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December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… 5,e m6c n 2 ai4 2/fA t6h L e MGadeAi ,4 e C/iit&maiad Jaapp f ew Y Latest Deadline in the State t _., :. "'- i ++ ' . v _ VOL. LIX, No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Regents Will Consider Ban On Speakers SL, 'U' Senate Submit Proposals The Board of Regents will con- sider proposals on the political speakers ban at its monthly meet- ing today and tomorrow. Recommendations from the] Student Legisla...…

December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…T MICAHIGAN DAILY FDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1948 f i _ _.....,._ _ ., _., s.. CABBIES CAN'T RESIST: Magnetism of Campus Lures Student Drivers By ROMA LIPSKY The magnetic effect of the Uni- versity campus holds sway even during non-academic hours, ac- cording to two student cab drivers who report that students are their favorite passengers. "Many of the drivers like to stay downtown, but I would rather drive around the campus area," Robert Davis,...…

December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… FRIDAY, DUCETWRER 17, 1-qIR T HE X1ICHIG AN DAI PA r TI rui Iowa Fire Challenges Wolverine Title Hopes Thinclad s CAot ete in Yuletide Trials - I"> By PRE S HOLME S Michigan's hopes of retaining the Conference. basketball crown this season are being seriously challenged by a 'hot Iowa squad eager to take the title the Wol= verines snatched from their grasp in the final game of last season's play. Although the Hawkeyes have lost ...…

December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…f'1PE° T3R A l I*I ; AN' DAl ,,a I°R1CI)AY- DPCIRM-kM 111. 1 CIAR I 'ItE Cfl-W~AN' 1YAffY I I a' -vi--- l, L' l-.jJ l AnXV lip- 1U45 t Right to Listen WHILE STUDENTS are enjoying the first days of their Christmas vacation, the Board of Regents will pass on the wishes of two University organizations which want to see the Political Speakers Ban lifted. The Regents, meeting this weekend, will hear SL President Blair Moody present the studi...…

December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…FUMDAY, DECE1IEBER 14; -1948 TlE 'MICHIIGAN DIAILIY' . . ........ I PONE "M Villagers Plan International' Party,_Lively Holiday Season Books, Records Suitable Gifts For Small Childrens' Christm as By LUCILLE DONALDSON Mrs. James Cox and the Rever- end J. E. Edwards head the plan- ning committee for an interna- tional holiday party at Willow Village. The affair will be 8 p.m. Wed- Engagements Cook-Hillig Mr. and Mrs. Ward E. Cook of Osseo...…

December 17, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

…. PACE SIX T ITI MWCITIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DUTINMEM 1-4, 1948 . ...... ...m... ...... .. . TOYS FOR TOTS: Saint Nick's Workshop Is Moved to Arm Arbor Originally, old Saint Nick may have set up headquarters at the frozen North Pole, but it appears he has migrated to Ann Arbor as a year-round toymaker. To his many friends in town he is known simply as Albert Warn- hoff, but he assumes the role of a benevolent Santa Claus to thou- sands of sic...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… WATCHING THE WORLD le Page 4 Lw6 :41i4 OCCASIONAL LIGHT RAIN Latest Deadlie in the State . VOL. LIX, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECE-MBER 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chiang Kai-Shek Asked To Resign Friends Advise Chinese President. To Quit as Reds Threaten Peiping NANKING-(P)-President Chiang Kai-Shek's closest friends asked him to quit and let others try to negotiate peace with China's Communists, it was learned reliably. T...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO * - a f.. A a .. T .' A.,. . aaa. ' TEWRRSDAY, DttTMRER, 1P. IMR "" "" 1 11 AN 1AIT iiid ALWb:7.6FCAJLy "ALI l :Il J.U 1JA4 1V 1 7YO SANTA'LL BE THERE: Patients at 'U' Hospital To Have a Merry Xmas By FRAN IVICK More than 1,000 patients in University Hospital won't be home for Christmas. But patients, staff members and M5lany people throughout Michigan Coed Released On $500_Bail A 19-year-old University coed has been released o...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… 'HTRSI)AV, DEcrEMIiEtI 16, T14 TlE MICHIGAN DAILY PACT 71-11 11r-.r Icers Renew Fatadians Out to Break Undefeated Streak, Wolverine Six at Full. Strength in DefeSe. Of Thompson Trophy, North American Title By B. S. BROWN Michigan's hockey squad will invade Chicago tonight to meet the niversity of Toronto sextet in a charity game at Chicago Stadium. An estimated 18,000 onlookers will be on hand to get a 1oop, at wo of the finest college h...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

