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December 01, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

….. _ _ . J:- - Y) rY' v MyU ,. 0r M' N )0, C 0 0 ri z C z) C) C- r r 0c x a) r-,h C) CD C O T1 CD Irv ~ _ , . r, :/' J. :/. f. , r / r 1. ^^' .--" --- / .--s I , . , ' .S' ^, ^' '-" _. - tar -' ir r, ._ r .l n :.. 1 -, .J ./ . r , . i -''" "'t r: r 1 . 'v h - v f a \ J' J .. .. JJK ' 'i ~ f . /: .. r 'J: ^ ... v -r i r r '' r; , h n '_' _ J' (' 7., rr r , '- ,Y ;r " . r; ': . " i r _ ^ _ tom - ^ J< ' ti ^^ . _. ._ . .- <n _. r " s : s ...…

December 02, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…__ ich i an_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, iiiiC ixi11CFR2, 191. XNo. g vol. XX 1. SECOND INVITATION INTENSIFIES CALL Minnesota Daily Joins Wi h Illini in Hoping for Adjustment NOTED GERMAN TOD~f COME FOR LECTIIRE e~i~t~lil ilisiiiilol ix- o~iil o il' Deutscher Verein Secures von nmlc L lceili le(il l Wolzogen for Speech on 'rn(-1 iOf telxi 0)11,CI5 li ilxix h STheaters 10foo hl l toom 111 xiii ~- 1'r1I IWILL APPEAR ON DECEMBER 19 unixioii o...…

December 03, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, N NI kO tNY,)I}CF I I' t,; oo." Vol. XX1. EASTERNER PUTS MICAIGAN FIRST, Philadelphian Gives Laurel tot. Wolverines in Discussion of National Honors TWO MICHIGAN MEN SELECTED If acri l ci 01thiett al ) t c dc ed 11 helit ll . o1I II' " i i s 'l lii fo t l i t tll f tl oltri i f hnNs til. t(1 N 1\' M itt i ii a h'gr ti ,1 i h_ NIlt d 'Stat 111 111 1i 1111~l t (1 11'l !!!C tot \Nre~ited \ ittt lr lt)l llfo thal I I ...…

December 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… N O * -A U *-oo 1 I C, w~ t 0,f, i 1FAV - C , 0= G 0 0 H O ,.. "r, -- :.J v -. .. f _ . .'. i ,«.,, , , v ,r .::f. L. 'ar '-r t:f -Z: 7;7 tr zt t. N r. C CL) ! - '_ ! _ r. M is '!: w - : ,_ _ . _ 4+ 'rig J" '^ J ,._., N " . .. r . .-+ /L/ ,f ^ .mil ^" r '-' 1. wL\\l a . ..~ ._ L J N y a of r .:f y v[, c -Z .. i r f d L z 0!Cr Ud CO C bae - NOU- w~- 4 I - - -. 4 ) ^ . 4 . v I ^ }' .. )a _ c0 cr. =' y r G - . :-- , f, , _ _ ...…

December 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… r ,; T '_T I c :, E6-4 Con I 1 i i I I C) L o C~ -o - c o 0 O0 to y 0 a a. w w w +.' f .. .., + ...+ i, ,. - f e r; , = c .;; ,,; J .,. . i- J r rl; A-+ .. J _ .T ...+ d Y . .-. f, f ,, '' A Q O w 2 h x w a O 4) 4) r *41 {r\ V t) 4e f J P L14 (-), ii y k l e O0 0n t7 0 (12 0 0 c/) 7 7 0s H O h d :;0 .r0 _.0 0 0 'a 0 i Q0 4)Q4Q s 00 AnUV Ep LLLJ 0 0 0 0 LO 0 a 0o-- 0. …

December 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 't' I\ I :)\I S I) ' )1;C(1 \IFI;If 7,I1910. I LLIN OLS R EGRETS IR? I.F1 LOSING 13IG AMES \ l ita otse i lcfeha 1 l trle alm lfre'shmitan sped a "H-ave Never Had a Fairer Foe" Says '"[he [Daily Illini'' 11S l lt~l()l. Itt tet i lhe ; th' i l ini Editorial ,tt~ai1 lii nnStIni f te eeninttg -II o 1(ig- tte titiacu tm, the vicen r i - - dents of the t tto unde rclasses le,-.1 ili' itetidmach. thin 'e irthe Itonni' falls RIV...…

