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October 01, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o Mf 0 I I I o COL. Xt.- ANN ARIBOt., MIiCH., TUESLDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1900. No. 8. BIG MASS M LTI[NG. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is gives to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husilness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. He WILD CO,I so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS ...…

October 03, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… , < -- ... r . &[w h r' b _ __ a 1 ' - _ 1 _-11 - ___- fit: L L_- . 1 i - r = .. fi -M j:c f I I I s ! .= . , r ; , A- 0 7; y ; w; r9-~ c(5 v - a " : _ R.1 F K j N-1 ' J : 1 n} Sv.,T. 'a ..1 / _ y..."'( -'rte-j G f ~' 1; A- r I; :: =, I " J U A c: SC Ln !. w-u w s - 7n i it$ _ " Ld a LL Z 1 . I zC 'i 15" J L {..1 _ 7: \\ __ /' p,, ~ .i,.' _. ,~ A, 1 r w $ Y. 1 . , j 9w1 "'"' , v pe d . .M _. a+ ! nc w t &. , ", d I AC; , ac ., .....…

October 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…be Of fa pF VOL. XI. ANIN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBEh 4, 1900. No. 10. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to th -syles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H. WILD CO., so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR TH...…

October 05, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…VO.X.ANAN ARBOR, MICH.,_ FRIDAY,LOCTOBER 5, 1900. No. 11. A BOON TO THE GIRLS. I Work ii the Literary Societies. TO AROUSE ENTHUSIASM. Announcement-Altotothlieayscteswl' Brbour Gymnasium- a Very Busy Alfo'o h ieaysceisWl Tonight Occurs the Annual Athletic start off toimorrow' evening for the Our special line Place at Present-Or. Msher year. The prosects sent briht for Mass Meeting. Says the Co-Eds Should them all, the law societies being essoc...…

October 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…She U o(h- 94 PaiI0 VOL.. XL. ANN ARBORt,MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900.No12 Aninouncement I~Our special .line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of -900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The samec careful attention is given to th--. styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husilness. purposes or for full dress occasions. G, H. WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. 1 i 3 : ,i ,] . 1 OATH TOWELS...…

October 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…;be i Pat, VOL. Z.I. ANN ARBO)R. MIC., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 77 1900. No. 13. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of roo has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The sari- careful attention is given to i styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. G H. WILD CO, io8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM...…

October 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…Sfm~ww.c-l U , r-. O D VOL. XI.ANN A#B0,,)&jbH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1900.No14 Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 900 has arrived and is arraged or inspec- tion. The Fae careful attention is given to th. styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husilness purposes or for fuill dress occasions. G. H LD GO., so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR T...…

October 10, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

… Nor 9Ulf VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER- 10, 1900. No. 15. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 ha arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same caeful attention is given to A a tyles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husilness purposes or for full (ress occasions. . H. WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. OATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES * FOR YOUR ROOM OR THE...…

October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…be o o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TH-URSDAY, OCTOBER, 11, 1900. ~. G F a ti 12 4rntne etGOLF CLUB A HUMMER. New Courses in Public Administra- "Happy" Brows May Get Out. Tournament is Arranged For -- Mem- ('oat-l1itea kep nitils sg lug1 at re An iuitiloliant tdtlition to the etlirats ,li te al(-rilhii-. Tlii- wark iiaa ilieaB ~~s ariaGofr, nte ltli oa Our special line bership Incrass RpidyOfi d ffloti ieay ttat l-rla o a-ll sa itire of foe...…

October 12, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…be N o Vll O r r D p VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900. No. 17. F a t l.° e b x i LACK OF MEN DISCOURAGING I Wn. Jennings Bryan Speaks. P 4nnouncemeat -N-WIn. JeininigsicBryan. col~ti Coach Works Away But Must Have lltt i-ii rstteSik Our special line Material-Marks Shows up Well. frioth th cont house teis yeterday1 of foreign and ( t j. ea adasittic-itt roe-ItoThe otOrleito wirecdimiiset ftom t domestic fabrics Pi I st e...…

October 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…be Alk %dgvf VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MAICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBEus 13, 1900. No. is Annoncem nt EAN H UTOI-INS' PLAN Dean Mosher and Dr. Wenley Give no Practice Yesterday-Line-Up for To- Anone etConsolation to the Co-Eds. days Game. A Plan Otlinod to Refornm Systens of- ( Someiii' Im1ilict h1s00 l'ii ooit-cil Ycoicliv (i ocii leo deotedic I onoid- Our special line , Stodent Electono. OsCince ]'IsCt \Cclnesd(5 0byVte appea- (e1 SlIc Clii t~ocoiclin...…

