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November 01, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…The NMichiga ai VOL'. XIX. .\,NN ARBOR, 1IICJJICrV\, SII-Nf VARSITY WAGES w utuu GL R O S li-( 5':tiesf'o BATTLE WIT1ICO1Y1ODORES 55'.'llslke Wolverines Pile Up Biggest Score of Year in Splendid Battle With ts a'. (](- Southerners; Allerdice Scores 19 Out of 24, Against g14.11 1111drOpnns ;RoesAeHlros I-<l<1 iy '< ari Oppan s alonen ts'dru6;ofRooesaelarioubs.ta ol o eSoe lcia igan tr'amplei up1on1 tes llt 151 t t111ltn it li l ot pikttlll ...…

November 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBORAl 1(1111 N \. [I I ISIAA Y. NOVPI 11-R 3, iiao8. Nixi.. XIX. W~ATKINS COMYES gvi~cniviulsrcion :iu ine orGEOLOGIST FINDvS BACI( TO FOLD that remarkabletexcelled, i ititl i ~otitlot STRANGE FOSSILS that rPrehistoricdRemainsenAreaAdded Big Fullback Joins the Squad at ti ttitit tttt t Signal Practice-Pennsy Seat o.01 .,,il to be-see. to University Museum by the Sale Starts Today. Elfforts of Prof. Case. r t 1 l i ...…

November 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michgan DAily Vol- XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VETDNESDikY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. NO. -32. VARSITY WEAK; SCRUBS TRIUMPH Reserves Score Six Times in Ten Minutes From Twenty Yard Line-General Seat Sale Today lThat Coaccieltciteail nt beni dl inceclast h is ccrwd1 of reserescmtctfor ti-rtlailc -slangltec at the 1hands( ofithe vaiity as mest ieatiiullillutrtdl ini ee-lerdlayf - criiiitiage tiactice After thte hal- ttttitatitcvatsit ad mtae a t...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…Th.e ichigan ,DIly NNARBOR,-MIC HIGAN, TWTRSDAY, NO\E-MBER 5 , i190 VOL.- XIX. PENNSY TICKETS SELL WITH RUSH Six Thousand Sold Yesterday- Block M to be Displayed-Var- sity Downs Doughty Reserves. 'ticxkets fox the. Peix 11SO arxia gamoe ven wx xih ax rush afxxx the (1ors of 11il athticx assciatio ofic opened atxxxci 8 xa. m.iyesterday morig. B xighxx sic (0 thosan of the best scatsi hadx been beenx al xiressionx lthat it xxcxouldi lbx im- p...…

November 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Vol" XIX. ANN ARBSOR, MTICHIGA, FRIDAY XOYlRMlER 6, iqo905.3 CHICAGO ALUIVNI MAY RUN TRAIN Attempt Being Made by Windy City Grads to Get Excursion- Seat Sale Continues Steadily. Despite the fact iff tecnfictintg Cicago-Cornell ganmc at Chicago one tieck from tomorrowt isnoft or thn ikecy that tie annuaol Chicagoe- corsotoi ii iciigant fbig gamie - till fbe issuref. PromntcitMiiciant amitit residintg i Chicagofhaec takni 111)...…

November 07, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga aily' A\ lttfi \RII ILO G-N, SATURDIAYNOVEI hER 1No.- Vol'..XIX. So. 36, VARSITY HOPES FOR RECORD SCORE Kentucky State Makes Northern Debut in Michigan's Final Pre- liminary Battle of Year. the appear m ,iofie l\Oi~ti ke Stte on imorI.u evnt infotall ini-to- tn ttteIC;iun - o ll th O lll r ntta Stioo athleic 1eatione with northern dope 1111 tasty sti ~ have itte elifoi- c~ilt il oa ingfrom the o toes -hiii dl'pc ootbal is oe li...…

November 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \ oj. XIX. ANT ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, NOVEMNBER 8,190cl 0d'. 313. to nnkys>. Slitizthre1(1 11111 VARSITY TRAMPLES tottit ooct: ioJos LATE ELECIN UPON MOONSHINERS pultmt Iihi l o 30. ball istl 41 END CAMPAIGN Team Shows Brilliant Form and reegand aoud iight. ltici' nits and Laws Select Of, it 00 01tovfrtoiiliioo nt e it ve Morc0 1 Rolls U~P 62 Points Without ~~~j Councilmen Chosen; Co Exposing Its Own Goal. Vlicltgtti....…

