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October 31, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…_h Michigan___mil V or. XIX. ANN'ARBPOR.N Q1GAN AIR)Y (itOIllGR 31, t()8. SOUTHERN FRIENDS TO BATTLE VARSITY TODAY Vanderbilt Eleven Is Here for Fourth Annual Mee ing With th( Wolverines---Both Teams Are Ready But Not Overcon- fident-Coaches and Captains Say Little. Al I C I I IG' A 01-:k II,'I' 'Knl and oiPts. Yr. Ra' eys' e... ..' Crmpckr nt. r~il'lkI i E''csslooks, r .. "Schulz.c... . . 3 P ll al, 13.°...1 Casos 11t...2 1 ?. . Io s3l...…

October 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal..,y. VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR,. MIICH IGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBEFR 30, I908. SCRUBS TORN BY VARSITY ATTACK Yost's Men Roll Up Big Score Against Husky Reserves; In- terclass Football Results. Terngtroughilitesrttb, for tol 1 tchios', tofetld goals- ad ia safey th ast giniota-ras-dfits offe- sivtaility inthetibelst scrimtmtages-befotre th Vandeirbtil t gme.tti' t olts'oi thir of fense of tielest tatt odefeitte the rgulas shwed uc ls ta...…

October 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vor.. X IX. A\NN ARBOR(, B11- ON ''lLSA.OC~I"Ci31R 29, 198 NQ. 27.. VARSITY SHOWS Tth rtake DEFENSIVE CLASS 21151111h ener ilt1fo log1gins the jniors The liup Husky Scrubs Unable to Score on of'o Snietscii Regulars in Mid-Week Scrim- Z.a....-. . ...Falgn mage-Two lass Games. \opt....I .L....... icrI I - - ) icc ct. . . . . . . . ... . k Siicciwigimarkei mprovit ement cl ii t intde 3 caniii .. .G ......i able toi t ite h...…

October 28, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Von, XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WED)NFSDAY, OCT(IIBFR 281,1908. No. 26. PENN FORMATIONS TEAR UIP VARSITY feet.'el's Men Use Easterners' Offense and Score Twice-In- terclass Games Start. tic lt IttNattt hd n ie oniC ah P s ti (I e t h m I l) itoo't, do m te I te 1cr itld pri ce IN mls INN IINN i' tilitt Nia sit gl th :iy .a e ol \ii il\t 's. NI.N NtN NI 11 i t cr bN so t~oit line tat cr Iutn teh st it ol Nlei m str Nhyr I...…

October 27, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily - of,. XIX. ANN AI.R, 11k \IICI-iG,N. TUES.DAY, OCr1TOBER 271908. VANDERBILT SEAT SALE ON TODAY Clash With Mc~ugin's Men Is Expected to Attrack Mammoth Crowd-Baird Returns. '11escaltsoil for the -Michigan-Vsin- Isel-it ganlie beg)ins tliis mirning, a pr tion f th lily rient sOats going on stile at 8 o'clk ithte oftie if thle athletic 4' iationOni hlt stuentiimembiers of a1 ttiletie ss-ociaitioni will lie aecotti stiotlte...…

October 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N ov IX. OHIO STATE GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT tBuckeyes Clearly Outplayed- Splendid "Teamwork of Varsity 1 Eclipses Individual Playing. (5x iiito t'he M1ician D taily) (ohiltiitO ()Oc)t 4 In an 1- el m ii g"'lve'td-t- li igaii 1 t\l.L'.t y h oe f to to n 1 d ofl ihin rooters ase on tcle (01or fearitfIdefetAlledice' haicretftom fild(1ftilt thiree inti- of pay, ut eactl thrten uln- i- ter'ib(ohn(Ohio's tullack roke a,, o negt-irie ...…

