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October 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, TUESD)AY, OCTOBER 4, 1910. i E . . . . . ....... . EARLY SHOWING PRESAGES COMING GRIDIRON SUCCESS Michigan's Football Squad Works on Ferry Field After a Most Auspicious Preliminary Drill at Whitmore Lake BRILLIANT MATERIAL IS PLENTIFUL It's to Ibe lanother b1id '1 l1ll..,lllyea10 011010the (11111 1arr (ved 1in the itels v arsty olls 111111s1qu1d11sin11e 1practice 1he'plays0 a110all Iol a ...…

October 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G, II. Wild Co. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Dispiayo #f Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 So. STATE SKEET Tailors State St. Shoe Store St02&St Crawford Shoes for Men Fall Line of Ladies' Shoes 'Educators" for Children Sporting Geods E. R. FROST. Prop. C. [n BARIII[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Lasrgest Stoick its Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law anmd Medical Dictfonaries Qtuiz 1ooks, etc. Comtsplete li...…

October 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…T~l MIITI~ANDAILY FALL 1'910 Outfitting for Men We -announce oure readiness to fur- iiislisour tradIe witts the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery the wiorldI prodlaces and we re- spectfsully solicit yoiie fatos F. W. GROSS I ilt ityS iii ci eor. Fosrth Avec 1 1 f I' ililliarsis is a fine gamte, ask those wisIo play. You iteedi cutsomc recreaition aiid what is better thaii this? If US'roN Busoss. THEFt ARMEIIRS AND MECHSANICS BANKI M...…

October 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THETMICHIGAN DAILY . . _ f'he precise fabrics you'd observe us NowYors smart-it oinen these lAutun s diss wlu-u l ifthIsAvenue's proscinaidi resounds with the swish of silk asn1 the ehtsg of muotosS are on 1 :rasde hese to-dlay. s~v 55c laidl thrns out in be- wsii -lsi: assay for yousr critical in- spis siin. Wearnig tiCs-smodest 1sst es-is, Iashioned t1fasstlesesly in style-asnd it, you'slIssea factor in lsssins atiscs i a l relmis. Slsss s...…

October 05, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Mi.chigan Daily ANN AR1DOR, \llCIlllEXNXVI DNRSDAY, OCTOBEIR -, 1e10 .Vol. NXl. AMBULANCE CALLED FOR FIRST MISHAP Herrington, Promising Candi- date for Half, Injures Ankle on Ferry Field GOOD INDIVIDUAL WORK SHOWN The 511inhllilili' imade its1appearantcee on Fern11 hel I' ft11111 l afternonan 1e1111 boe a Iex''rrii l~111 X itx g it ii 5( ply ,lfit ilal xin tie X/se't t i w et 111 tie. Ili a ec151teivediltthet kik- 11c wassgie)i) tiele la...…

October 05, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GH. Wild Co. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tailors EASE UP ON THE PROF'S Wit r t h mes and these ad io you brifii; n ourow Vpewrite. Wehav ntaline a al pics,$25.00'andiup. LoetPie nTpewr ite upies The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic Text Books For Eei iepaitnient of the C'amtmar. SI:C()t) HANI) Itt ii t...…

October 05, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ThisSpace Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiel :: &X.Coo :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Ctocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Atarm Clocks $1.50 Atarm Cocks $1.75 Fully Guoranteed Wa~tch Re. 2-trtesMaSpealai THE17FARMEIRS AND) MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HUROON STROEETS Captal $50000) Surplus and Profits $loo,ooo Gesneeal Bunking Busineos. 3 percent paid on T'inbe and Savings lDep...…

October 05, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH-IG(AN DAILY ) r Wagner & Co. State Street c - Sign of the big white shoe This ct represents one of the new fall / 1~trScI aft. shapes ol the celebrated 714 SHOES $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as o wo rkmans 5111anl material. Desks, Morris Chairs,. Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable fur Student Rooms in Large Variety at MAR'TIN HA LLER IReule, Conlin, Fiegel C fpally UNIVERSITY NOTICES The first meeting if tbe ...…

