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November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 'it2 Alw Ila Ail VELAWL, 4,i MEMBER I ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929. EIGHT PAGES VOL. XL, NO. 29 PRICE FIVE CENTS SHUTER ANNOUNESlAlumni Change Attitude Toward MERILCONOUND'SIHUTDoeAthletics, States Wilfred ShawATE UDoesfootball provide the only once of university and aiumn link whereby interests of alumniwen it wa nniuy de are connected with their colleges? cided that the college ...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…119 ~TWO THE FMICH-lTCAN DAILY I1"TnAV V .ATS'Pt 1029. w u . A . " i pe r-- . " 1 11 a u X u,LlAJA... 1-4V VJ Y A:J..#jl-u .k} 1'5761 1 y Tablt to]Forythe lectures at. another. ~BE OFME~LS abettoForyte~ LOS FO LVE Ientification Cards May Soon be Made Another abuse wih the identi- G nowder Inenltor ,cto ad r Necessary Equipment for All Students i~~~~cs ' toutd as ca Unveledin L ndo , -- , l ns SUhatof cngetedmedical -_ridr this system o...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, _ 'NOVSEMBEn 1; 1929. T HE M ICHMIGAN tDAIL1 - -.-~--, -r- - ------- - -- - -, - -- --------------- -,---.----.- - _ _ , . AIRPORTFACILiTE Distance of Landing Fields Fron Center of Cities is, Main Trouble. ST. PAUL FIELD LAUDED Practical Value of Airplane in Future Will Be for Long Flights.' "Air port facilities throughout the country are very poor, because of the distance of the landing fields' from business centers of the citie...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

… PAGRT Otu1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PRIDAY_ NOVEMBFR 1; ",1929.' _H M C-GA-D IL_., r.V .1 19 a'- *.lS.. - R 14 V Y vjl&vkAj4 A%- i) A 4P&t i. _.... _ . _.. a _ ._ Published every morning except Monfay duringsthe University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled4 to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…TrTDAY, vov i , 1929.THE MICHIGAN' DAILY ' i ' dome" 4 loft :SECALPRGM, DISCOVERER OFRA OPNPAIA S T. LAWRENCE 0iII ___ .O N 5 lA N D 2 I:: > > ::.::::: :< y ~dr. Bell, and Dorothy Touff Sto Give. Welcoming Talk to Visitors. ANNOUNCE PROGRAM akAternate,'Schedule Arranged! in 'Case of Rain on 4Saturday.j i Dances and special acts will be' ~features of the cabaret dinner to Obe held tonight in the Women's }Athletic Building as part of...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…?TAC'E ZI THE M'ICHITCAN DAILY , tOV M R 1, 1s9. BLOCKING DRILL IS s IN VARSITY PRACTICE IITH KNEE INJ'URY Daniels Gies to Flank Position and Smith Takes Center During Workout. SIMRALL, DAHLEM REST JUNIOR ELEVEN NEW 'FOUR CHAMPIONSi GIVEN BLOCKING ON ROSTER OFINUIGO sUVIUI A DRILLINDOORS HAWKEYE TEAMS f' During the lull affected by the r(S cial to The naa,.~ ' lack of an intercollegiate game this week-end, Coach Courtright is drill...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…P~1DAY,1OVm1 E zT1, 1929. ~ ~ ~THE MIC H I GAN D A ILY ._.. PACO M Intramural Department C R 0S S COUNTRY State this morning of the Harvard PI M game. The following men are to ans wimming eets TEAM WILL MEET make the trip to State: Captain "matIAO U 0 (otne rmPg ,Cl )Bnson Austin, Aubrey, D'Anna, j ( 0 "ti""ed frm Page aCol.2) MICHIGAN STATE Kennedy."Lowmaster, Feustel, FIiv 00iV0U0S contesting teams engage in a water Hayes, Fitzgibbons, Wol...…

