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February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 1


February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 " every wish and command of their liege * G A - W 14 M0114ltBaelard. Simi Gets A V id, -1 Mirth and Merriment and Gayety Buti]o t From A P OFFICIAL IWSPAPER OF TEIll UN'I reign tonight. Care, worry and trouble'; u,/i / A.P. VERSITY OF IICIAN have been cast to the winds, studies Published every morning except Monday during the Inivesity year by the Board in are forgotten, examination...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…I =ME SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH3R E SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Ii, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Gladsome Guests Gather From All "s Wi " Learned, Jackson; lunette Starr, Points Of Compass For Junior Hop r Le Sue Presley, Bay i" Netta Jefter s, Detroit. The list of patrons and patronesses, agara Falls, N. Y.; Katherine Woods. Booth 6 -Theta Chi as announced by Thomas Lynch, '23E, Chicago, Ill. in charge of invitat...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, F{ BRIT.1RY 11, 1922 PAGE FOUR SATIRIIAY, tLllRtAItY 11, ll)22 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Booth 15-Alpha Chi Sigma and Lucile Hagener, Toledo, 0.; Margaret Phelps, Newark, N. J.; Olive Cole-, Theta Xi Neff, Ann Arbor; Louise Frank, Ober- man, Marshall; Frieda Diekhoff, Ann SEChaperons-Dr. and Mrs. Floyd E. lin, 0. - Arbor; Thelma Goodrich, Grand Rap- Bartell, Ann Arbor. Guests - The Booth 16-Kappa Beta Psi id...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…I SATURDAY, FE13RITARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN[ DAILY PAGE FIVE SAUDY FEBRUARY II, 1922 THE11 MICHIGAN1111111111 DAILY111111111111111111111111111PAGE111111FIVE11 "THE FOUR SEASONS" nan, Madison, Wis.; Clara Louise Kuttnaiier, Chirago, 11.; Ilies Gliieck' Cleveland, 0. Booth I1-hi Chi Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Iychener, and Mrs. Frank Hatch, Ann Arbor. Guests -The Iisses Cora Lou Murbock, Archbold, 0.; Shirley Salis- I bury, Petoskey; Be...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUIiCIIY. F EIIRUARY 1 1, 1922 PAGE SIX THE. MICHIGAN DAILY flflHOP niirnn b tale l ark t lz )ehAl-tnSiyna ia ntaAe Ill Eliattle MItt ViiIIIIi,]IIIIittIifStttyt1] ittII 1Nice Vacaila,11 Aledc111111IIIllU e, lIvansve, Id, Iel. Tui titlie e utse MalttnWhiting, Ind.;Malran= M un iurooth < 29 -I i Oiega lsly;Dna, I rei::y , A rsh A c G e tY ou r VALE NTINE S Now (Cniudfrom i'age Fivte) t Matgaret Silie, Granid Le...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN "Such perfectly delightful new hats, LEADERS OF GRAND MARCH andsobecoming" That is what you will say when you see our new spring styles at Mrs. Grace 230 Nickels Arcade Van Schoick VNE Phone 795-W 66joy Rules the World" CIUILES A. IUERH MISS GRACE PAtTT11SON Mr. hummer and Miss Pattinson were the leaders of the grand march at the Junior Hop Friday evening. Hum - mer is chairman of the H...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE: MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDIAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 PAGE EIGHT THL MICHIGAN DAILY ADDITIONALHOP GUESTS They Did The Work FAG SUN. (Continued from Page Seven) lt1 Ann Arbor; Eary Ellen Tnwnea, Ann j Ob Arbor; Gladys Hartabnrn, Ann Aibor;tie' c Helen Ryan, Toledo, 0; Nrma Jud- 11111:I; 000n, Grand Rapids; Grace Maxwell, Hi a Detroit; Loyce Cushing, Ann Arbor;1 byMs Laura Hyde, Saugerties, N. Y.; Helen McGregory, Flint. wod Booth 4...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 9


