February 24, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 110) • Page Image 3
…THLE UNIVERSITY OF MBJJTIGAN 1).XILY. RIGHIGAN GLIRnI~ 'TimeTable (Revised' leb.17" Flail and Ex ---_347 NY.Special---- 7 e0 IN.Y. Specal----.4 8 j Mail --------84.5 +:stern Ex-1--0 u7 N. S. Limited...0 251 Atlantic Ex__ _7 5.i Pacific Sc . _ 2 1i (3.N.Exprecs....5330 WesterrrExSo...1 K5 Q: R. Ex Press . _I1) Chi. Nt. SEx-_- 10 >1. iW. RLESt~ , H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Act., Chi.'.agc. Agt. An nActbor sCAN YOU FEEL YOUR COLLAR : PRESSIN4G YOU...…