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February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…HOP EDITI-114,11 N} 1. i .a \ZTT iI1 Il"A 11 l-1 f flt I7f A7,7 C"t/I S'Tt ll 1\ 1 1 IlI T C' __ Vol. XXL. 90 .\7(I f 0I1'1l1XN 0111)\0 ' i t, fif TITLE MfART PLAYS I TODAY AT WHITY! Comedy Club's Production Has'41I Undergone Much Ciareful! Polishing SEAT SALE HAS BEEN HEAVY -Th1 Ttl 911 1 at steatrcina theN 1 itn1 h0 saf'rn ''l cessfi1,1ll e n 111- f h es1I 111i 111.< fi1111111 1111 Kd WiJ th inresd lidlc '.:n, ro h DiecorSt1 jh0 a1l 1 11,...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…'IE 'sMICI AN DAILY lITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. A ST, GH. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Mrchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET ypcwritcrs ALL PRICES stumde-ns rypewriter Supply Co. mm4 Pres B.diding. Opposite Majestic etBooks Ne-w and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING !1NSTRHUmENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 Wi...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…Over Eleven Hundred Loyal Sons of the University of Michigan Shower Tribute on Alma Mater at Greatest Alumni Dinner Ever Held in America (?v 1,c Xse NicrkL (iii N(11 'i is Ii c ii Im Ilt t11 t' ln7t 1t rr r cr 1 i -c tl 'l'hi" ; irit ,. 1 z-t t ? lti'211; 111 lll(I 1)a I Ills (hy la, 11 P of lk Id Pri' IciII il.\ 5[a c w c (.A tot al d d- lin av. I I ll(fcs 5 of ( C i ''ilici's ciici. sim ofi 11155sc o il c ii sill o\csilln s at hl h i...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIf aN DAILY I-~ " 7S " 4"W ry Ada ' ' 3 a . r r'rt.' "wy * v r fN ' ; "' ".' X @- r GURDLLAR CO T wACT 1F Pairs Trousers or5 Suits _ponged and Pressed $1.00 OUR SECOND SEMESTER CONTRACT All Your Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, and Repaired as often as you desire, no limit to the amount for $6.00 ALL WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED yr. otto--Prompt and Perfect rvico ,0. dman Bros. The Cleaners and Dyers 220 South State St. Bell Phone 1104 ...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

…T.,t.. _ ._ .___...NOAL V From Snow-bound North Country to the Desert San~d of. New Mexico and the Waters of the Golden Gate They Have Come to Ann Arbor Among the Hills tii Nun kll \. KI jh lii Ni 3 A lxr Nl.lxr Li :I s 1( C< i c Ia Ilc ('1 l i-o l I ri Nlisses iliin W N. iiroii i, Nun Nv- Dkr alit, Md.: oN Miilrst ii Det(W i aiii nitartii.niticaigo, Niorir iisl ing o ,I).IDN; NiU- 1i Pai ker .Maie Parer Derot:Paul'rineirryit Ni sa i- t y...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…THlE MICHIGa N DAIL~Y BPI' MR A It Otthat p1)1s sthog Our Sanitary Steam Presser t4dsoot t I asno1emsor ., I csca eis fie at iiorituri ashio. , he r tam netd at the same tiii iitiremvetns00any odor, that in p ht )' in it; take' anway he;imt'yt'appeara''tnce, istothe nall, r1iethecttt 010 and(1impts to lttieool 'ii tnt h ttotinessodeirted ity all dii'- -cv' FULLER AND OTONNER T A L R r n h Dyan d S te a m C le a n e rsREAI N Sanitary Stea...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 7

… THE M 'H) A9 DAILY Jun bolfl's/iI t, fth i 0 (* ti CrossheONrLibertyoftOhe eo~~~, ~ atih ata'seaa thantit ther stuint o'heu11 Thety Spas caucth ana l~lthecat'taa h hae ad ofttc t heri' 0 ali f rcs M~tN'l',loallathilti is _arclative __of ~ /attatic T helteeasiiilm ofllnua it lireyas etdt(sdao~ he ~j R K ataiiiatcacaa Fetii/ /atsag, aine/t tic u// t 011( has iattiteititytGeneral ,-aalla caiatO N i pe tc- lt . n Clf in c ]ft h t t'll l 7t r...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 8