February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 PAGE TWO SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V1 STY Od ICzrn Dait\ tbith1(151e"lOmtrning l~t;?Moat duigte[n~esily yeartbyte -Boadin Controtl of SOudent Publicios.AIl)110 TheluAssocited 'ross is exlusively entitled pachs re itd o, it t t 'I, cedte in t ' I1, .is ae n lo h oa e s Id ihc every shltantd comtmand of their liege ~ , r,~.A f*, lttrd. .MimlGets 7. I-I Mitrth and M...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 11

…I SATU RDAY, FEBRICCACRY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACET, HREE, Gladsome Guests Gather From All Points Of Compass For Junior Hop The list of patrons and patr onesses, agora Pails, V. Y.; Katherine Woode, as announced hy Thaomas Lynch, '23E,, Chicago. Ill. in charge of invitations, includes: ---- President Marion L.. Blurton and Mrs. Bot PhBeaI Burton. President-Emneritus H arry B1.1 Hutchins and Mlrs. hJutchins, lion. ('Chaperons -Dr. a...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 12

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 nMarSBooth 15-Alpha Chi Sigma and Lucile Ilagener, Toledo, 0.; Margaret Phelps, Newark, N. J.; Olive Cole- Booth 17 Sigma Chi Theta Xi Neff, Ann Arbor; Louise Frank, Ober- man, Marshall; Frieda Diekhoff, Ann, Chaperons Coach Fielding I. Chaperons--Dr. and Mrs. Floyd E. lin, 0. - Arbor; Thelma Goodrich, Grand Rap- Yost and Mrs. Yost, Ann Arbor; Mr. Bartell, Ann Arbor. Guests - The Boot...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 13

…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE "THE FOUR SEASONS'' I i -I i j I , , I y 1 3I ' i _ _i man, Madi on, Wis.; Clara Louise Kattnaacr, (Chicago, Ill.; iRhea (Iluerk, Cleveland, 0. Booth 21-Phi Chi Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rychener, and Mrs. Frank Hatch, Ann Arbor. Guests -The Misses Cora Lou Murbock, Archbold, 0.; Shirley Salis- bury, Petoskey; Bernice Ro...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 14

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAlt ilt . FPliRt liY 11,19 (1 ( b~rgOak00Perk, Il;Eiaeh iktn mra n.Vnta ld Ill.; Elizabeth111llllVieklllltenll11Smyrsellt111Nina i1111{nattalllllAflllollIll) M EHO GUSS eyvi an1sille. Int.; I~tl Tuttle,te-iloise Mattern, Whiting, In. 31 i t ________ _____int. -(-hapman, lDetroti; uth AMrsit 0 ti (Continued rout Page Five) 11oth11211 si Omega lesley;tDonna Essestyn, Ann A lr0borYour; .ILI TIN S No Margaret Giilies, ...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 15

…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN "Such perfectly delightful new hats, LEADERS OF GRAND MARCH and so becoming" That is what you will say when you see our new spring styles at Mrs. Grace \E 230 Nickels Arcade Van Schoick OIJPfgL Phone 795-W "Joy Rules r xth e t ~World" CIARILS A. IUII1IIMtER MISS GRACE PATTINSON Mr. Hummer and Miss Pattinson were the leaders of the grand march at the Junior Hop Friday evening. Hum- And w...…

February 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 16

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 RDDlTI R P GUES UTSFAc " G They Did The Work SUN (Continued from Page Seven) Ann Arbor; Mary Ellen Townes, Ann Of a weeke Arbor; Gladys Hartshorn, Ann Arbor; at 4:1 Helen Ryan, Toledo, O.; Norma Jud- Hil4:a son, Grand Rapids; Grace Maxwell, by Ero Detroit; Loyce Cushing, Ann Arbor; by Mrs Laura Hyde, Saugerties, N. Y.; Helenpguest McGregory, Flint.'wood, z z y k j _ 1 pianist Booth...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… f.; t I. ~ :i at, DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1922 PRIG -I I 'CI LS I% rSPAPER ASSERTS CIVIL WAR IMMINENT. nd Belfast Rioting Continues; ihooting Occurs Over Ex- tended Area (By Associated Press)4 Ion, Feb. 13.-The Irish situa- ver the Ulster border has stead- come worse and no secret has made of the grave alarm with it is viewed in official circles ston Spencer Churchill, secre- or the colonies, declared in the...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

