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November 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…L j C . 4f RI.Mal, VOL. 1L-No. dS. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1891. PRiCE, THREE CENTS. The Choral Union. The Detroit Philharmonic Club miade their first appearance before a Chicago audience last eveining, i is the Auditoriiiu Recital Hall. For a couple of years past their reputa- tion as a remarkably fine quartet of striiig players has been rapidly ex- teniinig itself, yet it it is doubtful if aiiy of the auiesnce iua...…

November 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C %^ , ( " peple houl bethe aimn of every .1X of 1t~h college-bred man. What is to dis- tinguish a college man from a man Cw k ,Q. 5ae8. Published Daily (Sundays excepted)dungoineireuaininothsvy H ZT AN &Q.sae$t. the College t ear, by drn fifro dcto fntti eyt3L1 i11 THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION characteristic? True, some persons have reeeived for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second _____ with mseager...…

November 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 'TIERT WO SA.w. _ T2-3 rwo SAM:~tS- WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVAT'S, SIIRTS, AND GLOVES- [From the New York Furnisher 1 The lines collar of evening dress contisues the straight-isp effeet, She points at thegreeatest eminenee, where they asitt meet, and rising gradually freos the baek. The eeseat of esvening dress is of white tewn, one ineh swide, without stitehing or embroid- ery, or ay adveation of a lila chtaracetShot i...…

November 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. 'vWE ARE THE PEOPLE. -Aj ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Form "erly A iendingor Piano and Org-an Company. .New Woo erooois, - - - - - - - - - Corner oJ thin and Ll iui I yStreets. I sill "'Opein the B3all' by placintg a fine stock of Guitavs, anos~, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. F'indil Thizs wm s uMsmc s'romE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW tINE 0F5 - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. St ro ESTAB3LISHED l85t. COtICSE, onie year...…

November 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…?1je U. otT AT. Wai jj. VOL. II.-No. 37. UNI MUSIC AT THE U. OF M. The Advantages we Have and Those Which are to Come. The untiring zeal of Prof. Stanley and the enthusiasm of the Choral Union will begin to manfest them- selves next Friday evening with the Detroit Philharmonic Club concert. To say that our Choral Union this season will present the finest series of concerts evergiven in the state or any other western university, is but repeati...…

November 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…P T THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~J V . ofvwwv v. vv de nts is not as large as the University C. C " xr ? lofMichigan with 2,627, because the ______latter institution eets to add 274 abtished Deity (Sndays excepted) daring more meni to her numbers before the ~ ~ 1'As o,~&~s. the Clieve yeer, by end of the year. It may be that the HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION loose system of registration at Michii-Ihase received for the opeiig of college 20,000 ...…

November 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY TEr'I TWO SAMDSTHEX TWO SA.MS. NE f WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES! E D S [From the New York Furnisher.? 13 The tinen collir 01 evening diess continues the straight-up effect, th e oints at the greatest orisencecehere they almrost meet, and risingagradually from the baek. Trhe cravat of evetinig drecor is of white tests,ote inch wride, without stitehing or embtroid-, cry, erecty advention oa like charac...…

November 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. E WE ARE THE PEOPLE. K- ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,' Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - . - - - - - - - Corner of Mai n and Libeiry Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find I"zsE's MvrsU ffSToRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. StP( -A NEW LINE OF ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. yCOURSE, one year. Three full terms )PS...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…~I~ettI+Of , n. Wtail p. VOL. II.-No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1891. PmCE, THREE CENTS. The Mathematical Club. At the last meeting of the Mathe- matical Club, Dr. Markley presented a very interesting paper on Sir Wil- liam Hamilton's method of differen- tiation. After this followed a business meeting, the officers of the club being elected for the first semester. Mr. James W. Glover was chosen president ; Mr. Man ...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. o' serve to be severely censured for es- of h tbls.ig hispreednt.Th qtaihngothisr precdent.shuThe Pubised aiy (unay exeped)duinga auertonof asugbyemNshone the IColeve ysear, byp THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION should say that for lack of material HE1IIzilAI4 &- Qo., stats 8t., have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books. new and second band of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law aiid Medical Books,...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY__ THRE ITO SAMSid TE X'JVO SEWS0N1S, WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVAT.S, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES'N Wn"O 8 [From the New York Furnisher.i The lineee collar of evening dress continueet the straight-up effect, the points at the greatest eminence, wcheeshey almost meet, end riting greduetly teom the beet.NE N O The cravat of evening drets to of whtte tewn, one tech wide, withtut stitching or embroid-I ecy, or na dvention of aelite cha...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. <WE ARE THE PEOPLE." +i- ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, ,_ Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroos, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WWIL ASTONISH YOU. Find W7IsE-'s vMs'mic SToRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW LINE OY 'Strops, Razor; ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTAIILISHEI 1851. COURSE, one year. Three full...…