November 10, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily :1 NNrARB3OR. MICH lGAN, TUrESI),AY, ?NOVE I BER -to, 19010 No. 7. Vo.XIX. SHIFT IN LINE-UP CAUSES SURPRISE Varsity Undergoes a Wholesale Shaking Up on Eve of Sea- son's (Greatest Battle. orWill i lsthanoi iwellriof pepaahon 'iii iotiiliei on game, Coaci 0 hosi t tl- { Ieac ishaigiill). Vcliroror Ii n w l iniip otil ooslino -il big 'All intct dpend e if l ,itithe Itth ii co diinsib tit icrai tha iflos ha ha th nu no aei h ...…

November 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…g ,nANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDN SDAY, - OVE RR i f, i.N . 38. VOT. XIX. SCRUBS DOUBLE VARSITY'S SCORE Penn's Formations Sprung Yes- terday; Coaches Are Anything But Discouraged. Ft was dark aiid glomiiy)i Ferry Meld1-last night wheiithe hiusiy scrubs had inihsted with hr shifted lineiup of lthe varsity. tn thi coolserof sixt mn-n ales thehieefy tineligihies hail olled p nol ess tha-n furtone'uIch oins thr legtiate 1an(1 roetreslt of a flke l...…

November 12, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…TheIMichigan Daily V ot, XIS. AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Till'RSDAY, NOVMBER 12, 1908. \«3 WATKINS ABSENCE CAUSES NEW SHIFT D~ayison Will Play Fullback, Bay City Lad Being Out of Glame; Linthicum and Embs at Ends. \Witli ticIefiniite csnoacemestathat \Vatinswoul no be bleto take part in theseaso's sunsameSatuca, it ieilea c ce s s for CosetsYst to cakianther of his eteventh hour shifts, 11d0no1 ise at ot sng Watkiis at fullbackat Dais ion atiright ...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail A\so\ PsI3ORIICII(AN\,FRfD.,Y,\O\ FMBEFR 13 190g8. \'Ot..XIX. \ (). 40. RIVAL TEAMS REST ON EVE OF BIG GAME Yost Completes Michigan Preparations by Snappy Signal Practice, Whil1e Haughty Quakers Loat at Detroit Training Camp. la ti. e 1atsfaction of Seeing i111 (Spocialio 'Clbs MiciganDailly.) act1ion (-1l(at 111111itle-thestem lwhich (0111111) (101, iDetroit, Not'. 1 a-1110 weill lace Penns1ylvan11ia nteso ii sh15in11 51...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michi _ 'car . XIX. \'O. 41.. WakINNER IN GAME TODAY IS PROBABLE WO RLD CHAMPION Both Teams Are Leaders in Their Respective Fields -Coaches and Players Are Confident But Not Boastful-Teams Are in Best of Condition and Determined. I;field lud(,c° : CC- rthv, Igor ti. head linesrtlan : 1xi-tut], W14crosin Cates obeli at 12 ()'clod: Itoon. ('l t ct II(IIdcrs arc requested t ctm w carp- as II( ssihlc tl') aid the i11:Ina cttt ill liandli...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Dail y ANN ,ARBOR,\MICHIGAeN 31ND Y.NO7V llPF R r.iga[90 V01- XIX. No. 42. MICHIGAN SUFFERS THIRD CONSECUTIVE BEATIN'G Quakers Outplay Men of Yost in Greatest Struggle of the Year; Allerdice Plays on Nerve With Broken Collar Bone; Captain Schulz Injured, Forced to Retire. 'ic~higa nr at th i iridI lumiiliationi at the hIands(15of the F Iakeri yesterday, aithe gorieacte'stiaeioftheIyear lby a coreoft 9ptto o.\ tlot ttttere ta...…

November 17, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A\ \ARBOR,311 ICIIf ,\N, ri F8DAYi NOVc 411I1ER 17;, Ni., - VOL. XIX. _\ (). 4 3 VARSITY HOPES TO last We dnesday nil exhaturi r DEFEA SYR CUSE antI it te a msmeto cff1yiback to DEFE T S RACU E Ati Abora mjor ity of ttetiiaf- Badly Crippled Elleven Begins n tarr\ltcigtant'ssithance-sl o lt st Work For Final Game-Aller- 1o growia113lesas.IPetnsytaiatilt tilt recently conidtelredl onteofthlte stroll -aat dice and Schulz Out...…

