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January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JANUARY n1, 1925 THF MICHIGAN DAILY ... ... I, FACULTY ACCEPTS NEWA BIOTUC. RULES °ancAlaay Bits F~or Freshm11an El'ect ions In Miliary Science 16 LH)URS'IS LIMIT R;ules for gu hung 1fre05 a~12 c le:- t ions o()l' I its r2y sCienc~te co ols wo're preI'sented Mivondajy afternoon at Ite i Monthly mheeting of thme faculty of 1,1h0 Jifry college by A-,J. WV. T. ('arpen1- ter of the R. 0. '1. C ., and wcCVe accept- The newOW 1ul1...…

January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAYx JANUARY 21 1923 - .. Published every morning except Monday during the Universit yyear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively Cn- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- listed therein.J Entered at the ...…

January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY', J'ANUAR'Y 21, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY +F ® D4 ~AUR 2,125TE MIHGN AL ft i C95i eTL ACTIVE WORK isMor e than a third of the women who .'.iethis smse taking corrective! gymnasium work will be transferred nomore active work this coming _; nester, according to Miss Louise 1Iwinstructor of individual gym- Graphic posture tracings of all of ,the individuals taking corrective work have been made this week and, in coMparing the traci...…

January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY JANUARY 21, 1925 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1925 ' ^ ". .nul l MIT MAIMwl lllw/ , \ y Pp pp i c$ ++.r, ; 1 Mli ", V "a""", t VARS5ITY FINISHES5 FIRST FOUR GAMES Wis Three Out of Four Conference Gaines Played Duriing First: Sextce er Rockne Refuses Contract At U.S.C." IKaulte Roc kle, (oach of Notre Dame, Wilnot accep~t the position of headI !.&ootlball coach at the university of Southern California, it Was ...…

January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

…WEDNE'r; ISDAY; JANUARY 21, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAGV SEVEN, will 11 MEN& ' co oMM L AIM s S I F' C coiuMa CLOSES CIOSCS 1i3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 Phl, WANTED AV A.NT1ED These; to I 0type. C~l?~13L WA NTED) Garage :spaec i vicin ity or CCmibridge and X Aashtit 018..Aiits e r Blox 58 Aicl, Daily. ARMY OFFICERS, TESTS Fascisti Foe 7i _'___.... i ..,. i 1FOR JIEr IFOR SALE FOR RENTRo s for men. Steaml FOR SALE Must sell new t uxedo...…

January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 8

…MAG~I EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY W P.IDN SDAY , i URY 21,192 ''5 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication to the Bulletin is constructive notice t, all menbers of the University.. Copy received by the Assistant to th Peident until 3:30 p.Inl. (11:30 . m. Saturday Volumie 5 IEI)ESI)AY, JANUARY -1, 19.5 Numer S Exseeutive Board, Grauate selkol: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate _School on WNednesday, January 21, at 4:0...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 1


