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January 08, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Cloudy with chance of snow. Low 15°. Tomorrow: Snow likely. High in upper 20s. d loan 4 qoppapy One hundred six years ofeditorialfreedom, Wednesday January 8, 1997 "r'" ' _. ; . , , ,, I 'tYstudent mugged near local 4TM By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter A male, University student was mugged close to campus early Monday morning after withdrawing money from an ATM. LSA senior Bryan Freeman said he had withdrawn $20 f...…

January 09, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tight: Snow showers, low around 200. Tom orow: More snow, high around 250. r ru "UY One hundred six years of edikn;rlfreedom Thursday January 9, 1997 ,.; .. : .. ,. ,.. ,, ., ~,GC :vF ~. :. ,va .. L'Y n-. >. '.} ti ti' .x.> a G" 5 r fi .>. k<<: :, .Y.' ,;vv 4'Sa > ":.; Es <j ,5. .. r... « ? 5 s rsk5;' <G. 2{r3'V 2f >.Yr,;<YEt'M' 5v ,«<55 S <i,....+'+S .,q ru 3k <' . e {S ' ., ,, 2 .< . < .:' :" . , s .... ,,,'_.."f. I MSA pres. ...…

January 10, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…1£.. Unt Tonight: Snow showers, low around 17*. tomorrow: More snow showers, high around 220. One hundred six years ofeditoriafreedom Friday January 10, 1997 Plane crash near etro kills 29 Markicy PA ~urio Mayk rani Yachnin DE)iy Staff Reporters :Aati Sharangpani's last term at the University and her hopes for a job at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, where she iteviewed before her return flight, ended in the fatal crash of Comair fl...…

January 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…trirni IrnF Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 100. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 270. One hundred six years of editorialfreedom Monday January 13, 1997 'U mourns loss of theatre prof. in Comair crash By Alice Robinson Daily Staff Reporter Bouquets of violet-colored daisies and delicate red roses adorned Betty Jean Jones' office door this weekend paying tribute to the accomplished 47-year-old associate Rackham dean and th...…

January 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Tonit: Chance of snow afte midnight. Low 150. Tomorrow: Cloudy, snow accu mulation. High in upper 20s. WIra *rni -F One hundred six yearf oe dftonalfreedom Tuesday January 14, 1997 ../~ ..; ,. .. o>.,... . a ,,. I Class of '00 leans right, frowns on casual sex B Chris Metinko Daily Staff Reporter First-year students across the country are leaning more to the right, frowning on casual sex and spend- ing their tuition dollars more carefu...…

January 15, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…onight: More snow, low round 250. omorrow: Windy with more now, high 300. 'trail Irnt One hundred six years ofeditorliafreedom Wednesday January 15, 1997 *l , . ccords ' etanyahu, Arafai TWashington Post RUSALEM - After prolonged and painful labor, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat completed a long- awaited accord early this morning to pull back Israeli forces from the city of Hebron and the...…

January 16, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…oa 4,*1 1£ IrranT *rnP Weather Tonight: Snow likely, low around 50. Tomorrow: Snow showers like ly, high around 120. - One hundred six years of editonialfredom Thursday January 16, 1997 ' x k'Y ':. ^" T CVII, No. SS, Michigan , , vaity Israeli cabinet agrees to begin Hebron pullout The Washington Post JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced down cabinet opponents into the early-morning hours today, securing an 11-to-7 endors...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Snow flurries, low around 30. Tomorrow: Scatter d flurries continue, high around 170. irirni "Utt One hundred siC years ofeditoralfreedom F'riday January 17, 1997 !Vol.~~~~ -3'i.R 6..'Sl.3.k mrr r rS o 9e"l I WSU By Heather Kamins Daily Staff Reporter University Law students di as well as Wayne State Unive last summer's Michigan B according to figures releas B d of Law Examiners.. nety-seven percent of V students passed...…

January 21, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…WEt *b Itt4o 11-jagalk 't IMPP7 Weather Tonight: Cloudy with rain likely, low around 330. Tomorrow: Cloudy, more rain, high around 400. One hundred six years of editornalfreedom Tuesday January 21, 1997 Inaugural speech urges country to end divisions By Jennifer Harvey and Laurie Mayk paijy Staff Reporters WASHINGTON - William Jefferson Clinton recited the presidential oath for y second time yesterday, praising the aievements of the 20t...…

