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October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…Monday, October 2,2006 STOIC WOLVERINES BRING JUG BACK HOME . .. SPORTSONDAY News 3A Granholm, DeVos to square off in debate Opinion 4A From the Daily: MCRI's code- word campaign Arts 5A 'Heroes'just not super One-hundred-sixteen years of editorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan N Vol. CXVII, No. 20 @2006 The Michigan Daily NCAA grad rates up slightly Michigan baseball, men's basketball teams see dramatic jumps By Kevi...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006 413 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1327 DoNN M. FRESARD ALEXIS FLOYD Editor in Chief Business Manager NATION/WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom: 763-2459 Office hours: Sun.-Thurs. Ia.mi . - 2 a.mi . News Tips Corrections Letters to the Editor tothed...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

… NEWS Monday, October 2, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 3A ON CAMPUS Chef to teach how to cook veggie favorites The University Unions Arts and Programs will present "Cooking 101: The Basics" at the Univer- sity Club in the Michigan Union from 7to09 p.m. today. A chef will prepare several vegetarian dishes, including vegetable strudel and vegetable phillo purse. Tonight's event is the first of four cooking workshops. The workshops cost $10 each ...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006 e gtt t 3 ttilg OPINION DONN M. FRESARD Editor in Chief EMILY BEAM JEFEBLO R CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK JEFFREY BLOOMER Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON iY ANN AREOR, MI 48104 Code-word campaign Politics, the English language and MCRI Sensationalism and the smooth lan- guage ...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…Monday October 2, 2006 c~be I fidjign n taUQ ART s 5A ........... Built to Spill frontman Doug Martsch performs at St. Andrew's. Built to spill-over, in classic Detroit style Congratulations, class of 2006! FALSE HEROICS PROMISING NEW DRAMA CAN'T QUITE GET OFF THE GROUND By Imran Syod Daily Arts Writer The theory of natural selection and its evolutionary backbone have been abridged by po...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, the michiaan daily CAMPUS PARKING SPAC able. 665-8825. S FURNITURE FOR SALE. Desks $30-40, 2-door laterals $40, file cabi- nets $25, chairs $10-20. Call 734-449-4415 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. 1 APARTMENTS AND HOUSES now leasing for '07/08. 332-6000. CARLSONPROPERTIES.COM !! BEAUTIFUL, LARGE Homes in the campus area. 6-10 Bdrms. Avail. NOW for 2007/2008. Cable & Ethernet ready. Free laundry and park...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…Monday, October 2, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7A FBI looks into Mark Foley e-mail scandal IN DRAG WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI is examining former Rep. Mark Foley's e-mail exchanges with teenagers to determine if they violated federal law, an agency spokesman said yester- day. House Speaker Dennis Hast- ert asked yesterday for a federal investigation into the case - a lurid scandal that has put House Republicans in political peril. "I hereby ...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…8A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006 x_. Learn more about Marj on Walrod about yu ii Y o uVi . ,i r if e . Y o u =c a bring i ihyu 4 4 I I 4 tconectedth ,,Inking CEWTR I OUSECXJPERS * xt requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global eetworfk or oather un Affirmative Achion aud Equal Opportunity Employer, I C 2006 PricewaterhouneCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. "Pricewaterhoasertoopers" refers t: mereber firms of the netw...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 9

…WOMEN'S GOLF: Wolverines beat confer- ence rival in inspiring win. PAGE 2B THE SPORTsMONDAY COLUMN: Like fantasy sports? Give text sims a try. PAGE 3B VOLLEYBALL: Troubles continue 4 for Spikers in Big Ten. PAGE 4B October 2, 2006 S PO RT S,. ,4 g &"got,; - ft " mmm be gautn Bad -Iffiffis EM 0 -mu Varsity takes back the Jug By Kevin Wright Daily Sports Editor MINNEAPOLIS - The Lit- tle BrownoJug had been removed from Ann Arbor for less ...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 10

…2B -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006 4 Double-overtime goal ends Blue's upset bid against Gauchos By Jamie Josephson Daily Sports Writer Lately, 90 minutes just doesn't cut it for the Michigan men's soc- cer team. On Saturday, the Wolverines made program history by playing in their third consecutive double overtime contest. But Michigan would rather have a chance to revise history, as it suffered a dev- astating 1-0 defeat at th...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 11