…Trouser Sal E ae rvakrvga re- $1.00oy o ojm each winzter - weight Trouzser irx our shop, re- gardless of the price. An early selection counts Ocur Spetnlg Lines Now iReady J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E, Libery F CALL ANID SEE THE 1~ e eny rn C mp n 711 N. Velversity Ave. ilotel Cumberlana IT({Mrt,,'ICHAN DAIL T -LL.OPE ISINSTALLED Observatory's New instrument s1 One of Largest ins Cuntry _ ,,.1 11c 1 .s . 11i n II1c a It d 7 al 5 11 5rit l 11 11. a...…

February 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIIGAN, 119l'SDA) Xl f!'RU R 4-199 1. jNoi INDOOR WORKOUTS TO BEGIN AT ONCE Gym Will be Scene of Practice in Track, Baseball, and Basketball INTERCLASS SCHEDULE IS OUT i):~. l I'ni'RR reign' in \\OR X rRRORRR \\ ill, he11pasin " I th f is 1 Rio a i te opRten ii otRhe V rit ti O R t1101911 tsit ti r ackanddia c'ii 4 trc cndd ts tisRRd 100 R RgsiRRRRedi ll u nrst i',ar hi s O eveing. Al cndiate f r he v rRityI II till he t lt roo...…

February 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…lIE M'ihIGAN 7DAILY ~~-I~TE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. II. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEET iypcawritcrs, ALL PRICES The Studets' Typewriter Sppy Co. Rooms 4 Press Bilding. Opposite Majestic Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.0...…

February 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…'- T 4$ I 1A 14 AIL Gross ONLiberty A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The Spalding ouer the world7 PtpING sptsandpsiiiis. MARK ,* ,ectl hwlc acoepy of eclclpia. ofe is knoowni ttrugott 'N the werldi as a WhtsNe nSport Qsa..lity ;ce t. A. ex. SPALDINIG t~. BROS. 2514 Woodward Ave. Dletroit, Mich. THEFt ARMEIRS AND MECHIANICS BANKI MAIN AND HURUON STREETS Captal $50,000 Surplus and Protis$100,000 General Bathing Businets. 3 peercent paid ot Time and iaeing...…

February 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…THEMICHIYGAN DAILY Trouser Sale are rrakhn~ a re- $100 on~ each WirkteF - weilght Trouzser ina ou.r shop, re- gacd~ess of the parice. An early selection counts ouer Sprting Lima. Is Now Rsaedy I Karl Malcolm, 118 E, ibery GALL AND SEE THlE New English Styles 7enryaendl.Compa ny 71 .Uriversfty Ave. Hotel Cumberland UNIVERSITY NOTICES \11 i t 'c' X M i rP. 1[ 11;+i i r: t4, . \ a en \1 n "P 11a Ilc , ,1 r in inn 1111ti iiii nlplc.> 1 i ' 1 ...…

February 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michian ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, Nt -IDiNI SD Il) 11. R\ aa r.i;ii Vol. XXI. N.or g SPRING ATHLETIC TRAINING BEGINS Track Men Met Last Night and Baseball Candidates Will Start Work Today TO PRACTICE DAILY IN CAGE blatntfort candidultesn fog-'track lan r (luing the sei-an )tonenedti atocr presentia thencmeting heli inthroh romof WaI \a'tman gimatonnin'TU,.. clpeein. 'TheIcgratir ipart f lic 11111 lprsent we r' cnidaiiite foraliitill'vr-' s...…

February 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…G. IU. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Gs II. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET lypcwr itcrs' ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Rom 4 Press B.lidlng. Opposite Majestic Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRA WING 1 INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & C...…