November 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Of AL A VOL. II.-No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1891. Practice Game. The U. of M. Co-ed. Communication. Th 'asiyelvn ra-Editors U. OF M. DAILY. OUR Tke 'Varsity eleven played a prac- The girl who goes to the Univer- 'do s s.ssden whose moriing tice game on Saturday afternoon, sity of Michigan to-day, just as when slunbers have given place to a six against sixteen picked players. The I entered there in 1872, finds h...…

November 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. of W. 'DaIL. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dornng the College yea, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbscriptio pice $2.5 per year, invariably an adasre Single copies 3 cots. On sale at Sueernan Sansd Pst Office news stod at 12 ocloc,noona. Sbcriptis may be lets at thr office ot the DottY, Oters Hose bisrk, at Sheehan's, at Soet's, or sits ay ot the Cosmnoicatoasshoboodi rebthe office by o'slct. m. i they ar...…

November 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY __ T HE~ TWO S-AMR1S_ T _I mlTWO S.AMS_ IN EW ft. ,;; -4 4 - . WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES.N W Y I 9 [From the New York Furnisher.] 1' The tieen colar o1 evening dress continues the straight-ttp effect, thicomets at the greatestNE z D _D 0 emiaeace, whete.thtey salmost meet, sod risitg gradually from the lark. The cravat of eveniog drett is of white lawntone scitch wide, twithout stitching or embroid...…

November 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r" WE ARE THEPOPLE4 x .ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, 9 Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. WresWarcoosss - . . - - - - Corner ofJlains and Librr/y 3reels. I will '"Open the Bill" by placiiig a fine stock of Guitars, 13istijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL_. ASTONISH YOU. Find " 7iizs=Y's HMvntc STORE, 25 South Poart Aventue, City. A NE5W stuNE OF ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTrABLISHED) 1851. 'Strops, COURISE, site year. 'three fut...…

November 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…j U. of , t . 1ail . VOL. II.-No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The Post-Graduate Law Course. In October, 1889, the Board of Regents passed a resolution confer- ring the degree of Master of Laws upon such persons, who were gradu- ates of this or other law schools, and who completed a special course of study required by the Law Facul- ty. In June, 1890, the Master's degree was accordingly confe...…

November 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ' ofPublished Daily (Sundays excepted) dunes the Colee)ear, by THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION WiE suggest that the burners in the back part of the room in the library building be lighted after half past ire p. n. It nakes it very sunconfortable to be obliged to crowd diretly under those usisally burning. IN foriier years it has been the custom among a certain class of st- dents to cut their initials, class year, or fr...…

November 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M._ DAILY THIE T~WO SA1VMS , I'TEETWOs.ALMSIN WIIAT Tt) WEAR IN COLLARS, CRA~VATS, SIIIRTS, AND GLOVES, E 1O S [From the New York Furnisher.] The lhoen cottar ot ev ening drescontnuesthe straight-top effect, the potnts at te greatretN W0eiecweete lotmet n iiggaulyfo h ak The cravat of eventng dreso to of wehite laser, one tech wide, tithout stitching or embroid-i tryT or any adtventiotn of a tike character that may be av'oided. The f...…

November 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. 4K WEAR-TE EPL'w,> ANARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, New Waici'osois, - - - Formerly Alimencinger Piano and Organ Company. Cre fhm adLbiySres I wiliopen the Ball" by placiing a fioe stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Wis m's Mtpmic STORE, 25 South Fourth A esi e, City.S C O L A NEW LINE OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED)185i. a~ r0('OI'RSE, one year. Three foill termis S r p3, required. Terms begini,...…