October 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganiDaily AN ARIBOR,01K1l( '1! Il. IODAY, O.'T(OrIIR I6, 1910, Vol.1 XXI. \s .. . REGULARS DISPLAY VERY RAGGED FORM Behind Closed Gates, Varsity Line Shows Poorly Against Scrub Offense HERRINGTON'S LEG IS BROKEN Mihgn iiron w..01a0r11rios dild 1he0111010 111111111ofIthe1host ichilgo squad n ao n..1111 11111 orde cl s i ng l the111a11111ag111nst 11111 probablyI s0ve1(1 them1 1a1kee11er1 disappo1inten~ltls the rl 1100r11 1 0111111a...…

October 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIOANDATLY r ~ THE MICH1IGAN DAIL) Y'. G.I. Wil Co. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 So. STATE STEET Tailors. State St. Shoe Store 3Se. Crawford Shoes for Men Foil Lioe of Ladies' Shoes "Edocators" for Children Sportiog Goods E. R. FROST, Prop. Cm [n DARIN[L[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigans Second-Hand Law Books Law am-d Medical Dictionnaries Quniz B...…

October 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…r 1110M ICHI AN AL FALL 1910 Outfitting for Mep We announce our readiness to fur- nishc our trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery the wortd produces and we re- spectfully solicit yousr favors. F. W. GROSS P ibrc/ctre,Lecor.usFourth Ave. If cc frcret onswati ft L ARMIURS AND MUHIANICS BANKl MAIN AND) HUROtN STREEDTS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits$100,000 Geceral fiackiog lusiness. 3 percent paid on~ 'rTiim n ainsDeiposits....…

October 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY --U - -7 m The precse fabisv you'd observe on Now- fork's smaurtent men these Alutumnn day s when Fifth Avenue's yr ouilnadcleso-vlunds5 with thec swish of silk ant the chttg of motors, are -on parasde hers- to-dtay. We hae id( tiusif-anot itin te- wiftshiny arrasy for yostrvscritifeat in- !spy.eetissn. Wearing iseemsodest maeiltatliiosed fassitlesly in stylerand fit, you'lli hs- tifacttr in bislinren andsialts ais5. Sh...…

October 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The MicYhiga Iy ANN AIRBOR, NIC ilIxoTN, FRIDAkY OCTOIBERiI7, 1010. voli. XXI. Nix .4 ,, WANT TWO THOUSAND MORE UNION MEMBERS Mammoth Reception at Club House Follows Mass Meeting Tonight---Committee Works for Record Membership WILL MAKE HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASS "Tisa thousand nmore nmembxers hy iwho conmes is introduced around; anl inidnicldit loamrow. somiethting to aid parched throats awill ;suh s lt s()anofth mmbr ibe served. President II...…

October 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…14 1 1~1A G. ff. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tailors EASE UP ON THE PROF'S ahnsatalpices, $25.00and up. 1,et ri'eson i yper itrr Supplies The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooms 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic You would save money by buy- ing your College Books at the students' Bookstore Secood-haod Books at Big Reductions College Text Books Eng...…

October 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…fm 7 Tis Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcilfied ::" & Coo :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Atarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Folly Guaranteed Watch Roe*.lrirxa Specia~lty 1111f FARMERISS AND MECH1ANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HURON STREDETS Capital$510.000 Surplus and Profits$l0,0 (eneral Banting IBusiness. 3 percent paid on Timnd n')Savinsoe g posits. Safety tD...…