December 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

… h. C.#M Mon CJ L cc C) E-+ W2 C- r' W2 0.' O 1 I "y r £. _ 777{ ',, ', ', ,, , I ! i 'l. _ 'l. 'I: f 'f; f "1: v _ i i , _. ^ .f E- 07 -) .w ,_ = i ,C;f. 043 L . y ;. _. L C,) ' 9 S LU 0 o 0 0 - 0 -k H® ME~l 1 C-) r 2 Wl . fr A H C-) W x W 22 L a 4) 0 4) 0 (I) L 4) No E 4) E 0 *~ L ~ -4) 0 I- .2' z El ii w H0 ; yti / I.-.+ N M i _ t - 0"- s-, C/3 E CO 0n 0 cz .0 Li. 00 43. _ .® 2 s t3 - 0 0 0 0 0+- .0 0 H H W 0 x 0 0 …

December 09, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN AR-BOR, MICHlIGAN, j DhF)11.1IA E ,igBio 110N Vol. XXI. No. ;O) CONF ERENCE WANTS MICHIGAN'S RETURN Maroon Paper Satisfied W'ith Rulings of Last Week's Meeting MINNESOTA WILL ALSO ABIDE Thast the recet acIttiotoftile Whhcli ('iCoeecetha1s0hieiniaiccepted a toSis- s theo uiitis expressedct icltoiatlls its a1reent1 s nl oftc 1the Oatishiaro.T c'I wodtot say contcerintg hlicit iii lationsi tote Cootercc, cspecial lya Itl miakos lt...…

December 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XXI. ~~~~ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, kLl)YIikCli-s Vol. XXI. ATHLETIC BOYCOTT "2K'AT$21 >22 KF2W1115.FRESH-AI R CRUSADE MAY GROW IN WEST ! )a .Clirc Usnjlrkjt 5ed RECEIVES SUPPORT! ]I-.,ofthecauithedaofil Svi lle, iic i-ste it Attitude of Conference Likey,oly v. The Chaptertc here etot it toiiAnti-Tuberculosis Association to Effect Others Seeking flttll- osteeed'It t oo iirl:iscas of Will Wage Sanitation War wt rears to (t 1l1(1aidiand N itsli...…

December 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Aol. NN1. ~ANN ARBOR, 1UC]IIIGAN, -I(\ix A).0Vl.xxS51B Vol. XXI. BIG EIGHT CAUSES ' 15 fI<'''' SCENERY IS HERE A ilA I I- -.11,1 RS AfNI t.} L' F; "I . GOPHEROU-BREK' Believes That Training Table, will Induse Michigan to Return PROTESTS B~Y ',ASS iIEETINGSr InASa ITITTnax 1A r-. T-4 V-o it 1ii l i li s m rc I h rsl I -a h -it'1SClhe has dCI1oxx OrilixIthat Electrical Effects Arrive Too, xx x i- (s xxxI xixims1.l ielhlsxhurt With (ostum...…

December 13, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…T he Michig____ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I UISD 1) ,.llMI1iI .3, 1910o. No. i. Vol xxi. TWO IYICH~IGAN MEN ; K. l1 ILAVR S ll 1 A SPIRING ACTORS ON AI-AMERICAN eaeirtsl~ttit)1 irtt e lthe\t TO TRY -OUT SOON coltes i th el. Tie latteris '1arelC- Walter Camp Honors Benbrook I>>all tin ralryevent t1101 the winniler is Comedy Club will Hold Trials reseildedl ly tle lprivileget if represent- and Wells with Places on 11Micixigitit in lie staite ipeac...…

