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February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…CARTER See editorial page hie Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom ai g INVIAORATING See Today for details F Vol. XC, No. 00 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 1, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages SEC files suit against Textron Inc. 0 Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG SHOUTING "NO DRAFT, no way! " approximately 200 people participated in and ended at the Federal Building. Above, protesters march past the corner an anti-draft registration rally yes...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…/ rania n By The Associated Press fresh outbreak of fighting between Kiurdish rebels and government forces hgs taken at least 50 lives in western Ion, a rebel spokesman said yester- d4y- And in Tehran the revolutionary government clamped down on demon- strations in an apparent effort to head off further clashes between leftists and their foes. e new bloodshed was reported as signals grew stronger that some pr ress might be possible in resolvi...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…0 CONVENTION O1 'U' dorms to hoi By JAY McCORMICK When the huge wave of Republicans its Detroit this July, Ann Arbor will feel more than a splash. The Republican Party has reserved 2,656 spaces in University housing, and John Connally's youth campaign has, asked for 700 more, according to Nancy DeAngelo, director of the University's Conference Center. THE SPACES at Baits, Bursley, Mosher-Jordan, and West Quad's Cam- ridge House will probabl...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, February 1, 1980-The Michigan Daily Ninety Years of E SVol.XC, No. 100 Edited and managed by studen Jimmy Cart HE WOUNDED warriors from all spectrums of the Democratic Par- ty assembled at center stage in New h York City to proclaim its renaissance. Front the ruins of the 1968 party civil War at the Chicago convention, a new zited coalition emerged determined tore-capturthe WhiteHouse. The hero of the party's comeback in 1976 w...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 5

…l The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 1, 1980-Pc California hunters sentenced to life *after killing man OROVILLE, Calif. (AP) - Two white men who boasted that they killed a black man because they failed to find any animals to shoot on a hunting trip, face possible life imprisonment after pleading guilty to murder. James McCarter, 20, and Marvin Noor, 19, will be sentenced Feb. 27 after pleading guilty Wednesday to the first- degree murder ...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

…DO YOU WANT TO lose weight *quit smoking improve study potential? RESERVE NOW! FOR 3 DAYS ONLY LIMITED SPACE Group Seminars in HYPNOSIS can change your life. Program 1 Lose Weight/Keep it off!I > ~~~Wed. Feb. 6630 pm. 830 p m.- Thurs. Feb 7930am -1130am 9:00 pm. -1100pm. Fri.Feb.8630p.m.-8:30p.m m r h i n i f r ss Program 2 OutSmokdng inr GnerDayd Fr. r Wed. Feb. 6, 9.30 am. - 11.30 am. 9:00 p.M. .11:00p.m. John Kolisch, instructor: 25 years i...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 1, 1980-Page 7 t RES TA The gilded IURANTREVIEW v palace of pizza BY STEVE HOOK There is something oddly therapeutic about watching the intersection of outh University and Church Street luring a normal day or night. Between he cars, trucks, buses, bicycles and pedestrians, you can be guaranteed of a miraculously close call at least every thirty seconds - a near collision of some kind occurring right be...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 8

…" page 8-Friday, February 1, 1980-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and address B. - '662 s in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOUWREEFER You WIN MADNESS TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of State 1-2-3-4 1_ Midnight Movies. S * SHOWING FE 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH His hangups are Hilarious EB.1 & 2 SJust look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hi...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan DaiyFdy TheMihign aiy-Friay, February 1, 1980-Page 9_ Olympic Participation 44 .9' R e t *Mosco '. rr O f. of )4 ,.. es U Africa Argentina Belgium Brazil yprus eimark France Greece India Italy Luxembourg Mexico Puerto Rico No * U.S.A. Canada Chile Egypt Fiji Undecided ff1111111 Netherlands Norway Pakistan Saudi Arabia Australia Austria Britain China Japan New Zealand Taiwan W. Germany CBS on op after 4 years NEW ...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 10

