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November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…__________ __ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ____ SECOiND)YEAR. NINXlttC1lf MI( I11 IAT[-1,I)X'I IN)VEMER 1, 1402 FASTEST EAST OR WEST Juneau and Driver Crixpledil LAST N.GHT'S TRAINS hPo. A Oss cS fihottpt tl(* 1 i, o Ixxcxc ico c EIver h, 1). 1I lxx l'ctor iix ir tii. oi-I . t -otili3iooxi' iiiCxi~i itl~~. 00 I '.t1o' 1r", ilc t ti +.i Iti+ I'211? ,I,, few ..i;CElt tl}k Cxii Dot tx. Dxi 0 a Di Cx, oo ion /1 lix linc Stir'itnd Cci thi AID BY L...…

November 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…____ UNIVERStITY OF M lHGAN. tii .. . _ ii .. .. "1 I _ 9 0 . 1)iI~. N 5! I U I r i j Ii l : 1 it it ::ti i ,1 1 ;'!' , - tl t lc l3 i i+1 .i tit il ,,,tl i i 3 , 1 .ai.i cat . 'sli l, 1 i "i ,1 I it 6 Ii in lt. , i()Ik F1 ,it in Ii '- 7 3 t ;7 i f lip ' i l, ti s i +al 11 i ; f A ll) t;i. t;i jtl il~n i Cj I; IPI WW I 04-011 1 11\ y 44 to yI ttti t Unix, IaOt. <,i i'il1- " Ohl 1"" A1j II .., _:I its tI and ,,lliit'i v t f ilt 'Gti omt>1"Ii I ...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ri N A.1IBXl't, I~IJ l. AX I IrNI -I AYNO\ h'AlBEI},140-> RDAY Ist u t JO 1W MENa t O ~ _ it 1! + , . i .: . [I I I .. ! ll .I '. ! _ j ~II1 LIGHT WORK YESTE the Xi> OtSt v l Mti h . . ,. _ io .Ua lit 1!+ l D elJa t ChV" , I, sc oil ,zi n r wI o tlt WW " n W -54" 4 Ir m , ip, iI A"I igte Diam InI ect{d ll II i ....... {I'i~ lite I tI" ti t" ; l't;1'f . i l 1 ' l+t t' t311 I11 ;tip' lt tI11't f' I Illltt tt'I' ;Ilft Elt ...…

November 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…f ' .. ... _ . - _ _ _ '- I -. ,_, ... . ,.. ... , _ - r. ... __ _ .... ._. - _ - r. /. 1 ; ._ .. P .®. _ - - ::.,,,. u , ,., ,_, -_ r. - - .- .... _. - n _ - I J , - Y C1. - y{"h t V J / " J " ..J V s : r, -' "J :%: ' cY , ; ri 'i Y_ ': ..... ., 1.-. P1i z~ k. ~- ~t uc ." _. _ _ _ .J . r ... a , = _ _ o - - _ _. -- - = _ r _ .- ,{ ,., .. r r - r: - ' - -' cv °° c' __ ._ .- _ . .: t, ..., _ ( i _. _ . '' r. .. .. ' _ .f - H . .. {. - r' 1. .t°...…

November 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…rr1 := -i rg-+-i f a ~ 4- 1 *- 1 - !- 1 F-1 r=: ..-. ... _ y_ ;--. - _ f ! . + .- _ . - :J. - , ,,,,,. _. : <'i . n : ca - - J. ._ .r. t lk4_ . I t L f '.y ~ i- W x A '- I ~ c3 LLK y±1 ~ ,; 4 in C-) Q- Cl r: Q _ A ;,,. C . r-y G:-t J. n I . .-- 1_ 1 _ =1 -, ;: c c...7 x) 'I 0 LL u; a °i 1_ …