December 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

… 0 * -.. * - 7 con E""' __ w -++cI CW O c ~a bt4 : lr f C c/ ,, _ --C v 41 J hr f V i. , ,f f ^f ... v - ' nl 'f f: i ^ .., r. f :' :, r J i .f i r, _ i f. f' . y . i ~ ... . ... n .... 1; ,'" .^ , w r, '- :;; f f ., J ,, vr, 'f. 'f; I _ ' f f i f.+vt 1 ' ' f r. n T -.. . . ^ i ".Y. ts. ,! ' n J v fl w v ' ' r-. . _.. '-'- j .. ... _ ... -'r . Y- .y.. .. -- t 'r. '.T. ~ J '1 Y './: N y ;.. ,r i-= V (, J ... J J -f , .+ r . _ _ ...…

December 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, IMICIJIGAN, .I- (Nil ).NY, (((l IN Chm Nra. (6. V'n.) ,XXVI. PHENOLYENAL SUCCESS FOR CR1 CESTRESAGED Wonderful Songs and Magnificent Acting Set Staid First-Nighters Wild----Ensemble Work Especially Excellent "I'M GRAlTIFIED,"---DIRECTFOR ST. JOHN \I(,I~k' ti, ;}1 rc h of Imell nI thclN (lii....i l cc L 1a i I~u1 C'~ i , , "-Is ) s a c iiy . .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... M a 'i i ii Ii C ,rnm~i(le!Vivks. tlurtcd n Pais, lio ad()...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vo. i] A N RB R Mi c i NnFiIiAY I :F"81 8Xx.(i V -d, xxL ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, FI l D:AY I)I ;C'Ia;. II31?h to, jcpo. :\ . 62. MYSTERY SHROUDS EASTERN TRAVELS Director Bartelme Silent to Possible Results of Jnnket as SEEMS PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK iil ull i ,~r iiitltiiil i 11 < ii lllt )r ii l \"li t i i t "vl1 te111ar; ) te Ai l 11tc [ig 'tht A t °c 1 1 eU cr c lo isitt I'II)NN liii's 01,li1,x1) (ix ci)x IN NSxONCi NI iN. vaiou ilK Ill...…

December 17, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Vi X i.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.\' 'l' f) \ 1', 1 IS , 'l tt t Fr. N.o., vol. XXI. THINKS ICIGfAN JOl'Oif lip'S 1MUST EL1ECT T flhl NO 1Tllrzfl1Uf11Sr,'r.'1:I:i< W7ILLI./I I T RETU hit4'lldeft oilrhperseltt\. Director Bartelme Can See No Itoter ' t'l tenoon, rfe tott 11 O.e Possi bility of Reentrv Into itftt ipt\lIlregac1 t oc'c' l tY te junitortlit clasto fittllthe office. Conference "I heel'surethat there «will h 1lw n ____\_n__letin, till P...…

December 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…Vol1.Nxl. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8181)8, 01 1 ItH Nf , 10)10. No.t(l. A RECORD BREAKER r l,i~t he1'. 0100 toot SJo t wooo a PLANS FOR PEACE hlt l a'agin o1;. W ILL SPEAK HERE Audience at Final Production i,101 1,1l 0 0011'Ol Orators Await the Competition ' .. 1 1 1 00114 , , av Baron Ludwig von Wozogen to of Opera Reaches Limit of 180''))0110 '100000, a010 1 , UI ot t> Which Decides Varsity's ,)il ,0, iiiihrcirv o h Address Deutscher Verein Enth...…

December 20, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Vl I.ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, NIlh AD1171\lIMId 1' 0, 1010. Cii Vol. XXI. MAGAZINE PRAISES o ,l tI l k1lCl\I (-1II THREE WOLVERIiNES 1111 11 111111trip ate11uivalnt1t Outlook Praises Benbrook,Wells 2ldets wes o 1111 ri. ol- and Magidsohn on Football ee(<tswl rtof l11011 fare11 Fl onor oll 'hii faculties of d1ic various 11' lot- 010012 are.c tiililtg 2stu1ents 1to 1ea1e tonit 11 in ordcto tal111 1 it011(o NOTED COACHES MAKE CHOICE 111020rtes 041...…

