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November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 L tr 0an ~aiI . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVI. 'No. 37 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 TWELVE PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS nwwraRren nn nn"n -- S 44 (3 Y 1".. f s .x . aa Y . y t p 4d .t 9 , 5. 3, ? rF, , } f yi , r. j c .r 4' l,,t .{ : e C Y ' ti :Y Sry: 1' 4 R y r S P r4 [ ::i. ' '. LITTLE JOHN MCCORMACK TO BE HEARD IN RECITAL TONIGHT, FAMfOUTS IRISHI TENOR WILL1 ASSIS...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…PAGE I'WQ 7 TI-IF MICHIGAN DAILY . +1a a "aUa /\J-! Ai 1 Vf all..! \ . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 192.) BIBLE PROFEorSSO TALKS HERE TO1 Lecture In Xewberry lhireT1'o T Of Series 'Under Auspices 0 School of Religion PUBLIC IS INVIE Henry J. Cadbury, professor New Testament in the Harvard -ity school, -will, deliver the firsi series of four lectures arrang. the Michigan School of Religi 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in berry hall auditoriuim. The th...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…FT117 MTrHMr.AM lil DAILY MTT'"O " A TT TTlITT T; it.T T']'[;iT') "i 1 f1E)C. { '1 l');1-MA Y, £\UV Ii'.V1U''1 ;;, 1125 1. l~'..j .'..i)i ~ -'-- UNIVERSTIES WILL D lq __ 4' Froin Fifteen Colleges Wil 1YMvcl.-AAt Priniiceton Tio 1)1scuiss W~orld Court Problema HIBBEN APPROVES PLAN Fo'" the first time in history an or- granizedl att, iipt is being ?Wade by stu-I denfts to influence a political issue, aiccording to John 11. lliott, '26, who ...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR TIME MICA-OMCAN DfAILY A 1 I" IVII%-l Al%-Ar"!1 Y "t-All... 1 T1, DAS , NOVEMBER 3, 1925 . _ _ _ _ _ _I Each year there ari,;es a cry fioni Published every morning except Monday a sensible minority against the bone- during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. crushing tactics employed by a large Members of Western Conference Editorial group of playboy stulents, mostly Association. underclassmen,...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, &OVEAMBE, R TVTF MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVIK a . --, a, xa I....I--. _--- -11 ii :> ......... ... ... . ...... Iq i t -. :Z:; ; _ , L. w-,Y , - kq; 'xk '; ':,F r',a e i . + ' "r: ':tw:+s .d ~ " j y.; a . . OI~T SIEM IA nd Vassar Women Are 'cvise Junior Girls' W Tyvern Announces rjjOINV E rIdRereete A IauurtinPlayvCoummittee List New Membership F b t. li ~ W4~ ~C (omi ttees for the Junior Grls ' Wven, honor ary junior s...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

… PAGE2 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, x;925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA. a} OvVMI3ER3. 1,25 ......."u. . .; rirr ' , ,~ J .Q., UGIM D r ....,. .a.. ±' " , ' ' annirn~ Tfl RR[FT MICHIGAN MUST STOP THESE ~~M[[T4ICHiIG AN MUST STOP T HESE \I I TWO PLAYERS ON SATURDA ILNI AN OHIO r777 Y'INDIANA TO PLA 91''0OHI ,Antioch Collegej Adopts Speedball Y SAAs Varsity Sport YELL OW SPRINGS, Ohio, Nov. 2.- THE PRESS BOX i 4 ...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

…Ti"F.,DAY, NOVI', IBII'.Z 1,925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESAYNOVMBER3, 925PAGE SEVEN _.. ._... .. ._....-..... .... . u. _ ..............._w..._..... tQ LUMN !F Co a CLOSES CLOSCS Ai3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. Studies Polar Air Conditions, NOTICE TAILORING Students T'ailoring Phone 8040 Cor. N. University and Tlhayer M~EN'S SUITS CL~EANED AN D PRESSED), $1.25 TROUJSERS PRtESSED), ::{e CLEANING, PRESSING, REPIAIRING ! AND ALTERING A SPECAI T...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT - "- THE MITCAN DfAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 + a *A- i ta4t tiii ..91'11 9 L/ [-11 I-- 1 William ............. DAILTY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TOOPENRELIGIOUS Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until I J STII iIL iNI ti 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI TUESI)AY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 Number 7 Dinner at Lane hll Will be Initia...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 9