February 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…TIsM Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl r e ... .rAnn Arbors Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron Si. Opp. Court house J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Dutly Guaranteed Watch Repairnng a Specialty THE[ FAlRMERS ANDI MECHIANICS SANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Sorplus and Profits $10,000 G~eneral Btanking Business. 3 per cent pals' on Timne and Savings Peoposits. Safety De- po...…

February 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .._ . _ . "I1 IDEAL BAL. Our best seller in Tan 100sl SOE A new lot just in $5.00 W AGNER & CO. Sltato Street WINTER SALE OF MEN'S FRVNISHINGS Red~actio is of from 25 /> to 33 Irt M c (.C . is Frloor M hc Q C . Floor Reule, 00111111, Fiegel Colipallty Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete s...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I III RSI) IX I I HJRI XR\ (t6 oi t. N Vol. XXI. V v t ILL iliTI'MffIC1GkAN MAN 1t iJST ENTI RE SQUAD WILL 7 I,1?,; RIi NI N CI \ N(II). GIFF0RD i'iIunui I RO)l S 'I-,.A\!lSIEl l l' Off-, OCCUPY CG TDY ichaar asaiset ilbaisketball MYSPA OR r. CharlesC. Nicola. ~-hoc circleDsY o:: ing o te rmorI tdlicoia A H R f r 2tt he a 'tiical ilprtmtiit I~ Fifteen Aspirants for Battery ccitt-icr is entire ly ttf clits~ Academy of S...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…I.IE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ G. LI. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS TilE MICHIGAN DAILY. av is s llr ManagingEdtor-La A Winti (tiiiiits Business-Manager-NORMAN 11, llltte. EDITORS Word rn News Editor .......If areoid Titus I th . neiVs Assistant ............hairy IZ. Fl,i '[c--I I st'' Athletic Editor...Walter K. 'lowers iirtlc"~cld Assista...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…___ ___ ___ ___-T Q 4 A, DAILY _ . .: t.. 55t SA e) a' i5 S ' l.t.1 ... .5lCD iof tie Dii\ will be aId drs ed next Sitllay ci Ciitlg' at6:30 at .Mc- \,I illuauiiall, by I-eN=. S. XW. N\rialari. ID. 17., ofI(Graaid Raids. \\heii .l)r. XXsa harit5spok' eier'at rear the aaditi'iats was crowaied, anid lilaadd ress Siealiiig .1 Mall's leligio ll.'' wheii irlited, had a lresle aiiioig itie atidetis. IHis subi- jea tiesyear lhas noti leeiinon~~d I...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…W E are mah 1g a re- $100 on~ each wfixter- weight Tro'iasser in oazr shop, r-e- gardless of the pt-ice. An early selection counts 0our sprlrasg L1rs, 1.Now Re.ade JI Karl Malcolm, 118. E. Libery CALL AND) SEE 'rHE New Enlish Styles Hentry a nd Com panry 711 N. Vodversity Ave. tt ,. 1 3 1';, t<I 11tI s c# I 1-4 )a11 team artyN t 1 1 1 d il it f curti- 'i t 1 t i l "1 32 Ircll \I r at1 11w it 1' Awl~ la ,11 lri fi l1 1' 1i t "2 1 1 )\ 1 jI li ...…

February 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dii ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRID)AYFBRUA RY 17 1911. Vol. XXI. __w__.__._._______. .._._. _.__.__ ._._.,___.__ __._ ___._..._w_. __,.__.w_ _. ___.__.. _ .__ B3IG INROADS MADE 1'IM1iV C IllkON2 lNN r. FRENCH WIT IIOREAM IN BASEBALL R N S I1t ~ lvs1)fotIrtll ltd 1111' PUFFS IS IHOPELESS 1reit to the r111mor t11a11has 1)or sane11 pustha Ili11bau-llwill b al1110to Star Fails to Make Peace With 1111 tist illl oiteof p ial'ltl ol Cercle...…

February 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…T-'~HE MICHIGAN" DAILY Y- __ .. Go H. WILD Co. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS SG. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET 'Typcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. R os 4 Press Batiding. opposite Majestic ext Books New nnd Second Hand AIll epartnments DRAWING I NSTRU MENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 Wit...…