November 01, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…THE. MICHIGAN, DAILY *FRIAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929. __. __ DI LYI OFF[I CI AL B.ULLEITIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday) I Professor Shirley Jackson Case, of the University of hiag , Mac l lectnire at 8:060l). m., Natral Science Audit.orivu i, ,. will Polonia Literary Circle meets at 7:30 p. m. in L...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 Ar AL =ZAmmmiz-- 4LA6 4tIt 4 &Ii1 IASSOCIATED I PRESS VOL. XL, NO. 30 ANN ARBOR, MIOHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS S E EMoscow Plane Lands at New York Field After 12,500 Mile Jaunt Around Globe' BY ONEILL CLEARS i;wzi o : atd go olast leg of the flight, a hop from TO JAIL FOR YEAR ON CURTISS-WVRIGHT FIELD, N. Y, Detroit, had been completed. ! Nov. L-A new air courier of good As the...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…tHE MICIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEM1BR 2, 19.9 REFO'RM- PLATFORM O0RDERED TO REST CHSNB IN STATE MEETING, , FROM ISLE R( ~PTID C RIfl Michigan's Museum staffin creased by three ycsterday morn-; ______ing with the return to the fold of TaslUIAamIeltesStoie Dr. Adolph Murie and Paui Hickie, Tasslo dam ReltesStoiesof the manual division, and the ad-;? of Court ExperiencesdiinoWatrD neltohe While in Orient. building's roster in charge of the...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, NOVEMBER -2, _ 1926 / x MTCH -AN- PAGE THRELI 8A'1~URfl~V', NOV~M~R Z. 1Q~ PAGE T1RE~ ~THE MICHIQA?4 T~A IL V riruaanr CRIE PRESENTED $50,00 TlT E NwCar 8"FOER 'WORKINDSOENGRDU GIVEN NEW VISAS YTMUKNTOiL, Stand 1,482 Pounds GIVES OPPORTU NI TY .TOHSUES . in Pressure Tests FORPI Wl Ades PrctTeccsEngineering Mechanics Class 'TI.lY AROADAssociation in Second Give MetSet Lecture Trip. Juniors in American Schools Are Offered Yea...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…PAGE - rTJR THE MICHIGTAN DPAILYV - --- -. - ~ --- --.- . - -- ~ SA'±U J:I DAY, NOVVVMBER' 2, 129 hr ttehBaiti I strictly the business of the spon- ..sors 'and the. guests until the good F uibl<<he~levry morning except AMoxa nia meo h nvrstIeist da rng the Universit year by the.Board i ae of the U ersy beginso Control of Student Publications. be besmirched. Then if the dean Member of Western Conference Editorial wishes to inflict probation...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…ZATURtDAYNVtI ,12 m I c R-11C A Nrl 41 AA L 'y *AMP. WIMO -.-. . . .. aa M Vaa Ti a 4 '1-1VM fl'r V / £t 1 La 1 V., .snLI V-1 VE PkWAMW SPLAY DAY PAR TICIPANTS WIL MET ;Captais. Draw at Dinner For ied the visitors. She was followei Opponents And Time of by Dr. Margaret Bell, who in turi P1 called upon Miss Halsey, who spok aying. on "Social Aspect of Sports." Fran ces Sackett. '30, acted as Masters o COLORS MARK COLLEGES Ceremonies, and ...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

…t PP MTO141C N 1 ) A TU." SAT rRDUAV, NOVEIMBER 2, 1919 AI F L. 1AA* -1i. t7..3' P A "L 4 A . . . wi SATURDAY'S GRID TILTS HOLD COUNTRY'S INTEREST POE STANDS OUT AS A PILLAR CONTESTS CARDEDH QOF STRENGTH IN MICHIGAN .LINE 101 -(Editor's note-T his is 'the third i'activities on the track and cong- E1 ofaE series of short articles con- fined the possibilities of his 5 feet Ohio Meets Pitt and Princeton1 cerning the Michigan footbal...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

…THE'MICH.I.GAN DAILY ,.,.. ,. _ ..T-HE-M.CH.,.AN.,.ALY VARSITY WILL NOOT SCRIMMAGE TODAYC D PACTICEGO T Condition of Players and FieldI Would Not Warrant Game; Work on Passing. AL STEINKE REPORTS Coach Harry Kipke announced yesterday that the scrimmage schedule for this afternoon between the Wolveric ."B" and Varsity grid teams had been called off.- The Michigan mentor feels that the weather has been such the pasi few days that the f...…

