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October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…RUSHING REVISION See Page 4 j [I: C 4fit La test Deadline in the State ~aii4 ,_ ~ ' . C, FAIR VOL. LX, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, .1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS rI C*> House Names 'Scientist X In Atom Case Calls Minnesota Doctor Perjuror WASHINGTON - (/P) - End- ing a year-old mystery, the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee named a young midwest uni- versity professor as the shadowy "scientist X" it accused of sli...…

October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OUTING SEASON: Graduate Club Roughs It' In Old Shirts, Dungarees Amsterdam Canal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING s By EVA SIMON Every Sunday a group of staid graduate students and instructors drop their books, don dungarees and old shirts and "rough it" in one of the Graduate Outing Club's typical excursions. Members of the club speak with pride of their triple-thonged motto -"Never go through a gate when you can climb a fence; ...…

October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dodgers, Bosox One-Up as 7-Point Spot Favors 'M' In 3rd Game (Continued from Page 1) and Blue gridders were bathed in sweat as they prepared to return to Old Hearst Ranch in Pleasant- ville, Calif., where they have been quartered since Thursday evening. Charlie Ortmann, who threw a scare into Wolverine followers by appearing for the California trip with his right foot encased in a soft slipp...…

October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY /I Rushing Revision -'ro ... BY GETTING rid of the discriminatory rushing lists it now publishes, -the IFC ill be doing an educational job on the prej- diced. Not all the discriminating that goes on in the fraternity system originates among the houses with discriminatory clauses. How many of the non-restricted houses can you count that have taken in Jews or Negroes? I Con... The real prejudice remains in the minds of th...…

October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…TIMMICHIGAN DALY DannyKaye and His All Star Comedy Revue' Com ing Oct. 18 Stars Include Skitch Henderson, Page Cavanaugh Trio, Dancers Women's Camp Counselor's, Outing Clubs Plan Organization Panhellenic Association is bringing to Hill Auditorium "Dan- ny Kaye and His All Star Comedy Revue" on the night of Oct. 18. Starring with Danny Kaye will be the Page Cavanaugh Trio, Skitch Henderson and hisorches- tra and the Dorothy Dorben Dan- cer...…

October 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 2 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1949 _____. . VN ARBOR DIRECTION: Broadway To Get Local Shakespeare Production By NANCY BYLAN and DAVIS CRIPPEN Ann Arbor's Drama Season ha gone "Broadway." "Twelfth Night," prescented here by last spring's Drama Sea- son, will open Monday night at the Empire Theatre in New York, with seven members of the orig- inal cast. DIRECTING THE Broadway production is Prof. Valentine Windt',, who piloted t...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 7

…ENLVD OF A MYTH. See Page 4 L Sw6FA6 A6F FAIR AND MILD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS DATELINE-EUROPE: Students Witness 15th Century Fete, (Editor's note: This is the fifth in a series of articles by two Daily staff members who spent the summer in Europe as leaders of an NSA study tour.) By BARNEY and DOLORES LASCIIEVER Unwittingly we found ourselves the...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1940 f _ ___ )R LATE-SLEEPERS: Broadcast of 'U' Courses To Begin Tomorrow Classroom snoozers take note! Here is your chance to sleep through that morning lecture and still get an 'A' in the course .. - via the airwaves.1 Tomorrow, station WUOM F.M.- begins its on-the-spot broadcast of two classroom lectures. English ** * TV Seep. as Latest Mass Teaching Ai Television is the latest addition to the gro...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 9

…2, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY_____ Uo with ROZ VIRSHUP DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN; Despite protests to the contrary the large number of radio sets on campus seems to indicate that students do find time to "tune in." In addition to their favorite pro- grams they've been giving a boost to the hooperatings of everything that happens to be on the air when theyslam the books shut and turn on the little dial. IF YOU ARE generally dissat- isfied with w...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 10

…t THE MICHIGAN DAILY ROLLING STONES Harold Jackson Pipe Down ... AVE TITTLE is wondering just what kind of reputation for academic prowess -or weakness-he's acquired in three se- mesters on campus. He was planted in the back of a rough psychology course wearing the normal look of opening-day apprehension when through the door waltzed a coed of his acquaintance. In a much too loud voice she hailed him thusly: "Dave, I didn't know you wer...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 11

