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November 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…'IWI 'h iiDihVOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1903. No. 31 "1ICI1IOAN 6 - "INNIISOTA 6 The Wolverines And Gophers Struggle [or Three Flours And The Re- sult 1 s a Tie. Greatest Game In Western Football History. Bfe mnore thas thirty thousand downedIl inhis tiats Itston mi iii n p los sion lee riio t)yard line, STUD[NTS IN WR[CK. exlectalors, the greatest football yards, and tianunond mtae fist (lo i. thei Wolv erites mnade third...…

November 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.* Fall Aulo uncemellt.. The L argest and Mos Coimpleti' Line of;.. WOOLENS in Attn Arbor wsill te, found at G.TT. Wild & to's, 110 fast Washingtoni St. (Great tains have been taken ittn the selection of all. sitiitg. ttroutserings & oveticiats ti;s for this season. "THE MICHIGAN DAILY of the game. Enthiaasm was at its highest pitch, hut dominating oiver alt Entid assotdIcess maititer at the Ansiwas a gentemany and stsirtsn...…

November 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. L EU All oohy D d S os All ~ [ok or ' .. a~,.o syle's iorothy" "d ' Shoes syle' sellit bndeerI iI17 OR LADIES.2 havex lev, Solxaiixxx \ iarx m W0 I ® I'The only shethat is exaevy shaped to the one, oo lxtesx Suits and Overcoats andl lianents o the foot as ?heyj are revealed by X-Ray 3 PRO*lPhoorahs. o oeI O JUST FOR ONC wont ,you ty a pair that 'rcnot ad2b $1I2.00 to $25.00 Th ieClothier, +® guesswork nmeaurement andi you x...…