… New season, same By Chris Meszaros For the Daily It was never in doubt that a Michigan women's tennis play- er would win the Wolverine Invitational. It was just a matter of who it would be. Sophomore Chisako Sugi- yama fought to defend her 2005 Wolverine Invitational title against upstart freshman Tania Mahtani, but Sugiyama came out on top for her second straight title. The duel was never close. Sugiyama dominated the match the same way she ...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 2, 2006 THE BLITZ Football GAME STATISTICS Team Stats First Downs Rush/Yds Passing Yards Offensive Plays Total Offense Return Yards Comp/Att/Int Punts/Avg Fumbles/Lost Penalties/Yards Time of Poss MICH 23 45/234 284 69 518 21 17/24/0 3/40.3 1/0 3/30 37:39 ASNG M I C H I G A N Player C-A Yds TD Henne 17-24 284 3 Totals 17-24 284 3 MINN 18 24/1 08 215 58 323 94 17/34/0 7/33.9 0/0 4/29 22:21...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 13

…SportsMonday, October 2, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 5B MAIZE GAUGE The Michigan Daily football writers break down the weekend's stats that don't show up in the box- score. The defense-o-meter measures the intensity of the defense, the Carr-o-meter judges Lloyd Carr's demeanor following the game and the hypemeter measures the fans' game performance. DEFENSE-O-METER CARR-0-METER 2 /4 LaMarr Woodleys Consider it a wake-up call for Michigan's...…

October 02, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…6B -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2006 Spikers drop two more By H. Jose Bosch Daily Sports Writer The optimism in junior cap- tains Lyndsay Miller and Katie Bruzdzinki's voices can't mask the cold-hard facts: After a 13-0 start to the season, the Michigan volleyball team has dropped four straight games. Following a heart-break- ing loss to Minnesota on Fri- day night, the Wolverines were swept by No. 14 Wisconsin (30- 24, 30-19, 30...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday, October 3, 2006 DREAMY 'SLEEP' A LITTLE TO NAUSEATING ... ARTS, PAGE 5 News 2 Milk-man kills three in Pa. school r Opinion 4 James Dickson defends apathy Sports 10 Blue's Hood has special teams covered One-hundred-sixteen years of editorialfreedom www. Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 21 @20 06 The Michigan Daily C S 0 Y W VOTING ADVENTURE he fire alarm blared through East Quad Residence Hall Wednesday nig...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…2 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 413 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1327 www.michigandaily.corn DoNN M. FRESARD ALEXIs FLOYD Editor in Chief Business Manager CONTACT INFORMATION News Tips Corrections Letters to the Editor Photography Department Arts Section Editorial Page Sports Section Display Sales Classified Sales Online Sales Finance EDITORIAL STAFF Jeffrey Bloomer M...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

… NEWS Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 3 ON CAMPUS Lecture to focus on issues in crime, justice Dan Van Ness,executivedirector of the Centre for Justice and Recon- ciliationwill deliveralecturetoday titled "To Understand the Right Thing: The Appeal for Restorative Justice." Restorative justice is an international movement focusing on allowing victims, offenders and communities to respond to crime in ways that challenge typical...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 DONN M. FRESARD EMILY BEAM JEFFREY BLOOMER d M. FrEiARDf CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK itor in Chief Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ST. ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 OPINION NOTABLE QUOTABLE Today's debates are far more about profile than cour- age; the real issue is who can put across the be...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday October 3, 200 ART s 5 Alonein the office TVCLM "Watch and you'll see ... someday I'll be ... part of your ... world!" DRE AM THEATER NEW GONDRY FILM TRIPPED UP BY STYLISTIC DISCORD By Christopher Lechner Daily Arts Writer . In "The Science of Sleep" French film- maker Michel Gondry's most stylistically flamboyant and weakly constructed film to date, ***°< the director's signatu...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2( the michigan daily I CAMPUS PARKING SPACE able. 665-8825. vail- FURNITURE FOR SALE. Desks $30-40, 2-door laterals $40, file cabi- nets $25, chairs $10-20. Call 734-449-4415 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. A MADISON PROPERTY COMPANY f m e * : S A onEcast . 2brvi. A ats. econd, Vs. aviabe GRA "PS Hsefr 78!! % A c -mbinatoqualt adpIes y r a eafWe aeHss.&apt. b e PI~ cCK 0fP OU LSTIG T ODAY at (663-4 10G...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7 Man sent lettersr threatening Bush,3I Chenea..ylegislatorrk SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - An engineer at a nuclear power plant has been charged with send- ing threatening letters containing a powdery substance to a coun- try club where President Bush is scheduled to appear today for a Republican campaign event. Michael Lee Braun, 51, was appeared in court Monday on two federal charges of sending t...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 Costner, Kutcher sink to new depths By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer There are really only two types of movies in the world: The ones where the grizzled, over-the-hill ex-champion schools the ** 7k . rash, unbridled hotshot The - and then everything else. Kevin Costner and Guardian Ashton Kutcher know At the Showcase this, and "The Guard- and Quality 16 ian" is their melodra- Touchstone matic a...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 9

…Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 9 Sitarist comes t'U' By Catherine Smyka Daily Arts Writer The disparate elements of cul- tures as different as those of India and America don't always mix well. Enchanting guitar talent most often breeds No. 1 blues and country hits in America, while the Indian sitar produces peaceful ballads. Pandit Debashish Pandit Bhattacharya Debashish has merged Bhattacharya the unique Tonight and sounds o...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 10

…OctAober 3, 2006 SPETigSn Baill 10 4 Hood excels in special role for Wolverines By Scott Bell Daily Sports Editor Ask Darnell Hood how he thinks opposing teams feel when they have to face him, and he'll give you an honest answer. "I couldn't imagine going against myself," Hood said. Though his response may not be drenched with modesty, it cer- tainly isn't without reason lack validity eith...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 11

…Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 11 71-year-old Alou fired after two losing seasons AP PHOT Cowboys lineman Andre Gurode ices his head after being kicked by Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth. Haynesworthout five games for kid NEW YORK (AP) - Ten- Haynesworth was penalized a 45-14 victory. nessee Titans defensive tackle and ejected from the game Gurode's helmet ca Albert Haynesworth was sus- early in the third quarter...…

October 03, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 21) • Page Image 12

…12 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 Cubs done Baker CHICAGO (AP) - Dusty Baker is out as the Chicago Cubs' manager following a last- place finish and a failure to take the team to the World Series in his four years. The Cubs made the announce- ment yesterday, a day after team president Andy MacPhail resigned and the club finished with a 66-96 record. "I wish we could have gotten it done but we didn't," Baker said. "You see four ...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…Wednesday, October 4, 2006 CARL COHEN ON CRI AND WHITE GUILT ... THE STATEMENT Opinion 4A From the Daily: Down with DeVos Arts 5A Comedy Central freaks Daily Arts Sports 9A Early-bird Taylor gets worm One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 22 ©2006 The Michigan Daily Dearborn student gov't demands divestment Bill passes unanimously; regents almost certainly won't vote to divest ...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…2A-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 413 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1327 DONN M. FREsARD ALEXIS FLOYD Editor in Chief Business Manager NEWS IN BRIEF CONTACT INFORMATION News Tips Corrections Letters to the Editor Photography Department Arts Section Editorial Page Sports Section Display Sales Classified Sales Online Sales Finance Newsroom: 763-24...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