December 21, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…heNi chi g a_ ily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WE1 D'.OESIAY, 1lDi I I>tivRiK21, f1)10 No. 60't Voli. XXI. RETURN TO "BI EIGHT" NOT CONSIDERED llERE~ New Board in Control Does Not Deem it Important Enough Even for Vote at First Meeting Held Last Night EIGHT GAMES NOT IMPOSSIBLE FOR 1911 KIRK AIl1 A Nii AlDV I Si'S KILAUEA IS INTERESTING 111,P \ TOME 'IllREl). At tihe'chose of )kirk Alexander' t"a lk Professor Bryan D~escribes Hawaiian befort he un...…

December 01, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…higan Jai T ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911. YOUNGSTERS SHOW FRENCH EDUCATOR STATE GOVERNORS.SUPPORT YO NGSERS SHRENEWAL OF ATHLETIC TiE. --- - -I i Ai. STURDY PHYSIQUEj LECTURES TONIGHT Gpher overnor is ersto Conference, However. I 'I Dr. G. A. Mav Finds Entering Gustave Lanson, U To-ate (Special to The Michigan Daily.) Class Better Developed Professor, to Spoak on "The ; DETROIT, MICH., Nov. 30.-Govern- I han Last Y...…

December 02, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…C 1 rgan x1 1 *1 . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911 1,! Y. M. C. A. ruins. Hence- id ideas were opuiar Y. M. s transferred Vork. 'ganization is o that of thej o-educational A. is an't-co- 1 and women FCCd jllJ)A (VY VV :J)3ice ~ M~i II 4 /N,2EC l\ IS MOST PERFECT FRESHIA N. C. A. Berge Has Best Chart Among First Year Men Examined. Of the eight hundred freshmen re- cently examined by Dr. May, there is MINE NOT one...…

December 03, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…A" ic higan Daily [ A ANARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1911. on OKERSALL PICKS ALL-WESTERN MEN, ichigan Represented on First Eleven by Conklin, Wells and I horn pson1 S ELECTS ANOTHER REFERENDU 0fl( ALL-WESTERN TEAM Detroit News Places Conklin and Wells Only on Chosen Eleven. ~IIIEE(YHES ECiV M4T0N the musical K about th journey, in- fg (The D)aily assumes no responsibility for sentiments expressed in common- Iications.) Editor,...…

December 05, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…1 chigan Dai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1911. BIG -SEAT SALE BEGINS PRACTICE NEXT WEEK. MAROONS FAVOR MICHIGAN 'or Slips at Union Yes. neral Sale Dec. 11. Rifle Club Secures Target Range And New Equipment. Regular practice of the Rifle Club will begin the latter part of next week. The club has again secured the target range at McMillan hall, upon which im- portant improvements are now being 'r _ . ecember no sig-. mer...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ivucnigan vauy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. CALL NEW PLAY CHOSEN MOEHLMAN RESIGNS ear W iill be'__ . -...__. _..,.. . r the Varsity BY COMEDY CLUB HIS MANAGERSHIP a. meeting of this evening On e, termancho'mistres," by Sir ecent Illness Compels him to Athletic as- Arthur Pinero will be Give up Interscholastic words to theia n r f AND THEN THE HAT CAME BACK. Tom's Helmet, Missing for Three Weeks, Now in Proper Pae ...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ligan Daily 3IGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. OF CIXRS', "THE PIPER" PROVES Pu11 BY . At caidy raffles are held to as ever by Prosecuting At- ge Burke. A cigar store vas given his choice yes- ing of appearing in court the raffle. ie gave it up. air to the regular candy ermit these raffles to be ed the prosecutor. "It notj >wn the legitimate candy ; forces people who don't . raffles to engage in the order to hold their trade.j as ove...…

December 08, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

… tviicnigan 01 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911. SALE TODAY, Announces a Re- at Sale For Cho- dI members. GE OPENS 10- DIAY. rst served" will be the ay at the membership r "The Awakened Ra- begins at the Whitney ce at 1:30 this after-I CAMP'S SELECTION PARTIAL TO EAST Wetls Michigan's Representa- tive e on Gridiron Critic' s Third Combination} WPALTER, JR., ON SECOND ELEVEN. Evidently the "Dean of American Football," Walter Cam...…

