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January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… FRENCH ASSEMBLY VOTE Latest Deadline in the State Daitir See Page 4 CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXV, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1955 SIX PAGES :Fire Marshal's Report Discussed Gifts, Grants Accepted by Regents;. Post Created in 'U' Building Project By WALLY EBERHARD A dozen University buildings have been condemned by the state fire marshal, University President Harlan H. Hatcher reported to the Board of Regents at their ...…

January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. JANUARY C 1933 THE ICHGAN ATT TT1.~fAV.JAWTAWV£ 1O '...a a, .,v jf vt'sa[lb a[ gkt iLoaaa I R __observe the customary calling hours for 1 illwomen's residences. sAILYFebruary Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad- ministered, m frt F I I Lfrt to allFebruary candidates Local Dram a OFFICIAL fr the teacher's certificates during the week of Jan. 3, in Room 1437 U.E.S. The * BULLETIN of...…

January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… 1955 THE MICHIGAN' DAILY PAGE THREE 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TRUER Loss to Hoosiers Follows Holiday Cage Successes Jorgenson, Kramer Spark Three Vacation Hoop Wins By NATE GREENE The University of Michigan bas- ketball team made the Christmas Vacation a fruitful one as it won three out of four holiday games. Beginning with a tilt against Washington of St. Louis, the Wol- verines embarked on a three game swing through the wes...…

January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

… roUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. TANITARV A_ 7'9_K!C FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI1I~flAV ZA7~'!tTA1~T A 1O~E -v~unE . n~u ..' 5AlL ', £.7~F k DIPLOMACY?: French Assembly Vote On German Rearmament "Yaaaa - We've Got More Security Than You Have" THE WEST last week succeeded in clearing a major barrier to rearming West Ger- many-France's reluctance to allow her three- time foe to join the Western European Union and NATO. By a very narrow ...…

January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…I HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Fxvr THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE JIVE Sale of J-Hop Tickets To Begin This Week Students holding reservation cards for "Bali Hai," 1955 J-Hop, may purchase their tickets be- tween 1 and 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the Administration Building. The price for reservation hold- ers will be $6, since a dollar de- posit was paid when the reserva- tion was made. Ticket sales for the annual dance, featuring the music of the...…

January 04, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…'7 GE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1$55 0 JAN. 31 DEADLINE: /1 President's Edict To End Korean Veteran Benefits By DICK SNYDER' Veterans' benefits under bills passed during the Korean War will be terminated Jan. 31 by executive order of President Eisenhower. Most seriously affected by the order will be servicemen with less than 90 days of active duty prior to Feb. 1 and men entering the service after that date. They will...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… 0 DULLES-MAN OF YEAR? See Page 4 Y SirF Dadiv i f V+1 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LV, No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1955 CLOUDY, RAIN SIX PAGES No Action on Prof. Furry Indictment Harvard Awaits Ruling On Contempt Charges By MURRY FRYMER Harvard University has declined to take action against Prof. Wen- dell H. Furry, physics instructor Indicted for contempt of the Unit- ed States. Senate. Prof. Furry was in...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY EDwr..R, nAV'_ TAVTTARY rt_ tAK!E Civil Union Hails Court Declaration By DONNA HANSON American Civil Liberties Union has pointed to the Supreme Court decision ending segregation in pub- lic education as the major civil liberties gain in the past year. In the Union's 34th annual re- port, "America's Need: A New Birth of Freedom," other import- ant civil liberties successes were listed as the Senate's Watkin's Committee con...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JANUAUY 5, 1955 'jLnjE TUICiiiGAN DAiL rMit I nlttb ,. ,..... y - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1955 k'AIik~ 'ixauEE WXrestlers Take Upset Pitt To Win Tourney; Haney Defeats Kaul in Final Eastern Title Kentucky Leads Nation in AP Cage Poll By The Associated Press The Wildcats of Kentucky, the country's only major unbeaten quintet, continued to hold sway in the latest weekly poll released by the Associated Press. Square Garden. LaS...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN D'AtLT WEL)NESDAV- IANIIAR.V &-'IfIAA i aavraavt's . . st'aaaia YYL"yl;'VWw aNiIAV U& s1%v i AUY a, lflZ M MAN OF THE YEAR? Time's Choice of Dulles Clearly Debatable F OR THE second year in a row, Time maga- zine's choice for the Man of the Year is{ debatable (Understatement of the Year). Last year, German Chancellor Adenauer was chosen over Sen. McCarthy though the latter certainly had the most to say during the ...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…Y 5, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGXII Y 5 195 HE ICHGA DA'V As End-of-Term Events Planned at Lane Hall Lane Hall, the campus religious center, has several events planned before the close of the semester, including coffee hours, open hous-. es and a weekend excursion. Coffee will be served each day during the exam period, beginning January 17 a n d continuing through the 27th. Students will be welcome at the center on South State St. any ti...…