November 02, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

… DAILY ~1ATTTTflAY NOV1~TsAT~1~F? 2 1~9 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI'N Publication in the Bulletin i8 constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) TO SURVE Geography Profe New Moveme Michigan RESEARCH IS 1 [1 1AUTHORITIES INVESTIGATE COLLISION OF LAKE Wilj ~ II OSEN ORE 'MARQUETT E', AND FREIGHTER, 'SENATOR' ANCELL ~iiIILL dPLf~I( I STATE >....…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 V fr40 4. altii MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I --- ----- ---- - VOL. XL, NO. 31 r ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS P RESIDENT SPEAKS. Rthven Gives Talk on Entrance Ruli ON RAlO PROGRAM E STIO W JNa m Ing IN FRANCE FORMED BY ANDRE TARDIEU War-Time Minister Succeeds in Task, Following Confused Ministerial Crisis. INCLUDE OLD DIPLOMATS New Body Will be Based on Old C bi t...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…TMFM IC IGCAMN 1) AT1.V a a . J r lJ i F 1FSJRJ t L.x , ,JvvJ4VkA21s1J. , qJt 7 , vn and Pollard to Run for Virginia's [Lake Tragedy Survivors Reach Governorship o" Split Democratic Ticket I ULAboard Partially Disabled Hope to Arrange Better Schedule for High School League / ~ by New Plan. . DENSMORE IS DIRECTOR1:...:,_. Port Safe Steat Ve In order to schedule the re- MAY REMAIN ON RIVIEA maiiintgdebates of the Michigan <F-;High Shool De...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…SUINDAY, 1NOVEM13ER 1,, 1929. e : li, PAG THEV .. . ...--TH-MC IG N DA m ::.::..: PAGE ~ ------4 - s.-- .... L~... -- ~ - ______ AR MAI SERVIC IN MICHIGAN BESTi Overnight Out-of-State Flights and Many Stops Are State Air Service Features. PACK APPROVES SERVICE New Postal Service on Parcels Will Speed Student Mail to Outlying States. Prominent Minister of France Has Task RUTHVEN LAUDS SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM 1 i i Library Giv...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…'PAGE P JOUF THE M HICIANJD-AILT OTMMA-7 1% " a u.. aa aw a y.a t.:ar~a a. a. a-' a"s.. a " sUiU4JJ. } aT NUVE'N7 til. I ;) '11(1 U Pthe appalling effects of their Ca pu-ipiio Hlatin g propaganda during the Coo- utlsdevrmonnexptony igadiitaibtnwPs- C p sO iin during the lUniversii1y year by the Board * in ga iitrtobt oPeContribtitorsa are asked to he brief, Control f udnPublications ident Hoover through the Federal I confining themselves ...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, I.40VtUtMt 3,.1929. THE MICHIG-AN' T7AILY' 'PAGE ME a -I SU A ,.. V+M e .. 92..G!~'V .. ; P "C 7f go AL ka w AML r AUM 23 wAs & P . " f OOFLAND CHARMING ARTICLESflI1Dj INITIAL CONTESTS OF TOURNAMENT- fI 0I01ETRE.T BE FEATURED AT LEAGUE BZA M T SCHEDULED BY TEAMS' MANAGERS ~ I. r auiAl H u 0 Articles that will add charm and;ors and(1de=signs, will be the spe- ! 'iiTHI tl .~By Barbara Wrighti M. Geib, X4, Ohison, Tv. Sibley...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…6t 0 HI-E M IC 1-1 GAN Dl AI IY SUNDAY, NOYEM1ER 3, 1929 _. ; OVERWHELM WOLVER INE RUNNERS, 40-15 FITZGIBBDNS LEADSICAPTAINS TEAM MICHIGAN AND PRIT FIRST INTERSEC kh~snci.ic l' rC33 Phota Bull Brownj Captain of this year's Vanderbilt1 eleven is playing a stellar game at guard for Dan McGuigin. Vander-; bilt is 'enjoying a successful sea- son as usual and is a threat to the members of the Southern Confer-] ence. In its only intersec...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN~ ... .............:_.. .. :.. A A " Arll s 8 A v d a A Y 1 Y # R! " " # A i a -.... -_. I OPEN DTE ON SCHE DLE O FN IANA PURDUE TO MEET O LEMiss" T( C atinued From P age ix> } nd almost entirely on straighif NOT MEA9N TWO' WEEKSOFREST attack built around "Cowboy' --- -Woodruff, plunging fullback, whc taleer footballnwitndtheveubeen Hoosiers Must Get in Shape for taet on thte lmi tb ah ore takes full advantag...…