… Folm THE IRICHIGAN TIATI V YTY! +jf1 V 71 _.. _...._a aa u ma .V al l V.C .1 . a..p ' L l_ .J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - TUURSDAY, DE Ea The City Editor's SCRATCH N PAD SELECTIVE SERVICE officials who are currently studying the question of de- ferring draft-age college students have quite a knotty problem on their hands. The immediate effect of deferring college students would be to flood the institutions of higher learning...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

… THrURSDAY, DECEMBER ,16, 1948 -,"I'E 2M CH.G"DAI' PAGE FIVE "a aar /...1e.a.i t. ii..i L1'a1 Al.!£Y:A JIA .: ..._.._ _: .. .. Ice Carving Displays To Be Big Part of Winter Carnival Strong To Play Ice carving displays to be erect- ed by houses and dormitories, will be an integral part of the 1949 Michigan Winter Carnival. In past Winter Carnivals, this has never been done, but since the ice displays at the Dartmouth Winter Carnivals h...…

December 16, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…TITT MICTTICAN DXILY T-1 ADAY9 BF.CEMP.rr U, 19i& I m INSIDE STORY: Daily Reporter Inspects Conditions at Infirmar By ALEX LINDSAY I visited the Washtenaw County Infirmary yesterday, which has been under fire from the County Board of Supervisors this week. Chairman Mark Mayne accused Superintendent Herbert Ken- nett with abusing the patients and permitting unsanitary conditions. I FOUND an ancient piano and a small library of law books do...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… HUMAN RIGHTS See Page 4 Pg Latest Deadline in the State 4hr t Ig RAIN AND WARMER VOL. LIX, No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Vital Military DataWonby Secrets Bared at Aberdeen in '37 WASHINGTON - (k') -Secrets of "great military significance" leaked out before the war from the Army's proving ground for new weapons at Aberdeen, Md., the House Un-American Activities Committee charged. It did not descri...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…YY DAILY R i .w s7a.:. .J a. " / 1~S .--a'a-dixx."i. .. .n._ , ., - - - Speech Group Will Present 'Dr. Faustus' Marlowe's Classic To OpenNext Month The Speech Department's first major dramatic production for 1949, "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus' will be present- ed Jan. 12 through 15 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Written by Christopher Mar- lowe, the seldom done drama is based on a theme which has prov- en its popularity in ope...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

… WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, iMS4 Tilt MI WA RAMP rAGr -H M---G A ------ "wpmTfl Wolverine Cagers COLLEGE PUCK CLASSIC: 'M' To Face Powerful Toronto Sextet I orm mm But Play 'Steady' Game A gainst T oledo--cCoy IIarris on, McCaslin Share Scoring Llad After First Three Gaines with 29 Points MY Over itt Sam mies Win in All Divisions To CopIM Wrestling Crown By B. S. BROWN Michigan's claim to interna- tional hockey supremacy will face th...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…*, r . ilY rq4 $ 4 t f it r jf a, v 3} .v :1. .oJ- T"+-INtP"7 Ar, im ,~ ~ PO~ ~k, 24~4~ i luman Rights o*11E CASE OP the kettle calling the pot black is now reaching comic proportions in the cold war between Russia and the West-comic, that is, until the tragic im- plications of the fight are considered. A current case in point is the passing of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights reported in Saturday's papers. In its prese...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

… Freshmen Party e s at To Be Held Today Panhel, Assembly To Introduce Women To League Activities at Informal Event 4 - ~=ism k Children To Be Entertained Freshmen women will be guests at an informal Christmas party which will be given from 3 to 5 .m. today in the League Ball- room. This party is being given by Panhellenic and Assembly Associa- tions to introduce freshmen to activities of the League, and to help them get acquainted with Pe...…