… d W -ANth. VaiVo- p blication ely entitled to the n" for edited to t or aqt @etri Arab q lisd a"therein. Arbor, Michiglan, .a s scod Streelt. words, if signed, the gig-x nt, but as an. evidence of isked in The aily at the ailed to The Daily office. * consideration. No man- dr incloses postage. ndorse the setimments cx- S. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 3414 ITOR ..,....... BREZWSTER P. CAMPBELL ng Editor....... .........Hugli W. Hitchcock ......…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…Efforts Of Hastreiter And Lundell Sway Audience InTwilight Concert are to produce the super-leaders to for the high narks in cla turn civilization on to the right road 'the more positive chara< is to select our students not so much I general leadership." )A K FINISHING r prints are made on Velox. terials that are Eastman made and meth- aat are Eastman approved, plus the ex-r ice of our experts are guaranties of fin- iality finishing. Bring u...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…. ." . . . . . , ,.. ". ., .. "- M ,., . -,_ . .. ,., . , .. .. ,- .. ':. ,. ' ,. - . «, r Qy + t . ti« t # i as { . _ . .'1 t . .. .'I i __ -a. - - -- hand Books bought and sold s University Bookstore.-Adv. pALDIN G Basket Ball When purchasing equip- ment for basket ball or any athletic sport,insist upon SPALDING'S. Sat. isfaction is inevitable. Catalogue on requnat SPALDING & BROS. 1 So. State St., Chicago BASEBALL NOTICE All infiel...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 5

…I HATS GOING ON I Screen - Katherine MacDonald [er Social Value." c-"Hail the Woman," a ias Ince production. -"The Flower of the ," by James Oliver Cur- um-Rosemary s the Divide." 'Appearances," feature. Theby in a Para- T$IS WEEK TUESDAY 5:00-Chimes business staff meets at Press building. 1:00-Boosters, numbers 148 to 168 in. elusive, meet in room 306 of Union. 6:45-Senior engineer hockey team meets junior engineers at Coliseum. 7:30-...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

…Lidents SupplyStore 1111 South University Ave anery Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Note Books Cameras and Supplies y Agency Candies and Tobaccos 4 . P R E S I N G r 628 REPAIRING ,.I ey g a i they please they soothe they delight they make c they gratify because they In-com-pa ontent are -ra-bly fine! -, .-te nO Iirn r'nainrOPEPlans Summer Course in Dramatizing TOProf. R. D. T. Hollister, of the public speaking department, will introduce ...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

…j money nds for B. Jor- ag of Ann Ar- t 7 o'clock to- ecial business T society will meet at' ht in the Alpha Nu1 he University Girls' held at 4:30 o'clock Barbour gymnasium. versity league houses lty tea from 4 to 6 at Barbour gymnas- have a special meet- his afternoon in the ur gymnasium. All be present, and es- Dean Myra B. Jordan is confined to her bed with bronchitis and will not be at home to University women this afternoon. Games in ...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