January 05, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

… sic THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~MWflINEWlAV _TA~TTAR.V !CIOAN U.S. Freedom Group Helps Displaced Russian Refugees Primaries Slated By MARY ANN THOMAS "An ounce of friendship weighs more on the scales of the cold war than a pound of uranium." With this belief that mere broadcasting the truth about Am- erica to Russia is not enough, Am- erican Friends of Russian Free- dom have sought to reinforce words of friendship with deeds. Learning about t...…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…POLIO DRIVE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State t t 94 COLDER, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXV, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 SIX PAGES Ladejinsky Gets Post with FOA Stassen Makes Key Appointment Of Attache Dismissed by Benson WASHINGTON (P)-Wolf Ladejinsky, fired by the Agricultur Department as a security risk, got a key job Wednesday with the For- iegn Operations Administration. He will work on land reform in Viet...…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUTRSDAY. JANUfARY a. 143 iav:vaiaica:a, sR [al\ l1Ai rl V 117.7 e7 v Immigration Problems Upset Chinese Romance DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN vm-I IIflS I' anywhere else in the world, as long as it's outside the Iron Curtain. They're victims of circumstance." Hwei-Kai Hsi, Grad., president of the Chinese Student Group here, said Monday he could not identify any Chinese students here who would want to return to the mai...…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

… JANUARY .1955 ' M i l YAGE 'idKRE R Cage Star I High-Scoring Guard Injures Knee in Hoosier Encounter Barron Lost Indefinitely SPORT'S KEN COPP Night Editor Join the March of Dimes m A v Sigma Chi, ZBT, Phi Kappa Sigma Annex 'B' Hoop Tilts S LE up to 1/3 off By NATE GREENE Star Wolverine basketballer Jim Barron will be lost to the team in- definitely as a result of an injury to his left knee. Barron incurred the injury dur- i...…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

… TIMUbAk, .JAN1JARX tiI. lMb .....' POLIO DRIVE: National Foundation Needs Your Help in Costly Fight All Quiet A lmg The Potomm t c t, POLIO IS A crippler-it leaves its cruel trademark, paralysis, on many. Last year close to 40,000 fell victim, many of them col- lege students. Polio is an expensive disease to fight. Iron lungs are costly-so are long months in rehabilitation centers and tedious hours with physical and occupational thera...…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…THE MC11I+GAN DAILY PAGLF Pr ___ IC IGN_)ALY_ __1IEY i CA %AA:i w A 1 l9 kt_ Seniors Will Present Annual Ball at League Senior Ball, previously held at the end of the spring semester, this year will be presented Feb. 25, in the Ballroom and Vanden- berg Room of the League. The traditional dance, the 85th, is offered by the seniors, and held in their honor. Everyone on cam- pus is invited. Decorations will be based on the theme "Stardust....…

