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November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER PROBABLY IWAIIME.I TODAY ItA11 ti Sect Or ._._. ______ p VOL. XXXV. Nro. ,58 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARELOR, MICIIIGAN,, SU'NDAY, NO V EMBER 30, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, F _,_.._.... .... ..g . ARMY, NOTRE fl9MElForeign Student' InrFian W IN F IN9A1I S M ES iI or rgan years to come European v ritlnt i1t lepe)nd to a great extent FOOTBLL oi? ohm to gtfinacial help) to eal 9I teint gtan educationde"ae ______Pr. Arnold Wolf...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUINDAY, NOVEMBER 30, apers were presented by - o nsIe of the University of Miehi ElectrnS u d er Ths nf wllbereorehis inforn1111I111111111tlllllnlllx1111iiilllllbel1111recorded111ii11: iiTT .rateliy .nrdtiled under an index :,,t,=, t 2.4I sy. czt i: nthe c, '"ireof the bureau. :: eek BIegiiiihu,'G A R H\ IDt,)Oz o 2 h;1 dILI pcil ot i trb m :eoffurther Trrow eMatinees FautEneriw ihstudnts ubedib- tlie eomiy Eo it i ngB1...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…AY, NOVEM"BER "M, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY l at. a',r SEET RD UIS The roke of Miles Standish was tak The ;orcers, aa rmred for th mran's' according to Robert A. Campbell, ra IcY nthe va iOzu~3 scene; by Blruley v, safety, Jan to Ii is assistarnce, ex- 0N ue of the University and manager NTH G09DE PUPI[S t~~~~~~harvi sand l C~a V i(7nentan ; .Tohn lacec lg to net aslewall r or someRE IV HUN oth}an.M:Cmbl'ase- iflhIn_ t9,Adthe band. Mr.r Cam...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THIL II.CIGAN DAILY SU-NDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1924 sin senator),in Democrats, 15 amr ---." t Laborites, three, and Socialists, two. M U I __________________- On the face of the figures the situationEDsI ished every morning except Monday seems secure against any opposition 1 I the Universit year by teBadi liI 01 of Student pubBoardons.n of the Progressives which might be / AND Be aroused by their exclusion from active NiEST-CE PAST T R M e nbe...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

… Guests at Delta Delta Delta, last lenic ball at the Kappa. Alpha week-end were: Velma Null, '24, De- house,. troit, Marion Stotzer, '24, Sturgess. Elsa Schuler, '24, Royal Oak, Virginia Mrs. A. 11. White entertained Stair, Monroe, Ann James, Lansing, jllowing guests at hanksgiving and Aline Thurlow and Aletta Wert of Columbus. nor: Doris Gladden, '26, Helen Pc 25, Marg uite Ainsworth, '26, Mrs. Elizabeth chaperoned at a j)live McKay, of Pi ...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…S THE MICHIGAN DAILY s1JNA OUTSQA HS Leading Light Of Champions COFDEC MNEckersall Fails To Select WS Michigan Man For Eleven[A, STIFF SCRIM AGE W RKS OhA1UM Is tall t to fah toZlluncorked a wnefl fesv ther P uts F irst and Second T~ ea n1 u on th head f a s ngic tJW alt critiyIrh TboghHesnDri ofiSmll AmounIlts of 'IX ersall, well known football ciicteChicago-Wisconsin scoreless tie weaker Seso : oey whose All-Conference eleven is r- I brought...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

…I AY, NOVEMBER 30, 1924 THE MICI 4GAN DAILY TinsI COLUMN CLOSES ATSR9.?I LASSI IE TMi$ ICOLUMN CLOSE$ AT 3 Pa. , 4 1 t ADVERTISING1 P ERSONAL CHISTMAS CARDS PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS ENGRAVED or PRINTED Proper engraving takes time. Selec one of our many attractive, exclu sive designs and place your orde now., 0. D. 1MORRILL 14 & 17 Nickels' Arcade, . NOTICE t -y ! i t BOUGHT, Sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. We...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 8