October 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

… 1h o o N ab o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1900. No. 19.. r Announcement Our special line I of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Wi nter ei-Ir900 has arrived and is arri ~gel for inspec- tion. The sain---scarefusl attention is given to the styles anal finish of every suit, whether to he used for husilness purposes or for fall dress 'VARSITY MUST BRACE 1P, tooks her cue froos his, The signials i ir- lttitea...…

October 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

… ' t - r, - VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., TUESDAY, OCTOBEU 17-, 1900. No. }0. RIP UP 'VARSITY. GOOD GOVERNMENT.CLUB LECTURE .Announcement - COURSE. _______________ Coach Lea is Disgusted With Some of teMnAfwo h tIc h od(oenetcu l- Our special line th1Me-AfewoftheSl e s o rotis'its lec-ture csurse tot' the1 I offrin ad May, Have a Chance ts Sit 015 -aiig;yer. The club bhse securedl offrin adthe Side Lines. somtte at the best meue whossre ...…

October 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEC 1 , 1900. No. 21 FIGHT FOR THE PENNANT ot-c huled tat fr a half houro scrim- Candidates For Class Foot Bll Teams A nnouncenient mg tl, ok ftetetice team____ Ai otdstiteug b eacl Pretty Bace on in the Middle "est i-cl nIiilvtolt it-t- it The followinitg b t of (.hite football Our special line I-Wisconsain, Minnesota and Chi- smnt too tiit Indi au . Fatunt- cathas bo-iIenitndltoitilitl, DaItily offri...…

October 18, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…be i Mir D f " o o VOiL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICII., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900. No. 22 Anone et UNIVERSITY IS PROSPERING tomen inl all of the -so-catled co-ehic-- 'Varsity Takes a Brace. Pres. Angell's Annual Report to the stiil iis. tadIiiilie a0d011nadtae i'- hiie-te bsnc c-fhe -od soc-i 00hitic-llte iid ttiiiiiil sit iit loiiln ie Side lhues hadt aiiyilink to (to Our special line Regents -- Increased Attendance otic- colleesr e-rabhiliect ...…

October 19, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…M NT'...'"M , , Vol,. Xl. ANN ARBOR, MICII. ,1i FR1DAY, OCTOBER6 19, 1900. No. 2s3 FENCING CLUB PLANS Purdue Expects a Hards Game. Musical Clubs Must Spend Their A nnouncemient Ti# g"--tol -W~ rt Nights in Ann Aibur. ITeams of Fulls and Broadowords to Be ket rtp yt-stet-ilay, ando though no Our special line ;Chosen -Intercollegi-ate Fe- sac ts--c t o3 it roellt- lvr foset h urtiy of fo ein n lg las.tha twouldl leadt to "orotstttg, ctisidlet-I...…

October 20, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 225, DELIVERED OR AILED TO YOU EVERY DAY w h A >VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, AICI, SATURDAY, OCTOBEKt 20, 1900. No. 24 AFTER THREE YEARS coch amniso works n the theory M ichIigan Men in a Football Mixup. An1uncme1 tht(hanlgeof (iet land the iLSIety_____ A nounemem (f waiing ro hardr awn t t4,alm than Th Dener Republian of Ot. 15 ____________________________ IPurdue Teanm Comes Today to Figure at trip tho(ay of thie gn...…

October 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY. FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 225, DELIVERED OR MAILED TO YOU EVERY DAY, VOL. Xil. ANN ARBOR, MICI., SUNDAY OCTOBR 21, 1900. No. 25 MICHIGAN 11, PURDUE 6 The line-up: YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCORES Announcement Purde Mihig an____ SmlsIbet... ...... Rdaen 4444H.'4'444444..44H..g4 'Varsity Works Out a Victory in the liehel ........... .T 'aX . hit u Our special line Last Few Minutes of Play-Purdue DuaSh ane . .Gi.....Marks ± Michigan I I Purd...…