October 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The M4ichigan Daily ANN ARLOic \lliiIC (N, SATLRDAY,0OCTOBER 24, 1908.No23 NO. :23 Vol-. XIX. ROOTERS LEAVE TO CHEER WOLVERINES Rejuvenated Varsity Backed by L.arge Crowd at 0. S. U.-In- tercass Schedule 10rtotiel ole ed up1111 in1 11te good (I 1111das, ix h1un1re11(r11o101s8left tis mornteling t cheer on il eihom~e hopes in thir annlll gameilt wisltlO0 S U. 11eret- he hatts bent11aill eeengesttuilrilg ou111 te1m1t1t w itt v11 e hil lmatii...…

October 23, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The MAichigan Daily Vol'. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 190$.No NN O. 2. SCHULZ TO PLAY AGAINST OIOANSc Giant Captain Will Accompany Team to Columbus and Will Play Center.t t Cit ((55-5 I" ottitSR SCORES. < The scores; for the eight years in which \lischigan has met Ohio State follow: 000._ Michigan o, State o. t to01. Mlichigant 21, State o. 1 1)02. Miciegant &o. State . 100o. Michigan 36. State o. 1I90oi. \[cigani131, Stat...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,\JTCH IGA TfiRSD.XX OCTOBIER 22, 1908. VOL. XTX. VETERANS ROMP WITH SCRUBS Four Touchdowns Netted by Var- sity in First Half, Then Re- serves Brace. In tilefirst t,.ellvivfe nontiles of play yesterdaula'fternion Coach Yost's war- rior s ran tawayiiwit I rTetzel's athletes, bil ini thei secoiiiltdf the scrubs gave lhe reutlars aimerris sitase ottil e green turf and~ held lie vasatyi scoreless. TIo miake it good, ...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN .ARBOR,'ssICtllCkNI.'sWF"DNESDAIY, CTB(,1908. I Vol- MIX. 0o 20, VARSITY SHOULD MASSACRE SCRUBS Regulars Face Reserves Today in Weekly Clash-Varsity Trav- ling at Top Speed. 1f the varsity can keep uip the pace they trav eled lalst night in today's clash witih thieisrusetthe ist really respecta- le score ofiithise'osihoutlu result. \With telin eats otthifrst teami prac- iattiuntact fo the first time since the tr at Wh...…

October 20, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN? ARBOR. Mv-ICHIGAN, T UESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1948. No. is) VARSITY PREPARES FOR OHIO CONTEST Yost Sends Squad Through Stiff Workout in the First Practice After Notre Dame Game. Coach Yost is through worrying-for' a whie. Hie feared the game with No- ire :Dame. and judging from the resist- _oee offered iby the Catholics, his fears were welt foundieud.Trie very fact that he was afraid of the outcome, however, ...…

October 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily__ ANNARI'lOI",:MillI I 1\N.SVNI A , OCTrOBIZ tR, i908. VOT,. XIX. No. A8 ALLERDICE'S BOOT IS MICHIGAN'S GAIN Luck Offsets Weakness of Var- sity Line-Coach Yost Praises Earnest Work. lbThanks'-to DI) i ll er11tdic an hi of 1ithesoitti ysterday, and ist able'tot ii 11il:; to the vOrtt ot hblt 'anotertrophy of100 vi tryito lNt itie' fesvly Notre I) itpt o veii st 11)0tor too 'lic u n h atlit ito-ut's dc f is w s it he n A ...…

October 17, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, AMIC IGANV SATURDAY, OCTOBER z7, 1908 No. i1"7. vot,. XIX. SC U Z IN L N UP; Frank Ayres and Morrison Shafroth will contend for the championship. H~flQT DQ UAD PII res w on the right to play Shafroth by UUOOSIERS ~ J~I vesrday. Thomipsont played a lpretty - gamei, placing aecurately and returning New Men Greatly Strengthen man seemnglyni imotsstile shots, but Varsty'sDefese-Yst Cn-\ytes Serv ice an(d strokes ...…

