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December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…I HrN MICIG INDAILY THE NEW ROMANCE By RS.C \What are we reading? A friind -of mine once Wrote an essay on this sb- ject, in which le traced otr inubitale for Hardy, Ibseni and Co. to a few deep-lying tendecis in Our tnder-, graduate life. I am sorry tatI ca- tilt reproduce tis aialyss, here it touecied so ceteery on or tessimisi, our iconoctasmi, our tire-occpatot switt uinpleasait socialttrolems;tbtittes-ry- one wilt recogizie the...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…11lr MIC~IGA1N l) 1,tY LM N4E- RR'V CHRISTMAS! Price $1.00 A New Souvenir Book of Views FORTY-EIGHT ELEGANT PHOTOGRAVURES (NOT THE CHEAP HALFTONES) JUST THE THING WE HAVE WANTED FOR YEARS On Sale All Over/ Town I ! Kodaks and Cameras There is Nothing More Acceptable for Christmas. Kodaks $1.00 to $78.00 Cameras $4.50 to $100.00 Kodak Clristimis Box at S4.01 conitainis a Brownie Camera, Brwnie iDevelopilng Machine and everything else ...…

December 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…e Mchgan Daily ANN ARBOR, [ICIUO. N, TUR.SDAY, D CT -1H)IR 17, 1907. Vol-. XV:lIII c>. 68. YOST DISCUSSE FOOTBALL TR4 Holds -D~estructive" Cc Rulings Responseible iron Weakness in We o h nll thi - inntr ;loit l t li e v tlc w - "Iic~t txix i. ~tisc +>ntl19 x l _1v ii lc t'~t lxO11 fo txxx ] th t l 1k xnde a.sgoo d a nlow ing as it did in IBFRII O YIYITE faceo sch ddsis the realix reniark' 0 UBLE 111ephs fthe ituaion. MAKES ITS REPORT ;onfr...…

December 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…THN MICHIGAN DAILY TH-E MICIGAN DAILY. G. 11 Wild Comlpany MaaigEio-PUSCT wR. The ~argst Sock DITRrS the agetyStck News................... A. F. Ritchie of Ahleis...... David F. Stevenson Exchange .......Ii. John Warnold EY I~ e tyle i \Iusic and Drama...Roy 1). Welch in Women's Editor.. - Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAtFF II1 I~'IU J . W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams 00IFI~ John F. Wurz W LENSNIGHT EDITORS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Fo G...…

December 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…TIILE MICHIGAN TDAILY I OCAL TALENTT PRESENT N BetrPeetSLITCESSFUL ORATORIO Intercollegiate Notes. RNK . K thnaTe1 rorac fte"esih IEAsigtinlt the 1-igh School auditorium 'To lod aConki1Funa1 1n js dpit i ay Was-ino eery way creditable. SurprisingTh regents of the Univii yo 3l s Vmoothness andI balance marked the en camelotaooing itssthirstleTgthenedlththen- G 11 CttC Oe ocrtTechrsrepneda-giering course fromi four ito tie years. The Colege tntl...…

December 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…T:lE MIC I IGAXD A IL Y _ -.- .. Take ~i t FRED T. MO/L Davo A Perfect Bl PIiCEIS---BoxScat', iaicot ii$1 SEATS NOW ON ,audyiil this week andI this cis', New Vork 'i 'ck Ior ship' andAllegretti's , rggist. MANAGER -canbr19th s1 Geact Play It hs ;oa Betasco Production 2i.00. Family circe, $2.00 N -3, PiE AYNARD STREET (ATIKYDAR 1ec.17--tnicr lit ace at Barbotr Dec. 7 -1,ctiri biy rvig K. 1Po(d. 79e, ROOM 3010, new etgiering bildhl- tug on1...…

December 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. PENNWVS. MICHIGAN AGAIN, SAYS MURPHY Veteran Quaker Trainer Sees No Reason for Severing Relations -Calls Wolverines Sportsmen. For sotmC tone p~ast various newspa- tiers rare delighted it interviews pur- porting to be fronm learlers in eastern sport andt predicting that Pennsylvania wrill refnse a gridliron contest twitlt Miclh- igan next seasoni. In view of this fact, a direct statement from one in authority is...…

December 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE M1CA'tWAN D ATfL THEJVMICHIGAN DAILY. get togethterhtsa-chii( ie nepiece 'it . m.naterial work, andi it woill naturally get j' tlotn to achieve snotre--to) express it self Go H" il U lltll Ma aging ditur-PAcIL SCOTTMOWRER. int every svav. to seek satisfaction i Business Manage-C. E. WINSTEAD. procedutres of thte cost tovel]. perltaps mtost revoltionary, sort. The Largest Stock ..TRS FRic i tecause the desire for a comont eat-1 in the City...…