October 23, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 2.2. DELIVERED DR MAILED TO YOU EVERYDAY Wbr SOatn VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1900. No. 26. "BILL" ALLEN ON THE ,COASTI Good Practice Yesterday. 02 Laws Appoint a Coaching Co- Announcement -- mittee. Seattle Times Gives "Bill" a Niche in Prctse ysteray was unusally theTemleof alie. -oo fo Aonay; about 40 men li- Thel Junior ' hialt'tartedl an in- Our special line theTepl oeFme in~ the...…

October 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…;be o 4KLZ VOL. NI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900. No. 27. NEW WAY TO PASS BALL{ Practice Contnues Good- Fumbling State Federation of Women's Cubs. Announcement I is Conspicuousby its Absence.'~ Center Rush Uses His Fingers Ony- Dr. Mosher, -iss Editht Wheeler and Our special line This System Gets Men Under Way it stitte of the run,Awt tall and Olliso Foreitre tli~ges ileft ysterday of freig and More Quickly, and Fools sipe...…

October 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…Shew VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MTiC., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1900. No. 28. ARRANGEMENTS FOR Higher Commercial Education. LEAVE FOR CHICAGO TONIGHT Announicemient THE ILLINOIS GAME., ilixf11,ic. kdau-s, the ehaiinan ihia' WrirsOfoodfBtl Our special line Wrenn and Hoagland Will Officiat- of lie eiw coursie'e ill higher eoiiiie With the Illinois-Every Eye in offrinad Both Teams Strong oii Defense I;Ii eiie itioui 0a11d5)ltlie ixiltitid- the West ivetd o...…

October 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…Abelw d AI--a i., VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBEU 261 1900. No. 29J. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and XVinsssr of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The ,aise careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for hunilness purposes or for full dress occasions. G, He WILD CO0, rob E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FO...…

October 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Wbe ' o fj '4rIg ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1900. No. 3o. for but unpopular mal-de-mer. For- tunately for the party, the voyage was a smooth one, with the exception of a few days passed in very dense fogs. ~The weather and sea were most pro- THE P RIS G ESIamount of travel brought on by the Exposition, the team were fortunate in being obliged to occupy the .cap- tain's quarters on the hurricane deck, the best ca...…

October 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…,%AF> lot AILN . % , .I _ ti O I f O VoL. XJ. ANN ARBOR, Mid., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. No. 31. VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICll., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. No. 31. MICHIGAN 12, ILLINOIS 0 puslidover'fori'tochdiown von xti'l'ii FOOTBALL SCORES YES ERDAY 1_th__coner or field. s 'cly kicks Annuncmet { ielsnows tcats it ill lrmit ofoil A nnounernent Wolverines Tore Up Illinois for 12 So yI ltisoal,tilit'Iigsii, , Itlt- By Special Telegrams to t...…

October 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…be AL.A E o ^ i o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIGH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1900. No. {E2. FOOTBALL IN THE WEST. Announcement Michigan Is Conceded to be the Strong- est Teans~in the West at Present Our special line __Her Proopects Bright For 'p of foreign and Winning the Pennant. domestic fabrics ,t 1,-;t tie ci-titttittr aeteilltthie For the Fall and V+ inter of 5900 has mtidle wed'taa eta-gao aharrow dwinart t tcti itrb atofpaaihitities. arrived a...…

October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…be i ss ot r 0 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, lIC1L, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1900. No. 33. HARD PRACTICE ON AGAIN. New Michigan Yell and Songs For the; STRAUSS' ORCHESTRA. Anno ncem nt ;Rooters. An o n e e t All the Men Except Boggs in Good, Will Open the S. L. A. Course With a Shape---A Regular Game Between Pres-ident. erdiei of the Athlletic As-j Grand Concert on Saturday. ur Our special line the Yarsity and Scrubs on 'ott ati~tiio ths lapointedi the...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…ZI Mro z CoZ 0} .1. .__, 7 -- ... " '/ .. _ j !. . 'r 'f. J' .e a.._-- _ ", ,_ .. ' LJ H <s M ; i I I G «. s." a ' O + C.' O ;i . -,' .. - .J. :f. -f .. ^. _ - .lf !. - _ _" _ " _ E '- r. J y . 1. _ _ .J .,, _ '1 ^- __ CC -J LJ C3 Co CL LUJ U- C? n.7 = c - - - cd p sue.. O C!2 - C i. C's (1) 441 v I. .J. . . _ . .. - c v 1- ,,Jf1I .h yi f1 AL.5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al %++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A- = * :-- : - I .. . ^ .;. " 'l. ' ' 'f...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…: Dv4$IAI jfIG k FIRST XEA R. SCRUBS SCORED. Succeed in Carrying the Ball Over 'Varsity's Goal Line. Practic.o Snappy. I~ tk l. I 1 1111 i ll 1;11 I '''s0l tsi'ols i'o l:1 tl~ i l 1 111:1 i l-:1 1 IsI ssft 11')i 1 1 T l111 11011ff].s l I lin1s1' 11 s 1 11 \i I i tI 4 1 4 l , t 1 i l t 4r ~II 1;4111401.ollf I'1 1 ;i lt)II " 1 )"Ill '11 "41,1 1\ 1 4 ill ]t:v d 1;1.1: k 11, 1 i [[1111 t(, ~ls1:1i1 4111Its ll~lil~cs :11 ANR'AtlBOI , MICII., WELIN ...…