November 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The. Michiga n Daliy \N\ \ROR \I~~l~f \ \\f -NL'CDA', NOfY17\itiR il, i9oS c-44 IVNoL. XTX. (). 44. SCHULZ WILL PLAY AGAINST SYRACUSE Teuton Giant Appears in Fast Signal Practice-Scri mmage Is Scheduled for Today. 'Phoangh net scrinnge tpractice -ias hield yesteiday, thie muc-i hnge I vatr-iit sity w1ent through a tiff signal practice in tin exetliiilh proisiing manner.ii *CPearing fiirthier aggravstiots o existinig injuries, Couch Yotstsw...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Micigan.D \i. 7 N I X. CNN CRBOR, MIIIC\MN, TI-ICSI)CN N)VC\IIICK ioii. tli. BOTH 'VARSITY S9UADS I~ hit\llax i Football Team Will Bfe Given Great Send=Off as They Start For 11- I U CSKCl .I l FN 1'l ', \StS Ill Ifi Ct C LII i - t Syracuse Tonight-Cross For Princeton T lit ial if the tacl. ii"iss tu liiini. F 1 i-ti 14111ave Ctiigtt for Syra iic T ehad wilmet ilfot o S ll ii i-w ih hn o lad th chc t i in. Th n t l r tionxiiill 1 't ...…

November 20, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…The 1licIig tt1DailyN.46 NO. 46. SCHULZ TO .PLAY AGAINST SYRACUSE Badly Battered Team Will (Get But Little Practice Before the Game-"Call for Basketball. IAlcuagd iyte tra ticch rig(f 1,1111 11for III last t 'i fthe se-.til the ga e a,1 an11su h I J1111)itt n i 1,1Itl ilac 'ice t1 11111 J.l'g1 me, t here1it ccSt-l hit of -l thn asra d- :;t tti ittlt pu ll ot to lth co N. iimont of.icafll I tittil 111 Cotiachi it-t ttettudet IYit 111, 1 th t...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… i ! l CAM " 1 1 i GZ"7 G:1a C C.D .,.r 'r. : r v .. 4? _" fir, J -' ,_ --' T.. ; > ._ V o h o , ._ , "- ._ cn w -r. v: L' .- .. . . j f t .. . C r ® - - . . e- .., r. 4) ,. , '_' f. .,r. - -t ,., - - .. ° . ,J :-- - r . ^. .- i ...' _; r te. «+ J r ..-. J. .I - . " . f . y +--' -. .J' . v,.,, .' J ., ^- .-- . .. i! { w I 'I f X i I L' n^w {r i ; 1 i n I b4 I >, t ~7 i 4)_ 04 f C? f r. f J f - f. .- J ^' '_". J . -+ .-. 'f. "I: f: r...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Th M"ichiganDaily _ AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, NOVEIR2 2, 1R908oY-Q48. Votl- XIX. VARSITY DEFEATED AT SYRACUSE AND PRINCETON' Baptists, Played. Wolverines Off Michigan Finished Fifth in In- Their Feet; Score 28 to 4; [tearn tercollegiate Cross Country Is 'Expected to Arrive at 939 Rae Dull Placed Second. (Specl t.inThe MihignD iy on el.Strcl ,I a ii iind Yae Syirs"on, N.Y. Nioi. 2l.-Siiiiiii ln i dn rot ct \Michianiinth ea - stieittpc i Mi...…

