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October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…TE OPPRESSED THMAJORITY?~ See Editorial Page C, C Sir 1911 ~~E~aitF PRETTY GOOD High- -3 Low-44 Cloudy and~ mild Vol. LXXX, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Ten Cents Six Pages CLEVELAND. MAYORAL RACE: I Stokes survives primary in bid for re-election CLEVELAND, Ohio Ul -i Carl B. Stokes, the United States' firgt black big-city mayor, came from behind last night to firmly claim renomination in Cleveland's De- mocr...…

October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 1, 1969 PageTwoTHE ICHGAN AIL Wedesdy, Otobr 1,196 records -- From fathers to sons and sons and sons In the local bars . . S By BERT STRATTON, If a young man wants to learn how to play the blues, he must learn its language and he must listen to the poets that speak it best--the old masters, What Muddy Waters did was exactly that and his teacher was Son House, the pioneer of the Mississipp...…

October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…* ENDING THURSDAY * PETER O'TOOLE KATHARINE HEPBURN LION IN WINTER seconld frtint page j ffi4c ixl igttn o41P ut1 NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three DIAL 5-6290 I 9 SHOWS AT 1 :15-3:0 6:20-8:55 the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service Ask INCREASED STATE SPENDING education reforms 1 irwrrrrrrn irr'r TONIGHT HOOT 1421 Hill St. 761-1451 ...…

October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

… 94c Afr gigan Onog Seventy-ninie yeairs Of e(Iitorial free(IO1nI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Beyond the purse lay an oppressive society 420 N jynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN I The whit...…

October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, October 1, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 FOR RENT MAN TO SHARE 2-man., 2-bdrm. apt. $75/mo., no lease. 665-9605 eves. 13C28 NEED FEMALE TO SHARE MODERN DUPLEX, own bedroom. Call 761-9655 after 6 p.m. 8Ctc Love Is Here, . , Are You? STEREO 101, WXYZ-FM 22C33 MEET YOUR MATCHMAKER Need an Apartment and Roommates? Call Chris at 665-8825 Several...…

October 01, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Football-Doughty's one love By DAVE BEEMON They lurk everywhere. Big, thick-chested boys, their T-shirts bulging . . . wearing sneakers. It's a common sight in the lobbies of that institution decorated in modern 50's dormitory style: South Quadrangle. Incarcerated in this nightmare of blond wood paneling and rip- pled glass windows (with a few potted pl...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Welfar< By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ and JUDY KAHN Some 100 welfare mothers, students and community supporters will demonstrate peacefully outside the Washtenaw County Bldg. this morning to protest the County's refusal to grant the mothers requests for additional funds to buy school clothing. The demonstration coincides with a closed meeting inside the County Bldg. between the County Board of Supervisors, the County Board of Social Services and a repr...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 theatre- APA: Death, decay, and demons, -poetry and prose- Black poetry: Spirit of the other world By MICHAEL ALLEN Sa "u Beckett's Play - powerfully if starkly directed by Jack O'Brien - has the wit of an absurd trompe d'oeil. But it is a theatrical trick that is also terrifying, Ostensibly it ex- plores a three-way relationship ...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…secontd fronit page 4I, Sftr!19an 0- a'tty NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: '64-0334 MICHIGANENSIAN SENIOR PIC ES Thursday, October 2, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Threatened juror leaves ---SIGN UP IN THE DIAG-- 10-4-Monday thru Friday THIS IS THE LAST WEEK! DISNEY'S Alice In Wonderland "Disney the auteur. In the Pinnochio tradition."- Sarris -plus- PETER SELLERS Muckinese Battlehorn "This reminds me of Citizen Ka...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

