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February 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…The Michigsan Daily 4,xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., \NTE)NivTDAY, IFEBRU'ARY 1, 1905 No. 89 COLONEL ALDRICH. Pani0u Journalist Will Speak this Afternooni Tappan Hall-Sub- ject,'"The Old and the New.' "tvi1 0111. : n 1'cd 01 onr. "Ill1 of ' c tral 1;!. Tl 0nh i lu ita: 1 hi~ t1 ,11 II 11 1 the 1e :11 11 '11 111:1 I" 11Ills 111r v.1ltil ~1.rtlc ti1111 -l.t, io 31 ~rc as 11 ha l 1 ~c t ., i c r :i s pc l~ llr 0. 1 I 11.1 111t of 0c una1tlc t t1 r14 c: 11...…

February 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…TI II'. MTCITIIG XXTDAITY. e~eeeeeeeeeeeeee THE I ICH IGAN DAI LY.1 ~AE WOULD HAVE hEnterd ashndclas tera te An viYOU TO KNOW *Li -il(l teeu etddre h oole I-ei'year. a I Wshingto teet *61(1 P'hee 52: newehne;i * That we are doing business at: Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE f klIlTORlS 311 South State Street Athletics ----------Ct~ytte L. Dhew Extchanges............Joseph Y. Kerr Womten......…

February 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…TIlE. MICHIGAN TDAILY. STrad~ei You the n Fe w aysc ens. Weh an( cdleando i11 5 -' e I I I -+I -I *4~ ~ Ill ~*I t~ ~4'~t ~. z el d's Fine Tailoerin~g Guarantees... ast skillul and artistic service to he hail anywhere. earry a large and complete line of seasonable wool-« acve the agency for Beach & N.\ewel's Custom Shirts, )w yoa a large. heautiful and exclusie tine of -hirt- feet fitting'. Burchfield's rine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron DISH-...…

February 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…l"IlE MIChIIGAN DAILY. C «!++' +J.s+3s«!ta!«a>w aQi«Y .Ja Yi. a4 . "t _t.y "1""t, One Night Out to:4 FLORIDA ________fVI Big Four Route January Slaughter Sal BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAPI In Men's, Boys' and Children's 14*4$ 10!: '+ WitrCotigo11.newa ~. From Detroit and ToledoWitrlohn Udewa S(UNION DEPOT IN BOTH) Toldo an + Nodsgeal rnfr CUTTING, REYER & Calinti + O Nois_______Trasfes_19=11_E Washington St. ANN ARBOR WieBgFour Agents for Informa...…

February 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…X.1 0 m a 0 0 e gA= = iii co 2 NUN f 'J. W _ J " _ I i _ r I ! I C~ . T I a f. .. W f . R . " ; 1, i' -r s ..-' ' '-' -, .+ J " " .j, '. r 1' r ,,,, J. y- .° .. 'J. _ . .' T J 'l . ,. . _ _. _s- ' = ' i .,. r !: ... .: . r . ,. r r !. ®. r v .J: r _ {; % !'; 7 _ .- . tr f "--- J. ^ .-. .. .- a r ,_, r r . °J. ,J r,. . 'f r; _ !'; ~ / f r. : T r r A , ^ f rr ',. -,. , _ " pt wr H _ -' ,_., . f y 1 f .. ~ . " : J ... ,.,,,, ... 'f. r ._ J F, F= ...…

February 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…IICIIIGAN DAILY. ++ +r~ ...o..THE MIICHIGAN DAIL_.Y.1 I E fE WOULD HAVE rtmeTCd.5S(ttj-':Yinto3LtieAmjIl : YOUJTO KNOW Iai -l1lllv11lC-1pdOeioh f l * ,.c, ye i at 117} .1. I:t i gton street.J 1 * Telat we are Going bll-.Illess at Manaooging Editor, J. STANLEY BIALEY. * ®*1Binesso Manager, CLAUDE 7A. THOMPS ON. i : OUR EW STORE 07)T)1 311 South State Street ---A-------------- Clta Cr,. Ire : yews ---------------1------ - - ARTtuttU.t PtON...…

