December 06, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 54) • Page Image 4
…THE U. OF M. DAILY.______ 17 CGENTS5N ' E" .OTY can't t Yaur TIL Get a TIIE a i iayAlready TILL)I. And atp tyis d.wllby ra(" 'All1the Ltt N VELI 1,S tintade up SCARFS,'teshwattn'tthe Outfitter's. *halfithoiettOt itteVaila marshmal lows iftpeeed ittwe teti itant 16th of Deci '11 tie c ift afttrd hat d (Inhant 5. c itMerphey.S C an e, one sctictale tctaini ha bt we ) EA fl mauA U eiltineg-iiocsiand that in otitle a 1 '40E~'j r ' hMATcilad ~ ""~~...…