January 06, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

… SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 6,1955 BETTER THAN RATS? Maze Tests Human Learning Ability By GAIL GOLDSTEIN "Get from the beginning to the end In the shortest way p0s- sible" ..i This was the instruction given to students participating in an experiment in which a hutge maze was constructed In the basement of Hill Auditorium. The maze was used to test humans much in the same manner that rats would be tested. For Doctoral Thesis ...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… HAMMARSKJOTY' IN CHINA See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State Datit~ I,- r - 0 PARTLY CLOUDY, COLDER mA ' £CTY UA W_ C V XV. N.V r 7 I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1955 b1 YA""N I JJ ------ ----- - RL. lf1l Yy lyl V. i0 - - 1 -Daily-Dean Morton NICHOLAS T. GONCHAROFF ..."a religion of sincerity" Goncharoff Calls Religion Answer to Communism By SHIRLEY CROOG and MARY ANN THOMAS "The positive answer to fighting Co...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1955 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 7,1955 variety of Positions Set I'or U' February Grads FINDERS KEEPERS? Clothes, Books, Yarn Fill Lost & Found h .., . . 4 . y ' '. '. . /.. P ,.. A A.) By BETTY SCHOMER Overseas teaching, in Europe nd the Far East with the Army's )ependent Schools is one of the iany job opportunitir; for the february graduate, according to hie Bureau of Appointments. Maint...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

… FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, "1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEd __DY AUR ,95TH IHGNDIYPG Wolverine Nu Sigma Nu p Phi Chi In 'Hoop Tilt Nu Sigma Nu smashed Phi Chi's "B" team last night, 41-8, to high- light professional fraternity bas- ketball action at the I-M Build- ing. Bill Egbert of the Nu sigs was high with 10 points. In other games, Phi Rho Sigma topped Tau Epsilon Rho as Jack Jacobs hit for 10, and Marty Gehner's 20 markers led Alpha Rho Chi ...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE 1~tICflIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. JANUARY 7. 1955 , RECOGNITION NEEDED? Hammarskjold in China Having Little Effect IT IS QUITE a paradox that the United Nations Secretary General, Dag Ham- marskjold, should be in Red China to try and negotiate for the release of 21 American fly- ers. First of all, a majority of the UN member nations have not recognized China under the Communist rule of Mao Tse-tung....…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 5

…FRd Y, JANUARY "1,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IA} FRIDAY. JANUARY 7.1955 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY I I 1 Religious Groups Plan Activities 'U' Students To Sponsor Campus religious groups have scheduled a variety of events for the last free weekend before the exam period. At the Hille Foundation the weekly supper at 6 p.m. today will be followed by Sabbath services sponsored. by Delta Phi Epsilon. The Yiddish Class will meet at 10:10 a.m. Sunday. Th...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY xZi 'f mi x,7' JftX w Ura lX7 wr -or ev n" A I ' President Outlines Legislative Plans (Continued from Page 4) . f .... I . e JACKIE ROBINSON request, careful studies were made of the problems of these farm people. I shall later submit recom- mendations designed to assure the steady alleviation of their most pressing concerns. Because drought also remains a serious agricultural problem, I shall recommend legislation...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…MEMBERS CAN MAKE SGC EFFECTIVE Latest Deadline in the State Dai4F lb See Page 4 PARTLYCLUUUX VOL. LXV, No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1955 SIX PA' Ike's Speech Creates Stir In Congress Defense Policies Irk Democrats WASHINGTON (M) - Congress took a second look yesterday at President Dwight D. Eisenhower's State of the Union proposals, and differences of opinion began to arise over some of them. France S bmits...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