…TI .. I IIQN AL Even Chauncey Depew!1 D AILY OFFICIAL BULLETlIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to.. all inembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th-4 P'e:dent until 3:30 p. mm. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday, Volume i SUNDAY, NOVEMBDER 30,1924l Numtber 58 1 TO file Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, December 3, at 10 o'clock in the President's office. F. E. hIobbilns. senate...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 9

… IFeature Section I I ) LL Sir igan att Fea ture Sections VOL. XXXV. No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1924; EIGHT TURNS TO SISHD Ar M) V, ;, I .... _ .............................. . t ..: 6 .,.}> . ' : s '; ! I, -- -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . ..* 'i ~S'O1"lJ/7 01 71112L , 1 ?t) oc:.P;ilwo Bank's ( { , 'Cv JJ .1 i:,11j uj. r(.1! 'eddinq) . ill cry' I tin freii I t~7~i.:, atr}). 'i3fl'ux : ;!, be I...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 10

….. THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY Mr. Ake.ley Discourses on th~e Junge U niversity Teaching In Holland ac to4 do Pt to cter in the material point of view, re~iprofessors and foreign stu- rents becoming much more rare than hey used to be. But it remains the pride of these universities to lose othing of their international charac- tr in the intellectual way, preserving ,e Netherlands worthy to lie regard- d as a permanent sending and receiv- ig stat...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 11

…TINDAY,INOVEMIBIER.'10, 1924. THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'AGE + +. +++ '.H* Sports *** $?, =* Brown and Slaughter AreIL Named On All Star Conference Eleven Final Footb all Scores of 19gor24. Season Picked by Daily Sports Editor' By WILIAiM H. STONEMNn Any team, mythical or real, must h ]ave balance in addition to individualf ability in order to be powerful. With that' in mind we have selected the above all-star teams from men who have ...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 12

…r Books and W riters - -r - -- -- -" ~~ dreamy speculation of his mind, as to - shell ing who had taught the peopleE which would be of a "moon-lit color". Lite here isi how to grow colored cotton." +effects of too I enin' half-light, with all the varia- . Verisimilitude adds to the lure-aath. 1 dn6 aetons et affords. ,This is not to imply FayTasSuhA e a in lived "where Brail and Argen isln Ta complete unreality. Why are things 1 tile meet;...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 13

…_" PAY, ~DAYNO EMI 3ER 30,1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TII w I TN ' ' g J'Iusic and Drama i ? q e rr DIN -- sounded from any pulpit' one-thous-Frnhtesaeaiwoson :andth so eloquent as that which' comes! I "The Show Oft" and "'The Torch Bi I r } - to life in this playhouse, transferrede's SuptigMsBon, i h e ur m n y t a s R l h r t o e et i i a v r, R l h 0l v r n~nd e r 01 " T h e'M ira c l [o a t ca h da;u d r t e e -i - 1 e j f...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 14

…LGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBE' 30, 1'24 * «- Uniersty Women -A- I Cooperative Cottages in Mid-West Universities SCHOLTEACHAER WINS $13,500 PRIZE Novel Chosen In Serial-Book-Movie Contest By Jessica Megaw Actual living expenses for college women have °risen in the last ten years from $288 for room and board during the average college year of thirty-eight weeks to $418 for the same thing, according to statistics s...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY P, by Sarah Slocum, '25. The subject is: "God's Holy Day: What Is It For and Why?" "The Mircale of the Corn," a C huchesreligious drama, will be presented by the Presbyterian Players, directed by Robert Henderson, '26, and Anne Miller, '26. The public is invited. SL Andrew's Episcopal Church There will be no admission charge. Holy Communion and Church school will be held at the usual hours. The First Methodist Church Rect...…