February 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…THE TMICHIGAN TDAILY. All lnetl tdtn, I IAISHAH1,-N IR aMARX AlOvercoats 7zto 1,ill hetosold at, 1=4 off iegulariate .$22.00 OVERCOATS mowtn $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOAT'Sno $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS n~ow~ $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATSno $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS r.o-tn $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATSnw $9.00 IMPORTED STEINS I'ihe finest colletion of imot ritd Clrinaiotanuf. c-t 1 l ured ,Ste ins in richiihandsome ntique pa(1tititern, are displayed by us for the firs...…

February 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…flfIE ITCITIGA NDAILY. IP HO TOGWKA P H U $350 WaIk-Dye r$4.0 Study with a Good Light Therelisuobette rightlthan * THE WELSBACH R~EADING LAMP ALSYE TAL RCS } The Anm Arbor Gas Company. FOR MEN and WOMEN Oxfords, Button ARRIVED for the "J", HOP or Lace A. G. SPalding & Bros. 11'(rlld l i 1. 12 Solo 0.lilil ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. (i. SPALLJ)INGi & BR~OS. NI+'.\S tIll t1100 .0...…

February 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV ANN ARBOR. MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1905 FEBRUARY INLANDER. SPLIENDOR OF THtE JUNIOR HOP Unique Souvenir Numbr - Cleer Stories and Clever orVrk b Student Artists. ral0 tr g1 >sloie. Iti -w l In he 111 I c >on l o ial 1 a Mich> ig n"l 0 ,1a lO01011 1. ul dcls alN iatll e gti n he011 1n ed0o nee1 1f1al1'1O0gaization such as 1th oIcgnto f nadindig oh 111001 11etpn~l o ~h vs Ia 1110t offl 1 , 1ci ie ticst 10 I ere ar...…

February 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…'1 tE \ijJ F: _1!1c 2I .c : \ \1. :I 'i Y. ,,,,.,...,,..,...r THE 1 IC H IlGAN DAILY.' W E UEWOULD HAVE :i iee st-o >n~d ls atoi:t he:i :'T YOU TO KNOW it *That we are a~~oin inesi t * Managing Editor, J. STANLEY HALEY. Buiness Manager, CLAUDE A. TH1tiPSON. *' (MIPT N'RfXTORTFl -'1' i tti s . 311 South State Street I* Athics-------------- iII .. Dal:N Ne s---------- ----A T R (.II L IEch l s......... . o e h Y. Kerr That our New \Wooleris for ...…

February 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…Mr IIt II{IGAT< IDAILY. zII Overcod 1s II I SD I IM= f'r tt <E+ LPORTED STFEINS ++ PTe finest collection of imported Germian iian itlac- o $22.00 +OVERCOJATS naow $16.30 +f4 $20.00 OVERCOAkrTow $15.00 +tored Steins in rich, handsome, nns joc patterns, are $18.00 OVERCOATS "onw $13.50 + displayed by us for the first tims this week. Any size + $16.00 OVERCOATS "o $12.00 + $15.0 QERCOkTSmow 11.5 1or Style You May want at fromt $12.0 OER.COAS "W $...…

February 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 4


February 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIH.. WE'lN' cDAY. FEBIRUARY 15. 1905 No. 92 FIRST BASEBALL PRACTICE FINAL CONCERT WOMAN'S LEAGUE NURSE. ALL THE MAGAZINES. Pitchers and Catchers Work Out in on Choral Union Series (iven Last; New Scheme for University Girls- Periodical Room in the Library is Cage - Captain Bird Pleased Night Recital by Miss Muriel Experiment May be Made Now Thrown Open to wsith Candidates. Foster, Contralto. Permanent. Students. ...…