January 22, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…'Elan Untt onight: Snow showers likely, ow in the lower 20s. omorrow: Snow likely, high iround 23°. One hundred six years of editorlfreedom Wednesday January 22, 1997 $45 OK allocated for diversity programs -Katb Wang ay StaffReporter With less than two weeks remaining in his erm as interim University president, Homer eal launched a new initiative Monday to pro- diversity at the University. e initiative, called the President's New entur...…

January 23, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Weather ronight: Increasing cloudi- ness, low around 20*. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. A chance of snow, high 350. WEb .ti One hundred six years of editoriaf reedorm Thursday January 23, 1997 'Y t *' ,. . : a, :i ' ,.. ': , J w ,m ?: a" .... . . o .,x ..'..s;2a ~ M1 ., *.A i :i < cv i Service 400 gather to ren By Katlo Plona DailyStaffReporter Nearly 400 people crowded the Michigan U *n Ballroom yesterday to share stories, h ter and tears f...…

January 24, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…W e 46*1 i * Yt Neather bonght: Chance of showers, ow around 29*. omorrow: Snow showers ikely, high around 240. One hundred six years ofeditonlfreedom Friday January 24, 1997 * *'* *. ~*.,. ~ . *i: tI6, ro golfer donates $2.5M for thietes y Prachish Chakravorty aily Staff Reporter Professional golfer and University lum John Schroeder is giving back to is alma mater by donating $2.4 mil- ion to the University's Athletic epartment. The do...…

January 27, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…Zbe £idigrnx&tig FRIDAY: MICHIGAN 5 lmi / SATURDAY: MICHIGAN 3 sw eps Ia I I A Michigan now alone in 1st place By Mark Snyder Daily Sports Writer Since the weekend passed without a Michigan hat trick, the only item that flew from the stands at Yost Ice Arena on Saturday was a broom. But the gesture pleased the Michigan hockey team just the same. In front of 6,434 fans, Michigan (14-1-2 CCHA, 23-1-3 overall) recorded a 3-0 vic- tory, ...…

January 27, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

… E In WI IWt Weather Tonight: Chance of flurries, high around 130. Tomorrow: Chance of flurries, high around 230. One hundred szi years of editorial freedom Monday January 27, 1997 Medstart speaker talks on impoverished children By Brian Campbell Daily Staff Reporter Award-winning author and activist Jonathan Kozol decried the living conditions of the nation's poorest children while discussing what role the medical system should play in ...…

January 28, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Jre itt an "Itt Weather Tnight: Partly cloudy, low around 100. omorrow: Chance of light snow, high around 250. One hundred six years ofeditorW freedom Tuesday January 28,'1997 - ~ nDai Ay ' I tl D 7 , s,, t a..0a : , rt . Si4r 7 : Federal research Racism trial begins against 'U' Funding to cline By Heather Kamins Daily Staff Reporter A 20-percent decline in federal Funding for university-based research nationwide is expected aver the ...…

January 29, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…oniglht: Cloudy, light snow ikely, low around 100. omorrow: Cloudy, chance of now, high around 200. JrW ti One hundred six years ofeditoriafreedom Wednesday January 29, 1997 #f1$I. GY 1{'F4 +, NAY ' n: t ,x". .i " R37 !g.< versight hair for PS -Kafi. Wang Staff Reporter After leading the restructuring of he Department of Public Safety versight Committee, Sam Gross munced yesterday that he is step- ing down as the committee's chair ive mo...…

January 30, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…WEi "Ul Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 20°. Tomorrow: Chance of light snow, high in the 30s. One hundred six years of editonazlfreedomr Thursday January 30, 1997 - - .E mig Court panel dismisses Baker case Justices uphold earlier ruling favoring Baker Jeffrey Kosseff Jenni Yachnin Daily Staff Reporters A panel of judges from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday dis- missed the case of a former University studen...…

January 31, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Chance of tsunami, low around 550. Tomorrow: Chance of locusts high around 890. rttail t tit, , One hundred six years of editor'i/lfreedom Friday January 31, 1997 to 'cvu, NoV S j :F.;.. Y ' f £ -.. 3/ .F .."' Hi G Jn.,'. ,.S i' MT I_ COmpleting the I Neal wraps u interim presidency By Heather Kamins a Katie Wang Dai y Staff Reporters When Homer Neal jets off next month for Switzerland after stepping down as interim Un...…

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