… ilir Sfri$ni Dga ait Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING County welfare A year later, no better I S I" / / -- "Face-Sav...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, October 2, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 FOR RENT UNIVERSITY TOWERS 1 man effic., modern air Cond., available Jan., $130/month. Call 761-2780. 14029 HELP WANTED DELIVERY BOY WANTED. Needs own, car. Full or part time. NO 8-8751. 29H27 FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES IN NEW CABINETS I HEAR ROGER CRAIG 8:00 Tonight - HEAR ROGER CRAIG 8:00 Tonigh...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 -, ~-~-' 1' ::. .z. :. ,... .: . ::.. . :,. r., ,.,v,. _.. Too sm iI J AUTO INSURANCE FOR EVERYONE Cancelled Rejected Declined We also write motorcycle and motorscooter insurance. "EASY BUDGET TERMS" 482-9533 234 W. Michigon Ave. Ypsilanti i4/lan 4 INSURANCE CENTER ARLAN'S DEPT. STORE 665-3789 2465 W. Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor + .;...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, October 2, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, October 2, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Against 7/eWi Wal Tigers seek to continue rule over Big 10 The gri(1 rcti Ing . . « (1. polhish joke By LEE KIRK Tis fall, a young sports writer's fancy turns to polls and point spreads and other vicarious farces that vainly try to deter- mine who is better than who on paper. Rating teanis, whether it is done by comp...…

October 02, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 25) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 2, 1969 REQUEST CLOTHING FUNDS: Welfare mothers protest today i Untinued fron Page 1) funds for pre-school children going to nursery schools or day-care centers, and mothers who worked in schools or other places where they work with the public. In response to the WRC pro- posal, the board requested the committee to supply the figures o...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…i JUSTICE IN CHICAGO 'gee Editorial Page Y Sri igaux ~IaitA& AVERAGE High- 0 Low-50 Fair, little chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. 26 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 3, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages Haynsworth denies asking to witdraw BULLETIN Judge Clement Haynsworth late last night denied reports from congressional sources that he had asked President Nixon to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court. WASHINGTON :-- Some congressional ...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1969 Poj e Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1 969 u music i f ,w f '7 ' _," 7 shouts, moans, squeaks... AUTO INSURANCE FOR EVERYONE " e ith lU o!'rco'4nzz- able rh r intervals, but Congloierations of claps, shouts, mtoats, shreks. burps, clicks, bangms, s0uawk spurks, yelps, thumips, coghs, ain hiccoughs Suc~h a1 di 5paraingt descii- titi ol contemporary music might ve I m ai e - ntrai...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…CINEMA II DISNEY'S Alice In Wonderland "Disney the outeur. In the Pinnochio tradition."- Sarris -plus- PETER SELLERS Muckinese Battlehorn "This reminds me of Citizen Kane, but not very much."-Orson Welles -plus- W. C. FIELDSE The Fatal Glass of Beer "Everybody must get stoned."-Dylan OCTOBER 3-4 FRI.-SAT. 7-9:15 Aud. A 75c (cheap) NEXT WEEK: RAY'S Two Daughters seconid frot t r&4e P ftr4itiau ttil NEWS PHONE: 764-6552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

… TIe 3fr4tigan Badig Seventy-nine years of editorwil freedorn Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 754-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1969 Justice in Chicago: The way it really is r HE CONDUCT of Judge Juli...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…Friday, October 3, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service. Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 FOR RENT Albert Terrace 2 bedroom furnished apartments still available. Air conditioned, dishwash- er, 1 Mbaths. Call 761-1717. 17Ctc UNIVERSITY TOWERS 1 man effic..j modern air Cond., available Jan., $130 month. Call 761-2780. 14029 THREE OR FOUR MAN apt. available.: $240' mo. 769-2831. 16c29 MAN TO SH...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1969 Page 5K THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1969 _a ev s aide cross examined Ford at 'U' to dedicate Highway Safety Institute e n fmromPI' , ssua ofo(- eIits to coilveno - iagtue (tdlmonstrators. "I just don't understand w h y we caI 'liet ti 1 may1r in this ('~5e. Weiass lpit"oh-[(A after Dxi~ illin fourdifltent.ays to as Stahl whether Daley could Sinfluenced the authorities s~ pon...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ceven Friday, October 3, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Leven .i .. ..rY... ..i .. . iw.. KWIK 'N KLEEN 740 PACKARD On With Hangers Dry Or Cleaning Packaged Order HOURS PHONE Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 662-4241 Saturday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 662-4251 WASHING MACHINES ONLY 25c, DRYERS 5c - - -V. - - I I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an Official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notic...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1969 Pnn F inht t GgEGr O gY, *VOtlCIACTN O At~C><, I!C Michigan offense proves potent Now Volkswagen brings lasting relief to left feet. By ELLIOT LEGOW Offense is truly the name of the game in Michigan football so far this year as both the individual and team statistics released by the NCAA show Michigan -names in prominant positions. Glenn Doughty, the Wolverine's surprising sophomore tailba...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