December 09, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Mfgan Daily[ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911. D~OWN BIG Gi4DE~ 4GS FLOCK TO GET SEATS -up" on the Pennsy game >t been previously reported at to light last night when ge of Ashley Hudnut, 14 E, nice Marble, of Big Rapids,1 rovember 8, was announced. 'le came here as nnudnut's the game and, immediately1 ontest, the couple boarded etroit where they were mar- s a brother of Joseph Hud- brettist of "The Awakened He will return ...…

December 10, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…1 1ichigan Daily T; ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1911. I s - . jy1. W. C. A. BAZAAR IS OVER; WAS A FINANCIAL S1AVESS,. consequent, in ne would have .1 young," said y in an inter- an composers! shamed. Their dard, and offer or the singer. nericans, and iselves, do not compositions, of the artist his programj urage our na- v to the world -le song writ- The third day of the Y. W. C. A. ba- zaar concludes what has been a no...…

December 12, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…ichigan Daily I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. WE WAITING. to een today-but then a consistent enemy s Directory. A 1911 riginal aim, purpose! ks have passed and and what was once a deep set ideal, ev- before the horizon ublishers. But the stood still, even if MAY BE TRIP TO FIX SCHEDULES Director Bartelme's Jaunt East Is Probably to Arrange Athletic Dates FOUND CAMPUS SUFFRAGE CLUB Western Suffragette's Speech Insp...…

December 13, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily .A L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911. ELECTS t MEMBERS. al Honor Society abershin For Lo- I Chapter. mega Alpha, the national fraternity, has elected the seniors to membership: Bolender, Sparta. Chadwick, Taunton, Mass., Lewis Grandy, Ocean View, JIMMY DISCUSSES CHORUS GIRLS * * After His Experience Along That Line He Decides He Laeks the Proper Tent. perament and Gives it Up. * * "No more chorus dolls...…

December 14, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…1 IGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911. OF ',',' DEAN SHOWS CRANE'S ERRORS. Beni I by rein 'ACTTLTY TO DIRECT. Speaks to Freshmen on Chicago's Col- lege Critic. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley addressed the freshman engineers yesterday morning at their weekly assembly, on ? R. T. Crane's pamphlet, "The Futility of the Technical Schools." Prof. Cool- ey pointed out the fact that the editor of the pamphlet was a college man and was being paid'a hi...…

December 15, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…1 'V11C Irgan Dat Y .ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911. I YMCIA.OFFIIAL Y.M.C.A.OFFICIALS TO BREAK SILENCE PRESIDENTS PLAN TO WORK TOGETHER "IN THE LAND OF HARMONY" NEW ARRIVALS GET BUMPED. They Can't Always Believe Their Eyes, And Complications Result Behind the Scenes. Ti Attitude Towards Union And City Pastors Will Be Declaredj PASTORS PROBABLY COMPROMISE IThe long continued silence that thej Y. M. C. A. has maintai...…

December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…TURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911. DINERS LITTLE DISTURBED BY FIREMAN'S WARNING. NATURE I "Your house is on fire," announceda a fierce visaged fireman, who entered the dining room of1 the Lexicon club at 621 South State street during the din- ner hour last night. "Is it?", cheerfully inquired one of the members. "Well, boys, let's go out and look at it." And the club adjourn-. ed to the street where they watched the department extinguish a slight ...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…iigan ID GAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911. A |ARTISTS FOR' MAY COL FESTIVAL NAMED C DUE TO ALL;I higan Union opcr1i. last night when Ra- love and longing for auties of 4,000 years nal potioh of Isis and rgeous mummy case. on a scene of riotous ; and the finale was and again by the en- ce. numbers which have re again much in evi- given encore upon en- ned effect, scenically Alma Gluck, Gerville-Reache, and Thomas Orchestra Will take Part SE...…

December 19, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…1 C gan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911. ... 1 LTM AT "RAMESES" I AI TO APPEAR IN I)ETROlT. L 4 f fU VING'S DAUMGTERS PREPARE TO CHEER CHILD PATUI Will Petition Senate Council to Allowi Show to Make Trip--Matter A III. ij. f12to be Decided in Vacation. A petition signed by the most prom- inent members of the Detroit Alumni' he Students' Association asking that "The Awak- ened Rameses" be taken to the City ates of the...…