October 07, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE ITQHTGAN J)A LV ,; .... Wagner & or Stats Stress Sign ot the big white shoe Th~is cut represents one of the new fill f),jf Iaf shapes of tireclebratedt I( SHOES $4.00 antI $500.3 Fully gnaranteed as to workminship and moaterial. : . f We rmake a Specie dty of Furnishing students' rooms Fraternity and Sorority Houses We cheerfully solicit a call frsmayourair dealisg at fair prices MARTIN HALLEW. Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Reule...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michig _____ Vs\N ARB OR,'silk tiC 's, s \ EtMf-fY, OC'TIOlltf ,Sii.10 Vol. XXI. FOOG'S MEN HERE{ READY FOR BATTLE Hard Game Expected in Spite of Bear Stories from Case Headquarters VARSITY IN GREAT CONDITION "PAY FEES PROMPTLY" MICHIGANr UNION STUDENTS CHEER- OSBORN RgnGesMost Enthusiastic Wel- PACKED TO DOORS come of Career. ______and Ills si - slir hs still < 'rs o r i 'll 5151111111 1itti cllhi sii-55 President Hutchins Emphasizes...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…'f 1II (i GAN 9A1L'V TH-E MICHIG) G. H. XILD CO. 1 tit~~i o di)i tess 11mlo r 311 SO. STATE STREET 1.1ITW ASosiStatt ...... rssist ..... .. \tli Opening Display of 1 'Xc+ 172 m]1F77> Faland W(.inter Arthur J. Abbot Styles])f I1cdv Halrry lvs i cr. Ihtottlk 1 lineIiI. FULL DRESS SUITSIl rdN A SPECIALTY BUSINESS 311 50. STATE STEET \ Ides tIt;I 1 , an 1: -11 :,j ~~32State St. Shoe Store Sate SI. s 5111 Vt U Crawford Shoes for Men Foil Line of L...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…G IftA,.N 0A .4 FALL 1910 Outfitting for Men We announce our readiness to fur- nish our trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery the sworld produsces and we re- spectfully solicit your favors. F. W. GROSS sLne.rty Stiede oi Fourth Ave. Till;irIs is a fine gaiue, ask those who play. You need som.e rieaionlandI what is. loller than this? THE F'ARMERtS AND MlEHANCS BANK MAIN AND HtURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $1...…

October 08, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_________________ "I The precso fabrics you'd observe on New Yoirk's. smartest mien these Automne days wensFifthisAvenue's promenade resounds with the swish of silk and the chug of mosters, are r on parade here to-day. We save laid themi out in he- - teitc-hing stray fttr yousr critical in- +speetion. Wearntetrseitodest 44materials, fasiontted fasultlessly in style aitd it, yout'll lie a factoir in business and soieal reali...…

October 09, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The Micignally Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGA N, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, igio. Ni o. E. WOLVERINES TIED BY BUCKEYE TEAM Clevelanders Prove Tartars and Almost Wreck Maize and Blue Machine MICHIGAN'S FUMBLES COSTLY For thIlusotimon'ilther athletic his- tornmicitgnofaild to dIeft Case bin let to ait to 3 sore' in the initial strn:; e ofi~w iotoseaon, p ted on ot~s"l ron ingtoot itnopoiii no Ih halaIiiut h i to g I t tcpCasefrom S~cuing he bt; ed o...…

October 09, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…STii, MICHIGAN h)AIL . G. HI. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET k I THE M1I1CIGAN DAILY.I entering tthis iinstituitions, but fruit all Ot________ her universities ansd colleges of ansy l~rrayirrq ]I dtos'-lI, 's'j4%t3ecc. standing in the Usited States. A few ines 11 iixy,r-o r tiN. 1t11 days ago one of ttse students, expelted, tast year,. apptiedt for msatricutation in 'a) ss asnother university, and seas promptly New tt S it....t...aras? ...…

October 09, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…_ _ ._ ,. _ ._ .. _. _ _ .. v ... . . . --- - .. TI'his Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclified 8zCo. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Cloea s $1.00 Alarm Cloc s $1.50 Alarm Cloc s $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repe.elnriag a Speialty THE FARtMERS AND MECHIANICS BANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$oO,OOO Genral Ranking tbusiness. 3 percent paid...…