December 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…T1It NTMICIIII.A N DA ILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver Th Goods. Sam Burctifield & o. EAST HURON ST. Holiday Goods Now on sale al BROWN'S rug Store 120 E. Liberty St. i J . - ' I . VEREIN PRESENTS COMEDY TONIGHT Junior Members Have Perfected One-Act Farce - Seniors Re- hearse Minna von Barnhelm.' Fowr new membiers of the Detscher Verein xxiii present a one-act farce en- itil Fixxner Mss Heiraten,"ibefore the )ellt"ixe V...…

December 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…TH St 'CIGAN DAILY Look to your Looks If you would be looked op to, not down on. Our tailoring is essentially and pre-eminently for the yoong man of the period, who likes a hit of -swagger" in his dress. For Autumnt let os lend YOU that ease and " '+ poistatwilt pot you among "w Premier tailoring-emiphatic style--moderate prices. Merchant '% nos VI. Qa. Tailors 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcstic Thcatrc. F...…

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan rDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI, THURSDAYY, D ECEMB3ER i9; 1907 Vol- XVIII. No. 70-. TRACK TEA SHOWS PROMISE Michigan's Prospects for a Suc- cessful Season Are Good- Freshmen Show Up Well A ccardingi to tte prsntt outlook the fotloswers of Mtictigana track athetic have eery cause to iheotitmlistic. Of thehi lavaenots Capttai Rove, Coe Dual t sd1Hodge are left,tut arond these as a uctes it is expected that a tetnO worthy of relreen...…

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…THE 'MICId ALY . .........wV. w+r ____. __ e G. H. Wild Company The Largest Stock in the City of Eclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything requied for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy estings, and rouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles Full Dress Soits al Specialty G. gWild Coumpany 311 South State Street SHEEHAN & C.s Michigan Cftlendar Is by far the finest of the kind ever published for the price It contains nearl...…

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…FITE MIC IIftAN )AILY No Better Present than a .Gillette, Razor S~EE THE WINDOW AT QUARRY'S C.oner tate"0St:. ol'SN. ntv.Ave. Money Loaned tOn Watches,lDiamoonds. Otto Boots. or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E0. Liberty St Ann Arbor. flournt: $to 11:30 a. at., 1to 4:30 tand 7Ito 9 p. at. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHER Watch Fobr with Foot Bll oloactoss itt 'ri...…

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______________ ________ Take Home Some Candy We shall have lets of fresh candy this week and wil deliver free anywhere in this city, New York City, Boston or Chicago. Wl4e also pack for ship- nient without extra (char ge Huyler's, Lowney's and Allegretti's 13.13. CAL K INS, Druggist. 324 Soutth State Str-et. AMU5EMENT S lhc Maj cstic Thcatrc FRED T. McoOMBER,-_..__ ---MANAGER Gx RAND OPENING Thuirsday Everning, Decemnbe...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…_The Michiga nDaily Vol . XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MIICHJGA-, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. N.7 No. 7r. MICHIGAN NOT TO GIVE ULTIMIATUM Patterson Talks on Athletic Sit- uation-Will Leave Conference Only as Last Resort. 4. Whtat awill hbeAtichigaiis attitd at te inex fmeeting oftho\Western Con- frence on Jan. 4 io? this i the qilstionh which i at pes- cut beiiig askeotlinily alotithtie n- pus, ut by nearly all le football aiiii other atlletie interest...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…T-1 rl M TC ICA 11)A I ,Y _________ 0. H. Wild Comlpanly The Largest Sock in tne City of Exclsive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required o Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Troeuserings, and of high las fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits al Specialty G. IH. Wild Colipally 311 Suth State Street SHEEHIAN & C.'S Michigacn Ca .1ende .r Is by far the fneal of the kind ever ptbihed for the price. It contains nearly...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…TlIr 'ICII tIAN TN. I Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield Q, ( 10 6 &JG CO* EAST HURON ST. Holiday Goods Now on sale at BROWN"S Drug Store 1201 i. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00) $1.50 $1.75 X11 tie e- sto makoes-anoitt iai e MICIIAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.01) FINE WATCH IREPAIRINGi A SPECIAL'TY. Watch Inspectorftorthe An. Arbe oriliroadi J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. WE H...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…mEMlCHut& DILY Slook to your Looks If you would be looked up to, not down on. Our tailoring is essentially and pre-enminently for the young man of the period, who likes a bit of 'swagger" in his dress. For Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and t4 *" poise that will put you among "Who's Who." Premier tailoring-emphatic style-n-oderate prices. Merchant Tailors 118 E. ILl.brty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. CAL TDA.IxI F4-. 1_}cc ?(--- S5'it)...…

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