…Friday, October 3, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Mine 1~riday, October 3, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Season end-s By The Asociated Press For 20 of the major league's 24 clubs the 1969 campaign is finallyay over. But in Baltimore and Atlanta a whole new season starts tomor- row for baseball's four divisional champions, when the Orioles play host to the Minnesota Twins and the Braves entertain the mira- NIGHT EDITOR: culous New York M...…

October 03, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 3, 1969 PageTenTHEMICIGANDAIY Fida, Ocobe 3,196 CSJ hears final arguments in recruiter disruption case DISRUPTIONS: SGC blasts academic penalties ho4! h e((ie/d £k 414/o~/4pt® (Continued from Page 1) j clippings referring to research in infra-red techniques being car-. ried on at the Institute of Science and Technology and their uses in Vietnam reconnaissance. Vice president for Research A. G...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…MORATORIUM: ACTION NOW See Editorial Page i cl: . C Sir 43tau ~~Iait HI TOBIN! High--8 Low--55 Fair and warming Zero precipitation r Vol. LXXX, No. 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 4, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages Flint aculty supports war moratorium By FESTER PULLING The faculty of the University's Flint campus voted over- whelmingly Thursday to support the Oct. 15 class moratorium on the war in Vietnam. The faculty did not formall...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 music rec Tom-TlJ ords ere credit is due Indian Summer starts off with a stretch at Hill By BILL THORP Fall is the time to settle down and dig into things, but during the Indian Summer before the cold weather, a bit of relaxing, one last stretch, always seems necessary. Last night at Hill Aud., the School of Music in- dulged...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…h1 I secanfd rout pa~g x4e fi~i&rn Datitn NEWS PHONE: 764-0534 BUISINESS PRONE: 7641-0554 CINEMA II DISNEY'S Alice In Wonderland "Disney the auteur. In the Pinnochio tradition."- Sarris --plus- PETER SELLERS Muckinese Battlehorn "This reminds me of Citizen Kane, but not very much."-Orson Welles -plus- W. C. FIELDS Saturday, October 4, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Pentagon report WASHINGTON (AP)- Defend- ing military tra...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

… 94e ftir4igan &aily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedoi Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER The Vietnam mo~rator im: Faculty action now The b (tis artic l e as...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, October 4, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 FOR RENTj ONE MAN NEEDED for 2 bdrm. 3-man apt. $70/month. 411 High. 769-7132.1 18C3C Albert Terrace FOR SALE ONE JUN. Priority Ticket to Oct. 11 Purdue game, for sale. Call 761-1953. 47B32 The Hobby Horse 810 Brown a 2 bedroom furnished apartments still Open weekends only: available. Air condition...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 Page Sb~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is ant Official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r in to Room 35?8 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- miurn of two times on request; Day C...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 7

…Saturday, October 4, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Saturday, October 4, 1969 ~HE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Seven I. 'I a-_ . -". . i,,. M T. . 1y " .Fi I . . il _ ,i r3"' . t«. ,., a i ! .ti. ' t f .,. :,. .. '4 if. 7 ft sA / THE SHOE SHACK 1210 S. University--769-2088 GREEN E'S CLEANERS 516 E. Liberty-662-3231 ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. 100 S. Mai n-663-4231 JOHN LEID'Y SHOP 601 E. Liberty-NO 8-6779 THANO'S LAMPLIGHTER 421 E. Liberty-6...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 Page Eglight1111m TH MCHG. AIY-aura- -tbe 4 -6 SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR EXPERIMENT: Must be native speakers of English with no history of a hearing disorder or speech impediment.. Subjects needed for four hours at $1.50; hour. Please call DAVID P I SON I, 764-2594 from 10 A.M.-12 Midnight or CRLLB, 764- 0510, 9-5. at THE HOUSE this week 1429 HILL STREET ~ FRIDAY, OCT. 3: HILLEL SABBATH SE...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 9