February 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…NIlIE NICHIIGA\ NI. fff fffff..ffffff.. ITH E IIICHiIGAN'M DAILY. E 1 EWOULD HAVEf "ierda eodca to :i~~titit VYOU TO KNOW *T'hat we are ttOtttP IUtttittenat * Managin.g Editor, J. STANLEY BIALEY. r * *Busines Mana.ger, CLAUDIE A. THOMP'SON. V1 S OUR NEW STORE < 311 South State Street f A.'iltti ----------Ciyi) : I tI)P ED~ITOIALSTAtF: IThat our News Noolens for f*;A. 5t, Glave iHarry i1. Andrew: the comting fall traceo re: 1. Waciteitye now re...…

February 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Bare Jfield's Fine Tailoringy Trade Guarantees...a tit11 t o rs.t a fllt'> a a ti- .tic z ' i eto lof ooaooooltlotoool'. %N7,e o V lii s .r} t a nd o't l li it li ng oftseaslonal le witol e oas. c> haItO ti ,.' fo r tti thu a.ti ox'I t s~ tonitfShirts, B~urchfield's tine Tailoring Trade, 106 EI. Huron 1 C February Clearing Sale! With Astonishingly Low Prices jIncluding YPSILANTI UNDERWEAR jMANHATTAN SHIRTS°q FLEECE AND SIL...…

February 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…_ _ __--- "r One Night Out to . FLORIDA VIA 4.4 4:Big Four Route + From Detroit and Toledo : . (UNION DEPOT1 IN BOTH) =" Toledo and ." Cincinnati No disagreeable Transfers + Write Big Four Agents for Informa- 6 +4 ion, or + ~L. W. LANDMAN,: *General Agt. "TOLEDO, 0. comfoe 0ond ervio X z1t ? 'Brghto (, Now wrnn findea #y t'womil"o'o'o men. January Slaughter Sale BARGiAINS! B~ARGiAINS! BARGAINS! In Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing ' ...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,'MIC'H., THURSDAY, F EBRUARX'16, 1905 MlCHlMAN'S 1904 BA EBALl TIEA M. NO. 93 HISTORICAL RECITAL. Weber, Mendelssohn and Schubert Represented on Yesterday's Pro- gram -WNeber's F 'ninor Con- 'ertstuck Rendered. It was all ntnetlsui 1,1lce a dinc tht lsee o the recital icesterdayi liv E~n y l r Aiivyt lIiochioci. fi Se ciine fctir i ec anl theyprot- Srin, theiItii i che leti yiiioti te Nocy iho litNvre n t vvjiivcii...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THl H]?NICHKI GA N DAILY. w H .w ...... THI [iC H lGA N DAILY.! i W E WOULD HAVE f I.i 'rt se')t iti s i tir i ieAt * VYOU TO KNOW. f E't i eii e i i i ltni t ii t'i ief i tsi ce ii f . 4'x f t4 ~ "t~t' iiiratit:},. iiinnton tret. f Old 'hutnt n eilite i ti N I VI. I NI. :'11:"-'1,AN\ I' " 'That we are uioiug buiesse it Mana~iging IEditori, I. SITANLEYi RAL '1. "4 k__ _. i__._ II In ~l1U~I : OUR NEW STORE : 311 South State Street " 4fewiti s -...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…MITI MICHIGAN DAILY. A, ''i*+1++++-r";"+++++3 + . .5. + .1....+..I+ +++++++ Over lcoats ws' lie ;(6i1 at 1 =4 $22.00 OVERCOATS flo $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS rnow' $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS enw $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS no $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS fuow$1125 $12.00 OVERCOATS nw $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier, 217 So. Mainx St. 4 +, +I 4 r-~ ..+o+ + + trar . ros a - - it ;t 'f } t 4 4 } t tt t 4 1 t t 1 SUIT CASES 'he City's Largest Assrtme nt iear'. $1.65 = ...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…t1 I1 t'IC11HIIG A : iDAILY. ~WATFIL 1PH OTXO G RAPH E R Walk Over ,J..for.. MN AND ________ Facto ry=Store Study with a Good Light n Ther eisn belter light than THE W LSBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLS AT ALL. PRICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. \X'itel it colle sttto ti 511105 usI" 1ittiI~ )111 "' c t' A. G. Shaldin{ & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKE'T BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOOD)S A. (i. SPAI.IING & 1BROS. Sus ~...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY f-,, 49145 NO. 94 SDY OF "'HURRY UP." WOMEN AS STUDENTS. A CHANGE IN REGENTS. ENTRIES FOR MEET. Oto Evening Record Prints In= Records Show an Improvement Oer1DrXXW.iH. Sawyer Nominated to Suc' terestng [Description of the WXork of L at 'Year Ireshman teed lion. C. ID. Lawton Two (reat Coach. Oir it Fe Conditon. er Precedent Did Not Hold. ,11. 44444_ 1144''4411111,1'44414n n4 41c4 f ~o tit, ...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…M 1- IGAN DAILY. IVYOU TO KNOWv 7IIII~iA IAILY. =That we are doing bu'.o44e'. * OUR NEW STORE 311 South State Street. That our New Woolen!'. the coming fall trade.4c Clow ready. That we make suplerIJb ments for gentlemien. IThat we appreciate your tra and respectfully .so1icit1k continuance of ID. r G. H. WILD CO. fAILOS 31 aouthaStateSe. NOTE- Thsof u I Ill 0 i College tText=- Books S ALLI) EI0ARP I11'1E N IS New and Second hand1L Bring ini x...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE M':IIIGAN DAILY. + +++++ + + + + -Uure hfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... YOteno-i 0 ktt allandarit -ic serviceto ie hatiainywhere. f\7( al 01 crr-at-l aar o- and comtpieteolitneseasntable wool1)- ell" -Woh-ito teya on ifor I', ],it 0Newel's(so IOitSits . Burchfield's Fine tailoring Trade, 106 LI Huron 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. +' 4. 4. 4. Foar 1S Days Ending DUI S H SALE iFebruary 15 We tofufer attythitt intootrtr cketnI cp ttttottt itt 41-...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…1 Il 11tlk I II DAILY. 1One Night Out to SFLORIDA ~:Big; Four Route From Detro iad4 ied '(UNION DEOTINI'Ix Cinci n nati No disagreeale. Transer Writ Big Four A;as fr I nrn ~L. W. L A ND MA N General Agt. TLIC~U N - Ytj V (ollegemr.-ginfnd . grateful degre of comortn:tnd serice in te l~rjghtui I flat Clsp Grter. Now worn b, near llhomaiis Rowe, lroprietlor. 320 N. Fifth Ave New a iii ,,7ii "ia'1ti1 1..- STENOGRAPHER Fred E. nuter '05 L--w 0 F I...…