November 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +±F RfF 4 ' +f+t4iF~#ti+ f+f,+yra t fF +Fb #*, ~+t f 9+t~ tf4 ~"t i SOUR TAILORING . DEPARTMENT.... is gaining inpoipnaritv, Contze and see us ble- ,t SPRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40,00. i" Best kind of workmanship gnaranteed. 4 + G. JBUSS, Cztig .. eer , C., f j+ Manager. y/t~s"Q ye tC. ~ ' . t:51'_A' .L . :9 '"Z§ 9 # 'S £.-,b_" Sl r''M ',-e_ v i' Rc "2' ae era .iYzS: +w" Si:9 : M . ' ('rolin in Turkey. Perfected in LEgypt....…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dailyi VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDA, NOVEMBER 3, 1903. No. 32 RETUJRN 03FlMEtT[Afr.t OCTOBR IN[ANDER. OP[N PRACIC GAfrI[ IN MEMO'IRIAMr. Welcomed At the Station By a Large Extracts From the Minutes of the and nthuiastc Crwd-Dawn Pleasing and Artistic Number-Valu- Michigan Rooters May Now See Their; Senate of the University of Mich Through Town By Students- able Historical Article Essays Favorites In Action Daily-Light iga, ...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annloluncement.. The Largest and Most C ompletI ie of:.. WOOLENS an Ann Aror will e found at G. I. Wild & Co, 1(8 Past Washington St. Great pains have een taken is the selection of all sitings, troseriogs & verceatings for this season. G. H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books $1.08 Each Th lgcForest, ByStewas~rt rwaC ~iise iti9 The Hleat of Rome, By P. MaronCiawstors Little Shepherd of Kingdom fS Come, By JhitFoxi...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. "ThwgyaraallsRoute." a eY uS e h m ANN ARBOR to Yo3Te CHICAO Colege randCloths ar youn mens Ils. lecus~omi CHICAGOtailorscant n orsenfor tsyos u ct.i read ae'll. I BUFFALO "DO" about half moetherle. XYo'lid al the Sing - NEW' YORK of the extreslo'sylye-allteaeclucusienes of fatrican LoiKna iy t lAND sT.NpatrIi with direct connetions at Chicago fr St. COLLEGE BRAND GAR.MENTS Pr information and throgh ttcketscalt on or Bul....…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PURITrAN I1O[ FOR MEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new Fall Styles and you will look no f urther NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE Ill S. M1ain St. PENNYCOOK. The Confectioner. 310 Sooth State St. 4 o0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the tine of I FieConfections. Lonches, do Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Reotsthler, 0 FieI05Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Hluron Streets. 5 Whiyibuy candieslha enthe00 I :1,o- I05 lt os...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1903. No. 33 0. S. U. CO"IES NEXT. STONE WILL SPEAK HERE. ALUMPNI INTERESTED. "ICHIGIAN EVERYWHERE. Strong Buckeye Aggregation Comes Senator From Mississipi Has Been Graduates Will Be in Evidence At the Her Alumni Are Easily Found in the Next Saturday-Organized Root- Engaged By the Students' Lecture Wisconsin Game-New System of West-An Interesting Letter From ing of Ohio Sup...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annlouncement,. The Largest and ot Compl et Line of WOOLENSi is Ann Arbor will be found at C>, 1t. Wild & toes, l08 least Washington St. ('reat pains are been taken in the oeletion of all suitigs. trouserlogs & ovrcoatingfs for this season G. II. WILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books $1.08 IEach The M'agic Forest,~ "" BY tvstIcriwleard Whtei The heart of Rome, BY Fb. Maion rwfordet's Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, i...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHRIGAN D3AILY. Look for tbe IH. La&fi.[bel,~ IIn your coat. It's the greatest Ssecurity bond over issued. We have Hart, Sehaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoatsf $1 2.00 to $25.00 'h ltir In endless variety 41 ot :.20 SOUTH MAIN STREET RANDALL, THE JjHOTOGRAPHER -izi E. Washington St. +X ' -'I sI + ' .~ + ~* f-++° ':t + +"b+ 'gk" 'I '.'X'' '«X+ ""o''+'X ' S ' "0® i 9+1lO l U N N4® D#Nd ® i®+ i Il ® 1 . . i i r S S S : All Dooh os All St...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR TAILORING, uU DEPAR MENT... rolon in TIurkey. popuarit, au see be-Perfected in .Egypt. is gaining i 1 plriy Comease us be Enjoyed in America. fore placing your order.w y"MGLSOEAKSGYTNSOER PRICES FROM $1f5.00 TO $40.00. okTp rPan Best kind of workumanship guaranteed. You ou ii'lic S is tosc I ii 110 '~ . .C, Cttn, Keyer !ft Co., , Z IA AEINSPI N RI llir G anager. {,TA,.sLL1 DrllrAlarm Clocks 109-Ill washing...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dally VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. No. 34 VARSITY YS. ALL-FRRI I~. SENIOR CLASS MEEI1TINGi. Scrimmage This Afternoon Will be In. teresing-Four Regulars Out of Line-up Yesterday-Fullback Change is Promising. The promised scrimmage work did not materialize at last night's prac- tice, ht the rooers aitracel y the open gates of erry Field were rec- ompensed by the sight of faol signal work through whirl...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anlnouncement.. The Largest aniMst Comnplete ine o WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. I. Wild R Co's18 Eat Washingon St. Gra pains hiave len taken in the seletion of all sil ings, fronseinge & oveteatiniis for this season. 0. II. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books I$1.08 Each The iagic Forest, l3ybtusi tEar rd l'ie~ollll: 4The Heart of Rome, jiy . Maion ei C awf l Little Shepherd of Kingdom 0 Judith of the P...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICIC(AN DAILY. gAIoHI6 N CEngAi, "'The Nagara Fans Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cottnectiotns ai Chicago for St. Loots, Kansas City. St.tPaul aod threIWest. For informationt ted thrcoghticktstcall on or write to W. . CASE, Ageot. Ane Arbor. GEORGE BISCIIOFF, rLOR15T. CHOICE CUT FLOWES5 & PLANTS Chapin St,betweenfo t.n d teM'icler Ave. Ph oe 09. +4144-40- tsrisr trfsrt r tH1Hr r rf...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f FOR MIEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new [all Styles and you will look no further NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE 1 1 N S. M'ain St. PENNYOOK.OHIO CENTRAL LINES PheCnfcinYC 30 oOK taS. : 3 liRENTSCHLER For anything in the line of The onfctiner 31 loth tat St 8' Maker of Photographs Framing, Cati on Rentschler, a tDirert Line btweent'Toledo, ('olutt Fine Confections. Lunches, ', hn 8-r Cre anadIttnSres cbits, Athens, lailipo...…

November 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…_The_ ichiganDal VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1903. No. 35 ALL-FRESH DID WELL BISPHtAnr TONIGHT. UNPRECEDENTED SALE. ICONVENTION CLOSES TODAY Scored Twice on the Scruhs Last Noted Singer Will Open Choral UnionI Tickets Going Fast-Indications of aFnlBqutothApaGma Night-'Varsity Was Fast in Sig- Series-A .real Favorite With Record-breaking Crowd-Many In- nal Practice-O. S. U. Hopes to Ann Aror Audiences-Sketch quiries From Alu...…