January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THRE M IHIGAN DAILY _______________________* ---------*- TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 EED~ ~Three Women Sit A .._upreme Court -Of Texas Inh ortant itle S z vi' reach Univ ersities Ofer 125-26 cholars/zips; Applicants Must Sen Credentials By March .First, are recommended to make use of facilities when they arc in Par'is. its SchioolAt 1Paris (Gives Opportunity TO 1'4'011101; Including f111jio1, ledge of grans-l-tical French ...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…* TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TT~TEE ~j~~ ~ jjl~ ~J'.Rising Inferest In Aeronautics STDNHIr rKT ~H Fualfills Anticpat"on-Gerhzard LLI Acri-dtufle sI 'So( i( ly il'1I usInlude ' BEGIN NEXT SEMESTER Actual worki in dlesigning the 1g racing airplane to be built. by th( students in the aeronautical engmn eering department, will biegin with th( second semester according to plan: b >eing made by the Aeronautical So ' ciet...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…PAGE F'o'uR TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 12. c l p 9 tiri ig n tti 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board int Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Assciciation. The Associated Press is exclusively Cn- 4 titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished the...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,,. a PAGE FIVE 11 52 LM VFA17" MAU -5-.\-5?- zs 3 *i i I TRAIN COLLEGE WOMEN FOR CLUB LEADERSHIP, Mrs. R. B. Huil, general secretaryE of the Girl Reserve movement of the city Y. W. C. A., in a recent interview! stated that there is now an opening for University women in this work at the city association. The Girl Reserve movement is one of the three depart- ments taken up in the c...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 192 U M. WAN. -1 f 4 y y t4 lawafa'ntw ... . + I WRORK FOR o0~u 'Wolverinf-, Lose First Wet of0Y,,^-r TIo Veterani M. A. C. Nat OHIO0 HERE SATURDAY After dropping the fixrst meet of the year to tha Michigan Aggie wrest- lers, .MNichigan's mat squad started practice yesterday for the Buckeyes, who will furnish the opposition in the second meet on the Wolverine sched- ule, here Sat...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 TIF ii II GAN DAILY FOR RENT P(;I°ETlO) S. TIS T31I FOR RENT Roomns for 11en1. Stcaii m. 4OLUMN COLUMN Fa.Plenty of hot «<teng.j(:;oni verious 1 I AS IFI EIC 1(1 i11 jY a- ('1 eflitia ';. AL y1 AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. 11111of tl F0) It1 RE N T ' O ne -;? le'' )il (),I '': d~ Ylh !I St s eat; one block I , I'Phonle 1235-11. fr'omi FOR SAGE LOS FOR SAL4E Tuxedo suit. ("all ,t 7"(),lOS'PT fimrisday at MVajest...…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY____ ?AGE~ 1~TGHT 'I'UkSDAY, JANUARY 20, I91~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Blluetin Is constructive notice t, all members of the University. Copy reoeived by the Assistant to th Pesident until 3:34 p. m. (11:30 a. tn. Stirday Volume G 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 95 Numbi1er 87 University Lecture: Attention is called to the fact that the University Lecture by Professor Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia Uni...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 1


January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TWO 2DAA-, JANUARY 18, 1925 IMPORTANT __ ISpite of Production's Cost, XWe Will Maintain Our Popular Prices. - A ll Seats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 500 f LIC STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE By Splecial Arrangements fo Gala Week, and Prio to Its Premiere Detroit Showing ® ~In Advertising A9.Notion Picture That Is n tertain rent Ac jee em Tihe Theatre aiag'enleut,4after scr...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…SUTNDAY, JANU-ARY 1,12 THE MICHIGAN DAILY'PG :z1 ,y Y'~ ill i 1 } rt " ' _ , 5 k G",4, .1L -1 ' +k' < I AVE fr a r 4X t t ., - i . y , :, ^N .: y. . :1' 6' .. A .Y STARTS TODAY - - -mm I . ,. 4-. ___._ .rm 'U]I ,w~ " ,. s7 , : .': fir Proudly ?r X Present TH!E FIRST ANNUAL S -y r ., ~ is R ^ e 9+ r E .,.., : d.., ., ~ .. . - .F . _,_ ,m, w.., FOMP, 1 ti'.. ,T F' 1 I -. { ' H:t,: ;f', y. {> _.\ L" Li.. ^ K :'' j f 1 ...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…PAGE P&TIR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, MIich...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1925 T THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAOS PME 'd CI O-m VAT" I& f vA 0 E M I5" s - HA CMPAiGN ENDS Authors Of Jun jWITH 213_NEW PLEDGES. Two hundred and thirteen pledges were signed for life membership in the Women's League during the life membership campaign on the Campus last week. This makes a total of $10,- 650 pledged and of that amount, $924.- was paid in cash. An attempt was made by the com-} ;-'nittee to reach ever...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…T~AG E SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY JANUARY 18, 192,'-) S1TNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1~ i ar. ^ * gmig . I COURT FIVE MEETS BagrCaatanICE TEAM SHOW~S CoaSUVAD TOs BADERSMONAY ORIINOPEERs i t~PRACTICE INDOORS E ivble Reord ILJI VfhI IIItH'iC l~ t>1 [ l vei r, i ii ity play- r ' 'vi jto jthe YankAsvDBToD Hleanwell's Teani To Opose llicigii Aggregatioi At Yost Field House. CLOSE GAME EXPECTED Michigan's court five will play its fourth Big Te...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

