interpcretation of tl i sic11 mthoditof 1pub)lsiction.T [t)Boiongi' anounceent csourern ii UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, '"J. EINSi)AY, MARICHIIlt,192. the thought side. The cuterpieisti the dlirection of a coolll sit asd prom pled by an inqtuirs-cmosvemient tpractical astronomer. t!centerin";...…

March 18, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…i~.of fU1. Weiitpu. VOL. 1.-NO. 12). Oratorical Contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI1GAN~, PFRIDAY, MARCH. 18,1S92. _ - i.__. CONWAY COACHING THEM. Track Athletic Records. 31 i C' ' I l { r. }il 1 l t, Ikhe seconil annuial conitest of thte ;university of Michigan Boys Pro- '!The collegiate and iiitercollegiate' 1 of N. (Ii atorical AssociationIs oaring for the Diamond. rcords as dleterminedl'by the Inter- aes place i15 1 iviersit IHalllthis _e...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…e . a AX; Wailjj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1'2) Athletic Board Meeting. The Athletic Btoard met Saturdayj mrrning inl AlphainNi. lall. The trreaurer reporteil 53g73-43 oiihand. commliunicatioin friiin1 the 792'S lrISe-ball maunager uwns referred to tIconcseihallicommittee, wiho wiill ((Isdwiithie rMairiers ofithlie cllsta sillregiri t Iiithe sciedli . She Adv lisrt oard wa s tll senl(! iwl.aun thei things,-lthatI rlittiilte shioildibetic 1imeiniitto rvs...…

March 22, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Ij IVI of $U. Walip. VOL. IL1-No. 128 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TU'ESIDAY, MARICH 22, 1 92. PRICE, THRENE{CENTS. Mock House of Representatives. J liarities of this, one of the imost stik- Cap and Gown at Harvard. r OF YQS At last evening''s session the ye- ,fae nhsor. te scey A R. Crandell, clhairnman of the oT~~ o l ptilican snenmherso h os adte apeowasrsfl itilsaetof( Harsaril senior class (day conmmittee, cmesot i ulfre rprd to ad te a...…

March 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…'Ij e U'. of LU . Wiaip . ?or,..1.-No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WFA)NESI), ARCI 2:;, 1892. presidenlt McLaugliin's Message. secures corruption, and, whlile I free list. The tinie seenis to havis lieMok o'ies o sh Inies Sotis woiilvd not hy any word insinuate( conic for a much frer idimittanc e i'po yor asemlingin ece- that the present Congress tias so of mianufa ctuired woolenstint if the lat anmtedt o cran mn iuch as 'fl temp tatioii t...…

March 24, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…VoiL. I[--No. 125. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,'I'1IRSDAY, MARCH 24>, 192. PIC, THRiEE CENTS. president McLaughin's Message, his products, and all artificial leis- Choral Union Amendments. ( OF (YOUR - - ruuitesn. lation has beeis ineffectual in mater- prreosed flr'TY TT BADGE { / Esen if. the adrmitiine of raws'ially increasing the wool raising ielsinl- OC pi~ Ote UR Ianendimens swhichi sill lbe votell Orl 10 wool, free of dots stwould injure the ...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…11$/ItOt Al . Wiziljj. Voi,. IL-No. 12 6). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1-IDLIAY, IA 1tCII 2-5, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Harvard Base Bat!t. \\Win-ans, Hot. Don ll.1 )ickinson manifested by the stuideints, are tand IH[n.Geo. L. Vaple and thaitgrowving seaker and less important, \nililthlaticaedlestt ae beent ecr. of them had acceptedth le itt5 I antI nnless a ce-action occuirs, wsll I Caion to attend. At present tite3= soonigounuder, carryini...…