…9UNDAY, OC~TOBER 2, 1949l THE MICHIGAN DAILY fIM fisembly To Stage *> ** SStrong To Play for 'U' Students,' Guest Cadets at Annual AA Hop' 'Welcome Army' * * * * * * Soph Cabaret To Recruit Aid Soccer Club To Begin Play As Newest Sport of WAA Of '52 Women Besides the lusty greeting which the Army cadets are due to receive from the Michigan eleven this Saturday, they will also be social- ly saluted by Aim and Assembly at the fourth ...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1949 " __ __ _____ __.._ __ __ _.. ___ _ III_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Navy . . . . . 28 Ohio State . . 4 Princeton . . . 7 Indiania . . olv~ens [6 Iowa . . . . . 21 Pittsburgh. 7 Purdue . . . . 7 Northwestern a-N Down . . 16 Notre Dame . . 7 Washington ! 27 Minnesota . 7 Nebraska . . . 26 Illinois . . . . 13 Army 13 Penn Stl . . .o 42 ate . . .7 . Wisconsi. . in With BigTir I...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1949 mu _ may} THE MICHIGAN DATLY 7MiOr Lea gue Colitell rs Fae 'Judfgme ay MSC Tops Marquette; Season Ends in Three Crucial Games Major League Standings Tarheels Ed By The Associated Press EAST LANSING - A razzle- dazzle passing attack gave Mich- igan State an easy 48-7 win over an outclassed Marquette team here yesterday. Repairing the lack of aerial power that contributed to a 7-3 defeat in the Michigan gam...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 14

…PAGE EIGHT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1949 TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY I !.i . .. COLLEGE ROUND-UP: Football Fever Strikes Campuses Over Nation Daily To Seek Century-Long Interment at Valley Forge -I By DAVE THOMAS College football with all its tra- ditional incentives to mayhem has reappeared on the campus scene fornits annual fall reign. Once again the old wheezes and stunts will be hauled from the clo- set, dusted off and, perhaps with a new refine...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 15

…190 ln A, v THRE MC1HGtN DAILY-MUirSIC 8ITPPLi~1[ENT mmmmm Annual Concert Season Will Open Tuesday _;> Frit Reiner To Perform March 12 Will Appear With ChicagoGroup The Chicago Symphony Orches- tra will appear in the fifth of the Extra Concert Series March 12 in the "new" Hill Auditorium. A perennial favorite of Univer- sity concert-goers, the Chicago or- chestra will be conducted by Fritz Reiner, former conductor of the Pittsburgh S...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY S UND~AY, OCO4BER 'ITFALLS A-PLENTY: Page-Turner Discloses His Precarious Position Song Fest To Be Given By Viennese Choir Bovs (EDITOR'S NOTE: Ed Troupin turned pages last season for eiitz and Neveu and here recounts his impressions of his experience.) By ED TROUPIN The page-turner's prime requi- chestra, appearing under Thor Johnson in the regular Choral Un- ion Series next January, is widely knTei as one of te six...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 17

…41 2, 1949 { THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH IHGA &T PAGE MUSICAL PACESETTERS: Gifted Duo Reaps Worldwide Honors * * * * * * By FRAN WVICK The team of violinist Carroll Glenn and pianist Eugene List, to appear here in January, sets a startling precedent in musical mo- nopolies. For the gifted Miss Glenn and the brilliant Mr. List are a hus- band-wife team which has won, collectively, a lion's share of the young genius in American music cir...…

