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December 06, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.______ 17 CGENTS5N ' E" .OTY can't t Yaur TIL Get a TIIE a i iayAlready TILL)I. And atp tyis d.wllby ra(" 'All1the Ltt N VELI 1,S tintade up SCARFS,'teshwattn'tthe Outfitter's. *halfithoiettOt itteVaila marshmal lows iftpeeed ittwe teti itant 16th of Deci '11 tie c ift afttrd hat d (Inhant 5. c itMerphey.S C an e, one sctictale tctaini ha bt we ) EA fl mauA U eiltineg-iiocsiand that in otitle a 1 '40E~'j r ' hMATcilad ~ ""~~...…

December 07, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~ Aa c I 1 ad li 51thlate O~ I~lL a ad. Aiready TIED. SAlfnd a , acpofthis adNeill by sit aAlth Ltsty O'LiUE(i ad u XCEA FS a4re showt at the Outtitte rs lowas it reservelbetwete the ttth ad K16th of lkc, W c olfat bard.:ii ontnf upy A T 5 hataa~ onae sach sale to a v~ottet 6 Jhasttve SdarlaySi oar a f get new cuatomars lotrte m. Xrt &ihV abards. Roelaff's. Regular Price 25c.. UV li.A). l~ ..U.~5J Calkins' Pharmacy Or BOTfP...…

December 08, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ 177 s M In rit an dOF F ' 9 4 T ecks ai)d c a t f s I n o y of10 (0 thi d il buy one- half pound1 of our varn ia ,mash mal- loas it presetede~htwteon the 11th antIdECN l~3 AUDY E. ,ADCNIUN lil JI5 16th of Dec,)'9 (eVat a fford hat COM ECI NGA :0STRADC ,ADCNIUN IH AS one tuh sale to acustomer, but we aillitolstand thatiorderato________ ___ ___________ 3fretnew customerlstlatty them. j aua~Pn 5.EOTITR.,3 ,Calkins' Pha...…

December 09, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…Aod atcopysorthes of. wollbuyoe- Iholff pound of or vanilla marslitMal- tows if preetdbetween the 11th and 16th of Dec'., 193. We can't offord but one ouch oale to a custooter, hot we are wiliur- to stand that in ortder to I get new custooters to try them. Regular Price 25c. Calkins' Pharmacy THE U. OF M. DAILY. b2OFF 0o Allk4 a d chai til lcs, COMMENCING ArT 9:3 SATURDAY, DEC. g, ANI) CONTINUING EIGHT DAYS. AT THE OUTFITTERS, BOTPI3E W MATTE...…

December 11, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 17 GIE1T2.OF T I E S.AL E- And a copy -,of isad oill oy oe Ihal ounof oanllaars1h smal- 1l1ws 0i rseneldibtwnthei-oth attnd 16th of De. J, '9 can' affod btt C(OMMEINCING ATl9:30 SATURDAY, DEC, 9, AND CONTINUING EIGHlT DAP S, oonouhlto a cusootomeo, hot oe ore willng to stand that inorder to_________ ____ _____________ Regular Price 25e. --_ Calkins' Pharmacy i rAT THE OUTFITTESBO0WTDISII W MATTESON, 822So STAT"E.l MQOI~...…

December 12, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…____THE T7. I.DAILY. TOF F TIE SALE Awl a cpyo hs IIced Wilt l ty oIe- 16tot O)ect., '3:3We e't to buhtC()IIMNCSNG AT 9:30 SATURDAY, DEC. 9, ANt) CONTINU'ING EIGHT DAX 0, onsuch salt. to <,ctome'r, bot we gtne cutomers boty then~. Regular Price 25e. S Calkins' Pharmacy , ATTHEOUTITTRS BOWIDI8IIc MATTESOIN, 322., 3TATE.\ I~T0CI 1R.,.0 a NO. A6 DSOT H T ET MAIN STREET JVEO I~ w J ~ I ~,AND TAT ST., CORNER. OF ,WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of ...…

December 13, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 2oFTIFIA LE* hlt p)I of oua nil ta~hml lts caf caast(ad aetwe n t 1tant 7ibafl at I 9a We ca't aod but, CCOMMENCING AT 9:-~o SATUR DAN-, DEC. 9, AND CONTINU ING EIGH'T DAY S. one such saeto <icutomerhut we get now ustomersnttry then. Regular Price 25e. Ca.kinAT THE OUTFITTER, TIS LM TEO,3S.TA S ClisPharmacy TEOIII rMTEO1T 23.SAE as~so®. 0 2EO0TOIM & WW-2s/LEOIRE, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM...…