…ULLET.I N AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 Number 94 ture in Shops 3 and 4: The class rooms for Shops 3 and 4 Lectures are as given below; Class Room 445, Tuesday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 445, Thursday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3.r Class Room 445, Saturday, 8 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 432, Wednesday, 1 o'oclock, Shop 3. Class' Room 445, Tuesday, 11 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 240, Tuesday, 2 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 246, Saturday, 8 o'c...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…I ± Zolr qyrn Ud6- ~j IAsOIUUJ DiPRESI DAYA~D NIGH *1 syc oA - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1922 PRIOR _________________________________ r PROFESSIONAL HUMOR FADED BY STARTLING BLUEBOOK REVELATIONS 0 JOSs 'TIME POSITIONS SCARCE, MENT SECRETARY DECLARES [IAN THOUSAND N WAITING LIST "Ad Hades cum sapienta," murmur- ed the student body as they breathed the last of exams and departed for climes less scholarly-and m...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…shed every morning except lMonday during the Vaer by the Beard In Control of Student Publications. MEMBER 6V THE ASISCIATED PRESS IAssciated Press ia exclusivey etitled to th s ofor iof all newsdipa ,ches tedh to it or net otherwise W this paper and local news published theri. -ed at the postofice at Ann Arbor, Micigan, as second tion by carrier or mall, 93.50.s e: Ann Arbor Press buildng, Maynard Street. es: Business, 960; Editorial, 244. nun...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…ERSITY'S DN HEALTH Female Impersonat- npatible relation to an" is difficult to 's case at least, yet ef of "Tickle Me" ms a "sleeper jump" haracter to that of ion. Outside of the ight lacing and sub- comedian finds him- t he feels, however, rng" as a lady. Mr. e Me" come to the Thursday, February posed to do any- t Tinney has de- not omit the new says was wished >mething desper- tion was origin- dare some time lub, New York, a spirit of fun,...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… modbomm-o-ok-wo. . ,., I . 414- ;ool ... . . , .. ;:, ". t " ". . + ",* " w « " Y.i « . .. , . ' .. "i ..i + + "" " " « .. .. ." " '" ' I " " r °° s A t " s . f ' . , .J. rr - - - - - - - - £.. Michigan EntersI Handball Tourney Michigan is to be represented at the A. A. U. tri-state tourney of the Al-1 legheny Mountain Handball association to be held at the Cleveland Athletic club today and" tomorrow. Carl E. Gehring and F...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…iarties will be given Sat- on for the benefit of the rue. Pi Beta Phi soror- rtain from 2:30 to 5:50 irvations may be made by before noon Thursdal. ts will be sold at 50 cents tire tables will cost $2. and five hundred will be ?nother party will be given at the' llegiate Sorosis house from 2;30 to 0 o'clock. Tables may be reserved calling 251 at 75 cents a person. a will be served. RLS' GLEE CLUB PRAISED FOR CONCERT IN JACKSON Enthusiastic pr...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

… iiarat Lared byeWomen OF f the point system for activi- iversity women will be dis- o all league houses, dormi- I sorority houses this week. system is being made effec- cordance with the decision he Mid-western Intercollegi- ation for Women's Self-gov- %st year. At that time it was he presidents of college so- r women that all colleges Lat have a point system in 1i1 proceed to introduce one pose of the system is to con- distribution of hono...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…rs of There will be a meeting of the Wo- of "A men's Athletic association board at 5I who are in the ca ma Delta Phi will meet at 4 k this afternoon at Martha Cook ay >r The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet r- at 3 o'clock this afternoon at New-1 berry all.I -3. Cup of Tea" will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoqn in the parlors of Bar- bour gymnasium and at 3 o'clock to- morrow afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The entire cast and cho...…

February 15, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 95) • Page Image 8