…f SUNAYJ_ NUA-RY 14, 1925 THE MICIiGAN DAILY P'A(W -SEVEN _, -._.. oil 111111 ill CGlUhik C {A' COLUMN :'CLOSES CLOSES AT3 .MP. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. LOST LOST Tart of string of green b~eads. Thursday at 5 o'clock, bietweeni Medical and Natural Science Build- ings. Return to Room 215, IIedical Building. Reward. SAYS VILCATIONAL CUDNENEED Gerhardt Says All S'chools Will-CHMEWILHA Teach Aeronautics In Tens Years NE L9 1 TI[OD FOR SALE...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to, all mnembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. P-"eident until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday. volume 6 SUN DAY, JANUTARY 18, 1925 Number 86 Research Clubi: The January meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday, January 21st, at 8 P. M. in the Historical Laboratory. The following papers Iwill...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 9

…Feature Section - - -j _ _Ad _ __ j~Iatjt Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 1,, 1925 EIGHT PAGES ALU IN V41A*N ER B. UNIVERSITY More Than $9,000,000 In Buildings, Lands, Trust Funds, Scholarships and Awards Have Been Rec leived From Graduates Of Michigan L $13,000,000 In Itself largest Gift When Completed Will Total More Than - "Intellectual Interest" Present In Alumni By Thomas P. ...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 10

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 12 IAam R"TN TH-E MICIGAN DAILY i reaari riiva aAi. ~aa .a a va ar . .r { t,:1 in 'n f!{ ro??Page Nine) A7l7. an of makJing stucents re..l- intellectual training and not athletic distinction or a pleasant social life. If a strong effort were made to repre- methods of study, the use of the li- In many quarters uarge numbers brary, etc. Of more value than these ; ,-en to have meant relaxed standards is' a fres ,hman co...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 11

…PALS E;,71 N ,~SUNDAY, JANUTT,!'Y IS ,125 THE 1IC HIGAN DAILY -" " iently made rapid progrs, for at i~~ U Si-riaflsBa01edl;a age of twenty-five he was iadeor-' Alumni Ser~~vices,,, 6 ThLU M u si * oigaistof Lincoln Cathedral, andl sev- erl yea;s laner shared his teacher',,. fi z e In n a pos;t , organist of the Chapel Royal. A Review of Gifts and Bequests of Prominent, Grad Thr, was eindeed a re1cord fit those' ~ ~Alma Mater. IS Mr. Angll's...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWELVI THE MICHIGAN DAILY Burning Gilded Hyacinths Another of the University's Near-Graduates Enters the Field of Letters. M E wi Pbcihr Pnl ac n Volume of nnretsz This and That SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923 What Price Plumes of Glory? Jonathan Panurge Renews His Vow Against Propagandists But Still Finds Some ntnreain Mr T M r St i MNwv~l i i VA ng s ssLL nU VUIU11V IJUa QVI1 G A1ILCL SI A111 011. n11g1sh w0 The Freeman Associates, 156...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, UNTIARY 18, 1925 T Fl-llMtCICIAN DAILY PACE THIRTEEN Elizabethan Musical History Brief Outlines of the L :v s of the Greatest Composers and the H-i~4ei y of Their Compositions from Contempory Works THEA TRES Russian Peasant Beauty in .Art' Kibaichichn Will Present His Russian Chorus Here Tomorrow Night. Church And Folk Songs Presented Side By Side on Program a ;. . 4, r t' 4' 1: 1 ' i I E' 4 7+ T - 1 j~~~~~~Iednin the theatrical...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 14