October 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…:7 1; 7 77* ^ n y / r Piz Z;, -Iq Y .. 'r. .. . _ f. M f. .. j_ - - _ 1: .._. r 7 _ _ v .., i_. .r. y ,_, ,_ - _ - _ - y. J f ,,. 1' f :f- . . x r " r CD Cl o I + «G -D m - C . .s & y _ \ I. - 'r ., +++++++++++++++4.++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++,+++!... - _ ^f. _ _ - ,. f. J 7; _ T. 1^ _ i 1. t. ,. s f. , _ ''+ - Vii: r ' ' _. r . t " :f ., /' .. a / i. . J _. °J. _ T . , r r .TT~~~ n. ,. . . .;. 1_L TiL s _t T ae T e t 8 ! i s s 1y' T yy -i ...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…DAILY8W FiIST YEA,. PRACTICE FAST BUT LOOSE. ,ANN ARBJOiR, MICII. FillDAY. OCTOBERII-1ti. MAX O'RELL Polar Temepeature Ginneisn no the Wittiest of Frenchmen to be beard 'Varsity Bet Cold Fitners Cause Here Soon. Fumibling-Y ot Givies the 'Varsity -stood Natured \\c1tIi1 '4;Y(:11 Ion o Latonii . ;'n I11 t s .t x 11'1,4 11.i tti'i ie 'I iitttiit wi trrv'12:,lttf1 l ir1 til Sif.i1.jrr) tint1 11, l l iliiillt.u ut~ w lti'tle i'" li i i ;t t' - i i...…

October 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…DA-I; FIRST YEAR.~ ANN [RBOR, MICH.1 CASE TODAY. TAME AFFAIR. eend Game of the Season Will beAnnual Fresh-Sepih Rush Hadl upt Called at o'clock eil Reets the Standard. Field. .1 1 ili it11w:11 i ' lit"C':1111 iI:1 I"' na .11 l:lntl i I' P .ill e <iii" 1ii11 [1, :1CI tiua'. }.CC 11 h, n ,tC 1:1C Il hii, :11 C sCIC ', '-klii CCCI II C111.11 11 1101 put1l''CC'1.C'CI I'I11 h,''CiCr 0111 i1C1 ~i1i C" 1-1iiI itC 1"C1 'CCCI"C C'''CI' '11i1z" C C 1,;1...…

October 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…m IC DAILY, WS .. ." ' - _ . _ may; FIILOT N h t.. N ARBkOR, AMOfIf- SU-N DAY. ( O 01111 Not. 12 MICHIGAN 57, CASE 0. Cal N ot ctMe reat~l:toU)the Ci e- laild School's «er No elit-Vsi- tor's Sart to 'rake itoevtit Leve Before the Gamoer but Mnaer Schoolboyiol I i i ri \ III 1': - ;l, , o i, lu i l. ', . I rl i l ii iii iitt f, I II I ktl li s? ' liii l t l 1 : " , li i e i >ht ^l titi t'. 1' :p i ii it i c"i ittitit i s ,it l61*0 ~ ]ii l, ii '...…