November 03, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…THE- I HICAN DAILY STJNDAY, NOVEMBRR 3, 1929 THE ICHIAN D ILY UNDY, NVEMBR il,192 DAILY OF[iCiAL BULLETIN March '3 April May M)I.~ ~IIL I i, pt .Faculty, School of Education: The n e x tFaculty luncheon wmill oire n 11 f!ii An r n nnAt, r ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members held on the third floor of the Michigan League Buildne on Monday , li Li 111 of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pi...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…T- / It Ake 41P =Pusw A:daw -A IAV lilt r I a It 4hp * rri r rrr .r w..r.r. -.' ,5.SOCiA ! FP f I R kl:.9S VOL. XL. NO. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SENATE CONDEMNS1 MEMBER FOR FIRST' TIME IN i27 YEARS Upper House Censures Bingham of Connecticut for Tariff Framing. PASS RESOLUTION 54-221 New England Delegation Backs Former Yale Professor and War' Aviator. By Francis 1. Stevenson, A. P...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN ,AL' '. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 19211 THE MICHIGAN DAILY T~JESDAY. NOVEMBETh 5, 1O2t~ rLIGIO N N ETHIS'IS SUBJEC1Tit n | nn.. Ti~ ||Eh3D E |E D E MANY ENROLLED FOR EXTENSIONS I -t 74"1 T-f 1 4"-9 -1 pyq r- V -,__r1I BLAND TO LECTURE 1 w r i a i 4 Criminology Classes Study Co Inspection Tours of Michix O + Final compilings upon the en- One of the latest projects of the In the rolment of University of Michigan O1s...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929_ .{.. _ _.._. _ THE M I C H I A N D-1 1 N LL PAGE THREV .... _ . M, .,,~Y, r .. _ _.. ... ....._ ______.,r ._..,_._ ,...._n ,. . .-.4_ ., _ rm. .._. . . .t . ..., I MICHGA L__ _L SLDER PROGRSS C PONSIDERBLE IN PAScT SmUOII vriY i Thought Likely of Nobel Prize WinnerI Award! Thirty Fraternities Are Taking Part in Newly-Arrairged Program. OTH4ER S M1AY YE T ENTER Professor Pawlowski W r i t e s Article in ...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…T"r M.IiiiAN D A 11, ,. 4rb A r~ g Dal eat We reteat tatou teams are riot the product of po P: U: hed every mrnring except Mond'ay cytx te-igteVz .St vcrbthBodiy; yrx herkC II £~rlof tud ...?ulbiicatio, s. larid iixxr iifui~j3mxeit ati r: oft iebr cf ~zt ;n fE...e z. o ditorial Ithai pra .. ioe., vwe :3 1itat iur A.$sociation, t a Tr tilllia y xf71-1t ball- seiany The Associated Press is exclusively entitled 1I3eCattsf they 1i, it, aiii w...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 5

…~IU~AY~N~ ~:~,-1~ __ tHM~~IzAr A~t ___ __ loPAw ?e -qw- wW loft fkA 71 ATTEND ANNUAL BANDUET AT H-umphreys Talks of Advantages of Women on University Campus. PI BTA PHI WINS CUP Award for Year High Is Scholarship for Presented by Smith. More than eight hundred wornen attended the annual banquiet of the University of Michigan Inter- Sorority association held last night in the Myra Beach Jordan assem- bly room of the Women's League...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 6