November 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Aullolucelnent.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of, WOO0LENS in Ann Arbor will be found at C. ft. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouoerings & overcoatings for this season. G5 H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. ILatest Books $1.08 Each jThe flIagic Forest, iBy Stewart EdwsardlWhile9 The Heart of Rome, BY 5'. AleseissCrawford Little Shepherd of Kingdom C...…

November 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. + s i? ' 4' W ' ' e'i'$* ' * '' ' +f':"++'+ a":r'°+ +"+''+a r4-4-** at. tLook for tbe IH. S. C' fr. Label In your coat. It's the greatest / security bond over issued. We 4have Hart, Schaffner & Marx ?~Suits and Overcoats "'FROM U 'i$12000 to $25.00 The Clothier, In endleoo variety ;_;7 SOUTH MAIN STRE i.; * ,RANDALL, H it 11HOTOf46RAPHER 4 121 E. Washington St. 4.4- t5tf 4 t it"4+i" *+ ++ t " yie DVothi iy Dodd Shoe s...…

November 06, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…JUANi IJALLIx. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT.... is gaining in popularity, Come and see us bse- fore placing your order. PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. Best kind of workmanship guaranteed. '+ vi r i t f t i f t F F F f i i ,,,', > r,. Grodvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOGU.IL SMOKE. MAKS SEtYPTIAN SMOnKRSt Save the opon. G. J. BUSS, Manager. Ctting, Weyer .Co., fI' .1, 4 t f F t h ZACIIMANN & PETRIE FRESH AND SAL...…

November 07, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDil VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1903. No. 36 NllCH1HiAN VS. 0. S. IU, 1Ilo"l[P. BANQUETI. 'Varsity Will Line Up Without Hes- Nearly Two Hundred Guests at the ton-James Seletted For Quarter Tables-Many Physicians of Note -Scrubs and All-Fresh Scrim- Attended-Excitement Over the maged Last Night. Disappearance of Banner. Wih the exception of quarterhack The gentlemen of the practitioners' unit left-half pos...…

November 07, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FalTHE MICHIGAN DAILY GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Z sirri s tca minrcakithe~s A NEnWAT Your Entire Needs in A new altz recently criiflditby * tatitisind itI yty t nItyivphd a it .i s a 0 thUeatiiteltMbaeadiiaii1l An ~ l n h l n a t[iiu~rilayit Stiiiirniione of lihign avoayrt esongs.We XXne Anno1uncement11 /11Li IytheS itgii 7liiy Btard qutlte ri t lii t. yS. UDaily as tn al a ald .tcnY''tM isTtittnlnn iiiitiwttaiiiMANAiIn- i Fi...…

November 07, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AXR3HI6AN CENRAL "The Magara Falls Route."~ THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON ithirec onetionis at lChicazo fr St. Loi.kKlisa('Ciy. Si. Paul andlthe' West. For information and Ii noungh i'ieisicaii ocio writye toNVW.W. CASE, AnentI. Annli.Aror. GEORGE BISCHOFF, rLOkL5T. CNi°ICC CUT FPLOWC1ER5 &PLANTS Chaepin St., letwvenlHuon St. and MiliiertAver. at *r4S' r+i'' + '+ 0ir*ir~iF~4rs 110w,1s I...…

November 07, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -~'STEE to PEASE + ALrrLrI * ~ IE'JE'k'+ Facto t O We have beer) in Ann Arbor about live Years. Ask those that wear thein. Ann Arbor Store, I S. Makin,. In .' .. Gjrolon in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MCOIL SMOKE MAKES ECYPTAN SMOKERS CokTips orPlain. Sv the Coupon. e~ctc7c~ A The W, C. Kernl Cot 411E. 57th SI., Chicago. Caj ps and Gowns made to or- - l ~ deer and rented. = . Pennants for all colle...…

November 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. "rICI1IGAN 36-0. S. U. 0. Wolverines Scored All Their Points in the First Half-Buckeyes Took a Decided Brace-Fumbling Evil Reappears--0. S. U. Was Underestimated. 'The largest crowd which has ever beeo sees on Ferry Field this year, yesterday witnessed a stuhbsrnly cooe tested gridiron hattie, finally uecided is favor of Michigan iby a score of 36; to 0, ove~r the aggregation lists Ohio Slate IUniverity. Fiutiho...…