December 20, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…I1I iChigan 1 I of ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1911. i XMAS SPIRIT FILLS THE AIR "Progressive. Approach of the Day of Days Creates a Pleasant Sensation in the Minds iication" Hearts of Everyone. COMEDY CLUB'S SELECTION OF A PLAY IS MOST FORTUNATE. and !Cast Will Have Much Work to do, How- ever, Before the Production is In Shape. nsive outline of "The - Ann Arbor is lively-far more lively by Mr. F. G. Tompkins, than a...…

December 01, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…andf The d on Saturda Michigan Daily Local $2.00 Mlail $2.50 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIOAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1912 PRICE FIVE C . i t IN FOR WOLVERINE IN TO START THIS WEEK iance of College e Permanent and Plans Laid. DailiesI THE WEATHER MAN V HELD BY EDITORSI it Iichigan Needs West, and That West Needs 31febigan.; Forecast increasing perature. shifting to for Ann Arbor - Sunday, cloudiness and rising .tem- Moderate variable winds...…

December 03, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…he II Mic fgln Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMIER3, 1912. PRICEI FIVE CE i I- - 7 THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor- Tuesday, fair and colder;, brisk to high south- westerly winds shifting to the north-. west. University Observatory -- Monday,: 7:00 p. m., temperature 29.1; maxi-' muns temperature 24 hours preceding 53.2; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding 29.1; average wind velocity 18 mile...…

December 04, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…al $2.00 Mail $2.50 I The ichi . Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 -----,. XXIII, No. 55. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1912. PRICE FIV . ___. QUESTIN O T~TRAININGME INYAYSANYWA In Most of the Conference Schools the Members of the Various Teams Eat Together at, One Table. IWUMORED EVASIONS OF RULE HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVED Members of Teams Eating at Train. ug Tables Stand Entire Expense of Board. Different ways of meeting...…

December 05, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…00I $2.50 he M Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 I Wi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912. g PRICE FIVE CENTS b, r -r . , _.. ! , I THE 13WEATHIER MAN MICHIGAN'S TROUBLE WITH lADE FOR ECONTEST That This Number Will eased by Several -s Which Have en Delayed. 1) BROTHER OF R WINNER ENTERED iary Contests Will on Mednesdmy, Dec. 11. Be !r Forecast for Ann Arbor-*Thursday, cloudy and unsettled; no marked change in te...…

December 06, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…r1 The $2.50 Mi higan Daily Local $2.00 Mlail $2.50 ONION XIII, No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1912. PRICE ITVE C _. e 1 , NTS MAY i THE WEATHER MAN | A L' GET SUFFRAGE DILLPASSED empt Will be Made to Have Teas- lire Introduced in State Leg. islature During Coin- ing Winter. PRESENTATIVE MURPHY TO GIVE SUPPORT TO FRAMING. inittee for Drafting Will Meet Saturday; Kemp and Mac- Kaye Appointed. gitation fo...…

December 07, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00_ Mail $2.5+0I The Micl~gn Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 Vol. XXIII, No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER7 1912. PRICEFIVE CEN : I1 CONTROL PLANS IN CONFERENCE DIFFER WIDELY Investigations at Five Schools That Athletic Boards in "Big Nine" Are Not Uniform. Show FOUR HAVE STUDENTS ON ATHLETIC CONTROL BOARDS THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday, fair withv temperature decreasing to about 20; snow flu...…

December 08, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL , I This Edition prepared and printed on Saturday The Mich'i EDITION Dily Local $2.00 fLail $2.50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1912. Vol. XXIII, No. 59. PRICE FIVE CENTS _ i _ __ WILL ORGANIZE FOR NEW LAKE Plan Formulated to Have Union Spn- ser Organization for Pur pose of Encouraging Water Sports. AFFORDS ADEQUATE SPACE FOR CREW ACTIVITIES. E ,Vrts Say if Care is Taken to Re- moxe Weeds, Navi...…