November 30, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 58) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY S NAY, "e Cinema The Arcade "~Abraham Lincoln", the picture hich has caused such a sensation in e cities where it has been shown, anno'tnced as the First' Nationall eture to be shown at the Arcade eatre during the entire week. The oduction is conceded to be an ar- stic and dramatic sensation. George Billings, considered to be a rfect likeness of the famous nation-1 hero, gives a characterization re- tarkable for the portra...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER S:7N0Wl'FLaU-RIK TODAY r I4t I AA I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I ., t. 1J Y iV Jj £ TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMEER 29, 1924 TWELVE PAGES PRTCE. FIVE c PRCFII_ fiNE BRITISH, TWO SYRIAN PHYSICIANS KILLED AT KNARTUM seni( >r Engineers Go Through Unus Horrors Of Vulcan Initiation d veary the n h t 1xodf+71IN ual Lighting To FeatureE Revived Publications DanceI Tired an pounded the hours in a to p...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE lI,,-?i1I." SATURI The list of papers to be presented today in the order of their presenta- tion i$: 10 od Clack "A short wave-length X-ray spec- trograph and some K series. emission wave-lengths," by J. M. Cork, of the1 University of Michigan'. "Determination of certain oater X- ray energy levels," by KatherineI tChamberlain and George A. Lindsay, of the University of Michigan. "The M series of tungsten," by R. V. Zumstein, of the' Uni...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THES MICHIGAN DILY HOIS .T DBAECarlyle Lauds U. . "HandrOff" 5Jarty[ODECAIScKate Po I c n C i s l to lfhUcraed," one offchiast Al I D I RAV r pL Enquiries. "Several ofi tioes.Teseramna The AmericDanIL' plicy of 'hands;inadg her to bxcomie more stale, IVI~yB ED P~I r~ e gtt Form Adjustmuent dcae r lxne ae ali,?aeuis Comtee______inpltca cenea 1i "loEgpin ,titanzxepb hCItion tuC otos day or two in advance ARGUED JAST SESSION Ar bor yesterda~y aft...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THL MICUIGAN DAILY r I .iied-eery morning except Monday L 'e isityear by the Board in t da Puh'ications, . Aetern Conference Editorial .,, ,aed !ress is exclusively en- ;ie ; rqepublication of all news 'ied ti o it or not otherwise ,,,t the local news pub- _.t ,bcr at Ann Arbor, t a latte Special rate rhird ssistant Post- t.$; by mailI r ress Building, May.- rit-" ,, irtal 4414 and 176-M, bsi. a6o At least in England public sentimen...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…i HEGMICHIGAN DAILY . ................... VA owl Letter Tells Of Illinois W. A. ]0 I. 'I 4 AUA ry OME N's EsUE Drects Y.W.C.A. Work Of Stud BALA~R Tr)OPEN FRIDAY tents In an atn isphe: of holiday iec- orations, the annual Women's League and Inter-church bazaar will open Friday, Dec. 5, and will continue until Saturday evening. A fee of 10 cents will be charged for entrance, the proceeds of which' will go to the Women's League. Th...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…MAIM THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 12 _ __ _ _ .-... PLAHAN CHOSEN 19ARRIEp CAPTAIN Cross Country teader is of Several Clashes This Year I <" 7 IMaroons To Have uID YIEfllHouse Basketball Dope Continues To Fail As Monstr___.dOpenontnuesUI :FilLA Monster Stadium' 111111 IIIL hUVUJ Practice To OenLSA Thanksgiving Shows Upsets The University of Chicago is to have Interfraternity basketball practice a new football field which ...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…7VElIBER 29, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *CLOSES IAT 3PO.1 LASI E ADVERTISING TH d ICOLUMN C~LOSES AT $ Powd FROBE= 1 kE i , FOR SALE. TUXEDO and vest. Excellent condi- tion. Size 38. $20.00. Telephone 184. TRAP DRUM OUTFIT Professional type. A bargain at $50.00. Just 1-2; price. University Music house. 20 OAK CHAIRS. Leather bottom, 1 straight back. Good condition. Price reasonable. Luis Gibson, 807 S. State, 3010-R.1 CONN SAXOPHONE I...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY alLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN,,, 4 k i _.... V~TfAT~ C~1G (N Nu Uit -;, [P 11; t e r in this C( 1 iia n it te left in ie ibox at thle I a'l , fr,.'c pr'avided fortnat purp'.:,e iwd oi eG O 'U f)rci'teu:ig te d3t1c .y ortissu(e. I i I I r PoaNgiIt"obde SATIUDAY, NOVEMJ3]~R 29, 192 'd L S ' j even this is subject to insp)ctiont in I elfaist, Nov. 2.-Tlie Irish Freo Thdetaviconefis State senate yesterday amended the Tedrive...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 9

…SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE GERMANS TO ELECT CHANCELOR SOON Dawes Plan And Large Foreign Lon Broughi. tAbouissou ion of Rekisag EXTREMES LOSE GROUND Berlin, Nov. 28-Nine chancellors in six years is the record the German republic has established and as the election of Dec. 7 approaches there Is ,much uncertainty as to what the party alignment will be behind the tenth man to be ,designated to direct the affair...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 10

…PAG'IE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY4 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1924. t - ~ - - - - -s-n P A l _. y y WHEr'RE TO DINE Wilson behre-whc mean tha yo ~hold mke you c nd s le ti ns at th s passed y none . 10Mot anSt hn 6 1? I Ii !If lI I eII Al mll :s il N . 4m w ® N Om AN - ..,- o - - - -..e. - .- '.The9 Finest METS it > fll II~ II L1I II II' [4ea r Shiop with Us Is an Important b For many years our slogan has been Meats of Qualit...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 11

…SATURDAY, NOVFMBER 29, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ Late Co-Worker Pays Tribute To Raymond C. Davis, Many Years Librarian Of University BYRON A. FINNEY " a Ii. (This article appeared in the Oc- history. If literature contributes to tobpr issue of the Public Librarian. it-as it does, largely, of course-he It W*as written by Byron A. Finney, should know what literature gives. reference librarian emeritus of the "(1) Historical bibliograph...…

November 29, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 57) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY COURT CONSIDERS DRANAE CANAL (Continued, from Page Nine) water from Lake Michigan, and. ulti- mately the Sanitary District was authorized to take not to exced 4,167 cubic feet a second. When it was found that in the neighborhood of 10,- QQ cubic feet a second was being diverted, procedings were instituted byy the federal government asking that the Sanitary district be restrain- ...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER RAIN OR SNOW; IOLDER TODAY :L fr AF 4 AdV MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I - - - VCL. XXXV. No. 56 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ThURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1921 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE _. PHYSICL SOCIETY TO OPEN TWO DAY mELIEEFIA Carlyle Discusses Conditions Of British Political Parties Spoeaking on "The British Labor Government" before an audience that1 practically filled the auditorium of N ewterry ball yesterday afte...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…_________T IF MC IH!AN DAILY mrHURSDAY, NOVMBR 27, 192 ore sssat Advanced Wo rk pEySL STY~ T, 1S -- I PCi_(Coutinuetl From Pagel Pencl S~e~ehs i Aluni Min~rni anmrto Cruz, named b y the gov- fi~w~ xep httep +a A A q~t e~AChcaoerment of the Phli l)ne I lands to ortr}I b pni h A r ci":° te d wl i.2the U~niversity short courses he 'l iSt of papers to be Ih t ~~~~ i i'xbw,? 3A en giceefr1rin, has ariCved2 tomo14.ao3'in the order oft SHO.W PLAST...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r ""_' .errnzn Ciiesg SfferI-Iecwil __ _ _ il Rhine Flood HEA LT H SIL Yearlings Reechov Instruction i .a Conduct Inspection as c, t f Health Lectu es BAPTIST TOHEH EI EXPLAIN EXPENDITU RE S1 Freshman health lcctire No. 2#:j under the direction of Dr. John Sund7--A wall, of the University Hat e' Vice, and Dr. erge Al -,y e 4 tor, of WateYrnian gmnasiu+_;,, consIr: u Y SSe yX vI an inlspection oft he nvriy1e 1h ,:...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…TL4LMICIGANt~A1 .- . ° Publiished every. morning except Monday tluring the l r uversity year by the Board in Control of Student, ub'.ications. embe rs of Western Conference Editorial Toe Associated Press is exclusively en- rtt:ed to the use for republication of all news I disp t che, credited' to it or not otherw~ise reditedt in this paper and the local news pub- l E n t. .ere inyo n Y , t th e p o s to ffic e a t A n n A rb o r , iciaa...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…!Y, NoVEMBER 27, 1924 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY L fi. A 0 \ f ttt - -s- __________ CONTEST FOR M"usical Society ILGUE BZA TO OFFER S;I ;ita es _M em ers V PRIJFESSIIJNAL MUSIG'A S ' ig lph Iot nanl2~2 musicai YAIT FATCE SOPHOMORES ANNOUCE DA TE Of NNUAL SPREAD The annual Freshman Spread which will be given by the sophomores for{ the freshman women will be held from; 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock Dec. 3 in Bar-4 bour gymnasium. All freshman andj enteri...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…________ THE F MICHIGAN DAILY a wrww wr A1u1 1} S ° wmmw . rrnrrir.r rar s .. t,,. p. 4 _ y z f 1Mc :Bride. And KuezLeadj East IhotigGoals n . , rr y, nt .Yt 4 L._ r t vt r r a- J4. i: 'r:::: 7 '. }ft .. '...., ,' .. . i . " " f .!n , r t{ + S . 3 ' F _ r, !} i, < i od ', as ,, 5 dt Radford Wins In S MMMIC SUA AllCampius Meet C ORI[LABAMA Y ~ Zl~ '27A, wxon the ail-I ~ ~ IA ! (ias rain (V r ,, ti hthatchery course_____ ? r a~ll r' t ...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 7