…Inauguration Section L 41P tgan ~akziki Inauguration Section VOL. XXXVI. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 TIWELVE PACES PRESIDENT LITTLE INDICATES POLI CIES a A -A- Points Out Need Of "Humanizing" Education Outlines Ideal Transition From High School To College, From Absorption To Digestion In College Work, From Digestion.To Creative Efforts, And From Undergraduate To Alumnus u Makes Suggestions For Reorg...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN 'Ti'Li A/TT(' "Ti- ANT n A TT V mrTr. r^r r^. a rr T.rn rr:°rx x-rv r.. -re n tnn.*."-. 1LTr- TVR~l-TI1-" A ?.ft fl/AILTT_ T7F 7DAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1 25-, t To sum up, we have onthe basis telligent under-graduate work dodg- of te three types of transition re- ers. It included frequently Greek and ferred to: Latin as foundation languages of our first: A period of change from recita- own tongue, mathematics as mental tions in school ...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 11

…,, _. M { ,. , " : J® . . , .. li . G' P ? ! F. i i ' A. e ,{ 3 , R A N j i i S t '7 7 r: t { : ';j _ . ; _. E __ i -- 4 "^ F a t ® P . , , . _ _, ', a ; c +M u / :1. .V i ~. " ;;,s °..: .-a rr. M r,.., :s 4 c. c .-, :; :. .. _ L Q-C r ) A. ,} ne ...,2 CLC; t0~ 0 00; .2 Al) .I . _. _ >>.. _r 5 "Al ,f ts , r :k R iri . . . x, ! m, #._, ,; ;. (pir M 1'~ yy' . " F' y . a ,y, d ry. 1il. S_ , - ' 'r , h ; :;' , ° . :;a ' . .; , :; - ...…

November 03, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 37) • Page Image 12

…DAILY \V I R ~ r~. I ~ sch C P. P oo. T~ L. WUPo ou 4c1XKho ru '~ Of 4oiora~o, I 0( K Laho of iiad- * of (ii (4 1 )oin W P Cow ci U 4ro~ rC o~ H B 1'o~ll hErs, Prof -1. ~;p~ ~ '~x&. ~}j~~< Pie'~T~FKao ~ ~rhD1'ofa I PI( W. C. T;td1~ of Ca Ii go V £ iV rl ~ ~ ~ ~ MIIO:, RI Rox~ I' A PZ 0; NY ~ ~ C!i1\010311y J4~ W Vi~ ~ 0011 01 (4(1k, P({ 11 1 ( ~O0Y'O X Hr f 10 POOf, A. C. orino ho (1 . P.. 12. NVorih m~ (ii ~ ~ II. (1. P000-1 01 11104 1 j ( 11...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 1


November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . a... .,.. _ . ., ...., a ®.. ,.. a,. 1 - _ -.. 4 nn 'FORM ER TURKISH R ULER LIVES will suffer the same fate, and so they drives a taxicab, a third peddles Ger- cotnuinmir npoetyi E-man-made "Persian" rugs at the. MEA GERLYON BORROWED MONEYopean cities.1 p Riviera resorts, another sells cheap TO ! The more energetic and practical of cotton stockings on the streets, a (By Asociated PressOne of these Turk...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…'WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925: rH-F MTC HTC.AM PATT . a 1L 1 VtL.','i1 11 Vl J V 11-L.1 ..."Nom.... CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSES OlFFERED Amass Glory For A rmy In Air Races Professors Bla'nchiard, Swintoni, Others to Glye Courses i anidj GIVEN DURING WINTER Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the civil engineering department, has an-E punced that the following profes- sional, short period, advanced courses, will be offered by the division of hi...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…;4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ftm-*-W-Www , -.mwtww"fl6v~ WFt ntr~DAYr cNOVern 4, 19"1 For innumerable yar; ,thec, y ci everg x tthe physical trainer has been heard Pulihe eey morning except Monday during the U-niversity year by the Board inI throughout the lald; it has i)eCn ta k- Control of Student Publications.- en up by citizens from New York to Members of Western Conference Editorial Walla Walla. Each morning count- Association. less rotund, ...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 5

…IVrP'N r 9nAT, N(iYT'YTUIM, 4, 192 THE MTC TGA1v.1' DATA .Y ..iS~V OERE ,1h' IIFMCIA AL " a . .-. ,.,mow r. ; ,. n ,, . , 3P i l n[ k r . . i I IMLVA. fill: r mum, I ICII~lArrange F eriesI HOUR ISSSN10Of Club Concerts Concerts to be given by the Univer- sity Girl's Glee club will consist of two radio concerts broadcasted from l st Of Gifts Show That Variety And Detroit and of two other out-of-town Novelty Will Predominate concerts....…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