…PAE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY U DAY, JANUARY 18 19254 Ihand-paintedl in fascinating (eigu Russian Chorus II P 1' CIII)I'i~l~rd hi' sh loU lors- I (Cotind lfrom Pge rthit(en YouIiriay mayIchooe a. th el1017slur s-H oh and folk ion ever suggestv f Suggestions. and Hints W ith Regard to Detail in M ilady's Toilet for the Crowning ?pliqilo design. Stide In oeol eith mixed.chiwllaeain atol «( j ( a p 1re)onderance of gold id t mnThechiwllap...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 15

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY e r'- Churches First (Congregati onal Cutirchi The subject for the morim; ig rvlce of worship} will he "'The :Modlern Ap- rroach to Prayer." 1Music will be furnished by the chorus under the direction of Palmer Christian. A rally for those interested in the ?forth Side Union Church will take place at r Cinema D~ouglas Fairbanks' fantasy of T.he Arabian Nights, "The Thief offlagdlad," will b...…

January 18, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 86) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY l~, i~2'i 109.101 SIM."~ RSC istT a'l C= t f~I )r1e'sS i-1ianl,, 4 m4 :,fl iods, storms. A t runk- :NX1 stoill.and lscrip~t starits thet ,v; .::. :":::" : .<trouble adnd Talic'se own attractfvc- Sw.. L s. i ~T' ad to an une.finti.. ji 3L :. ^x": : : °'rhey.. ,iaektolt plays the role ofth " ::::: .. ": :". ". ::.. ...,: ..;;.;: ::x< Ci n, man who loves her and gu:ar i . ...,.;", ,:.,,;4 .: ,:.._...:: ".,"....…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…ATTEND THE BAND DANCE TODAY AV IRQMMNIMP 4 Ar att MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . ... . ..... ... - VOL. XXXV. No. 85 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, F IV'$ CENT PRICE, FTVE CENTS .t , t i S .. ; 5 yr.. { 7 ''' r i ' [ . Etir , f rnt ' TOPS ,330 MICHIGAN CAGERS MEET CONFERENCE LEADERS TONIGHT Robertson Proclaims America M I0CIIIGAN DIVIDES Shaper Of World's Destinies Th'lat the Un ...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…WAGE TWO Fgmgu flH~rEIflT i a Formation . SOf Dirigible Lines TO LEOTURBE HERPEI Th Bgert {( i f Columbia University, W111Gv Ade~~onPr fume Industry THEIL'MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 .,.,..,...,., _.-_,..e.._.._ .,.. Museum Exhibits Tree Stmp xhibit Work Of From rid (_7Olest Forest'Cicago.Student __________ An exhibit of art work dlone by A fo;si tiee tum frm te odestandberied'' ~'ls W~edGlI tudents of the Art Institute of ...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…SATUR~DAY, JANU ARY 17, 3125 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ANNOUNCE SO MFR TORCHING COURSES. Classes Ii Wlcl as All Major Shorts, Aro Planiied START ON JUNE 22 Twev(lve~ comiplete c ourses will be given in Michigaln's summer coaching -school which opens on Jiune 22 and ( doses on Aug. 1. Courses in all mia- or snort: activities are listed on the cur riculumi, in addition to classes onl 01 gani '~ationt Onl, adin istrat ion of athletics, gyvl nasti...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…MAO MFUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1125 _.__ u jg Mgi4n3rt~ -r Published ev'ery morning except Monday dluring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- l titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lisihed there...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 5

…SSATUIZDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN PAILY PfGE VIE a1' TATAWtWALvAVzr--z s T 141 _. Ex-Czar's Niece ANNULL COSTUME E A Wage-Earner 'ALUMNAEREPORT RA HT1 2 ON1FA 9l fl N Women's League Sponsors Fancy Dress Party Held In Gym- naslunm WILL AWARD PRIZES The annual Fancy Dress party of the WomeAgs League will be held to- night in Barbour gymnasium begin- ning at 8 o'clock with a grand march led by the board of directors of the Le...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…rAGE SIR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, -TAN ',Ry 17, 1 25 1'AGE SIX TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1~25 iiH nT -lll1~ - D r t R ( TI IMIM / " - ED cr ______ II~r. 1 -1 4 1 ____ -_ _.- WOLVERiNES FCEHow They Ral2eANKLNPREAD Ia.........20100STRONG OHIO .#~! O HCAOM E - Michigan .......1 1 .0 (Continued from Page One) Purdue ...............1 1 .500 Coach Malt Maili t;;> 'hii II .11:x. T use Crt gory, xwho got his first...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

…SA TURDA1YJANA RY ]17; 1325 TH, MICHILGAN DAILY PAG9 13MN ~AGI1 S~V~J4 I I Bill 11 Ilia , III THIS THIx OOLUMN L A S COLUMN i CLOSES CLOSES At 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM, NOTICE I U i ., FOR SALE PiOlt SALE R. C. A. Model I1-7-Loudl speaker horn. $15. Call W. 1. Webb f PHONE 866 For Typewriter Repairing" (All makes) Dealer in Vt.oodstock typewrit er, Sa ndstrarnl and Por'tablle Adding imaichineCs. Ann iArbor Typewriter i' Exchang...…

January 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT___TEMCIA DAL ___ THE MICHIGAN DAILY D AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tw. all menmbers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. IPresident until 3:30 p. m. (1.30 a. m. Saturday, Volume y SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 Number 8.> University Lecture: Doctor C. A. Schenck, founder and former director of the Diltmnare Forest School; will lecture upon the subject, "Present Trend...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…ATTEND THlE BAND DANCE SATURDAY EIGHT PAGES '*7r aA ilx MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 84 ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, PILIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS DE[BATERS ENGAGEI GON~bTTONIGHT, 11Y1I I ESUBJirt"I' ()I MILI itIs JUDGE Affiri'tal xe lV ill Itisv ss 4Ques1 imi Ilcre 11i(:iviIiia 's Varsity dt'b;JI ing kaim I w~ill 1engag . e NorthliWest em'l in a dual debate tonight, the negative Michigan1 team dlebati...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…3 PAGE TWO't} THE MICHIGAN DAILY ______ VItIDAY. JANUA RY 16,19~25 :r : r - ,, A GE a1 _._.. P i 3 WHERE TO DINE faf ' a: Q esj 4 . .r WE HAVE ALWAYS PLEAS ED C hie Ctte F n e s tm l e t s T UTTLE is I LUNCH ROOM 338 MaynardI ICE COREAM I- IaI When you desire the very best, patronize Preketes Sugar .Bowl. Fr - Don'tforget to place your order for I s ~your J-Hap House Party at an early - date. Naturally t ou will want the...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…i F RIDAY, JANUA RY' 16, 1925 IT-I i4 IC- IG!AN DAILY PAG1~ 'nrrn~ ..--.--__.. .. _r_....._.. SENIOR NTOA (, 'ievteialld irliu EN'sai lislie e li1 Grmany's Hope Y Sytem ® Z not more than five students came to intructor. fi intellectual interest CHURCH HILECATESI I1f ','itv Q 1?f; consul"t w he m. ad'udti~ od n h me nffrr Telroer person to advise the nstructor woh huld amay eriotrl: ,. It'Siate 4 lial fr ra GIVES YEAR COURSE Prof. I[.....…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY, 16, 1925 I ~ ~ id i~an~ ~them, a multitude of the most slippery -- - Iot icl i l:L i L.1ilil . ~ l'unbihe every mrning except IUvinayj during to he. lnivei sity year by the Board in Control of Student Iublijations. M\4embers of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not oth...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 5