December 15, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…rAcm s TIIE MICIJIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECOMET , 15, I'll PAGE ~ WF~DNESDAY, flECEMEER 1~, 1948 Prof. Cameron Will Reveal Secret of Elamite Language The findings of Prof. George G. Cameron of the classical studies department will result in the com- prehension of the language spoken Doritory N (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to What's Up in the Dorms should con- tact Dolores Palnkr at The Daily or 105 Betsy Barbour.) The third wing in Jordan...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… YEARS' BEST GIFT See Page 4 il I r Latest Deadline in the State 4br .A6.Abo ,:43'atty RAIN, SNOW COLDER VOL. LIX, No.71 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fraud Charged on Slide Rle Ball ickets I,______";-____________________ Cagers Do Pitt, Fire Trucks Visit Campus Three Times Power Explosion Hits Angell Hall By PETE HOTTEN Frenzied firemen were kept on -the run yesterday hurrying to three alarms...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO A.~~~~~C A.A ...4±1A.A. .4ZA A j C~ J E7.C . L4. *~X Ah 1TITMI .deI. d LtN A \ 71V-" -- U - - aoaar - ,- :1 Santa Claus Educated In Unique Yule School 1 . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ! t In these days of specialized training, even Santa Claus goes to school. The school which gives a course in "How To Be a Santa Claus," is located in Albion, N.Y., a small town near Lake Ontario. Dormitory Newsj (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to Wha...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, DECE:BIRT 14, 1Y48 THE JM11CHI GAN DAILY PAGer TJI-1 . . ........ . . ......... - ..... . . .. ...... .. - --- -------- - -------- Cage rs Niotch T-ill rdl ra ight WoIe1 > Performance in Swim Gala In dkatev Successful Season Lies Ahead LOOK OUT, BLUE: IlWildcats Out To -Kill'MHope for Title Canterna Stars for Pit; Morrill Nets 10 for ' (Continued from Page 1) By SY SONKIN Illinois and Northwestern will oth be out to ups...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…PAM vor-a 14Lf F . li " I M y / j ' Year 's BestuGit T WA' ONE hundred and sixty years ago that the American people established the Bill of Rights which guaranteed their polit- ical rights and privileges. Now, under the guidance of our greatest stateswoman, Eleanor Roosevelt, a bill of political and economic rights, not just for America but the world, has been approved by the United Nations. This declaration is not the simple repe- tition o...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

…r- _-. ..z ..rc ,rv _.. e, . '-, MiHIGANDAILY for ~~~ J =Hop Ticket Sctol Recogrizes Ou s~d Cpplicati o s By M PfAM C.4 VemDrs of the gro TBgJ n5r Aia l various ways, but for the senior at- commnachivemets w vaiouste woman recognition by ("1am1111s, but aso, by wo Women To Participate Must Have Paid $ C Juniors, senios and graduate Scroll is regarded as the usual alumnireationswiththei JuniOr Class Dues, Show Eligibility Card students may fi...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX AR .. s ICV . . a ..A. . . t Da. ALY TUESDAY' . DECEMBER 14. 194th THe.. MTC HJiiaifT AN vTLI AA, A .L, TI "' .ThAVI f li r SVM1 !p AllA1.-10 THOSE WERE THE DAYS: Fabulous Editor Fought For Revolutionized Daily By FREDIRICA WINTERS Back in the days when Angell Hall wasn't even a gleam in the administration's eye, one Otto H. Hans descended upon Ann Arbor, left his name in the annals of :Michigan's "fabulous," by revolu- tionizi...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

… f isI 0G r, P y +9 raN y6 'I N t 1 ) Special ft-ti e Shopping for Ik Busy Women! ""*l -r - S T 6T IPA1 S o/ All Stores in Campus Town open stores are open especially 'til 9 o'clock ARM =« ~j( +. It's WOMEN ONLY tonight when all busy to Christmas shop during regular store h for you women too ours. Here's an evening to choose the exact gifts you've dreamed of. . . without having that favorite man constantly peering ov...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 8