…i "'_ A FPICIAL 'BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1922 Number 95 the Ize: ons or nominations for the Soils Prize should be in my hands n Feb. 18. .. ALFRED H. LLOYD. 11 be a conference of the Deans at 10 o'clock this morning in 's office. M. L. BURTON. Michigan Research Club: lar meeting of the Club for February will be held in the His- oratory Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, at 8 (Council meeting at The progrpm will be a symposium on the ...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…LDER I Ar A6F -Ak 000eel AWfltr ASSOCIAI DAY;AEDI NIGHT l9 '1TCN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 PRIOR :B BONUS TION STILL T IN DOUBTI -Hop Chimes freaks Sales Records And Offers Well- Written Articles COMMITTEES [LL HARDING VIEWS MARRING GIVES' NT DEFINITELY T TAX PROGRAM osals Discussed by Men or of inclusion in Tax Bill n, Feb. 15.-The soldier on was tonight still very Congress was without any official. word ...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…day dwriscg wtheIv ar eat Publicatios. rI RESS entitled to the me ler d t t as thow published thereab. or, michian. as emoved at An nara street. Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentments - a the commuiniaitonls. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 5414 NG ZDITOR .......... BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL t... ......Joseph A. Bernstein ................ f,. e. i-- ig CityEditor .............. ................. . B. Young itors- R. . AdamsG. P. Oveto "hn P....…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…EVER" YOU AN OPPORTUNITY ed number of vacancies in our sales force oking for a position it will pay you to m are "Wear-Ever" aluminum equipments are sold direct to ames by our demonstration appointment plan, which iminates canvassing. Under present economical conditions our men are aver- ging $77.85 per week in commissions. For interview call for Mr. Wardwell at Allenel Hotel, riday A. M. --Mmmwmmmm ODAK FINISHING Our prints are made on ...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…_ ~ - - A, A& . . . t ' , oks bought and sold ity Bookstore.-Adv. hand Books bought and sold University Bookstore.-Adv. -(6 WHERE DO WE 00 FROM HERE BOYS? Wherever you go you will be better off mentally and physically, after a game' of Pocket or Carom Bnl- liards. The Craftsmen are giving a Wash- ington birthday party at Barbour Gym- nasium, Tuesday night, Feb. 21. All Master Masons are invited. cure tickets from members or...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…IT TR AND LOSES IN TWO Michigan broke even ; in her two1 hockey games with Wisconsin and No- tre Dame, defeating Wisconsin 6-3, and losing to Notre Dame in an over-] time game by 7-4. The condition ofl the ice at Wisconsin was bad, slowingE up the game, and also injuring Michi- gan's fine teamwork which had been] her big factor before. At Notre Dame, the game was a nip and tuck affair from start to finish. Michigan's teamwork was better than...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

….l To Users rary :e results from the appeal to users of the open reference )f the Library that was issued xnan W. W. Bishop two weeks reported by the official cata- of the building. The growing reference privileges by a few marked chiefly by careless- -eturning books to the shelves; e report of the Librarian ne- niber of books have already turned, some of which had y been decided upon as lost. r the reading rooms, but also )partments 'of the...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 7

…usual '9 IJUNIOR PLAY "o m"Opw".40' yt [1 girls wishing to borrow money a 'the University loan funds for en should see Dean Myra B. Jor- at once. [asses in rifle shooting will begin week. The periods are: From 1:30 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoons, from 7 to 9 o'clock Wednesday sings. All girls who signed up for Aice should report at the Arm- at one of these hours. 11 girls who wish to work in the th in University hall are requested ign up...…

February 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 96) • Page Image 8

…BULLETIN AUVI I 'tONAL SPORTSI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 Number 96 Students: is requested that all students who have changed their address since it semseter call at the office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer- all, and il out a Change of Address card. J. A. BURSLEY, Dean of Students. esidents of Student Organizations: '' le attention of the Presidents of the various student organizations is to a letter sent to them about Jan. 16...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…iF Zr6 Ut -I. t I II7 DAY AND NIGHT SEVICE ANN ARBOR, MIOEIANO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,.1922 PRIC eIV 11 THAT CON. TO ACCEPT NT *THIS LEVY ERWISE SAYS BILL )ULD BE POSTPONED ' and McCuinber Do Not Be. ve That Legislation Ought-I to Be Dropped (By Associated Press) n, Feb. 16.-Pay the sold- 'ith the general sales tax, the legislation, was Pres- ig's advice today to con. airman Forduey of the house and means committee and Chair- M...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…OF THE URIIVXRtIT° ULAN pt Mon" y dudrlwt the Ysltiev. if Student blict1oss. mornd i Ind on MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mAsociated Press a xcivelj titd to the a for" as i all news dp.iatch Aere to'i t :iss.t otk*?vaa ithin papas and tbe local news pablisb'pi therelA., d at the post~ce at Ann Arbor, Miian. as saccad ng, Maynard Scraet. , 2414, ) words, if signed, the .ig. rint but as an evidence of ablis~ed in The Daily at the mai d to Th...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…ouwer, Noted Dutch Geologist, Is Taking Hobb's Place This Semester n25 5CASOtt PLAY IL -- ff rmeritorious issues of Stock E. G. HILDNER National Bank Bldg. Ph ks anid Boi BOARI Quality ,anA Satisfaction REDUCED PRI EFFECTIVE AT ON 3 2 PER WEEK Meals ... Meals . . . . . . hone 1503 1 Prof. H. A. Brouwer, of the Univer- sity of Delft, Holland, is now filling IlilIIllil the place of Professor Hobbs of the geology department, who is teachi...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…TODAY AND SATURDAY, Spirits!! , e Nay! Nay! Back up Fellows --- This Is No Liquid But --- NA stry of crooks who sold Messages from the Dead until someone cut the wires t as a Spokesman for Spooks You can't beat TELLS O OR ONIE BY ARMS CNEEC TALAMON SAYS PARLEY CREATED GREATER FEELING OF FRIENDLINESS Prof. Rene Talamon has once more resumed his duties in the French de- partment after three months' service as an interpreter at the Conference o...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