November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 7

…,-- T -w r ,,PA4a'E apVtW .' ^".TI -n .r=- 1C M f~ A t A L .. vvk5Z ra,.. s' Af.Iv5A s v- ..'a. ya. ia. l7V L' i.]U Y 171 _.__ MINNESOTA AND PURUE RETAIN LEAD IN RAGE-FOR-BIG TE CAPOSI Sideline Chatter SEdwrd WarnWver, Sports Editor. 'B' SQUAD PLAYS M~TR'SOEL ASSIFI U 'BYPSILANTI TEAM C DAPERTISING (Continued From Page Six)TI IF[ lC 'RC verine junior Varsity when the two iINOTIC9E When Harvard trampled on Flor Northwestern Ruins Ill...…

November 05, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

…~THE MI~CHiZAN r°: LY .._. . ~$ --w . . ^ W 9Af*A wsi. It SDAILY OFFICIAL R ELFI 'TAflir -MINISTflY' DAIL Y OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN :AFFORDS I South Dakotoan Headsl STDFT-(IJDFT' 9 4-P 1V1T2 t Publication in the ittOunIs c=Stt re fnotice to all rnember _,uuru ~a i~t ~: of the University. Copy received by the Assistant tr'o thf= ?ffsi- LUU LU ia U IIjK ,<;A.:x.ldOjH detuntil 3:30 h. m(11:30 a. m. Saturday) __________ iiittt. }, t (, i.L ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 'Jr t Ahr tr 4.ait EMBER -ASSOCIATED PRESS ..... ........ .e.. _ VOL. XL, NO. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HAINES A9NNOUINCED AS OPERA AUTHOR BY UNION MANAGER Instructor in Journalism Is Also Author of Three Previous Campus Operas. CAST REHEARSES DAILY Lyrics Are Being Written And Will be Fitted to Music Next Week. RUSSI ANS SEEK TO FLY ATLANTIC1 IN FIRST EASTWARD ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE-MICHIGAN DAILY 'WEDNESDAY,-NOV. 57-1929 Bowles SIi1~s Behind jrflhiD Mt YIPftuI~ flW TOWS CRIPPLED GEAT LAKES FREIGHTER 'Afh~~ ~lIf INTO HARBOR COLLO WING CRASH WITH STEAMERdWILILII~L 7.'BY SECRET TREATY1 1-lad Alliance Been Kiiown, I ... ~South M~anchuria Would ... j ILive Been Annexed. :, I WEN ZSSA, C IN ire Mayoralty VoteiJI- NVIAISIdoil INPLAiNE AHE 0 I ! , -" N ON0 f a x F u ned Eleve n, r Yeai Ag#q by niver!.ty .. . ( Fonv ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…TH-E MTeHIG -~I LY NEW CAMP DAVIS HAS PICTURESQUE SITE IN WY( )MING UIVRSITY AATS NEW SURVEYING CAMP SITUATED IN HEART OF MOUNTAIN REGION MGH ' 12[CE OAION'- TO 0151 TOEE A -IN G i r -I N Climate and Scenery Considered3 Among Best to be Found in the Country. NEAR NATIONAL PARKS Camp Open to Limited Number' of Students from Other Universities. Ann Arbor Spons Ye, EXHIBITSI Exhibition to Gallery Men O'T|T BLOODY BATTLES FEATURED GAMES T ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…e THErMICIGANn.DILY r A. r OV4 9rllrftar~AIr t'vblished1cyry m±tornring except Mond'ay during th Ilim-elsity year by the Board 'in Control tit Student Publications. Member of Wester n on erence Editorial Association., The Alssociated Press is exclusively entitledj to the us:e for republication of all news dis- iratches credited t+O it or not otherwise credited xn this paper andl the local news published lzerein. E~ntered at the posto. .ce ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…',??V.6 ,, 4Z~ciTHE. MICHGAN *DA1LY'~____ WE .9 - - ONION& r- .,__ _ ,.. ..., ._._._, _._ .,,......,_._..v,. CATHERINE WILCOX SELECTEDB TO LEAD' PAN-HELLENIC BALL! Dancc Will be Held in Bllroom of League Building for. [irst Time. COMMITTEES CHOSEN ', I NOTICES I'SENIORNS, FROS5H'MI& SHALSEY BELIEVES PLAY DAY !ATHENA BANQUETCAIINEETE CREATOR OF FRIENDLY FEELINGS: HONORSINITIATESCP9N LTI Christmas cards may be ordercd through the...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…1 T i-IF ~IviCir flA E V WMIC mo HAII'VARIU Mob EXPE UTS a # v #. i 4 L I A OJ" 1 1 V 1 .'-4 1 1-1 1 1 TO DEFEAT WOLVERINE FORGES I . ... .. .,yam s OPTIMIlSTIl SPIRIT PERVADES CRIMSON CAMP LCNCERNI-NGRESULTOf-TUSSLE NOTRE DAME BACKFIELD STARS RECALL FAMOUS COMBINATIONt Basketball Comes Before Philosophy on Badger Campus 4 t i i t Q Crimson Victory Over Powerful Florida Team Bodes Ill I for Michigan.< LATf N! POWER SHOWN ...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 7