February 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., S TULRDAY, 'EJIRtUARY iN. 1905 No, 95 PLIMINARY TONIGHT. FIRST IN AMERICA. First Contet of Indoor Season at 8n(iraduate Course in Porcelain l'illing; oclock -ilany Close Contests Completed Many Old Anticipated. (irads Back. WEBSTER MEN FEAST. JUDGE LANE ON ATHLETICS Foirty-Sixth Annual Btanquet of LIit=ILaws Professor Discusses the Rela- erars Society ield Lat ion Between Athletics and Evsening.'Scholarship...…

February 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…I T1 1;= ( T 1ITI CAN DAILY'. s ., a .. jTHF flC Hl GA N DAILY VMz)( JAEWOULD HAVES"? ,7EPk1 t i''t~t 10 110S1000010 tLtheAn Tha we are at17I'. 11,2.the tilt tl *~aagn ThEdeaitorhsooo. J. STANLEY RALEY. 1h * * Binemss Mnager, CLAUDE1 A. THIOMPSON. ~ 1 SuhSaeSreOUR NEW STORE #( l 01) Irltlp 21 * 15. 1011 lola '11.2 V J1 1?0011. 1 STAFF: 1 10 * That otur New ovolens o I 1 1 .101, rveParty 11.Andrew. the Ctt11t).t 1ll tOI. 011%110 J yn 1' : '1.11...…