March 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…i je i .of , n. mlaIjj. VOL. I.-NO. 127;. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, SATt:RI)AY, M'ARCHI 2(, 189f2. PRICF, THitFEI CENTS. In-Dour Athletic Meet. andi honors wvere quite etenlyd(iriiiet. one in twentr for their whole sums- r OF YOUR - 1 Thle meni clinched frequentiy to ber. When the three literary classesCIYBAG lit as I sicnti1snuen a themselves. ''lie secoiii[ roiudl'fuirnishs fifteeni canidiates eacht the U iIt wt'tii estsoe vt u air clear...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…iJtI.o fU. Walp. VOL. II.--NO. 12-S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARICHI2S,1 92. HENRY H. RAGAN'S LECTURE. I for the regular annual meeting of _____--the Association }.,to present the ac- One of the Finest of t he S. C. A. series. ' costs of the Association for audit- iog as prescribed in sectioni 2 of sivt sits IHall was weitll e article l\'. It shall also bse his cit eveds ni iing to listen to thic to s1in all orders upothte Treasure...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…c I ' i i* AL T Voi- .-- O. 129. Porter on the Census. This secouui if the Political Sci- Mice ser'ies of lectures seas (lelir- ercal last evensing ins silsersi tV Halt 17y' II us Robert 1'. orter, supersin - tenient of the renuis bureau, ini a iii >5t pleasing and ledlifyinig audress us' "Sisise Resuilts of the last Ccci- '1} Thereirere abousit twselve _ 11111:sl ecupeopltete reset asdithtiuri;t his susbjectuwas "dul , cteadl i - 1 si " .'...…

March 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…s f of / 4 I , ' a . Vol'. 11.-No. 1:,(). UNIVERSITY OF M1IC11IGAN, WI)N "SlA Y, MA ICI[o, 1892. TrHE WA'EBSTER SOCIETY. oie the pseople must be capable ev'eryrociotin."' M1r. Iepew thell ot self cos-erislent andi be imbued introduced Edwaril IHenry Warren, Second Public Entertainment. ____ s;i a spirit of self-dependence. 'g5,of II arcard , whoi opened the lie- )II ii '' asI ~ll i st t iiiitcc I is the neg;ro dloes not liace. it bats'. '"...…

March 31, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…. a ' t. ail . Vol- II.-No. PH% UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ti'III'ISL)AY, MAH"(1II :1, IS1tO. Revised Class Schedule. Ihe lias Ibal~l cIo Ilmm ilte ()f ile- Atltcl i iltllatlte I i Cii holiltlastevening wih thelmlna teas 1o nm tlt thIelshetill) Ill sIlilhtl-,maingSt1111datesilaIlfew lays late 1,1so 'th t ti l t e slwho werlmell II AIthe Glee aillBanjo '9; lit.I 'iheIfNlluingisl the sched- Mo da , a 'I2,( 1 Ill2llt VS1. 43 lwcampus. >1 lillIl...…

March 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -principal advantage of a Freshman i~7. ~C lt (lee Club. is, of course, that it serves as a feeder for the University oitbliehed tDaily (Sundays excepted) during (=lee Club. New material is dlevel- the college dear, by opled, where the University organi- TNlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 1 zation would have to do the develop- ing itself. The Freshnman Glee Club sill sing at the base-ball entertain- Sutsrniptias pie $2....…

March 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. h oards for the eintertainmnit are ~ e ~ TTh~~lT open this afternoon. at MIoors, 1+ Greek, Latin,' Freneli, GermanJ, aind Matitematical Puliishted ly tr(Senderys eaceted) dnidouringian \r's i oti. + akNwaiSecondhand at tecli een eai', b, lwnton ad Ir ,upton BOIgNe adTe THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION A Triple Baseball League. .. 'The baselnall manager is in receipt QQOOk ; Slineril ine price V2.50ilpea year, invariabir...…

March 03, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r.a W at'(noon. the first squsad from 3 to04, + O ~E SCODSM SE l~(.o ~~.'~~ti~ and the secondI fronm 4 to .'The Qoll ege FRTH EON -V'LJ~ teams for thte spring games will beGreLtnFrchGrmad ateaicl ?z s it oD aly (Sundays excepted) daring seecedfron thtose who are GekrLttteEeteGimmladraten w the Co e ea~r sy Texrgia t" I K+ooks, -New andSi eeoncthtaxdlat in attendlance.,Ji+ THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION I .1'. -:. R\on...…