…_° - :p "Z 77 I _wq-q v .. "i , S ~, LA .L -- -,-..-.--...-...--. ES TWO HARD GAMES END---BDRINAA Two Teams .Which dy Defeated em ?P WILL BE N LAST CONTEST tomorrow night Coach his basketball proteges test part of their Confer- le. Starting against the play five games in eight which are with Big Ten plays here on Saturday followed on Monday by xt Wednesday the Wol- for Lansing, where they ;ies on that night. Coming ve two days of...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

…A FLL PRIMED ORRO9W AFTERNOON. Limbering tip Of Unused Muscles Is Still Chief Work Of JBaseball Men IbUV IU11 Team Comes for Dual Farrell's Ten in PAIN SIMMONS AND VAN I ORDEN WILL NOT COMPETE" rything points towards a grand igan victory tomorrow afternoon Steve Farrell's tracksters are uled to mix matters with the" go Maroons at Waterman gy na- in the first Wolverine track meet e season. Maroons Look Weak the past Coach Stagg's track pro- ...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 7

…ilc DAILY ., ruscniria BE IN MAR, I 'Uii PAPERS FOR NORTHERN LEAGUE CONTEST LIMITED TO 1,860 WORDS Manuscripts for the Northern League Oratorical contest should be handed in by March 1, according to Prof. Ray K. Immel, of the oratory de- partment. These manuscripts must be limited to 1,850 words and may be on any subject of general interest. Shortly after March 1 preliminary class contests will be held until one representative from the s...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .i HIM N TRADE SC, A TO ME COURSE :IN BIBLE STUDY SOON .; WILL OPEN WITH BANQUET PRESBYTERIN CHURCH FEBRUARY ,21 in the morning, and making the re- turn trip from Ann Arbor at noon. ADRIAN-ANN. ARBOR BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCT. 10, 1922 Read Down Central Standard Time A.M. P.M. P.M. A&PM Daily Daily' Daily Daily 7:30 :30 Lv... Adrian ...Ar 7.00 12:45 8:o052. 5 ... Tecunseh .... 6:25 I2:10 8:25 22:25 .......Clinton .......…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 9

…[N THE~ATERS ADVISORY BOARI WILL GIVE PI IrvI I. hack To The Play At League Party JA ai6aa1 L.PtL I A.A.U. SOCIAL MEETING TODAY . PLAN girls wishing to borrow money ;he University loan funds for should see Dean Myra B. Jor- Classes in rifle shooting will begin this week. The periods are: From 1:30' to 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoons, and 'from 7 to 9 o'clock Wednesday evenings., All girls who signed up for' practice should report a...…

February 17, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 97) • Page Image 10

…DULLETIN !urton Assur Homeo Stud Of Square 'eS LOCK CLUBS TO S111 e~^, iSCGOUT 'REIU' TONIGHTl DAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1922 Number 97 "Vat I. all students who have changed their address since the office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer- hange of Address card. J. A. BURSLEY, Dean of Students. t Organizations: Presidents of the'various student organizations is' them about Jan. 16th asking that the office of the plied with membership lists...…

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