…'7W l ie/ 1 AL =777,A7, Z,7=7 : 71, ... b -n _ _ . i ROTC Group Holds Gaging StudyClas Program Teaches Instrument Use If you see a light burning late some night this month in the East Engineering wing, don't get alarmed at the possibility of thieves. The reason will be the new Ord- nance Gaging Group, under ROTC mgnagement, which is hard at work studying methods of preci-1 sion measurement. INITIATED late last November, by Professors O. W...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 9

…- : ..(y ' 13948 THE SI#MCHGAAIlY ___ __ PERENNIAL POLITICIAN: Walsh Wins Seven Straight By JOHN DAVIES Tom Walsh seems to keep inning campus elections with the regularity of the tides. Besides winning elections-his recent wins returning him to the Student Legislature and Board in Control of Student Publications are his sixth and seventh in suc- eession-Walsh has taken active part in so many organizations that a list of them reads like a r...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 10

…--aA - * .A. J4 f . iA..5 .. _. _. _. _ _ _ -. _-- - _ - . .. R RR n:. 1Y1.R.Y.:fY3L Y.0.FA"151.1 ..L kkY A. AL l Liw t..:a . f ::i ~ ~ 4~a 1k Jl1 3 &* C THE TEAM'S THE THING: Balance Is Key to 'T k Titles ..v _ ,. / x By DICK HURST Balance does it. Iowa had Wally Ris, Yale Allen Stack, La Salle College Joe Verdeur-but Michigan the NCAA Champion. had had has THAT WAS LAST year's story :n collegiate swimming. But again this year fro...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 11

… - Lightweight Football Now Strong, Growing infant -CIM ;d b Seek s v a, s j ta us M By MERLE LEVIN Don't look now but the blue- faced baby of Western Confer- ence athletics has turned into a lusty brat squalling fair new field; to conquer. Lightweight football which first ~aw the light of a Big Nine clay on a cool October morning in 1947 took its first halting steps forward this season and bean to feel its muscle. THEY DIDN'T t...…

December 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 71) • Page Image 12

… MMMMMMMNFMNmq TUC- MICHIGAN DAILY T-VESDAY$ DECE M 14. 1049 d.HE M ICHIG. vaAN ,dAI.dLY W( m1Uv~s'Th 1& [}p. -I o7 °°~ll~ Yrh, I~,, _. I I- EGE ROUNDUP: Carolling Students Greet Approaching Yule Holiday By CRAIG WILSON As first snows blanketed col- legiate campuses all over the na- tion, students finished typing up term papers due before Christmas vacation and celebrated in song -traditional Yuletide carolling. It rarely make...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… RECORD DESTRUCTIION See Page 4 L Latest Deadline in the State D0ati4 ]' CLOUDY, MILD VOL. LIX, No, 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS S II El EU __ __. 'M' Cagers Win; Pucksters Tied Basketball.. . By SY SONKIN Michigan's cagers broke loose in the second half last night to win a 51-40 victory over a previously unbeaten University of Toledo quintet. For the first half it was a close game, with the ...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…1h7 11.E 1GA N -DAii N Ml a. x, a ..i .u b', ..:,a 11 SiXsu ly .. Fd . ; l- . -J 7-7- 71 ON STAGE, EVERYRODY! 'U' Student Players Ask Help on New Production DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN Are you a beaver? If you are a beaver, and eager to work hard and have a lot of fun, you're wanted on stage by the University Student Players to work in a production staff posi- tion. ISSUING a call for handymen- (and women) with the hammer, paint brush, type...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… Y r .. Ndir, ..; Yc.:,+ a Fib _.: ii i nLC ii ~i 70ADA lY PAGE Tmor . . Iert Will I e a jdlow#4idaj i frou Ptper Her itk Purely Peprual 9it4 Save! Buy Your 6f COLLI OPEN 'TIL 9:00 P.M. MON t f 4' For 'Me ,. -Exc4' /C .J\ ----,. EGE SHOP N DAY AND TUESDAY 5 // I ~ r After-Five Glamour ... Ltallic Thread Blouses ting to Give ... to Wear Designed for the busy round of holiday festivities . . . sophisticated metallic thr...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…PG ou T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1948 i . _ _.. _v._ , ., _.. ...... .. I The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD I TOOK A WALK through the University's plush new Administration building the other day. It's quite a place-elevators all over, shiny ohrome, modernistic fixtures, panelled of- fices, and big airy rooms. This is the new home of the administration which runs the University. Then I thought about some of the other buildings o...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