February 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…TE EoICIIIGA I lDDT .Y. *o.+4*:;..te"T *V+ 44444.4.44.+ «i + t.+*+I":4 i+49-1.44 I All IOvercodts I °1717 ]Y I A 1I.. SEAH IN("i&: 1ARt $22.00 OVERCOATS r~aow $16.50 . $20.00 OVERCOATS rmows $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS nowss $13.50 , p¢4 + + T ' T '4X 4" 4t $16.00 OVERCOATS rxo $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS .nw $1125 $12.00 OVERCOATS sto $9.00 LV TZ, Vhe Clothier 217 So. Mairx 4, *1' M- h #T--4'i-- -x-4-4"U-'6 4 M-'il-O- i-i- +IM-N-4 #-4- 4-+P-4-Y-i i t...…

February 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…'I'l S' .tf,1.I t..I i.OVA N D A ILY. - ai ALL P I0 KAPHa . I ^. 'S..:.mi Fw ,.._ L _ S .l M KI"Kr I M"EN 4 __________ Factory=Store Yf A. ( --,-od Light AT ul 111kWLLSACHREADINGi LAMP Ai. I 1AT 1AIlaloCEo. 1AnnXii \b r(js Cma AS L i l E ii; it.s SASE BALL 'Ll I GYMNASIM F1 o~ A. I0. SPALXI 110 o & PASLPFIFIELY CAS Noooclr-1L1 .1.op! POAITIVEL itian s wi£ t 1 b. 0 ._to IU~TE TOKALAMAZOO TRAINS EVERY HOUR To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, KAL ...…

February 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…The~l chigan Dail Or, Cv ANN ARBOR, MICH. ----,DAY, F.I RUARY ig, 195 No. 96 NWMEN SHOW UP WELL. JANE ADDAMS. Prelminry Met Sucessul f- h. ounder and Head of the bull fair-CxDe i eti ihHouse to Speak of Sociological Jump- Ackerman, Leete and Problems in America on urprxexes League. ax n Icir IS trc: rspcs roxI. fay h ll- ^r i Sraii ta- Pr"iu< AIi ll . fth ew m n ic of th Conisumevr, Leagie, lriv~l a ld th o mid whic w i hold is anuiaI sate ne-...…

February 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…------------ ---- -- -- 0' z1 -co Zo ~ oCO, Y) I- a 110 to0 0 3R.. = CC- f p r 0 n r- r-* r" Q -; C} c: CA f -s #3{ I*#yy -y t~f "/YO 1 i.V- Ca' t+ _ = 0 6 y . 4 1ft 1 i -x1 , i .mt ff t /*w ~lttttt 4 -f- f -riC V -.k' " e 74 1= + !!i# ii! f f # i i!!!!slii1 #1i!!!#!!! I CL -, ~.1 ttl r.l 0 z 1 r t . i o rC z - , T _ _ r _ f -- I _ r ;;,. ' r'-- f ; _ = j .- f ' ^ :r r r s:' O r y '% r 0 C m y c G ti M p to fir, G G -t fo C -t W .°, s, ... y. ...…

February 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. "+++++4 + 4- 1 "Im 1;- 1, ;o ; 61 4o 4o +4. 4. + 4a * 4. 4N old its+ of. 4. ++ +OF 4, fo + 1 - ++4*4-1-"+ Burchfi Trade I ield's Fine Tailoring G uaran tees.. jFebruary Clearing Sale!. F~ With Astonishini~v Low Prices Yon heana-at skillaul and artistic setrvicetoanbe)1had anyiwhare-.. ' -V - + We alwrays tarry- a lar- ,and )-arnpinte line of -nasonaiu~le anoi- ens. \("pa ha n -t) for- Beach &Newel's CaustoShir-t. Including...…

February 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. One Night Out to rr SFLOI71D A : +VIA +4.+ + Big Four Route :* From Detrit and ToeF' :I UNION UDEP0TI IN HO Ii .. Toledo and # +t Cincinn ati k No disagreeable Ti, Ansis k4. + 4. Wrieig B Fits Ae tts a: ",- -- :L, W. L ANMA .. Geneal Aft. 1 _,0 , 1)0 comotan servicegt inkth0 righto Rowe's Laundr gronaefuldegreeoprfl 326th. Bigthton biiidi0fAdddbdiNdiddfdfid N rrddfddidbd40*Oi jidiidi CUTTiNG, REYER & CO. _APE: Ii ESLILLIN(i...…