February 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…we I ~ ADAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Thi b~S SPace All mat/trin thioumn ust be Reserved 1-:3;d-8:f . 11 II WANTED 7!!i 11i xn,,attirilnr'King:. onprotrr e e onstitO Thursi/gi 4 (',09 P- ., 5. 'linker; 'Ihe Challenge pf the City, Wed- nesday, 4:00It. lip., Mlrs. Lt. . Menden- Ihall: The Chalnlentge of tthe Coontr Wed/nesdaty, 700s I~.,tt II /ssJtnitBOt- ell: Ko rea, Tuesd,tt :00 )1 In.,'lItS K'atharinte King; 'Th e NwInloet intt Ali ssi tnt,...…

February 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…17,...._ - _. . THlE MICHIGAN DAILY i V 1. AW s i IDEAL LAST IDEAL BAL. Our best seller in Tanl A new lot just its $5.00 WAGNER & CO. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Th S. Ii iii lit hlis I Ctltl teat i twill N NI Necty4- C . ttarn itth rite A _o satuda it .t i l= ll thi s 1 fti ti hit 'it nit ill I (o 7 itt ii i Yldl-. Jlit r1:1W r iltt t- 1,1 t dI flO l it li1_ . c lioi tc i llt' ltl tttin II~, It a 7:ltl 11. i 4h il i 1111 itiyi Ii 'it l itc 1 r mo ...…

February 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…gal" s , a f :n q rhe. M I IL i Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S \'Il 'IIl 11;; I l'.1 CLOUDS OVERCAST BASEBALL HORIZON Eligibility Rules Are"Making Heavy Inronds Into Squad Material MEETING IS CALLED FOR TODAY LErANI)...'i [,OWI,;RS. PUBLISH PROGRJIA' FOR MAY FFSIIYllAjl Many Noted Artists will Appear in University Hail in RevcI of M~usic Lovers SEATS TO GO ON SALE MONDAY I \ 11 V COMMITTER TRAMP THR1-OUGH PUDDLES Nt..a cepl In- 15 i ...…

February 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…lTIEMCHIGAN DAILY - -------- - G. IH. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET iypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students Typewriter Supply Co. Roome 4 Press Boidi. Opposite Majestic exut Books New nnd Second Hand All Departments DRAWNING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leathe...…

February 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…T MICHIG'AN liA Y ,;... - t Gross ON Liberty A. G.SPALDING & BROS. facturers in the world Tr. ad-Mark of OFFICIAL EQUIP- Tn-~,d-Mwn-k MENT,forallathletic P'IC sports nod pastimes. Q SPLDN 0 I 00 eec ioreieresede MR itot Odi e opy('01f IN O . ant oc Ittoa mpe ettctpitp iloof th o sis hoownoldt satrot IWhat's New in Sport thwod t Guarnees oof and is snt ofreonre- A..CG. SPALDINYG e& . ROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. THEiF ARMERS AND M[CH...…

February 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

… Trouser Sale i wE are makir-g a re- $10 on each WInter - weight Troiser' ins our shop, re- gar-dless of the pr-ice. An early selection counts Our 'Spring Linee is Novoeady J, Karl Malcolm, 118 E, Libery CALL AND SEE THE Styles c'_,nry a.nd Comnpacny 7111N. University Ave. i--anger's School of Dancing Second Semester begns Tesd y I'Ie. 141.11i Classes for Ladles and Gelmn Tuesday and Thursday Evrenins, 710 to 8:0 Oo'clock 'luition -300. fOr ...…

February 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…TheMichil -,-ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,iSU Nil \XY,likI ikit itINx.9 Vol. XXI. No. g THIRTY MN OM l 0hSICH kcAE. SEN UT.STUDENTS STRIKE; Acti e 'rearations for the loterseho-IJND E O T F R B S B L 1jc mei wiie like the circus of fame SI; U tis to hie bigger and better than ever he- fore, hasve bees begun. Interscholastic Rickey Advises Candidates 0ol stager Lysian has mtailed postal cardis Underclassmen are Ordered Train Before Season ld Prrtoyso...…