October 16, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The Mkich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, ttICHi \ FRIDNY, OCTOBER 16, 1908. No. 1G. Vol,. XIX. l AL S RIM AGE lossesithas ben going none too nvell, FINA S RI AG the (efenitve work of the line being IS E COUR GING cidlji ;ieok. Reptorts fronm the IS NCO RAGNG ampoftheeney, il heother lhatid, treftull oftconfitdencee atttistrettgthent lieheitelef ta thle Hitherneiantire readye Varsity Shows Improvement in for the ibattlie of their lives .I ast Som...…

October 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Al CH IG-k\ THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1908. No. 1 . vo'.. XIX. EDIMUNDS GONE; TEAM WEAKENED Fullback Forced to Quit School- Scrubs Beaten in Weird Game --cC.C C. Plans Practice Run. isI toastandstill b sthescrubs, h u ii ha on sieledifilt i lai iii l mning to avert 5501 aitic by scoring w o field1 goalis and ( singl ln-udo«xxii:Allrice icked101- gosl fromi toncdow~, eotha thescor atthe csd Iii cxcii thatitisis s~o...…

October 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, NJICI ILOA:N, \VEI)NCSI)AY, OCTOIBER (4, 1908. V\o. NX. CASEY WILL PLAY IN TODAY'S GAME Veteran Tackle Begins Work With Team and Will Debut SThis Afternoon. l\ith the addition yestrdasy of 1ki11 Cas-co, to te mnflit cofimneactively at a Nk. 1,thevaicty reciedl what will prbalyb its fiaal acqisitiot for the seaonandfront no(wir ut le Qakes funs ome cslight opositiniiioe molt Hi from tdavsi, Coahst ndti As- sist...…

October 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily Vof-. XIX. ANN ARBOR, AIIC(2iiIGAN. tV OY\. TOI)ER t;, 1908. YOST ADMINISTERS GO-FAST' IN SECRET Varsity and Scrubs Are Hustled to the Limit in Preparation for Notre [ame. )iiiared ct 1he ing hlitolia o to 0tic 1w te :Mchiigaii Aggies, the ar sit footalltea yeserdy bgunharitwork cin prepraitin lfor tie itre Damte game oniiiSaturdi a. Atitht, ith meni lor the coahiare disicuiraged, Coaichi Nosti beig4 cnilidiciitat wiiti...…

October 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan-al ANN ARBOR, IIC[-fWk\LlAN, CU i, C i, Nc . l'nr k T VARSITY OUTPLAYED IN 0 TO 0 CONTEST M. A. C. Demolishes Wolverine Line in Terrific Struggle-Al- lerdice's Boot Saves Michigan. Lans ti icil ot ladwrwo -as the tir tion of Mich itiga ~ig ttday, for not only lit NI iciigait sotter te huilniation of bcing hittld t scoreless ganme, bitt it lut - istb fakiync(teediithat it'iiigai was ouitplalyedt at every stage of tite game byn ...…

October 10, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily No. T T. Vol'. 1IX ANN ARBOR, TE M LEAVES FOR to hisvasityl sad. (sllths will o ~ excepl~PQ tion the personntel of the teamt toa ilheienical i lttherone that G E W HAG llli111 IUI oppostd(Ctse last 'Satttrtdar itltilesea- _______sonls' crtain-raiser. Varsity Meets Brewer's Men To- at Is \' i'tovite iulreiresett 'lshe l)aily day in Second Game of Season -Farmers Hope to Win. While lie rarsity is battlintg at Lait- --sing fo...…

October 09, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A TTTT T~cnv A OU r AN- T"P n AV C)e(" fiC)R O ,.rrn NO. tO. V0t,. XIX. AINiN AR BURtt l '.. c-i 4 te ts, a'i tes., ils.. DY titnthe it.ccousg of the game. The 0TIARE RM VARSITY IS READYPOnLITICALScREFORMS GAME XIImTWs Vria) $eyImeril MD.Y ONI FORt AGitiIE Watkins......L.. Ruset AElYCONI -Beiitrook .....ells C1 Last Scrimmage a Slaughter of Schlt .....te. .....Kettey-Catl No Party Tickets or Political IKuh .. .. .. .. R;i...…