November 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…ANN A10 (C1,911 1 II 9\NiI 29'I ?IA , I. I 1)]"]' 121 24. 1908 No. 49. 'VOL. XIX. CCC COURSE BELOW REQUIRED LENGTH Director Fitzpatrick Believes the Poor Showing in East Was Due to Short Training Course. "Consideryr~,ing(therelhothe cross1 country 01101,010(1, amMol (thn eer o- potiek. '"Intthe t10000(5 hell1hebc- (100e111e1101.,lftll 91(0 -11(1 100000 1.11 tooishedtllt tltl l (11(1 9 of ac0 oh casooyt ( (I the ht t(Mio'd 10could1 do wtas(...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…4 mor to Nt an ic.L ANN VICHICAN, NOVI"'MI"I"N. -,;, 1 oo8. NO. 50, NOL_. XTX. B.kSKETBALL MEN PRACTICE DAILY Fifty Candidates Out For rTeam; Scarcity of Centers, Plenty of Forwards and Guards. hccii enough to 1 C oa mHa o i idaato the tel -hue 10 rito ') a great mal il-iti ()f thei ca ddae for( thehas- kc hal tem, hanh v~tit lo 00I I-t il tt l( ill M k h 0c11. A o1 0 ) l tra o e a the oc itc m c () wh \\l he ava ahle and 10 110 1 lil ()t ...…

November 28, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…K an Da, AAIllUR, MICHIGAN, SAAVRDAy , A{-)VIAIMI'R 28, IooK \a. 51. VoiL. XIX. READY, TO WRITE US UP--WAY UP Slosson of New York Independent Leaves for East Monday With Material for (lood Story. i1(11ittn MN tnllw lc n c ld- cNt, of Ne1 ()k1it, \-II rue tri'ls tilt I inte titcd taes.'1 M . lo s n itt 1111 i li tc t~ t i le 1 '' 11111 trlt a t icg . I t o 1111 ir tt i t p NdNiI e i: pr fss r fch111 -1- "'i detot 111d11nd1t s 11~ the ri d ro...…

November 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…VOL. xIx. \\\ \RiifR, 'I~I(I f\.SlYDAY NOVEMBER 29 1908.No. 52. MICHIGAN AND PENN OF' I' . % ' I I vNN ) TWO CLASSIC PLAYS Ltihll ncmat>h<hLI(, ie } "EG MONT" WILL BE TO IMEET NEXT YEAR ;l~l ~ WILT, BE PRESENTED' till(llvllloflCre t o it, n 0 PLA YED BY GERMANS ortoi __ "_n at tierb-isag. Carols iDickenis sid tlat li1e Only Sure Game Is With Quak- t( l cao l(ct ~rtvhr i!S LA Offers Masterpieces by 11111of1th iing so effeciv i iivGehesSor ndSrs...…

November 01, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…TUlE MTIThIGAN DAILY G. HI. Wild Companly The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear l'vrything required for Suits Overcoats,"Panny vestings, and 'Trousorings, and of high class fabrics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits andh all kinds of Athletic and Sporting Goods Tennis Golf B...…

November 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…FfLrlIE M LC1-1 ANG A lTIY o.... G. H. Wild Comfpally The Largest Stock so the Cits of Exclusihe Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vesting, and 'Irouserings and of high class faibrics and special Syles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I. Wild Company 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HIEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits and all kinds of Athletic ad Sporting Goods Te...…

November 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THlE M ICHfIGA N DA ILY 0. HL Wild Comlpally The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Ererything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G.11. Wild Comfpanly 311 South State Street STUDEiNTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits and all kinds of Athletic and Sporting Goods Tennis Gol...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6. H. Wild Comlpally Eulelagst Stok in the Cit of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear e^rgthing iequired foi Suits Overctoats, Fany Vstngs and Tr'ousrins and of high clas fahric(s and spciaSisl (. FullI Dress Suits a Specialty 6. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street STU[DENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits ii 'dll indis of Athletic and Spotting Goiiis Tennis Golf Baseball Sweate...…

November 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE W ICHIG3AN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. . il C inall iuugigliir-ARCtirR F. RTHE Busins, s Wtlteir-Ju F. WURZ. 'The Largest..Stock in DIiSn the City News. . .... Lee A White~ of Athletics.... .C. F. Eldridge~ Cxchange. .:...Robert Mountsierl 1 Styles ln D1'lsic.raa...f."". R..Ioallin S. B~aker l~rnni. . . aymiond Visscher Womn's Editor. .. .Louise Van Voorhis . . slcceedS to iithe poisitin )i llia -l lhave to spendlilthe lfitmothortw t...…