November 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THE M ICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllollnoement.. The Largest and Most Complete Line f:.. WOOLENS in Ace Arbr will be found at G. 11. Wild & Co's. 108 Est Washington St Great pains have been taken is the selection of all suitings, trouscrings & os erotisg for this season. 0. IH. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books $1.08 Each IThe f'lagic Forest, ByrStewart Flesrd Whie0 The Hieat of Rome, Bye iPi. M'iCrwforda Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, By . ...…

November 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. [ook for tbeII S. H'fr. Label SIn your coat. It's the ,greatst 1 +security bond ever issued. e ,*A F have hart, Schaffner & darx A Suits and Overcoats FR. U"~ x~ $12.00 10 $25.00 The Clother + ho endless variety 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET + , I: RANDA LLTHE flOHOTO6RAPHER 1r21 L. Washinglton St. Dorohyesdd ho Style j ® FOR [ADIEiS. 0 and ligaments of the foot as theyj are revealed by X-Ray Th0nyso ia neauy ae ots lus oe ® Phot...…

November 08, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. t t' ______ __________________sa_. a4 ~t~ H{ ~ 4~ +~++ ,t4a fr4 a H .{' r ,s ii{ 'i - SOUR TAILORING 5 'DEPARTMENT.... CQKrL Qjroh.'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. is gaining in popularity, Conte and see us be-I fore placing yonr order,-"esus Enjoyed in America. PRICES FROM $5,0TO $00, fSCr n .4 ~~Best kined of workmanship gnaranteed. 1111 11 i + 0.3.BUSS, Qi. K y r A.AET IifYs o'i}sOn h itoue of o t Manager. Cf ! e tCo., ...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1903. No. 38 SECRET PRACTICE AGAIN. FENCING CLUB MEETING. SEAT SALE TODAY. SOMIE NOTED VISITORS. Gates of Ferry Field Are Barred- Tickets For Wisconsin Game Can Be English Commissioners Here to Study Preparation For Wisconsin-Gen- Forty Members Attend-Outlook For Secured at Meyer's News Stand at American Educational Methods- eral Football Situation East and the Coming Year Unu...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fll TH2 MIH ICAN AIY NS 'N I'H 1* N N I I l- -( I oh ,r 1 I(t y H (H h1101 ( 11, TTT A AASflCIATEHS:(on jIFT k e, 11 r(H 1[.IN c~t 1'Im i l hod Ii G. H. NWild ' CO3. 0' ,03 E W aliltnSt. St j r. I utic( ' IS ( RH HH' ANy ORUF W. BEADLE. ;, I 'a ,13 rlir I Hrrr t g r1rrr , NII our((a( 7230 to V Hand 6.30Nto H',) Adco ssR!HENN I I N N oononMan- CA LEN DAR. U Iof o ll i I 1,>.W lleH e t X [ a t1 I.._._.I 0HI~ H 1'l's' I ...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…FThe Yiagais Falls lRsto,. AINFI ARBOR to '05 5555 CHICAGOsiis NEW YORK 5 5sss Ii AND BOSTON a Mr-NliA. .. L ois. I soSo Il. ' 5 S. PuIso tx Fo1 no rtr tort ssssis, sss5 iro s tcss 55o5ca + w Ita to W W. I E sI - u(5 in\ 1 GEORGE BIS CHOLFF, CHOICr CUT PLOWI S 5& DiAXE -r, New Brlu wiick1 Ta les AT REID'S BILLIARD ) IAI .LOI{S, i Fine Cigars asnd Toblaccos c JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State' SI., S. f 5t I haves 15t lsi vc's i the I1555 s 11d in...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…1 ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY.- iruritan' tARLTTLS P u rita iit Grok'n in Turkey. t j Perfected in .Egypt. * Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKE- MAKES ECYPTIAN SMOKESS 1T .~'Corciip o Pain 'SEN to PbEASE ~ j le..ouo 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. "" " (aps and Gowns made to or- + ALL yl / r i 'M der and rented. t/$ 1 Pcnnants for all colleges and , ~ fraternitieo carried ,ar'it~ ~ Claos Pins, Class and Team 4ec Caps. t yoas os°"sSend for Catalogues. }Itt 1 1...…

November 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. " ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903. No. 39 ROUGH SCRI" 1AGE. Hard Work in Preparation For Wis- consin Game Begins-Scrubs Score On "Varsity-Badger Plays Are Mystifying-James Is Injured. Qoach Yost began his active prep- aration for the Wisconsin game at yesterday's secret practice, and the result was the fiercest scrimmage seen on Ferry Field this year. The nien showed the effects of their hardt wo...…