March 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. , r n.' a- 1 anti place to be subsequently desig- o ,nated, three members to repsresent earcs university? If so, please act Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during imdaeys htteqeto the Collegre sear, byiieiteys la teqeto and sides may lie settled before the THE UI. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONclsoftepsetch lyar ____-Very Respectfully, Sbilsriis''ols sprice $2.501 per year, invariably .H crl enudisoe Sinlsu!pirnres ns. O...…

March 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ."l .:1.fTU~( .srty has partiall y recognized the col- f Ta~t lge paper work, counting the chief editor's work in lieu of themes. Published iDaily (iuday s excepted) during tht Colleeecar. tot May it fuirter extent the idea.- THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION F Te Occident. --Sock House of Representatives. Sbciiptonprice 52501pet' ear, ittariably i dante Single etpisc et. On alet I 'The follooitg commnittees have . cenon...…

March 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…TEE U. OF M. DAILY. consunmmate nerve, our weekly co- S tetimporary takes the DAILY to task for its recent editorial concerning -u wtiohtders tlyndoereoed toy nthe junior hop. In sating that the THE . O M.INDPENENTASSCIAIONDAILY coud have had a ticket for THE . O M.INDEENDNT SSOCATIN ithe asking, the author of the article shoss himself to be either densely Sbscriptionnptine *r0 ter yea, itvaraby Ignorant of tie real facts of the ase in droaeo...…

March 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '11JU. f c j Rc- n week of 1892. 1Each college oill lbe of 1 ""i"J representecd by a team of three meni, eacht of wvhorn is to play with the Plished Daily Isltetays excepted) daring nine Men not Of ttis own cotlege. the Colegetear, bc The team making tite hightest score THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION sewill receive silver medals and the -challenige cap that year. Severalf tirriptiopricee$2.510 petr year, ittcariaby(e...…

March 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. a~ ~ ~~ hurdle, lHe was champion all ZC f R ' T ~t'V" ;arounui athlete at Vale, captain of the Mott Havein team and htalf-back Pubished Daily (Sundays excepstesd) duriaaonhgoiest lee, lei the College sear, b ntehi'esiyeeen ei going to study niedicine and woold THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION like to enler our niedical school. He is an athlete who can coach and Subscript ion pre M.5ii per'eer, inariably nadt aeset Siag...…

March 10, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -~j~ ~f -~~ ~j~ will be open to Vale men only, but ,"l f * 1the ev ents ot the setondl wiiIli e open ito aU colleeathlete'. The r'tiblibed Dibly (Sonans (ecpt) d nringt;he amies will lie held in the Ne-n iiiavenPol Rik inteaid ot the THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ; icoiiilRegimie'it :armoiy ainfor- rmu cite -'I'll(,eprincipal i-angeiil Su- ia~in piei.5iprieai -ariariabn en i ll 811betlie initiodnictieiiiof S1'( 18';...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. the spring vacation, anl shall lholtd Qollege FOR IRE SECOITD SEMESTER1 '1 h ofie forane9getr hssletd+ 'Th nanain edto ha sle t ext i+Greek, LatintI, 'resich, Germsan, and Mteaia the Colege seas, by. Satarilay, April 9, as the day oil +t,. Books, News anti Secondhtand at whlich to told thte election atidl se I THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION thrfr;ansl rqetalpr llmtorttmiipee t2 ie ea, narabysois(lesirinmg to conmpete ...…

March 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -' ( of Tarty$?. ~marks on the examination alone, Collge 'T FOE. TTTH SECNDmi\TB E XXJJI =J Taty?. eathistsrctor be requiretd to rer- ------------------ Pablished tDaily (Sndays excepted) duringtainr rmtietotmbymas f! Greek, Latin, French, German, and Mathematicali the Cotege yeae.,Iby written exercises, reports, essas, or e~ + (ooks, New and Seonhand at sucti other nmetthodlas may commsend l ." + THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT AS...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,~{ graph and1 (aily newspaper. His "o t lecture closed with a strong picture of the cleat new<spaper. tie tihought inshdthe.t5- (S edoyenSeartd)dyrio that the time iras rousing, perhaps in the near future, when all newcs- THEU.,OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tapers weould hand together to irork THE RGU PUIIQiNQMoues. in unity for the hightest endls antI - - - -- ;lwen the truth that is umahking men Jo i s; to the fart that...…