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…______ UNVERSTY OF MCHIGAN N 11 jJ\ _1. MWII.. t '1) k I\ L4LEV i. 1902 A, 0 0 FVA SC0R4"OF SAT DAY A y { tt , ' ry 11-, 11TH11 SwN1)XYR. MICHIGAN. 107:1 'iK,' N nS. 9w 1010-1 Ii1 i_ No. I byt Ne:. 12 Kh o-010> (1110>t:. :t; eOv1 0111111. of Event I " 4 . . . . . . . . . ..f ' . , , jt'\3t'ii( t'i i+ Co II il1i n ct10o ;! I E ; N ; :I, t ; ;3i Sll 1\ I. li i; lttl l p I l -li . 1lr Ii t~t'tilt \'] lI A i I~ IP i'i llM 'l1ll1 z: r I1I ,, A II 0...…

November 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1902 No. 43 SNAPPY PRACTICE The Michigan-Wisconsin Debate FOOTBALL AND THE U. OF M. p1 yess are retired by- the four-year -Pogrjess is being adh toear ie rtiul____els.and assweak eam, not rereset- Yost Pleased Der Iowa Score-A !iXlt11sai-vv ltA'tisttttt~t t , tate ttls11,11llMichigan Graduate liscources Inter- ti tsisnke-I-tnhis inx' ihelds i Mislisonill 1,oatie a rst ...…

November 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YhA. ANN ARBOR, :MICH., WEDNESD)AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1902 No. 44_' "VERY GOOD" PRACTICE WILL SHE SCORE 700 FRESH LAWS WIN DAMAGE SUITS IN SIGHT Fast Signali Practice--No Scrimmage over 500 Points in Eight Games-A Game Was Slow on Account of Slip- Chicgo, Wisconsin and Michigso Are -Men Determined to idefeat Stagg Mevw Football Rcord Made by pery Field-Lawss Had Good= Wcirking ii Unison-lhey Claim Michigan Massed Inte...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…UNVRST OF MIOHIG ~~~~~~ y.11N L) i v < .xx;<.K STAG'S H~xB~C~~ CLSS HA~PIOSHt Di u x:n~ A ~,5i2. lst L m s i ;;ix3 ! tI3 J 'I t X' , l i" , : i3 1 {:iti i ~i t ' :rl. 11' if; Mu ixii'Not (= ... Turn Ou,, i _x .. …

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…, . i iCD ! '-Jd , _ . ; Y , i -' -+ _ ,___r ' ' A D _, ..._ . , , 'I "I. 'l. . t^ 8 _. . k^+}i Y}q1 (^ c V *x }+ 4 ^ ;v'a , rt; . : _..8 ti: c". 4 W {i" M+s e gn I J hers w ewa r« --- . I ,_r _ _: . . _. - 3 f r - y i - . ' . - _ T I, j , --- ...._..,.. _, f i CIj ': , - . . ~ , ' . l 1 u j r ' s C ! w. iI _ 7 r3 i u r 1 Sr ; _ I { t t '_ ,, r_ , _ ._ . :- f. ' i" c72 rt' , C° . 4. rr CD' . …

November 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…____ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ _ Yi 1 E e Nof Score OF77J-IAL SCORES OF TL1 MI N N ESO0T A BEAT "ECONSIN t a i I { , rit't c i 1 t 4 t' i l I I L 1 11:(>>\' 1'1 II llit'tl j l':It - l':li'1( 'll)IIIII !;t I.i :tl' S12S .r " a AI i it t'1 it",i::tt tlt it 3iz ifi,, i llt " a il !lt 'l' t 'lti . t t l tl i j 3El:t i l I'ii l lit' t .lt i ,i 1 i. . I . . . . . I I i t .r' ' 1 1 ". i II P: i]tl ;t 'C'I '1'1tt r : a 1f. i 44.lll ' t i I ' s44 P44 …