October 09, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f Wagner & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe This cit represents one of the new fall -)0 jrsIat shapes of the celelbrated J.( SHOES $4.00 and$55.00. Fully guaraneteed as to wsorkmian ship and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER s t } We invite you to call nd gt A>( uv7er i r fog- sour :ooma Eu iln]eclcfollbge Il...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Mchgan Daily ANN ARBOR, iTIC I TUSDAY, OCTOBER i. IfTOM. Vol. XXI. NO.7 ........... . TEAM BRACED BY SATURDAY'S TIE This Week's Practice will ber He'd Behind Closed Gates-- Yost Optimistic TRAINING TABLE IS COMMENCED 'Are iwe downsetharted? No! ''his rpo'senctts 1he attitdc ottMichi-I a's footall suaod. 'And in fact noI oeitiinatey conectd with the ath- etic situatioilcan se reason for dis- couragmnt etpite the disaponting shwig ad b t...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE 3MICHIGAN DAILY G. IU. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET Tailors State St. Shoe Store s t t Crawford Shoes for Men Full Line of Ladies Shoes "Edocaors" for Children Sporing Goods E. R. FROST, Prop C. [. IBARTH[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law amd Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and S...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…TOTE MICHIGAN. DAIL FALL 191 0 Outfitting for Men W~e announce our readiness to fur- nishsour trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery ttiesvurldl produces and we re- spectfslly solicit your favors. Fo W. GROSS Mbrthoro sci icor.Fourth Ave. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST. Lost-The -fellose-swho look tGurdo's blue serge coat about 7:30 Satordays ight should please return samie to 433 Maynsard St. 7 Lost-Golud watch, openi face, wov...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE _MICHITGAN .DAILY - T:.he pret-isc fabrics you'd observe on N ew York's smartest men these Asutain (lays when Fifth Avenue's promenadle resounds with the swish of silk anti the chug of motors, are -on parade here to-day. We hace laid theim out isi be- -witching array fotr your critical in- pcin ern hsmds materials, fashtionced faulitlessly in 7 . a style anid fit, you'll Ie a factor in iasin(,-- and social cealmns. Slittdi-s anti ,a' tcrn...…

October 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…VlXX.ANN AR )OR, Si\ IGk ,DN. X SitA 105 o )i 1 2. IMO Vol. XXI. .. . .- ____... .~.. _.. ..._. ___.. _ _ , ........ _..... VARSITY TO BUCK LM. A. C. FORMATIONS Scrubs in First Mid-week Game will Oppose Regulars Like Farmers BORLESKE REPORTS TO SQUAD Equppd ith M. A. C. formationts tht reser111 tril gileble1to 11the ar- gi~ nryular fotemnthi aferoo, Titie firt f tid-0(1week gmles, w ill he the onisly i opportnIit which1 sty-ill', ti onl oct...…

October 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET Tailors THE MICHIGAN DAILY. BlatitIICSSI3blat It \ NOR t11 11LL News FAt or ............. HairoIIld itus A ssilaa1.......... lIIarry N. FI.,ol 11th act ic iitir... \\ llr iS.'Tawers Mula'tndI it mit.s.*ari V. loonrn Icla-santd Files . . .. D;0a1S. l iritry Arttur J. Abiltt.i G. S. Lasher. Larry G. ...…

October 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…106 J. L. THlE I Capittal $5 Genera posit iP( Rt. K1ttoj Pt. A. XV The2 Capti Till'. MiChiIGAN IGAILY ________________-iCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (.)U11,ilSt1P'.1'dSIIIi h is W DSpace ___________ R eser'v ed te d- tttpitditel a seond-il hand thitty Indt tttt 1 .it tt ti tt ott.. t 503 iE. WAiliams Stpitotne 675I litte.' 1To fal piny tiote ii tha tmigt'' c FOR FOR RO-NI'it Ittbe t teItisit of te Ittihan no im 11rc nftI(1 stmaiiptorcih, 643 S. 'Pi...…

October 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…14 l MICIAN IDAif, Wagner & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe Tiso cot represents one of the new fall / S r~ shapes of the celebrated Ii g I-fES $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as to workman slop and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER - nr UJNIVERSITY NOTICES. Band meet at McMillan halt tonight at 7:0oa o'clock. Fischer. Import...…