…_____THE MICHIGAN DATL__y I Than Jsgaiving Day Proclamation By the Govrnor:I i U.S. M y De rivea large sq'uad of (livers and tumblers U S.layD piereporting to hint daily. ! Him Of -i la r drctc for those intending to gin- 1 te th iner-ratrniy reetwill start ~Ea,'nea. a p s next -week. Usually this nmeet dis- closes some hitherto unknown stars to bolster unr the Varsity in its weak- er events.a ______________________________ _________________...…

November 27, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

…PAGE ElIGTTEClIIA AL THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN To Head League in En'couraging Regard Flor L aw WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column must be left in thcebhoc at the Daly office provied for thfat purpose before 4 o&ciockl preceeding the day of issue. BIGGEST GROWIWTCH MICHIGAN, FIGURES SHOW T hat Michian's football team is Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice t. all members of the Universit...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 1


November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

… C/ S T-11-,MNIf-Wi1'AN DAILY ________________ ousoe-ponn fbtrtepi- Wihu-- cefin l o h e n FOND 1 Amendrentciple of a national amendment and expressed their surprise~ at the action CI 0It. 141iNi I U On Child Labor ; the present amendment, declared thati of. the l l as eah settts people in their! he wcould vote against its ratification i etvllwhelning referendum against thel 0811 [ OS T "" Ell/ 1 ins Favor :,ere on the grounds that it would b...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…,SDAY, NOVEMBE1R 28, 1924 _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE u rnriI ' c eace Will Come With Soviet' CAM S JOAM E ~ ecognition Asserts Carlyle r M IS E i {.:.,.atl 3rlto iOU - CL Nat ona.On the other hand, we (d0 r g v nrcent is LIJ5olulely feel that she aright accep~t the World Ai-as~~eac of eadStaerWll o C Aaurt ~in all faith as the two can be To Din,'ft Con ruction Cx alliuoe, dcardDr lfe keit5Ctrate to a great extenut." 01 gean(r l;ames Carly...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THL MICHIGAN DAILY w - .....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _....- -, -.,-. i~:r~~it ~ocry "' rung ex';ept Monday 1 h I Ut. . ityycr y the Board in a a1 e ". , ea1 unewEitra ment. This should not be regarded by anyone, however, as being a final stej'. Before Michigan can hope 40 haverthis "highest type of educator" material increases in salaries of pres- ent and future deserving members of the faculty must be made. This will only come as the result...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

…WE.ENE.3DAY, NOVEMIFR 2G, 1924 i HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 11,14 Michigan Women To Hold Annual sBall Friday Night tMOUNE REVISION OF P. A.A1 EXECUTIE BOARD Additions and changes in the exe- cutive board of the W. A. A. have been made this fall and the complete list is announced as follows: Marianna Smalley, '25, president, Mary Stew- art, '25, vice-president, Norma Clarke, '26, treasurer, Elizabeth Ranck, '25, senior representative, Mar...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…THE MICT-IIGAN DATLY W 1" 1,;, -N E s 1). ";", N, 10V il-, it i .21 E R 2 0, THE MICHICAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NO~VEMBER 26, Jill OeZ BROWN TO CA PTAI N'''Be'Retains LeadIn Scoring 1825 GRID SQUD OnEastern Teams __enkert, the sensational halfback First, Contr To Be Chosen Captan of the Rutgers eleven, retained his Of a Michagan TeamIn 3any I lead over the leading scorers in the Years eastern intercollegiate football camps, by scoring a tou...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