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…TA r I Poo ~ _ __ 77 0 ' iit' ti (1!{7t 'lii +> 1'E1i 1 3111"t l' (I1" .irl' " f ill( itt t +i t++ irllt ii Illr i" .t +lrii+';iti+rn 7F+rC [ '+ l"' u c: ;y+,r"+ . W rit+" ll;illlr' ' I l+ i i i ;li tlt"+ : "; +21 t l: , E'l+}E+i' 3tt'ti. 'ii+ 4j ;; v ,III fi 11'i'. J > ' 1 i1t" 1' rili j r + l +'i't'ilr +" +'ii ;l+ ,' _ ,+ t {+; " 4 II p 1' I II, i I4 t. 'I 11' I 37 I i > 3 i 1- 'wdti/'zol 1 I Ili) _ 1 4 1fea' the1 Iil-Nc 44. …

November 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…3: 1 Jt 'SITY OF MICHIGAN.: ' M io"' o v , .''r LAW r it , iI11N .i LADd Sct fJeiiei Ml ii i: t c. I i 7trt1 jiti t 71o e .I piti n-lt i 1 , Gam p l, \ i l t ti -1.1,,1 Iil '1 ci tt 71( 11 . L I ti 1 7r . 11 .1 11 .,itI liittt.ff fittit l iliI i.' tn!11,1\I , I~ 1. ,t11II{ 1mti1, ~ftAlaiMt1 Ciii tf" tH ,3 l iI 1 + 1~ i in t\ 11 "1it' <iUi'c't. 1111 11i ll . 7 i , ,' 11 ,If1t ~ Ilt't i t l ,,1 i twat « 111/171 '. ifi~f Ii, 'n~.,,t 11(1. in li, ...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN \ ii TT - al N )\ LVaAl BE 1 LAST NIGHT S PRACTICE SINGINGI-EEL-. MINSTAHT_ Iet I, t~I , f ,.;. Coln. "ill. :: tliiir li;. : Itt ilt-r 11 I2}i , li t l ]1 I. I - t Ii 2 ( 1 I ': i)Ittt- Ill( ii 1'til I ltil fin- tot- 1" t'lltii- i i i ---tlii ; I -"IlE1 . l \' 1rt-t 't3 : t I ~l t o- llil"'ttl1 t a t i ii+ [[001 f>tO-l t. ~ ~,ttt ~i ~ rill i -tI IIi'tllt rl- i~ l tli. '1t1" I I I t + I " :lit 1 11 1 :i it'11t: his :11141 1 I hh, :t 1111 It...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…I' I it NI 10,H] (TI A.N Diki I'll -N EWILO G. Hi.WILJ UO. The U. of Ali. DALY, The 'VARSITY 'M' Fxl, Leading i'lerchant T~rii1nrq- rO t t :t ltt' Iis AGymnasium W ililol.N Ex ;lfllhnei : l$- h-ks$300 WIi xi ii .1 11itx Mad-'i tl xiii ri 1,r a l e i i0 t+ '~c y t C7 1EARLE 1. 1l)UT( )N. 't);;. hav Ye just r ecei v- BSNSS11NAFZ ed a newlineof EDITORS, Woolens for fall 1oetI.I"Wn'' . and winter. The ' l argest assort-! <1J 'r~ ment in .-he city'...…

November 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…viK MIICIIIGAN DAILY-NEWS Leading I 't4T'N1 lerchant ' Tailors.... AOII have just eciv LE (I. ItOUS uN, BUiLSINSS TAN AG 1, ed a new line ofd EDITORS, Woolens for fall,. and winter. The P. i'i; largest assort- i'"U ment in she city "- I AT l_ )S. Washington Sl 2M__1" _N ANN ARBOR - SMIH. ' - 'Our (onsdenm Priks s" -W y" New -Subsribers Sa SInadvance A I, 11 1i!,s ii II dole ( l~ l:Lll t fil 1x'1~ :Y1( Ilt, . Iallli-,;~ at ~liI ' a il i i i~Il ...…