October 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…$IC~fIG4k ATNN AIRBOR, MICH7., TUCESI)XY, O tOJER ~ 01 N o. 13 FiRST iO AR. HESTON TRIED AT TACKLE. BAILEY VS. JACOBS. Yost Adds the Sturdc Hale Back to Seioi Laws Nominatoeon Excelkent Line Forcce. Ciecidates. $87.50 A YEAR. KELLOGG ELECTED. What the Eii st Piesident of the U. of Ml.Sophomoore Election Hotly Contested. '1'11;it \1;i"( 111i,".4 ;,, i, i?1t -li;f'loil Iri;it"i ;1t 1:i,"1 rl.itt : i'ri1" tl }Ii;: lir"r"It ti r hill Whili, ;i1?ii...…

October 09, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…77 r - . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ !. f ._.. .. . ..... .. ,_, ... . m .... 1 r - r. - _ " - .v 'i - _ .. 7_. . , ,- j :: _" 't. 1. ^' . _ _ :' _ _ J i = f. % ._ y U C1: rr r. o rn 3y m F4 to -u -0 c', Iw . e C- 'ii r SCE . f ;4 I .t f/ N iAll {9y 1 - - - - ,_ __ _ r -- ,' _ ,. r. ,_ ._ ,. -- _ j r ,. ._ . r- sc rn a r ; I 1 w" ' C w !- . rV Cti 1 , E + , ; ; r 'i i ,. c -; .. .. v r j ' i i _ i ... i .l i -t7l 11 cn ;n -...…

October 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, Mica., TIHtRSDAkY. OCTOBER 10. 15401. PiRST YEAR. No. 1.5 HOOSIERS DANGEROUS. Team Will be levie Tan the 'Var- sity-Foi Touchdowns Yes- terda. 7'1 h irst ilde xix i lxii I llel t I xliii iiidle l ' ix 1\ 0l lril. a l o :I : i Ii s ii ice :I 'l iit l i a11, ix'ix : ii i''11"xis i h li l l Ii rl ill1i ,t ii: ~t~clat l,:ii ' le x l i iiivrh ll"xiir l x I iiil x- iii0 rilni foliiir~i xxI o l~~ii -l n I l c \'1~ l la S i t llil x111ii xx...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…e E)AI F~IRST YEARc. ANN ARBOR, MICH3., RRTOAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. No. 16 'VARSITY ON EDGE. Debating Societies Meet. Last Scrimisage Before Meeting the l'' till iavo looI ii'''ii i lyelrxvV ''))' l x'x'tl" 1zl (r~i l i'x'iil it'Iit((lv Th Big Men From Indians i ; Satis- 'ii uxxuixxx'x' xictxii' °1iis [x i-i' :111d rlw factory to Coach and Rooters, fullxv x"i xxrt ':111i1i'i :1sv iv')ll f't~ luit isi ase tt l ii ": l ;Illi il lxfoi ilw) ixiixil ...…

October 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…a 'ti<, f3 mow i _ fT Lew, r xmarr . ; I1Jsr TYEAR. MICHIGAN MEETS HOOSIERS. Tfile Heavy Indiana Teams the Varsity's Opponent This Afternoon-Last Year's Score 12 to 0. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., SATUTR[)AY. OCTOBER 12 1) X01. No. 17 Smallpox Case. ____________Brook Oratorical Association Debatings Dates t aod Pirospects, 'i! ll w c v pr liliit} d h l s w i S. 1. A. NUMBER. ke's Marine Band and Orchestra: at University Hall Tonight---A Unique Organizat...…

October 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…A rj'. f '04 ter... ti _ C H z oI C Q C1) ' O 4-J - _0 d - _ 1 ._ r. _. ._ r 1. :. f . _ ... 1 -r r y 77 v. Y. 1. ..- ,. . - - _ . ,_ . ;;, :,i .= 0 :," __ cia I . " .-. i G/ . T 4: "' ' - t -r U / JL) ! ba C 1. _r r f r - v. f' ! r f u - f - J. J f f t :! __ I ^ 1 1. _, . j - i , . _ _ -_. "- "" . '!. .-: ._ _ .. " H :.t - i " - r f '" e:l .77 'Z -- - /. -: 7Z 7 7 7: V J ! _ _ t. J ! - _ J j G t 7: 77 _ r . i - } t t , 'l C' 't t z 5: - _ .. ...…