October 02, 1949 (vol. 0, iss. 6) • Page Image 18

…THE MICHI AN D.AILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, . UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY MY RA HESS 9 4 1949- 50 CHORAL UNION SERIES ) TEN CONCERTS ARTUR RUBINSTEIN, Pianist . . . . . . . Tuesday, October 4 Saturday, October 15 VIENNA CHOIR BOYS. . . . . . . BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, CHARLES MUNCH, Conductor . . . . . . . . .. Sunday, October 23 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, GEORGE SZELL, Conductor . Sunday, November 6 ITALO TAJO, Bass . ..We...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…SPORTSWRITERS' DISEASE See Page 4 Ci .10 r Latest Deadline in the State &i3 itiy " i,7 L RAIN, CO DLER. E)TT V AP. Q a r i T . rc vs ..- .. . . RAIN, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 8 ANN ARBUOR, MICUIUAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1949 H - . -.-.-- -- _______________________ __________________________________________________________ PRICE FIVE CENT Bloodshed Marks Coal, Steel Strikes Unaffected Men Return to Mines PITTSBURGH - VP) - Bloody " viole...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE M IGAN DAILY TUES )AY, OCTOBER 4, 1949 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. RATES- t I *1 LINES I DAY 3 DA' 2 .50 1.0 3 .60 1.5- 4 .80 2.0 Figure 5 average word Classified deadline daily urday is 3 P.M. Satu A.M, for Sunday Issue. YS 6 DAYS 2 1.68 3 2.52 4 .4.80 s to a line. except Sat- rdays, 11:30 FOR SALE than 1000 miles. Spring fork, extra heavy front brake, generator, front and rear lights, mo...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY + F Y x °F< The Daily gave copies of the victory issue to all the members of the team when they landed at Willow Run and they dove , z :w , ;"into them like a letter from home. On the right John Hess, Jim ~.:::::Atchison, Chuck Lentz, Lloyd Heneveld, and Don Dufek are shown j ', Pictured above is a graphic example of how a coach feels } h "'after his team has won a ball game. b AILY soULE by pre...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…i 1 r THE MICHIGAN DAiLY " TUESDAY, OCTOBER -404 a Sportswriters' Disease ANYONE WHO IS addicted to reading na- tional magazines would have recognized this autumn that peculiar fever known as ."forecastitis"-the unusual penchant of big name sports writers to make like Nostra- damus and tell the eager populace just who is going to take the football honors this year. Personally, we find it a bit tiring, if not foolish. What with the great n...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…r I1 .MICHIGAN DAILY . Panhellenic Petitions Due Today 'futumn Noc turn' Ball To Feature Tinker hWoen students seeking Pan- hellenic positions must hand in their petitions by 5 p.m. today at the Undergraduate Office of the League, according to Jean Mar- son, Panhellenic secretary. Panhellenic Association reports that very few petitions have been handed in thus far. The interviewing board will meet from tomorrow noon until Monday, Oct. 10. ...…

October 04, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…TIE MICIIIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1949 - . }1 ri READY IN FEBRUARY: New Post Office Branch Planned for South Side Win Allen Award By DON KOTITE Keep - students - happy depart-J ment: a new post office branch is coming your way soon. Designed to relieve the load now' Europe Sees Good Bad in Marshall Plani (Continued from Page 1) aid, especially in view of the surprising fact that the Dutch have the largest amount of as- sistance pe...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…SAC Student Member See Page 4 C, I r Latest Deadline in the State P~aiti s S< CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX. No. 9 A kT TAx ~Tt d 1XT'lR u A x x~:rxY cxxr .... - .... CI.OT! i nY ~[. TfR:.V I V lll1. LL1, I l V. 9 lkNA AlfUsgJ L, M1UMIUAN, WEDNESDAY, OIPTOIBER 5, 1949 I PRICE FYVE CENTS Michigan Tops in AP Pigskin Poll gai Ask Tickets for Voterans lUNEvNh/ M V i n t n Gt F tnsE . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... ........…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC'IGAN DAILY 19 ter-Racial DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Group Starts Campus Club Beta MuTo Ask Fraternity Status A non-sectarian, sinter-racial Droup, the Beta Mu Club, will ap- ply for recognition as a fraternity next June. Catholics, Protestants, Jewish and Negro students are at present Letive members. ** * THE GROUP hopes that this ype of fraternity may help to es- ablish a pattern against racial nd religious intolerance in Ameri- an c...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

… WY ZlIML' SLA , '.ll' L1t' I ZW R, J, J THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' t _. 'U' HALL RENOVATED: Sculpturings Removed From Ancient Building By DON KOTITE Plaster cast moldings, half-fin- ished statues, bronze plaques and a metal chute all figured yesterday in completion of a major Univer- sity task-clearing out remains of once proud "U" Hall's trappings. All that's left is carting away i. to the city dump tons of scry p that had accumulated in th...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…""HE "MICHITGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, O0OBRL, 94 a u .. i aa raaa v ia v art a u . SAC Student Members Steel Strike Letters to the Editor - THE STUDENT AFFAIRS Committee is one of the most powerful and important groups whose decisions directly affect the lives of students. Yet its student members are all chosen because of some other office they hold, and thus sometimes do not rep- resent the students for whom they pretend to speak. The outsta...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1949 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHGANwDAIL Skitch Henderson To Be Featured In Panhellenic Benefit Program Coeds Begin Club Activities In Archery, Tennis,_Dance By BARBARA MOLYNEAUX Skitch Henderson, famous pian- ist and band leader, will appear with his orchestra at Panhellenic's "Danny Kaye and His All Star Comedy Revue" Oct. 18 in Hill ~Auditorium. Lyle Cedric "Skitch" Henderson will be featured with the Page Cavana...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