November 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THIE MICHIGAN DI14~Y-NEWI 4IF V AI ,re L EWS A vynsu have just receiv- ed a new line of{ Woolens for fall! and winter. The' largest assort- ont in The .city The 4[* .o 1)MD 1ILY AlANA611NO FELII 011 ! AIA" I . I 11 -1I'tN. 'I):, EiII.SINEISS IANAUiI4), EITO 414, tiENrEZAL NEIX ' liIilhIIlell! 4441 .45.00 Stacr Writes Truehlood { A 1 4 II 4 ] S P11 44 I L ('- 1 1 4 .00, B OK B) iie , n ict sr uFfc- &W. cdrnt 'Our(ordew~Prks Us' "v' ci ill 1 1 I...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE A CIIA NDA[IL -N t, w . I The VAR'I-ts IIv I lechanti T a ilo r s .... >ti_+-i<tttttJ':,111. 11',.I ! ; itsti! zGymnasiumI at-UoeI have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The l a r gest assort- inent in she city AT 1O0813. WashiIltIlS "Our (oosdlcne P!,kAs Us" i.{( ftli~ I E'I I t{)' I . )i "Why" 'Si I no, s ei, w t lf) 111 ther SHEEHAN & CO University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. U U MANAIiNG VEDITOR, BUS>INES...…

November 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…TUIE M[CIIGxkN DAILYX--VW,-' i; xii 1ilerchn Tal~on.. TIe U of 3, ': l1 I at ~o me <i i it I io ' E tx t 1l till ': ti UI li 'll No. 2 Whitely I Itit piii n .And rso 's P \. i l 1.'c. C - MANAINO EITOR,10 have just receiv- BUS1LFIEHSTOANl, ed a new line of' EIOS Woolens for fall' <,,.. .Wfti . and winter. The' V 1 . l ilt it t " . i r : ti its if '. , t W. Scholl "t ; , r ,,, " 2 ri tll i''; i i ti h l l f t I I largest assort-I ment in the ci...…

November 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…TIDE -MOCliitAN DUALY NEWF p a 4 [i (A IL , 2E , S; f}. }. ~\ l'1s, A -icmnasium I t 1re ierchant Tailors.... have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for falls and winter. The{ l ar g e stassort- ment in .he city A~T A\NN .c(, - xk. "Our (uslem Pricks Us' "Why" IS Itl~ '1'. k o t (; :h SHEEHA & CO U ~e t~ ~o k II 320 SP11.)) ) fStat Street. .11'(U, The U, oflfit The 'Alt y MtANAOjING OtDITR tltiSiNIS lANAOFith, 1111:- ti(IL11. I1 StIN. EItO...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THlE N1 Ctl[GAN DA tLYNEVtQ Tailors.. have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall, and winter. The! l a rgest assort-: ment in she city AT C\ bItt - .Xc I I Or(nwc VsU "CI, ~ r I I It I I~~ t I I t ro~ BtUSINESS I1ANAUGtt, IUi ,t1{' 13 . I '' , "i1t (itiNtitAL NEW-5 I II 11. I I I' 111 j Fl 11it it tI. Allr l I I$4.o00 I 1titio~v l, f ln aI r Iih ll N' I I1 fl 'tt ~'k'IIIs W i hRS lif s rT I1rSm, I'I ""F1 A"Why" New suuhcribr -sS2c0oi ...…

November 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -N E W g* H.WLLD CO. Leading Flerchant Tailors.,.. COMPRISI NO Tbe U. of M, DAILY, 18th Year'. Tbe 'VARSITY NEWS, 2d Viear. Eteredtstttoi-ol-ixtmatterit Ann Aror i'vt ( Jtce. tte ollegettiyaM tthetUnivertof chi -i ,ran, Stytte Mitchijaneattily-Netwst t'ntihixtee Cotttpany fInc), I 'one and "'houl l rest-('iv0' omsiderat'iott from evALryww. The object to be Srtbaineil is very Nvortlry. If one lr.r:5 evel, "Iyentl urt"eillinr ...…