… NEWS ON CAMPUS Panel to explore possible effects of MCRI Students and faculty from Cali- fornia and Texas will discuss the effects ending affirmative action has had in their states from 7 to 9 p.m. today in the Forum Room of Palmer Commons. The discussion will be followed with refreshments and a discussion about the future of affirmative action in Michigan. Prof to speak i on domestic violence Leslie Starsoneck, a visiting pro- fessor from t...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1 DONN M. FRESARD Editor in Chief EMiLY BEAM EMILYBEAM JEFFREY BLOOMER CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 OPINION NOTABLE QUOTABLE My husband was going to become a Catholic priest, but then we met." - Former beauty queen and current...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday October 4, 2006 ARTS 5A 'Freak Show' takes a shot at center stage By Michael Passman Benjamin), a bearded clam-woman though, the show isn't necessarily Daily Arts Writer (Janeane Garofalo, "Dogma"), The dumb. It's particular comedic style is World's Tallest Nebraskan (Brian in fact largely satirical - although It's no secret that on a daily basis Stack, "TV Funhouse"), a prema- it...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, the michigan daily j 4 CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Avail- able. 665-8825. frnitUre '; 050 FURNITURE FOR SALE. Desks $30-40, 2-door laterals $40, file cabi- nets $25, chairs $10-20. Call 734-449-4415 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. m e n S A v i a b e 'Coa. f r al. r I ! APARTMENTS AND HOUSES now leasing for'07/'08. 332-6000. CARLSONPROPERTIES.COM !! BEAUTIFUL, LARGE Homes in the campus area. 6-10 Bdrms. A...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, October 4, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7A GENTLEMAN Continued from page 1A olic priest, but the we met," Gran- holm said Monday during a debate with challenger Dick DeVos. Mulhern's primary duty as first gentleman is taking care of his and Granholm's three children. But his work isn't limited to chil- drearing. "My days vary tremendously," he said. Some days it's coaching his son's basketball team. Others, it's spending time with h...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 Don't get 'Schooled' By Paul Tassi For the Daily Do you like steak? How about ice cream? And beer, right? Now stick them in a blender. Some- times good ingredients don't end up mixing well. You'dthink director Todd Philips ("Old School") could stir up something comical by combining clueless Jon Heder ("Napoleon Dynamite") and the greasy slimeball perfected by courtesy of MGM Billy Bob Thorn...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday October 4, 2006 SE RiCTiigSnBailv 9A Taylor works hard, plays hard By Kevin Wright Daily Sports Editor He couldn't sleep, mostly because he knew what was waiting for him when he woke up. During team conditioning this past sum- mer, Terrance Taylor and his teammates had the pleasure of 6 a.m. runs through the Michigan golf course. And the 305-pound defensive tackle sat with a mix o...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

…1DA-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 NHL to honor Berenson ll By Nate Sandals Daily Sports Writer Michigan hockey coach Red Beren- son has been away from the NHL since 1984. But on Nov. 6, the league will honor him when it presents the hockey legend with the Lester Patrick Award for his outstanding service to hockey in the United States. Berenson, a former Michigan hockey player, said he was pleased to represent collegiate hock...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 11

…w _ W .... w -, U- - __ w w W-W _IRIW WF qw-VI .r W qw_ qw S i - y, October 4, 2006 The Beans Day Care Center By Sarah Sala Their piercing screams knock like rocks off houses, a collective of beginning voices screech enough to drop squirrels from the trees. Forever in motion, the tiny figures are frantic energies of chase and retreat, digging and scaling - here wriggling fingers try to pull a tuft of cat through the fence and into thei...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 12

… - w--I m m - qw w w - .A IFF 1P -7. w I 2B The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 Wednesday, October 2006 Dail) -The Michigan able demand: righteous racial pay- ment for indelible racial guilt. But every applicant who is admitted to the University in part because of his color displaces another appli- cant who was denied admission in part because of her color. You do see this inescapable consequence of preference, do you not? W...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 13

…W -a -4-- _ - W - - - U W T - I mw mw NW 14mm- MW -lw ,um- 1w w NOW IRW IRW !.rl r 110 TheMiciga Daly - edn sday.Otoer SO.0 Wednesday, October 4, 2006 - The Michigan Daily COHEN Continued from page 7B and one statistical: 1) A member of our faculty, who is white, sent me a letter, now in my files, in which the following events are recounted. Finding the work of one of his students in a large course to be entirely unsatisfactory, he ...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 14

…- -A A AMEMEMMIM& -MM AMMOMMIL, MMMMMMM=d -9w- -i - M - mw w Imw w qw Ar 'w w - :- - S ..- SO. Wednesday, October 4, 2006 - The Michigan Daily Fireworks By Karl Stampfl he middle-aged country- club member was known as eccentric even before he rounded up 50 black people and bought them tickets for the exclusive club's Fourth of July dinner and fireworks. They arrived in cars ranging in quali- ty from 1987 Chevy Caprices to 2005 Hyundai ...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 15