October 13, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Mic;higaDll ANN ARBOD AMNIIT( ANP T I ) 1 DA C'DlI k 3, 1)10. Vol. XXI. No. ij. TWO ELEVENS FAIL TO STOP REGULARS Varsity Work Though Improved is Still Marred by Much Fumbling THOMPSON STARS AT FULLBACK Mi chilgll's Ifinet shoed t1emslve~s C on1 t1he'gridiron 11 eChilcsdy 1or the first tim 1sice tie Case guzeI, (1001111 two Me1r 1 in a111 hoirl of11ha1r111payAler- te iradtilld quarter 111( il 11Is wie1111the 11111111teiliiisquadllppos1...…

October 13, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…TH-E, M4'C!HIGAN TDAILY G. IH. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. STATE SEET TaiJlors State St. Shoe Store 302 S. Crawford Shoes for Men Fol Lie of Ladies' Shoes "Educators" for Children Sporting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop c. [. BARIN[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law as-d Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New a...…

October 13, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…FALL 1910 Outfitting for Men \VUe announce our readiness to fur-j nishi our trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery the world produces and we re- spectfully solicit soue favors. Fo W. GROSS aif ityS 'tree t .Fourth Ave. B3illiards is a fine game, ask tsr oc who lay. You need " siwrercreatioo and what is tscltcr than this? Itlus5rotN Bitos. THiFt ARMEIRS AND) MECHIANICS BANKI MAIN AND HUR0ON STREETS Caital $50000 Surplus and Prof...…

October 13, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The precise fabrics yousd observe on News-Y orlb's smartS-t men these Autunmn sday s wlu-islifltsAsvenec's promenade resounds swiths the swish of silksussd tise shug o(f mos, seare - (5fon parasdse fer(. tos-dsy. We ihave laid the(m osst iti be- ,. ~~~~~~~witcbissg assray fosr yosurcritical in pci.\Vaigths mos 14144 matsesiasfisiosned fausltl esly in r1style asnd it, sss'll Ise a factssr in bsssines-ssissadsciaslsrealsss. S...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…_- w Vol XXI, YOST FEARS GAME WITil M. A. G. TEAM Improvement on Varsity Needed Before Game with Old ime Gridiron Foe LAST GAME RESULTED IN TIE l),1SotidayMithitgn twill ply M. :. C.for'th110-list t 1101 iltwo51)ears,15 1111Co1c1011ost5is t oereoidoetiof the11 boo e. 'tlirsdti th id11 little, lit trom the sistitcin iwshie tcade(4 t Cesi wok, it semed at s if hei ihnt ~tthere01 as0 pletyotf'rtoom1 for a ieI I cIll o : o il t 1the 1boys 1 5p 11...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THP MICHIGA N OAIL _________.._______c- G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tealiors EASE UP ON THE PROF'~ wiyo row ype (C ite. h i la2cc~iie a al ri-,$25.00 andtp t~iietPie l ypc Xiitr upi The Siudents' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooim 4 Pres Building. Opposite Majestic Ye trueld save aney by biy- lug tyon urlge Booseatithe . kstoro Second-hand Books at B...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…D #1. IMid+M.+.A:..A Reserved FOR Sam Burchifid Ann Arbor's Leading k TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $t.75 Fully Guaaneed Watch,'l ag Spmailty ThE FARMES ll$AND 'IIUIIANICS OANK- MAIN AND HURJION STROOT7S Capital$510,00(0 Surplus and Profits $l.0O,ll Genera0 iul Bninog lusisoss. 3.p~rcest paid onTimoe and ravins o)iposta. safety Jae-;...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…Wagner &Coo State sivest Sign of the big white shoe Tihis cut reaprescents one of the new fall ,/ +c I*SC4~ft shapes of the celebrated SOS $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as to workmnanshaip and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN IHALLER .11~ TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY,_.; j U!N1VBR5TV NOTICES A tseeln#:ioi wilieihic titii t TIas1 hall tonight at S-m...…

October 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…Thl e Micig an Dally Vol. XXI. WOLVERINES ARE OUT FOR REVENGE Shifted Varsity Expects a Hard Fight with Brewer's Men for Victory AGGLES' STRENGTH IS UNKNOWN 'There -re old scores to lie settledtoon itrv eldl this sateriiooni, andit tire- modeldiaiil rejitensatei levni spe siresi to'stletrl thalf patn lwoon'lock, tlee \\ olverin Cs will* face the tiam r tnsln i heIl\l ieliigtiti Ag- r:tis' l Ci ollee.Th ggies have co iisi() tl hos reaihitenrai...…