November 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWF trouscrs trouers AeIeal to show o5 00 Of the Ino t p1tt- ot I '~~t llII u:a<. ]s Sc t-It. 1)oollto--tio- AT Go H.XVILB CO. 108 E. Washington St DAIL:Q EWS The U, of M, DAILY, t13th Year. Thet'VARSITY NEWlS, 2d Y 01, l',,ttoo rtt ir . tot 1 Il iSA (lotot otor1oIoo- It' otO o ' W ) 1111v 00,to o-tt o tol eder toth I i v oNost, tof-il- MANAGJINU) EDITOR,. EARLE I 1.O TO '. '03. BUSINESS InANAO ER, ROs-Ci)E 13. I1 ULo i,'4 ...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MCllI(-A.N DAUIY rEWF r. y'I * t 3 ) II 'lJ u ( t I ~ , \\'Ztj~'I~1 S TII Ylui ~ur *B I 'KSr: ~'Why" , 'I 1yKr, (imas iur ti. BUIN1ESS I NA(JF-, EDIITORS , At lt01-E ,F:t5 MICHIGAN NOTES. N x. > I iiid' iilu A l 11( ,1t ir tlu ' 11 ,I" : i il : 1 SiE' i nnt' I~l.i. /l 'it '". ,, Ulited S t- es Steel Cofporkations, VOTN HOLST'S s.Coiltitutional Histor of the Uited States. u ~,utI5CuI) '2'~ "2 4 In IrI( .11 1 A'E+ \'1 s't 11: 1li iXlt IS O ...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWF Crous~rsDAILA LWS 10 - N-I 1 - rouscrs I NWEST BOOKS1 ATA G. HOWILD cD. 10 E. Washingto nSt ANN AI BO R4 - MICHO. our (onsde Pricks Us MIANAGING EDITiORl, E'AROL 1. IfOtli.1 . ') I BSINEISS 'TANAGERI, 1-(COE 1-1. HUSON.'0 EDOITORLS, (jENERAL N5155 F l3t \' ;il't' ti11 " 'j:1;2t1 it tii2t lllt ilt. .:t' I t ;: i'S :III t'lIi tl tIt" t l'llrti+rtl 1 ?tll 1'il lt t r111 ifltif' ( t r;l ^ 1i I I t I+) l]1 ' sliti A ht 1:I:...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…TilE TMICHIGA N a 'iiI t ' C ,i1"v AII)NIS IX, ZDAILY-N EWF NEWE BOOKSI AT MANAC IN6 EDIT0R, 1: tRL J I. lIOUV ;TO N, ')N BUSINESS ;iSNAGaFR, E:IITOWoa. A1EN1.0A1. NIX t. I +I '1 ; ir l ' " ] l 12 "7 i1 4l' ,, .l l.t '212 l l . +,, il itI, ' t i E : t~ w t ,1 i Nt 1 . . .. Tilt V 11 Na'e . .. . . .. . . Iilr tat ataa'im l S i s e 1 c .H tr 'IlzlIrak .. ..I.t l~ r tX UXX. i ' 120 aci SAC RIF I CED .1114N I'"X ad, ' Isi}1 v 1 {r1 110 CI i't y i ...…

November 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN; D)AI Ll-NEW :i1'i h to showx :qu( Sc \ otch ))1(t 108 13A C"'iitt~S DAIL: NEWS The f_,oV AI I LYI ,h, INEWEST BOOKS WI le -. 1 t j r t . . ._. . . . . . . : : t l I.,i a t r I' a l ' _t Ict . ... .. \1:rt tz _'~ t~i t d 1. N. 'I Ii It"'((JE IIIIl 'IS'I'otN E i1 R NE L H O U S . I I l . T h e0 1 ;11 1 w ' I M I vM t iii IIa.1i ls()1It)1I iti lk Pault Iriltr.Xi Irm K enm I'o(r~u MIr I I 'os TheBle i tii1.I ez I I Iivk Mai 1A- 20s.....…

