January 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 71) • Page Image 1
…~Ij~ It. of ~n. Waiijj. Vior.. 1I. -tio. ;ii. L7 TO THE EDITORS. A Few Words For the Miembers of the Michigan State Press Assoclition. There are albout three hundlredI editors in Ansn Arbor to-slay, swiho ole frostsevere sections of tis i getstate. I Te octcasion is the anniii iimeeting 01 the Mihinrs Mite iress :ssociastions.I'tese ed~i- tostwill sipendtimuscisof tiseir timse tilisle hereins anssiaround tiheitisi- is ersits To msansy sof ti...…