… TH IS MO & T I - " C O T3 P.M. ADVERISIN AT I . LOST LOST At Iowa game, black silk hand hag with. silver pop and chain, con- tained glasses, tortoise shell rims, handkerchief marked "G", two small coin purses. Reward if re.- turned to Ramsay, 733 E. Univer- sity. F~TPIN LOST Ferry field. Phi ( LabdaKappa, f543 Church Street. Call 1153-W. I 0'OR. SALE 'siT O0(.)0l+'OFki 0WLEDGE like new :At ha lf price. Call 1288-XJ.: TIUXEDO and vest. Exce...…

November 26, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 55) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT "I'H MICHIGAN DAILY ----------- D1AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructi've notice tt, all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. P-esident until 3:40 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday. Volume 6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1924 Number 54 Library Measures Fluctuc tions Ofx Student Ambition! Construction On New Air Tunnel Nears Completion i I -. - ----- , ____ THANKSGIVING DAY PRO...…

November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 1


November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…T , NjICj-llT HE DAILY THEMIHIANDALYTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1924 ,. _.. .. _._....w.,..,--.,.... ...,.....,........ 1 S'U M 1flrfSl[S l10l 1l British Governor In Egypt, Shot By BROADNS SOPE'Fanatic, May Die Parssage of Budget by Regents Allow1s' . Expamnsion In Manyva Jiepa:r tents NE1'W COURSES OUTLINED! Expansion n inmaniy depariTuents of t1- University, especially those in the rr literary college for the 1925 session of <:;. :;r: ,,, : s...…

November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…19AS 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A '11U O PRS Ft T but no building. Michigan, a charterI rmmber of. the association, had one, of the first Unions in the country, and at pr~esent has what is usually con- ceded to be the largest and best oif any college or University in America.! Shoenaich Heads Ani-Monarchist Aae ,In Germanyl SLEEP QNYWHERIE, BUT EAT AT EX'S THE CLUB LUtoCIA 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard " . " GARRICK MATINEE Thanksg...…

November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…TI-L MJlCU-IC A1N DAILY TUEISDIA Y, NOVII MB Ef Published every morning exr~ept Monday wuring the 1. fliversity year by the Board in Control f Student Publications. M ejobers of Western Conference Editorial C'h.e Asociated Press is exclusively en- mniedl to the use for republication of all news lispastches credited to it or not otherwise cr-edited in this paper and the local news pub- t~he herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, t...…

November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…b.TSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1924 1HE MICHIGAN DAILYPAGE PAGE ] ,fir NA W. WMMW UM WMW ALVA W== MUM M6, R I Mrs. A. E. Marmein r if 1~ T Woygen j .Jv Jt 14' SaP AO Uyv 55' UI "We must realize how much we can do with this instrument which we I rUWomen Urgead To call our body," said Mrs. Anna Eng-' k u- S'l ll Dress Dolls For Y. W.TA leton Marmein, mother of the Mar- nIilmein dancers, in a talk given yester- t' ll1111 HI~iI Ai sororities, dormitor...…

November 25, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…_____________________TH E MICHIGAN DAILY TM~DAY, NOVrMs F .. " , ,%oo f WOT ESf~lN 1H SCHEDULE WIHSIX VICTORIE[Sl G r a n g e F in is h e e s n L in g Bi g Ten Scarers R QA U GENSUDED "Td.Rockwell, failing to ad in D 'I I;2i E SAi ~ L lL E ug swilailling a his total o oit i atr's coil- feen ~ vitois o he ceit ic- et niahII r1Points Momi to *, g c 'it tae- Pa sTtird in Field o 14 E tries ' All entries for the interfraternity feet...…

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