November 18, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THlE M 1( tI4(A N 1 l ILl -NPEWk trousers trousers N'l Cr~l10 ouscrs:}O t 11the lt' It 1IIttex'Vx, ill 0I1_: Washiiiton St NN ', ), ; - c5 . DAIL:EWS 1TheIU, Iof Al. DAILY, 1iIX e The A iINi EDITOR lIIOStUE 13. 111 t"' le'VI EDITORS, GENERAL.1. I NEWSI II (. I IVf15.10o 11 II 1 1 I Solt. t~~ta Wilt I; i t l XXX'. 1111 a;, IT11score1 . n hen Illinois,1which . WXI1' neIx t;XX to11 111;XX II IXIIXin X'the X l'VI- ',.11"of imink scored, was onlyXX...…

November 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…TUlE MICUIGAN DXlLY-NEW~ rou~rs D AIL: .EWS h r, 1-e , 31 l.DA LY Crouscr S ;. 1 t ) 1t t , tttt l it AT SA RIICED 'p 3' 1' 1' atlt rt I -1 , i r ( l . ' i 1 2 l Ilt 1 t Si 33) i}C .,t" l E'' . I ' ,. r SHEEHAN & CO.'. t i1. r~ 1{" t U1.1tI ersity Booksellers, 32, 1 S tate Street.i "1 MIANAtiING EDI)11OR, 1'>RI E . llO)UtTt}'. '(;; BUl~SINE~SS .ANAGFRI, 131EDITORSS, Iia 3r 1 h.Ittfr.'K . GElNERIAL NE W' 'l w it)oPr, im ? i ' lt 3 1 i d I 11: ...…

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…J .1 t L 14 11 t ^ 1 I s 4 rs} K:, t T 17 u to Mzcxt F> rj r , 4 , ; t yak,. b re -yr <rr STEEL iPrNS, 10C adoz., 5CSo ) 1 a ross GOLD) PENS. .-$1.25 10 $5.00 eachl Xc esell Fountalin pellsI he bst W'iuannlideal -, 050to $9.00 sakesl~lj~ ea00~ch1 zaI the ths ek olil 4tTSt } C \V~\boko 1LML 1,eiV i V ,,o ice to DC made u1) for the XI inn iocr 0 F 11t ill 1)m cenlest. \You still haclve a Chaince to Winl out ic 1 ia AILUtrt ,,."()s GOODSpEED'S I ...…

November 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…rGA. Communicatbon I ' Y) ' t ' ATr 1t0 t 13. ,\\7as o l~ion :5 t ~~~~ UOVtiO} SAC} r1 '}rF!t~ICE} x (f DAIL:-EWS [ e re Are oiets or The N1, ( M. AIL , Te'VI 5>11 IslNs, J, :!t ;ilo i ;1 [ 1 1.It' t. 'f: ; C " 7771> Its ), it ,Illi, . IIII:Itt 41 t1IM llit t iri tllt I),tia} :?i.t ,"c n + ict , 1rtt..,l0 ti ttttit i I fl+t11'2l tt 11 ,. 1 tI' i'1I1 ASCII" ttt , . \I:tit1 1 1' tlc I I I \'t'1(. \ I t tt' li) l I Iv III;' ;'.IIII 11 1'.t1i...…

November 22, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…TIIE NMICIIIGAN DAILYNEdWT I c 0A I l 0 0100 Comedy (lub Play MICHIGAN NOTES. t x l , . >I. K I)ii cli' I1 t ..1 $1.2i eat j b i taE ,, >ltn '1atl X .:5 X A J ix P x F ;tir . . . . fx ' t l 'i'(I ,,1 t + I C' i AT { w t i i Ay -ii { r cxIii l , ro I x tII1":I n i )1 t tt ll 0 1 1 h i I Ih 13 'l 11 . i)11 1I __ h "u l h ' I W 320 fS Stoitc, .......e Irv I)ud I]-t h 1' 1111 )ii"" intei ly xotxxx' o,' . N,).;0 o l:ii i t"'l' i''' "1'x .1. t it Pu...…