February 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily targest u dates on t it'Spec.i tlir~i tip ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1905. tHUNDRED OUT. SENIORS TO BANQUET. RELAY TEAMS GET BUSY.I WAS] imber of Baseball Candice 1905 Men Arrange for (ireat Spread Trainer Fitzpatrick Says all Entries lion. J Reccord-McAllister Pay- at the Occidental, Ypsilanti-- Must be Closed by Thurs= jcc, al Atention to Batting. Special Cars C.hartered. day Night, lb ed II) a t.T m irlp1t s ...…

February 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…' I ? %lC TI1TGA NI DAILY. Spin * io THE flICHIGAN DAILY.!I tt' E~ivreo :s s,' d-<las. m tte atthe Ann ; 4 Managing Editor-, J. ST ANLEY IALEY. t 1 Binso.Manager, CLAUDEL A. THlOMPSON. I 11111414l m_ I i cl ~ izii i>> I,, t , I), ,1 t '4'4(OOL EN S ARE~ IAnd the Styles are ''I' Ii *311 S. State St. College : fText= Books New and Second-hand '1111 1 11,-\4 h( 144 1 1 for444 Y}4 e} Mathematical and ~ D 1rawing Instruments1 *1tf :. Waterman's fou...…

February 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…THlE MIC141CAN GAILY. AlOvercoats Isldig iE'' ,cMII $22.00 OVERCOATS .now' $16.50 j $20.00 OVERCOATS now,~ $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS rio'..'$13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS now.. $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS now'. $11.25 LVTZ, Vhe Clothier 217 So. MaA r St. 4 4 f } t +t 1 SUIT CASES The City's Largest Assortme ntiHere. $1.65 = $2.00 = $3.00 up to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks In All Sizes and Prices CL UB N L l(iAiDSiT0NE BAGiS, 1.50 TO ...…