… SUNDtAY, DEE WRIN, In4B9 TlE MICIGAN DAILY- i _. Strong To Play For Paul Bunyan Saturday, Jan. 8 Free -Guess at Squirrel's Nut Cache Given With Each Ticket Purchased By MARY ANN HARRIS Matchin' plaid wool shirts for the lucky woodsman and his gal will be the prizes for the annual Paul Bunyan guessing contest, reveals the Foresters Club, spon- sor of Paul Bunyan "formal" to be held Saturday, Jan. 8 in Wa- terman Gym. At the U Hall...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…. ..MnriD~ 12, )S4 _ ..... - . T y.,, Taxicab Rate Raise Faces 'U' Students AfterHoliday MARCHING SONG FAMOUS ictors'Celebrates50th Anniversary Students may be faced with higher taxicab rate when thy return from Christmas vacation. A special Mayor's Committee will make recommendations re- garding a proposed increase at the next Common Council meet- ing Dec. 20. The Committee was appointed after a proposal to jump fares a nickel per pass...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

… THE V-iCRiGAPi -DA-ti,-f fi i cop-,,,Lference ost ones -U-t10 on MSC Admission Of ficials pprove Scholarship Plan CHICAGO-(P-The Big Nine yesterday deferred action on Michigan State College's appli- cation for membership until to- morrow, but approved a new scholarship code fixing limits on financial aid to athletes. The Michigan State question will be discus,:2.d at a joint meet- ing df the faculty representatives and athletic direc...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…rArlyE 1NGITT THE MICHIGAN DAILY { SM-MAY, DECPMt,,R 1?, 1941 - ~ '-t'~-'r-' ~ - - STNflAY, DE~MB1JR 12, 194~ CHANCES ARE SLIM: Visiting Vocalist Desires Law Quad Pilgrimage ,' -~ * t By JO MISNER Nan Merriman, who will singj the mezzo-soprano role in the "Messiah" at 2:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, has been looking forward to her first trip to the University for a long time. Miss Merriman has received some very pleasant impression...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

… 0b I'p For Men Or *I * I/1/) F The State Street Shopping District will be A - Open MONDAY Night December 13th 'Til 9:00 P.M. is o Shop unhurried by throngs of coeds in State Street Shopping District Stores open for your EXCLUSIVE use! Don't try to shop between classes or at lunchtime. Here is your oppor- tunity to fill your Christmas List without bother from a full selection of gifts. 4 0 I " : "Girls, The State Street Shor --- - ..""s 11l...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

…PAGt'TEN - TWrfMTCUTCAX DAIFV SUNDAY. MCEMER 12. 049 c a aai vrni v raivi av.L"aLF sVXA #la J va.1TX"JUAN AoVy iUYo .. Promoted byHeyle, M' Cagers Face Full Vacation Schedule By B. S. BROWNI Vic Heyliger, Michigan's top- notch hockey pilot, reaped the fruits of his own efforts out at Colorado Springs last March. It was mainly through the per- sistence of the former Wolverine puckster that the National Col- legiate Athletic Association ...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 11

…SUJNDAY, rD ETMFT V, 1948 ?IT~mI k1 IAN P~r nr~T~ -~ I -M Wrestlers Near Finals William~ts Mee ualify Seven' In Title .bouts . With Phi Gamma Delta, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Ep- silon, and Sigma Alpha Mu bat-, tling it out in the top division, fraternity wrestling squirmed into the final stages last Thursday. The Fijis stand the best chance for a takedown with four men still in the running of those in final spots. Kappa Sigma has one man...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 12

…THt .mMI ICAN ALLY 3'N7DA ', D IVIBER 12, ~1948 TH.. ,ANDIL ..Ii~~2,14 U.S., Russian Students Will Correspond Plan Arranged with Soviet Youth Agency As Russian mailmen trudge thru the Soviet snows this winter, along with their regular load they will be carrying letters f rom American students. The Correspondence Bureau of NSA has suceeded in contacting a Russian Youth Agency which will supply the names of Soviet stu- dents interested in co...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 13