February 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…iN NICUGANDAILTY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET TiE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Lti:J A WVtitc 1 Business Maoagr-Noiiuv, H III. 11fcc. \ . ]11001005. i t, News Editor ...... I toai-ud iTitus t r~ : Assistant.........l ary / 1Z . 1'z ,i t Athletic Editor .N.. Witer IK. T...…

February 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…~L1~MICI{GAN D~c This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifidkl 00 .. AnAbrsLeading 1016 EI. Huron St. opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c- Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 tiuily Guaranteed Watch a Spoolalty TllE FARMER S AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREEBTS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,00el Gecneral Banking iBusiness. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De...…

February 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…_ . _ - -L _..... . ......,.,....,. _. ,. ._ _ r _ _ Tilt. 941SM1 IDEA L BA LO Our best seller in Tan :. StIOE ti A new 1ot just 1n $5.00 IELLAST WAGNER & CO. For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying Repast A Tea tDoom tha,' isl 'nfotut. ietr( Cx "different." JM A C K 'S( lauuiv' 1,t 1,01 Alt Home Cooking V ~ A trl'tuiiiv We serve well wrater, T EA ra t't pueoand healthful N t c Fresh Fruits and {.)petsrolien 7t, hi Vigetuaitirs only R O i. S...…

February 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…Am ------ -- ---- -- Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; '1 '1? +[ )iI \N I I: ('l\f.l ii . HUTCHINS VISITS IONIA TO TEST 'STRENGTH ISENIOLIITS WILL REVEL M INSTREL SHOW I President Aids in Forming; Alumni i Etnsv Program is Arranged Association in State , NEXT SAIUIIWIExeniv For Tonight GRANTED BY SENAT President I tutchins sas sIII lona last l Senior l'its wiil revel tt}]li i i I nigiht wthere he addtresseut a large soot- trifNlifgtataof iiogt...…

February 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…G. II. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS . He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEE lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES The Students' 'typewriter Supply Co. Rom 4 Press Bilding. Opposite MaistiC Text Books New and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 With Leather Case $7.50 SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' B...…

February 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…MICHI1GAN 0IL "I , "'M S x boi"-, - 14 Wo *IQWAW, .- - Cross ON Liberty A.G.SPALDING & BROS. Th palding ith wrl fir.dw-Mar'k of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENT,foraIlathletlc PtOlSiNQ sports and paslImes. D 0 1' l o s iter ot YO N 2 o thlletic OsossI ,{/(t MARK sout( aiw acopy of Ho rSpaling Ca(ol RAGu.s.tiO lu. It'os onplte ess'ttoe tis] ts knownethrsougout 05 What's New in Sport the world asa Guasa~e.ztooof alcj is ttfee «nere Qurde.llty squest. A. ...…

February 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…_... .. . _..y... , ,. ... ,.a.4,_ ._ _ , ._ _..,.e-, - - _ _.R ,__ ._.. Trouser Sale 4 Eare rxakisg a re- $1.00 oni each winter - weight Troxaser in ioxr shop, re- gavdless of the price. An early selection counts Our.. Sprineg Ltse I. No-' Redy I Karl Malcolm, 1 18 E. Libery CALL AND SITE THlE Styles Hery and Comnp y 711 . University Ave. Granger's School of Dancing Se,dadnIsie bls-i itT daet-, iFob. i Cases orLadiesand Gntlmen Tsday andThu...…

February 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \ lE)I', Si) Y, E'lli'ARiSY'12, BPI, Vial. xxi. -------------------------- 7--77"77= '*- --- ---..----.---------- 'A. fOR I I1T CLASS ST tGIi.S \ \ I:I(I 'S';IN TIl BASKET THROWESMDCFILEP READY OR BATLE displayed their originality 61STANNIVERARY I'lls " rs\citll~l -- oi yilsium ilast eveintlg. ,tery--'ofblck ea-gaiic 111e O h Class learns Rapidly Rounding iiii tti5tsdciclss os i i s Dean Vaughan and Dr Wa...…