November 07, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…1'i dM I CC IIsA 1) is 11,5Y G. ff. Wild Comfpally 'Ph( Laii. C : to (k *n 11eCity Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Isi-rithing ieqauired for Suits, 0cercoats, F anc e scstings, and Trouserings, and of high iclass falies ianidspe(ialt stci. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Coumpany 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON Hi h Neck For a few days only I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. llaiiagilng Edior-ARCuIM F. Rrrcsiin. Btsiess...…

November 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICJHGAN DAILY. G , H.Wild Coumpany MngigIi-____-r___F T heI arest Stock in I I DCIIR' 'l . t I:'N CICII'1. N D A TIL Y ARST TIll C IIIIINsFII~C doe. 511'. rdiet __ . .._ the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS, For Gentlemfen's Wear I s es think irequired for Suits, Ove rc'oatsIFancy S estingsand lii) 1501 togs, and of high lass' lateic tond speiial Styles Full Dress Suitts a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpanly 3ff South State Street S...…

November 10, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…TtxffL MICtIIGAN LiDAILY : .. 6. H. Wild Companly Tt- Te ax gui tSockxin _he Cie exlusive. Styles il WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear Evixerytihing Ireuired lior Suiiii Ovrcsiti, Fancy N Vl igx and Trouxseringx. and of high ciliss fabricsad peeal ix ix Full Dress Suits a Specialty 6. IL Wild Colipally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON High Neck& SWEATERS 'A or a few dasonl PENNANTS Buy them now for the Pennls'yCGaine Full lie at Sheehan & C...…

November 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…'IlE MIC 1t lOAN i)AII,Y THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. Ii. Wild Coumpally th Cite Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfe's Wear trousernssi, and of ig h5 1 fabrsis sod speia t "'I Full Dress Suts a Specialty G. H. Wild Company 31t South State Street SPECIAL SALE ONN High Neck F or a few daye only Buy them now for the Penns 'v Game Full line at Siheelhan & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Brs. 'P5c tI.rnsiit iii s ot inrr i W W"),ttioitOf...…

November 12, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ., G. Hi Wild Company 'The Largest Stok is the Cits of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Year Eyerything required for Suit, Overcoats Fancy Vesting, and Trooserings and of high class fabris and special tles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON High Neck SWEATERS [,or a ew days only PENNANTS' Buy them now for the iPenns'y Game Full lin~e at Sheehan & Co. Stude...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY GH.Wild Conpally 1aaging editor-ARCngR F. RITHE U I Bsiirss MaagerJoRNF.Wuxi. the itst News ............Lee A White of ~Athletics......:C. E. Eldridge Exchange........Robert Mountsier 5 } Music. ......Hollis S. Baker 6 ~~Drama. ....Raymond Visscher Wsomens'sitor.. Louise Van Voorhis THE -MICHIGAN DAILY Ilt.'sRl) (itt' tottONi'S'sW11,11 \_N.sI1-? FR (NCI I 58113'Cit IF Atsto o'clok todathe bs or i c, .grits ss'sll meet iin ...…

November 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY, . THiiE MICHIGAN DAILY' thir het ut that w aeaeta ther - - - - A efforta. Its a5 G. WilCompny lo ae tntost not forget tiat we _S u l An~i t I it -A~rrx RT~x .are watching <a gate pa alot totr lF W NES G. H. Wild Coffipnesy Afanagf gder--JOHN IWUF. hTtt ome grotnd and that tee are en; thia htsalo edt ____________ that ar(lane.\a;e hutldl not dIas a abouta Do yott kowta ttyou The Larx sttock intloan ac hbody ay~itg te wold re...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. 1i Wild Comlpally the C it Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlelel's Wear ix, rth iAItlreqired furIoIl A- OvercwoatL';*n1111 5 -C p.wind 'Crow-et 0- am SI hh(lg aht 1(s ad i~n ,p t'c. Full Dress Ssts a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON lV E or a few days only PEN~ Buy them nlow for the PernnS'y Gaine Full line at Sheehan &Co. Students'Booktre A. G Spalding & ros. T l a :l tt 1111 0 ...…