…T 'HE lMITC -H C -X , DA IY- TOBETMOHIGN Defeat by Dartmouth Adds Hope That Michigan can Win T npartaint Game.. DEFENSE SHOWS DEFECT (Continued From Page Six) forget this 20 to 20 battle to a dead- lock. Buring the first half the Crimson eleven, crytallizedl in to a *relentles4s driving force, rushed the ' Cadets off their feet to amass a 13 to 0 lead. Aroused to a fighting *pitch that was undeniable, the 'West Poiniters; completely 'turne...…

November 06, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 33) • Page Image 8

…THE"MICHIGAN DAILY' W11~Th7W~ThAV 'NW~V A I~I~ DAILY 4,Cl4w7.l '[1 d 3 JL V e xsrcrv IDAILY OFFICIAL BulL ETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member, of the Unriversity. Olopy received by the Asistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p, M.-(11:30 a. in. Saturday) ONMONEY STATUS, UyneyUiversity Lecturer Talks t on Relations of States .' I .. VOL. XL. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBIER 6, 1829 No. 3) NATION EDITOR WILL GIV...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 Air Ap IWPML 4& ALM A..dosIv -A 41ilo w 04 1I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DEANS WILL AGAIN' HEVIEW UNIVERSITY COLLEGEPOPSA College Heads Believe Further' Initiative on Projects Is up to Faculties. 1 I If { TO SCRUTINIZE REPORT { First Draft for Organization Was Rejected Last Year by School Executives. Welieing that furth...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…v PAGE TWO THE M A It 1t'ilrf D AlLy THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7w 1020 a s a. MICr-a aN fl r+ka t.Y aTa.r t~fA O~M~R 112 nmi innrin nw uri I 14Ml llk SENE0 [N NF Aged Mother of Mexican President Halos 5DI l10NP1 N Senators Brookhart and Blease Deno; A E PP N E TOPlane, Flight on First Trip to LosAngele Politicians in Capitol Enforcement CBMMJTTEIS Carnival Will be Climax of: ri ___.: National Glider Week, :?3 Charles "Young, Chairman of ".s No...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…- - . T H E M I 1.... - i F J l..r -t-' N- is ° / ,A T T PAGE THREE . .. i.Maa CY M:a c. L i. MY' 1Y LA,"1 V... 1O. ..: ;.: ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____.. *T4 * ._u A ___* A _._.11-.. .. RUTHVEN ISSUES STATEMENT ON CARNEGIE REPORT PRESIDENT- SAYS SANER ATTITUDE Of ENTHUSIASTIC ALUMNI NEE[DED Tfln inunr ATIr riri n PTINTul Ambassado~r 'Resigns for New Post { I ~ R II~l...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…PA6!! . s .,n,. x ...: .. ..... :iI'. _ _ ,43/4 ,Lai. >KA . ._u ..,r .SYi. _SII, ..,. ... . J. ~<._ ". *w~r-...,..n Vfl~mfl.a. . n..-.4..M ~~i.* k~" ~Z 1''A N' ',- D A I .' ', ' ~.,t* *,a,. _ .... .. . rA .:. t s. n... ..... v .i..:: ..ter Inuin i *;e ity discipline. If Published every :n z%-g exte B o et ij'th, L i r ^tro f $ 1"": t_ t:^.c. -9. adlttl :es~.;:1 f:hi mr t41rnbfc^:of C~oiit=2 t1 ,ing' Gt ^ mta I aie: AcA.o n des more than m...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