….. _ __ , ~ , ,.._ n . Pflt~fl nfl W , flip THE MICHIGAN DAILY VLI~U~Z, LLPDL1I, O~, 1I94~ ell - Out Crowd Faces gad Weather Prospect ders 40 Squar Offt for Subway Series NEW YORK - ( n) - Threat of 'a cast a gray shadow last night ver the Brooklyn World Series pening today between the New Cork Yankees and the Brooklyn lodgers. But the forecast of scattered bowers failed to lower the en- husiasm of the vast multitude of aucous Dodg...…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY istert, Wolverines in TopShape for Army Cadets Entries for All-Campus Tennis Tourney Close Today * * Bucks'Krall Leads Backs .After Openier Ohio State Grabs, Offensive Hnoors Chicago - (A') - One football game doesn't make a season, but Ohio State's 46-7 walloping of In- diana last Saturday gave the Buckeyes ,the statistical jump on the rest of the Big Ten. Ohio's halfback Jerry Krall gained 129 yards rushing for a, 10....…

October 05, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT TIE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, t&QE EI4WT WEflNESDAY, I UP IN THE CLOUDS: Week's Flights Highlight of Flying Club 250 Cadets To Parade Saturday at Army Game By EVA SIMON "You're always up in the olouds!" That may be an insult to most University students, but to the 60 members of the Flying Club three or four trips a week above the clouds are the highlight of their year's activities. THE FLYING CLUB, as a non- profitable corp...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…FAULTY FORMULA Lit ian Datip CLOUDY, RAIN See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State . .. VOL. LX, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS t Navy Officer Named Key Manin Probe Admits Releasing Of Morale Data WASHINGTON - (P) - Navy Capt. John G. Crommelin, em- battled critic of the Unified De- fense setup, was revealed last night to be the man who gave the press confidential documents charging that the...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

… Controversy Rages as Coeds Sport Short Hairdos periority, a freshman noted that Aristotle was being ignored in the new trend. He said, according to her, that there is 'beauty in mag- nitude." ' Men quizzed also seem equally divided as to the merits of the style, the survey pointed out. Phil Hanson '52L, felt all women were easy on the eyes but that long hair game them more to work with and helped them look even better. ON THE OTHER side of t...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…IN- XALXA j IVA HenrichIs Circuit Clout Trips Bums in Sehies pene: * * * Wolverines Polish Aerial Tactics for Army Game Ninth Inning H ome Run Gives Yanks 1-0_Victory Reynolds Turns in Two Hit Performance World Series anxieties swept through the campus yesterday but failed to affect the atmosphere surrounding the Ferry Field prac- tice fields where the Wolverine football squad moved one step closer to their Saturday date with Army's C...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…TlE MICHIGAN DAIY Faulty Formula Uicing oehr f i h leinof Ferry F:eld. Spe-Cle Their prtctice is- aruous; and exacting. They drill in co-mlicated man- euver- and Ii tricaorches-trations of well-known tune-. They walkn in circle. octagons and trapezoids. Theyiy re- hearse square-dancing and min-strel-showe antics. In short. they- labor hugely and complaineth not. theysaeo sucaisn:cmety a-,!dIngass mf,--= eere. nfat tines. h aei e...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

… THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949 Chairmen Must S THE MICHIGAN DAILY Submit Fortnite Skit Titles Fortnite skit chairmen in dorm- chairmen of each group's skit title itories and league houses intend- has been set for Saturday noon. ing to take part in the evening's After this time no additional skit competition are asked to con- groups will be scheduled on the tact committee chairman Jane program. Stephenson, or her assistant, Joyce The skits a...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…['il I L l11L A +. Battle Over Telephone Book Consumes Time at Red Trial Blood Donations Best hours for donating blood at University Hospital, according to hospital authorities, are from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, not as stated in yesterday's Daily. Adcording to Wym Price, chair- man of the World Student Service M Fund blood drive, students have contributed 28 pints of blood to benefit WSSR This organizatio...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…AAJ U k. y SETTING FOR the first act is the English seacoast at Penzance, which is located in Cornwall. Ac- cording to geographical experts, Penzance has been known as the Atlantic City of the Cornwall coast. A ruined Gothic cathedral which looms dimly in the dank fog of an ancient English ceme- tery will grace the stage of Pattengill Auditorium during the second act of "Pirates." Strength will undoubtedly have to be the main factor in the se...…