November 17, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…~ift MICHIGAN -DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY'. iiiiei ,on to g IIhi ',S I ) .NiC \RICIKI iA11 l hi aced. t la~ it i goiu to bepossile I\) IPE'I' . El G. H. Wild C£olliailY arri g I dlor-ARCHtEa RITmCHI n foo ahrt II 0101lii1the cattered F T-EN tosne~c nager -Jot-to F. Wuaz e er ina C siti C1.CCC on to grasp the )0)'oppor- 1the I C'io b l ouo is'. as neat'a' little - -11it Cs tatare soC o itinly prd wc hairb1 Co Chop asC'.CC inse d ECICCRO IC...…

November 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…-- -- ~~~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I e umadle l01 (- f th o (itit~t sI v :'Qt lI' CRTS( spaesefintolmamcbeof \\AFl'DFO l.\NI WidCopny Iaagn EiarA~rRF RT le commtiittee to ie thed ai.the-imascilil' FAP metceig. Iit asno lt whtnthe coimm i T hIun tr "-)iMennhari-signedt the - ----inothii,hose. Tis e orii d o x tst t-- N, T he Largest Stock iniiehh cta h tiueo t umcisero tNaetmtda N he cite \eu. . . -Ie A-White attletic nsuccjnhol in regrd tiitio c 7;...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…G. ILWild Compally The Largest Stok i the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemlen's Wear Liverythinug required foi Suits Ovrcoreats, any Vestigs, and Trousersogs, and of high '1ls fahrics and speial Stylies. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON HIgh Neck SWEATERS For a few days only PENNANTS Full line at Shieehian & Co. Students' Bookstore A, G. Spalding & Bros. 'rits iarest Mianft i...…

November 20, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…'lilEMIFISIGAN DATLY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! rit the lie tl,l.indtial_;teil _ I!1V1idutu aliiial . i t >. r rl ittilic tai A T G.H idCmay_ - - I icI iilwlotl aiili I o 1)111).i ii iiil0 Trana S F T 1F V~~1II~i UIJ~~ii Ataxaistag 1datr AtceI R . dicijit . mud1; r ad( It ji li tiai _____________________IcE I -----t i Ii t i __I'______________ iuI) i <, ito tic cccxii tANi he lasTo Iniaragentn b ;ld I Iit() tek ,w o it Yetl c m pieithe t Sietark n i...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…1Htt MICIITGAii$ P \f Y G, I. Wild Comfpany P i,-agest *Stock in the Pity of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I iiiXrvthing required for Suits, Overcoats. Fancy Vestings, and Pirouscrings, and of high (loss alicis and special Stylesv. Fuil Drens Suits a Specialty THE M~ICIGAN DAILY.: "\'~o i~Mf1 ff H IL tooging J divr---ARCv-itoF. RTCivr. Bui cit ,fliiiagir-JoiiTN F. \VoZ. pitifibi Preidet r~lt i i h Newes..........Let A V...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…!THiE MICHIGAN DAIL Y.4 loo'sincts ioootg'r JOtI[ F.1*\V(.jto __ j 0. I Wil C Ofpu Exclusive Styles in O OLENS For Gentlemfen' sWear FullDres Suits a Specialty 6 H Wild Comipally 31Souh.a t eStre SPECIA L SALE High Neck 1oraesdAsol Full line at S e an &Co. Sh c a r tudents' 1 olottr G.. Spalding& Bros, I ta t I miufw11111, i i 100t15Bal1, BalsaetBall, leeSkates, Aparsv tus. .111 11 01 ontin y'r7 cs' 0 l ', wai let ny \ ~e4 ............. IC ...…

November 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MfCfIfIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ii -i \i rm h oii .: t Ciriacis.101 id t1 n (matidefoiii icc icr. of G. H.iil UCfmpdlly g ' nip i toofAact.ewFo. mcmc. iii .iIi Bus______________ iss Mangr-JonN ux. __________________t_______o___nt.-i i c cltutIciiai(lso1- f I_ I'o '--I'1 lii)115" I l1,1.slm h 1ifciledI ll il li ihcehc a i o tcit y N'ews ......... . . ee A \Vlite iii(rrn~ci c iii.. I'i c ci iiiea iacifomc n racsc Ihc u iriiy of, Athleti...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…mom N os LIr o -maw -IIV 0 xa r~ 0 0 ti J , _ C r, 1 _ J v _ 01* t td :1. corn s n cc tr: ... w c c ,, n = rc COOD 4a7 r, 'J', .; 'f .-+ _ r <-- r -' -+ ('.. r. .--r i , .. .f. . r ,7 f. r J. r v 1 " r r fJ r ' , r .r r " v V z r O) c' x 0 PO x 0 z r D Q r CD - vC CC tt - .c z rn; U V. a '? ~ _. '/J I -. -- i, = 1 i !- f ' !'- ' 'l r. C c--: ,.. v _ - V 'J; f'- ~r . i CJ .r G' G. . f ._ _ J r .. (, N cr. n l Q a -to I r...…