… 1, , I W&I Q IVA 9 11 A W , :,. _, e. ' r . ." .. _ ...Y YY .friYYr - - L. ... .. _ _ p HOUSE PHESIDENTS ASSIGNED AR TICLES Samples of Articles to be Ready for Approval by Monday, November 18. DROP POSTER CONTEST New Advertising Arrangement to be . Secret Feature This Year. Letters will be received this week by the presidents of all women's houses on campus, assigning arti-I des which the houses are to con-4 tribute to the League ...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…PAGE IX I TH-iMTCICAN D A I L, THURSDAY, XNOVEM13M,1.0~,t29 U- A Ilr r r - .. w .r r.r -1 -_ WOLVER NESo GIVI FHESBMENDISBUCKEYE CROSS COUNTRH TEAM TO ARRIVE ,FRIDAY A A F EN Some indication of the strenth 0,1'F NS ofthe Wolverine opponents in the1 triangular cross country track meet between Michigan, Ohio State, Kipke Returns to Ferry Field; and Illinois over the Michigan Stresses Defense; Tries New courset Sturday may be gleaned Combi...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…t THURSDAY. NOVEMBER~ 7, 1920 THE N/IICHI'G-N D.A tJ., T4~NTC-T A ... - ...., ..,L . .. Crimson Entrains T4 day for Game With ]I'Ic higan'C~IU VET1NDISIFI w ; IS FIRST HAR YARD INVASION OF WEST Sideline Chatter By Edward Warncq, Sports editor. CDVHI ICIIDhIL~TOLAN TIES WORLD MARKFOR LIE N FFNSVE,100 -METERS ON, GERM AN 'A Continued fromn Palge 0,.Col. 7) ,ju (tcsdcision, ithWilliams sotbarnstorming trip tc Vancou~- in declared,, ncw...…

November 07, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…PAGE MOR1 ".r j T If -: Y DAI LY ;4m -.: .l DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the $uilet.iz 1U acnstructi:e notice to all member,; of the University. Copy i ecei ed by the As81stant to the ?rest- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 No. 34 for end NOTICES To All Student Occupants of Fletcher Hall: Fletcher Hall is closed student occupancy from Monday evening, Nov. 11, 1929, until the ...…

November 08, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890t I Ar t 141 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO 25. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PEP MEETING WILL B0E HEL.D TONIGHT FOAR HRVARDTILT "Beat Harvard" Will be Slogan of Students at Pep Rally in 'Hill Auditorium. LAWTON TO LEAD CHEERS Michigan Band to Lead Parade Calling Students to ' Support Team. "Beat Harvard" will be the war- cry of thousands of loyal Michigan stu...…

November 08, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO .THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' T R yDAY',- NOVEMBER 8, 1927 'N !**~RMfI PROOFESDR S JACK LAU~DS PRODUCTION IIt lllD TrFl'LANS FOR FRESHMEN-S OPHOMORE STUJ UIMJA L, FD~MA RTE Y TDNSrt;~~ i~[1 CLASHWILL BE MADE BY COUNCIL WILT Prathat StudenProdurtiono is doinge,"Uni ,l; Continued rom Pae One) may not. be necessary to hold all lRI T sguet o uprn h nversity; and in a way. the .LVL 111iesofPs UItbo isefis rouin T 8ug the field the freshmen wil...…

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