February 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…it ICHtIGAN -DAILY wI THE MICHIGAN DAILY. liea upice h(* IA 1, A k V ) T (ARC'I'V N( ) i J G. HI. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Managing Liditor T iA NV jt'til Business Managcr-NO], ",AN . It 11 IJ tIvlt] 05. News Editor....... t. i cld . t' Assistant ............. II ii Z/ Athletic FEditor..WatrK Assistaiit........ .Fc Music and iDramna....…

February 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…ThsSpace Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield ,. Coo . , Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 Euron S. Opp. Court House TUC ,.MIOT44iOAN DAILY Jv= CITY FATIIL-,J 5TO Nirli Ti) GR.\ ANT 1' ((K; S i)it(' liFS' i N iil Iliii regeintis ioftheittitc ttii i itti ittiwil ine) t~n eit tilt I iiititt ). lii it tti ofi i , 11a~bn~yto 's 1)rthtl:) It t illri ~ n tomtorrowr. Their tmorningtssin 511wilt it I0)) -i n iii 11. giit abouttt to o'ctoek anthe itafterinoon s...…

February 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…- ..F...------- ----- f, i ' BAL. Our best seller in Tan A new lot just lit M $5.00 IDEL LST WAGNER & CO. state "trt aill_, MtiIfGA ' 1)A114 UNVRIYtOIE "" Ii ithis i I ii I? it Catne-tin8.15 °f, M. ILw =e crevs riot semtesd proenptly. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAR~.Y 22nd, Washnsto"a's Bir-thday IA'TINEO ANO) NiWH-T RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE SEASON'S BIGGEST MUSICAL SUCCESS JOS.-M. GAIT E', S WASHING HIT vIb' t t l . _.. -_ E; x .---::-, ,. , ,_ - A ...…

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F\IIDAY, FEBRUtRY4, 111 Vol. XX I. IGhTY MEN ENTER rleT{Tc-..1-i PRELIMINARY MEET Patis of the Sorhoun dentsof te unvers t as tiidit tilt 1 Record Number of Athletes to a lecture on the glat Frenicth it ted ('om Pete for VarsityvTrack :ireNasgve(niaahCswellt li ii Postio s haland sit ethtutsia-tic autdieceic s Positionsolattendaniice. scif,wsatestpecialty quatlliied to priesent TEAM~ LOSES THREE VALUED MEN his s...…

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…311 il0. STT.SRET. yrew L itr iil 'ittu rr 1 11 1)111r_11is Ifitnid i flel iii i~ i ve il iii Assistant ..I....... i.hary ZL ida ing cups aid g44 kth n-et~ ehe sti pi iitl s er irls i t sin iii 55 i =.i Athletic Editor.....Water K.Tower lyivi N the ulrsit c il Xili.nli .Assistant. .l ... .. . 1rcdl lasstori cesli-lrit ii i I Iouiurli ay i n I e O ening display of Mfusic and Draina... .Earl V. lor 1G.. i P cc tlw iiin litioi «frand ths innlicis...…

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…l t, t 1 I oe1}51M +xr +' 'hR' Siif 1;'S~ ' r tItttn Reserved FOR S am urclhfield Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 1016 E. Huroin St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 ALarm Clocks $1.75 . Fully G arasna-aa Wutcah Rasp iml~dag Specialty The Ann :Arbor Savings Bank 17 t>'ANO RECI1AL. -MI oa. Olga Samaroff pait.wi11 present the follojwing programin lUnai- aesity flail tonight at 8:00 o'c...…