March 15, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. te('olle ,etearb 1 HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION noi other \eaV. 'teIther, theI)I.t17iIe {t t't xisteni'c. As Ifor t getteral lack of enstirpiriset, tee refer('r t coniitet- poratry to hlsotwnt paper where,,te tancy, there is abunttdant ('taitte Sheehanistti'nt Pest tOtficeeste stand at t.l.,thcre is itnoting tore ts to e sionti Welc>"k, (oon. ubstrpeitnitat e ltf ai th ie o f i teOu)ts', tOpera House titiek, at te...…

March 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…Pls~c~h'l Dily {Sun1ays'ece~pted}during the(Colio e13 ear,h} THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION n ac c S tmeinwe copies cents. On sa1le tf o'clcknoo. Sulbscriptions 0may'be leftlatj hc cflic of thI 111111,0Operaouse0bck1, at 0hetlits's, at Stoftlet's, 1'or iPth oy of the1 Communica5 etionsst oldc eac te 111011111 le bt tay. Addrcss all mtatter ittendcd 11111pulblca-' '1011 to thle Managinlg Editor. All blusiness coin m111111ca1101n 811111u1d...…

March 18, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. of M3. Tartud{.j PubisiedteDtiily (undyecepetd) tnt-inn thI e coien enye.rby l THE U. F M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION usrpinptin V 50 per ear, it ariby : - d ne'' -Omletpsa inn tti..On sae t tioth ns nd cose Ottcte)newets stand aenL12 o'clock, non. Sbstcriptins ay belnt t tithe ficeo't hetILYtinera Huele ttit, at Obetiin, t Stotets, o ien n o h editors. iCommunicationsnsholdirechiite otienby o'cloek e. S. i ty nre t ppeth...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. res Zr'of ^t'" rV ioughtt to mieet with theheartiest sup Co l e FO T E S CND E S E por. Eeryusas i ttis nivrsiy ~Greek, Latin, french, German, and Mathenaicijat riiie Dahn ity (Sndatys exceptedt) tiring oughit to tinfy a ticket to thisns Nitt 1+ fBunks. New yea, by(1 Secondhand0at THE . OFM. IDEPNDEN ASSCIATON heteter lie visies to atteind or io. TELOFMINEEDNASOITO 'the Isisersity iii Sichi-iaiiis + aboit the ionsly violleg...…

March 22, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. i~J(. o '~'f'( '~jf and students alike. Ta a wealthy E o~~ ests ot the city for the few pal try isibilshed Dinily (Sunday~s excepied) duritigilollars whlichlite receives as rental r~ tiw ColireStear, byTe t is a surprise, bust as tihe self-i nterest THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION; of those whto fight the sill is so mtasnifest, it is tiouglit that they sol ~ o SsiFirlpiion pre SV.50per year, invariably dar igl ois3cns ...…

March 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…T. THE U. OF M. DAILY. "'IC o ' T. 1 (1 .Irepresented the OhfiviState Uhae ___ s t !ity inthe Oi saecontest of te CoII e 'FOR THlE SECOITE SEMESTER ii~xxli'x laty i sme crStae I)raoriai ssotaGreek, LatintI, rench, German, and Matheinatitit 'blseBdl Sida xit3s'cepted) xiiii intboll ofii xiii hthe Indiana state assn T i) hoos.New tutu 'eciindhlaid at ticl'iiixxetc . u' ixitioxiforus a tart .MNJiss 1l orhart + HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION...…