…SIX - 4 THF MICI-TAN DAILY WEDTNESDThAY, NOVEMBR,. C1925. _ 1111 lYl llal 11 VL-'l1V L!'91L1 vvy vavyrrvyr-[w 0. LA } All Y L' iviLL' 11. Y .4J4J J/ ' '........ .w =" -N I C IO r /ywy rrr ,1 rr M4uiNwi u i HIM ow .0posposomm-ft- 1 ' 14 MEN CUTFROM All of JAut Years V terans and Reserves Manage to Survive -' First Cut of Season RETAIN 20 PLAYERS , With four weeks of preliminary training over, Coach Mather has cut the Varnit...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, -----_--_ -E-.bER - - 1925 THE MICHJGAN DAILY A 3 PJ ADVERTISING AT 3 F, M Yanks Seek Adventure In Trackless Jungle In P'lane .._.. NOTIVE TAI LOUING Stident Is Tailoring Plhone 80.10 Cor. N. University and Thayer MIEN'S SUITS CLEANEI) AND TI )USS l tES:1 9, 0ce CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LAI)IES DIISES AND COATS IfEASONABLE PICVS 1Vork Called For And Delivered ELSON BEAUTY SIIOP. Lanoil, per...…

November 04, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 38) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHTGAN DAILY NVED717.SIAY, NTOT,'lNT~F~v 1,9 THF MICHIGAN DAILY \~ 7EDNPSDAY, r~OVl'MPE11 4, 19~! - - ~. .. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pesident until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays. Volume Vi WEDNESDAY, NOVE+MBER 4, 1925 Number 33 Crew Of Flaming Steamer Called Heros And Cowards According to reports, the lice...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…ifwin iw ESTABLISHED 1890 C, 4r -.diLtddh aiIt PRESS R VOL. XXXVI. No. 39 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 EIGHT PAGES i STUDENT COUNCIL ENODORSES SENIOR MEMORIALPROJECT FIRST PEP MEETING WILL BE HELD FRIDAY PRECEDING 0. S. U. GAME WILL EXPLAIN PLAN Request Sent to M. C. R. R. for Extra Day Stopover in Chicago on Northwestern Trip Endorsing the plan of the senior lit- erary class to establish* a $250,...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…TWO TIE MICHIGAN DAILY THURDAYi~aOEN~tER 5 192 .....,._ TLIIrRSDAY, NOVEM8ER 5, 1925 REACH AGREEMENT ON CHINESE TARIFFI Mlajor Powers In Custom Conuferene Agrees to Autonomy Principle for Tariff Leiv Appoint Financier As Envoy To U. S.+ of bie aCel (de i~eiv o klt dv riss L 4r~o' elicit an industrial boom, but rather p urchased from the Chamber of Comn- to emphasize Ann Arbor's attractions m cerce. as a residential city. Copies are be...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…7TTUR SDAY, NOV1,AMI3ER 5, 1925 mu-j MICHIGAN DAILY . , ... m.,. ,.T.,.. ,. ... .., ,_._,: 1)ouebnlfual IsmE Fxpress~ioni Of 'fle ~llCl'Flie -I~ajority I dl: T II 1I n FewCats 'taken 'itr Oe;a rrd 1That thec theft a"o v 'ts iAx xP U- iverit bjv uildings 1."v i7 CbcD(;bcd its ithe belief Of U1 Tiity Ofii"ils. But lut c ecourts have be.en roj~o t ad stolen infli e la,-t two wueoks, sillc.t1h"' arrest andi conviction of a De)troit 4Y 19 ro ...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…PAcnE FOUTR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 r, tions to the University, each in its; '"lr ' Mr(Itrinaatig111 turn, but it is not cocksureness to say - tbat the plan pre;ented by the class M U SIC durI e ersyy oorring eCyt tMonday of 1926 is a bigge and better thing / during the University year by the Board in IU X IT ! AND C riri of tudent' Publications. than has ever been proposed before, YEA '6I! even when considered on ...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

…TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 THE MICHTGA N I ATLY PAGE rTVR 1' R as 0 !1 9 9 SHOW INTEREST IN Ise,°i i lrunch Of Amnericant Association; ' Of Uni cr sity NWoien Pledge i $5,60( To Fend OUTLINE YEAR'S WORK Interest of individuals and institu- tions in Ann Arbor just at present are centered in the proposed Women's league building. This is especially1 true of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University women. This...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