February 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…'Ii ITCIGAN DAILY. ILL PHOTO.GAPIHUK I a ''__ ate.: Stuy.itha ood Light here 5 1terI i than T0HEi W IL5LAC H REAI)ING LAMP ALL STY1 E'S1 AT A LL PRC1F.1. TeAnn Arbol(ia Cor pan Walk=Over ..for.. MEN E WonEN Factory='Store Xwhlen it comles t1 swell fooit-wvear, .ve areiin asu i cl ass 1 ,11 by ic33o3ur Isele. C ir large aitip t o-Ii (late stack iiicliids'shoe s for all occasiop~s. Justre Ccidl 1311 go shllipenit Of(xliii is forMen andc Womnn II...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigaxn Dail V"X\'. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUTARY 22, 1905. No. 98 JANE ADDAMS SPEAKS. \NyI:L RtNDC 0 .NASITSINCAC G ,SPEED TRIALS ARE ON. th i!t o t i rilctofeat tet an- Iar nadditionit" in g pactce, Iiih Faou ocial Settlement Worker; tt! i , h nutitntof Ini I theRcy ttit 1,1,t aCt he u il irnain tb.a 1th e Director Keene Fitzpatrick Sends Addresses, Consumers' League on ;c h w ich in iipland for- the 24111 instunitint i in i f ...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…%TTC1IGAN D )AIJ Y, "r r o # IT H El11ZlCH IlGA N 1)A I LIV . *^rtr" as see mid-ciasi.2 ,. t.t~r ;a th Ann ;t. ye r. t 1 i Washi.2.2 o n .treet. a * Mnagng Editor,2J. ST ANLEY IBALEY. BusinessM aage, CLAUDEii A. 22THOM2PSON. a 02.2.1 alA111 I'1L N I N\ S 1)RlNi 1 r: e Hry 222 Andrews r* } ( . Nv F' r224a.. .: I) t A.Wit . Sanord And1the22cr 'tre E. .31 sd ~tto .3 I *~~'tttE. A-* ddress:C L 1Al 1)11A. 'I lO1ll'SON, Busines Ii. It. ~ 'ILanag...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…TI~ MICnII~AN' DAXLV. ________________________________ 4 4 4 I 4444- a...s. .i..s 404 nl"'oJ '.. 44,' ~i~44 4 ' ','"'" } TradeI You the illO wVeaie. F~ .Wei and can +P'r'i'+! t IV V s" v'v I zeld's Fine Tailoring Guarantees... st. skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. earry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ave the agency for Beach . Newel's Custom Shirto. tyou a larve, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-« feet ittin...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…I-T MTCIIIGAN DAILY. ~j ne Night Out to *I + ___VIA 4:Big Four Route , *From Detroit dTld (UNION 010 N0 II, 11. -: Foledo anid Cincinn tia ti =*No disagreeable T ransfers t+Wrie Big4.Four Agen o I 1sta L. W. LANDMAN, G;eneralAgt). TOLED)O0.,. Collegemen find a ' grateful degree of comfort and service Ia} in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near- ly two million Men. t i1sr+t rr,!itul'lli. Rowe's L au ndry 326 N. 1ifth Ave. S TENO4GRA...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily . ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905 RELAY TRYOUTS. o'NU o'l lf I h hU TNViT~i iael and Keeler Equal Varsity, 'n nttn Ii '~In not n ncln WN 'i'i i lecordOcty" Graham Makes Prient ataii einning min y vo mid ;tarn t' strer n'nir'ln rde i'tn N A past Time -Teams Not Def= fo' a il ii'st in, >'t'''''''1 '' c lie r vinel yinn li 1T mini, altas fnitely Selected. cinnn r li ii'alm 'l iinran n 1111]stlrt~ IIth 'n~e''nifln ...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…' FMICHIGAN DAILY. + + o + HE1ICHIGAN DAILY.!) 1l1 Tttll( 1**~ee as sec nd-clas II m a t tr at the .Anns it, 11r'P]I1 ;1 *f u..u * Ar12 i '1121.... *xeiei )li I U __ nettr ' 11 1 wi .1 I aa02. 11 1 11 f lIflc' t;tao rtts ttU ,i~ l ;I II-;. 1 112 L 1 Mngn dtr .SAL BA Y. %Wildadd _____ ai lthe tu,:irc 1 ftl 12tiIl VVILI.UIF.,: tar Amb......... oeh .Kros f « .............. .. A )1 . I a I . BrPo wn, r i d7 k itlI'oeoar, ) ackld a., olopoae451 NXW...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THdE MICHIGAN DAILY. AllI Iver'coats make, will ibe sold at 1-4 off regua tprice $20.00 OVERCOATS unow $1650 $22.00 OVERCOATS nsow .