March 24, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. '-"~C of"~'i' ~ 1 usnusual enaterprise.'.lTake it all in) S a]lshetre has been a progress of whc al frieiol of the tattiers is tliihd ~ily s-ndsats 'sct- urn I tSt- Col1 tritca, 1~ iiayvwlt e proud )111. THE U., OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION He toe lvln im O "Ibce~n price e V150psri*t'to,itn-toiabty One of lhe aiemilers of thle DIi.\ I" s xt int, c s'i's 3cts. Oilttsaltt tatt)Oeeares tatt mP.staIt leartnetithatte1 Ion. (to...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 01 1o1tsieicci ng.15 li e shall watn hinm 1 eodtimi eth: o aln i e 1'ofIdered il thi it D ily (Sui na s exceptel)d ring. ots 1.o u the ('elie tya,1y otid fterbs T ext Iltese ( ihiii.;es wiltet ub it tt ed THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION itte1 etn ftieasiftii - iest NMay. i 4 'e lr FOR THlE SECOND SEMESTER Bobs i tS.New ttiiil ernlldlittI tit Sbcitinpiee$2.50nper eaiti itrlty i 'Y University Booksee, - - State Street,...…

March 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 0 . f ?ifR. "D a theColetltsSer, llel h o TIDE U, OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ;t l lr' n tt 'o Antfli Auesbwid tt l :? ; ctc i n ilseD i iT o t et't ' h o~ic( o, te D t *\,Opera I lmse!oca "heaf' ( T te'0"or wih' wy'o' te C nw licllons.1 lld eac th 1 ;I h o'coc 1.m i tey I I o l il" the10n1xt the (-Il155s songs (olnpLos 'dIi inem- 1)ars of the (lass are sango anti prizes alcardael IIy'1 alt htkthe ?latter Iorilth...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'A.of '2. . Da efil lially (teeieeils (Itt eiedue ll OEi OM.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION h- l ;s; end PIotOfice nes standelat I:? S'lctlo ile',u tci ption etway he left it he otlicteeefttlt It tt, IotperaHoue Bloctk, at -hetleate, at t ttttitet, eortith etlet of the o'clock i,.tti.tithe)-ttte to apetareeithe next{ iad-. Adhdress eallmatter intendeet fete publictt- ,itti tie the Nmetagiit"Editore. All husiestt THE U. of M. DAILY...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,!U.0f W, L .$a i [v ti.lie 5 n Ivar,t- 7H[ U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION r atsri~inl ric'nt a ).creya rsta riald .1scrn Sinvcoivsti2 cnaltc ) aleitat 'ihn aottn' lt the HA It.LY,1(ila H(ce lock, at "keelan's. itt StofTltt't,aorathlwl y ofthe 'clok. . it thyae tappear'the next lay. Adidresall imatter latendtedtfoa pablica- ion t ie Managing Editar. All busanesn cones (~h'ai ti i s1(1 iis ho1pedI 1) ea-) sliicislingcla ...…

March 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. tilt, ' irttyew-, THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION I'il V Ir122, p n \tir l ;si_°t 1>> ( ii ietsit t', O ii i t livet, .Xprl l - . No idrtinii' ulaelis vet Lxiii tlhattthe Litre iiill lhe Wavedl Apiril Qo~e~ei 7 lE OCCIT ] O 7iILl Colleget ItiY T ripor 'i'n' eilt foiri wili also be tlaile to Un~~ ivoersityBookseletres, - - State Street, ,Wio. ccii . itierrittit tetti'i i ctktt it grictuir al (College ('lubobn(iApril...…

March 31, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. dIIE~ ii D iy- tintas -nac pted) it arm HE U. OF N1, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION r t. ii pi eit)ta per y al titil)y nac; w " 3 a-nts. On i leat sit c ib':tin o n Oetnews tandititk1a * it -in. t'. tt. tt lay a mayat ea left' itt hsbtttt'sat a at- tllt's l tht'dty of thena 'an atIIIi' ianagii-ititttr.aclthofininas THiE U. of M~. DAILY, Anni ArbarMink. EDITORS. t\V. Ct tnt an, t9t' ?MainagingtIa li t.Gt taAA '2 is ...…

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