…W'AGE SIX TI-l rNMICIGAN DILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBE~R 5, 1925 __ _ x f etw u "mamma ofta.- "0 117.Ns VII. . 5 cgs j U' __ jnrrai Molenda Takes F riedmn'sPs And 'T'OT HOD'S lN9LRuw<s For Third Toweh owni Against"'- Na vy HOME DRILL, TgODY~ Grid Squad Will L~eave For Chicago Tovigli#;nTo Staiy At Cooper- Carleton Hotel ED WARDS. OUT OF GAME Coach Yost, yesterday refused to af- firm qtr deny any of the rumored! changes, in' the M...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, NOVLMBE'R 5. Y THE MIHIGAN DAILY PA(,F UIIUIISDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1925 PACE SFVPN _..._.,.. ..._...Ma,..._ ._._. ... .._........... ..... ADVRTIIN LASS f I OLUM F(TA IN IPEN IREPAIRING 'We skillfully repair your pen the s-me day you bring it. Wh~y send it away and wait. Rifler's Pell Shop 3i02 State Street FOUNTIAIN VE;I1 ii FOR HSAIE -Congress Inquires1 :iones,' I o sal. Rate to t I I i J RAD3;fILA 3 jnl ri 1 n;L~aNI pl lat...…

November 05, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY T rt"RSD.1 '. n 'E:11?T R 5, n r j DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Faelty Women's Club: The members of the Faculty Women's Club will hold a reception and dance to meet President and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little on Friday, November 6, from 3:30 to 5:30, at the Michigan Union. Admission will be )y membc- ship ticket, each member being entitled to one gentleman guest. Member- ship tickets may be procured at the door. Ella ...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…T,, ESTABLISHED 1890 LY t1kan ~Iaih APRESS ----- ". i,." VOL. XXXVI. No. 40 FRESHMIENSELECT LASS OFICIALS; NINE CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR MAJOR POSITION IN LITERARY COLLEGE BURSLEY SPEAKS Ellen Grinnell Named Vice-President, Mary Alice Moore, Secretary; Wachs, Treasurer Harlan Cristy, '29, took the presi- dency of the freshman literary class from a field of nine candidates when he received 174 of the 313 votes cast at Hill auditorium ye...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…D TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 COMMUNiTY DRIVE TO START SUNDAY1 Sixth Aiuiiial Callpal-grn'°or 1Eleve Of City' ( s Org ukat ezvh- '11() Be Iau g iri ,, 1 GOAL SET AT *521225 Setting its goal at $52,225, the sixth annual campaign drive of Ann Arbor's Conmmunity- fund 'association will be launched Sunrday mornin.An initial gift of $1,000 wras -x Cen;Fei by iiie as-I sociation y-estc'day. Eleven of thei ty'1,s ocialsr~e ...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, NOr VMBER 6, 1925 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR' rHF MICIITCAM DAT! Y PAGE Tfl1~EW T 1 } in their quarters in thie neW building~ WO L Y W L A K NEW A THLETfIC OFFICES for sohie time.1( W, O 1,EY l[[ 91K( !No {lerfnl ,ie latuas Been set for t he ~QNTRA SPO TATON EADfFO O1CUPNCofhork oil ue odofc inl ii fc 31(aIc.ii ,UciV 11. It. is prob~able 04 'D,,o 11ustraailed Lectures) i c 1al ii , , hiat t Huuest ion will lbe settled by WI e v...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…PACE FOUR THE FMTrT4HC AN T)AYL V a a a 1-,r 17114.,.1 t 1 \,: .3-11 t ,1.1t-Vi L-P, I FRIDAY: NOVE~MER .6.i192 I,,ar and upon equality and justice be- tween all nations, great and small, ,shall be formulated and adopted. -, y e Mna (c) When war is outlawed, the durngt},e unrsity yar by the Board in~ Coto tudnt Publications. Permanent Court of International - Justice shall be granted affirmative, of etern Conference Editorial jurisdiction...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, NC VEIIBER 6, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY %" I.: :, "; 4 1 P-P - -N 0 Trjiv r, . WI CIAgoCBINET rHOLDS OPEN MEET 1rsenta2res of Student Friendship Fund Speak on European S tuation NE 'D AMERICAN HELP Outlining the work of the American division of the European Student re- lief and emphasizing the spirit of impartiality with which it carries on its work, Mr. Conrad Hoffman, trav- eling secretary of the World Student Christian f...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…PAGE S~IX ..,,,W r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER E, ;1!25 ________________- A IT lit- I v FORE I GN f f .1 W ,' WOLVERINES LEAVEIs T ATTI R1 PDIIL F i } ! 1 .j -r.e nvistmas Air TourHAHBIERS ENIRAIN osesL FOR URBANA MEET I I UU R IILL 1UIiI LLB Herrnstein Replaces Gregory; Oter Runored tliages Fail T Materialize EXPECT HARD GAME Determined to conquer Northwest- ern, and to keep its goal line uncross- ed, Michigan'...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, NVEMI3ER 6, 1925 THTE MICHIGAN DATLY r A P.M . A D V R T IS I N GU CLOSES gCLOSE$ A C3 M ADVERTISING AT 3 PM Appointed Viceroy f l i illllililliliill ll llililll111i li ililllllllllll il#I i111111 i 1ll I1ltlli i l l, News Fro Other Colleges Frog, Chicken ad Steak Diners Served at - W'tASHINGTON- Umiversities an.=d term. The final decisions wrill ],c! BOULEVARD N colleges in the United States have a made at th( cnd of te ilemes...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 8