November 06, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…1J 1>1. of L. Wkilj. VOL. II.-No. 33. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1891. The U. of M. Appreciates Classical efforts succeeded in establishing a Comments of the Cornell Sun. Music, reputation which entitles it to a fore- --- - An AnAbr ewppno iR most position musically. The pro- tne r essoerilays It is desirable that the processes grammes which have been given by the'U. OF M. DA1.y, some days of liberal culture should be...…

November 06, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. * *f*.e et last year's, sim p ly b ecause to u r .,J 1. of eleven is playing better foot-ball , Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION W: beg to call the attention of the Cornell Sun to the fact, that, what- ever is said by correspondents of newspapers which have not the slightest connection with the Uni- versity of Michigan, is not necessa- rily authoritative, n...…

November 06, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF.M. DAILY THEr~ 'WO SAMS - HE TO SAMS N8 WHIAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVTlS, SHIRTS, AND) GLOVES- E [Fo h e okFrihr]The linen colar of evening dress esntinues the straighteup effect, the points st the geatest N W P A emsinence, wehere they slmsost went, aed rising gradually frete the leek. The ceavat of evening dress is of white lastn, see inch swide, withoutstiitching or embrsid- i ery, or any sdvention of it like character ststnay be...…

November 06, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE Ull OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. ~ ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Forerl Almeningr Panoand Organ Company. Ne Ivrr~,8 - - Foro -lyAln -ste in - - - Corner of Maini and Liberty Strets. I will '01pen the Ball" by placing a fine stock of GitarslBanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.I Fin(1 w I..s >'s 2kMxsc awOR , 2Sooth 5Fourth AvenueeC(ty Down to th ires oatison of Pateots, We are selling Nickel Plated Cente Dralt Latops at greatly Reld...…

November 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…tt Of A1. 1aip* VOL. II.-No. 82. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University Musical Society. Leland T. Powers. Let Not This Be Said of Michigan. OF YOUR At the last meeting of the Univer- Mr. Leland T. Powers has As t former rs, Columbia's OUR SOOIEY LA GE ity Musical Society, Directors Kel- achieved fame as an impersonator eleven is not receiving the proper sey, Beman, Stanley, de Pont, Dor- of cha...…

November 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…Vic. of -1Mf. TarpU. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dring he College )'ear, by THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.0 per year, invariably is dudasre isge oielo 3 cots. Osasle at enea nd ot 01fc ness stad at 12 o'clock, noo. Sbcriptions ety be lat tbe ottce ot the DAILY, Opera Hooe block, at Oeeanos, at Stofet, or with any o the editors. Cotmoonications houd, reach te office by o'clock. M. it they are to pper te sot day...…

November 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY THIE TWO SA .2k4S TE2E~ TWO SALMS NEw a onzms WHAT TO WEAtR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS AND GLOVES E [From the New York Furnisher)Telnnclaifeeigdescniustesrih-pefctepit ttegraeteiecweete lotmeadrsn rdal rmtebc.N W G O S The cravat of eentng dress is of whte lawn, one tch swide, sithot sttchtng or embroid- _- cry, or anoy dventtsn of a thke character that may be avotdd.ii. The fol-des shirt has a woie, plain bosomniteih swhih...…

November 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.: :-- ANN ARBOR. ORGAN COMPANY~ Forerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New JIyocemoiu, - - - - - - - - Corner of' lila/ct and liberty/ S/y-e/ls. I will "Open the Ball" by placinlg a litic stock of Guitails Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find M-U~'s~atS0c S m= N.5 Seath Fouarth Av enue,City. Oawing thaetExpiratinaof Patenta, We ane' wihag Nickel Plated (CanteDrOft5Laaps at areathlyIc~l...…

November 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…i$ tt. of Rn. Wailj. VOL. II.-No. 31. In Defense of Foot-Ball. The following is an article f the pen of W. T. Bull, Yale's f ous ex-full-back: Now that the foot-ball season fairly begun, the heart of man fond parent, whose boy is at col and who is trying for a place on 'Varsity eleven, is beating anxio as the question presents itself to disquieted mind, whether or no game offers such unusual risk life and limb as some people svont to declare...…

