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December 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…UNION BANQUET NUMBER. The Michigan Daily A\ f ).NARO ,MIC llI\\I \l A \. M B; 1 )1 l, %"Of,. XVII. 1 4 AlliRA. THE MICHIGAN UNION PLAYS ACTIVE PART! NiN~-i-NII N)DI11NNER3kCOMMITTEE 77 . t~r c ti rnll~(, 11,wckPROM ISES BI 0i BANQUET In All Student Activities- -Annual'" Banquet Is aMeans of Promoting, t-ll -clijccir-nil College Spirit. flit i<till tti t, lUt t, rt I it, allw, l;. .1ll t 11 ill lu i.>rlltlll p "'c im'tl I, 1111:Itlt < t-...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBOR, '\l II. l , 1 'l _ 1SD \'111 ii \f d Sol VOL.. XVII tN>. 3d . CONFERENCE CHANGES REFORMED RULES Star Athletes Allowed to Compete ,During Their Last Year-Michigan May Regain Lost Prestige. aol Satuariay the Wesrtern Caier- laerlxdtoo a slightclt xtt tite rtles tti lch l aale tite liclig'anll ootitall teany a lpigi tock101111 in'e Ps t alh (iloki rro'sjsisi tgl'r brightier tioe nttxt i'ear. 'ii gotiniti It , ia a...…

December 05, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily ANN'ARB3OR, \H I 1lANL \\I I)I {SDA DI) L\ f1,1 i , t 'Vol. XVII. ()i. 5%. FITZPATRICK DESCRIBES 1 -,) -'() ' 11 'ril tlls EASTERN GYMNASIUMS IAPONEF(k F AR Princeton Exces, but Michigan Has Best Attendance--Hopes to in- stall Swimming Tank. visi ig lte. l t;+irg Itt' )ttt ,1t hei'' Ann Ll ir. le hais ,i- (t i e tl they were i l cti lit hr' tol1 ad t e liitaill li~t'' iptt it , icd f -, ut i-i In ll th g1n r u t iti Ii...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daily ANN \RBOR, \Il( 11k \ \ I't YDll}sl V 11 N IIIR 6 , fo6 "oL. X VII. DISTINGUISHED ALUM4NI WILL COUNCIL PLANYS CHANGES DETROIT MANM WILL IN FRESH-SOPH RUSH ADDRESS CIVICS CLUB APPEAR Al PRESENTATION Members of Lower Classes to Confer D. IF. Wilcox, Secretary of the un wihCouncil Committee in Re- icipal League, Will Speak on Con- } vising De tails of Contest. stitutional Convention. Dir. James~ Angell, Jr., and Professor Je...…

December 07, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N ARBOR, \1K Ii I( N il 1I ) 1906. x- ~i VOL,. X VII. SOPHOMORES WIN FIRST UITVTTM7IREDTH BASKETBALL GAME VEY INili IS RADYFOR TEBIG Freshmen Lose First Champions hipI ANNUAL MICHIGAN ContesthbyScore of 4=2-l'earn fUNION DINNER via au- I av -A, aalIAWork Was Ragged. --- General Commite Completes Final i altrlarge nd xxiii xixiixx iciiv p Arrangements for Feed- -Impera- cxigatheiredi last tvvvvitvg xin Ixixiv live That ...…

December 08, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga Daily VOL,. XVII. fi}, fx THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET OF MICHIGAN UNION HELD TONIGHT FORMAL PRESENTATION CORNELL MAN SPEAKS OCCURS THIS AFTERNOON ON TRUST PROBLEM Angell Portrait to be Received hy Professor Jenks Lectures Be fore the Regent Knappen Prof. Jenks to iconomic Class _Says Money # he the Principal Speaker. Kioxs Are Uns crupuous. One Hundred and Ninety Tickets Still to be Soid-Gymnasiurn Suitably Decorated for the Oc- cas...…

December 09, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…-r, , . . - : v , T J, l-' r- S e... P V + r T f J' r-' V y r- r fr" f. ' .: . J. .__. r4 .r _ ' .-e r.. . ' 1. f 4 ^t « 7: '_ ..._. = , j . .. .'. tom, > , r T- . ... Jam' ! ._ . ._. .-. i i .-+ t J: i . + ( i (: ..+ .r r . I n Yz r fi ,(' r J ' 1 J J r C H s r 1- r- r r' 77 -_ - ... J i. 'r. = .+ . . . y . 1 .._ r w '. 4 J _ _ r'* '.f. ". tt w . - n. f .f "- _ r v u t: ..' "3 _ _ . r tfnC N r " 7 …

