January 16, 1912

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January 16, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…ic higan U ARBOR. MICHIGAN TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1912. ER. ect nost successful dinners of the class, was the iment at the junior en- held at the Union last >er acted as toastmaster. ho is delivering several n behalf of good roads, Rich were the guests of Peerless Trio," McFar- and Harrington of the e Club gave several se- Mills spoke on the value ering society debating neers. Mr. Hoyt talked work and the student en- he e Name Committee fo...…

January 16, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I wt -p . Street Styles THE E11[ Mn iAN DAILY must we lose these men who have made Mbichi~an great?" T'he answer is so Official Newspaper at the University simple~ that the question looks foolish, of Michigan.I However, if we state the fact so bald- Published every morning except 'Mon- ly as co say that we cannot afford first day throughout the school year. grade meni, the question is mote perti- Entered at the Post Of...…

January 16, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE M1ICHIGAN DAI-LY . CAMERA1 FOR SURVEYOR'S USE N,. ATTRACTS MUCH ATTENTION. I News of the adaptation of the cam- e- era to surveying, by that department' at of the university is arousing much in- n terest in engineering circles. Prof. C. 8 IT. Johnson received a letter recently from W. G. Hastings, '10, forester, of 'the Columbian National Forest Re- gc serve, asking for advice as to the con- instruction of a camera for use in topo- of ...…

January 16, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…LY LOST -TO E - NeW Whit °°- (Continued from Page t.) Sas assistant professor of forestry,in the ra-'curse which was established thereI then for the first time. He remained ev there until 1901, when he again enter,?d w01i1 the Forest Service, being placed h,, 1± charge of all the western forest r- sEtlT serves. He held this position until he ap- came to Michigan in 1903. lent; Concerning his plans for the comingr pro summer, Prof. Roth sai...…

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