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February 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…I -'NN ARBOR, hi ICHIG. N, SI'N IA ,\1'H IlKIMARYIs,590 Vol'.. X. No.8. MAMY FAIR GUESTS FROM FARAND NEWR -- Elaborate Entertainment Plan- ned for Junior Hop Visitors. ' Not alone tis AiimiArbo busyimkig preparaton11s fo the Julilt lou p 11. Ii msaiiy homes, far an111near, there is like seemsuch atiity. Ftr eer119isets who ttexius, it Means tha(t thee 1.s a gir buyig adittrying gosvas. Th ior111 Hop is bht t t l iniont of1101 ftr reaching'...…

February 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…rhMAichi a V01- XX CARNIVAL SPIRIT -__} REIGNS AT 1J" HOP Gaiety Marks the Annual Society Event Whicn "faxes Capacity of Gymnasium Floors Itsthtiisittins of Ihe Ia t a i thait tells me thedie cI ite r ltt e lst s t illnofthels.\at a myigoitnittti' yli lssritiay il i iftidithiiiitine aLilit itiis threditi i itii 11\etI atestalt sui at is it'e, In i tgl- lTse g theiig ittiou jun ir I -s -is i 'I ejoi ousen s t t eiiiisic -un de itee i th iii it...…

February 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…" e Michigan L)ai y Nolr XX. IOIRNER STARS AT BOSTON A. A, MEET Places Everywhere Entered- Captain May Issues First Call for Track Candidates. w Ii srnc s ii soIng te i talis {is N ARBOR, -IJICHIGAN, 41i)N DAY. FI IRUARY 14, 15510. 11111 : \ sciIto .\ilissi rl 1-re hr,)kc1 the- record Coc,1 ai foreri Michga mas the Wi llt 53 fees l s1ill es f I formeril woI firs lsin 11111 l handl~icp oflss fot111te10p tse fisr ed ascts- slitsilo M,1111hc ...…

February 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…hi - - D- I e ic an . ,L \tV X X. *NtN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 11if] i)\1;lif).1ICIIERUARY t16, 1910. "CHICK" LATHERS HAS LEFT COLLEGE Phenomenal Third Baseman Receives two -Plucks" and Decides to Quit. MICHIGAN LEADS CO DTON A IN 61st CONGRESSCNDTO S 3A Washington Reports Show 25 AT MICHIGAN Members-Virginia Second. \cceloiitt to tihe latest report from Believed by Students to bel \\ toiigttl Mtttgtt 011 lttsttfit Growing Worse Every Year. tin...…

February 17, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga a W \tXX. GOOD MATERIAL AT FIRST PRACTICE Rickey Well Pleased-Indoor Work Will Continue Until Weather Softens. Overflfty e aeaeda at the open- ing baseall practice yese te a ater- noon 11 Waermanellg laasi aa. (if NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'iTURSDAY, i1titRU AtfY 17. these e wee 'luc ll( een all- l alt dtheir initealtiaiifatryn o tile pitchlinglt aff.i 5111111' the ecandi- daets wihatil I t Ht fori the fir st iirac- tice tiie reseerl ...…

February 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… p rte-., y = J : "' . ; Jam, r r s ri . -c ±n A C -- C: v: ^. , ^- .., r s: u te r.-, n r -- +.... j . J Jam, . r r C' . J r . V y ,. " ^ J Cl (1 -.e co t0 co ' .~ . vi rte 00 i . r^ ( 0. . . n J r ( V+ , . -- r ._ 'J; .! (_ y (An C,' C/ f, ' + r .! l.; ..-.. J. r r-r _ _ 7 '; f J r- 'J r - -. f f r. 7c. ;. J .. r u -2 "' r= 2 r .r 2 2 - J. J "' 2... r - s 7" . rt ,__~ _ J. . r-f !-+- ., r-i fir. F . fem. f,_, ' , .. / ~ J' J f r...…

February 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…( t Vo01. XX. - N ARBlOR, CMICHIGAN, SACIt RI) CY, 'InBR 'CBS isio inn No. g5. LOCAL GIRLS SEEK VOTES FOR WO1YEN'I Speaker 0f Woman's a tBranchl 01 Sufferage Association, is1 Barred from Campus. the C'\ nanII's Letigni ofithis uni- siteichntiiin ofiially ietitfiet intl i thetwomn ii oftragiiiiovemnt is ring l ighere a lprmint iAm'iercan sffea gette itn addlelss theii nint rsti girlst and ton aseople. The women claim1 thatitacting esient ...…

February 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…hew Vol., XX. ,NN AttItl)I. M IC'IIICTlAN" iDAA', , 'stllkkARY 20, 51()[,. FOUNDER' DAY TO BE COMMEMORATED Medical Faculty and Students to A Celebrate Birth of their Depart ment Tuesday Night. All plans are a nowcmap ltesfor lon - der's Day celebration ot the meicalde partment whiNill e eld in Sara Casw-ell \Agel11hall Tuesua (-vein" at 8 o'clock Since ti907 iitie edicl ic i prtiinn students iinidliats yavitcommeminoat eltleifounolig andi...…

February 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… Vol_ XX. LAWS AND MEDICS CELEBRATE TODAY' Dr Gunsaulus Addresses Jurists in University Hall-Medics Meet in Angell Hall. W ashingon'sbirthday aninnyersar will be the ocasoii for celeblratioii in two departments of the university. Both the Law and Medial departments have arranged stecial excises to take tlacae in tie evening. Te lawnxii honor the nemaory of the fatle rof ouir nation, according to the custmiwhih they have foliowd fr several year...…

February 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…j I '01' hi4~ .'N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, t\EBtAR>Ioo Vol-. XX. - -_..--_ o TRACK SEASON iOteeeiFitzpatrick tahistbeti)apprach- MEDICS AND LAWS 1 E ]e h rie fteMso aleBGIN SATURDAY Iuivexsity t ieroif lit c>li f r send- uGETINSPIRATION Ingat( ilet1elax'teamto) iicomipete. icI n-liii F~iide it.l ft i il th Preliminary Meet to be Hield in * Gym--No Successor to Fitzpat- rick As Yet. Ihe iiidloor trac: seaso wtiill be tfi-t cially' iauguratced Sat...…

February 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…YR C 0 11('01I{1. Ci.. '')L'1 ) Y, OBRURC '26, 11)1 TRACK ATHLETES COMPETE TONIGHT Stars Crowd Every Event ir ° Preliminary Meet=-=V ar sit y Men Among Entries. Itt t()RA {RC I 1 } thititt s h Ii l~t 1. tjtt'tit itld wrsC itt l i a ;t yI C ite. _l. S _u tt \ IC y 0 1 fe l itti(S )twp I'Seatures f .1XhiIIi-ieIts!f Ime Ii tttc ill Politics- I tl ritt e1 sll iIal- I} MC ct t i JOUNALS TSMA Y R N YE REWARDS Facultsy Recommends Giving of Critdt...…

February 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…e 4M AW Alms. s s" t 'r Vol.. XX. Vor. XX.-NNARBOR, NIICHIIGAN, Sc \ 1):\N',Ix lFIZl :\R1N ,, if. H) x HORNER PROVES C°RNIS'BI C\ T I ASK LL-ROUIND STAR vixiotlixi aditionxto rlexlitiof ,xix I NlubshatuAiihiixx has apeardin lei ________Corxhxsi Ci Cliii)orgniuzedih1 lo ltx in Preliminary Indoor Meet xfiveisudes from Nebraska: clxixxiii Funds Horner Scores Three Firsts-- adWilliitixixisxc xi Class Relays Exciting. their itentioni oifi pxxxs ...…

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