$1.0 $18.00 OVERCOATS rnw $13.50 s $16.00 OVERCOATS nsow- $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS n-owss $11.25 "$12.00 OVE:RCOATS nuow $9.00 ; LVTZ, the Clothier; S217 So. MakiSt. ; SUIT CASES } The City's Largest Assortenotlee. $1.65 = $2.00 a $3.00 up to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks + In All Sizes and Pr...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…1I.MIClIGICAN DAILY. P U0 0 KAllHE Stud wit a Good Light TIH E W BAHREAL)INGiLAMP ALL TN l." I 4A LL I CE11< . The titi\rbo (ia Comany IA.G.S alin\&IWOS .' I t Kti MA~OO Wal k=Overw AND WO Il EN _________ Facto ry=Store t wh leu it collies to -s tell-ot-eair, we tireil I pt ip ii' clas-s 1) v0111 -elvcs. Our large aind up- to- I (late stock iiicludeshe-slui-forl(w1 1 icasioins. Ju le ceived large shilipent of OxfordisI foruMen and Women in the...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1905 No. 1 oo FRESH-.SOPH ENTRIES. lag N umber of Contestants for the Meet Tomorrow Night- Class Relay Teams are Selected. , ca~iticlatrs s has o ati 111 i 1 l l ll c ellt,11v d u l and all 'l ia>Nila lr a wth t hea lac '.' cl eaididte II the caiIIIthe 111 ia ill 1111 z;I hnl ~ ~ c ftemnwr nbe11hs 11111nappy. each111,C1111slaig1 s sp' 11uchainte1rest 1111 III ll lit'asI ont theaaIttl . ...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…Ti NITCHIIGANT DAILYI. f+ "f~f tnf ®® L 11C H IlGA N DA L Y.1 * ~ U 3 3 * I~s~ag'o m PotAloe. S ~ l1 IL * *I~BusinessI 1 Mnger, CLAUDE0 A.THMSN f =1t, t lc; --- l----------;,t1. I. ~ ~ Y. Kerr :11lk 1}II. p 1 bl tiltl.iHJAll !-*1i NV "t iM Ah, raer Hary . ndAw * ( \VOIF NS .ARC *rHI1.1 Ie tI. H A, O.i HO l Ar IH ..rt lc lt *! * 1 1y I el 11k.1e:it A d te Styles -are p, I. HIll PN. PuseyI t + .l.1. 1". PH A. 1.1, 10u un1USUa-Ly1V lla11dSOnIIe. ...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…TNHP MICHICAN DAILY. Trade X I the Ito We aliL aes a en. tar, } litR TI-r ieid's Fine TailoringB February Clearing Sale! Guarantees... t ehtaylet With AstonishinglyLo Prices t Skillful and artistic servicetob ha anwe . eacrov a large and cmlt ln fseasonable 10 ncuin PSLAT UDRWA ace tihe agrenev for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, Inldn YS1NI NEWA ) yout large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ect ftting.+ MANHATTAN SHIRTS Burchfield's [in...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…T17 iiTCi IIGAN DAILY. SOne Night Out to SFLORIDA 4 ____VIA + '~From Detroi and 1Toledo : (U.NION DBPO1 INBOT11 is Toledo and Cinci fit 11Patt No disagreeable Tiansfes a. 5.Writei Bit; or Aenslor u 10,014 5-- L. W. LANDMAN, tioGeneal Ag. 'OLL)O, . . Colegemen find a t gratctn.l degree of comfort and service in the. Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near ly tW.o million mn. Rowe's Laundry 1hoas Rowe,IProprietor. 36 N.ifthO Ae Nwo ne,,1 7 ...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…Dal VOL. N. FRE1SH IAN-SOPtHOMOI F MEET TONIGHT Battle of Classes lBe ins at S O'clock -- xpert 1figures Contest wilt he \Very Close. ANNARBOR, IC [J-1"IAYFIlthi'ARY 25, 190- NO. rot CHESS AND CHECKER TOURNAMENT Open M~eeting Brought Forth a Show of Interest-~Plans and Aims of the Organization. 1 lt +l~'ll Til-ct~lt; )f ti e > aisi tl) l~c rpr 1, ip l~ il lllii of Os ,) 1a v a l iti M 1 I1llti l slsit l Iiil 1 k 11)il, I \115 l o 11 SENIOR LIT...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…I ? MIH GAN DA'ILY. ~ ' li 11H lAN 1 A' LV *4 - C 9 * 3 Idail. ,111:.1'.1 11 1~i usns , 3 ill. Iac\.SI; rdN(S*., 1Tlephon 401 * :r 9- , i 3 X 1.I 31 I :1i ill' , NCN a11 1 S W~ateniat ical and 4.ait nsrnet 4 %'drl . t rmdI I s I71r5 i jdill Pens m 1evO4r$t i)Pe 'LI I N I SII[[II1AN O .ter iIYBOkII~i Editor Today-J. EARL.. OGLE. JR. CALENDAR. 'hi IIIld hel (Ca 1 1, Y i Profesor H. L.N 141 I Gpiiicl ) 115 's1 ha : Nv~' Cellular Cx Harr"IngtOn1S'...…

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