November 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. " o ,1y~ ~~{ on the increase. The victory over I J* Butler wasrnotan insignificant one. The Butler men knew how to play Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durin he College year, by good foot-ball, and they have been THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION trained by experienced players. But Michigan out-classed them, played Subscription price 82.50 per year, invariably better foot-ball as the score shows. in advance Single co...…

November 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 2 H T W A VC _T 3 T W A s N W A T T O W E A R IN C O L L A R S, C R A V A T S , S H IR T S , A N D G L O V E S . [From the New York Furnisher.] The lineencellar of evening dress coetinues the straight-ut effect, the points at the greatest emiaece, wherelthey abmot meet, aed rising gradually from the bart. The cravat of evening dress is of white lawn, one inch wide, without stitching or embroid- ery, tr any-adveetiof ea lihe ...…

November 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. ?KWE ARE THE- PEOPLE:" - ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formnerly Altmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroosos, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Miaiiencn Liberl ~S/reels. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Baianjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find xm vM vsamc SL R Eoc, 25 South Fourth AveaneCt. Owing to She Expiratioantof intents, We are selling Nielkel Plated Centre Dlraft Laimps at ...…

November 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of A. Wai p. VOL. II.-No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1591. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Death of Ex-Judge Marston. that no account of the score was The U. of M. r OF YOUR -:- - kept. Carpenter, Malley and Ae Ez-Judge Isaac Marston died Sun- dkdpth enerk.MTheyUndAmes Over 2,700 students-the largestOR SOCIETY BADGE day morning at his home in Westd the f wo, he iverset number in any American university WILL BE team, of Chicago...…

November 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY f. f . 1 r . Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price S2.5t per year, invariably in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at Sheernan s and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the office of the DALY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any of the editors. Communications should reach the offi...…

November 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAS AGENTS FOE ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and see uss. *The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B.-We still hsave a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. ADDl Arbor Ntaum Lafy, CO~ A.L. GEORGE L. MOORE, ( s+t+ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT ...…

November 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. |E WE ARE THE PEOPLE." - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,d Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroomis, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Mai and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. --AT- PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find o-rs aE 's M-s:tc SToR=, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at -g...…

November 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…Ije t>I. of A. Wahlp. VOL. I.-No. 29. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1891. MICHIGAN 42, BUTLER 6. The ball started in Michigan's The Indiana Champions Do Not possession, and was pushed towards leasure up to Michigan. Butler's 25 yard line by short rush- esg eleven, in Satnrday's. Crawford made the first touch- improvementdown in five minutes by a beautiful game, showed a vast ipoeet- - run of 25 yards around the righat in its ...…

November 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…'HE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V2.55 per year, invariably ie advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at Sneenan s and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any of the editors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'c...…

November 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. AGENTS FOE- -*6 YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. C~v Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and see us. -The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ann Arlio? Btain1Lglllily, CO0A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor tobe. WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR ...…

November 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. W WE ARE THE PEOPLE. * ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, For"E'rfy Ai mendinger Piano and Organ Company. New IWa-eroomos, - - - - - - Corner of Alain and Liberf Streets. I Will "Open the Ball" by placing a itie stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find TI=Tsrr's M-smc Srom=, 2s South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the d piration of oattt, We are seliag Nickel Plated Centre DrartnLampsat greatly Retiuced Pri...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…,; ._ s - v }_ --- 3 -' = VOL. I. No. 49. UNIT Ti{ PHILOSOPHY OF THE INFI- NITE. Garrett's Lecture Before the Hobart Guild Last Evening. St. Andrew's church was well l last evening to hear Rt. c.- Alexander C. Garrett, BishoP of Northern'Texas, deliver le first of the Baldwin Lectures for 1890--91, before the Hobart ptild- His subject was, "The l ly of the Infinite," the general ' S- subject of the course elg "The Philosophy of the in- Carnati...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFIM. DAILY. -~N( with such short notice. Not only 'ZC f " ' were the literary societies forced Published Daily (Sundays excepted~) durigtop pospone their meetings, the College year, by without notice, but many whto had THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION, secured tickets for one of two ____other excellent entertaitnments the :Aftor the T/a ksyiig recss the BD..+x', trill tooielihe reotaindr j the ycror 'Sallie evellittg were forced to...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY TWO DC 'Z AYS Q..JY'. ATHE TWO IAMS Commencing Tuesday Movning, until Wednesday Jvening, any HAT' in the House 41ty Isat, Take your choice. All1liats costing $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, and incli- ding the Fine English Shop lists, costing $4.00, for $1.85. Come early, take advantage of this special sale for Two Days Only, ATHE. TWO SAMS ft Ask to see the new line of Prince Albert Snits." L. BLITZ. Al'ie lal lll~ VOORHEIS & ITS 13ES...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE IT "r M AILYl THE NEW- CLOTHING HOUSE, Otm Ill, 13, 175 Woodward Avee, DetroitM CldesCLO'llRtNG H/ATS /AND &ARC: zri -Ltet NoveltioesArrivingDolyt NEW BOOK STORES, -- ' h .- a w1 6 South Main Street. 44 South State Street, .H^ T UNIV ERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S, 11. _'1011T= Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK Books, ALL MINDS,14 0 1 M A All 3ooks used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and IPadsIDraft- Is slioving the Largest Stock of Full Dress ...…