…i I 0 Page 10-Friday, February 1, 1980-The Michigan Daily A A U P Chapter Meeting OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 at Noon MICHIGAN LEAGUE CONFERENCE ROOM 4 IC ('uckh9y dn'und SENATOR GARY CORBIN Chairman of Finance Committee of Michigan Senate will speak on CHANGE AND CHALLENGE IN AN AGE OF LIMITS Senator Corbin'is a member of the Michigan Legislature who has been very active in concerns of higher education. Those attending m...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 1, 1980-Page 73-69 COMEBACK WIN Blue nips Badgers in OT aA ° Feb. 8 By ALAN FANGER special to the Daily MADISON-There's no need to bring out the respirator just yet-the cardiac kids are still playing with racing hear- ts, but for the time being, their pulses have stabilized. Indeed, as if nobody within sight or earshot of Big Ten basketball could believe that Michigan could play its *urth straight overtim...…

February 01, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 100) • Page Image 12

…el Repertoiy For Wind and Harp the U-M Wind Ensemble and Chamber Winds UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Professors H. Robert Reynolds and Carl St. Clair performing works by Mozart, J.C. Bach, Chevalier de St. George, and others with introductory comments by PROFESSOR ELLWOOD DERR Saturday, Feb.2-8:00 PM Museum of Art Page 12-Friday, February 1, 1980-The Michigan Daily DIETZ PA CES WOMEN WITH 37 Cagers drown Lakers, 104-75 By GREG DEGULIS "Now tha...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…POLICY See editorial page P ~Nnles.v Years off Editorial Freedomf Iai1 GROUNDHOG i See Today for details Vol. XC, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 2, 1980 Ten Cents Eight Pages FCC to rule on WCBN's future By GEOFF OLANS Staff members for the University's student-run FM radio station-WC- SBN-are eagerly awaiting a decision by the Federal Communications Com- mission (FCC) that will decide whether it may continue to broadc...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday, February 2, 1980-'The Michigan Doily Washington greets six after escape from Iran From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-Six American diplomats who escaped from Iran using false passposrts provided by Canadian diplomats were reunited yesterday with their cheering co- workers at the State Department. President Carter met with them for about 10 minutes in the Oval Office and then said "we're grateful to have-them back. We're really please...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, February 2, 1980-Page 3 Nominees sought for two LSA dt By BETH ROSENBERG LSA Dean Billy Frye will accept nominations through February 8 for two associate dean positions in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Any individual or group can nominate full-time tenured LSA faculty members for the deanships, which will be left open when Associate Dean for Curriculum John Knott and Associate. Dean for Student...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Saturday, February 2, 1980-The Michigan Daily Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom A '60s activist views crises confrontingAmerica in 1980 Vol. XC, No. 101 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan New editorial policies At a time when Jimmy Carter, his Democratic and Republican rivals for the presidency, the Congress, and the news media all agree about the danger to the United States posed b...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, February 2, 19804-Page 5 MUSE LPs: an anti-nuclear waste By DENNIS HARVEY No Nukes - From the MUSE Concer- ' for a Non-Nuclear Future offers the most elaborate packaging job of an album set since Fleetwood Mac' Tusk - and that's a significant comparison, because the No Nukes LP's are, despite scattered moments of emotion and in- spiration, finally as disappointingly hollow as the Fleetwood Mac set, and the lavish...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, February 2, 1980-The Michigan Daily F' F If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified page & REEFER TWO FREE TICKETS MADNESS 6F I. T MIH S WINNERSEVERY DAY I THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH His hangups are Hilarious HaroldMaude No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names' hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call ou...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

…9f WOLVERINES SEEK R EVENGE agers set for OTs The Michigan Daily-Saturday, February 2, 1980-Pa . $+L".r ,ys,,,'t.; Y :$;i" t:+;:v;'x ' .4":;~.v :,}; ., ,. : .1 -:3M . .,: .u:' ,t" THE LINEUPS MICHIGAN NORTHWESTERN By SCOTT M. LEWIS 4dvice to persons attending today's Big Ten basketball clash between Michigan and Northwestern: DO NOT make any early dinner reservations. And for all you dilettantes who come to Crisler Arena with a backpack ...…

February 02, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 101) • Page Image 8