… THE MCHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. TANTIARSV It. 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ATT~rPT~AV TATiTTT&D'V a Ax imr, UtinY b, 1z Work Continues on Union Addition BOOBY TRAPS: Critics Place in Music Reviewed by Thomson I IFIE ; I Iv D'AVITT KAPLTAN "I am not sure whether or not a reviewer is a service to music," Virgil Thomson, composer and music-critic commented yesterday. Thomson lectured on "Memoirs of a Music Critic" at the opening session of the Mi...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…AY, JANUARY 8, 1955 THE IMICUIGAA DAILT PAGE THREE jagers, Grapp lers, Gymnasts To Compete To day Wolverines Oppose Irish In Gym Tilt By BOB JONES Michigan's gymnasts travel to South Bend this afternoon to meet the Irish of Notre Dame in their' first dual meet of the season. Coach Newt Loken is completely in the dark as to Notre Dame's potentialities, but since the Wol- verines downed Coach Ray Run- ckle's Irish last year, -55-41, he i...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…koUR 'I'Atit lY LiCi ti"A'N ."Aij «3AIURDAYJANUA Lk 8, 1955 LIJUR 'kitE ~ ~it~kk4k ~AiUKDA~, JANUAitk ~, 1~5~ DESPITE STRUCTURE: Members Can Make SGC Effective Student Voice RETURNING FROM their Christmas vaca- tinmany students were pleased to hear that the Regents had approved the proposed Student Government Council on a two-year trial basis. After all, the Dec. 18 story on the Regents' meeting in the Detroit News opened with something...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…TUARY 8, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE- FI UARY8, 1~5 ~lE ICHGAN AIL PAG __ ----7 TI-1- )BE COMPLAINTS: ity Accelerates Action )n. Building Inspections Ann Arbor's building inspec- tion program is getting into full swing now that the additional in- spector appointed last fall is on the job. Robert E. Miller, who resigned as a fireman to help John E. Ryan } check the city's multiple unit dwellings for safety standard vi- olations, assumed...…

January 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

… 1111HE MICHIGAN DATYX C A PrT? b?1 A %Y V x aY .Y. T1 NU: YI...RRVAV U.IAlV i..n -- SATURDAY, JANUAI College Students To Meet i State Political Leaders Major political leaders from Michigan will participate in the annual Democratic and Republi- can Party Days to be held Mon- iay and Tuesday in the Rackham Building. John Feikens, chairman of the Republican State Central Com- mittee, will address the Republi- can Party Day Tuesday audie...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…THE LADEJINSKY CASE See Page 4 Y SAir Latest Deadline in the State tit49 COLDER, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXV, No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 SIX PAGES Democrats May Reopen Peress Case New Information. Starts Inquiry WASHINGTON (1') - Furthe impetus was given yesterday to reopening of a Senate investiga tion of the Maj. Irving Peress cas after what some senators called belated disclosure of new informa tion by the Army. D...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY l AVI L' 11Y' rv SUNDAE. JANUARY 9.1951 TIlE MICHIGAN flAILY ~TN1)AY. JATTrTARV O~ 1O~M v%.J aN .VXJL3. tlA1.LEVcaiv U, JLUJJ' a ONE CONVICTION: Police Still Investigate Teen-Age Parties in City By PETE ECKSTEIN Investigations are continuing into a series of three teen-age par- ties which lasted almost two days. All details of the revels, which began Dec. 31, are still not known, according to Sgt. George Simmons of ...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

… ARY 9.19556 4".C it kakAi6AiAIIA PAGE THREE i l' Wrestlers, Gym Squad in Season Openers 'M' Grapplers Beat Purdue In Unexpected 28-7 Victory Defending Western Conference Champs Upset as Kaul, Haney, Deppe Gain Falls Special to The Daily Purdue wrestled to a 1-1 draw. LAFAYETTE, Indiana - Michi- This low scoring bout was the most gan's wrestling squad pulled one evenly matched bout of the entire of the most surprising upsets of meet...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