December 10, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

… I Local $2.0 Mail $2.50 The Michigan Daily i Local $2.00 Ptail $2.30 R I 14 Vol. XXIII, No. 60. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1912. PRIOR FIYN _.._ ANNUAL REPORT .ON FINANCE IS MADE DYUNION 'Awakened Rameses" Proved Largest Money Maker of Year, Netting Organzation More i Than $2,000. TOTAL DEFICIT AMOUNTS TO $293 Management Hopes to Realize Neat Sum From Revenue Arising From New Dance Hall. Figures showing the finan...…

December 11, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…". , ,. ,. 3 ". ,_.r ._ Local $2.00 Lcl20 Mail 2.50flail $2.50 Vo.%II o LANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1912. PICE FIVE CENTS FOOTBALL MENT Under Rul ng of Attendance Committee in Law Department, Absences on Trips Count Against Players. MEN IN LAW DEPARTMENT FEEL RULE WORKS INJUSTICE Similar Absences are Excused by At- tendance Committees of Other Departments. Football men in the law department are somewhat dissatisfied with ...…

December 12, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…_A - s Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 The icigan Daily I Local $2.00 f'lal$2.50 In mmal Vol. XXIII, No. 62. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. PRICE FIVE GENTS t TEAM CAPTAIN WILL. LOSE AN HOUR'S CREDIT, "Bottles" Thompson Will be Affected by New Ruling of Law Depart- ment Attendance Committee. OTHER FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING CREDIT fn Other Departments Absences Athletic Trips are not Con- sidered as Regular. o...…

December 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 rI The A& dgvowft -d -Nook lFS f:hig all' ' ;,; e. Local $2.00 flail $2.50 o Vol. XXIII, No. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. PRICE FIVE CNTS MANY NEW MEN PRACTICE FOR TRACKSEASON Work in Waterman Gymnasium Has Begun in Earnest; Candidates Show Some Real Class. PROSPECTS ARE GOOD FOR DEVELOPING POLE-VAULTERS Trainer Farrell Is Working With Can- didates to Get Quartet for Eastern Relay. No t...…

December 14, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

… Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 I The Mw iga Daily Local $2.00 I fail $2.50 I Vol. XXIII, No. 64AANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS . .. # SCHEDULE FOR INDOOR TR ACKSANO CE IS ANNOUNCED First of the Indoor Events Will Occur oi the Evening of ashington's Birthday. TWO MEETS WITH EASTERN INSTITUTION ARE BOOKED. Judoor Track Work Expected to Take More Active Form After The Holidays. Michigan's indoor track sche...…

December 15, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…igan I U tD AY, DECEiMBlER 15, 1912. DEUTSCHER VEREIN UION HAS ANNOUNCES CAST Fifteen Tryouts are Selected by Man.- ; _genient~ for Characters i "Rail]R "Rail as thet ly prog noon.I of hisa his Phil( -Backingl I OF FICES I 1 ) eA PARTS TO1J the The list of those who the the cast: for "Koepnicke, ering Ann Arbor, for Sling of the rush of ho: students this week. holiday seekers leave railroads have a ner on their hands. To ,500~ peopl...…

December 17, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00 j Mail $2.50 The Michigan Vol. XXIII, No. f. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912. PRICE IVE CANT NEWPLAN FOR TRACK AWARDS IS PRESENTED Board of Directors Takes Favorable Action on Agitated Change in Old Method of Giving M's. TENNIS MEN WILL GET CAPS. Thomas Gilbert Appointed Interelass Basketball Manager; Starts Duties at Once. At a meeting of the board of direct- ors of the athletic association held last night, pre...…

December 18, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…$2.00 ail $2.30 T he : ' t' , ' iy t Ml ANN A-R t MIC NWA, D)CEMBER 18, 1912. ,xa D a ly T Iail $2.50 mw XXIII, No. 67. PRICE FIVE CENTS . . . . ........ ..... . .... .. _____ lION 1 _ I 10 COMMENCE 'ACTIVE WORK APPOI'I L I'. :, STU1DENTS .ARE SUSPEiNDEI I THE WEATHER MAN I F- ..:FOR' SUFFRAGE Campaign to be Instituted Through Agency of Committees Appointed in All Departments of the University.. FINAL PREPARATIONS WILL ...…

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