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December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… 'Wegsn-ather Light snows colder. C, r Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication Iit Editorial CtOj atiulatlo Ii-, To Caanc VOL. LI. No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS President To Seek His Legions 'Invaded' Greece New Tax Revenue Roosevelt Extends Credit To Chinese Government; Bessarabia Begins Revolt For Defense Costs White House Conference Eliminates Possibilities Of General Sales Tax Congre...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHTAN DATTSY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940 '....::: ... 1 11 Li 111 1 V 11 1 l.)' 1- 1 \ S.D L' f 1 L' 1 " - ..,.__,_. _..,......._Y_._ ,., _~ _., Windt Expresses Admiration For Former Campus Actress Post-Season Participation Is-Undecided (Continued from Page 1) Common People Of Europe Didn't Want War, Student Says By HOMER SWANDER "May Michigan have many more like her!" Thus Valentine B. Windt, Director of Play Productions, ex- presse...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

… SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE _. i Nebraska ...... 20 SKansas State . . . Duquesne . ... Carnegie Tech . . 14 Fordham . . 7 NYU . . . ......26 . . . . . . . 0 Stanford . . California . ..j..13 Tennessee . Vanderbilt . . .. . 20 Duke ... . .. ..0 Pittsburgh ..,.. 12 .. ... . 7 Navy . . . . . . . . . 14 Army. .. . ... . . * 0 Boston College .. . 7 Holy Cross . . . . . . 0 London A.C. Whips Wolveri...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…PAC-IF MUM THE MICHIGAN DAIlY SIIT1A V, Dr CEMBE 1194, , I . . . I - -1-----.----- -.1 ---- THE MICHIGAN DAILY F IR E a id W AT Eli By MASCOTT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is ex...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, DECEMbER 1, 1940 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY VACL :iVRVE Six women Take 2059 MenAn r SIie And E ngineering In Stride DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Masculine Colleagues Find Girls 'Irking' In Class But Date 'Em Anyway Profs Show Them No Special Favors By S. R. WALLACE Two thousand and fifty-nine men. Six women. And they love it. For despite the fact that the six female engineers are subjected to monkey-suits, masculine cuss words and unsuscep...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE M ICHI GAN DA-IL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940 ___________________________________________________________ U _________._.___-_____________ U__.--- - - ----.-- ---- -.. Academics Can Be Forgotten As Hobby Lobby Makes Gifts By LOIS SHAPIRO Put down those books, rub your eyes, and pu'll away from those aca- demic thoughts. Let's get our hands busy with some workable materials and turn out practical, clever things for Christmas gi...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

… SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN - a a.a we s z..a. vaa.. a-v ra i- i. ra .a .. i ... .. _. .. Six Student Groups To Be Special Guests At Third Ruthven Tea Six student groups have been ex- tended a special invitation to attend the all-campus tea to be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Ruthven home. Allen-Rumsey House, Alpha Chi Omega, Martha Cook, Phi Gamma Delta, Psi Upsilon and Pi Beta Phi will be the s...…

December 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…PALE EIGHT THE M ICIIGA N DAILY sin nD&Y, oCMrUnnER . 19 Benito Mussolini On The Spot THE W.-EK TN REVIEW What Further Aid To England FOREIGN A Change In B Most significant last week to An- glo-conscious U. S. citizens was the sudden reversal in British propagan- da methods, both for home and for- eign consumption. King George and all-powerful Win- ston Churchill set the pace; British Ambassador to Washington, Mar- quess of Lothian ar...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

… Weather Partly cloudy, snow flurries. Y2 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication :4i aiti Editorial Wht The W r All About? VOi. LI No. 55 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS I s Nazi U-Boats Attack Seven British Ships Sings Today Berlin Fears RurnanianNazjs Reported Speeding Menace To War Efforts Nar Ire land Planes Continue Sea Raid; U.S. Receiving Stations Pick Up SOS Signals For Period Of 14 Hour...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN . .E 3 ~ C ~ Y~ .L "lIX TUESDAY. DECEMBER 3.__ 1940 THi ie Tt L v l l 'H 1\ L rb IV1' IA l MlV""1AAa, a. .,a ., .. ,.71/4-X1} ji{.!lii lUL' 11 J} la7YV I _.: _ i t Seger _Will SpeakTomorrow i Gerhart Seger, former member of the German Reichstag, will speak un- der the auspices of the local Commit- tee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the lec- ture room of the Rackham Building. "The German Fifth ...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