…Saturday, October 4, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Saturday, October 4, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wolverines face tough test The Lineups OFFENSE from unbeaten igers By THOMAS R. COPI Today the Missouri Tigers invade Michigan Stadium forl the third time in history. In 1959 Missou escaped with a last-second 20-15 win. But in 1955 the score was much more reasonable, with the Wolver- ines on the heavy end of a, 42-7 outcome...…

October 04, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 27) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 4, 1969 a r , - : .,;; 0 C T 0 B E R 0 2nd Floor Michiqin L, 763 -1 107 E C'harles Evers Controversy '69 October 19 Tickets Available Union & League Desks C 0 I MARTIN LUTHER KING SCHOLARSHIP FUND BENEFIT CONCERT THE FIFTH DIMENSION G Tickets Available at Michigan Union Sen. Gieorge coer Controversy '69 October 26 Tickets Availab...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…Prrrd rte ... 36 Iotre Daie . . 42 Mich. State . . . 28 Ohio State . . . 41 Washington . . 14 Jolta . . . . .. 31 Arizona . . . . . 19 Colorado . . . , 30 Ifd~iana . .. . .. 7 Syracuse .... 42 W isconisin . . . . 7 Nebraska . . . . 42 Minnesota ....14 Slippery Rock 34 Shippeisbur g 31 M ichigan fumbles game away By JOEL BLOCK Sports Editor Michigan did a lot of sur- prising things in yesterday's game with Missouri and all of them w...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 969 music Buffy: By BEIT STRATTON Buffy Sainte-Marie 1i v e s! That was my initial reaction when she walked out onto the stage of Hill And. last night. Yes, it's been a few years since the good old days of the "folk revival" and I wasn't sure if she was one of the remnants who had survived the decline of that particular phenomenon. But th...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe MON., OCT. 6-NOON LUNCH EON-25c PROF. MARSHALL SAHLINS Dept. of Anthro.: "Growing Contradictions of Liberalism" TUES., OCT. 7-NOON LUNCHEON (Speaker to be announced in Tues. edition of Daily) SUNDAY EVENING-7 P.M. Meeting of STUDENT RELIGIOUS LIBERALS at GU ILD HOUSE.RBarbecue supper. MONDAY NIGHT THE ARKA FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS 1421 Hill St. The Baron of Arizona seconlI rtont pae (,;4r ir ri ttn 43ai NEWS PHONE: 764...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…a special report the Sundoy doily by howard kohn and david spurr Number 11 -Night Editor: David Spurr October 5, 1969 H U R N R I V E R All the bad jokes you 0' hear about the a river are true. It's not really very funny !!M ! HIS SUMMER the Gelman Instrument Co. of Ann Arbor began selling a newly-patented device to monitor impurities rising from factory smokestacks, A prosperous shrub-embroidered plant on Wagner Rd.,...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, October 5, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, October 5, 1 9 6 9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Five By PHIL BALLA JAMES AGEE WAS A perfectionist. He was always trouble with his publishers for deadline extensic Whether his verse resounded of John Donne's met or his prose of the King James cadences, or his f criticism of his own preconceptions, Agee made sev demands on his own work. Yet in his personal as v as his artistic life he...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…' IX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 Poge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 Ire C1lJJ I td J'r~'>-, 'A nt lU A loll ii~ pubLic (Ienivnst iii 1101 ,.> a id ni the.> I his past week ox ~lic to> that Negro leaders t ia \ iJO making Pt)gi~O55 at t lie coti - I ereilce t able vii 12101 r deniat id 01 more skilled j ohs for laek> in t he buildii ic I iade>. Iii Chicago, Mmtvoi' hicinit'd J I laley has Npressed cixtideic...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, October S, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Sunday, October 5, 1 969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven wri ters, poets, art'ists, phoatographers generation accepting material for information, call 769-7353 or 665-4636 420 Maynard Penn By The Associated Press MANHATTAN, Kan. - Second- ranked Penn State withstood furi- ous Kansas State offensive flur- ries early and late and hung on for a 17-14 victory over the fired- up Wildcats yes...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN -DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 WNXYZ PRESENTS SERGIO MENDES nBrazi '66 Guest MC-DICK PURTAN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26--730 P.M. Masonic Auditorium Detroit, Michigan MAILORDERS: Sen4lCh2o(- Money Order wth samped, self addressed envelope to: Masonic Temple Box Office, 500 Temple, Detroit 48201. etS Orioles grab lead In t7- New York rallies for five in eighth to ...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 9