November 22, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Y wpppp, 0r". No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1890. PaE3CNS PRICE 3 CENTS. A61RITED CLASS ELECTION. Fourth ballot resulted: Plillips, 77 ; N, A- h aldWiu, 54; IPetherbridge.28; Waples, S~il~slooed resden of25 Middlekauflt. 14; 'aulu-u. 10; scat- 0rlor Law Class on the Fifth Ballot.trigI WI151Micigaui apparently divided here. 111 resideint leuri called liie some yelling. 'Mtichigan for Phillips,' l°0egn of the senior laos...…

November 22, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFAM. DAILY. C c -~ii 'tN( agers of the new daily have announcedS C. ^' that they propose to mount the hill of Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during success over the corpses of the DAILY, 7 TXT B001 the college Sear, by Chronicle-Argonaut, Castalian, Palla diunm, Oracle, Omega, Bulletin, etc, THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT A8SOCIATION. Whens we consider that every small STUI college ini the coantry putblishes several Seconid-hiand hooks S...…

November 22, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…_ ~THE U. OF 14 DAILY AT THE TWO SAM S E=R 77=1r - Uiver-Sity of Michigan Guitar. $1.O00buys a Fine BlIack Cheviot Suit. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin annl Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin St ri g, $I3i. <50 =a ine loul.le Breastedl Blak (hesiot Sut. L. 11. eythiALLinportin. ~ ui~i u ~BUY THE NEW SILK HAT, TBRAJE A'T KNOX'S, BROWN'S DRUG.I STORE AT ~CORNER MAIN AND UON STREETS. A T H1E1 1 ...…

November 22, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…r IT r)7 flM TD)AIL- T I N GH11 1,15 Woodward AvenueDetrot, K ho CidrnCLOTH ~j9AfI- ND j#S "M t o o J s R~~ v n D it.NE W B O O K S T O R E S , c/D w' B South Main1 Street. 44 Soui State Street,WI D UNIVERISITY TEXT-BOOK1~S, Medical Books, Law Books, 111A K BOOKS, ALL KINDS, AA A - 01 Alljiooks Ouse1 in City Schools. Stdents Note lBooks matnd1fads Draft- Is showsing theLtrIc0 t wlo( l; of I ill Dress:qinting--sin theminrket. Complete Line of S...…

November 21, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…'. r y* L_ F-= I' \ r 1 " -_ - DT01. I. No. 47. UNIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1590. PRICE 3 CENTS. POSTPON ED. Villiers' Lecture Will not be Deliv- ered To-Night. The Lecture Association re- ceived a telegram this afternoon stating that Mlr. Villiers will be "lnable to deliver his lecture this evening at Ulliversity Hall, hav- lag missed his train and not being able to reach Ann Arbor in time. The lecture will be given t0'1Icorro...…

November 21, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF011M. DAILY. r o T~ '~ s to urday, when she 'defeated the IT. ST U DETN TS' BOOKS. ' of P. by 60-0, carried consterna- BUY YOUR COLLEGE Published Daiy (Sudays ecepted) during tion to the hearts of H~arvard sup- TEXT BOons.T L AND HME DICA L 3005 the College sear, by porters. W yllis Terry, Yale's anu hlfbc *. 81-J1NTBOSATH TH U OM IDEEDET :)OIAIO.writes in a private letter that hie STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. conisiders the pi...…

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