… TUESDIAY, bf-AEM1 4lt 3, 1,44 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P.F~G Tllflf' Michigan Ranked Third In Final Associated Press R atings ,._.........dw.«.,,. . _n_,_._.,__. ®._.__...,....,...._.._.w...a___..._.._.. ._.. _ .. . ...._ w....._ ..._.i den wirtehafter's DAILY DOUBLE :: W A 11owl Of Soup . The Double was very sad yesterday when it noticed that Nebraska had been selected to represent the East in the Rose Bowl classic New Year's Day. It was ...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…WAGE FOUR TH E MICH IAN TATLY TUESDlAY, DECEMBE~R 3. 1940 will, THE MICHIGAN DAILY JiMG TUT M r A vT p$"* - -C - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of a...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

… 1TUESDA'Y, DECEMBER 3, 1944 -t. -- THR MTCHI ir.A TlA TT.Y S ~jTh M1CTiTE2A~ tbAtT~r £ £3.~X~ W £ V Za rAkNE VIVE Engineers' Dance To Be Held Jan. 16 In Union ballroom 4,- 'Modernism' To Be Theme Of Annual Bal t' 111GB TIME! Ti I ( I! King Will Head Committee; Ticket Sale Begins January 6; Band To Be Announced Later "Modernism" will be the theme of the annual winter Engineering Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. F...…

December 03, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…qTJX TIE MIIChIGA N DAILY TTUEiDA. hEF.MIR A. 19411 . . ........... ...... . . . . . ........ . ..... ................... news of the dorms By GoRlA,,NlSfHON and DAVE LACHENBRUCH December birthday gals will "take country has as much success as the the cake" at Stockwell's party in one aforementioned, it would be a their honor tonight. These parties fine thing, so if you find, in looking always take place after everyone else through your c...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… W eather Continued Cold. Yig iflfr iga 444brp 4:3 attg Editorial One Activity That's Worthwhile Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. L. No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S Offlicials Are Reported Considering Credit Grants Nine Government Heads Said To Be Discussing War Loans To Britain British Committee May Be Sent Here WASHINGTON, Dec. 3--M)-The whole question of British financial ...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY =DINESD3A , DECE-'IDER 4, 1940 Jib r...........a. . 1.N...a. . .ed.... Anthropologist' Will Interpret NegroStudies Professor At Northwestern Will Discuss Findings Of LongInvestigation "The Negro in the New World" is the topic to be discussed by Melville J. Herskovits, chairman of the an- thropology department of Northwest- ern University, in a University lec- ture to be held Friday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Professor H...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY I'ACGE TIIR'rE vI_'~s _ s s. --Y ti . d don wfrtchafter's DAILY DOUBLE 1' Trials Of An After-Dinner Speaker . . . Healthy; happy, and filled with roast pork, Wally Weber dropped into Ann Arbor yesterday just long enough to take a deep breath, change his clothes and start back on his goodwill tour. The Double cornered the good-natured Wolverine freshman grid coach at the Administration Building where he was straig...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…-"THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wt.DNSAY, DtUEMBEU 4, .1940 i NNW im lim, W, m 11.1 I- owmwe 11 me 1 THE MICiIGAN DAILY A Bit S1i~P~? Ma- 0 1 ! 4 . \ 4 , , a - ~ ~ F... . . at+ E'ited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is ex...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…DrCT I UIM 4, 1940 TTV MTHTAN DAILY PAGr ME _._,___..40__ _ - ,E _ FIV_ Campus Red Cross Unit To Be Installed Saturday In WA B Local Chapter Will BeOpen Once A Week Skill Not A Requisite For Those Wishing To Aid; Work Confined To Sewing, Knitting Of Clothing Striving to use its efforts and building facilities for humanitarian purposes, the Women's Athletic As- sociation board last night voted to install an auxiliary unit to the Washten...…

December 04, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…THiE MTCHIICAN DAXILY WEPNF~flAY, flE~E~ER 4, Documents On Maumee Valley Featured In Clements Library Lovers of history are urged to visit the Clements Library this week dur- ing theial e as of the exhibitin Years-1763-1813.'' The collection of old maps and documents was put on display fol- lowing the Maumee Valley Interna- tional Historical Convention. For centuries an important con- necting link between the St. Law- rence and the Missi...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