… rl'iit' MiI lIGAN .fit'.L SUNDAY, JANUARY 9,49W UN Asr .Ya. JN ARY . )1VVV' The Ladejnsky Case: The Boys Who Cried Wolf A MAN, named by one government depart- ment as a security risk, has been appoint- ed with the full knowledge of the President to an important position in a pivotal Asian country. The statement sounds fantastic, impossible, like something Joe McCarthy might dream up. But what sounds like treason is merely tragedy, the fa...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, JANUARY 91-1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGEI SUNDAY, JANUARY 9,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Traditional J-Hop Will Highlight Full Weekend of Entertainment Men's Glee Club Members Plan Inter-semester Tour 'DRIVE AWAY EXAM BLUES:' Union To Give Bluebook Ball Forty-five Men's Glee Club members will go on tour between With the 1955 J-Hop, entitled "Bali Hai" and scheduled for Fri- day, Feb. 4, only four weeks away, plans for the ent...…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

… s97 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 From Burgers to Missiles- Subject of Folsom Lecture A LITTLE KNOWN HORMONE: Conn Discovers Uncommon Disease "Research Developments - from Hamburgers to Guided Missiles," will be the topic of an address by Prof. Richard G. Folsom of the en-! gineering college at R p.m. Jan. 11 at Rackham Auditorium. Prof. Folsom, director of the En- gineering Research Institute, will discuss how the Instit...…

January 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… CONGRESSIONAL IRRESPONSIBILITY j See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State Iaii4 SNOW FLURRIES Ewa ... o., .._ ... I VOI& LXV, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1955 MiTR Patl-l - - p i~ft V 22£ AiN F 'Rights' Fund Gives Davis $2000 Gran] LS&A Faculty Also Donates By MURRY FRYMER Dismissed mathematics instruc tor, H. Chandler Davis has bee awarded a $2,000 grant from th: Bill of Rights Fund to aid in th legal def...…

January 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

… TWO THE MICHIGAN , DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1955 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1955 .__ _ ..___ Y_ _ _ Congressional Irresponsibility Behind Lattimore Case THE OLD 83rd Congress earned itself a neat piece of fame as the Congress that cen- sured McCarthy, but unfortunately the work of the ubiquitous Senator isn't removed that easily. The most serious ingredient of McCarthyism was a rampant sense of irresponsibility. While...…

January 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1955 TH MICHIGaa..AN~~ , MAr . A in Irm TUESAY, ANUAY 11 195Tvu! MWHHai HAWK PAGE THLREE5 I Red Wngs, 'l Icers Play Tr C ,* Efl 'o Annual Exhibition I-LE SPOWRT IHaT ... by Jack Horwitz In a small room in the basement of the Sports Building, you'll fnd a group of eager young boxers working out every Monday and Wednesday evening. Many of you may not have heard of this activity offered by the Intramural departm...…

January 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

… FOUR T19E MICB Ii GAN DAILY FO~ THE MICIUGAN DAILY I SOLUTIONS SCARCE: 'U' Classroom Shortage May Affect Class Hours By ARLIS GARON Shortage of classroom space may force literary college students to select classes at less popular hours, according to Prof. Paul S. Dywer of the mathematics depart~- ment, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Class Study and Room As- signment.. He indicated in making room -ssignments, departments are be- ing lim...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… Funds for Davis Show Unsettling Difference See. Page 4 YI L Latest Deadline in the State D4aiI4 tt 0 CLOUDY, IGHT SNOW VOL. LXV, No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1955 SIX I i __ _ :SL PondersI D+4 isp osition Of Surplus: SGC May Get $5,000 Remainder By DAVE BAAD Student Legislature, going out of existence in two months, is dis- "cussing disposal of a sizable treas- ury. According to SL treasurer Bill Adams, '57, ...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