…SI Page 8-Saturday, Februry 2, 1980-The Michigan Daily Miller says Textron payments 'improper WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury Secretary William Miller said yester- day he will not resign, although he ad- mitted that Textron Corp. made "questionable and improper paymen- ts" to foreign officials while he was chairman of the conglomerate. He reiterated he did not know about the. payments. "I do not intend to resign," Miller said at a news conferenc...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…OLYMPICS See editorial page I P 4w 43U IEIUIQ BITTER See Today for details VlX Arbr, as undy, orea rree 3o VOL. XC, No. 102 Ann Arbor Michigan--Sunday, February 3, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement FBI probe, nets Congressmen - f ..y- . . frend yPhotos by" MAUREEN O'MALLEY Michigan guard Mark Lozier (32) and forward Mike McGee (40) jump up and down the court with Northwestern forward Jim Stack yesterday afternoon in Crisler A...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily TAKE iHISAl DINNER More than fifty percent of the world is starving. Another twenty percent, just plain hungry. And yet, in the face of starvation, they have hope. Hope that the rains will return to the African Plain. Hope that the Asian rice crop will be bigger this year. Hope that someone, anyone, with anything to offer will come to help them fight the battle for life. Someone in the Peace ...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…BAKER FINISHES A CLOSE SECOND Reagan wins Ark. caucuses From UPI and AP LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, rebounding from a surprising setback in Iowa, scored a victory in Arkansas yesterday in the GOP's initial contest for delegates to the nominating conven- tion. Reagan captured six of the first 12 delegates selected for this summer's Republican National Convention, where the GOP presidential candidate w...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily A student defends need for draft registration I The remnants of an era gone by are being unrolled. The protest signs are being dusted off and the poster presses are running at full blast. More than ten years later, the pervasive in- fluence of Vietnam is being felt, not just at home, but in the shaping of America's foreigii policy. Yet, before there is a return to the violence and rioting o...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

…ELIOTFELD BALLET Dignified yet down to earth The Michigan Daily-Sunday, February 3, 1980-Page 5 A KNOCK-OUT COMEDY .1 1'1__ "vAv vt"rinrim" "A'f AryryA-%i A k. «...... b:..«. --A LL... .. .... «.... .. «.. 1,. ..... .......:f.... ... .]..l'. .v1.4...37__ _ - A ___ By BENEDETTE PALAZZOLA When the curtain first rises on a ballet performance, 'the silent an- ticipation is so intense that one is acutely aware of everything about the entering ...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily s SZmall A ds. . Y s . g e tS. I iiiiiiiiiiii-lli " F If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified F STD S WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! page Y WI THE YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS RITZ i THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. , , 0 r - I It a His hangups are Hilarious Haroldi, Maude, ,. Just look through today's Cl...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily-Sunday, February 3, 1980-Page 7 Senator, 7 Reps. implicated IMP F in probe (Continued from Page i) man, whom they depicted as being a 40- year-old Lebanese businessman in- volved in shipping oil to the United States and interested in broadening his dealings. SOURCES SAID aides to Rahman told public officials he wanted a casino gambling license in Atlantic City, N.J., and help in getting congressional help to remain in the...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily. BIG TEN ROUNDUP: Badgers dump Buckeyes, By The Associated Press M4ADISON-Claude Gregory scored 23 points yesterday, 12 of them in the second half, leading a Wisconsin rally that gave the Badgers a 70-67 Big Ten basketball victory over Ohio State, their second upset of the Buckeyes in eight days. The loss dropped Ohio State from a share of the Big Ten lead, leaving the Buckeyes with a 6-4 con...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 9

…McGEE LEADS OFFENSE AND DEFENSE Blue whips Wildcats in By SCOTT M. LEWIS * One streak is over. Hopefully for Michigan, a different type of streak is in the works. ' The Wolverine basketball team, which had played four consecutive overtime games during the past two weeks, di'dn t need any extra sessions yesterday as they outclassed and outhustled last-place Northwestern, 70- .57, before 9,842 patrons at Crisler Arena. 9rTHE VICTORY, Michigan'...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 10