…--w t -~ -~w-- WPFP q mw WV q IRW 1 13 TeMchgnDiy - . edne sda, .ctbr , 06 0 ' SB. - Intiative would affect students' ng hts to education Pack your bags. Here comes the bandwagon other suffers from a chronic but curable disease. There are no easy answers, and determining who is deserving requires considering the foundation of what we value - helping the poorest, bring- ing the greatest utility or freeing those who suffer from illnes...…

October 04, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 22) • Page Image 16

…dMOMMOMMIL M=wMm=M=l S lw 1. lqw 'qqw lw w uw w w NW I 6 Te iciga Dil -Wedesay Otobr S, 00 I Wednesday, October 4, 2006 -The Michigan Daily 7B Why racial preferences are a product of An oe u to my collegues and students at the;: By Prof. Carl Cohen 5LL ,~ s kK Very cordial greetings. I write to urge you to read a very small book that now sits on my desk. It was written this year for persons in just our circumstances. It's honest and r...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Thursday, October 5,; News 3A Opinion 5A Sports 9A Auto alliance talks called off Readers respond to Carl Cohen Blue's 'D' improves ABCs against run 2006 Bi' AATT.' . SIDE U~bri~biau ait~g One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 23 ©2006 The Michigan Daily JEREMY CHO/Daily ISA junior Kavya Vaidyanathan hands out a copy of The Michigan independent on the Diag on Sept. 28 at abo...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…2A-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 5, 2006 i 1 Elz ffidriiuan a&U 413 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1327 www.michigandaily~com DoNN M. FRESARD ALEXIS FoYD Editor in Chief Business Manager CONTACT INFORMATION News Tips Corrections Letters to the Editor Photography Department Arts Section Editorial Page Sports Section Display Sales Classified Sales Online Sales Finance Newsroom:...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… NEWS Thursday, October 5, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 3A ON CAMPUS Career Center to hold job fair The Career Center is holding its annual job fair in the Michi- gan Union from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. today. An estimated 85 to 90 organizations will be in atten- dance. Students will need to show their M cards to register. Wallen berg lecture to be held tonight The 16th annual Raoul Wallen- burg lecture and medal presenta- tion will be held at 7:30 p...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 5, 2006 DONN M. FRESARD EMILYJEFFREY BLOOMER Editor in Chief CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK MEnagEY EdOOMR Editorial Page Editors Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 413 E. HURON ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 "M T HE D)AILY Crying wolf Blogs an imperfect tool to spread news, gossip OPINION NOTABLE QUOTABLE ' We are all dreamers, and part ...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

… ,4- nn+~h~r C Onncz T6,., n-;k, CA O PEDhIursay, uctober , 2 6- Te vMichigan Daily - ichigan ivl ights nitiative Campus speaks out on Proposal 2 5A MCRI and the price of admission MCRI's systematic voter fraud BY NESHA Z. HANIFF I admire the commitment that RC Prof. Carl Cohen has for equality and individual rights. I think that this is a wonderful idea and one that we should all work towards. The problem is that the world he want...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 5, the michigan daily 4 CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Avail- able. 665-8825. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE Near Business & Law School Call 668-1100. frnitUre - * FURNITURE FOR SALE. Desks $30-40, 2-door laterals $40, file cabi- nets $25, chairs $10-20. Call 734-449-4415 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. THE SIGN SAYS IT ALL... *Free 2 bedroom Heat $699(- *Free Water Willowtree N 877-815-7436 * AVA...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, October 5, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 7A Marines battle rumor mill in western Iraq HADITHA, Iraq (AP) - Word Military search dogs "cost more spread quickly: A Marine search to train than a Marine," he joked. dog had escaped and was roam- The sheik was eventually con- ing the streets attacking children. vinced that if there were dogs op But the Marines didn't have any the prowl, they were probably dogs in Haditha at the time. packs ...…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…Thursda October 5, 2006 Gabe iibigan Eaild SPORTrS Nowhere to run: Varsity run defense dominates By Stephanie Wright Daily Sports Editor When Alan Branch was told after Saturday's game that Min- nesota had gained more than 100 yards on the ground, the defen- sive tackle seemed a little disap- pointed. Branch's slightly dejected reac- tion begged the question: How many yards would have been a...…

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