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt ...…

December 12, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Mi chigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Nl~ ~ .IIlf I)AY. 1)1<2 181k 13, it VOL. XVII. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL PROJECT REVIVED School Would be Separate From the University-Under Episco- pi Direction. 1Te founing oth ieologica ein ry in Anm Anot, where students ma prepare for the ministry while takig work in the University. is at project claiminig micih interest at tiepreset ime. Bishiop Williams of the local Episcopal diocese recentil advocated stch a pl...…

December 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… V own- Q r174 C,) T f ' (14 ~ ~ 7' 7 7 : _." 0 -4-- (i .re'_ C, W o (177 ,-. . J -' "' .... j f. J: '+- 1 -' 'r, , , ,- f ~ ~ j !f 'f ..+ s2 :J , f .. r r .. G -- _ - - - 2 - ..2-2-.-2-~ - . - .2-2- - 2 2- 2 2-, 2 - 2 2- - - - 2- .2- 2-2- - 2- - 2- 2- 2 2-~ 22 2- 2 2 2- ,: i i ii t 1 I 1 h-1 ~ 2-2:: 4 W Y O 6 2 1 -. -0 w :2 .- - C --ue 2- 2_ r° y v 3 vo. M. - 2-.2,--4- 2O 52 2.c--a.2k2.. M-. C.,.. "- J v !, r r ~ c tic y r v...…

December 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M1ICiHIC iAN, 8l I.i Y,)IiC 1I'* .,l oo().i , VOL. XVII. BASEBALL COACH NOT YET SELECTED Pillhigan Should Have Successful Baseball Team-Ten I'M" Men Eligible This Year. With tie s it ti iaStreUe tfootlallSa son sinte rite-adlvettof 'tost andehis iesadallo e conli qunt post mtorcems irrevocably buried--the- ebb- iss are looking forward It uc(s eell season in baseball and track as part con solationt for the fobl ...…

December 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… * - * - Q _ _ 7 d oS -- - ~~J " _~ z °m -w 4 _-- -- -- - f C ,)= r . _ O Cx id - ~ ' . v t7 .. - 1, _ ! J ,,,. _ J - T _ f ^ ,y f - .: ..f - r. ..f .-_ ..i:. I .., ., .. ^ t f ....+ 3.. Y .. CAS y... ... .-. ^ r i r t is ~ _ r^, . .. f f ^" r .-, f v-- , L 'r ...1' " V ,~ f ' . _ - f ,- 'f: / r .i,,. .vr ':l Wit. ' ' .-- f. . ,-. r" ~ ". . M ^. .i J .--- t: .J .=. , /'' ..... .-a tic t.C t4 " , U f ,~ :+ '.i - ~ .gi n.. .,f, r'f J G V...…

December 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

… '0 * - H 'I z 1; .z oe H w4 v f ,,o 77 OE!,C r r. . ;+, ^' , ..., "= :+ , '7 + of . .., y f A 0 0 f ^ ^f 7Z: Z . ... ... '' :c rtr _ s tz ++ f f J f .J . .... Jam' L v , v Jl _ tom. 'f: { r ~ f a 'J v ! 7:- 7 s -- ~: - f ' r vc C > _ .f f. I -^ 1 ._ 'M 1; r. f ; ~ s -- --^ ' J: M ' ;. 7 .. _' -- '~ r r '/. ' ' .. ~ , . f J r _ i v; .. ;,; - f , r. .. w. ~ '.1 ^ 1 - L: . ----, -r. r f N ;J i.+ N «-+ ,.. .-..i J ,,, r ... ,r v n '...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, \I1IlA.\E N51)Y ~EIldi) ~U VOL. XVII. FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ELECTED TONIGHT tlagoffin and Graham rlost Probable Candidates- Rheinschid a Possibility. Tlbe footbaili catittiof t1007wlliiir- ceive its initial impeitusthis ievening brough teletec i ofaptain. Jdgei senirs re lieeilogil canidai-tslfor the captincy;iwile Rheinschild Ilt lc iear's itea, who w il] bea sior next t ix sear ias lieii]tspokeni (f a5at iieligile...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…- rr ~- - --- . -E. _I - ~ - - - - -7'- - 7 T-o .; r^ .,. L r rt .r ' ~ ... Y J : J: " ' ! T' 2L ( Q L..mm7 0 ' r 1 .i 1 O0i ..... J .. f. _ ._. ~ _ f. , -, 1: ^- _. s j f: f " J1< r f C7 C si- I. 1. i r- HD n6 ._ . - ' 1 .: v f - - rte- r f f …

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