October 08, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Daily VOL'. XIX. ANNT ARBOR,' MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1908. -- ., - , SCRUBS DOWNED IN SNAPPY GAME Varsity Shows improved Form and Runs Over Reserves, De- spit Stellar Work of Freeney. lDespite the asene of Ernbs and Casey fronm ycsetrday's game against the srttbs the Varsty isplyel something like the style that Yost will elpet of thtert Novemler 14. Several sifts were made int the lineup, ut allt11wmenet worked with ec...…

October 07, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The MichigXan Daily ANN 'ARBOR, MICIIIG AN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1 908. NQ. 8. V oz. XIX. CAS Y C MPE TES gr idirons because of afteroon classes. CA E1v~~~.i1ES With Casey in uniform this aftrooon, aitlsf Costh Yost's 908 itoterial wil WOLERNESQAD hiesits osand.. tsays that Ca-y will le is the gmne A1.. A. C.. Satur- WOLVERINE nd asrestlt it is predicted that -- th farer; illae trouble i carry- Crowd at Today's Varsity-Scrub sgstu...…

October 06, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Micghigan Daily Vol,.. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1908. No. 7. . . . ........ .. - - -_ i BIBS RETURNS AND DONS MOLESKINS Arrival of i Escanaban Brings Joy Into Varsity Camp-Cross Country Runs Begin. The arrival of Big Bill Embs on the scene of action yesterday varied the ' monotony which has characterized te sork of the varsity football team, te A,,big star's return being the signal for unlimited rejoicing both...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…r z r 'r s =1 K zrW.s. P j{' , tom, The, M* \,or . XtX. ANN ARBOR, MhI (11I(G.XN Ll) Y, ul)l( )17107 , jytii8.No No. 6. VARSITY CONQU ERS stcond Bond failedlio tt anything 1AR1TALE NTi CASE ELEVEN l and oiathethird (dowI'd TRTAE TO Iunn u CAS TCHELEENlie.heeipie tt ilcildattill- APPEAR IN U. HALL tIlni e XX t uitd fell oitheiicball- lcrltgtisti'hecn n Buckeyes Score Touchdown, But ia itItitl illte it ttttil The Choral Union Promises Five M...…

October 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIICH IGAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1908. NQc. 5. VOrL. X.X YO y SME ' o t'sold scoring inacihinet. Andlie- YOST S M N READY idstat)"Dpce''Ididlge will officiate IITSIE~lT71VITT~~ill -t t1e gamen FOR CEVELA DERS hi.bord til in coitntrol ofctllcn - ~ eing craig tiiinighrt,atorized Directr Eligibility Committee 0. K's the BairdI to schele stc ix ganme, with out- Varsity Lineup on Eve of Case 'r rlgitirtctigln a i ...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The M~ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, AIICIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBLR 2, [()08. \-Of,. XIX. No 4. LINE-UP SETTLED as Icingy Tt Ii-as larly rala e upfrbytesp~lend~idI hltmTg spirit FOR CASE GAME l ythwoebuc. Yost Fears Buckeyes-Varsity Swokedown ltheTIcfil, mTo st cii te Showys Real Form in Script- time i1n1 tt ossssisoToItilt varsity, andTl when ToT teOlie-Yardlinethertie mage, W~hewashing S Tubs Os not TTTTcI toubetin TTgtting tIe Te dieis cast Michlig...…

October 01, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily _ ANN ARBOR.I }l (1 lOAN, T It'RSDA\Y, OC'f( )}I R r,1 t0)8. N(?. 3. "cal,. NIX. VARSITY DEFEATS TEETZEL'S SCRUBS Yost Men Roll Up Score of 24 to 11l in First Scrimmage of Sea- son, Douglas Starring. Skillfil jugglinegofI lctySic or thrt ci uk i telirs ci mg zcl o ia thecg 1iil1rm oil'ot',l prof m r agrgo n. fur t i i'. teoriie a certai tragge n u n t tireil t [hrnughom te lifiy m itt if griiii ihe ii i''iiii~a, ableiiiii...…

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