November 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THLE NICOIIGA.N DAILY-TNE W kI AIII \ r.. i y .r;Iz G. HAVI D CO--. AN A~lwrscl -)Ileti t ..I. iii - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n i '_____I~~~Ii~i.i ~ I. i i . it' ii\ 1 E tit 1 ii (a~ .j 1.1_ , ir. i_ . - _ .....,ri,. __ , 'ta t'i0I'in" _!.. ! i nInAt I I nhp- i rlil W i 1 ti tat, n-<! f I ti iiit!' ul w M } ! till to 1 27 i, ' $1.20 each A, JourneIeor Natl re..... A ni-rican Aimlsn... ..... Trhe above prices AT . il' l i i l iiiI f,. n , n rn i(3 i i t , ...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…C t . crop-, trs T1,, 1': r , IOCI Iit A. tlrtt " D AlIL) EWS 'fie E.', of Al. DA!1.1, 3t t; ',;,. It 'lie 'VAW;ITY NE'W ;, 2.1 Latest Books64 :titt' . a too. :illa ETERLE .HOUST1ON, '',: :';Ih o lI)I 10016etics BUSINESS IANAGFI6, '101 \X' o ..(l' d 1'0 It 6.l 'rhill.4'6 t OL E JB. IIC ON, '041L EDITORS, Athletics 1,orr .AT GJENERAL NEWS 14ao6~h 1. Mary, '. Murk 1 , ',. RIW ILD coo a'aolludty, .kr'f, (6 u. s A Ir H n,' I,;. 1166,116606 11 11.1...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICIIIGAiMDAJLY--NEWz! If you want to know what smartly dressed ". men will wear Ibis sea- son ask to see 1ifldens~hiitt Aplel This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION BACTEI HISTOL Instrui EBEL tak aiLboittoix Coiiise in BIOLOGY, BIOLOC OG0Y or PATHOLO( in si vo y u mo tney l nfents &Sppih 1ec in these laoraitor ie MBACH &SO Branch Store PALACE AND PARISIANI Lannarpy ALlc ,S P13CIA L ; -IV, o cn State St. LAST YEAR WI GOT i'P ilL. .SIGM1A SIGMA SO...…

November 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE MLCIIIGANDAJLY--NEWS Extract from the Laws of the TH RI T IN AD *FURNES~~~lA~ Srate of New York. T ERG TT I G N t -Any person, iris. 1Corporatin1115 aSOCI- ENO UGH OF TH EM - - - - ion lit ma kes ir sell,- oii'r ts ll ords se forh si hs, e.or is bilses s1011iwith iten to s liir'ispsro a y ci 1 I L h t e tstiis ll(N s Collairsior cuils niorol, sam dorss0iib jrandl' f iiiil) ih ii t1 iiiw, lii IIi i on (Al th i dwili lii osicc " 'linen,''"-I...…

November 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…TIE MICilIGAi'D)AILY--NEWS If you want to know Thiis worthy YOUR ATTENTION what smartly dressed men wilt wear this sea- 1' ou faeIaLabo tirComSi so skt se BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, ISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY Smat lotesInstrau ments & Supplies EBERACH OINIMPORTERS AND kLindeDS~mitt & Apt iEBERAC9 SNANUFACTURERS ___________________________________Branch Store on State St. d ACE AND PARISIAN P1 on sale 50-no more- Priestly Cravenette Rain Coals, guaran- ...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THfE MICH3IGAN LAILY--NEWb -°Extract from the Laws of the TI ER IGHT H T T H I N(O AND FU R N ESS IA: Srate of New York. 5001 s or101 E O OH O F THEM t ct irlit ctit s II o of astts II r( vil ctoill sohli 1,"11111I nt ii u."iu0rt ii t oxh l i il iI f II or lctelorIl l I,,it.)ii, I iIlliI b t cal''(tn iwtrl~p rinilco1Sits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the f- u liii's," 'Iin r " o a newest M~en's Funishingp s u lits clii t'So(-iilo \M l h...…