October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…6-i Yt Q H J O 1 2 ,rte LC ]J " Q .e CD "r cS LA. , v LU bn , LU. Ltd. C -- Cis o _ z / .. i - _ _ ._ _ 1. - f -t Id~ ~ C1 ;' ~ ~k'~lira~ _ r 1 _ f. y I (...N ..J .N !. of , .t. j - ' y _ .. '7. 1. - -I - s, ... _' r.. . _ '/. _ f. J 'f. f - - _ _ /. of _ 1. i r i t I .. _ J. '_t ^ ./. _. 1. r. l .- r r,. i " - . ,. = - "- 'r ^' °, r .... '"_ .. ; '= - r. ._ ., y %. . _ . f : i. .-.. I. ~ '/. ._. . /. .. ... . . .. . O ,-V _ _' J. f. /^ .. .. ...…

October 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICI., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 1901. FIRsT YEAR. No. 20 BONNETS FOR THE 'VARSITY. Coeach Yost Will Use Leather Headbear On His Me--First Seret Patc of the 02e44011 5estrd'v 4 , Ii.I 44 "3 ;n444. n as n tlr itr~ .i 14l ' 11 .114.1111 r444''4'n g'}11. ;,441 First F .ILitti h' 1 I 1' 'llI 411 114 il t 1 h Lt o t l l l t sits te s Itl~trll io 1N ,11N i t, '.-iI A tl . ( 1 h t w 11 1 ( I o Ii 1 1 IitvNmi~l " 10 i-:N o!!i'BNi .111 1 1\\ ill...…

October 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…w " '; :: - s 64-^Y f - .J^ r . I r = _ y _. n .f _. .v /.. / " . Tv ^' l r _ i "f. ' ";<.'," ":". ." .° . :"*j,.;":°" '.;" ' '. '.Z' ~_, is ' - "' _ : 'r. . t ^' J". . .-. _ y j ,--r /. A N _ 0000 r. c ) 7 'r __ _ M :, 7= ;,, .- ..+ ° ., .. : _ M .y 1 i s f. I 4i " . :s J-, -. ''' /. . t. f . _ 't _ fir ., 6 rS y M. , -.. - -; R.:' ' }. ; "e y ,J ,: ., . r, v J" s-frt ar It . O iYi 777 1 - - X%- - . .< ;, .f , - u: rY ' ~n h\Tti Y h i P. *1 r...…

October 18, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…- % .... - t f . _ .a. -; I - - : r - - _ - 'i. =. :Y,. _ _ _ .., ' , . - J ,,:^' -*. V - f r f - ,_, -7. _ r J' .... - ,,,. _. /: i ' . . ° . +' f ' rn . ' _ .! .f . !/. "" - v I f. - - .- s "' - f-" r _ - - _ _!, J. F '4 77 rat I; ' r ~' " "(: ~~ . f- ... - P. _, { j. -r . I , - - _ j f . 7 "I. : 7 J. s t. 'r. 1= . r ' . f -°. - '.. ._. - r .... f' -- r 'l. .. o 00 0 o00- coo a J. -- + J h7 N t . 7 ' 00 - 00 0 00 + b ° . 440- Y. J _ r ._ _ f...…

October 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…40014IC"104* 7 ID 7" 41, ';v FIRST YEAH. ANN ARBOR, MIC11., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1901. No. 23 BEFORE THE BATTLE. Coaches Yost and Hollister Each Claim ,I itory-The Northwestern Team Stopped Off at Albion Last Night -Arrives at 11:10 a. tm. T 'i, iu v s i<r_ l's whh ~ati<< , t 'i l ul I< }i ui [ i, 1,r i ;h " I~tt lii o~tI t-It lc XliI I i', lll Ii 5 t~l il 1',\\rl t rlr lir a li It s in c ll ,,ii II :I io in r It III 1 i n I~ l;c ,(':l : II c...…

October 20, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…r, i;' .:Y " y ir . ^':': t 4 r ' . ° '' ta f ,x. °:r k . y . '0 0- 0 v z Wz I jW .. " W . W> Gz7 v _ 0 CS -- CIS f Y w ,,,: a ." ^ ,. T v .e , ^" :-. CIO 7: 7. CL, Z: 7: t f _ J. t / f - j J. 14 I _ .., 1. . '_° .._. -" . _ _ _ - v. 71.14 77 :r - _ , , ;. "+ I ;. ^' . , :% ,-- _t. . , J f 1. _ . .,. t ,_ r _.. . _ fit. ; .__ _ '1 _ r, 0 J_.r Zr- - 0~ , C,. D ' ' . v . .. :; ._ _, - 4- -.- fb I - .. ..... .. T .+r - f ,' - _ °% _ _ . =; , c-""...…