… Weather Snow and colder. Y G Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication ~~Iaitpj Editorial For Dr. Rutliven And The Regents , VOL. LI. No. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Britain Is Called 'Good Loan Risk' By U.S._Official Addresses Bankers Jesse Jones Backs Credit To 'Bankrupt' England; New Envoy Is Sent Here House Of Commons Hears Plea For Aid WASHINGTON, Dec. 4-()-Spec- ulation on the possibili...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…"_______-I-___ T-H E 1 HIGAN- DAttY T aSf IFC To Hold Holiday Party For Children University Tumbling Club Will Appear; Magician To Give Special Show With plans for the third annual Christmas Party held by Interfrater- nity Council for Ann Arbor school children already well under way, local business men have assured Council members of support of the project. When the.doors of Hill Auditorium open to the kids at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, more th...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

… !JcR I I Iki PGEtU % . .......... . ....... . .. ... .. ... . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . lagers Prepare For Saturday's Opener Against Spartans Ito e don wirtehafter's I DAILY DOUBLE I H. G. Salsinger, the cigar-chewing sports editor of the Detroit News, came forth wit- the story yesterday that Michigan could have played in the Rose Bowl if the Board in Control of Physical Education had approv...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THE MTCHTG AN D ATLV THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 1 ai aJ 1 1 ,L <A .C}. 1 V Li 11 1,/ Li 1 L 1 TRE MICHIGAN DAILY I The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled t...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

… THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Coffin Capers' To Preview Union Opera New Songs Will Be Featured By Chandler Pinney; Bill Sawyer And Orchestra To Furnish Music Chan Pinney, '41E, star of the 1941 Union Opera, will be featured at "Coffin Capers," the annual Congres- sional Fling, to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., tomorrow in the ballroom of the Union. Pinney, previewing two of the songs from "Take A Number", will sing "Your...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…T HE Mltcfll4XSN ]iAILY TF~t" 1? 'e S C5 ; 940 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN M WIN (Continued from Page 4) at the Hospital or the Business Of- fice of the University, o the Campus. Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, December 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA: Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Counsellor to Foreign Students, J. R. Nelson. Report of ...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

… _ _ __--_ __T Evfl I G AN.TYAIY Sink Reveals May Festival Plans Started Eugene Ormandy Conducts Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra Here May 7 Elaborate plans are being made for the Forty-Eighth Annual May Fes- tival which will consist of six co- certs in a period of four days with world-famous artists scheduled to ap- pea' accompanied by the Philadel- phi, Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Charls A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society, anno...…

December 05, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MTCTI aAN rbWTT'v TRUSDAY, DECE&XER 5rh1IVA ,._ _ v . _ , _.. , _, _.. _.._ .. ... .., .. "WP Students From 32 Fore And 48 States Enrolled ign Nations ' Students residing in the state of Mich.gan constitute more than 50 percent of the tctal University en- rollment of 11.973 which represents 32 foreign nations, four dependen- cies, the 48 states and the District of Columbia. According to a report received yesterday from ...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

… Weather Fair and Warmer. LY Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication 4:IaiIt Editorial 1t', Tille Tlo Stop witch Hunting VOL. LI. No. 58 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS Greek s Force Italians From Maj or Bases Galens Crippled Children Drive Begins Today Honor Society Will Sell Tags In Traditional CharityEffort Medical Group Members Will Be At Important City And Campus Points ...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THIE MICHIG~AN> DAILY FRIDAY, fDECEMfi 6. 1940 _ I -- - - -- --' .- .aarar L/i VaiaiY/a. a V) 1 1ZV Hopwood Rules Are Announced For Freshmen Bader, Bredvold, Robbins Are Appointed To Judge Entries Of Contestants Regulations governing the 1940-41 Hopwood Contest for Freshmen in the fields of essay, prose fiction, and poetry writing were annunced. In each of these fields, three prizes of $50, $30, and $20 are offered. Any freshman regularly...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

… '1 CIE MICHIGAN DAILY rAcr 1,-tfPFF THE..MIC.I.AN...AILY............. Debate Squad To Enter Meet i t Engineers 'Spoofuncup To fleA warded ThesdCay 1 The Men's Varsity Debat squadl will participate in the second West- ern Conference debate in two days when Arthur L. Biggins, '41, and John T~~iiv~t~n 'Al m n i n - - T-,- Union on the non-decision debate question, "Resolved: That the Pow- ers of the Federal Government should be Decreas...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…TRE -MI- UGAN D.AiILAY 'JWJDAV, DECENME, R G, 1,940 . _ . t _ . , ,.,.... a ,~ ., ~ ~,.,t~ ~TfIE -~MT1AIIGAN DAILY ~z DECEMRR~ 8, 1940 Wolverine Hockey, Cage Teams Play At Home Tomorrow .e don wirtehafter's DAILY DOUBLE 4 rI Nano One Grand Gang BENNIE OOSTERBAAN shouted some advice to his cagers and then leaned back on the bench to relax. "You know." he said, "it's a funny thing, but I can sit here just two days before the basket...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