…1fRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG FFIVE ~ .,w. , ....., _... ' : ./. .. ......... ........... . =AV:& ........... a 4 p \ g YAWIAI.REPORt SHOW~S New Sp is \vit:i the closeoftofrtslite I the ca bline t o f l e . W . A m d t I;: 1m r t a r~ e i eci y ( ie ?eir'~rincr ease> of activitie~s anF r( t gene'ral irovement ini the work of the nasociation. Th'(le finance committee, of which II c1^n Brown, '25, is chairman, show- ...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…AE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 . .. r..-r-.._. .. °P t^ [ .- ., ., ~ s Varty Fiy iv(,,NoI)# iseoura'a d fl y 1)e- feati at Ii,1111Sof Boiler. PRESPARE FOR BUCKEYES., How They Rate HCE CEUE40 MeT, OnutFrAbiFVOE WV1. Pct.TflIIUTGymnastic Team1 JioSae2 t) 1.000 I UII U~UH Ilincois .. . . .. . . . 1 fPAR Duie to the ilea!ihi \ oo a iai o. -, TTO11111L 1 II Puichigan...............…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 7

…FR1D~i A'NARy I1G, 192 THE IMICI-IGAN DAILY 'PAL 'SlVEN tOiNLA sItECLOSESI AT 3P.M. ADVERTISING U 1It is said that Mrs. Delphine Croin- THI& well, sister of Horace Dodlge, antonio- lbilemanufacturer, will drive one of COLUM the motor s1)eed boats in the races for CLOSESthe -gold cup at Manhasset Bay next T P A ugust .Mrs. Cromwell is the first l Iwolman toJ complete in this kind iof race. IELP FIN Itih THE POOL. v'The Campus Credo wh...…

January 16, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 84) • Page Image 8

…PATh iPi~rr ___ TIE MICIJIGAN DAILY FRIDAT) \Y, JA \NTUA RY lI92 DAILYOFFICGIAL BULLETIN Publication. in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the P-~e ident until 3:30 p. m. (11:.30a. in. Saturday- *f'fi~n ne 6I1{IiAY, .TAN lffY16, 1925, Niiniller 84 Smuoking In Unhersil y Bilidinigs: The attention of all conceirned is called to the fact that rules ofT the Riegents3, bared1 ...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… LET'S GET IN THE SWIM cl 00, ~~47rt 1 u~wi MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 83 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBLfl, MICHIGAN, '1 U1,SD V, JANUAI-'Y 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CET UNDERWOOD SHOALS[ PASSED BY SENATE1 IARLIAMENTARY 'ITANtWLE OF TUESDAIY GOES TO HOUSE New York MayrIAIPpOOO Roof Railroad FgN POCI For Air Port SIGNED BY1ELEVE New Yorlk Ja in 14.--1 heposibiity ofci'e ting a irp )0 or t f commercia pupssi e ok yro...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO }1 z 'l. M~CiIANDAILY_____ ThRDAJANUARtY 15, 1925 DEBATERS SCO TO Northwest erniAlone ("Julleiiges ti b- igan for Honors in Forensie Fie](! ALL NEW MEN ON TIt\M Members 'oft tho nega tive team which will represent Michigvan in tahe Northwestern debate on the subject, "Resolved, 'hat the Pahilippines be given their comnplet e aind immediate independence," will leave for l,1vans- ton today. Trhe affirmative team will'db t th ne ai ...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, JTANUtARY X15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE TIREM PLAN INSPECTION Is Social st And ENTRANCE OF U.S. I Heads Reichstag OF AREOCENTERS - INTO COURT ASKED ,i. ('ongre'ss En~deaivors to D)eermine Need4s of C(ountiry For Air- crafit F 's1abiislimciii LAMBERT IN CHARGE ashington, Jan. 14.--Inspection of a viationl centers 5t brou-hon t the Unitead States will be carriedl out shortly bay acongressional committee which hopes to formula...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…PAGE 1 oTJt THE MICHIGAN DAILY i enl by the 3Ihtiatin A - ~ ~li4Zat'tolI, Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The, Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. i forced to close its Memorial Commons,t! the historic dinning hall in whichf Harvard's- sons have consumed their vi...…

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