November 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI1GAN DAILY--NEWb Ifyuwn oko This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION men will wear this sea- 11Iyt akil aLaboitatryCoein i sonasktoIee BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, ' E 'TS i Steinrl= HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGYc than 1,t~rSmart"'ohtshes.Instrumuenls &Supplies Clothes ~~usd in these laiboirtrisIM O T R AN EBERBACH & pe SO Liodensbllitf , Aptel SON, ER Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN Up-ty1da 1wrkt th i For this week only we will put tfr, 1 Irt...…

November 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…[HE MI(UIGANL)AILY- NEWS TFURINESSIA. RACKET i BRAND 0 2 F Extract from the La Srate of New York. al orn t sin h aitO ll i 111 1 i St Barkeri~'s (.cllas ar t i, 11l (:t tn1 1,(.)!(o reNOT Same aws of the ;e 1 r j I11 m I,'1 t ,o 11 l o ii lul I, fa o.l Stansped ",L inren' 7c iie X "llr liii n "tl TH RIGHT THINGS AND SENOUGH OF THEM Suits, Overcoats, fas osadalthe - newest Men's Furnishing 111 W l t th s t11. M (i l k) 11 1( t( ]_, v l dr. ; d ...…

November 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…[liE MIHIGANDAILY- NF2V% Extract from the Laws of the Srate of New York. NL LB il l ilkI lor tt'111 . . THE RIGHT THINOS AND ENOUGH OF THEM - ne~west Mete's Furnishinig ho W ich i < c E t 1i' s a -'.tr 1 'l +Y)3 1 I 1( 1t e lt'1I t RCKET BRAND Ba rker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" 1 i1 1 p ~!>l '': .'tv311 &CO., 1P14)1)111.11- 1ride 11 11)1111'5511111 WADHAM S, RYA & RE OLE. D '.''t :y cI. thin get I; t< l)II hI> i s . 10t; Il.11 setted r to ....…

November 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGANDAILY--NEWS Ityou want to know This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- A If you take a Laboratory course in sonask10 ee BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, wHiTX t n HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY 7"CTWe can sav e you money on all Smart Clothes used in these laboratories EBERACH SO~ IMORTERS AND 1il~CO~hfiif Apel BE BACi SO , ANUFACTURERS _____Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN LAST YEAR WE GOT UP THlE We H...…

November 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIIGA:N DAILY--NEWb RACKET BRAND d 1for :,INN > , sLIt Extract from the Laws of the Srate of New York. "int= person,fiiimiicorporaia on or asoci- ation that makes or oils i's ffers to sell or dips-of or has ini his, her, or its posses- si,)t with intenit to sell or dispso'. ans' collars or csifs markesi, sitimpeid or branis- s' ilk tir sors i iles,' 'fiure linein,"oir "alt lise.- oriineas,-51or inciseds-in in boxi, fir kag , coversir sw...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…TH AIC IIIGAis'DAILY--NEWS 'WHITE VESTS rANC Y f' i y If you want to know what siuartly dressed This is worthy YOUR ATTE,-,NTrION tten wilt wear this sea- ]±' , L 4 i,?;+,<< ,trlr i s4on ask to see 3 TE OLG.bLO X ati__ HISTOLOGY o0 .-TIOLOG Snar~atesIstiNiet4u Fri0TES N Iinrl~uhmit P~ BRAH& O, UATRR . I 1 ..,, ,. u.. L3I"Z I1L:It JLOf C UII OLUlC .Jt. AI.ACE AND PARISIAN ,AU<o" u 11' I- n SOUTHERN IKNICOKE RBOCKER All the new effects in - I rY...…

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