…6, 1940 .-mE MIOH-IUA-N DAILY PAGE FM Sports Department Picks Fraternity Hampered By Injury Speedba il, Dorm Football All-Stars With everybody from Grantland Johnny Paup of Acacia, and Tom ton McNicholas, Chicago House's ath-> Ri -M T s D ksTh c ickin A hio Alls .}Tom5. AAU To View 'Harmon Case' A t Contenu. Pittsburgh Pirates Hand aier Outright Release The -Pitijigh Pi e i-i ti -iero, His5brother, a sad but necessary duty' and rlelase...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…IHIE FRirA. , tlEt 34i ;lf (r, i!) iii 'THE MICHIGA NIiA ILY FRIflAY, DECEMREU 6, 1910 t Prop Man's Worries Include Racing Forms, Bust Of Hitler "Finding racing forms in this state described the trouble he had in find- was bad enough, but when it came ing racing forms, since their sale is to digging up a bust of Hitler, I was illegal in Michigan. "For pictures really' stuck," complained William of horses, we were forced to cut illus- Kinze...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

… IHE MI AN DIt PAGE SEVEN . _ w _ . V _ _ _.... . __ m m ®ml r m __ I% THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~- _ ..... Putting Their Heads Together Letters To The Editor Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan inder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the ithiversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclus...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 8

…THE MICfHIGAN DAILY FRID~AY, DECEMBER, 6, 1940 5orority Greek Letter World To Give' Annual Affair Sweetheart Waltz, Al Kavelin To Be Features Of Imaginary Roof Garden Ball At League With neon lights and twinkling stars glimmering in the distance, the annual Panhellenic Ball will be held on the imaginary roof garden of a New York hotel, from 9 p.m. to 1 a~m. tonight in the League. General chairman Barbara Mac- Laughlin, '43, will be accompan...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 9

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY A T H E M I C I G A NPAAEY NIN E Ghostly Fearful Dance To Be Given By Congress Grim Strains Of Bill Sawyer's Mournful Music Will Be Heard Over Station WJR At Midnight The grim and ghostly gathering of the gloomy tribe of galloping ghouls will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the ballroom of the Union, under the auspices of Congress, and for the general consternation and discomfort of the ghastly guests. Bill Sawyer...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 10

…v PAGE TEN :fit :t I I C H I C N : t L N rhil-)A t, iri.% l;lII-, i r; c;. 14tu V I C, 'it U R I& \ r 'N/ TRADED TO DODGERS -- Catcher Mickey Owen (above) was traded by the St. Louis Cardinals to the Brooklyn Dodgers for Gus Mancuso, a catcher, and John Pin- tar, a rookie pitcher, plus cash. GIANT AIRLINER CRASHES NEAR CHICAGO AIRPORT - Here is a view of the shattered wreckage of a United Air Lines transport plane which crash...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 12

…TWO THE,MICHIGAN DAILY tAWAI, bEcEvtBER o, 1940 TWO fRJ.DAi~, LIECEMBk.R 6, 1940 \' \' r .C I LOOKING GLASS- t AJJle k0 U~ Y/i Gifts meticulously selected are found at the Polhemus hat shop on the corner of State' and William. Everything so carefully chosen that whatever you select will be right. Many handsome bags, unusual cos- tume jewelry from 1.00, Lark- wood hosiery from 69c, and colorful linen hankies from 25c. Don't forget, too...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 13

… 0 ~D'4Z, DC~~ER~ 194O~ THE W Ta'i114 N i~ TI ~ = ~. .U~ -~YZ -~ ~ ~ ~ .fU~ .L'I A..7 ~C'~& I. L..~ ~b. lp"4d--Ir il*-ZMVV C t.h..AM 2-"L,7 t& 1W, 1-31 :M X 1- Y AT4~ ~Z~h R New Fur AppointmentsAre Continually Produced Leopard Trim For Sport, Dress Wear Is New Ermine Popular For Formals And Wraps; Fur-Lined Jackets Are Practical For Winter Sports By JEANNE CORDELL Just when it seems almost impossi- ble that there could be any more in- ...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 14