… 'SUNDAY, DECEMBER, 12, 1948 .THE MICHIGAN DAII WAGE THIRTEEN . . .r...r.. .. . i ml GOD REST YE MERRY!: Campus, Dorms Radiate Spirit of Hoiday Season g ' By DOLORES PALANKER Christmas comes early to the campus and the University resi- dence halls this year. Decorations have been up for several days now, the holiday for- mals have been "bustin' out all over," and the regular parties and caroling groups have been scheduled during the n...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 14

…R~F P~T VT FW iiWNIIfITANDAILV thvens tn tertain Students at Traitioi nal' Tea f Open Home to' Campus Visitors Student Guests 'Tea and Cakes Tour Rooms, Enjoy on a Winter's Day' Maybe it's the chilly November air outside, or maybe it's the warm glow of lights inside the big white house on University Avenue. But the place looks inviting - and you've heard they hold a tea there every other Wednesday. Today's the day, so you walk up the ...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 15

… mw SUNDAY, T)ECEEMERl 12, 1945~ .-THE~ MICTIAN JIALY I.- I, , j 4 I.. -s - --------- _-- entilen oca j, ecemtler 13 ii6 y our .. . 0 ntq4t at )a cot Jon I4er favorite itore! r NYLON SLIPON TIGRESS A nylon sweater that washes in a whizz, dries in a jiffy. Beautifully fashioned in pastels of white, pink, blue or maize, Sizes 32 to 40. Sportswear {r.I r '. 4.V "'r' 1* fi:r' 6 f* '? }".s : _.. lr.t^ D s .:: ,: . °.. ":i' "f 4.95 ...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 16

… . 1 -- - I COLLEGE ROUNDUP* A Sixth Graders Slam Neighbor Badgers By CRAIG WILSON Sixth Grade students near the University of Wisconsin campus ne criticizing their elder fellow students for allegedly littering the area with cigarette butts, guml wrappers and assorted flotsam. "We have our playgroundse at Longfellow School clean," they hinted. "WE PICK UP all our papers, gum and candy wrappers, school papers (Daily Cardinal) and all kin...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 17

… THE MICHWIAN hAILY =AGE SEVENMEN wxwmwmiwm HAVING TROUBLE? Wise Words for Christmas Shoppers Do... By DUSTI WAGNER Now is the time when every good coed must come to the aid of her man-of-the-moment with a suitable Christmas gift within her pocketbook range. Because giving gifts occurs at least twice a year, this business of buying him a present some- times exhausts the usual possi- bilities after about one birthday and one Christmas go b...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 18

…I ° * a'...4 a. *.' 2. a. 4. ~ ar 2. s. . .t4 S. Q.J V.Iy Asp/.,.w-. J4 ".:: w Llti_ .".Yi u:r >. 4,. 1 4 1 '- aiA.f 111tLLY.rl"~lYL~"1aPc. n- . ..._ ~l a...\ . i. ,,:;a..C A~i.. - rAr 1%A Q. ENERGY, AGILITY REQUIRED: Disc Jockey Show Keeps MacDonald in renzy , "V . By JOHN DAVIES Disc Jockey Ken MacDonald finds that managing his two- hour, six-night-a-week program takes more energy and agility than running the Marathon in the mud....…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 19

… te ;1, 1948IiiG P[D~L CAMPUS COMMENT ON CLAUS: Call Santa Economist's Nightmnre, Politicians Dream l' - By ROMA LIP SKY Although the radios have been elling us for thespast few weeks that Santa Ciaus :s comning to town, students and professors ex- pressed a variety of opinions as to the possibility of St. Nick's exis- tence, and his place on the Uni- versity campus. The judicial implications of this problem are far-reaching and find the...…

December 12, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 70) • Page Image 20

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SHDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1948 'U' Chicago Club To Honor Michigan Athletes The University of Michigan Club of Chicago is going all out the night of January 31 to honor Chicago area students participat- ing in inter-collegiate and fresh- man sports at the University. "The Michigan club is proud of the records being made in the classrooms and on the playing fields at Ann Arbor by the Chi- cago area boys," stated Karl Velde, pres...…

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