…rri f, Page 10-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily A2 CIVIC THEATRE TRYOUTS FOR "THE CRUCIBLE" Feb. 3, 4, and 5 at 7:30 P.M. Some callbacks on Wed. Feb. 6 THERE ARE ROLES FOR: 11 men and 10 women (5 women between 14-21). In addition to reading from the script and spontaneous improvisions each person may audition with 1 or 2 prepared poems, speeches from other plays, or naturalistic pantomimes-2-3 minutes-optional. AACT Main St. Buildi...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 11

… Page 8-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michiganlaily -W 48v silber (Continued from Page 3) department, yet have received only the bare minimum raises." Numerous attempts to reach Silber were fruitless. Over several days, B.U. secretaries said he-was constantly in meetings, and said he was unable to return messages. Boston University of- ficials declined to give his home phone number., Sam MCracken, a spokesman for the president who is famil...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 12

…Page 2-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily AM pt M 0 The Michigan Daily-Sunday Free space I like movies The TV screen cinema sc( " Nf ' s;:<{x" ra'. ..,/if f I! 4A i A guide for orthicon -tube I t "' ' ^ iw ty:,., xft ri r~r H~y r "'S:Ar". ' r 't t s .A f r .? *' '}* '"i rv Y '' 4, m{ S : ,.ti 5j .rvt * . . "f f '3 47 1* '.I":S, ,r l '( . Sr ". . P.ft . -s .' ~ .* 'Y ;. : i ., Yi' 1 P ''A " i . r .'S," ., S ' r: t..: ** ....…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 13

… -f 7 Page 6-Sundcy, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily t Psok The Michigan Daily-Sunday, F A boring, treacherous life By John Goyer SMILEY'S PEOPLE By John le Carre Alfred A. Knopf $10.95, 374 pp. G EORGE SMILEY, occupation: spy. He stands in the rear court- yard of Cambridge Circus in London, headquarters of British Intelligence. It is shortly after 11:30 p.m. on a recent autumn evening. Smiley is consciously taking leave of "the Ci...…

February 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 102) • Page Image 14

…0 0 0 0 Page 4-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Sunday, F By Elisa Isaacson NLY THE CROSS-COUNTRY traveler can appreciate America's junk food establishment as an oasis in the desert. Only travel-weary, ful - laddered motorists can know the warm thrill of comfort that accompanies the sight of an honest-to- god fast food strip, complete with gas station and motel. It's so much a part of our highway-striped lan...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…4 The Grad runneth over: Campus lacks study space By TERRI WEINTRAUB Ami Krane, a first year business student, walked up and down the aisles in the Gradu- ate Library Reference Room only to find no empty seats. Nothing new, she thought. So she opted for carrel hunting through the stacks. Again, no seats. Again, nothing new. Just when she thought she had explored every nook and cranny, she stumbled upon the first floor reference room for Near...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…6 Page 2-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily RADIO STATION DROPS FREE-FORM STYLE: a WIQB a By STEVE HOOK Local radio station WIQB-FM, previously a free-form, album-oriented rock station, has changed its musical format to the familiar automated soft' rock style. "I've spent some time analyzing the market," said Ernie Wynn, co-owner and general manager of WIQB and its WNRS AM counterpart. "I concluded that we weren't appealing to a v...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…COUNCIL APPROVES DEADBOLT PROPOSAL: Lock ordinanc4 By- NICK KATSARELAS City Council last night unanimously passed on first reading a proposed housing ordinance which would require the installation of deadbolt locks on exterior doors and locking devices on exterior windows for all 23,000 rental units in Ann Ar- bor. City Council will hold a public hearing in two weeks, and take a final vote on the issue. If the or- dinance is passed, it will ...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…j Page 4-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily LSA 'consumers need voice Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 103 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The study space game you're bound to lose " " The nature of the "product" which the Literary College provides necessitates a more formal role in the decision making process for its "customers." An education, let alone: a go...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-Pae 5 - - I ' Oscar succeeds in the tradition By ERIC L. SMITH Saturday night's concert at Hill Auditorium reaffirmed what most Ann Arbor Jazz , fans already believed. Oscar Peterson ranks alongside of Art Tatum, Bud Powell and Earl Hines, as one of the primary jazz pianists. His greatness is solidified by his mastery of many techniques and styles. Both in treatment of old standards and contempora...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily i r If you find your name and address t I ' in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOIN&REEFER YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS MANS PIE RI T 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY' No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call our busi ness office at 764-0560 (9 a.m.-5 p.m.), 420 May...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-Page 7 '..".4C+........................ . ,. , .' .. ...s.......................................................................,'-....-.-....-J.N. It may be mid-winter but at the Trueblood Theatre it's the . 0 Speakers ............... .......... ............ encourage "new nuke plant ban at hearing By MITCH STUART Special to The Daily DETROIT - Support for a five-year moratorium on new nuclea...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 8