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1940 The Men Tell Us Off They Don't Want Ties For Chr istmas Type The Man, And Choose Gifts To Fit The Kernel From Kentucky Attempts To Reform Feminine Tastes; Hasn't Much Hope By MINT-JULEP HAUFLER I feel like I am fighting against a tremendous current. When I think of all the bilious green and bloody crimson and botchy-spotted ties that women have hung on my side of the sex fence, I do...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 15

… FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 THE MICHIGAN D ATLY rAGF M-177 T H E M 1 1 } L'1A1. fL ' 11. . ;y x t', 1Li a' Expectations Of Dancing Vacation Evenings Puts Formal Gowns And Wraps In Limelight; Gown Choice Is Dependent Upon Functions By JEAN GILMERM In selecting a formal, you must first consider when and where you will wear your new dress. Naturally, your choice will depend on whether you are going to a country club dance, to dinner and the ...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 16

…ATHE dl H r -it 1 AII FR~i~Y LCL"L~R~3.1"45 Give Her A Gift To Relax In; Warm Pajamas Will Do Trick Lace Insets And Round Collars Add Delicacy to Old-Fashioned Gowns With Gathered Sleeves By DOLLY HAAS The one time a year that sympathy from even the most unsympathetic parents can be aroused is at Christ- mas time. When the weary student goes home with baggy eyes and dragging step and the merry bells are ringing out glad tidings of Yule- t...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 17

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 4-,.' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN .-I Acceptable Gift Suggestions For Women Are Discussed New Jewelry Takes Account Of Personality Perfumes, Compacts, Purses Are Welcome Accessories; Gloves Are Better Than Mittens By DOROTHY BRIDGEN It's just about time- for the peren- nial question of "what shall I give her' to pop into the minds of most men, and so this column is dedicated, full of ideas; to the be...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 18

…PAGE TWO THE AMICITIGAN DATLY F IA , DEMMffER 8. MID I _ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ____ _ __ ___ _____ ___ __ ___ ___ __ -~~- -- - --- -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iI A Merry Christmas To Her *.. V I r - . ., ;. ;, >a _C . ; , l-f ' {t ; ; \ ry. ., . iY .4... } y ,.... S h.:.' t WITH H LOVELY GIFT FROM g ; ; ; , , e't <F s, . , Jaco" :2 l' n £ / ' y \ ' t>': , ; 4 \ b t : \ ; e." : ~: x ?> :; :. _ ,-..; e k M ' i S" $ . tip. . . h X t l ti...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 19

… Fhr AZ 3CEMffI& 8. 1949 RipF Ti I nti!A Ti -ii t-t -- -....... -_. -.... - VA- as aL t LN tlfl IjI , . - 'w ,, v . , F., t _____ , _ . _.. ~ . _ _ , SECTION 1 C N FOR ON ,J/ ti } - }}. D-V I , 1, L HE'S A PRINCE OF A FELLOW . . . and he deserves the finest gift you can buy. Whether you are looking for a gift for Dad, Brother, or that certain Man in your life, you are sure to find just the right thing for him in Ann Arbor. T...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 20

…PAGt TWO I~tEM1CLJiANDAILY_ F'RMbAY, flECEMBfEAR 6, 1940 h Basic Styles Remain; Accessories, Trims Differ For Winter Hats Indicate Most Radical StyleChange Swing To Off-The-Face Wear Is Noted Especially In Eastern Colleges By WILLIAM NEWTON With winter-the season when men's clothes are at their stylish best -well underway, the attention of the university man is focussed more than ever on the question of what to buy and where to ...…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 21

… FRiD/tY, lECTMTR C, 15,W~ THE MICiIGAN DAILY Men's Formal Attire Exhibits Trend Towards Comfort _.4 . Garters And Suspenders Offer Variety Of Selection This Year By DAVE LACHENBRUCH About the only thing that we can1 truly say they're wearing in garters this season is men's legs. (Joe Miller, 1896.) The same thing goes (but'not too literally) for suspenders; because there is such variety in these articles; -especially this year....…

December 06, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 58) • Page Image 22

…p. -r.- r i'AGE rubpt - .T . '. y tip. . f :.N. = , 1 .'C ; . T I .Y t r: E F;R s is a .,..._____________ ,._____________________________________________-_.......«.......... '1 U ZJA "."_' .K I1-V .lU.-A . Y111.... .f!7][ l°L7 2,.ja. &- A qLI ITA X44LW V AOMV 40 Wardrobe Bag Held Essential ForCollegian There's one piece of men's luggage that should be a pre-requisite to en- rolling in college. That's the wardrobe suitcase. It comes in ev...…

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