November 28, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…-M rtfIM II ~ L IA Ib G. H. Wild Compally Thie Largest Stock in the Cit of, Exclusive Styles il WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I t t thintqig c~ired otiit~s Ovitrciat, lancy V5 tings, and Ti t tei-cul i and of high la-i- fabics tnd sptial ste, Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. HL Wild Company 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON Hig1h Neck For a few days only NANTS Full line at Sheelhall & Co. Students' Bookstore A, G. Spalding & Bros. Fot Ba...…

November 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…'TVfE \ CTIJE N DAILY - ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY.'. -:le'' I l-i I h ':coni oph'b tt (l l N I'% I Il,1! +orrt;_il__ri icr e ~nTI 1I J 1 CI:i~I I M ;i lO A GH. Wild Comfpany a ib dtto:';\tcxtco F. RrrCHiL tilt M JV o' l~. The nLargest Soin , il lioncer the ivNeis...........Lee A Wie t ~ i, a i sa tuto of Athletcs. ... . . . 1?. Ndridglu ii rnr I,)t 0 - r n ourr ilin ui uetc' in 2r1 1 i H ste just reteved a li g I chang... ... . Robert iMoutsitt 'r~ ...…

November 01, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

….I'll .. 1 CIIANI )AI.i.1l:A 1. LY THEY HAVE THEIR TROUBLES TOO! Eastern Colleges Solving Same Prolblems That Confront Mich- igan Students. Mitchigan is tacing a nmb~er' of prob- lemos relating to student life no one of which is easy of solution. Through the cotrteyof Profesor Titles te Daily is atble to qtuote troum te Ness York toot retatis to 'sch asffairs at other eollegecs. ''Tse testlIs electedl stud~ent coutnciel lias ettrsedt tipit it...…

November 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…if'Ill-i-iTNlCIlT-IGAN l)A IHI Quarry3's Prescriptions and Physicians' Supplies are our specialty Yet we have not forgotten to add a choife line of sundrie Bath Goods, Laboratory and Microscopical Supplies Quarry's Mon ey Loaned tin Watilc,-i,0amods a wd- I BoIo ks, or oither porsonasproperty. Watces and Jewelty repaired. Bar gatns in Watches & Diatntds Offtce at residence 331 E. Liberty let Ass Arbtor JOSETPH IC.WATTS JOLLY'S i0 .1tAn E \iT....…

November 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…. _. ~ f1f1 311(11 IGAN iDAILY 111511l o l,"IS B IG 111,T I '()Z If NT -1 XX l argiwe iiii ftu- Sam Burchfield's - 11010 ithecil"Ipl lii1)(,11- 071. ila- Fine Tailoring < e'eig aeit h iii c riii(b ---- - ii v iii. iiv i l iii ciiiiiinlciei, O- NccW lihavi soliid it< youl graiiifatiiee tcconr. TIhe necwv3701- ucinc flet t I lii o 185K8. 1 flk cos jeweliry 1115telecoip( c\ilihave fc l3 leniifiu Store, 210 ;. Sifo St. eoil if of 1i fcti oehcoi he...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…'t1lE MIC I.IGAN _:1AlLY. _ ,_ DidVII 'IA I 1i1*' tl!:l lltccltiN Icr ig- t l -I111cic ine.i f it desei i le , it l hieu aa eC llg See Thnt11 lcen c1oseDelt eed (rga iticall 1 '0ll an ttider lluli'Snd' I ad t Sl in i t "cii ii iii tte ttil,-1(1'iii ii tilt tin liiia e k n gro away, vetity Ila . it t I o~ i citl-- c tdii th-w llfi ilo e i c tinth AT j aitt a o raitia sieiot biliiei* iti Q rryeg 5tre~sacn~ tilt ieii ho -_lin<IIocledb h<aj tn i...…

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