…PAGE MOOT .____ '4--7--, THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'RT'b-k , N0VMMTrR -I25 ~A~ ~tflTFR... ,.. ..~, 92 .DLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI FRIDAY, N OVEHBER f, 1925 NumbEr 4) Notice to AllFaculty Members: At meetings of the Regents held January 10 and April 25, 1919, the Boar...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED, 1890 'it ika Ott MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 41 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS I U CM MITTEE FAVHS REPALOFINOM TAX. PUBLICITY ACT JIECOMJENIDS 24) TO 40 PER CENT CUT IN INHERITANCE RATES OPPOSES GIFT TAX Dean Effinger Supports Plan For Memorial I heartily believe in the plan for raising a class fund, which has been adopted by the class of '26....…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1925 .. Judges For Extemporaneous 1 Speaking Contest Selected Judges for the first semester ext em- and upperclassmen, except those who! poraneous spearing 16ontest to be hed; have represented Michigan in inter- at 8 o'clock Wednesday night, Nov. collegiate debate. The winner will be; 21, in University Hall unde the aus- presented with a bronze plaque, anid1 pices of the auspices o1f the ...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…SATURAY, NOVEMBER~l:1 7. 1 "125 PG TRI F 1K MICHJIGAN D.AFY PAGE THREE LAKETO CONDUCT, Will 04cdiver Scrinon At > niversity OFFER SPECIAL MUSIC Armistice lay services of an all- University and~ city-wide character will be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow in St. Andrew's Episcopal church, it was announcedl yesterday. Rev. Kir- resent Library Exhibtion .. Cliildren's books'' is the title of "ITv~rJ~±' >i i--]zdQ b the present exhibit, of books ...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…PAGE TOT.~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBIER- 7. 1925 tI wouldl inspire immediate act ion t0- ~ ~.XI4~~III ward that end(, and in a few years we could expect to see schools ort this Published every morning except Monday typle Spigng p tho hutiea during the University year by the Board inrign up togotth Control of Student Publications.j country~ We can nev er hope to teach Memblers of Western Conference Editorial. Association. - the ...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 7. 1925 TTF MTCT-I!C AN DATL Y PACE FIVIM I A IL. I V I 11-1 1iN, 1..,.81 9 L "1 A-1 A X A.. a s ft ) I' + { y i ANNOUNCE HOCKEY TEAM SCHEDULES' Mct'scof First And. Second Squaids C it ipeto :1ooIDceide Class ChampionisI I 4 SOPHOMORES, DEFEATED Sohponore andl juniU: second squads of interclass hockey competed in al game at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoonj at Palmer field. The junior team de- I feated the soph...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 6

…MGM SIR Tl---Ir-- MICHIGAN DATLY S:1'1't IsT).' Y, 1925 PAGI3~ SI~ TIlE. MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1925 ,,,.5 'V -- n,.,.smaae.inrtn~flinflaSe~U~ wwbb I ____________ milill ,%, wo- wmw ommak 77 W~LC___AC SMIVWTOUT SERVIC F f ;: ., F, ',.,, BAKE AN FISER UT FGAJ ON9AbCCOUNT'OF SEV[EEIJ E Scliiiilir, iiisttatie Fori Thikei'g t aken care of ? y TU'wis, the ])lung- Proves :edSa I du ng soplhclore, rWho.has blie1 eiii'ionl- ...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 7

…SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1925 THE. MICHIGxANv DATLY _________________________________________________________________________________________________ a.. .s.. n..e.nrl~~inW ~C'W t - - mmwww AT 3 CPM. ADVERTISINGAT3P, Library Secures Several National Reference Books I i NOTICE FOIL SALE .;. TAILORING ;FORD Touring, fully equipped. Call Students Trailoring Phone 8040 i 36o stop at 706 Haven. Cox. N. University -and Thaiyer ,XENS SUITS...…

November 07, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY 8 TLTRDAY, NOVE'NIB rt 7. 192 PAGE EIGHT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1925 Number 41 Phillips Scholarships: The Phillips Scholarships for the year 1925-1926 will be awarded upon...…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…A ESTABLISHED 1890 -0 Itt 4kv .fjattu w VOL. XXXVI, No. 42 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE ENTI E :. r,- ; ', ,:. r: ,Y.+ ' / UDh T s z Agv& I A NI, iTT RED01-HEADEDFLAS GRANGE UNABLE TO MAKE ANY GROUND AGAINST MAROONS IN SEA OF MUD NO INTERFERENCE Backfield Could Not Get Started+ Slippery Field; Lucky Breaks Give I linois Victory On (By Associated Press) CHAMPAIGN, Nov. 7....…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY'' 'Works By Keller News From Other Colleges !Anhuffy TorrBeI (Contiluu&d trcamPage One) University of Colora~t.-- E+.ager to 'delay in tlho receipt of tickets, the1 Perhaps~z no less notable is the work t attend the Colorado-Utah game at -Ace of seats for the Michigan game l ~l*Y~ ~lr h a )~lvr Salt Lpike- City recently a commimttee; Nov. 14 has been postponed until flvr byreceived lby art critics all of students from th...…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…Sl_'i11,'D Y 8, TIlE MICHIGAN -DAILY PAGE THREZ ONulin edDIVER ITY SHOPS BACK Politicia Held- _ ON NE HIF SCEDDE~'In Bootleg Pdot, l 0)0 i P J' aiontt115onl an sv ' ', ouv i- n 1 htt l ( .E the U niversity .: ~: r :: :- A: .x 'd; ^ 1 >Yacr~ ° sh On W(thiseeback on a nora cd of specal equipment for the , ,>i ~ g hot~ it 1 ad MedicalI buildings kept X it :;'N r 4A ALL)T"FA~ESe~ ' riFTU;ETT)1sT the shops opr ating continuously x.O' , i 1,1i6 (...…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…P"AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Urir1Ji'~ t~u~ xt An then he funds that there is a ' chne in thc lrrea eiwr linel., "T.'Ie notes0of auithoriity, undto) ugt~l- ot MvS Published ev ery morning except Mlondayj viRtioiRO during the U niversity year by the Board in "1"dldasiiet beie wic hiv I Control of student Publications, marked the greater pr eaching of thep s r o ar ey a s n . "'is )\D R Members of Western Conference Editorial pato agl asn.T...…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 5

…TT-TP RITTrT-TT('_ A NT n A TT V PACE FTVIC T ! X 1! C+ r^ :. { yy 1(7 T,, WONI. V A ijf i J ®L.TT71 cLTIA iAT AC 11 I ANNOUNCE SCORES OF HOCKEY GAMES Betsy Barbour Vs. Martha Cook kappa Delta Vs. Alpha Phi Enter Final Games And FORMER WINNERS LOSE In the intramural hockey games played this week, Martha Cook de- feated Zeta Tau Alpha 6 to 0; Betsy Barbour, Kappa Kappa Gamma 3 to 0; and Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta 10 to 0. Also as a re...…

November 08, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 42) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE I MICI GAN -DA',ILY s . . _. . . - _ _, . -' . - QQ= uWllillJ V m PROj7 . ,. * 1 _ :- ; z h *x yx . ?_= i Y wry,' _ .. ;' _,, a __ _ _':, .1 ~May Change WOLVERINES TK FIRST TWO PLCE JBri.ggs, Wins Rance; "Ted" llornberger Seconid In Five -Mile Grind DOES UTINGT,1 AGAIN 4URPL CALL NHAN OUT OF RACE'a CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 7.-Michi- gan's Varsity harriers last to Ohiokr State by two points in the triangular meet w...…

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