October 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…rITHE MICHIGAN DAILY ATELINE-EUROPE: U' Students Stirred by Paris (EDITOR'S NOTE: 'This is the seventh in a series of articles by two Daily staff members who spent the summer in Europe as leaders of an NSA study tour.) By BARNEY and DOLORES LASCIHEVER Paris is still the main show onl Europe's midway of tourist attrac- tions. Boasting of all the advantages of New York and little of its ugli- ness, Paris stirs the imagination like no other cit...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…U.S.' CHANCE See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State AOF144*4brr 47lat ... r iy , CLOUDY VO7(IT.X TNo11J I CLOUDY r %YJ.s. MatP!,.. 11as ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1949 _ ._.. M C I U N , F I D Y , O T O E R 7 1 4 PRICE FIVE Cl Lewis Says "Will Attend' Peace Talks But Steel Strike Still Stalemated Pittsburgh--(P)-A meager two- word message from John L. Lewis accepting a government peace conference call primed hopes f...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THI lMICHIGAN IAILY - IFRIDAY, h I )F GREECE AND ROME: New Clements Display Shows Ptolemy's World I C CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The newest material on display at the Clements Library deals with "The World of Ptolemy." Claudius Ptolemy, a second cen- tury geographer of Alexandria and librarian of the great library there, drew better maps and collected, more information of the world known to the Greeks and RomansI than any other man of his t...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.. ..... t TELESCOPE ADDITION: 'U' Astronomers in South Africa Scan Milky Way m By LEN GREENBAUM In the heart of South Africa, amidst its veld lands and wild beasts, the University's Astronomy Department in conjunction with the Mount Wilson Observatory is completing its survey of the Milky Way. Begun several years ago at Mount Wilson, the experiment was shifted to Bloemfontein, Orange Free S...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1349 l 1 SChance ON THlE Help Tito A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION can be expected in the UN very shortly when Yugoslavia catapults itself into the midst of the cleav- age between the United States and Soviet, Russia. With the Ukraine's term as a non-per-1 manent member of the security council ex- piring at the end of the year, an election will be held to choose an Eastern European successor. Russia is supporti...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1949 r THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fortnite Goes Country Style With Annual Performance, n 4i on 14e Jouse By PAT BROWNSON OPTIMISM seems to be reigning throughout the campus this weekend as many houses plan parties tomorrow to "celebrate our victory over Army." KAPPA NU'S and their dates will pass between goal posts to- morrow night to enter the house, where they will find a football field complete with star players silho...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Jiolverines Aim forA rmyAfter - i FRATERNITY GRID OPENERS: Kappa Sigs, Delta Sigs Win Easily After the first week of play in the Fraternity touch football cir- cuit, Kappa Sigma, and Delta Sig- ma Phi have emerged as potential powerhouses. The Kappa Sig's turned in the biggest score of the week as they routed Sigma Pi, 34-0. Delta Sig ma Phi also turned in a convinc- ing score with a 33-0 win over a completely outclassed...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1049 THE. MICHIGAN" DAILY* aTHE 'MiaCUav aN i".Ty .V' L 1 1A1A5. Roe's Pitching Stands Wolverines Drill Defense In Final Army Workout +- t * : , Yank Pressured Dodgers Square Series On Second Inning Tally TOTALS ......31 1 NEW YORK AB R Rizzuto, ss .... 3 0 Henrich, lb . 4 0 Bauer, rf ..' 4 0 DiMaggio, cf .. 4 0 Lindell, if...... 4 0 Johnson, 3b ... 4 0 Coleman, 2b....... 4 Silvera, c...... 2 0 Niarhos, c .....0 0...…

October 07, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 8

…THEMICHIGANDAILY Freshman Rally Monday To Usher in Tug Week 7:30 p. m. Tuesday at the same place. Similar programs for both ral- lies have been planned under the direction of Chuck Murray, '51. Bill Osterman, '50, will be the mas- ter of ceremonies. * * * SEVERAL SKITS portraying phases of campus life, songs by the Vaughn House trio and speeches by Dave Lake and a class, repre- sentative will be included in the program. The highlight of Tug ...…

October 08, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…WEALTHY OR MEDIOCRE See Page 4 LwAFrAF 1 A6F :43 a t t4p Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1949 CLOUDY, HUMID PRICE FIVE CENTS s * * * * * * , * * * * * * Radford Calls B-36 Bomber Big Blunder Incites Congress To Curb Johnson WASHINGTON - (P) - The Navy's No. 1 airman yesterday branded the proud B-36 atom- bomber as a "billion dollar blun- der" and charged that the defense high, ...…

October 08, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…I - ''. - . Arl" THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUJRDAY, OCTOBR: 8, 1949 British Party Leader Will Lecture Here Lady Carter To Speak on Britain Lady Violet Bonham Carter, prominent British Liberal party leader, will speak on "Britain To- day" at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Lady Carter is the daughter of the Earl of Oxford and Asquith, British prime minister from 1908 to 1916. She has taken a leading part in the affairs of her fath...…

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