December 14, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.______ fFTIE SALE : tto p si othis ad. wil bytoy it'- 16otho e%, '9l he t aford th ut CO liNEN(JNG AT 9:30 S 111 IRDAV DtEC.9, AND CONTINU INGl EIGHT DAIS. ar illng to stand that in oider to________________ ________________ ge w et siustomersitolrythm Z Regular Price 25e. @ f ~T~TT ATaHEkUTITTRSO- ISHcMATTESON,323., STATE. Cakn'PharmacyATTtEOTTTRUL.LIL1 ivi TR:F ' E~r JV ®1 _p NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN S TR EE T Mo x7 W S E I E AND S...…

December 15, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…1. OF M. DAILY. thi hi tv Mitr.ttt InshaIb t ,orpac na fwdy t145 itbox tf i tas tor hitte i 2 u F TIE SALE Cttittl NI.ING A't')930 S'ItURDAX , DIGC. 9,AND CtONTNUING EtIHT DAN s, ~ \ AT T- UTITESEOIISI{ c MATTESON, 328S. STA.,TE. s sew _ j _Er'lNO. 6SOUTrH MAIN STREET _______________________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. ,1II 1 . JU .I which ate o011(,1Y atp icc tosit Jo hercs SHE HAN'is iF h ll= 7_ TT.OTT . .. ....…

December 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…______THE U. OF M.' _. lillJifor a as ies s e a s a, bo fyu lue aooil leso'oKodak. I h>ttb tyour place in a fem daysC) LE CIGAT93 SJ YThanking yooi for your many at To(0550' [oATsraTHE OUTFITTERS. 07 B SALE [TIODAV, DEC. 9, AND) CONTINING EIGHT flAVS. [P1311 L HMATTESON, 32 S, STATE. W-OQEjLE & : NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ______________________________________________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -drI TM $ QOO c toalia~g 1500Kb, A...…

December 18, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…0.i nthing ttwo, (llease ux 1ox1or yo1r fe cChoclnlesora, Kodak. 1: s1al11binatfyour'place in afew days to ,.et nalIox or (Agars for (him(. Thanking youlfor your mny last 34 So Sate(tCStreet. THE U. OF M. DAILY. \iI2 FFTIE SAL E- CO)MMENCING AT, 9:30 SATUEI)AV, IDEC. 9, ANID CONTINCTING EIGHTI DAVS. °J AT THE OUTFITTERS, LOTIPISI{L- MATTESON, 3283. STAT. JV\I-EOOIRoE & W7ErWJrAOI:J, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM....…

December 19, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. _____ tha tt~a htaad a t. ts so much1foratChistmsias present as aa box of your line Chocasatesara Kodak. S habeal, yourptace isa few-days CVM NIGAI :oSTL D ,DC ,A DCNICN IH AS to iet a box af Cigarsstor hm..M N I G A 0hAI1 DX TL N) OTNIGEOT Ae Tihakigyou for yourrsissy pastX ainsases, T am Ik2 Very respfly, T Q_-___T__OTFTTRBOTDIIH WMATTESON, 323, STATE.l 34 So. lStaite'Street.ATTH OJTFTTRS JN&EOOM8(& W-EJrmL1cxE, NO. 6 S...…

December 20, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…1HE T. 01F N -D AILY.7 s o c o hitasto ra.n a bokfgyr u Coolats ooyost Thakrg 1u or yu mn jps 14 So. StastreStreet. 1- O 0FF oiq All Shoes anjd ats5.- 1Fioe All Silk Umbrellas for Xmas frorm $3 to $5. At'the Outfitters, I3OWDISH & MATT " //rr 1 ! JVE:OI& WJ48z NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. "(o 1-11s4I TX Q larlasi'D Inlil;)I4s, Al.ILUSIS, 11181 ES±, Is(CIKS'A l)S, CAIiN I).blaS, ELca o d . 'J'J1J J. sshic...…

December 21, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…'."IiiT U. 0F V. DAILY. lctlltt fitct . - F oij fAllShoes aijfd ats, t e isis[ iny ogthattuuld plr o u sso lsl fr a litrioioo Is peeta brex of your t it hocolaiesra Kodak. = 0=P WOC)L7j T S- .1ssalleaon-soplarcin<, el ays I o net a boxof Cigars for it. Thanskinsg yon for your a n at Fioe All Silk Umbrellas for Xms rom n t$ o $5. Ikindi nes lssA he O tt t er , B WDa & M T T S N Viryropy,_____ j1 So. State Striet. EOOR & W W? cZ I , NO. 6 SOUT...…

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