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…-z r - b~r- ' d G , r -- -----f ! c- - - - - o C G i t r J r r 4 , _ -1fw O . J% ' ~ J- H . F - G : ~rr C U. w .':0 T., SZ= l~ r J low 7 fq -L~q 7 E 7. y0 V = v X 7' r F Gm C p T 1 1 , J r , "7,5 r G /r r p0 p 7 !GC. +Gx r = G~c ../ ' J ,4 1 '<. ToIi y~y J -3 F r G- _m ' h s. ,, i _G yc r -= cT !. E r5- ;#1{ _ a. o" '7' t, If q .MG °F c J s vc c {! j j i 'i i i ,, i ,, It i i 3 f i N a H C1 -, Hom z. 0 rtlA …

October 23, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

….-w . r-" J". r' }a / _ - a -' , " '. 7 ."'ry+ .-.+. ,.t .-+ J -. "..? .u °. J ~. .. "" r. ~. "- °-,. V, ,,,-. ~ 1 F i r ' } i _ ... -- ."-t :: yr ,.,'' r« i V ;-a. - ~ ^ " ,.., --t. Y ^' = 7 =; , ; /, "r. - j ,.. .v ". ~ -. - " ,+ ^- _ .! , / _ t. _... % . .r 1. r. _ r _ .u . f N r,.' f f .-. r " ^ i I . . 1. - .- r 'r" "J- / .-- I - ° - f ! .., j - . may, :...r ."., . 1-, " ', ,' .' ', ..., ... (r .-J r- rz :Z h' ;' rJ .-^. r .,, w " . _ a' ...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…- V771 F t i h ti ' v "r 7 1 " yC E' 'i Jt r ti '1 S j t v K .e 's e l V ¢ it #rY ,- A S , R : 1 S FIRST YEAR. AINN ARBOR, MICIi., THURSD~AY, OCTOBER 24 1901. No. 2 7 PLAYING FAST BALL. 1902 Wins. 7.110. Iiiiir lit, ninitni ol th lilionin. Chadwick, an Al-Fresh Linesman is y strda'yI f~e nrin a dird NTiitllin alt of I0011)111 atthl ' f iri ;otts iven aBerth on the iSubs- 114F11 11vWsNvl-( inthoe bijpliil by lthe Scores for His Teanm. ;IlniIlni...…

October 25, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. SECRET PRACTICE AGAIN 'Varsity Will Ta ke a Dayvs lietir~rnent Before Meeting Blhsls-Heddner, Redden and Heston Scsred Yesterdy \ No. 28C ANN AR1BOR, MII., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1901. 1904 victorious TENDENCIES OF THE TIMES Girls Are Independant. ini t:Ili ktouil zl ain ' t I a y; 5 _______ht.i ni 515 it} l i' tItSi'l #tir -which sas' ii'it ss h i a i ss ' t f64. '14 Fang, Will Addiss the Students tIP'i 'hal 'ass 4 ysaie' svisssls'i....…

October 26, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…ti j ~ i '.4 '1} '. .tizt4 t ' ;.Lu: j_..=.. _..._.. J ' 4' pG ,./ ' . FIRST YEARO. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1901. A HARD GAMIE TODAY. a 1 lit'i'a 1 0100011 lt- od~i('. o'tl u1sn Irn o ( 11 ' jut l4l0101'I'olioorloll' lolti Univer sity Team WillII ake a myis ll N0:Int0001 01000111' bri Strong Eflhort to Add A nother 00(0101 So oh ndr liti nms Ls11101 ~ rn ho o not o rtkerle oo li od t ow-b Ill .11 Victory to Her List. ,t :i oooo...…

October 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…1 SAL DAl ws ^yy w, . fIRST YEAR. UNPARALLED SCORE. The W\arsity Piles uip toie Diggst Score in Her History, Larger Than the Combined Scores sI Last \]~~t t ix~ivoi I i~ s " Mo iiii i io & t p tat ~ r iii c tii i t M T tii i !iiill Niilixxxi ' ' I lliv~ a 001- x". S t :ill l :I i n a t W M Y SLI Mtv ,. r n u I si' .t, lrhiii''bx v g o i i l ' xxx'li x i :I tiii'~ xis tur ove fxxs lxxxixt~ N &I ANN ARBOR, MIC II., SUNDAY. OCTOBER '27 1901. No. ...…

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