November 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Announcemeint. The Largest and Most Complete Line of;.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be0 found at G=. If Wild & Co's, 1(8 East Washington St. Great pains have lieen taken in the seletion of all suitings, troserings & ovecoatigs for this seaon. G. II. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. IStewart Edward White A ller ii Ciiiyao r, Iliii 4 !THE FOREST 2I The.a Fog~.ty Si.,;0 NE. A hok full iif the eaim ni the iiystery and the swinier ...…

November 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Look for the H. S. i.. Label y $3.00Dorothy Dodd Shoes $ $300 In your coat. It's the greatestSyls whave Hart, Schaffner & Marx UThe only shoe that is exactly shaped to the bone, muscles Suits and Overcoats and ligaments of the foot as they are revealed by X-Ray FROM Photographs. JUST NOR ONCE wont you try a pair that are not made by S $"200 to $25.00 The Clothier, guesswork measurement and you will endorse the unani- In en...…

November 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.- ++..+++++~.THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD O UR AND STEAMSHIP LINES. T A LO IGlki'slev Ann Arbor by Central Standard + Efr'R 'T fective October 26,1902. D P R M NIT..SOUTH NORTH N~ o. 6- 7:2O A. M. Ne. 1-900 A. Ma. 11o. 2-11:33 A. m. No. 5-12:30 P. m. is gaining in1 popularity, Colle and see us be- 3+ No. 4- 8:25r. Im. No. 3 d:53 .Tt foepaigyu rder.+ Trainn No. 5 and 6 run between Ann Arbor 14adToledo only. T'rains 1, 2, 3, 4,1,, ...…

November 12, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1903. No. 40 A P1UNTV STRUGGL[. SIX-YEAR EN. COURSE. WOElNS GYMr. PLANS. Yost Says Wisconsin Game Will Be Faculty Plas to Combine Engineerl Routine of the Classes-Basketball to Fiercest Contest Ever Seen On and LiteraryStudies- Such a e a Feature-Sections in Folk Ferry Field-Rain Interfered Course is Needed. Dances and Fencing-Cross- With Scrimmage-Badgers In - Country Wa...…

November 12, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' Fall Announcement.l The Largest and Most Complete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. 1. Wild & C's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all sitigs, trouserings & overoatings for this season. G. II. WILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White A'che Blar(soTrail"c. THE FOREST lliic-.trichitt!Ncla-i e dcc 1 Thomoe~aFogarty I A book full of the charm and9 the mystery and t...…

November 12, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. _rXICLIGAN (ENTAL "The Nia garaFalls Route." 1oW i IT ? T lE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to + You young fellows are the most particular trade in the ; N ABOland, and all these years clothes makers have been giv- ing you the tag of their production-never considering BUFFALO you important enough for a distinctly different class of ; NEW YORK garments, till AND BOSTON TH[ IAKERS Of COLLEG CLOTHE[S with direct connections at Chicago...…