….. .... .. .. .... TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY writ"WV QIM A %r T ,l ILtTT R IM'4 r 4 r. V A W W _ II wVJINESDAY11, JJANAY1, 1955 5 -Daily-Dick Gaskill TIM GREEN, '57, JOHN B. MARTIN, CATHARINE GIBSON AND JOHN FEIKINS DISCUSS REPUBLICAN PARTY DAY PROGRAM Reulicans Stress Party Difficlis Challenges (Continued from Page 1) Owen J. Cleary warned that lacking or underemphasizing any one of candidates, issues, money Swire To Address Speech Asse...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…T, JANUARY I2,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1'. JANUARY 12. 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE c n 1 rl eams Show Promise 0 in Weekend Victories -----© i i i i 1' 11h9 &'ith Spit by dove livingston _! i Ii Wins Over Wisconsin, OSU Give Cagers First-Place Tie Kramer, Williams, Groff sky Add Strength Under Boards; Jorgenson Stars at Guard OVERWHELM PURDUE: WrestlersRely on Overall Strength --'21 J WITH BUT TWO WEEKS of 1...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

… WAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JANTTARV 72_ IMIC PAGE POUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1I~nWV~T)AV 1ANTTTA1~V 1' io~ rra:..vx a:e arns dtsPlllt#iluZ 1(,r 1. 7JJ Funds for Davs Show Unsettlng Regents, Faculty Difference, THERE IS something particularly unsettling American Association of University Professors in the fact that faculty members of the to which most of the faculty belong, only those College of Literature, Science and the Arts ...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PALE FIVE THE MICHIGAN DAILYPAGE FiVE MODERN-DAY PORTIAS--Much of the life of a law student at the University is spent in doing research poring over 'huge' vol- umes of legal material. Mary Anderson, freshman in Law school, does some research in the law library for a case brief which she is preparing for the next day's class. Males Give Approval Of.LaW School Coeds Committee ' Chooses Skits For Program Skit Night Scenar...…

January 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

… I AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2. ,1953 iWLDNif.7dAY /. ANTTLAY j. 1,G Z17U K r- 'U' Conservation Faculty Members Attend Talks' 'LIGHTED TOBACCO': SAC Seeks Students Ignore 'No Smoking' Signs Iousint Daiches Lectures on Guilt, Innocence in Shakespeare By ETHEL KOVITZ Nine University faculty mem- bers are participating in a Lan- sing conference seeking solutions to the Droblems of pollution, and waste and mismanage...…

January 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 moo li1t La test Deadline in the State 4:3 xit4p SNOW FLURRIES 0 LXV, No.I81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 EIGH T PAGES Dems Attack Nixon Again For Tactics Hall Challenged By Paul Butler WASHINGTON (P)-Democrats last night resumed their attack on Vice-President Richard Nixon for his 1954 campaign tactics even as President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er was defending his 1952 running mate by sayin...…

January 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TM SnA4 .TAIgTTARV 1.1- f ON-09 TH MC IGA AL fTDnv AhTA 9IK &ZAV OLF, Aj dZ2lNVlJM 1.59 1UD3 3 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN camps, resorts, or in industry. Those interested should register with the Bu- reau of Appointments at this special meeting in Angell Hall, Auditorium C, Thurs., Jan. 13, at 4:00 p.m. If you would like the Bureau to assist you in obtaining a job this summer it is ur- gent that you be present at this me...…

January 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THURSDAY, SANITARY 13, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGFZ THTU~W J aa. Vli i iili4iJ"A:S l Army Plans To Place All ROTCMen All qualified Army ROTC grad- uates will be commissioned, an- nounced the Department of the Army in a new plan for calling to active duty ROTC graduates to be commissioned between May 1 and Sept. 30 of this year. Entry of the commissioned offi- cers into active dut...…

January 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. TANTTAR'. 1:K_ 14K.K' PA E -U T H M C H G A A IL Y TT TTiA A TT A V 1 S f jLAAkjATw)ajLp MA* dtll'vvIILAWA Lot Lvov f EDITOR'S NOTE BY GENE HARTWIG the athletic department hurried the statue off Daily Managing Editor to an obscure corner of the team room In the ALIGHT, you've had your fun. The thrill Stadium. Crowded conditions in the Athletic of pulling off the "big Job" is fading away. Administrat...…

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