…Sunday, October 5, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Sunday, October 5, '1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine SpaSmotic offense cripples iich igan gridde rs S UNDAY SPOIUFTS Night Editor: Pat Atkins 'Poorest' mistakes key gridr'demise By ANDY BARBAS Executive Sports Editor P-O-L-I-O. When the band set up their formation at halftime yesterday it wasn't clear whether they were referring to Michigan's medical achievements or Michigan's of...…

October 05, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 28) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 5, 1969 For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 I UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES HELP WANTED PART-TIME HELP NEEDED-Cleaning main maintenance of bldg. About 10/! wk. 665-7181. 36H31 LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Hospital certificate belonging to Elliott Maddox. Call Steve, 769- 7233 or 769-3828 evenings. 49A32' LINES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 da...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…NIXON'S FISCAL RORA-M See Editorial Page ;Y iliriga 4Iaitgi UNHAPPY High-60-68 Low-43 Chance of showers, cooler Vol. LXXX, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 7, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages Deans postpone disciplinary action Senate Assembly Plan talks with students arrested in LSA sit-in By MARTIN HIRSC HMAN Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith yes- terday indicated there would be no immediate University disc...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 7, 1969 Page Twu THE MICHIGAN DAILY music r aue listenters only ire la_ i'ii e t Largso e Sata N. 7, ~. I U 3No.t, \Xi5 dii (':i i' lix 'uat Le- (L [ ' n "Pli II li:f0 a rid how 12CE ( ii5 1 i 10' IOU -' Volio li. 1: rO e in1(1 a ii)cd b i t n i. ed da i 'io of 11>T .IN~' stei, hi sI~An n, iiin t is muchol saceas ofi the niotes tipenev5 that''U itil isirii~Vi~ C , as itw r wit;hii d'' i iie ...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

… ALcIs RaE&TAaNT s - - - :; ti . o. l . ... i. e r. i .3 - - 7 r -, ,;, .!r ' A"'t i. p. vl s 1 c 7 .r " t _._._... ._. _. _ .. .. . _ :.v..: .w.a :v Underground paper defies EreUgation By JIM NEUBACHER YPSILANTI-The first issue of a student-oriented underground news- paper was distributed here on the campus of Eastern Michigan Univer- sity yesterday in violation of EMU regulations. "The Second Coming," which is pub- lished by the Ypsilanti...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…Ee iMi$igan Dariy Seveity-tiniie years' of editorill freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART GANNES Nixon's fiscal program: Prices up, employment down PRESIDENT NIXON'S anti...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, October 7, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 767 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. T t UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCHES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70 2 days 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4.55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6:65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.5...…

October 07, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 7, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 7, 1 969 "Worth Celebrating"--Detroit News "Mounts to Marvelous Climax" -Michigan Daily f UNION-LEAGUE present -'7PROFESIO'NAL THEATER P .RGRAM Special Perforc 3CIC "".1v3C9 Faculitl Following is the final report of the Senate Assembly's Aca- demic Affairs Committee on POTC. Space limitations forced major abridgements of the re- port....…

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