… Page 8-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily 5-5 MICHIGAN TRAILS BY TWO GAMES: The B By ALAN FANGER As awkward as it may seem, Rich Falk and his Northwestern Wildcats must be commended for performing ne function this far into the Big Ten basketball season. At least they've con- firmed the forecasts of many critics by remaining in the conference cellar. i With the exception of the Wildcats' meemingly annual dive to the bottom, owever, ...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-Page 9 Tumbing woes: Blue gymnastics teams are toppled by Buckeyes By LEE KATTERMAN Even with sbme extra lift-comple- ents of the Buckeyes-the Michigan ymnasts weren't able to bounce past their Columbus rivals in last Saturday's dual meet, losing 269.35-263.95. Tumbling on a "spring floor" for the first meet this season, the floor exercise team posted its best total of the season. Senior captain...…

February 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 103) • Page Image 10

…oage 10-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily 6 'I Libraries overcrowded, short c (Continued from Page 1) ing textbooks-and they get angry." A female gradaute student, who declined to give her name, said from her fifth floor assigned carrel that the large number of undergraduates 'using the libarary for textbook studying" annoys her. "I'm glad I got one (a carrel). Before I did I had a hard time finding a place to study." j NEAR EAS...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…BANI SADR See editorial page . E Ninety Yeaks of Editorial Freedom l lalig CHILLY See Today for details -U- XC, No. 104 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 6, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Civiletti: No traps set in FBI probe Doily Photo by PETER SERLING HVPNOTIST JOHN KOLISCH proceeds to guide his subject into "a deeper state of consciousness" at the Michigan Theater last night. From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-Attorney General Benja...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, February 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily Budweiser * Florida Breakout * Hypnotist mesmerizes large Viewpoint crowd Ocean Front Hotel Rooms in Lauderdale This Spring Rreak? Student Suntrips offers these accommodations right now! (Continued from Page 1) sequence of numbers, 3-4-5; " AFTER A VOLUNTEER jotted down a phrase in a foreign language, a I ssian phrase meaning "how are you," Kolisch hovered over the chalkboard and then pr...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…r The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 6, 1980-Page 3 Pro-draft group stages rally Use Daily Classifieds By BETH PERSKY About 50 spectators gave a mixed response to a small pro-draft rally on he Diag early yesterday afternoon. The eight protesters, members of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), said the draft is necessary to stop "Soviet imperialism" and ensure liberty for free people everywhere. "Millions o...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…L Page 4-Wednesday, February 6, 1980-The MichiganDaily A. few rules for By Nick Katsarelas A-former friend of mine, explaining her conspicuous absence for our date last Saturday evening, told me how she wound up studying at the Graduate Library all night. After informing her the Grad closes on Saturdays at 6:00 p.m., she reddened, blurted out something about being late for work at Mr. Tony's on State Street, and ran off. PL4, i ...' 4.'. m ...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 6, 1980-Page 5 ,} MSA votes to back Stephanopoulos for City Council seat come hear Join The RXOTBOEBSND Deaturing thealROOTETTES DailyFeb. 11 Your only opportunity to see INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY COMPETITION n at Michigan this year n By MITCH STUART The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) voted last night to endorse Democratic City Council candidate Stacey Stephanopoulos, who is running in the Feb. 18 ci...…

February 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, February 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4f Still no snow A view of Whiteface Mountain near Lake Placid shows that there still isn't Whiteface Mountain will be the site for all the Alpine events. enough snow for the upcoming 1980 Winter Olympic Games. Starting Feb. 14, AP Photo 6 EONS PROGRAM LENDS HAND: 01 Back in school, she's 'confident' (Continued from Page 1) "You tell people till you're blue in the face that you're a...…

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