November 12, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'a joe America. 8E. 7I A 3r"OGLSOL OKSLG1'TIAN 5OLS r iionin Turkey TnoyinWAm erilco t URITANder andr rrented. ? ° a411 E. 57th St., Chicago. HOES !f w 4 ' Caps and Gowns made to or- Ciers Pnd els ntdTa o~oa % fY Pennants for all colleges and k aA fraternities carried e'D~ i; * El k fF +in stock. sCape. I II 11 5s c-s~'5 . Send for Catalogues. YOU AY GT TE SAE QALIT INMONEY LOANED ON Others Claim Them, We Watches, Diarrends...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. No. 41 FIERC[ SCRPI""AG[. '"4~'~ ~ ''"zz~"~I K, K ~ ' 2Z~22~.~' rONSIER fr1[TING. Yesterday's Practice Harder Than f MONSTER MASS MEETING. f Coach Yost, Dr. Fitzpatrick, The Band Ever-Condition of the Team- f * and Members of the Team Will Badgers to Spend Today at Bat * UNIVERSITY HALL; 7 P. M. TONIGHT. f Positively Be Present. tle Creek. v a,^, 4 g, f V 0 What prom...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I Fall, Annlounlcement.. The Largest and Most Complete ine of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be' found at G. 1-. Wild & C's, 108 Fast Washington St. (real pains have been taken in the selection of all suiting, tronserings & overoatings for this season. G. HI. WILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White hIie I II'Tra,-io," c THE FOREST Thomse ~aFog~arty $1.0 NET. ; A book full of the charm and I be mystery and the wonder...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LEook for tbe IH. S. ' fM. Label In your coat. It's the greatest security bond ever issued. We have Hart, Sehaffner & Marxt Suits and Overcoats FROM U $12.00 to $25.00 The Clothier, Io endless variety 207 SOUTH MAIN STREETJ 12 JPHOTO6RAPHER _121 E. Washington St. *: leCia O f ferings in ; ~~ Fre' urnishings 3 $6.00 All Drool, Fantcy Bath RIobes, priced at $3.98 j $150 Adler's , treet and Ress Gloves, - $1.00 - $4.50 Men s...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '1' 'd' '+*9 i+I"~ I"I d'+ 'd ~ i'+11,THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND O RTSTEAL RI (,-eALIES. r OU T I OR NGITrains leave An Arbor by Central Sadr :FTime Standard:. DEPART ENT.,. Effective October 2, 1W_ *Not 0 :W0A. M. No. 1-9:00A. M. No t'3A. M. N. 5-12:30 . M. gaining in popularity, Come and see ns be-* No 2 P. M. No. 3-4:53 Y. M. / , fore placing yor order.' Trains No. 5 andS6 rn between Ann Arbor ) ans 1 3 4 5and Idaiy...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The' Mkichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1903. No. -42 BATT[[ wiTm BADERS. Championship Contest On Ferry Field This Afternoon-Begins Promotly At 2 O'clock-Each University Has Won Two Games In Past Years. This afternoon on Ferry Field Mich igan will meet her old gridiron rival. Wisconsin, and the bater for suprem acy will ie one of the fierces. eves waged for western hampionshipplon brs. Today's straggle ill i...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FallTHE3 MICHIGAN DAILY h il Enteed as secodclss matter at the Asn Pubalideddily lloioiyecpted dung the at the 1, nit rity of Michigan. ,IfU Editor Today-C. STEVENSON. The Largest and Mot I_________________ Complete Lino of [NGIN[ERS VS. LAWS. Y W YA ~ u-I Championship Game in the Inter-Class W OO51 L11 Li'N S Series to e Played This Morning HUUL~i~iAt 10 Olook. 'Thle senior engineers will entertain lie eneiior ngineer of ...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIIGAN DAILY. IACHrIGANCEN "TheNiagara Falls Route" THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, KassCity, St. Paulad the West For informaos and througisticketsccslon or write toW W.W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor GEORGE BISCHIOFF, rLOk1t5T. CHOICIE CUT PLOWE5R5 & PLANITS Chapin St., between Huron St. asd Miller Ave. Phone 809. N~ew Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARL...…

November 14, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. lilAT PABTICILAJ! SOI IYII NG PURITAN ~ HOES1 l~O 1f A i'lIS! 'THEM i A0111!. - E x r i I i 1 ; a i. 4 (jrolvo in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. E~njoyed in America. 'MIOCUL SMOKE MAKILS EGYIPTIAN SMOKLRS Cok Tisor Piain. SvetheCupon.. The'W. C. Kernl Ca, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago, s Caps and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and r fraternities carried" s in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team }...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. .No. 44 frICIIAN 16 WISCONS I N 0 IbE Iiercest Game Ever Played or) Ferry Field Resulted in a Score of 160 to 0---Ilammond frakes two Place Kicks WON DECISIVE BAT[[E. KIN6 [[AR. MichganWon ostExciingFootallDiscussed By President Northi Game Ever Seen On Ferry Fied- ,TeDaaTu oNtr- Longman's Line-bucking a Feat- delia First Amng Shakespear ure-Championship Contest Fem...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11TIE MICHI1GA1N DAILY care-I th( bal by the viecus 1(1i(1 of o000000oooowowoooooo* Falllayto ithwein aimedoil ing is orn YurGo MAi Enwed isS cn -r as r ttter 0, heAnn ofel seonsin'S goal, only to lieeit on" Y * " ntire N ees i r 1 ,r Ol " owns. Bush, aided by the wind. ad F ~nuihd iiyY~odii-teiiduring theaitittle te beler of Maddoektlin theiLaIeial il A lflolncll nt 1 a- iuh-vtc \-ii .n Dil Ra welre v e V . a prl a eia n~ ...…

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