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…Tf.MICHIGAN DAL IDEAL BLo Our best seller in Tan A new tot just its $5.00 IDEAL LAST WAGNER & COU. Sina tet UNIVERSITY NOTICES Thle Nukoeiclubiill 1g1ive a 'incker I'l ii 1 li- i nJi il ili l l:r P . i e foriIii I l fr s -soph111(11' ' iitLldly Phil ii Ililat s i. "'Ml ntries rl i \( in)(, ti M rchi3_. New Whitneiy heatrye Ceertaln 8.15 P, 8M. La~a e ceeeiccetet coted pi-0'teptly. E NESD YqM R' heehan Grand Oera Company t i'i c Ot ~ii i ...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…heF 5. -- ._ _.___i. Xs._ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,: SAT"R DAY, l, hIRTARY 5,1Q oo. . TRACK OPENING IS FXXCY tI ~ R S1,?ffC~f\J5 SU AROFF FILLS fspR (( U S ~ SET FOR TONIGHT It aims I ,dres-s rtif Ihe : UNIVERSITY HALL t'os~~r 'tt ensLege .alhe sf nhabu New Material Will Have Chance elisterhsencstortry eesiie Second Appearance of American To Show Metal in First of The leagu teeassra th . Artist Arouses Enthusiasm sb otar,sft wrf Indoor Meets e...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…Fo I tlsdit: 31 S.' _ .. ts s lid ens "HE11KMICHIGAN D THlE M~ICHiIGAN DAILY. lC ~~i'''.X 'ICll - -I !C : )11 '1 I I K ' E' WILD CO. BusinesManager-NOaMkN 11WHIT ciI; 5 s 1 i "T B TEE DITORS.- News Editor ...........IlareldlT'Pus sek u ot~ h Assistant............. I larry Z. 15's I Athletic Editor. ..Waiter K. 'Towesfrl~tce .il1 .I~l 11 Assistant ...........J. Fresd Laot o wnar hp555 . slicl T 1'(g d'splay of Music and Drama...Earl V. Xli or ...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…liRE MICiGAN DAILY We are glad to tell you that the New Spring Models of Mallory Cra- venette, Derby and. Soft Hats have arrived and await your inspection. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Fo W. GROSS. [~ilhety Street, covP. lourt-bAe. A. G.SPALDING & Boos. T,'w~d-Masrk MENT,tntallathletic PypIN(+ ports and pant imes. Q pp~~a If f((((((0(0t~~ete jv t((W(tto~i(( it lhotN1 i,po l youit QoAwx tty ((((Itr,(coyf A. 0 .ADIGPBR . the wAnndarborWSavins Bnkor l...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…T~HR MICHIGAN AL Trouser SaleI are maitng a re- $100 ors each winter - welight 'Trosaser iliaoisr sh1op, re ,gardiess of the price. An early selection counts OAv Spritmg Limas IoNows'R.oady I J Karl Malcolm, 118 Ea LUbery CALL AND SEE THE Styles 71 ey and Company. 711 N. University Ave. 'Wrs ., r¢sSchooiof Dancing i tiS, oslrl-nT ues'dayeve', Fe'b. 14 -soti ;;lo ad genttloenT~eday adThurday Eveninags,700 ~00 ot i i it ont -300. o a c,;&lGodom...…

February 26, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

….x ANN ARBOR, MiICHIIGAN, ( N I) .A V, ttlilfNi No <. '(i 1 1)] [, FRESHMEN FURNISH \NLXfiTR TIMEFOR\\) SASLGI U~RE SURPRISE OF-MEET Th aR laxa pil~ei I x~3la coy il k'CANNOT INTERFERE' eliaiged ito Saturayav arcli .4. 'ha' iii- to ratiliers (ave hen hi sY ta Ii Ilx-i Youngsters Take First HonorsthvheliahdtletfiKunolshtOlyRgt' :Ihtheirhaverk.i Moreovti, Kuhn od htOl eet In Spite of Keenest of alliiriik. MriCC i'I ave Right of Un iversity I...…

February 26, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…13 Xli I hi .... .. ?y1114Y s M - ._ r.... G. IH. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES ' Thse Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Biling. Opposite Majestio Stildeuts' Bookstore Opposite the Campus ilb. of Linen Paper and 2 packages of Envelopes to ma...…

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