October 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___________ _ - -- G. H. WILD' CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE SEET Taillors State St. Shoe Store S t t Crawford Shoes for Mlen Full Line of Ladies' Shoes "Educators" for Children Sporting G oods E. R . FR O ST . Prop ow C. [. DARIB[[L BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Eland Law Books Law ac-id Medical Dictionaries Quiz Boo...…

October 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…IlEI MICHIGAN DAILY Get Measured .Now... For new Fall and Winter clothes," made as yoh Wvant ther Bet of Style. Fit,' and Tailoiing at a 'price you, can afford. 500 Exclu ive Patterns FW.GROSS' kiit iti tret, or. Fourth Ave. Bills. Icl is a flne game, ask liose-si-o .lay. You need sicnrereation. and what is hntter than this? IIe--iTON Boos. THE FARMERS AND' MtCllANlC0 BANk AMAIN AND "JURON STREETS Capital $10,000 Surplus and Profits$100,000 s...…

October 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The precise fabrics you'd oboerve on New York's smartest men these Autumon days when Fifth Avenue's promenade resounds with the swish of silks and the chug of motors, are on parade here to-day. We have laid them out in he- witching array for your criticalin i-spection. Wearing these modest I materials, fashioned faultlessly in t I style and fit, you'll he a factor in business and social realms. Shades and patterns are varie...…

October 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Mi igan Da ANN 4AR1'OR,7111. I1( N, NINi) ).1(CIC WII RIc16,r)10 Vol. XXI. VA1 Woly LAT d.11 11 ;, ritl 1It1reIt which 00. RSITY BESTS FARMERS ALL-FRESH SWM HON Bat Heidelberg 25 to 0) in Initial G a e o e snI N H A R D F O U G H T B A T T L E S ci t th 1 c ig r A i v) foegn c~d itit'sheretofore tiut erines Utmost Efforts Are Necessary To -oolAllo-~ 1l~t111111ali Retain Their Place In The Fight For college eeIIeo he1e 5Ootirdli oaC~chl...…

October 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET TMalors ASUP ON THlE PROF'S Wlite coc c 111c 11( l~e wl(1)- o Iot rce o1 Fy pcwrter ic-cplIc The students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic Gym Supplies ol all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric--2 Packages of Envelopes 6ec Card Index's AT Sheehan's 320 S. State Str...…

October 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifiel 81 &Co. " Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Atarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch R.pair iletaSpeiltty THE FARMERUS AND NILECRANKS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 General Banking Btusiness. 3 percent paid en Timen andi SavingS i)epnsit...…

October 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ---- - Wagner & Co. Stat Street Sign o the big white shoe ''isa cut represents one of the new fall / rc f shapes of the eleraed j SOE $4.00 and $5.00. Fully guaranteed as to workmanship and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER f : -;<sm We invite you to call M q and get a Souvenir for your room 01 Full mne of College l ~loth...…

October 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The MichigaDil Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, 7IICI iIGAN, TUESDAYX, OCTOBER 18, TgTO. No. r3. VARSITY PREPARES FOR 0. SRU CONTEST Rooters Plan to Accompany the Eleven on its Invasion of Ohio LOW ROUND TRIP RATE SECURED After narrow escapes i the first two strusgg'es the Varsity eevns is settig donin(eadlti earnest to the tasa of prep arig for the game switi repre statises sit Ohii'iState Uiivrsitv sext Satuirday. Alttiough Sattrda's shoinig tirves...…

October 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THER MICIGAN DAILY __. G. H. WILLD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. STATE STEET Ta~llors State St. Shoe Store S302S. Crawford Shoes for Men Full Lie of Ladies' Shoes 'Educators" for Children Sporting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop C. [. BARIB[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law atnd Medical Dictionaries Qutiz Books etc. Comoplete line Ne...…

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